jackiehicks · 8 months
oh yeah and Metal Lords. i write for metal lords now.
i am so sorry for being inactive! i work a full time job outside of the blog world and i also have a super cute boyfriend so all of my free time is spent looking at his face.
those of you that have requests in my ask box - do not fret! you have not been forgotten. i’ve been pretty poorly over the last 2 weeks so i’m going to be using my rest time to write as much as i can!
last time i posted, i announced that i am going to be writing for my babysitter’s a vampire (which i am and i do have something in the works for that so look out). today i am back with a similar announcement but for a more modern audience:
i’m gonna start writing for Bottoms!
that’s right, everyone’s favourite lesbian fight club is now on my fandom list under ‘movies’. feel free to request something for the girls! fair warning: for the canon lesbian characters i will only be writing fem! or nb! reader.
thanks for your time!
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jackiehicks · 8 months
i am so sorry for being inactive! i work a full time job outside of the blog world and i also have a super cute boyfriend so all of my free time is spent looking at his face.
those of you that have requests in my ask box - do not fret! you have not been forgotten. i’ve been pretty poorly over the last 2 weeks so i’m going to be using my rest time to write as much as i can!
last time i posted, i announced that i am going to be writing for my babysitter’s a vampire (which i am and i do have something in the works for that so look out). today i am back with a similar announcement but for a more modern audience:
i’m gonna start writing for Bottoms!
that’s right, everyone’s favourite lesbian fight club is now on my fandom list under ‘movies’. feel free to request something for the girls! fair warning: for the canon lesbian characters i will only be writing fem! or nb! reader.
thanks for your time!
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Speaking of Eurovision the UK deserved to flop this year. Last year we finally figured out how to make a single that represents our culture. By paying tribute to Elton John and David Bowie. It helps that Sam Ryder is the kind of genuine talent that you don't get much of in pop music anymore. In contrast Mae Muller had a bit of a Lilly Allen ish vibe to her but the song was bland and vaguely baleric sounding. What really let it down was her weak vocals which could barely be heard over the track. If we're going to flop with our entries we could at least do it in style and go the metal route like Germany. We invented Heavy Metal and its about time we represented that. The fact that we haven't already shows that the establishment continues to over look this legacy. Anyway I wanna see Don Broco on that stage next year.
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Fandom List Update!!!
the first of its kind!!
so i’m making the executive decision to add my babysitter’s a vampire to the fandom list!!! if you have requests for any mbav characters please please send them in!! i’ve got one in the thinkbox right now too but i have a few more to get out of my asks first.
not to worry, there’s plenty more wyatt to come! got some more spyder in the works too, and if you’re a stranger things fan you may want to watch this space…
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Spyder Johnson x Platonic!reader
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request: none! this came from my very own brain.
A/N: happy birthday pearce!! it’s officially september 6th in the uk so i’m posting a piece about my favourite pearce character (sorry wyatt) i have had this idea in my head for literally a year now and it feels so good to put it into words. this is also Heavy on the ‘projecting onto my oc’ thing so sorry about that. enjoy!!
content warning: mentions of bad home life, homelessness, potentially death? injury, etc.
words: 1.8k
“sorry im late!” y/n shouted as the elevator door opened, then realising she did not need to be shouting, “sorry i’m late.”
“you’re good, y/n, no worries. we wouldn’t start without you anyway.” veracity reassured her.
y/n was the medic of mech x-4. she was still relatively new to the team, having only joined a few weeks ago alongside her best friend veracity. the other guys said it was good to have a designated medic on the team; usually harris would do it all, but if harris got hurt then the others were generally a bit clueless. y/n was tight with the team since the boys transferred to bay city east - especially spyder. the two sort of understood eachother in ways that the rest of the team didn’t quite catch on to.
“yeah, we literally couldn’t start without you. ryan isn’t here yet, or mark. and we’re testing the x-weapon today so you need to be here in case ryan explodes.” spyder explained to y/n. he received a look of concern from the rest of the team, y/n included.
“not that he’s gonna explode,” spyder corrected himself hastily, “i just mean like… what if he gets a nosebleed or a… a brain bleed! no, that’s also bad. yep, ignore me. giving you permission to ignore me now.”
“whatever happened to positive mental attitude?” harris muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disappointment. spyder looked dejectedly at the buttons in front of him. y/n had noticed that he seemed to do that a lot.
