juulle987 Ā· 5 months
Whereā€™s darkness, there's light
ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Tamlin x Aelia (OC)
The Dawn Of A New Chapter
summary: After being in the Spring Court for some time now, Aelia finally made connections to rebuild her dear beloved Court.
words: 1.9k
TW: nothing
note: English is not my first language, so apologies for any mistakes
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In the tranquil expanse of the Spring Court, amidst the delicate blooms of scarlet roses and verdant sage greenery, Aelia stood resolute, her heart pulsating with a fervent determination to resurrect Rosehall from its desolate slumber. It was a quest that demanded both tenacity and grace, a mission that had become the beacon of her purpose within these vibrant, colour-rich lands.
Having traversed the trials of uncertainty and unsteady footing, Aelia, with a steadfast resolve, had discovered her place within the tapestry of the Spring Court, where the vivid hues of the red roses danced in harmony with the gentle sage green of the surrounding foliage. No longer a stranger to its whispers and secrets, she had woven herself into its fabric, becoming an integral thread in its resurgence.
With an unwavering vision for Rosehallā€™s revival, Aelia had negotiated alliances and forged bonds with the remaining denizens of the court, aligning their aspirations with her own, much like the interplay of mauve-hued flowers interspersed among the verdant tapestry of the landscape. Together, they envisioned a haven reborn, a sanctuary restored to its former grandeur, adorned with a palette of rich, vibrant colours.
The dawn of a new chapter had arrived - a day suffused with promise and purpose. It was the day artisans, craftspeople, and skilled labourers assembled at the threshold of Rosehall, bearing their tools, their talents, and their dedication. Each stroke of a paintbrush, each meticulously placed brick, and every artisanā€™s touch promised a renaissance, an homage to the vibrant hues that adorned the Spring Courtā€™s landscape.
As the sun ascended to its zenith, casting a golden glow upon the landscape tinged with the resplendent shades of red roses, sage greens, and mauve blooms, Rosehall stirred with anticipation. The air thrummed with a symphony of endeavour - a chorus of hammers striking, saws carving, and artisans meticulously crafting the foundations of a new beginning, blending hues and tones into a vibrant tapestry of renewal.
Amidst the whirlwind of activity, Aelia stood, a silent orchestrator, her gaze a reflection of unwavering determination and quiet pride. She observed the bustling courtyard with a mixture of anticipation and gratitude, knowing that each brick laid and each stroke of creativity was a testament to the kaleidoscope of colours that adorned the heart of the Spring Court.
The day wore on, and as dusk descended upon Rosehall, there emerged a transformation - a metamorphosis akin to a canvas awash with the myriad colours of a sunset. What once stood desolate and forlorn now radiated with newfound lifeā€”a testament to the vibrant hues and shades that intermingled, painting a portrait of resilience and rebirth in the Spring Court.
As the last rays of sunlight caressed the newly restored walls adorned with the rich red of freshly blossomed roses, the muted sage greens of restored wallpaper, and the soft mauve hues of meticulously tended flowers, Aeliaā€™s heart swelled with a profound sense of fulfilment. Her journey, entwined with the destiny of Rosehall, had reached a crescendo - a testament not only to her unwavering resolve but also to the kaleidoscope of colours that brought life to the collective efforts of those who believed in the promise of renewal.
In the serene tranquility of the forest, where the dappled sunlight played amidst the verdant foliage, Aelia stood, enveloped by an uncanny sense of presence. Though she couldn't yet discern his figure among the shadows, the unmistakable aura of Tamlin lingered, a haunting echo amidst the rustling leaves and the subtle fragrance of earth and forest.
Her senses, finely attuned to the subtlest nuances of the natural world, detected his nearness long before her eyes could confirm his arrival. The whisper of his presence danced on the breeze, a blend of musk and the raw essence of the forest, weaving a tale of a visitor yet concealed.
Yet, there was more to this unspoken encounter than mere proximity. Aelia's instincts, honed by the essence of the land itself, hinted at a deeper truth - Tamlin remained cloaked in his beastly form. She could feel the thrum of his power, the restless energy that pervaded the air, and the lingering imprint of his transformation into the primal creature he had become.
As the moments stretched, anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the subtle rustle of leaves and the symphony of the forest. Aelia's thoughts wove a tapestry of wonder, speculation veiled in curiosity. Would he, in the privacy of these enigmatic woods, cast off the guise of his beastly form before revealing himself to her, baring not only his true nature but also the vulnerabilities it entailed?
The minutes ebbed and flowed like the gentle rhythm of the forest, a silent witness to the unspoken dance of anticipation between two beings, connected by fate and tethered by the intricate threads of their shared existence within this realm.
