#joey the legion x reader
ghqstfqce · 1 year
¡Hola!, Es la primera vez que hago un pedido, así que perdón si la cago en algo 😩 Me gustarían unos headcanons de Dwight, Joey, Thomas y/o RZ!Michael (si no quieres/puedes hacer todos, Joey o Michael serían más que suficiente para mí<3)con un s/o albino, sinceramente no se me ocurre nada TT. Pronombres neutros o femeninos, cualquiera me viene bien (puedes añadir headcanons NFSWs si te apetece)(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠).⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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Pairing | RZ ! Michael Myers x GN ! Reader — Thomas Hewitt x GN ! Reader — Joey | The Legion x GN ! Reader — Dwight Fairfield x GN ! Reader [Pronombres: Ellx/They]
TW | Hay obscenidad/NSFW en este, ups. Es algo rudo u oscuro en el de Michael, pero nada gráfico o demasiado fuerte, solo Michael siendo Michael. Me emocione y no sé si he sido educadx, así que si he escrito algo irrespetuoso, no dudes en patearme el culo en comentarios.
WA | No idea, pero son solo 5 headcanons por personaje.
AN | ¡Bienvenidx a este cambiante blog! Y no te preocupes por como solicites, mientras cumplas con las reglas realmente puedes solicitar como sea y lo que sea. Espero esto sea de tu agrado<3 y no dudes en comentar si deseas cambiar algo:).
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RZ ! Michael Myers
• Quieres verte sangrar, ver la "pulcritud" de tu piel y tu apariencia hace que quiera verte sangrar o por lo menos verte ensuciadx en sangre.
• Te ama, claro que lo hace y aun tiene algo de prudencia en que le dice que no debe ponerte en medio del caos solo por su curiosidad retorcida, pero hay algo bajo sus dedos que pica por verte "sucix".
• Le gusta observarte demasiado, podrías ser unx rudx total en secreto, pero nuevamente esta siendo prejuicio y tu apariencia le hace sentir que eres débil, así que siempre un ojo sobre ti, pareces fácil de romper y solo él tiene permitido romperse.
• No es de extrañar que durante sus momentos íntimos sea algo rudo, quizás no pueda verte bañadx en sangre, pero te dejara moretones y chupetones inofensivos cada que tengan sexo.
• Con una de sus manos rodeara tu cuello con fuerza y no solo por aumentar la velocidad y bestialidad de sus embestidas, no, desea ver las marcas de sus manos en un lugar que podría significar tu fin o si es uno de esos raros momentos en que se quita la mascara, morderá tu cuello y tu hombro. Es casi un viaje de poder.
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Thomas Hewitt
• Un poco más dulce que Michael, te ve como su dulce y lindx muñecx. No dudara en coser ropa que convine con esta idea que tiene sobre ti por tu apariencia. No es que te quejes, es lindo ser mimadx por tu gran hombre.
• Al igual que Michael siente que eres delicadx y siempre mantendrá un ojo vigilante sobre ti y más si hay víctimas en casa. Te hará subir a su habitación compartida o te mandara a vagar por la ciudad abandonada.
• Prohibido salir al sol sin un paraguas o mucha ropa cubriendote, no tendrán siempre acceso al bloqueador, pero no permitirá que tu culo albino sufra daño por una exposición al sol de Texas. Si no encontró algún paraguas, bueno ten por seguro que encontrará una forma de hacerte uno.
• Antes de su relación, tu apariencia es lo que te salvo. Es un pueblo en Texas y alejado de la mano de Dios, nunca conoció a alguien parecidx a ti, así que quería mantenerte un poco más. Al principio quería tu rostro, pero es un blando total y cayo enamorado de ti.
• Es tan cuidadoso al momento de tener sexo contigo. Tú siempre estarás arriba y comandando que tan rápido y fuerte tienen que ir, tendrás que rogar si quieres que este hombre sea duro contigo. Pero no te negaras a esa mirada llena de amor que te lanza al verte montadolo como si te pagarán por ello, es un desastre de gemidos y placer bajo de ti.
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Joey | The Legion
• Joey, el dulce Joey. No había conocido a nadie como tú antes de la Entidad, aun así no actúa de forma extraña contigo. Sabía que existían las personas albinas y para él eres solo tú.
• Claro, hay bromas a tu expensa, pero son bromas dulces e inofensivas. Te dirá que no vayas a perderte entre la nieve o si eres capaz de ser invisible. Son bromas tontas, aunque nunca mueren y solo las toleras por la sonrisa infantil en su rostro cada que las dice.
• Aun así es una perra protectora, si alguno de los supervivientes te esta haciendo pasar mal rato por ser albino y lo escucha, bueno, él no sabe porque han vuelto tan asustados de ti después de un juicio con él.
• Otro que le encanta ver tu piel enrojecer por la fuerza ejercida sobre ella. Ya sea durante la intimidad o juegos previos, se siente fascinado por como resaltar el enrojecimiento sobre tu piel y no dudará en sujetarte un poco más fuerte o dejar chupetones sobre ti.
• Le gusta sujetar tus caderas con sus dos manos y más si esta por llegar al clímax, escucharte gemir y ver la evidencia de que él es quien te toca puede llevarlo fácilmente al límite, no te soltara aun después del orgasmo y tendrás que atraerlo con dulces palabras para poder acurrucarse.
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Dwight Fairfield
• Es algo curioso al principio, pero tratando de ser respetuoso no permite que llegue a lo raro y aunque había escuchado sobre el albinismo, no dudará en preguntarte una que otra cosa y ya. Eso queda de lado al ver tu personalidad agradable y resplandeciente, esta enamorado de ti con fuerza y más al ser quien mantiene su animo en lo alto.
