jhnshi · 6 months
Hello ! Hihi! I hope you're doing well, I wanted to request, how would characters of your choice react to Gn Reader being insecure? Body, voice, whatever you prefer. Don't rush yourself, have a great day !! ^^
you are perfect.
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★. — insecure reader and their boyfriend.
johnny & kuai liang. gender neutral reader.
a/n: i had to take several pauses for writing these two guys cuz holy crap, even my own heart tugged a bit. warning for a bit of cussing for jc :3 no angst, just some emotional stuff with cute endings!
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you were already used to being spoiled rotten by your boyfriend, johnny cage. the glamourous actor, now turned earthrealm champion & movie director. it’s a customary that every time before he comes home to rest, he would take a moment to himself to purchase you a gift at any local shop. his favorite item to gift you was clothing in particular.
johnny was invited to an extravagant party from a hollywood colleague, and he immediately made you his plus one.
after getting dressed the fancy outfit that your boyfriend paid for you to be clothed in, you stood straight in front of the full-body mirror. you gazed at the details of your outfit first, giving yourself a grin. the more you analyzed yourself, the further your mind would slowly warp. you began to glare at your reflection. something felt… off. was it the ridiculously expensive attire that johnny splurged on for you? was it the way your hair was stylized? or was it… how your body appeared?
johnny barges into your room, interrupting the consumption of your own dark thoughts. he had his head down, buttoning his suit jacket together whilst treading towards you. “hey babe, are you finished yet? the limo is about to ab-“
he finally picks his head up and awes at you. he has never beamed so hard in his life before, ‘til this very moment. “y/n, wow. you are just the most beautiful person i have ever seen. holy shit… wow. this is just- oh my god…” johnny couldn’t crack his smile, not even one bit. he slowly paced over to you and stopped to study your figure even further.
he wanted to pull you into him, but you took a step back. you wish to endure this delightful moment with your boyfriend, but the void in your mind began to take control. “johnny… i don’t feel too good.” you croaked finally, looking away from his face. you had your crossed arms tucked into your chest, squeezing yourself. you can feel the tears about to burst the more you gave into your despair.
johnny blinked away from his adoration as soon as he saw you weep. he immediately grabbed you into his arms to a warm embrace. wrapping his palm on the back of your head and the other on your back, he rocks you back and forth as he coos. “hey hey hey, what’s wrong? y/n… what’s wrong sweetheart?”
“i don’t feel good, i don’t look good…” you wailed. “i feel ridiculous, okay? you keep on spending all of this money on me so i can dress up, but i hate it. i hate how my body looks, johnny. so so fucking much. i hate my arms, my legs, the way my face looks… everything. i hate it all.”
johnny just kept on massaging your scalp, holding you up as you bawl onto his chest. he finally pulled you away to look at your face. your poor weary face. “y/n.” his voice was now stern.
he took a breath and cleared his throat before continuing. “y/n, my one and only. my little diamond. do you know why i asked you out? it is because i have been completely in love with you since day one. every morning, my first thought is of you. every night, i go to sleep thinking of you. i go into debt from spoiling you because i just adore seeing you dress up, even if it’s for a stupid party.” he brushes your hair out of your wet face to get a better look, then takes your chin with his hand. you stare into his eyes, taking in every word he had to say to you.
“i know i can’t change your mind in just one night, but please trust me when i say this. you are the most gorgeous, the most stunning person i have ever lied my eyes on. you are perfect just the way you are. i love you, y/n. don’t you ever forget that.” johnny pulls you into a kiss, cupping both of your cheek. he finally breaks the embrace after a few solemn moments to look at you once more.
“how about this, y/n. we will just not go to this party. we can stay in for tonight, just you & me. we can watch one of my ol’ movies together if you want.” you giggled at his offer and nodded. “i like that idea.” johnny drags you into a hug again, nuzzling against your neck. “i love you sooo much, y/n. no matter how you feel, remember that i will always be here to remind you how beautiful you are.”
