jupiterinmars ยท 7 months
โ€œIโ€™m not afraid of Tuesdays or Friday 13th, to me it all comes out like hell any day.โ€
โ€” Cancer, Virgo & Capricorn.
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jupiterinmars ยท 9 months
Extra consideration.
Gemini: Hello baby boy.
Gemini: Can I call you that?
Aries: No.
Gemini: Come on, boss, I just need a day off.
Gemini: Please.
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jupiterinmars ยท 9 months
Virgo: Isn't it weird how we pay to see other people?
Scorpio: What do you mean? Dating, going out with friends, or prostitution?
Virgo: Glasses.
Scorpio: Ohโ€ฆ
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Sagittarius: Hey, what happened to my order?
Sagittarius: It said on the platform that it would arrive in 10 minutes, and it's been half an hour.
Virgo: Calm down, sir, just because the delivery man is 20 minutes late doesn't mean the world is going to end.
Virgo: Cancel the order if the delay bothers you so much.
Virgo: And stop throwing a tantrum.
Sagittarius: NO, I will not cancel the order.
Virgo: You don't scare us fatso.
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Cancer: Look, dude, I'm not trying to scare you, but my aunt knows witchcraft and she taught me a few things.
Cancer: So, let's do this the easy way, and pass us the f*cking answers if you don't want me to do you evil.
Capricorn: Are you serious?
Gemini: HAHAJHAAHAHS *dies*
Libra: Oh God...
Taurus: Um... u ok?
Scorpio: Was that sarcasm or something?
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Average student.
Capricorn: Good evening, Sagittarius.
Capricorn: I know it is late, but I have come to inform you of something.
Capricorn: If you want to present your work correctly, then change the introduction.
Capricorn: And remove those images that have nothing to do with it.
Sagittarius: Why?
Sagittarius: I thought it was okay.
Capricorn: Is this okay for you?
Tumblr media
(The image belongs to a friend, credits to her, I do not name her because she does not have tumblr).
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Importance of Bees.
Gemini: In conclusion, take care of the bees.
Gemini: They are very important for the planet.
Gemini: They are the means by which plants fuck.
Gemini: And without them, human beings would become extinct in an average of four years... That's all.
Capricorn: [Resigned to the possibility that his students will give him good work].
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
The big sad.
Capricorn: Taurus, I already read the report you sent me.
Capricorn: You can't expound that eating doughnuts saved you from depression.
Taurus: Why?
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Libra: Hey, time for a random survey.
Libra: Where would you be if you had done everything you wanted?
Scorpio: In prison.
Virgo: In a worse situation, possibly.
Cancer: Buried ten feet under.
Taurus: Okay, I guess.
Pisces: Maybe in a mental asylum.
Capricorn: Iโ€™d really be the same shit.
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Aquarius: So... have you listened to the song yet?
Aries: Yep.
Aquarius: So, what'd you think?
Aries: I loved it so much that I can't stop repeating it.
Aries: How did you find it or know it?
Aquarius: It was thanks to a bird.
Aries: What?
Aquarius: Yes, it was literally thanks to a bird.
Aquarius: I was bored looking at my phone, sitting on a park bench when a bird poop landed on my phone.
Aquarius: Then, trying to clear the screen it typed in a random word and that's how I found the song.
Aries: Hahaha, it was literally random shit.
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jupiterinmars ยท 1 year
Leo: I crave fried chicken.
Leo: But I don't like chicken.
Leo: Is there a substitute for chicken?
Libra: Turkey.
Leo: I don't like turkey either.
Libra: And how come you're craving fried chicken if you don't like it?
Leo: I just craved it.
Leo: Don't look for an explanation or logic.
Leo: It just happened.
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jupiterinmars ยท 2 years
Aquarius: GUYS, HELP.
Leo: What happened?
Capricorn: What did you do now?
Virgo: Why?
Cancer: What?
Aries: ?
Aquarius: The security system I have installed in my house detected a baby crying.
Capricorn: Uhโ€ฆ?
Leo: Panic.
Taurus: Fear.
Virgo: Ok, bye.
Sagittarius: Whoa, bro, that's it, you died, you went to shit.
Gemini: Run.
Aries: Oh, shitโ€ฆ
Libra: Go deal with the demon in your house.
Cancer: What theโ€ฆ
Scorpio: Start praying.
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jupiterinmars ยท 2 years
Body parts.
Taurus: Hey.
Taurus: Can you help me with my homework?
Scorpio: Hmmโ€ฆ Okay, fine, just this once.
Scorpio: What's the homework?
Taurus: Anatomy, body parts.
Taurus: First question.
Taurus: How many parts is the human body divided into?
Scorpio: Well, that's a little tricky.
Scorpio: Depends on what cuts you want to make and where.
Taurus: Okay, that's enough.
Taurus: I'll go get help elsewhere.
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jupiterinmars ยท 2 years
Horror story.
Aries: Want to hear a TRUE horror story?
Aries: Well, let me tell you one that almost made me pee my pants.
Leo: Go ahead.
Taurus: Let's see, I'm interested in that one, since I've never seen you scared.
Libra: Actually, I'm interested in that story too, so tell us about it.
Aries: Yesterday, as I was about to fall asleep, I heard my guitar strings start to play by themselves.
Aries: And I said "great, the spirits have put together a little band and have come to dedicate a concert to me," so I turned on a flashlight andโ€ฆ
Leo: And what?
Taurus: WHAT!?
Aries: There was a giant fucking mutant cockroach on top of my guitar, THE WORST THING WAS WHEN THE THING STARTED FLYING AT ME.
Aries: I screamed like a little girl and then I died.
Leo: AH!!! GROSS!!!
Taurus: Fuck it, gross!
Libra: Inspiring.
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jupiterinmars ยท 2 years
Winnie the Pooh.
Sagittarius: Hey.
Sagittarius: Can I ask you something?
Virgo: Sure, man.
Sagittarius: Well, you're a psychologist, so...
Sagittarius: You see, I was doing a test on the Internet.
Sagittarius: About which Winnie the Pooh character I am.
Sagittarius: And I got Eeyore.
Sagittarius: Am I that depressive and pessimistic type?
Sagittarius: I mean, it's just that I wanted to be Tigger, to tell the truth.
Sagittarius: So, couldn't you give me some therapies to see if I'm really like Eeyore?
Virgo: HAHAHAHAHAH, are you serious?
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jupiterinmars ยท 2 years
Pisces: Don't assume things that are not.
Pisces: I was sleeping.
Pisces: Now that I'm up, I'll ask him.
Leo: Oh, I woke you up.
Leo: Hahaha, sorry.
Leo: It's just that since it's three in the afternoon, I thought you were already wide awake.
Leo: Anyway, don't you think it's pretty late? When were you planning to get up?
Pisces: Hey, you don't know anything about me.
Pisces: What I live or what happens to me.
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jupiterinmars ยท 2 years
Aquarius: I want to meet you.
Aquarius: In person.
Gemini: Hey, wait, I can't trust a stranger that much.
Aquarius: Neither can I.
Aquarius: That's why I propose we both go with a gun to defend ourselves.
Aquarius: That way neither of us will be in danger.
Aquarius: Almost.
Gemini: Wow... you really think big.
Gemini: All right, I agree.
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