• Podrá verte un millón de veces hacerle frente a sujetos como Pyramid Head o Michael Myers, siempre perdera su mierda y más porque siente la curiosidad por tu albinismo de este último, vas a causarle un infarto al pobre hombre.
• Odia verte sucix, sabe que es inevitable y más con lo fácil que resalta sobre tu piel y cabello, pero aún así le molesta ver a su dulce pareja con la evidencia de lo que este mundo les hace. Se preocupa por todos sus compañeros, pero tú tienes un lugar especial, no sabría que haría sin ti.
• Negara que cuando la Entidad se siente caritativa, pide cosas para poder ayudarte a limpiarte. El hombre vive para adorarte así que no es una sorpresa si un día te recibe con toallitas húmedas o un lugar para ducharse. Es su momento íntimo y de adoración, algo tímido pero no dudará en pedir ducharte.
• Claramente es suave al momento de tener sexo, nunca se ha caracterizado por ser el más kink y más allá de la típica charla sucia, el sexo con él es la suavidad que les hace falta en este lugar y si, comúnmente viene después del aseo. Ver que él es quien te ha ayudado lo pone en marcha y tú estas abordó al ver la adoración en su rostro.
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airbendertendou · 1 year
safety [of a killer’s arms]
gender neutral reader. no killer in mind so they/them pronouns used. killer is bigger / taller than reader [bc they're a lil monstorous it makes sense in my mind]
synopsis : an unnamed survivor [he/him] makes you feel sour - for lack of better words. one trial, you find yourself running to the murderer instead of away.
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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he always made you uncomfortable. sliding up beside you at the campfire ; his hands lingering when he patched you up ; sly nicknames that made your skin crawl. with a gulp, you flinch as the generator you’re working on finished, lighting up the spot you were hiding at.
taking in a deep breath, you stand and slowly observe your surroundings. the lack of a heartbeat and chilling feeling of being watched was absent — you were safe for now. you tread along carefully, eyes peeled for any sudden movements.
“[name],” the hairs on your arms prickle just at the sound of his voice. you don’t turn — you only continue moving forward. “we’ll be safer together. come stand with me.”
you ignore him. lips parted, your breathing struggles to steady as panic starts to build up. you can hear his feet shuffle behind you ; he’s starting to speed up to catch you. “[name], come on! it’s only us now.”
it sounds like a threat. his tone is reassuring, words light and airy, but it still feels like threat. it’s only the two of you ; no one else around. you gulp again, speeding up just a little more. he lets out what sounds like a laugh, “are we playing a little cat and mouse game?”
“go find another gen,” you call out over your shoulder. you quicken your pace a bit more, “we can still win this.”
“i did win, [name].” he lets out another laugh — it sounds menacing ; dark. everything a survivor shouldn’t be. “i’ve got you, all to my self.”
your heartbeat picks up, pounding in your ears. on the edge of a sprint now, you can see the killer of this trial in the distance. you speed up more, ignoring the muffled curse behind you as you barrel straight into their arms.
a vice grip is around their torso. arms around their waist, you bury your head into their neck as your breath leaves in panicked pants. “jus’ kill me,” you whimper out. “please.”
their hands are raised above them, weapon still poised from when they prepared to swing it at you. curiously, their eyes fly to where you came from ; to where your fellow survivor had now made himself known.
“[name],” you whimper at the sound of his voice. his eyebrows furrow, playful smile falling from his face and growing stern. “let them go. now.”
“he won’t leave me alone.” you whisper it into their chest as you burrow further into them. “watching me. waiting for me. touching me. i— he won’t leave me alone.”
their hands had fallen to your hips now, peeling you away from their torso. you whimper again but relax when they pull you behind them. just what had this man done — what had he made you feel — that was so bad you looked to a murderer for comfort? for safety?
he lets out a huff, taking a step closer. you mold yourself into their back in retaliation. “[name], come on. we have to win this game. jus’ you an’ me now.”
you want to scream at him. want to cry and yell and hit him until he stops talking ; until he stops eyeing you so desperately and hungrily. phantom fingers dance on your thighs, reminding you of the hidden touches he’d take from you ; careful whispers echo in your ears of the things he’d do to you once you were alone.
you couldn’t go with him ; refused to.
the killer of the trial made a show of raising their weapon again before they flung it toward him, hitting him directly in the chest. with a small oof!, he falls to the floor before struggling to get back up. as he limps away, he glares at you and it feels more sinister than the heart beating in your ears.
“safe.” it’s a promise. your killer pats your shoulders as gently as they can, moving you so that you’re a little more hidden. they crouch so that your eyes look into theirs, “safe.”
stay here, and you’ll stay safe. i’ll take care of him while i’m gone.
the breath of relief you let out is immediate. and it’s so stupid — how secure you do feel with someone who’s life revolves around murder. but, compared to the creeping touches and lingering gazes of your fellow survivor, they are a safe haven.
they come back after a scream of terror hits the area you’re in, drenched in blood and almost skipping with joy. gently, your hand is looped into theirs as they tug you along the map.
