jemwritesstuff · 2 years
Joey; the Legion x reader
I actually read lore for this lmao also this was supposed to be a soulmate thingy but i forgot abt it halfway thru writing and it just,,,,got left off
another notable thing is that this has literally been sitting in my drafts for better half of a year with me writing maybe a sentence a week so it’s really jumbled and probably makes no sense mostly but i decided i've already spent too much time worrying if it's “good enough” so i'm just gonna post it as is and edit later if i feel like it
content warnings: canon typical violence, swearing, reader is a smoker, alcohol, something akin to an anxiety attack described, I can’t write dialogue to save my life, again a surprise father figure, what’s a POV, I’m a part of a Julie needs rights in fanfic gang btw
word count: 3738 oops
Julie invited you to a party. You’d missed the last one (you’d slept through it but that would be a secret you’d take to your grave) so she insisted you come and meet the guy she’d been getting it on with. 
You’d heard about him - someone out of town who had come here to stir up chaos in his steps. Everyone seemed impressed by him but it was easy here in Ormond - new blood did always get the attention. 
You promised to go, though, and there was no backing out of it now.
It was just how you’d expected from a party Julie threw. The music was loud and based on the stench, someone had already thrown up in the bushes. You beelined to the kitchen to get yourself a drink hoping it would help you handle the rowdiest kids.
Meanwhile in the living room Frank was in the middle of telling a little story about his fucked up little life. Julie was enamored, and so were most of the other kids at the party, too. Joey, however, had a hard time focusing on his words. Bouncing his leg up and down in frustration, he ended up just observing the front door.
His eyes found you, hands in your jacket’s pockets and a visible scowl on your face. He was a little taken back. Mostly people came to Julie’s parties to either get shitfaced or laid but you only looked extremely annoyed to be here. Now that he thought about it, that’s just what you always looked like, especially in class. He’d seen you around tons of times and knew you as one of Julie’s oldest friends. Maybe you just didn’t like groups of people that much, otherwise for sure Julie would have forced you to take part in her parties and hangouts a lot more often.
That must’ve been it, he thought, since you had no trouble emerging from the kitchen just to plant yourself on the sofa right next to Julie. Joey was intrigued by your ways but he would never admit that to you and even less to Julie.
He awoke from his thoughts to Susie elbowing him to the ribs. 
“Hey”, you started, “I’m partly forced to do this-”
Julie interrupted you by snorting.
“-but since you people mean so much to Miss Asshole here, I don’t mind.” You told the lot your name and a little of how you’d come to know Julie, as your parents have been friends for a lifetime already. You were surely gonna tell an embarrassing story about Julie before she slapped a hand in front of your mouth. Laughs erupted all around.
“I’m Joey, nice to meet ya, officially”, Joey raised his beer bottle towards you.
“Yeah, I see you ‘round a lot. World history, right?” You questioned, a little pout on your lips.
“That and French”, he confirmed.
“Oh yeah, although I always sleep through French”, you nodded and chuckled. If common sense hadn’t gotten the best of Joey, he might’ve thought your laugh sounded nice.
“I know”, he grinned. Oh, if he’d paid attention to Julie’s intrigued expression rather than your smile.
You stuck around the group for the party. It was easy for Joey to smile. It was obvious how happy you made Julie by getting on easily with her group, and that was enough to make him happy too. He was certainly glad Julie decided to force you there that day. 
“I’ll go for a quick smoke”, you rose up from your seat, hands fishing your pockets for a lighter. Julie gave you a pat on the back and moved her legs to reserve you a seat. 
Before the gears in Joey’s head had turned all the way, he had already stood up and agreed to join you. He returned the nod you gave and followed you out the back door, leaving the deafening music behind.
He can no longer remember where the conversation started. All he knew was that he enjoyed talking about everything under the sun with you. He got to share his deepest thoughts without feeling like a burden or worrying about seeming unstable. You weren’t afraid to knock him off his pedestal either. It didn't take long for those smoke break conversations to become a custom. 
Joey liked his new job at the hardware store. It was easy enough, even with the owner’s ridiculous snow globe collecting. The rest of the Legion teased him about it, especially after they found out a certain someone also worked there.
You shared quite a lot of classes with him in school and whenever the rest of the Legion was unavailable, Joey hovered with you. You’d introduced yourself at one of Julie’s parties and after that wherever Joey looked, you seemed to be there. He didn’t know if he’d just never really noticed you before or if it was “destiny” or some other bullshit his older sister went on and on about.
Whatever it was, Joey didn’t mind. You were good company and didn’t give a shit about his bad habits and more than alarming pastime activities. You had a knack for creating havoc as well, maybe not as crude as setting theaters on fire, but no old woman downtown looked at you and thought to themself; “what a delightful young person” and that’s all that mattered to him.