And then, with a delicate shift in the air and a subtle alteration in the tenor of the forest's symphony, Aelia sensed the imminent change - a transformation stirring in the shadows, a metamorphosis poised to unfold. The air seemed to shimmer with the anticipation of an impending revelation, a moment of profound significance poised on the edge of existence.
A rustle among the leaves, a fleeting whisper of movement, heralded Tamlin's approach. As the shadows parted and the last rays of sunlight painted a mosaic upon the forest floor, a figure emergedā€”a silhouette bathed in the fading light, a form transitioning from beast to Fae.
Aelia, her heart attuned to the symphony of nature, witnessed the transformation unfold - a testament to the interplay between primal instincts and the essence of the Fae. Tamlin stood before her, his figure now adorned in the elegance and grace of his Fae being, the remnants of his earlier beastly form fading into the ether.
Their eyes met, a silent acknowledgment passing between them - an unspoken understanding that transcended the barriers of form and appearance. In this fleeting moment of transformation, amidst the hallowed embrace of the forest, a delicate equilibrium had been restored, and a profound connection forged between two entities, bound by destiny and the enigmatic dance of the natural world.
From the towering edifice of Rosehall, bathed in the fading hues of twilight, Aeliaā€™s gaze traversed the expanse of the grounds, drawn toward the figure that emerged from the shadows - Tamlin, the enigmatic presence whose emerald green eyes held untold depths, a reflection of the intricate complexities that defined him.
Their meeting, amidst the tranquil splendour of the evening, held an air of unexpectednessā€”an unscripted encounter between two souls, each grappling with the weight of their own burdens. As Aeliaā€™s scarlet locks danced in the gentle evening breeze, she locked eyes with Tamlin, a silent acknowledgment passing between them - a brief moment of connection before her attention returned to the expanse before her.
ā€œI didnā€™t think you would make an appearance,ā€ she ventured, her voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and a tinge of relief, breaking the contemplative silence that hung between them.
ā€œMe neither,ā€ Tamlin responded, his tone carrying an unspoken weight, a tacit understanding of the uncertainties that lingered between the realms of expectation and reality.
ā€œThe workers have gone home,ā€ Aelia observed, her words laden with a quiet understanding. She sensed the reluctance in Tamlin, the hesitance to confront the inhabitants of his Court, a trust shattered and a bond fractured. The task ahead of rebuilding trust, of rekindling the fragile flames of allegiance between High Lord and his people, loomed like a daunting horizon - a slow, arduous journey that demanded patience, dedication, and unwavering commitment.
Aelia, her heart a wellspring of determination, knew the weight of responsibility that rested upon her shoulders - a commitment to the revitalisation of Rosehall, the resuscitation of the Spring Courtā€™s spirit, and the restoration of trust that formed the foundation of Tamlinā€™s reign. Yet, intertwined with her fervent aspirations was a hopeful yearning, a silent plea that Tamlin too would share in this endeavour, that he too harboured the same steadfast commitment to mend what had been fractured.
As the evening breeze carried the whispers of the surrounding woods, a fragile pause hung between them - an interlude pregnant with unspoken hopes and lingering uncertainties. Aelia, with her fiery locks cascading in the evening wind, turned her gaze once more to Tamlin, her eyes a mirror reflecting a blend of determination, hope, and a silent plea for solidarity in the tumultuous journey that lay ahead.
In that ephemeral moment, amidst the quietude of the twilight, the unspoken pact between Aelia and Tamlin resonatedā€”a vow unspoken yet understood, a shared commitment to navigate the labyrinthine path toward redemption, trust, and the rekindling of the Spring Courtā€™s fading splendour.
In the gentle embrace of dusk, amidst the fading hues of twilight, Aelia took a resolute step forward, her heart resonating with the weight of responsibility, determination, and an unyielding sense of belonging. With each deliberate stride, she traversed the grounds of Rosehall - a sanctuary that had become, over the span of a year, more than just a mere abode; it had transformed into her haven, her cherished refuge within the embrace of the Spring Court's verdant embrace.
For Aelia, the Spring Court was not merely a dwelling; it was a repository of memories woven into the fabric of her being, a sanctuary that offered solace, purpose, and a sense of belonging - something the distant and elusive Night Court could never provide.
In her wake, Tamlin followed - a silent shadow amid the fading light, a figure wrought with uncertainty and hesitation. His careful steps echoed the weight of his emotions, a tapestry woven with threads of caution, insecurity, and the lingering spectres of a court ravaged by the tempestuous actions of the past.