“home,” they say. “take you home.”
and so you’re lead to the hatch, lowered into it because your legs are too shaky to handle your own weight. before you fall, your fingers grip onto the edge of it and you peer up at the killer once more. your lower lip trembles, “thank you. i can’t say it enough — thank you.”
every trial with them after that feels gooey — warm — as you’re always saved for last and treated less harshly than the others. he never looks at you again ; instead he shakes in fear at the thought of you and the giant bodyguard you’d acquired.
lingering gazes come from outside of the campfire now — but they make you feel protected and watched over ; safe. they always manage to make you feel safe.
idk where this came from so don't even ask hehe <<33 tagging it w killers i thinlk would act like this but you can always add your fave <3 airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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dilophosauridae455 · 1 month
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Danny: "Bye kids! I'm off to do some shady shit! Enjoy the dinner I made! (With love btw...)"
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Frank: "Are these fuckin' dinosaur chicken nuggets?"
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Frank: "Dude, this is bullshit! We're adults! We aren't going to eat this-"
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Susie: "We're not?!"
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Frank: "..."
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Susie: "Frank, make sure to eat the head first so that nugget doesn't feel you eat it!"
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Frank: starts eating them backwards on purpose.
Susie: "FRANK NO!!!"
This is kinda lazy but I had to get the idea out. Danny can't cook, there ain't no way.
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sharksnshakes · 2 years
Survivor! Reader Attempting To Flirt With The Killers HCs
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When running and hiding from the killers becomes too much work, it’s time to change strategies. 
AN; but... what if. what if i flirted with ‘em. think about it. also, i’ve never tried this format before, so hopefully it goes well
TW; none i can think of? it’s mildly suggestive but only if you squint
Into it and ashamed (if only slightly) 
Evan Macmillan, Joey, Philip Ojomo, Max Thompson Jr. 
Into it and not ashamed
DANNY JOHNSON, Herman Carter, Caleb Quinn, Pinhead, Freddy Krueger, Kazan Yamaoka
Confused/Doesn’t care
Pyramid Head, Philip Ojomo, Michael Myers
Act like they’re not into it, but they actually are into it
EVAN MACMILLAN, Frank Morrison, Caleb Quinn, Albert Wesker, Kazan Yamaoka
Annoyed by it (if only slightly) 
Albert Wesker
Please, they’ve been flirting with you for weeks. How haven’t you noticed? 
DANNY JOHNSON, Caleb Quinn, Ji-Woon Hak
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rootsofdread · 5 months
Hey there! I just found out your blog and im loving it!
I was wondering if you could do a headcannon of all members of The Legion x Reader (fluffly and romantic), where the reader, shy and oblivious, is new to the fog and mistakes the members for survivors. Maybe they get suprised and "adopt" the reader as the new member.
thank you so much!!! 🫶🫶
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Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Susie Lavoie, and Joey / The Legion:
The four of them were standing around chatting when you approached them out of the blue. Frank noticed you first, and even through his mask, you and the other members could tell he was confused. He wasn't sure why a survivor -- much less one none of them recognized -- would just come up to them.
You quietly explained you didn't know where you were and they are the first people you've seen that don't seem to want to kill you, and can one of them please show you around? You watched them all exchange looks with one another and whisper. You worried for a moment that maybe you'd offended them somehow, but Susie reached over, took your hand, and pulled you into their circle, Julie and Frank promised to show you around.
After this, they always seemed to seek you out. Sometimes it even seemed like they'd sent one member out to go find you and bring you to the group so you could all hang out. It made you feel important, having a group of people that wanted to help you fit in here, spending your nights talking and laughing together.
At least one of them always accompanies you while you're walking around. Frank tends to use the time to give you advice with his arm around your shoulder, Joey seems to like playing "bodyguard," walking ahead of you and stiff-arming anyone who tries to give you a hard time. Julie comes across as just enjoying spending time with you, she's usually quiet, but likes sticking by your side, and Susie just loves having someone to hold hands and gossip or swap stories with.
You grew much closer with them over time, spending nearly every moment outside of trials with them, chatting, joking around, cuddling up to each other. So it wasn't much of a surprise when all four of them said they wanted to talk to you about something...and presented you with your very own personalized mask. Now, it would be official, and everyone would be able to know -- you were one of theirs.
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cybercore-creations · 7 months
Reactions to you giving them Affection (The Legion)
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Summary: How would Frank, Julie, and Joey react to their S/o giving them affection
Tw: None!
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Frank Morrison
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• Frank? Affectionate? More likely than you think.
• With Julie he wasn't very affectionate because he was scared to become attached
• He has really bad abandonment issues so he avoids any type of Intimacy for as long as possible
• But when he realizes the relationship is actually serious he'll be all over you
• Like always has a hand on you
• Long kisses before he leaves/you leave for a trial
• Softer affection like cuddling and long hugs are always in private because he's afraid to be vulnerable infront of others. He's gotta be tough angsty Frank Morrison.
Literally follows you around like a lost puppy
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Julie Kostenko
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• "The fuck are you doing? Stop touching me"
• At first she's going cover her inexperience with anger
• The only other person she's been with is Frank and he wasn't the most affectionate boyfriend
• So someone romantically giving that to her is embarrassing
• But she doesn't want to seem "weak" so she acts like she hates it
• Over time she'll cut the shit and actually be affectionate
• Except in public, Like Frank She's got an image to uphold, ya know?
• But honestly she still isn't super touchy.
She prefers quality time with you but does love a good cuddle session
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• Lazy boy with lazy affection
• An arm wrapped around your shoulder or soft kisses on your face
• He's a big fan of just innocent affection
• Joey is chronically down bad but There's no sexual intentions under having you sit on his lap or long make outs /srs
• Heavy on casual PDA like hand holding or resting his head on your shoulder
• He's a BIG guy so no matter your height or weight, you will be the little spoon
• Just like Frank and Susie, he has abandonment issues so he always has an arm around your waist
• Since he has such curly hair, it's hard to play with but like Susie he loves having it played with so if you shower with him and help him with his hair care routine he can die happy
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pink-key · 19 days
Can you draw Legion with yn ?^^ "^" plssss ... i love to Player Legion und you drwa Ghostface soooo good ^^ <3
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If you get one, you get the other 3 as a bonus
Also thank you!