The day everything changed was quite ordinary in its core. Joey left the building right when you were preparing for your shift. He came across you outside the employee’s entry, a cigarette in between your fingers.
“Lucky you”, you offered him a smoke, “I’m stuck here for the rest of the evening.”
His fingers brushed against the sleeve of your hoodie you had wrapped around yours so as to not freeze them off. “He fired me.”
You glanced up at him. He was pouting and the corner of his eye twitched just a little to tell you how annoyed he really was. Not even the bitter smoke leaving his nostrils seemed to calm him.
“I’m sorry ‘bout that”, you shook your head. You knew he’d stolen some things with Julie and the others but you’d always turned a blind eye. You never liked the owner anyway but you needed the money. 
He passed the cig back to you and zipped his jacket up. You could guess what he was thinking, which gave you an idea. “Y’know, Joey, I might be tired when I’m leaving work today. Might forget to lock the back door.” 
Joey found it hard to mask his surprise. The raised eyebrow solicited a smirk from you.
“Would be a real shame if that happened, you know there’s a lot of fuckers wanting to thrash that place up”, he said.
You winked at him through the puff of smoke.
You’d just exited the building when you saw Joey’s truck pulling up at the front, right outside the cameras’ view. It was dark out and you didn’t see the faces but it was safe to assume that along with Joey, there was Julie, Susie and Frank also in the car. 
You pulled your hood up to get even a little protection from the howling wind. They got up from the car, breaths crystallizing in the cold air. You approached them, trying to keep the fire from your lighter alive long enough to get the cigarette between your lips lit. 
When that didn’t work out, you just huffed and stuck both items back in your pockets along with your freezing hands. 
“Can you guys believe some inconsiderate fool stuck a safety pin in the back door’s lock so I couldn’t close it properly?” You faked an annoyed voice and barely succeeded in hiding your grin.
“Now that’s too bad”, Julie smirked and pulled you into her side for a half-assed embrace. “It’s good to see you.” 
“You too. Now y’all have fun in there but just don’t touch my locker. You wouldn’t wanna find out what exactly is in there.”
“Don’t worry. knowing you, it can be anything from rotten guts to a five year stash of chocolate and I wouldn’t wanna be tangled in your wrath in either of those scenarios”, Joey chuckled and patted your shoulder. 
Frank gave you a nod of recognition and Susie smiled and waved at you before they all started moving towards the building, hoods up and faces hidden with eerie masks. Deciding not to question it, you waved at their backs and started making your way back home.
Once the building was out of your field of view, a terrible chill ran up your spine. Everything seemed the exact same but the feeling persisted. Unlike the familiar one of being watched, was it accurate or not, this one was more… sinister. Malicious, even. Despite the horrible wind, a thick fog was closing in on you.
You kept walking - you knew the way home after all - but it was no use. You were dead certain everything around you was disappearing, the park bench was not there anymore and you couldn’t even locate the lamp posts. 
The fog was thick enough to cause you to lose your heading and make your head heavy. All you saw was gray, anyway, but this gray was purely unsettling.
In the end, the Fog consumed you, leaving no other way to go than forwards.
The Fog was indeed sinister and malicious.
At the start, everything was so confusing to you. Jeff - who you’d chatted with in school or seen at the music store - was there too, which by itself would’ve been a relief if he hadn’t aged over twenty years in a single night. He and the others - mainly Bill, whose company you’d joined at first just for the seemingly unlimited supply of cigarettes, helped you get a hold of “things”;  handling the pain, sticking your fingers into an endless array of machines, patching yourself and others up and distracting the killer long enough for your teammates to get stuff done.
Easy enough, you thought, I’ll just have to keep performing, how hard can that really be?
The answer: really fucking hard.
Especially after Jeff told you about the other people you’d known in your life, and how they coincidentally were on the other side of this fucked up endless game of cat and mouse.
You called him out on his bullshit - you had never encountered them yourself yet and there was no way that out of all the possibilities this motherfucking lovecraftian being had, it would take six people that knew eachother just to fuck with them some. 
Only when you fought for your life back in the familiar winter breeze of Ormond did you start doubting your own mind.
You had spent time at the lodge before and there was no mistaking it. As gray as ever, you thought, no power in the world would bring this shithole color.
It was hard for you to concentrate on anything that trial. Jake was obviously fed up with you fumbling the wires and sent you off to “roll in the snow or something”. Hell, with nothing better to do, you did lay in the snow. The illusion of cold was all around you but the snow felt like nothing. It had the texture, sure, but it didn’t melt in your fingers nor did the falling snowflakes actually touch you - they went right through you - probably didn’t even stay on the ground, just disintegrated and fell again time after time. 
Yui ran right past you - the ghost girl fresh on her tail - neither paying you any mind.