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you were fiddling the food on your plate with your chopsticks, staring off into space. everyone crowding you on the table were too invested into their own conversations, that you slowly became a wallflower from your silence. the chats, the laughter; it all was just white noise to you.
kuai liang & you were invited to a small dinner at madam bo’s restaurant, accompanied by tomas and the other earthrealm champions. when the two of you arrived at the place, you were excited at first. but now, something was on your mind.
kuai liang didn’t take long to notice your disposition. he turns his head towards you. “y/n, are you alright?” you didn’t give an answer, so he repeated his question. “y/n, please. are you okay, dear?”
you nodded sluggishly, continuing to mess with the chopsticks in your hand. kuai liang sighed, and immediately grabbed onto your arm. “excuse us for a moment.” he announced to the others whilst dragging you away from the scene.
“hey, hey! kuai liang!” you yelped, trying to get away from his grip. he wasn’t being forcefully harsh with you, but his strength was controlled enough to carry your weight. the two of you stopped in a dark hallway across from the restaurant building. it was private enough, kuai liang thought to himself.
“kuai liang, what’s wrong with you?!” you cried. he let go of your arm to look at you in the eye. the height difference was impeccable, since now he was towering over you.
“i can ask you the same question. i demand an answer from you, y/n.” you gulped from how tense your boyfriend was now. you can also see flames in his eyes bursting from such emotion at that very moment.
“i just…” you sighed. “i just… feel off, okay? i-i feel weird because of how i look. you’re bringing me to meet with your friends, which is great, but i can’t help but feel left out.” you clenched your fist. “kuai liang, i don’t have any super abilities. nor do i go onto these adventures to save all kinds of realms. but you and your friends do, it’s all you ever talk about! …i am just so lost onto why you’re dating me- i don’t have anything special going on unlike you!”
you wrapped up your speech as soon as you saw kuai liang’s eyes soften. he reached out to hold your tense hand, and intertwined your fingers together.
“i understand y/n.” he tucked your hair back into your ear with his free hand. “i am sorry you feel this way, my love. i never knew how self-conscious you are now, which i deeply apologize. i regret not taking into consideration onto your well-being, i was ignorant.” he took ahold your waist to pull you closer to him. “i love you so deeply, y/n. you may not wield any sovereignty, but you are still very much special to me. my heart burns when i see you. i took you to this dinner with me because you are a special treasure of mine. if anything, i wanted you to be here so i can boast & showcase about how much of a beautiful person i am with.”
kuai liang finally pressed his lips against yours, holding you up. you can feel your feet lift from the floor as he carries you away. he caressed the back side of your neck, not wanting to pull away.
it was you that ended the enclosure, glancing at your boyfriend. he was just filled with love and joy, giving you the widest grin. “i love you, y/n. i love you forever.” he kisses you again, but now sets you down back to the ground.
he let go from your face and cupped your cheeks. “how about we head home together? we will rejoice the night in a better light. wouldn’t you enjoy that instead, my blossom? i can carry you back if you would so like to.”
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jhnshi · 6 months
Hanzo's reaction to your rejection :3
i am not her.
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✩. — hanzo’s reaction to your rejection
hanzo hasashi (scorpion), gender neutral reader.
a/n: i put my whole heart into this. please request me more angst… these are SOOO much fun to write. also, apologies in advance. :3
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you swarm his mind, like an endless flame that will never be tamed. ever since he has laid his eyes onto you, it rekindled a new type of fire in his heart. years after his loss of his fallen beloved wife & son, hanzo never figured that someone else was able to fill the void within his core.
he accompanies you under the moonlit sky, gleaming on the two. you were initially confused at first since the pyromancer is known for his secrecy, not one to be vulnerable with another since facing grief. hanzo takes in one of your hand with his, gazing down at you with those golden brown eyes. his intense stare makes you feel a bit nervous, concerned on what the man will say to you. “y/n, there is something urgent i need to confess to you.”
you could sense the air thinning as soon as he spoke, creating a gut feeling that you cannot ignore. “i have recently been engulfed with such emotions by your presence, that i simply cannot put into words. for a long while, i never knew i can embrace such things again since my family’s passing. you remind me so much of my dear harumi, that i must confess to you y/n. i am very much infatuated by you. i believe i am in love with you, y/n.”
it took you a few moments to process what hanzo confessed, leaving a longing stare between the two bodies. you exhaled your breath from holding in yourself. “hanzo.” you drag your palm away from his, giving him a worried expression on his face.