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theres-a-body-here · 7 months
I Luv Halloween
Frank Morrison x Reader
Can anyone recognize the reference?
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The cold air bit at your nose as you leaned on the picket fence belonging to Frank's place. You swirled a lollipop in your mouth as you waited for Frank. You played with the strings on your hoodie. A red hoodie with horns, your makeshift devil costume for tonight.
He sure was taking his time getting ready. The sun was already setting and you wanted an early start. You rub your shoulders absentmindedly. Ormond was pretty freezing this time of year; however, that doesn't mean squat to the kids who would stop at nothing for some candy. Some real sugar fiends.
You turned your head when you heard footsteps. Frank walked towards you in his legion mask and hoodie. Risky, but you doubt anyone would notice in a sea of other costumed kids. He stopped in front of you and looked around. "Where are the others?"
You took the lollipop out of your mouth. "Joey's sick with aids or some shit, and Jules and Susie are off scissoring each other."
Frank lets out a long playful groan. "So I'm stuck with you for tonight?"
"Ouch," you say in a deadpan voice. You raise your hand to show off your pumpkin-shaped pail. "Where's your candy bucket?"
Frank rolls his eyes before taking a paper bag from his jacket pocket. He holds it up so you can see inside; there's nothing but crinkling noise coming from within.
"Here's my candy bucket." He said quite proudly. "Now, let's get going already!"
You nod and start walking toward the first house, with Frank keeping pace beside you. "let's see if old Ms. Richards has anything good," you suggest as you see her house up ahead. Frank gives you a nod in agreement. You toss your lollipop away, expecting something better to replace it.
As You approach her house, You notice she doesn't have any Halloween decorations outside. It makes you wonder why someone wouldn't want to join in on all the fun. You and Frank walk up to her porch and ring the bell. After waiting for a few moments, no one answers.
"Seriously?" groaned Frank as he shifted impatiently.
Before you can ring the door bell again she opens the door. The old crone adjusts her glasses as she scans the two of you over, holding a bowl of....oh god.
"Trick or treat..." you and frank say in a bored tone.
She gives the both of you an apple before slamming the door in your faces.
Rude rotting bitch.
You wait until you're back on the sidewalk to start complaining.
Frank looks disappointed with the first haul. "An apple? Seriously? That's just fucking stupid."
"Did you see the look she gave us? Maybe she thinks we're getting too old for Halloween," You muse as you inspect the apple in your hand. It's a Red Delicious. The old hag couldn't even bother to get the good stuff, like a Fuji or something.
Frank rolls his eyes. "We're barely nineteen! Besides, I still love dressing up like a psycho killer every year."
He lifts his mask up a bit to take a bite out of his apple. You see his lips curl into disgust before spitting it back out immediately. "Ugh, these things taste gross."
"Maybe Ms. Richards needs a trick to set her straight," You suggest casually as you put the apple into your pail.
"What did you have in mind?" Frank asks curiously while tossing his apple over his shoulder and into some bushes behind him.
"Just follow me," you reply as you turn to walk down the street. Frank follows closely behind you, his curiosity piqued by whatever plan you might have cooked up.
Together, you make your way through town. Frank begins to recognize the path as he remembers you live around this part of town. It's confirmed when he sees your house down the street.
You stop in front of your house and walk up to your door to open it, motioning for frank to follow you inside. Frank hesitantly enters your home, looking around suspiciously. He notices how tidy everything is compared to his own messy abode.
"Alright, what's this big plan of yours?" He impatiently asks once you close the door behind him.
"Wait at the table," You point at your kitchen counter as you head to the bathroom. Frank waits as he hears you open cabinets. He glances around to take in your decor.
You come out of the bathroom with a box of razor blades and sit at table with him. You take out the apple from your pail.
"Watch and learn from a master," you say, smiling as you open the box and begin to carefully push razor after razor into the apple's flesh.
Frank watches intently as you stuff more than five razors into the fruit. His face twists into pride under his mask when you finish and hold it up triumphantly. It looks normal and unsuspecting enough.
"Shit, you really went all out on this thing..." Frank comments.
"What a beauty. Some of my best work to be honest," you declare as you put the apple back into your plastic pail.
"Well done," Frank congratulates you. "But now comes the tricky part – actually giving it back to her without getting caught."
You smirk. "It's not for her," you reveal as make your way out your front door, waiting for frank to follow.
Frank raises an eyebrow but goes along with you anyway after locking the door behind him. Once outside, he realizes you aren't heading towards Ms. Richard's house anymore. Instead, you seem to be going in the opposite direction entirely.
"Hang on, where are we going?" he asks curiously.
"That bakery near Elm street, where all the pigs hang out at," you say nonchalantly as you keep walking.
"Oh, right...that place." Frank remembers seeing several police officers frequent that particular establishment during their nightly patrols. Nodding to himself, he continues following you.
Together, you arrive at the bakery just as a group of officers enter the shop themselves. They exchange friendly greetings with the owner before ordering various pastries and treats.
"Wait out here, most of these uniforms have your case worker on speed dial," you say chuckling.
Frank grumbles something under his breath about crooked cops but agrees to stay outside. Meanwhile, you confidently march into the bakery and walk up to the counter. The owner recognizes you and waves hello while setting down menus for everyone else.