You’d been there for, what, a week at most, and you were already beyond fed up with all the antics of the controlling shithead you’d come to know as the Entity.
With nothing but hatred on your mind, you flung a handful of snow in the air and cursed. The crows flew away and the banging in your chest got louder.
With the conclusion of “nothing matters so might as well have fun dying” you decided to harass the Spirit off Yui to get something actually meaningful to do.
As expected, you didn’t make it but it was worth it seeing the rest of your team skedaddle out. 
Jeff had heard all about your heroic deed last trial but his mood changed once he heard Yui mention the Ormond. You hadn’t come back to the campfire after, so he decided to go find you. Seeing familiar places and faces had been a shock to him, too, and he’d hoped he’d had someone to help him through it. 
He found you at the edge of the forest staring straight ahead, deep into the ever changing woods. He sat next to you on the cold ground.
“I should’ve known it would be you.”
Jeff huffed and smiled at you warmly, only you didn’t look anywhere near him. “I know what it’s like. There’s not many of us that know their killer like we do.”
“Y’know, it’s not just that I know them”, you took a long breath. “Hell, I’ve been friends with Julie since we were in diapers. She- all of them became my family-” You managed to choke out before your voice gave out. It was getting harder for you to breathe and Jeff noticed it. You sat together in silence, him patiently waiting for you to calm down.
You cursed loudly, not paying any attention to the tear that had made its way down your cheek. 
Jeff patted your back and you didn’t have the energy to shy away from it.
You were still far from calm, muttering curses under your breath and smothering your face in your already damp sleeves. So, he decided to start talking.
“Y’know, after the night you five disappeared, news ran wild in school the next day. Most were sure that you’d just ran away together.”
He kept a small break.
“It was your closing and opening shift, right?” At your meek nod, he continued, “Yeah, no one found the body until after school was over. The next day was pure chaos. You were all suspects, you, especially. I hardly believed it. Arson is one thing, but I couldn’t believe that anyone but Frank could do something like that. Now, it’s clear what happened but when I was still young and naive, I kept thinking ‘no way, these are the people I’ve known for years, this can’t be happening’. And it’s not like I was good friends with any of you, really.”
At that, you gave a small laugh.
“I mean that’s the truth!” He smiled, too, “You all came by the shop a lot, and I did the mural at the resort but at school, all of us had better friends to hang out with. I never even went to one of Julie’s parties. That’s kinda why I moved away after high school; I couldn’t keep living in the town where my speaking acquaintances had been ruled down as murderers.”  
The silence was comfortable now. 
“Thanks, Jeff”, you sniffled and wiped the last of your tears away.
“Anytime, kid-” Before he even had the chance to finish, you had smacked him in the arm.
“We’re the same age, old man.”
That trial started out as any. You greeted Dwight and stuck your fingers into the gears with him. It didn’t take long for your heart to start beating faster.
When you finally caught sight of the killer through the corn, you could barely believe your own eyes.
You would’ve recognized that black jacket anywhere.
You scattered away from the generator as fast as possible, going the opposite way from Dwight.
Yui had talked you through about the logistics of going against “The Legion”, ‘stay separated, keep running and don’t bother healing each other up unless you really have to’, but, fuck, was it hard to be productive when you knew who was behind the mask.
He’d gone after Dwight, and it wasn’t long until you heard him yell. Your heartbeat picked up speed again.
“Keep running, huh?” You questioned as you watched him come after you. “No, I don’t think I will.”
Honestly, it was probably the dumbest decision you’d be making. 
Would he even know it was you?
Would he care?
Stopping dead in your tracks, your heart felt like it was going to give up any second.
He stopped, too. You were going to stare him down.
You recognized the knife. Fuck, you’d given him the knife. For his birthday, like what, three months ago? 
He was as stiff as you. The only sound you could hear was your own heartbeat and your combined, erratic breathing. The knife was lowered but it never left his grip.
“I should’ve known it would be you”, the voice is a bit muffled - courtesy of the mask - but undoubtedly the exact same voice you remembered.
“We heard of a newbie, stirring up trouble and always being half a step ahead”, he continued. You made no move, just looking where his eyes should’ve been. “I should’ve known it’d be you.”
He raised his empty hand towards you. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe. The silence was broken by a generator firing to life and he retracted his gloved hand back to his side. He quickly glanced that way before turning his head back towards you. You never would’ve thought you’d end up in this position. Staring straight into the eyes of a killer, your friend, and being guilty of the fear bubbling up inside of you.
“You should get to work.” It was a wonder your own voice didn’t waver. You just wished your eyes didn’t betray your inner thoughts.
He took another moment to think before answering.
“Come to Ormond when you get out.”
With that, he turned around, leaving to find your other friends, your teammates, no doubt murder on his mind. ‘When’, he’d said, you noticed. He never had an intention to hurt you - he’d had all the chances in the world.