“hey,” she whispered to the boy on her left, “5 bucks says ryan gets zapped by the x-weapon’s power.” that seemed to perk spyder up by a lot.
“10 says he gets fried”
to say the x-weapon test went poorly would be an understatement. ryan and mark showed up, about 20 minutes after the team had arranged to, with their mother in tow. after a tour of the robot, plus a quick joyride just outside of bay city’s limits, the test begun. not only did it almost blow veracity up, but the test had ended with ryan unconscious in the harness with a sizeable cross burnt into his chest.
everyone was in the medbay, y/n running a scan on ryan’s injuries. luckily, the burns weren’t too severe; the x-weapon had been shut down just in time.
“he needs to go to a hospital!” grace exclaimed, worry wrinkling her face.
“no! no hospitals. besides, y/n is more than qualified to attend to ryan’s injuries.” leo countered.
“y/n is 16! what medical qualifications could she possibly have?”
“uh, my mom’s a veterinarian?” y/n admitted, unsure of how grace would react.
“oh, great. that’s just wonderful. i need to take my son to a hospital!”
“mom, i’m fine. please.” ryan pleaded.
“no. you will not argue with me on this. get up, we’re going. mark, you’re coming too.”
the walkers dejectedly got up and left the medbay, presumably leaving the robot too.
after that, the rest of the gang split up to head home. harris and veracity left to do some more research on gigawatts or whatever sciencey stuff they talked about after team meetings and weapons tests. spyder had gone home for dinner. leo disappeared too, doing whatever the hell he does when he’s not throwing himself into his work, and ryan and mark were at home, packing for miami. the only person left in the robot was y/n, who was researching the best ways to care for minor second degree burns from home and sending her findings to ryan. she was in the middle of telling him to dress the burn with sterile bandages when she heard someone walking around in the hallways.
still new to the dangers of the job, y/n started to panic. what if it was traeger? or grey? what if someone had come to destroy mech x-4 while it was seemingly empty? what would they do to her if they found she was there? not wanting to risk anything, she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find: a steel tray. usually it carried all the tools that could have been used as better weapons, but they were all being sterilised. steel tray would have to do. cautiously, y/n opened the door of the medbay. she walked out into the hallway, keeping a close eye out for villains. she turned a corner and saw a figure in front of her. in a panic, she threw the sheet of metal at the mysterious figure. the figure fell to the floor and let out a high pitched scream. y/n screamed in response, although not quite as high as her victim. she edged closer, and noticed that the figure was wearing a snapback hat.
“y/n! what are you doing here? i thought everyone left.”
“i had some research to do for ryan’s burns - what are you doing here?”
“uh… weapons checks?” y/n checked her phone, seeing through spyder’s unconvincing excuse.
“it’s almost 9pm, weapons checks couldn’t have started a bit earlier? don’t lie to me, spyder.”
spyder stayed on the floor, looking down sheepishly. y/n sighed and offered him a hand up, which he took.
“have you been home since the test?” y/n asked, walking into the hangout alongside spyder.
“uh, no.”
“have you eaten?”
“yeah, i… uh. yeah. i ate.”
he looked down at the floor again. he seemed nervous, shy… ashamed? y/n had never seen him like this before.
“i did. went to the soup kitchen.”
“spyder…” y/n was planning on comforting her friend, when he started to turn down a corridor - one that would not lead to the couch.
“spyder, where are you going? the hangout is that way.” she said, gesturing down the hall.
“can i show you something?”
y/n sighed, looking at her friend. he had never been so sincere towards her before. she had no choice but to trust him.
after a few more minutes into the corridor, spyder opened a door that led into what can only be described as…
“is this a bedroom?”
“uh… kind of? i sleep here sometimes.”
y/n looked at spyder, concern visible in her face. her eyes drifted to the mattress on the floor, blankets, pillows, empty soda cans and discarded candy wrappers on the floor, a nintendo switch lying haphazardly on a makeshift bedside table, and an absurd collection of hats.
“spyder, do you live in the robot?”
it was nearly 11pm, and spyder and y/n were sitting atop mech-x4, looking over bay city. spyder had confessed that he had been living in the robot for the last couple of weeks. the two had had a hearty conversation after that, with y/n simply trying to understand spyder’s reasoning for not going home.
turns out, his parents argue a lot. like, a lot. his house seemed to be a constant screaming match between his parents and spyder always being caught in the crossfire. he was the only child of two people that should have split up a long time ago but didn’t for the sake of their son, but now their son didn’t even want to go home for fear of what his parents will be like when he gets home.