You put on your best smile. "Trick or treat!" you exclaim as you hold the plastic pail out.
The owner smiles warmly and begins filling your pail with some candy from a bowl she has placed to her side. After she goes back to taking orders at a different table. While she works, you glance over at the officers who are busy chatting amongst themselves and paying no attention to you whatsoever.
You walk up to the table of cops and smile. "having a nice night officers?" you ask, trying to sound as polite and bootlicking as possible.
One officer turns to address you directly. "Yes, we've had a quiet evening thus far. How about yourself?"
You fake a sigh and a look of disappointment. "Not good. This Halloween is already starting out pretty bad," you lament, pulling out the seemingly normal apple from your candy bucket. "That cheap Ms. Richards, always giving out apples year after year."
The officer chuckles. "Ah yes, we know her pretty well ourselves. Always keeping tabs on those pesky teens causing trouble. We get a call from her every day about kids running around her yard."
"Well I don't want this. Do any of you want it?" You remark casually as you hold the apple out to the table of cops. "It'd be a shame to waste a perfectly good fruit."
At first, none of them seem interested in accepting your gift. But then one of them glances over to his coworkers and shrugs. "Sure, why not? Give it 'ere." he says as he holds his hand out.
You gently drop the apple into his open palm as you say a polite goodbye before walking out and standing next to frank. You nudge his side and motion for him to watch. You can barely hold in your smile as you see the cop bring the razor filled apple to his mouth.
As soon as the officer takes a large bite, his expression immediately changes to pained horror. Blood starts pouring out of his mouth as he drops the fruit onto the floor and grabs at his throat in pain. Everyone else in the bakery jumps up and rushes over to help him, including the remaining officers, screaming and yelling as they call for help.
"Wicked," Frank says as he lets out a low whistle.
"Alright, let's head back and watch shit unfold," you say as you grab his hand before pulling him along. He gives your hand a squeeze as he follows you.
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You and Frank stood side by side within the crowd that had formed around Ms. Richards's house as the police broke her door down and stormed her house.
Frank chuckles under his breath. "Damn, she's really taking the fall for this one."
The two of you watch silently as the police lead Mrs. Richards away in handcuffs, protesting her innocence all the while. It seems they believe her story about not knowing anything about the incident involving the deadly apple.
You and Frank watch as the car drives away with the old hag in the backseat.
"Well now I'm bored," you sigh as you look at your wristwatch. "And it's late. Houses are already starting to turn their lights off."
Frank glances around, noticing houses have in fact begun putting out their lanterns and lights. "Looks like we'd better call it quits for tonight then. Wanna head back to my place?"
"Are your fosters home?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
Frank snorts derisively. "No, thank god. They're probably passed out drunk somewhere."
"Alright, but first let's get some candy from the store," you suggest, not wanting this night to be a total waste.
"Fine by me." Frank replies. Together, the two of you leave the scene and make your way to the local convenience store. Franks take off his mask and stuffs it into his hoodie before entering the store.
Once inside, you grab a couple of large bags of assorted candies and approach the register. As expected, most people have gone home for the night, so there's only one clerk working tonight. She rings up your purchase quickly and hands you a receipt without saying a word.
As you step outside, you notice that the streets are eerily quiet. Most houses have shut off their porch lights, signaling an end to trick or treating festivities. Feeling satisfied with your loot, you hold Frank's hand and begin walking back towards his place.
"Hey frank," you whisper as a few giddy chuckles leave your lips.
"Hmm?" Frank asks absentmindedly, distracted with thoughts of devouring candy with you at home.
You reach into your pocket to show him you shoplifted some condoms and lube. Your lips curve into a sly smirk.
Frank's eyes widen in surprise before turning into a mischievous grin. "Is that so? Well then, I guess we're having sugar fueled sex tonight."
"It's gonna be a real frenzy," you retort.
He laughs before gripping your hand tighter and pulls you along as he picks up the pace.
It seems that this Halloween night won't be as bad as you first thought it to be.
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deadbydangit · 5 months
Could I request the legion with a reader who does crochet and offer them something they made please?
I believe I can do that. Please enjoy.
With a reader who likes to crochet gifts for them: Legion (Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey)
"Wait, you made this for me?"
Frank will start tearing up a bit.
He's never had somebody make him a gift before.
He's never really received a gift before.
"No! I'm not crying! I got something in my eye!"
He'll try and act like a macho man about it.
But he's actually really grateful.
Intern, he'll try and find something for you.
Something randomly found at a trial.
Something that made him think of you.
"Hey, that's pretty cute."
Julie isn't super loud about her praise.
But she does love whatever it is.
Especially if it's an accessory.
And she'll wear whatever it is out.
A scarf? A hat?
She'll wear it.
She'll wear it proudly.
And if anyone dares say anything bad about it?
"What did you just say? Did you say this looked ugly? I'll make you look ugly when I smash your fucking face in you fucking jackass!"
And she will attack and hurt them.
Hey, she's defending your honor.
Unlike julie, Susie is very loud about her praise.
Like, really loud.
So loud the whole house could hear her.
And she's squealing over the little crafty made her.
She'll be jumping up and down and showing it off to everyone who will look.
"Yeah, s/o made it for me. Isn't it just adorable?"
She'll brag about it so much that everyone's going to start getting annoyed.
But they also don't have the heart to tell her to stop.
Oh, and you better believe she's going to want you to teach her.
"Then we can make cute things together!"
Joey is kind of a combination of all three.
He may act all nonchalant about it.
He'll Pat your head and thank you.
But on the inside, he's gushing.