You spent the trial in a haze barely getting anything done. As ridiculous as it was, it felt comforting to know he had the same problem. There was only a few hooks the entire trial and he didn’t dare look in your direction, even when you got caught in the open field, he just went the other way.
Back at the campfire, Ace took on the job of retelling the trial, of how he’d kept the “unruly teenager”, on his trail long enough for three generators to get completed. You decided to let him brag this time and wandered off into the surrounding woods. 
At the edge of the premises, you started doubting yourself. He was a killer after all, hell, they were all killers. You had no idea what to expect.
Joey had asked you to come there but would the others want to have anything to do with you? Worst case scenario, Frank would want to kill you. How’d Susie even get wrapped up in this, you wondered, she’d always been the warmest person in the room. You could hardly imagine her hurting anyone. And Julie; you’d always been there for each other but now, after being thrusted on different sides of a wicked game, would that change?
Before you had the chance to spiral further, footsteps woke you up from your thoughts.
He looked far more relaxed now, shoulders down and no bloodlust coating his veins. Still, expressions hidden away by the mask, knife tucked away somewhere.
You had no idea what to think. 
Neither of you wanted to make the first move.
“I heard it disfigures killers when they disobey or perform badly”, you started. A neutral statement but worry evident when reading in between the lines. The trial hadn’t been a good performance from him.
Before you could really even close your mouth, he had acted. In a fleeting moment, the mask was gone from his face. 
He was the exact same as you remembered him. You didn’t know how to feel. Would the other possibility have felt better? 
“Did you talk to Jeff yet?” He asked. You couldn’t read him anymore. Had you really been apart that long? You used to be able to tell what he was thinking from the little twitches in the corners of his eyes.
“Yeah, I…” Everything about the situation was wrong. Knowing what they had done, what they had been doing in this wretched place - your body was screaming at you to run but your heart disagreed.
“He told you everything, didn’t he?” He frowned, only slightly, but it was enough to tell you just how much he hated the thought. At least you could read that off of his face.
You nodded. “Are the others here?” You were glad your voice didn’t waver. Your hands were sweaty and trembling, so you stuck them in your pockets – hoping he didn’t notice. You wanted to see the lot again so bad but you were deathly afraid of how they’d treat you now that nothing was the same anymore.
He nodded. You stared at the resort in silence.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you, you know. I–” He started, before seemingly shutting himself up. His face said nothing but you knew it was bothering him, not being able to say it out loud.
You turned away from him and the resort. Your brain was scrambled and fried, heart beating like it was going to give up any moment, legs barely carrying your weight.
“I shouldn’t be here, Joey, I don’t- I don’t belong here anymore”, you managed to choke out.You didn’t hear his response, the ringing in your ears was sure to make you deaf. Your chest was tightening with every breath.
Warm hands guided you to sit on a rock. They were a nice contrast to the chilling tremor going up your spine. 
After a moment of calming yourself and evening out your breath, you opened your eyes – when had you closed them? – only to gaze straight into Joey’s soul. You knew what he was going to say before interrupting himself, what he was feeling, just from the little twitches around his eyes. 
The corner of his mouth lifted up.
“You’re always gonna belong here”, your name sounded far too familiar coming from his lips, “We’re not gonna abandon you, I’m– Listen, I’m not going to abandon you. Okay?”
You nodded. You knew he wasn’t lying.
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jemwritesstuff · 2 years
reworked my nav and blog in literally some minutes i should get drunk more often being productive is kinda fun
i fuckihn figured out to how to use read more holy shit
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jemwritesstuff · 2 years
rules / other stuff to regard
- this is a reader insert blog! i might occasionally do a character x character or an oc x character but those are not the focus and im scared of them not being up to my standards lmao. maybe ill even stuff in a short story of actual original content :0
- im 18+ but nsfw makes me kind of awkward sometimes so i cant promise ill fulfill those requests
- i have a right to not write a request if i dont like it / it gives me a weird feeling / i feel like i cant do it. ill try to do every ask ofc but sometimes even writing feels like a chore and doesnt bring me joy
- ill do headcannons (im new to that so they might be ramblings at first before i get the hang of it lol) and oneshots, length depends solely on how into it i get
- english isnt my first language! im basically fluent but ill still mess a grammar rule up or forget a word etc. do point it out if you notice something like that but please dont be rude about it :)
- haha canon go brrrr
some fandoms i can write for:
- Dead by Daylight (killers and survivors with some exceptions)
- Naruto (idk anything abt boruto era)
- Star Wars (mostly Mandalorian and TBOBF)
- some slashers
- Obey Me!
- Assassin's Creed (so far ive only played II, Brotherhood, IV, Rogue and Unity)
- Stardew Valley
- Skyrim & Oblivion
- Sons of Anarchy
- Mayans M.C.