“i’m serious, y/n, it’s awful there. they hate eachother.” he let out a long sigh, his breath visible in the cold air, “families can be so messed up sometimes.”
“yeah, i hear that.”
“what’s your family like?”
“i mean, i don’t think it’s as bad as yours…” spyder let out a light chuckle and playfully elbowed y/n’s arm. y/n smiled and continued her piece.
“…but yeah, my family’s a little messed up too. i mean, i’m the eldest of four kids - all girls, a full sister and two half sisters - my parents are divorced, we fell out with my dad about two years ago and i haven’t seen him since, my stepdad works away a lot and my mom works so hard and sometimes pretty late. my eldest sister is in her moody teenage phase at the moment so it’s on me to look after the younger girls a lot of the time. then when my parents do come home… they’re just so tired and stressed, i sort of get the brunt of all of those feelings they’ve got built up. my sister gets it too sometimes but the little ones can do no wrong in their eyes, so it’s usually me. i feel like i’ve had to grow up pretty quickly to be able to do all these things around the house on top of school, and i’m old enough to get a job now too so i’ve got that weight on my shoulders…” y/n snapped out of her rant, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “sorry. i’m rambling. you’re the one who’s essentially homeless, i don’t know why i’m complaining.”
“no, it’s alright. it’s kinda nice, talking to you like this. no one usually takes me seriously enough to have a real conversation with me.”
y/n placed a gentle hand on spyder’s arm.
“you’re more than people take you for. you’re really funny, and kind, and smart-“
“i’m not smart.”
“yes, you are. don’t be like that.”
“no, i mean it. i’m not smart. i’m failing almost everything in school, i can’t do any sciencey-techy-buildy stuff like the others can…”
“you’re smart in other ways, spyder. you saved veracity from that plant thing like, a week ago, right? harris didn’t figure that out. you did.”
“yeah,” spyder sat up a little straighter, “yeah, i did.”
“oh, before i forget…” y/n reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. spyder looked confused.
“the bet. you were right, ryan was fried by the x-weapon. see what i mean? you guessed that it would fry him. you’re smarter than you think, spyder.”
“my name is connor.”
y/n smiled, letting the name roll off her tongue a couple times.
“you suit connor.”
they both looked ahead at bay city in the dark, illuminated by the streetlights and lit windows of people that haven’t settled into sleep yet.
“do your parents know where you are?” y/n asked.
“told them i’m crashing at harris’ place.”
“why aren’t you staying with harris then?”
“dunno. don’t want him to find out, i guess.”
“but you told me?”
“yeah… i don’t know. i trust you. you treat me like an actual person. makes a nice change.”
y/n threw an arm around her friend. she could feel spyder - connor - melt into her touch slightly.
“you know you can always stay at mine, right? my parents don’t mind having guests over, as long as we stay out of mom’s way when she’s working from home.”
“you sure? i don’t wanna cause any trouble.”
“of course i’m sure. you’re my friend.”
“thanks, y/n”
“no problem, connor.”
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jackiehicks · 9 months
sorry im hyperfixating on a kids show do you still think im hot?
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Hey jackkiee!!
Can i have a squarcatwooo x author fic pleaaase xxx
once upon a time there was a squarecatwooo and a jackie named charlie and they lived together in a big house and had a baby named rosie and 15 basset hounds (all named ricky) and they had a fish thing called idiot and they were very happy and kiss all the time the end
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jackiehicks · 9 months
something in the oven (spyder johnson mech-x4 x platonic!reader)
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jackiehicks · 9 months
i know i only just started lab rats but i’m pretty sure this is bree davenport
She’s a battle-scarred, jaded super-soldier loaded with biomechanical upgrades and chemical augments. All she wants to do is wear cute clothes and paint.
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jackiehicks · 9 months
wyatt lykensen x reader and they're sitting alone together at lunch and she's just admiring his long hair and they're both flirting and giggling and all of their friends are watching from afar because they all saw it coming.
it’s up!! i hope you like it
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jackiehicks · 9 months
‘Long Distance’
Wyatt Lykensen X Reader
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request: wyatt lykensen x reader and they're sitting alone together at lunch and she's just admiring his long hair and they're both flirting and giggling and all of their friends are watching from afar because they all saw it coming.