As Tamlin trailed behind her, his conflicted emotions swirling like a tempest within, the sight that greeted him - the remnants of his once majestic court, scarred and marred by Feyre's devastating actions - stirred a maelstrom of rage, anger, and the profound ache of disappointment. The wounds inflicted upon his beloved domain were a testament to a past fraught with turmoil and shattered trust, a legacy he struggled to reconcile with the hopes of restoration.
Aelia, attuned to the tumult roiling within Tamlin's conflicted soul, sensed the tempest brewing just beneath the surface. As she felt the weight of his emotions, a torrent of unspoken turmoil threatening to engulf them both, she halted her steps, turning to face the tormented High Lord.
"I am here," she declared, her voice a steadfast beacon amid the brewing storm of emotions. With an outstretched hand, she bridged the gap between them, intertwining her fingers with his - a gesture laden with reassurance, solidarity, and a shared determination to navigate the daunting path of rebuilding what had been torn asunder.
In that poignant moment, amidst the ruins of Rosehall and the fading light of day, Aelia's gesture spoke volumes - a promise of unwavering support, an unspoken pledge to stand shoulder to shoulder with Tamlin in the endeavour to breathe life anew into their shared home.
With her hand clasped firmly in his, Aelia led the way - a silent procession towards a future forged in resilience and hope, their footsteps resonating with the unspoken promise of unity, redemption, and the indomitable spirit that sought to reclaim the faded glory of the Spring Court.
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juulle987 Ā· 9 months
Our dearest Fenrys šŸ˜ How can anyone just not love our little puppy šŸŗ
Fenrys bedroom headcanons
Fenrys Moonbeam x reader
Oh gods I finally wrote something!!!! šŸ„³ Ugh, it feels so good. You can see the variety of my emotions while writing those headcanons, going from poetic, through obsessed, to being absolutely done, and then to feeling cute. And also great shout out to @juulle987 that gave me some ideas, kept me motivated and entertained today. This post is dedicated to you, baby ā¤ļø Anyway, I hope you enjoy this šŸ„°
Words: slightly over 3k
Warnings: no spoilers wanted so just be aware of a lot of nsfw content
Even though the smart mouth, charming smile, effortless way of being, or simply the pretty face, might cause various spicy inklings and rumors about the White Wolf's abilities in bedroom, (which, pretty much always are at least partially accurate), there is a lot more than just youngish yearning and playfulness underneath his skin. After all, many might know that the beautiful warrior had his persistent spot in Queen Maeve's bed, only few, however, that he did not cherish this "privilege", as she called it.
There is justā€¦ so much darkness in Fenrys' soul, that it is impossible to save any aspect of his life from the pain it brings, especially when the said aspect is directly connected to the source of his trauma.Ā 
So no, Fenrys is not the always horny and kinky sex god we make him out to be.Ā 
Okay he is.Ā 
But at least not at the beginning, or even the halfway of the long journey of trying to overcome the demons that haunt him.Ā 
It's going to take a while for him to open up. To trust you.Ā 
Now, most of sa victims are not fond of touch, which is understandable as it triggers the bad memories. But I do think Fenrys would very much need and crave physical contact with his mate/beloved. Especially the soft and comforting type, the one that resumes him that he is loved and sets his skin on fire at the same time.Ā 
It's just that with Maeve he didn't get to experience the featherlike softness which every lover's fingers should have, nor the addicting feeling of trying to grasp as much of each other as possible. And when he finally does, it's like a painkiller for his soul.Ā 
Believe me when I say that Fenrys cannot get enough of your hands in his hair, chests pressed against each other, legs tangled under the sheetsā€¦ It's not the verbal yes that he gives you when you take off his shirt, but the way he's pressing his cheek into your palm as you caress his face that keeps you going. He's not good with words. How could he when there's a lump in his throat as emotion overtake his ability to make a sound? So instead he lets his body speak.Ā 
At first the sex is soft and intense, full of small gasps, long kisses and sweet words whispered against each other's skin. It's more about just being close to each other than the actual pleasure; the beautiful feeling of getting lost in each other, feeling of security sugared with the bliss caused and boosted by every stroke against the most intimate parts belonging only to the two of you.Ā 
Holding hands also appears to be an important deal for Fenrys; a physical visualization of the trust and safety he feels while in your presence. It definitely adds intimacy, which he very much craves, to the moment and overall is a really sweet gesture that just naturally feels right.Ā 
He always finds a way to connect your palms, no matter the position he has you in, and not even once it failed to work as the motion always turns out sweet, sexy or goofy and either way it's just amazing.Ā 
And even decades into your relationship, when his trauma is just a blurry memory appearing in his nightmares from time to time, holding hands is as important as it was at the beginning of your shared journey.Ā 
Another form of intimacy that Fenrys adores, is morning, cuddly sex. Or in general just cuddly, sleepy sex as we know this guy likes to take a nap during the day.Ā 
It's slow and sloppy, with eyes still closed and face buried in each other's chest or neck, warm covers enveloping and keeping you safe in the small bubble of just you two, free from all the worries of the day.Ā 
It is such a wholesome moment that lets you be close even in the most vulnerable state, plus the atmosphere is so sweet and cozyā€¦ Oh and I just know that Fenrys gets all sensitive then, too lost in the feeling to even care and keep the veneer of having some control over his body.Ā 
He. Is. Such. A. Moaner.