- Borderlands (not tales)
- Game of Thrones
- Fallout 3, NV & 4
- The Boys (not homelander tho mf triggers the shit out of me)
- the Punisher & the Daredevil
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jemwritesstuff · 2 years
masterlist (in order of publication):
david king x reader
meet ugly au!ace visconti x reader
meet ugly au!jeff johansen x reader
soulmate!steve harrington x reader HC's
joey the legion x reader
soon™: juice oneshot inspired by the song afraid of love by toto
something for sandor clegane
alphabets for tormund giantsbane
left-outs / misc writing:
didnt make the cut
a comforting piece
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jemwritesstuff · 2 years
i fuckihn figured out to how to use read more holy shit
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jemwritesstuff · 2 years
ive no excuses just a bunch of unfinished pieces of writing
joey is coming up to 4k words and idk what to do with it so im probably gonna spew out a sons of anarchy oneshot (a juice or a happy one first) since i spiraled into that universe and it hasnt left my brain
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
There's a notable absence at the campfire.
They had opted to play it out, trying not to make it painfully obvious their heart was aching to be close to you again.
Little did they know, you were the exact same.
The last few trials had been a great pain to you, thoughts lingering on being able to stay with them instead of the bloodthirsty killers on your tail.
Finally, after what felt like the longest trial of your life, you could no longer feel the familiar pull deeper into the Fog and were able to retreat back to the campfire, in the arms of your lover.
The night was easy. Both of you craved the peace and quiet, the warmth and the loving words the other could provide.
The moon above the treeline was as full as ever. Despite the artificial look of it, even it brought you closer to calmness when you were able to hold them in your arms.
As much as you would have wanted to stay awake just enjoying the serenity, exhaustion pulled your eyes closed and you fell into deep slumber, lulled by your lover's slow breathing.
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
i WAS meant to get joey out last week but i ended up editing the piece and rn im sitting at 2.5k worda and i still need to write the 'ending' so fuck me
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
bc i cant make plans before writing for the life of me, heres an excerpt that wont make the cut in the joey piece but i like anyway
With newly found wrath and motivation, you bribed Nea - you remembered she said to have tagged some walls there to “piss of the masked freaks” - to take you to Ormond out of the trials to get some fucking sense of your situation. 
“If I was someone else I’d tell to not do anything stupid.” She gave you a pat on the back and clicked the flashlight to check you hadn’t scammed her.
“Just don’t tell Jeff. He’ll give me a lecture and I don’t have it in me to endure it when I’ve seen him shotgun a beer.” 
“Oh, you gotta tell me more about that later.” She grinned and started walking back into the woods leaving you alone on the snow-covered land.
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
hi its been a while again
long story short, i ended up having two more camps during the summer and then i was working on my driving license stuff and goofing 'round
im back in school and my matriculation exams are coming up so i might nit be "back" but i do have a piece of writing almost done
expect "three times joey missed his soulmate by an inch and the one time he hoped he had missed them" within maybe a week
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
Jeff Johansen x Reader - Alone Time
'Jeff is stressed and seeks your comfort'
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"Shit," Jeff groaned, his singed fingers aching as he continued to repair the broken generator. He ignored his pain, grinding his teeth as he continued to attach wires and pull levers.
He didn't know how he was going to get through this trial with how overwhelmed he felt. All he knew was that this couldn't keep going on. He needed you, you always knew how to ground him, even when he was at his worst.
He sighed as he finally finished the generator; this trial was going to take a while.
Jeff sat down by the campfire, burying his face in his hands as he tried to calm himself down. The trial was just as he predicted: long, incredibly long. He was exhausted and sad and felt helpless.
He really missed you.
A while passed before he stood up and started towards where you'd usually hide away: a small patch of grass surrounded by trees where the fog didn't touch. You and Jeff's safe haven.
Once he made it, he wasn't surprised to see you lying on the grass looking up at the dark, barren sky. Jeff smiled for the first time in a while, slipping into a spot beside you and looking up to the sky as well.
You grinned, "Hey, Jeff." You turned towards him, but frowned when you saw his downcast expression, "Hey, what's wrong?"
He leaned up and rubbed his temple, "Heh, you noticed? I don't know (Y/N), just a little ..."
You finished his sentence, "'in the pits'? I've noticed, Jeff." You scooted closer to him and softly grabbed his hand, "Do you wanna talk about it? It's okay if not, but I'd like if you told me about what's on your mind."
"It's just," he paused, "I'm just ... very tired. Once I get some rest I'm sure I'll feel better."
"Well," you moved even closer, leaning into his side, "we could take a nap right now ..?"
Jeff smiled, pulling you closer to him. "You know (Y/N)? I'd like that."