A/N: this one was so fun to write!!! it’s only a dwtty one in comparison to what i usually write but i hope you guys like it 🫶
words: >1k
content warnings: none!
y/n had been waiting for the first day of school all summer, which was rare. she wasn’t particularly academic, very few extracurriculars, her favourite subject was ‘going home’, etc. it’s safe to say that school wasn’t her favourite place in the world, but today it may as well have been.
she had been visiting family in the UK for the summer, meaning that she hadn’t seen any of her friends in weeks. thank god for mobile phones; she’s been able to talk to her friends - and boyfriend - back home.
she had been dating wyatt since they ended up going to the prawn together last year, and the long distance had been pretty tough, but she got back to seabrook last night and was finally seeing him again today. to say she was excited was an understatement.
“hey!” y/n greeted her boyfriend over the phone.
“hey sweetheart, i’m almost at your place. ready to go?” wyatt had insisted on walking to school with her, gentleman that he is.
“yep, just gotta get my shoes on. i’m so excited to see you”
“i know, baby, me too. feels like it’s been forever since i saw you last.”
“ugh, right? i’ll see you soon though, ok?”
“see you soon, sweetheart”
and with a beep, the call ended. y/n grabbed her sneakers and wedged them on her feet. she was doing up her laces when she heard a knock on the door.
“one second!” she called, tying a bow in her lace and heading downstairs.
y/n opened the door, and had to do a double take. it was wyatt for sure, but his hair… he must have grown it out over the summer. y/n was in shock.
“hey stranger!” wyatt engulfed her in a tight hug.
“your hair looks… amazing” y/n stammered without thinking. wyatt laughed, running a hand through his locks.
“you like it? i figured i’d try something new this year.”
“i love it! you look incredible, honey.” y/n felt her face get hot. he looked really good.
“thank you, sweetheart. come on,” wyatt held out a hand for y/n to take, “let’s get going, yeah?”
she nodded, taking his hand and interlocking her fingers with his.
lunchtime had come dragging for the students of seabrook. first day of school after summer break was always slow, but y/n could hardly feel time pass. she just couldn’t get her mind off wyatt. don’t get her wrong, she loved his hair before the summer - she thought the white streak was so cute and she liked how he styled it all spiky - but this new, long hair was something else. it framed his face perfectly, the white streak now falling down the right side of his face, curls running through his soft hair… if y/n didn’t fancy him before, she definitely did now.
y/n and wyatt sat together at their usual lunch table, deaf to the world. y/n reached over and ran a hand through wyatt’s hair.
“i really like this.”
“mhm. don’t like how you hid it from me though.”
“oh, but doesn’t it make such a good surprise?” wyatt teased. y/n scrunched up her nose in mocking.
“you’re lucky it did, because i’d never forgive you for all those rejected video chats otherwise.”
“believe me, sweetheart, that was torture. you don’t think i wanted to see that pretty face of yours?”
y/n blushed, giving wyatt a light push.
“don’t be cute. i’m trying to be mad at you.” y/n reached up once again and started brushing her fingers through wyatt’s hair, gearing up to start braiding whatever chunk of it she could reach.
“yeah, you’re doing a great job at that.”
“hey, i’m mad at you - not your hair.”
“oh, sure.” wyatt leaned over and gave his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.
“they know that they’re in public, right?” eliza asked.
“ugh, i know. could they be any more gross?” willa replied.
they were sat a few tables over with the rest of the zombie/werewolf crew that had emerged from last year’s events, unable to take their eyes off the disgustingly loved-up couple.
“come on, guys. they’re in love!” addison interjected, cheerful as ever.
“i think they’re adorable.” bree agreed, equally as perky as her best friend. bonzo uttered something in zombie-tongue.
“you’re right, their food is gonna go cold,”eliza replied, “and seabrook cafeteria food isn’t particularly hot anyway, it’s gonna be inedible.”
“they’re too busy making goo-goo eyes at eachother, i don’t think they’re even gonna eat it.” wynter piped up, “ooh - if they don’t eat their lunch, do you think they’ll let me have it?”
“you guys don’t pick on addison and i like this, do you?” zed started, throwing a defensive arm around his girlfriend.