“i appreciate your honest words. i am truly thankful to get to know such a compelling man like you, hanzo. but i am not harumi. i never will be. i can even see in your eyes that you are still consumed by your sorrows, and it pains me more that you believe i am the one that should replace her. you still need time to mourn; to fully grasp of your traumas. i am very endeared by your confession, but i will have to reject if you think of me in this manner.”
hanzo is just left speechless, a small gap from his mouth opened as you decline his offer. his eyes then start to swell and is consumed by his tears. he collapses into your arms, struggling to keep himself standing. bawling in your embrace, you didn’t give a second thought to hold him up. rubbing the back of his scalp, you felt that it was right to confront him. you wanted hanzo to continue to live in peace, not search for another partner to fill in his vacant spot.
he needs to know that you are not her, and can’t ever be.
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jhnshi · 6 months
HELLO! I see requests are open 👀 I was wondering if you could write how u think the Lin Kuei bros would be with their child and wife. You can pick the kids gender
☾. — the lin kuei brothers as parents (with their children.)
bi-han, kuai liang & tomas. headcanon imagine.
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a/n: THIS IS SO CUTE…!!! WAAAHHH I LOVE THESE… i love writing familial content ;-; thank you for requesting this, nonnie <3
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☾. — bi-han would be the most protective father on earthrealm.
he has two daughters, 3 years apart from each other. both are spinning images of him & kuai liang. since his cyromancy is genetic, bi-han trains both of his daughters on a daily basis. he tries his best to not push their limits since he absolutely adores his two princesses. bi-han would often buy matching clothes for the two of them. halloween costumes, pajamas, holiday sweaters… you name it. fatherhood truly melted his cold heart. his spouse often teases him about it, which he’ll just simply scoff at. although, bi-han does beg them for another child…
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☾. — kuai liang only has one son, making him a “junior”.
the pyromancy also carries through genetics, but his only child has more lava-like abilities than fire. training is very difficult & vigorous, since no one is able to figure out how to tame such an untold power. kuai liang is very tender with his son, despite the “toxic masculinity” mindset that other fathers often carry with themselves. his son looks up to him so much, that even he grew out his hair so he can mimic his father’s hair bun. kuai liang really loves his little boy. his spouse would often take pictures of the two falling asleep together on the same bed after long nights of training.
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☾. — tomas has the biggest family out of the three.
he has two sons that are twins, and a daughter, naming them all beautiful czech names. his spouse is currently pregnant with another child on the way. the twins are a rowdy bunch, often misbehaving and poke fun at their cousins using their own smoke powers. his daughter is the sassy one, especially since she is the eldest child. she often talks back at her father, which tomas doesn’t know how to react most of the time. she is obviously bi-han’s favorite because of this. her abilities are more wind like, which can cause a ruckus (imagine the tornadoes she spews out from tantrums).
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jhnshi · 6 months
Hi Kate, I have a request if you feel like writing 🥺 How would characters of your choice react to a non-kombatant reader? Would they teach them how to fight? Or maybe they’d insist that there’s no need for them to learn, since they’ll always be there to protect them? I’m curious! ✨
✿. — how they would react to a non-kombatant person.
liu kang & bi-han. gender neutral reader.
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a/n: OMG I LOVE THIS REQUEST… hehehe <3 bi-han is a fun one to write, so i had to write him again... also, thank you all for the recent support! you’re all so awesome…!!!