-mod kc
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
omg im so taken back thank you so much!! it makes me so happy to know someone likes what i have to offer lol ill be sure to read thru this whole list and appreciate other peoples writing too <3
June (3)
Another list of some of the amazing stories I've read on here recently, I hope you all enjoy these! 💛
You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write💛
Fic Rec 2021 Masterlist
Peter Parker
Peter Parker x Reader-Don't Get Caught by @hellounicorn
Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson x Reader-Last Light by @firefly-in-darkness
Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers x Reader-Cabin Cuties by @xxindiglow
Steve Rogers x Reader-Loved You First by @sinner-as-saint
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-Satisfaction by @thewandaromanoff
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-Let Me Come Home by @vancityfire13
Natasha Romanoff x Reader by @caws5749
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-Cooking Disaster by @nyx-aira
Wanda x Natasha x Reader-Love Is Like A Blanket by @dani6279
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin x Reader by @randomoutsiders
Remus Lupin x Reader-Soft Like Wildflowers by @nancybycrs
Sirius Black
Sirius Black x Reader-Pretty Feet by @arcaneslut
Harry Potter Era
Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy x Reader-Needy by @ameliora-j
Draco Malfoy x Reader-Almost Eight Years by @littlethie
Draco Malfoy x Reader-Ballroom Dancing by @henqtic
Draco Malfoy x Reader-Thunderstorm by @anordinarymuse
Draco Malfoy x Reader-Sonnets, Summer & Sandcastles by @littlemissnoname13
Fred Weasley
Fred Weasley x Reader-Occupied by @prettywhitedoves
Fred Weasley x Reader-Best Friend's Brother by @vroomvroomkachowboi
George Weasley
George Weasley x Reader-Be Careful For Me by @eatingcloudsxx
George Weasley x Reader-Art and Love by @carisi-sonny
George Weasley x Reader by @heloisedaphnebrightmore
George Weasley x Reader-Two-Room Cottage by @mamawheeze
George Weasley x Reader-A Quick Snog In The Library by @akraziia
George Weasley x Reader-Holding You by @queen-asteria04
George Weasley x Reader-Don't Rush Me by @cloouud
George x fem!Reader -> Fred x fem!Reader-Late Night Encounters by @peepeepotter
Remus Lupin x Reader-The Desk by @janeofthornfieldhall
Sons Of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Jax Teller x Reader-Worlds Away by @20david50david
Jax Teller x Reader-You Don't Believe You Deserve To Be Saved by @lexwritings
Chibs Telford
Chibs Telford x Reader-My Loves by @flanagirl
Chibs Telford x Reader-Fire by @spotofimagines
Chibs Telford x Reader-Dancing In The Moonlight by @tequila-dick
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Robin Buckley Reader-Home Life With Robin by @internalizedgaypanic
Robin Buckley Reader-Take A Break by @jillys-feral-fandoms
Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington x Reader-Bottoms Up by @madmars
Steve Harrington x Reader by @jemwritesstuff
Steve Harrington x Reader-Champagne Problems by @marwritesgood
Steve Harrington x Reader-Hurry by @outer-banks-bitches
Steve Harrington x Reader-Tender Moment by @hawkinsforever
Joyce Byers
Joyce Byers x ace!child!reader by @moonlit-imagines
Tommy Shelby x Reader-The Scent Of Hay by @little-diable
Frankie "Catfish" Morales x F!reader-Crush by @rayslittlekitten
Chris Evans x Reader-In The Eyes Of The Beholder by @angrybirdcr
Thorin Oakenshield x Reader-Touch by @drabbles-by-a-dreamer
Chris Alonso x reader-Blind Devotion by @milfdeacon
Angel Reyes x Reader-Nowhere To Go by @minimel-fics
Negan x Reader-Neglect by @happysgal
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
Soulmate AU / Steve Harrington x Reader HC’s
“everything on your skin translates onto their skin, scars, bruises, cuts, gashes, drawings, etc.”
it’s 718 words of HC's oh no
content warnings: swearing, canon typical violence, Evan is implied to be a bit of a bitch, I don’t know how to use commas in English, a surprise father figure
- Your soulmate had always been prone to accidents. Little bruises littered on your arms and legs, small scars that you imagined were from falling off a swing. Cuts on your fingers when they were making food, you thought.
- They had also gotten beat up before yet that was the most normal thing he’d encountered, you would soon find out.
- For a while now, your soulmate has gotten hurt a lot. Terrible gashes on their back, even you could feel them, deep wounds that you were sure would never heal. 
- Yet they did.
- Nothing ever scarred them for long.
- It was like they were immortal, being able to withstand such pain and shrug it off like nothing. 
- You did want to know what was trying to kill them.
- You were scared for them, you had no idea what they were doing to get inflicted with such pain and always being healed to pristine condition. 