“nah, you guys are nowhere near this gross.” responded willa.
and with that, the end-of-lunch bell rang. the gang could see y/n pout, grabbing hold of her boyfriend’s hand and making their way over to their table.
“hey guys, what are you talking about?” y/n smiled.
“oh… nothing.” zed replied, smirking.
“can i have your lunch? you didn’t eat it.” wynter interjected.
“sure,” wyatt answered, passing a slice of pizza to his friend, “knock yourself out.”
bonzo reached over, poked the pizza, and nodded. it was cold. wynter growled. no one touches her pizza, even if it wasn’t hers to start with.
“i’m taking y/n on a froyo date after school, so we’re fine with no lunch.” wyatt snaked an arm around his girlfriend’s waist, pulling her in close and kissing the top of her head.
“see you guys in class!” y/n piped up, waving bye-bye and making her way to her next lesson, wyatt still attached to her hip.
“i, for one, think they make a perfect couple.” addison smiled, watching her friends walk out of the cafeteria. zed planted a kiss on her forehead.
“not as perfect as us though, right?”
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Hi, how are you!
For the ZOMBIES Ask Game...
3. Favorite song?
9. Favorite character overall?
15. Unpopular opinion you have about anything related to ZOMBIES?
hi!! i’m so great, just finished my shift and i’m about to finish my current wip so be sure to keep an eye out for that.
my favourite song from the zombies films literally changes all the time but it’s either come on out, call to the wild, or (unpopular opinion) i’m winning.
do you really even have to ask this? i’ve been in love with wyatt since he first graced my screen. my entire blog is dedicated to him. that’s my pookie fr.
my number one unpopular opinion is that none of the songs are Good. like. they’re all good they’re fun they’re listenable. but in comparison to other dcom music and the stuff i listen to usually, it’s not Good Music. don’t bite my head off pls.
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Domestic Prompts
Send a character and a number for a ficlet!
"I love this." "What?" "Us."
"This house looks so different with you here."
"When was the last time we spent an entire day together, just the two of us?"
"The house doesn't matter, you are my home."
"I never want us to forget why we fell in love in the first place."
"What did I do to make you fall in love with me?"
"Happy anniversary!" "It's not-" "It's the one year anniversary of when we moved in together!"
"I made this for you."
"Did you ever think we'd make it this far?"
"What is this?" "A ten year plan!" "It's just pictures of us."
"Every morning I fall in love with you all over again."
"Ah, leftover takeout, the epitome of romance."
"Can we stay in bed for just a little bit longer?"
"Let's get dressed up for dinner tonight." "We just cooked-" "We don't have to go out!"
"I'm sorry I was so grumpy last night."
"The kid(s) are out..."
"We've been so busy lately, I feel like we haven't been home at all."
"Do you remember the first night we spent together in this house?"
"I feel so safe and warm in our cozy little nest."
"I want a kiss from my favorite person." "I don't think you can kiss yourself."
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jackiehicks · 9 months
oh PLEASE pop some questions in my askbox i wanna do this so bad
Which movie is your favorite?
Least favorite movie?
Favorite song?
Least favorite song?
Best dance sequence?
Favorite scene or line you have?
Funniest moment for you?
Are you Team Zombies, Team Werewolves or Team Aliens?
Favorite character overall?
Least favorite character overall?
Favorite Seabrook character? Least favorite?
Favorite Zombie? Least favorite?
Favorite Werewolf character? Least favorite?
Favorite Alien character? Least favorite?
Unpopular opinion you have about anything related to ZOMBIES?
Do you have a headcanon you want to share?
Any OCs you have you want to share?
A character you wanted to have more depth/screentime?
How about a character you wanted to have less depth/screentime?
Was there anything you weren't expecting from the movies?
What's something you wish had happen?
What's something you wish didn't happen?
Favorite ship? (Yes, non-canon or canon.)
Least favorite ship?
Freebie question!!
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jackiehicks · 9 months
all the 9 to 5ers scrolling through tumblr at 7am like we're reading the morning paper. raising our coffee cups in greeting by reblogging each others posts.
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jackiehicks · 9 months
i wish you guys lived inside my head the fics in here go crazy
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jackiehicks · 9 months
disney xd oomfs is it worth starting lab rats? i remember loving it back in the day but i never watched it all the way through
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