Fenrys is vocal, never even trying to muffle the sounds YOU'RE pulling out of him. It feels so divine, so why would he keep it to himself?Ā 
At first it's low grunts and hisses, slipping out of his mouth mindlessly as you clutch him so tightly and good, slowly turning into moans, each louder than the previous one, more desperate, as he's nearing his release. The sweet noises falling right into your ear, broken from time to time by a curse when the pleasure gets overwhelming.Ā 
Now keep in mind that all this happens when he's the one on top, so when he's trying to keep himself together.Ā 
I don't think Fenrys would be into the dom/sub dynamics due to his trauma; neither being at someone's mercy nor having someone absolutely helpless underneath really appeals to him. However, the top/bottom thing absolutely does appear in your bedroom.Ā 
Being under Maeve's command for a century, it's rather reasonable that Fenrys would like to be a top and have control over the situation. (I even had a discussion with someone about this on my blog if you'd like to read more into it.) So while neither of you have more or less power over the other during sex, most of the time it's Fenrys that initiate, choose and control things.Ā 
However, I'm a firm believer that Fenrys is a switch.
So with the right person and after the right amount of time, he would give up the control without any worries. And that's when you meet his absolutely new side.Ā 
Like I already hinted, Fenrys gets sensitive and it doesn't take much for him to fall apart. Whether you're riding him, or working your hand or mouth along his length, his moans always somehow get louder and more desperate.Ā 
And oh boy, try to edge him a little bit, and you get two outcomes.
One: you just turned on his playful mode and now he's going to pay you back with twice as much.
Two: he's falling into total submission and gets all whiny, begging you to let him cum because your hand on him feels so good and he can't take it anymore, but you keep teasing him, telling him that only good puppies get to cum and I'm jqhwjhwj šŸ„“šŸ˜©
But anyway, back to playful Fenrys.
Of course having so many bad memories with sex, he tries his best to make it as pleasurable and comfortable experience as possible, both for you and him.Ā 
And you know Fenrys, always with mischief in his eye and snarky comments ready for any occasionā€¦ I'm afraid his attitude in the bedroom doesn't differ too much.Ā 
He is definitely the type of person to crack the most random joke in the middle of the fun, or stop and collapse into giggles at the weird sound either of you made or when the new position doesn't work quite like it should.Ā 
Do I even have to mention all the dirty jokes he'd come up with? And you know it's not only you that hears them but the whole court. I swear everybody is so effin fed up with them yet it seems like Fenrys, the unbothered king of annoying his decayed ex comrades, comes up with a new joke every time he cums.Ā 
(which is a lot cause the boy's sensitive as fuck but about that later)
He calls you his muse at this point as you're the reason behind most of them.
And if you can imagine Fenrys being playful during sex, then imagine what happens before. Because half of the time it's the tickling sessions that get you into the bedroom, starting as harmless fun and ending up with clothes scattered on the floor and sheets that definitely need to be changed after you're done.Ā 
However I would be surprised hadn't it worked the other way around as well, as if you don't see lighthearted sex with Fenrys turning into a tickling fight then you clearly don't know him.Ā 
Since we're talking about getting startedā€¦ Fenrys loves you and sex with you, and ya know, you're not just some lover but his beloved, a person truly dear to him. So most of the time he'd want to do everything properly. That's why I dare say he is the king of foreplay.Ā 
Fenrys knows perfectly how to get you into the mood, whether it be more giggly or sexy. He knows all your sensitive places, knows where to kiss and where to bite, what turns you on.Ā 
Of course he enjoys quickies as well, every moment with (in) you is priceless. But why would he narrow himself to doing the bare minimum before entering you when he could have you squirting and begging for his cock?