Screaming in his head.
"Oh my God, this is so amazing. And they made it for me? I don't have anything for them! Why don't I have anything for them?"
And he's going to search high and low to find something.
Something worthy.
And if anybody says anything bad about it?
"Ha! Dumbass, you're just jealous because I have this bitchin' hat and you've got nothing."
Everything you make for them is put on clear display or worn frequently.
They want everyone to know how amazing you are.
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butterbabyflapjack · 9 months
WIP w e d n e s d a y
Thanks for the tag @gaeadene! 💖💕 I've got something filthy cooking~
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ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ (ᴊᴏᴇʏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ꜰʀᴀɴᴋ)
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Frank and Joey play with their food.
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tagging: @athanasius-symposium-of-writings @shintin @l0sercat @vaya-mernda @guilty-pleasure-writings @languidcryptid @chromeedwardian @flaggermuser @possumteeths @brimbrimbrimbrim @apraxvalith @whimsyvixen
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p3achysuki · 2 years
Killer ( dbd legion( frank, joey)trickster, ghostie,wraith) reactions to when they try to catch their favorite surv (s / o) as he/she jumps through the window, palette, but their pants / skirt remain in their hand. He / she runs away, but they see their pink panties with bunny pattern: 3.
a/n: sorry I didn’t write for wraith:,) I really don’t know what to write for him.
Frank Morrison(The Legion)
Oh…oh. At first he does a double take, he can’t believe that actually happened. He’s been here for so long that nothing like this has ever happened, but then again… he isn’t complaining, seeing those cute bunny print panties you have on was definitely another bonus. Once you realize why your legs suddenly feel cold you look over at Frank, you could already tell he has a smug grin underneath his mask by the way he’s leaning against the wall. You try to convince him to give back your clothings, but you could hear his tongue click. “How about you do something for me first and then I’ll give you them back?”
Joey(The Legion)
Actually freaks out because he didn’t mean do it. He SWEARS, it just happened! He catches a glimpse of those cute bunny pattern panties too, he ends up turning around so quick and mumbling an apology. He’s glad that he has a mask covering his face or else you probably would’ve seen that small smirk he did. “Uhm, can I have my pants back now?” You asked, the part of you wanted to hide in the locker and the other part of you just wanted your pants back before the others came looking for you. Joey was going to hand you your pants back until he pulled it back quickly, making you glare at him. “How about you convince me to?” When you asked him how he already had an idea on his mind “get on your knees and beg for them back unless you want your friends to see you like this.”
Ji-Woon Hak (The Trickster)
His weapon is probably the reason why you’re going to end up flashing him, he might accidentally snag it on your skirt while trying to hit you when you vault the window. He’s honestly amused even lets out a small chuckle when you don’t realize that your panties are showing, he vaults the window before giving you a cocky grin. “Aren’t you missing something? 여보.” You squint your eyes at him before looking down and realizing that you’re giving him a whole show of your panties. “Give.Them.Back.” You said holding your hand out as you looked away from him, he moves his head to the side like if he’s debating on giving you mercy or not. Knowing him though you knew it wouldn’t be easy, “how about you give me a little show and then I’ll probably give them back to you?”
GhostFace(Danny Johnson)
He does it on purpose, if he notices the chases with you are lasting a little too long he’ll do everything to stop you. Even if that meant pull back on your skirt he knew the skirt you were wearing was frail, but he didn’t expect it to be THAT frail. So when he heard a sharp rip he wasn’t surprised that his face was near your panties when you vaulted the window, you let out a shriek before glaring at him. You shout at him saying that he shouldn’t do that, but he doesn’t care. Oh if only you could see that wide grin he had on his face while he held your skirt in his hand, “Danny please! I don’t want the others to see me like this…” “then you better give me something in return babe, or else you’ll end up flashing everyone.” He wouldn’t allow that though, he’ll mori everyone before he allows anyone to see you in your panties.
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ghqstfqce · 1 year
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★ !⠀ Personajes ꉂ⠀⠀para los︰que Escribo⠀ ☆` ᵎᵎ ‎❪ 0000‎ ❫ ↺ Solicitudes: Abiertas. Revisar el final para las reglas.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀。⠀ 𝆬  ⠀⠀୨୧⠀ ⠀₊⠀ ⠀Scream⠀ㅤ⁄ㅤ⠀✩ .
ㅤㅤ✦ Ethan Landry
ㅤㅤ✦ Richie Kirsch
ㅤㅤ✦ Quinn Bailey
ㅤㅤ✦ Tatum Riley
ㅤㅤ✦ Poly ! Ghostface
⠀⠀⠀⠀。⠀ 𝆬  ⠀⠀୨୧⠀ ⠀₊⠀ ⠀Dead by Daylight ⠀ㅤ⁄ㅤ⠀✩ .
ㅤㅤ✦ Danny Johnson
ㅤㅤ✦ Frank Morrison
ㅤㅤ✦ Joey
ㅤㅤ✦ Susie
ㅤㅤ✦ Pyramid Head
ㅤㅤ✦ Dwight Fairfield
⠀⠀⠀⠀。⠀ 𝆬  ⠀⠀୨୧⠀ ⠀₊⠀ ⠀Other Slashers⠀or Characters ㅤ⁄ㅤ⠀✩ .