- You even got to researching some secret government tests but that never got you too far. 
- You wanted to help them but there was virtually nothing you could do - except trying to cheer them up. 
- So you started doodling on your arms.
- Flower fields that started at nothing, the stars looked at you during the night, the neighbours’ cat (even though it looked a lot like a koala), and small messages you hoped would bring a smile to their face.
- And they did. Steve smiled often when he looked at his arms.
- To him, it was really comforting to know that you weren’t where he was. He just wanted you safe.
- He would’ve loved to answer to some of your messages but he had nothing to work with in the Fog. Dirt and blood didn’t really stick and that would have been very discouraging to you, anyway. Steve even tried to sneak into the coal mines for something to write with, only to get his ankle snapped clean off. So better to scratch that then.
- It wasn’t until a new face appeared in the Fog that Steve had any idea who his soulmate could be. 
- You weren’t wearing sleeves when you appeared and Steve panicked immediately. 
- Despite Nancy’s angry whispers and Ace’s obnoxious yelling, Steve ran away from the campfire.
- Shit, the only thing he didn’t want happening, had happened.
- He sat there contemplating for hours, not that hours mattered anymore, anyway.
- For long enough, though, that he could feel a gash forming on his back. 
- Two.
- And the third one. 
- He cursed whatever god that was listening. 
- There were no stars in the Entity’s realms. The darkening sky was empty and Steve raised his forearm in front of his eyes.
- He could still faintly see the stars you had drawn.
- The sky was as empty as his head.
- His back hurt and then it didn’t.
- This is what you had lived with.
- A crow was startled away from a tree nearby.
- Jeff – all bloody and bruised – straight from a trial, Steve thought, wandered forward and nudged the youngster up from the ground.
- He didn’t say a word at first, just rolled Steve’s sleeves up, inspected his arms for a little bit, rolled them back down and patted Steve on the back. 
- “You’re gonna meet them.” 
- Steve’s heart stopped at that.
- “No, it’s- I can’t!”
- “Yes, you can. We’re going.”
- Steve had neither the strength nor the willpower to fight against Jeff.
- You were talking to Nancy.
- She and Jeff both said something to you two but Steve wasn't listening anymore. He was far too focused on looking at you.
- Of all the things he could have said to you as the first thing, for some unknown reason, he decided to voice his admiration for the recurring cat sketch.
- Your laugh was probably the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.
- "Sorry about all the scars." He blurted. Knowing now how much pain he had inflicted on you, he felt it was only appropriate to at least acknowledge it.
- His bashful smile made it all worth it to you.
- The rest of the night consisted of sharing your secrets with each other, telling the stories of old scars or doodles and Steve shooing his teammates away.
- In the next trial, Steve made sure that you didn't get a single scar of your own.
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
june is almost over im so sorry
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
rn the characters i have for the soulmate aus compilation thingy are steve harrington, claudette morel and legions joey from dbd and inuzuka kiba from naruto cause i had a wildass dream (again) lmao
ill get atleast the steve bit out on sunday (its gonna be hc's) and possibly the joey one but i wanna write it out as an actual scenario so i cant promise yet
there is still one au that i dont have a character for so all suggestions are welcome 👉👈🥺
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
i may have a doc full of different kinds of soulmate aus and ideas regarsing next week so if theres a character you'd like to see some kind of soulmate scenario for my inbox is open uwu
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jemwritesstuff · 3 years
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen x reader
this was supposed to be "i broke your nose at a moshpit" AU but this mixed with a dream i had so i had to edit it cause it seemed to fit so much better lol also can you tell im missing live music? cant wait to get stabbed in the arm. anyway for once im mostly on time, i hope you’ll enjoy this <3
cw: no social distancing, swearing, blood mention
word count: 1 333
For whatever reason, you had already lost your friends in the crowd and the band had barely started playing. Since you had pushed your way to the front through literal blood, sweat and tears, you were definitely not going to give that up just to find them. They’d have to survive without you now. 
The band was one you had just recently started listening to. When you learned it was also playing the festival with some other bands you and your friends listened to, you knew you had to get there. Nothing beats live music anyway - the bands contact with the crowd, the rhythm thumping in your chest, the feral feeling of just existing freely, easily beat the ringing in your ears for hours afterwards and the drunken idiots. Regardless, it was a metal festival; if there’s one festival you don’t have to worry about getting assaulted, it’s gonna be a metal festival. You remember one time when your female friend was getting felt up in the crowd, she barely had time to react when another guy from the crowd - possibly the meanest looking motherfucker there - had already struck him in the ear and thrown him over the railing straight in the arms of a bouncer. He even made sure that she wasn’t too shaken up and asked to walk her to her car after the gig was over.
You’d be fine.