I already said it in my previous headcanons, and Fenrys said it himself; his tongue is his best feature. So who am I to argue with him?Ā 
This man. Is so fucking amazing at oral, that there's no enough words in the world to describe it.Ā 
He just loves eating you out; love your taste, love the way you're arching and love the sound of your moans. He can spend hours, (and I really do believe I'm not overreacting), slowly drawing his tongue up and down your entrance, eyes closed in pleasure at the way your arousal feels on his lips.Ā 
He absolutely outdoes himself in those moments, making sure no inch of yours is left without his attention. Kissing the soft flesh of your thighs, palms exploring the well known shape of your hips and waist as he fucks you little cunt; switching between your hole and clit, treating one with his lips while his fingers take care of the other.Ā 
Start pulling at his hair and it only keeps him going.Ā 
Just the sight of you falling apart under his touch is enough to leave him hard and ready. (Although, am I the only one that thinks he could cum by just eating you outā€¦? He defo could, couldn't he?)
And just as much as he loves giving, he loves receiving. I already said that Fenrys gets whiny and sensitive when you're on your knees. He'd definitely fist your hair and watch in awe with mouth slightly open how you take his length, too hipnotised by the sight to be aware of the way his body reacts or the sounds slipping from between his lips.
He can hold himself for a pretty long time, but I do believe he wouldn't have any problems with cumming within minutes, especially when you're the one working on him.Ā 
Fenrys might not be the horniest person at the beginning. Like I already said, demons of the past do take a toll on him. But as the years pass by, and with your love that makes him stronger with each day, I think I can say this guy is very much able to find any excuse to have sex.Ā 
Whether it be a few minutes break before one meeting and another, an especially colder day, or just a very beautiful night, Fenrys can and will try to get you to bed as often as possible.Ā 
Oh and I bet he wakes up with a boner almost every morning. Don't ask me why because I don't know, it's just a feeling that he does. What I know, though, is that there's no way he'd handle it himself when you're laying by his side šŸ˜.Ā 
There are three ways to solve this and he's not going to complain either way.Ā 
Feeling comfortable, Fenrys is the first one to experiment and try new things. As long as it doesn't harm either of you, and doesn't trigger any bad memories, he's down for whatever you propose.Ā 
After all, sex is all about fun and pleasure, so why not find as many ways to do so as possible?Ā 
Actually the only things that he is strongly against would be degrading and bondage, besides that he's willing to give everything else a try.
Those that read my previous headcanons will most likely recall the fabulous white, fluffy tail plug and wolf/dog ears to match.Ā 
And as much as I consider my previous hcs a disaster, this is something I stand my ground on. What's more, I do believe Fenrys would be absolutely and thoroughly into roleplays and dressing ups. AND I DARE YOU TO TELL ME I'M WRONG. You can't.Ā 
It's sexy and goofy at the same time, and given that these two adjectives are literally Fenrys' life mottoā€¦
He'd love to have you in doggy as you wear the plug, or even more, pressed against the kitchen counter as you decided to wear it (only it) while making him breakfast. Or when you ride him wearing a sexy cowgirl outfit, bouncing on his cock with tits falling out of the tight unbuttoned shirt, tied under your breast. Would he chase you with a lasso through the house before that? You already know the answer.Ā 
And do I even have to mention Fenrys in the play boy or maid costume?
This man is such a teaser. It goes all the way from leaving small kisses and little touches all over your body for the whole day, to purposely slowing down the peace of his thrusts.Ā 
He'd also strip for you. Painfully slowly taking off each piece of clothing as you watch him with lips watering (I'm talking about both types šŸ‘€). And had you shown any type of impatience, he would turn it against you and call you desperate for him, as if he's not taking so long for this exact purpose.Ā 
But when Fenrys finally does crawl his naked frame over you, he makes sure to make all this waiting worth it. He worships you like no one else ever could, touching and kissing every inch of skin he can find, devouring the sight below him with eyes blown with desire, words of admiration slipping out of his mouth like sparks out of bonfire.Ā 
Words might not hold such powerful meaning as actions, but it doesn't make them any less important for Fenrys. Not only does he use every chance he gets to compliment you, more than once not even realizing it, smothering you with praises and pet names whether it be in lovesick awe or overwhelmed with pleasure, but craves to hear those sweet words fall from your mouth directed to him.