ㅤㅤ✦ Billy Lenz
ㅤㅤ✦ Carrie White
ㅤㅤ✦ Thomas Hewitt
ㅤㅤ✦ Michael Myers [OG/RZ/HK/DBD]
ㅤㅤ✦ Sam de Trick 'r Treat [Platónico solamente]
ㅤㅤ✦ Kurt Kunkle
ㅤㅤ✦ Dalton Lambert
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imtooscaredforthis · 2 years
Hello !! I was wondering if you could possibly write a a hc for both Ghostie, Wraith, Trickster, Joey and Frank being super protective of their S/O who is being pushed around during a trial by David. Like David is just pushing their shoulder and belittling them. >~< sorry for being annoying or anything
Okay, I know I responded super late, but I’m doing this so here we go lmao
Mentions of: Bullying, Harassment, Gore, Murder, Survivors being unrealistically mean but it’s ok, etc.
Unedited so don’t be mean
Killers Protecting Their S/O
The Wraith:
It’s the fifth time you’ve messed up the generator, and David’s clearly had enough. You couldn’t help it, due to your anxiety. It’s early in your trial, and you haven’t even seen a killer yet, but every time you try to work, you somehow manage to mess up, your hands slipping and twisting the wrong gear, or messing up the wires.
“Would ya just stop? Clearly, you’re not being useful here. Maybe you’d do some good on a hook or something.” He snapped, making you flinch and apologize yet again.
You’re just about to leave when you hear it. That snarl, you can recognize it anywhere. It’s The Wraith, or how you know him, Phillip.
Knowing how protective he can be, you prayed he didn’t hear your conversation from earlier. But then, you hear that familiar bell, and you know he did.
It all happens so fast. One moment, David’s moving to run, the next, Phillip’s shoving the teeth of Azrov’s Skull through his mouth, impaling him. Blood spills from his lips and you feel like you’re watching a car crash, no matter how much you want to, you can’t look away.
He drops David’s now lifeless body to the ground, before walking up to you and cupping your cheek with his cold, bloody hands. He caressed your cheek for a moment before stepping away, ringing his bell yet again, and disappearing.
You knew he would spend more time with you, but you understood why he had to go. He had a job to do, and so do you.
The Ghostface:
When you’re in Trials with Ghostface, he always has specific rules. While a part of it is because of your relationship, the other is because he knows he can control you. You belong to him, and he belongs to you.
And one of those things includes when you can unhook your teammates. For the past ten minutes, you’ve been sitting here, working on the gen, while Danny leaned against a brick wall, watching you.
You’re growing antsy, and he knows it. He loves it. Bill’s already been sacrificed, Ace is injured, and Meg is stuck on hook.
By now, it’ll only be a couple of minutes before she’s on second hook, and you know she’s going to pissed when you go save her.
Danny’s still taunting you, knowing every time he moves, every time he says something, you flinch and look over, ready to go. Finally, he speaks, releasing all your tension.
“Since you’ve been such a doll, I’ll let you go with a thirty second head start. Better get running, sweetheart.”
With that, you take off, sprinting over to Meg and unhooking her. “What the hell took you so long? I could’ve been sacrificed by now. Can’t you do anything right?”
You knew you deserved that, you would be pissed to. But at least you got her. You could’ve just let her die on that hook. And thankfully, you managed to get her just seconds before she reached the second stage. So she didn’t have to be so harsh about it.
“Sorry, Jeez.” You muttered under your breath, following after her as she limped off.
The feeling of a gloved hand on your shoulder makes you jump, but not a noise slips from your lips. You expect to feel a knife plunging into your back, or your stomach or chest. But there’s nothing.
Instead, he walks past you, putting a finger to the gaping hole of his mouth, gesturing for you to keep quiet. You nod, watching as he slowly steps up behind her and stabs her in the side, feeling some satisfaction at the sight.
Fuck her. She deserved that.
The Trickster:
After being thrown from trial to trial by the entity, you’re exhausted. You just want to rest, but you can’t, because you’re stuck in another one. Hopefully it’ll be the last.
You can feel your eyelids drooping and your arms growing heavy, and….suddenly the generator explodes, sending sparks everywhere, and making you jump awake.
“That’s the second time! The killer’s definitely going to find us now!” Feng Hisses angrily.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m just really tired and I-”
“I don’t care! That’s not how this works. It doesn’t matter how tired or hurt you are. We have to survive, and you just have to suck it up.” She tells you, and you know it’s true, despite how you feel like you’re about to collapse at any given moment.
“I hope the killer gets you first.” She seethes, and it seems like her wish has come true, because the next thing you know, your heart rate is picking up, and the adrenaline is starting to pump in your veins.
You can’t help the way your body begins to tremble, and the tears that fall down your cheeks. This is so embarrassing. Hopefully, whoever it is, they’ll be quick with it.
You didn’t expect to hear a voice. Especially not one so beautiful or familiar, recognizing it almost immediately. “What’s wrong starlight? Why are you crying when we haven’t even had our fun yet?”
“I- It’s nothing- I just- I’m so tired- and I keep on messing up- and Feng got mad at me and…” You trailed on as you sobbed softly, unsure why you were now venting to your popstar murderer boyfriend.
Grabbing your chin, he tilted your face upwards, wiping your tears away with his thumb. He pressed that same thumb to your lip, shushing you. His fingers reeked of blood, but you didn’t mind it.
“Don’t worry, my love. I’ll deal with it. Go on and play with your little machines, and soon, I’ll come back to make you cry in…other ways.” He giggles, giving you a small wink and kiss on the cheek, letting you go and running off, pulling out his bat.
Only minutes after he was gone you heard Feng’s screams, and cries of pain.
Legion’s Joey:
“What the hell Nea? Why’d you have to lead him over to me?” You snap at her angrily, finding her at the generator, after you had been saved from the hook and patched up.