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✿. — liu kang takes a notice to you wandering around the garden.
you took a seat at a low bench, admiring the view that is presented right in front of you. it was only moments later you spotted an another’s presence. you rotated yourself to observe the man — directing first to his eyes, then to his tattooed sleeves. you… have never seen anyone with such an appearance before. “good afternoon.” liu kang introduces himself to you, and gives a small bow. you were still stunned, so it took a few seconds before you snapped back to reality. “o-oh! good… good afternoon to you, too.” you responded hesitantly, and immediately stood up from your seat to frantically bow in return. liu kang was aware of your awkward nature, so he stood still to keep a distance between the two. “i have never seen you around here, before. are you from the wu shi academy?” the man questioned you as he tilts his head in curiousity. his hands were kept together in front of him with a sturdy posture. you gulped before you could answer. “umm.. not really. but my brother is. i am here for a mere visit.” you still avoided his eyes, fighting the nervousness within yourself. liu kang took a few steps closer to you before lowering himself on the bench, settling next to your side. “i see.” the two of you are now closer together. you sat very still, until the silence was broken by liu kang once more. “would you like to join the wu shi academy?” he questioned you again, but this time he gazed upon your face. you jolted up a bit. “m-me? in the academy? no no no, i… i am not like that. well, as in, i am not a fighter. i have never involved myself in kombat before.” the word vomit came out of your mouth like a wildfire, which made him chuckled a bit. “the wu shi academy is always accepting new recruits, whether you have kombat experience or not.” he rests his hand on top of yours, making you embrace his warmth. he tilts his head towards you, letting his long hair drape over his shoulder even further. you blush a light tint of red across your face, analyzing how close he was. “i am saying this, because i see good in you. i will be able to guide you, if you join.” liu kang gave your hand a small squeeze. you were listening to him intently, and took a moment before accepting the request. “i… okay. sure, i can give it a try.” liu kang grins once more, making you flush even further.
“it has been settled then. meet me here again at sunrise, so we can start your training.”
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✿. — bi-han was on the lin kuei training grounds, going through multiple drills under the moonlit sky.
kuai liang & tomas already retreated for the night, but it was not uncommon to see the cyromancer pushing himself to the limits; especially as the newly assigned grandmaster. bi-han was throwing his punches until he noticed a figure at the corner of his eye. he halted his training and slowly treaded over. you were sent down by kuai liang to remind his brother to return to his chambers. before you could take another step, the man was already in front of you. bi-han’s eyes leered at your face and stood very still. inches away from him, you hesitated to deliver kuai liang’s message at first. it took a few moments before you finally let out your voice. “grandmaster, um.. kuai liang sent me here to remind you it is late. and, uh… that you should be going to bed soon.” you lost all of your confidence as bi-han continued to glare at you. “why can’t he inform me himself, if it is such a bother of me to train late at night?” he scoffed to himself. you couldn’t budge out a counter argument in time, so you stayed quiet. bi-han saw your nervousness, and let out a small sigh. “you are new to the lin kuei, i see.” you carefully nodded. bi-han took a step closer, making you blush a bit. he noticed the color change on your cheeks, which made him smirk to himself under the armored mask. “and i assume you are not here for kombat training as well.” his response sounded sarcastic. “no, i am only a mere caretaker. i am only here to serve the lin kuei, not fight…” you looked down to your feet, fumbling your thumbs. bi-han suddenly lifts your chin up to face him, looking intently to your eyes. “if that is so, there is no need for you to learn.” you gulped at his response. it didn’t take long for you to relax immediately, gazing upon his soft brown irises. his pupils widen as the two of you continued to make eye contact.
“i will be here to protect you, from now on.”
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jhnshi · 6 months
Characters of your choice reacting to their partner liking receiving forehead kisses? It is such a soft gesture, but you can't find it often🥲. GN reader maybe? As you prefer. Thanks!
♡. — how they would react to receiving forehead kisses.
johnny, bi-han & tomas. gender neutral reader.