He seeks your attention and admiration like a puppy, melting in your palms as you pamper him with love.Ā 
My man is not big on sharing. Even though I'd love to believe that he agrees to bring another person to your bedroom from time to time, especially a man as I whole believe that he is bisexual, I think it would be rather a rarity. Well, he's not interested in other women when you're the only one he needs and wants, and also it would take a lot of time and reassurance for him to share you with another man. But once you talk it throughā€¦ Dorian would be more than willing, that's for sure.Ā 
Oh, I had some trouble deciding whether he is a boobs or ass guy, and Julle solved within seconds saying that he's both. And yeah, I do see that.Ā 
Fenrys would love sleeping with his face in your breasts, or play with them as you're laying in bed with a book, not paying attention to him so he has to entertain himself. And he loves sucking at your titties, trying to get you to orgasm just by that.Ā 
But at the same time he would waste no opportunity to slap your butt as he walks past or fucking you from behind. Nor would he complain as you sit on his face with full weight.Ā 
Ah and how could I forget? What's a better way to worship your pussy than filling it with cum? Watching his cock slide out white from how full of him you are, seeing his seed leak out and drip down your thighs?Ā 
You know he's trying to put as many puppies in you as he can.Ā 
And as a cherry on top I can offer you naked domestic Fenrys. It is a good thing that he's comfortable, of course it is, however, once he does, he doesn't differ much from a toddler. Run after him with pants all you want, he's not going to put them on, parading through the whole house in all the glory.Ā 
But honestly? Is it so bad? I mean, people pay big money for less effective views, so I wouldn't complain and feast my eyes all I can.Ā 
In this long as toilet paper essay, we came to the conclusion that sex with Fenrys can be sexy, funny, intense, loving and hundreds of other kinds. But what is one thing that they all have in common? āœØ Aftercare āœØ (you can see I'm losing my shit here? Sorry, I'm just tired, maybe I'll rewrite this part tomorrow)
After the fun is over, no matter how long or hard it was, Fenrys will always make sure you're okay before doing anything else. It is his priority to help you come down after your high, asking if you need anything whether it be water, a helpful hand in getting cleaned, a bath or simply snuggles.Ā 
And though he'd never expect from you anything you cannot give, it makes his heart flutter when you do the same thing for him. So maybe ask if he's okay, or play with his hair as he's falling asleep, whispering praises against his forehead, and it would definitely make him happier.Ā 
Fenrys is an amazing lover, thoughtful and passionate, open minded and big on boundaries. He can offer you the whole world and crawl out of his skin to bring you pleasure, and still stop without a second thought when you say no. And he does expect the same thing from you.
Because at the end of the day, consent is the sexiest thing you can give him.
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Thatā€™s all I can say.
My two absolute favourite characters, Bucky and Azriel, in one šŸ„µ Am I hyperventilating? Maybe. Am I going to be drooling all over? Eventually. Am I going to have sleepless nights? Definitely yes!
Okay, bye. Going to find some batteriesā€¦ šŸ˜Ž
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
One Day
Ā· ā€¢ ā… ā€¢ Ā· ā† Ā· ā€¢ ā… ā€¢ Ā·Ā Eris Vanserra x Lumi (OC)
summary: Eris x Lumi fluff
words: 800
TW: none
note: I used to live in Finland, so the cold, dark months of winter are deep ingrained in me. So much so that I know miss it so much, my heart could break. Finland is also the reason why I chose to use Finnish names and words in this fiction.Ā  translation: Lumi - snow Korvapuusti - cinnamon rolls Glƶggi - mulled wine
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The ice cold wind was blowing around her as she made her way to the border. The border between the Autumn and the Winter Court. Her eye lashes were already frozen, and her hair wouldā€™ve been too, if it werenā€™t for the warm, fluffy hood she was wearing.
Since 200 years she and her mate would meet up once a month here. Always the same spot, as thatā€™s the only place where they can be together. A place guarded by a spell. A spell that hides the two of them. For everyone it would just look like what it is: The border. They had build a cabin here. A cabin no one new about. A cabin where they can be together. A cabin that would hide both of them and wouldnā€™t alarm any border control on what is going on.
200 years. Yet her mate and she hadnā€™t completed the mating bond yet. Too afraid of his father and the consequences if they would. Too afraid their love could destroy them if the truth would surface. Too afraid their fragile love could break into a million pieces.
She made her way through the thick snow. She, herself, covered in snow. The snow storm making it nearly impossible to see anything. But after two centuries she knows the path by heart. From the distance she can make out the faint lights coming from their cabin. Her frozen heart starts melting at the thought of her mate waiting for her. Being cuddled in with him. Smelling him. Feeling him.Ā 
As soon as she opens the door she is being hit by the so familiar scent: warm apple, cinnamon and cider. Her mate, clothed in his typical Autumn Court attire, walks over to her and before sheā€™s even got the chance to take of her coat, heā€™s already got her wrapped tightly in his arms. Inhaling her scent: fresh snow, frozen winterberries and pine tree.