Even though it was Joey and you knew he wouldn’t go as hard on you, you were still pissed off. The moment she saw you, she went straight towards you with the killer hot on her heels.
And it wasn’t like Joey was going to just let you go. He has a job to do, both of you knew that. Plus, no one else knew about your relationship, and you couldn’t risk having them find out.
So, after muttering a small apology, he put you onto the hook, as gently as he could.
“You’re fine now, I don’t get what the big deal is.” Nea replies, rolling her eyes. “The big deal is you could’ve stuck your neck out for me and helped me and your other teammates by keeping him on you while we worked on generators.”
“And why would I do that? It’s not like you would return the favor. You barley do shit around here.” She remarks.
“You know what? Fuck this. I’m not dealing with this shit.” You stormed off, going to find another generator. Little did you know, Joey saw everything.
You’re halfway done working on the generator when your heartbeat starts to pick up again, and you’re pissed off, knowing exactly who’s causing the killer to be so close.
Right when you’re about to rip Nea a new one, you turn around to see Joey stabbing her in the back, jamming his knife into her back as hard as he can, causing her to let out a shrill scream. She drops to the ground, and blood is splattered everywhere. All over him, and you, and you grin, mumbling a small, “Thank you.”
Legion’s Frank:
“Just stop it, will you? I can handle this myself.” Yun-Jin tells you, smacking your hands away after you accidentally pushed too hard on her wounds while you were fixing her up.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, moving away from her. She rolled her eyes, wrapping her stomach with the bandages, murmuring about how she always has to do things herself.
“Just stay away from me, alright? You’re useless enough as it is, the last thing I need is you to get me killed.” She growls, brushing off the dirt and mud on her skirt and getting to her feet.
“Fine.” You mutter, walking away from her, and flipping her off when her back is turn. You don’t even notice that Frank’s there until you hear him laugh at your actions.
“Don’t worry, babe. I’ll deal with her for you. You better start working on those generators though, if you wanna get hatch.” He tells you, and you can practically hear the smugness in his voice.
You can’t help but smirk at him as you continue to walk off and search for a gen. “Whatever.”
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dilophosauridae455 · 2 months
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I did it!! It's done!! I got lazy at the end and you can probably but yk yk. I hate doing backgrounds but this one turned out pretty dang OK me thinks
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sharksnshakes · 1 year
Killers' Big Spoon vs. Little Spoon! HCs
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Everybody has a soft spot. Even killers in the fog... right?
AN; still very conflicted over some of 'em but fuck it we ball. monstercuddlers, your time is now
TW; none i can think of
Big spoon
CALEB QUINN, Frank Morrison, Ji-Woon Hak, Albert Wesker, Herman Carter, Pinhead
Little spoon
Philip Ojomo, Max Thompson Jr.
EVAN MACMILLAN, JOEY, Pyramid Head, Danny Johnson, Kazan Yamaoka
Would never be caught dead cuddling with anybody (or so they say)
ALBERT WESKER, Danny Johnson, Kazan Yamaoka, Evan MacMillan
...What do spoons have to do with cuddling?
Freddy Kreuger, Michael Myers, Pinhead, Max Thompson Jr.
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rootsofdread · 10 months
Hello Hello!! Since you do write poly relationships I was wondering if you could headcanons for poly legion crushing on a survivor reader please! I'd really appreciate it <3
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Frank Morrison / The Legion:
You know Frank likes you pretty much from the beginning. He takes extra time to hang out with you, he’s always overly comfortable and casual with you, always joking around and slinging his arm around your shoulders. He’s even the one who introduced you personally to the rest of the Legion — Susie seemed kind of jumpy, but they all seemed happy to meet you. Strangely happy, you though, but…anything’s okay as long as you’re not being murdered or stabbed, you supposed. He loves getting you to spend time with him and the other members, he enjoys seeing you get so close with everybody else. It seems to make him genuinely, really happy.
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Julie Kostenko / The Legion:
Julie tries not to make it too obvious that she likes you, she acts cool when she’s in a trial with you but gives you a little wave when she sees you outside of one. The other members, particularly Joey, like teasing her about you in front of you (while still being a bit vague). She hates it. But in secret, she fawns over you with the other three members. You’d never guess, but she’s completely lovestruck — and you’re not even her type, which has shocked all of them, including her. But in a way…it’s exciting that she’s fallen for someone so different from all the other people she’s had crushes on. You’re new and vibrant to her, even if you don’t think of yourself that way.
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Susie Lavoie / The Legion:
Susie frequently gushes about you to the rest of the Legion, particularly Julie, but she’ll talk about you to any member who’ll listen. She’ll usually do this while drawing little doodles of either her and you, or all five of you together, with a bunch of little hearts drawn all over it and glittery stickers. She just loves talking about you to the other three, and hearing them gush about you too. Her diary becomes full of entries about you, and she’s always trying to spend time with you, usually by asking to swap places with one of the other members when they’re called into a trial, hoping she’ll see you there. She’s a little obsessed, if you couldn’t tell, but it’s mostly the other three that have to deal with it.
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Joey / The Legion:
Joey has, honestly, always been pretty open about how he feels towards you. At first, with you, like he was with every other survivor, he was cold and kind of rude. But you noticed the slow, subtle changes in his demeanor as he warmed up to you, and even seemed to start liking you. He began having a clear preference for you over other survivors, which seemed to tick everyone else off but you were happy at least being chosen last to be hooked. Whenever he’s with any of the other members, you’ll see him point you out to them and whisper, and they share a sly little smile. You know, thanks to Joey, they all seem to have a thing for you.
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