Just when the crowd was getting a little bit too impatient, the band stepped on stage. The cheering was deafening, yet you couldn’t help but shout along. The whole performance was magical. The low sounds of bass you could feel deep in your bones, the squeaking of a guitar up-close, even the drum solo that shook the entire area. Hell, you barely felt heat from the pyrotechnics that were situated right in front of you. The crowd was under a spell and you with it; screaming and shouting the lyrics, cheering after every song, headbanging in sync with the members. You knew the moshpit was close - someone had lifted a short girl out of the way next to you. The ground was trembling from strain, you from excitement.
The few hours went by in a whim. It had barely been a moment when you were wondering where you'd lost your friends. The singer of the band was thanking the crowd for being amazing. You cheered again. You'd find your friends later, nevermind the fact that your phone had run out of battery. 
The crowd started humming the melody of one of the bands biggest hits that hadn't been played yet. The band was halfway off the stage when one the drummer rushed back to his place. The rest of the band couldn't resist either and the hungry crowd got one more song.
"I've got one more thing for y'all!" The singer exclaimed, still huffing from screaming for the duration of the song.
"To celebrate the upcoming album, we ordered a bunch of custom guitar picks. We thought that 'okay, maybe like 10 will be enough', because we all know I always misplace my stuff. And it would've been if Tommy here" - they all pointed at poor Tommy, who just sheepishly laughed - "hadn't accidentally put too many zeros in the order. So now we've got a thousand picks with the unofficial album art that's just Riley throwing up in the tour bus." Laughter echoed throughout the area.
"Coincidentally, we got the picks in sacks right there next to the stage and we might as well give them to you as a little thank you!" 
It wasn't raining men, but the sentiment was still there. You were at the front so you had a good chance at grabbing something off the air but it wasn't easy. With so many people after the same thing, pushing at you from the back it was a handful to just keep upright and not get trampled in the ground.
You're not sure how exactly it happened; you just knew that when you were reaching up, the guy behind you did so too, and you ended up knocking him right in the nose.
He shouted a curse and you whipped your head around to see a tall man, rocking an admirably long and dark beard with hair to match, holding a hand under his nose.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!" You frantically yelled. "Shit, I'm so sorry, here-" You offered him a tissue from your pocket which he gladly took.
"Ah, it's fine, don't worry about it." He chuckled. You noticed how the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, even if he was a little pained. "It's just a little nosebleed."
"No, that's definitely a big nosebleed." You deadpanned, seeing your tissue already get colored crimson.
He laughed heartily again. "It's fine. You've got a good punch on you, wouldn't wanna get on your bad side." He complimented? You'd rather take it as a compliment anyway. 
"That's gonna need more than one tissue. Shit, I'm so sorry- the least I can do is take you to the medical tent." 
"Ah, I wouldn't wanna take up your time like that. I think I can find it myself, now that the crowd's dispersed a little too." He smiled and turned the last clean side of the tissue. 
"I'm the reason you're in this shit and I don't wanna get haunted by my nana again, so you are coming with me." You frowned and started making your way towards the tent you had visited earlier when one of your friends had almost fainted. 
He did follow you. Whether to humour you or not, you never found out. You were glad he did, though, your nana would've surely hit you over the head with the wooden spoon again if you'd have left him in distress like that.
The nurse at the tent was much more efficient at suppressing the bleeding. You'd stuck there just to get some peace of mind that the man would be okay, spewing apologies every few sentences which he always waved off. 
He was given the okay to leave soon and just in time, since you could hear the next band start playing some distance away. 
"I really am sorry." You started, not daring to raise your eyes to meet his. "My brain got overridden by corvid syndrome, I didn't think to pay attention to the people around me." 
"Don't worry about it. I mean, it certainly wasn't the first time I've gotten punched at a festival. I'll be fine, anyway." He laughed. The warmth of his voice hardly left space for doubting.
"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to pay you back? Sorry, again." You asked again and nervously fiddled with the sleeves of your jacket.
"Well, there's one thing but that's only if you're absolutely sure about it." He offered. You raised you gaze at him and noticed the shy smile he was sporting. 
"And what's that?" 
"You could let me take you on a date tomorrow." 
Admittedly, it wasn't what you were expecting. The tall, hairy man was rugged but definitely handsome too. Even if you didn't think that, his smile for sure was one of the Earth's wonders.
You agreed with a bright smile and introduced yourself. His name was Jeffrey, but he told you to just call him Jeff. You'd given him your phone number when you realized that your phone was out of battery. Thankfully, you had a pocket full of guitar picks and a pen, so you did get his number too. 
He refused when you offered to give him a part of your hoard, so of course the only logical course of action was to hug him and discreetly drop a few in the pocket of his leather jacket.
You knew you'd get a stern talking to from your friends when you'd finally find them but it all seemed worth it when you looked over your shoulder to see Jeff smiling and waving at you.
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