ā€œIā€™ve missed you.ā€ He says. His eyes entirely focused on hers. ā€œIā€™ve missed you, too.ā€
As the gentleman he his, he removes her cloak and hangs it up to dry. Then he guides her over to their couch, where he already prepared everything: Glƶggi, warm mixed berries crumble with vanilla custard and one giant fluffy throw. He hands her a drink before taking his own.
ā€œTo us. To 200 years of love. I love you.ā€ ā€œAnd I love you.ā€
They cheers and have a drink, before getting comfortable on the sofa. No one dares to talk as they just want to enjoy the few precious hours theyā€™ve got together.
She nestles herself on his lap, her head resting on his chest. Arms around him. His hand wander across her arms and back. Drawing calming patterns.Ā 
ā€œAre you going?ā€ ā€œWhere?ā€ ā€œAmarantha.ā€ ā€œI guess I have to. Kallias received the invitation. We both have to go.ā€ ā€œMe, too. Beron forces me.ā€ ā€œWe have to treat carefully then. With all those eyes surrounding us.ā€ ā€œI know, my little snowflake, I know.ā€ He then kisses her forehead. Feeling how fast her heart beats. Neither of them wants to give up their privacy, their secret. At least not until his father is dead and he will be the new High Lord of Autumn.Ā 
They both hold each other as tightly as they can. Always being afraid someone could rip them apart. Always afraid the other one wouldnā€™t be part of their lives anymore.Ā 
ā€œEris?ā€ ā€œMmh?ā€ ā€œDo you miss anything?ā€ ā€œWhat do you mean, Lumi?ā€ ā€œLike intimacy? Us being united in more ways than just this?ā€ ā€œNo.ā€ Heā€™s shaking his head. Looking down at her. Her white hair braided, hanging down her back up to the small of her back. Her pale skin. White eye lashes. Those ice blue eyes that he loves so much and sees in his dreams at night.
ā€œDo you, my little snowflake?ā€ ā€œSometimes. I just wish we could be like all other mates. Not needing to hide. Not wearing a mask when with other. Not openly hating you when other are around.ā€
She looks up at him. His read hair flowing down over his shoulders, down to his chest. The freckles in his face. She memorised each and every one of them. His amber eyes, that glow like flames. The perfect curve of his nose. His mouth.Ā 
Both know that they can smell each others arousal, but donā€™t dare to act on it. As far as intimacy goes theyā€™ve only pleasured each other with their mouths, hands. Never the full deal. Always making sure to scrub themselves clean so no scent of the other would remain.Ā 
She sits up, cups his cheeks in her hands, her nose and forehead touching his. Her eyes closing. His hands hold her waist tightly.Ā 
ā€œPromise me, that one day it will be you and me, together.ā€ ā€œI promise you, my snowflake.ā€
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Whereā€™s darkness, there's light ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Tamlin x Aelia (OC) Your love is the pen and, My heart is the page
summary: Aelia Archeron, the oldest of the four Archeron sisters, has found her place in the Spring Court. Right next to Tamlin. In their shared bed.
words: 2.5k TW: virginity and everything that comes with it, smut, 18+, fluff, Tamlin being a cinnamon roll note: This is a part of the series Whereā€™s darkness, thereā€™s light. This has been in my drafts for so long and I just want to put it out into this world.
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Freshly showered and only dressed in a towel I make my way over to Tamlin, who is sitting on our bed, a book and pen in his hands.
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ I ask, removing the towel and jumping into my night short and shirt. I get under the covers and snuggle into him. My head on his chest while my arm wraps around him.
ā€œIā€™m writing.ā€ ā€œWhat do you write, if you donā€™t mind me asking?ā€
ā€œPoems.ā€ ā€œYou do?ā€ I sit up and hover myself further up to him. My head now lying on his shoulder. ā€œYou never told me.ā€ ā€œI used to write a lot when I was younger. My father disliked it. It isnā€™t ā€˜high Lord likeā€™ to write poems and play the fiddle.ā€ ā€œThankfully now you are the High Lord and make the decisions about these things.ā€ I kiss him on the cheek before I shyly ask: ā€œWould you- would you mind reading one to me?ā€
Tamlin looks down at me, kisses my forehead and replies: ā€œItā€™s not finished yet. Itā€™s only a few lines.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s fine. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll love it nonetheless.ā€
Your love brought waves of joy That sent my sorrows on the flow out and away. Your love is the pen and My heart is the page.