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a/n: this was so much fun to write! thank you for being my first request, anon. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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♡. — johnny groans as he settles onto his office chair. he furrows his eyebrows as he caresses his temple. the migraine just won’t go away. he was about to release a sigh, before suddenly getting interrupted by you. “hi, johnny…”, you quietly greeted yourself to the stressed man. you carefully shut the door behind you, and stepped towards him. johnny looks up at you, now with endearing eyes. a small grin forms on his face. “hey sweetheart.” he responds to your entrance. johnny relaxes back to his chair, and gazes up at your face. “how was work?” you pursed your lips after speaking. you didn’t want to say much, seeing how exhausted he was already. johnny lets out a breath, drops his head and closes his eyes. “it was… it was a lot, babe.” he shakes his head, then opens his eyes slowly to view you once again. “i’m fine though. i am just really… tired.” you nodded to his response and treaded up to his side. he watches you get closer to him with a slight head tilt, but then receives a surprise. you gave him a soft kiss on his forehead, then released yourself after a few seconds to look at the man. “i hope that makes you feel better.” you giggled after you spoke. johnny gave a wide smirk, pulling his lips and chuckled as well. “honey, you just made my whole night.” he stands up from his chair to give you an embrace. he has one hand on the backside of your head, and the other on your upper back. you couldn’t help but melt into his arms, curling up naturally to his warmth. “i love you, johnny.” you muffled onto his shirt. he lets out a small laugh again, squeezing you a bit more. “i love you too, babe.” he needed that kiss more than anything.
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♡. ��� bi-han barges through the front door, blood scattered across his face with a stream dripping down his left arm. you ran up to him after he made his loud entrance and gasped. “bi-han, what did you do?” you stuttered after you spoke. bi-han slowly looks up at you and wanted to respond to your cry, but suddenly winces in pain. you quickly led him to the bathroom, setting him down onto the ledge of the bathtub. you frantically searched for a first-aid kit under the sink. bi-han saw you rush yourself, as you open up the box hesitantly after finding it. “it’s… it’s fine, y/n.” he tried reassuring you, but you already had the bandages laid out on the counter. you sat down next to him, wiping down the bloody wound on his arm first. bi-han winced even more, but kept the noise to a minimum. after patching him up, you grab another wipe to clean his face. bi-han gazed to your eyes. he studied how your soft eyes had so much determination, so much strength to just take care of him in this very moment. you catch his stare, and smirked. “are you enjoying this so far?” bi-han groaned to your snarky response, still continuing to remain seated. after you finished cleaning up the stains on his forehead, you suddenly gave him a kiss. bi-han sat very still, trying to process what just happened. seeing how dumbfounded & lost he seemed, you giggled. “you know, i like this bi-han better.” he was quick to reply back. “…shut up.” he clenches his teeth, but had a visible blush onto his face. as much as he wanted to deny, he did like the gesture.
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♡. — tomas hacked a great cough out of himself whilst laying in bed. his nose & cheeks were a bright tint of red, with eye bags decorating his face. “y/nnnnn… where are youuu…” he whined your name out. you then entered the bedroom with a tray in your hands. a hot soup was prepared, with its steam enveloping the whole chamber. tomas slowly turns his head over to the haze, giving a weak smile when he meets your eyes. “thaannkk youuu…” he lazily trailed his words, then lets out another cough. you walked to the sickly man and placed the food tray on top of his lap. “here you go, tomas.” you sat next to his side, softly caressing his ash-colored hair. he blinked and shifted his face up to you, making contact with your eyes once again. you slowly leaned towards his forehead, to give him a small peck. “i can’t actually kiss you, so i hope this makes up for it.” you gave him a small smile. tomas was too stunned to speak; moments of silence filled the room. he then came back to existence, and beamed with glee. “oh, i love you sooo much y/n!” this was the most alive he has sounded ever since he had been ill. tomas quickly sat up to give you a big hug, forgetting he had a tray on him. the soup then spilled all over his blanket, making the two of you screech. luckily, the bowl didn’t break. tomas then let out a big laugh after the disaster. “sooorry… i can clean this up…” he spoke and snickered even more. your kiss, literally, made him lose his balance.
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jhnshi · 6 months
ᰔ. jhnshi : kate (she/her), nineteen, mk enjoyer.
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— mortal kombat fanfiction. i write safe for work (sfw) only; romance, platonic, and familial content. i do not write nsfw. my work consists of blurbs, scenarios, imagines, drabbles, & headcanons. i tend to default to gender neutral descriptions. i sometimes write angst, but nothing triggering. there is no set schedule, but i will try to post frequently.
— current requests: OPEN! i will be limited to what i would want to write, so keep that in mind. please specify if you want any specific gender descriptions/pronouns in the requested writing(s).
© jhnshi : please do not mimic, copy or modify my content.
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