ā€œThatā€¦ that is so beautiful.ā€
ā€œYou really think so?ā€ His brows furrow in question. I sit up straight, put my hand on his cheek and kiss him. In between kisses all I can bring out is a ā€œYes. Yes I do.ā€
The kiss deepens, becomes more passionate. Fuelled with desire and longing. Tamlin has discarded his book and pen on his bed night table and his hands start to roam over my body. From my arms, down to my hand, the curve of my breasts, my waist. I lay my hand on his chest, drawing tiny pictures on his muscles with my finger. I put one of my legs around his hips to pull myself closer to him. Thatā€™s when I notice how hard he already is. When my thigh touches his cock, he pulls away slightly as to not scare me away. But I just pull him back in closer. Tamlin breaks the kiss. Iā€™m confused at his action, so I look questioning at him.
ā€œAre you sure?ā€ I nod. ā€œMore than anything.ā€
We once already came close to having sexual intercourse. Back then he didnā€™t know that I am a virgin. I explained everything to him. He listened. Taking everything in. When he then said that heā€™s going to wait for when Iā€™m ready, made me love him even more. I know it has not been easy for Tamlin to not be intimate the way he likes to, but he would never pressure me into doing something Iā€™m not fully comfortable with.Ā 
Our lips and tongues connect once again. I bury my hands in his hair. Afraid he could just vanish. With one swift move he pulls me underneath him. Still kissing. Never breaking. He starts kissing a trail down from my lips, to my cheeks, jaw, neck. The sensitive part directly under my ear lobe, at which a moan escapes my mouth.
Tamlin only shortly breaks the contact, saying: ā€œIf you want me to stop at any point, tell me.ā€ All I can do is nod, the sensation in my body way too overpowering for me to bring any coherent thoughts or words out of my mouth. He continues his trail of kisses down my body. Gently sucking on my collarbone before he rips my night shirt apart and finally reaches my breasts. My nipples hardened. Sensitive to his touch. As he takes one of my nipples into his mouth he starts sucking and biting the bud, I canā€™t help but moan loudly at the sensation. His other hand squeezes my other breast, then rolling the nipple around with his fingers. Instinctively I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him even closer. So close his cock touches my absolutely soaked night panties. As he inches closer to my throbbing core, I feel how hard he really is. My core aching just to get some type of friction from him.
ā€œNot yet.ā€ He says after releasing my nipple with a pop. ā€œSo gorgeous. So perfect.ā€ His words make my cunt clench around nothing.
He kisses further and further down my body, until he reaches my intimate parts.
ā€œCan I?ā€ Tamlin asks for my consent. ā€œYes! Yes, please.ā€ I nearly donā€™t have enough breath left to even get those words out. He removes my night panties and at the sight of my dripping cunt his eyes widen. He licks his lips and bites his lower lips with his canines, sucking it into his mouth.
His head dips down to my cunt and he licks a long stripe through my wet folds. The sensation has my back arching and I let out a moan. For better access he spreads my legs open even wider and puts his hands under my ass, grabbing tightly but not painfully. Tamlin continues to lick my clit, his head totally and entirely buried in my heat. The sounds, moans and growls coming from him are obscene. Although I canā€™t deny they turn me on even more. He dips his tongue into me and I automatically clench around him, hips begging him to go even further. I feel a string in my belly being tightened, just waiting to be snapped. I wonā€™t be able to take this pleasure much longer before I explode; all thanks to Tamlin eating me out like the starved male that he is. When he gently pushes one of his fingers into me, I feel how my arousal is just dripping out of me.
ā€œGods, youā€™re so wet. You smell intoxicating. You taste divine.ā€
He carefully enters a second finger, pumping it inside of me. It reaches spots within me I didnā€™t even know existed. Tamlin starts speeding up as my thighs start clenching around his head. His thumb now presses against my clit, watching my hips buck up slightly at the friction. Tamlin licks his bottom lip in need, taking his thumb and pressing it against his tongue and wetting it before going back to rub my clit gently. I groan out at this, as waves of pleasure spread through my cunt, core and entire body. I know I canā€™t take it much longer. My body begging for release. Tamlin continues to thrust his fingers in and out of me, all while changing in between sucking my clit and rubbing it. Iā€™m unable to hold back anymore. My back arches, my hips thrusting closer into Tamlin, begging for him. He doesnā€™t stop his assault on my cunt and clit as my orgasm explodes throughout my body. With a loud scream of his name, accompanied with loud moans I cum on his tongue. He drinks me empty. Each and every drop of my release and licks me through my orgasm. When I come down from my high Iā€™m nearly breathless, my heart thundering.Ā  Tamlin licks one last long stripe along my cunt before coming up to me. Face to face. Kissing me. I can taste myself on his lips and within an instant Iā€™m even wetter than before.
ā€œTamā€¦ā€ I say out of breath. ā€œI know, my light, I know.ā€ He places a kiss on my forehead,Ā  ā€œI want to feel you. All of you. I want more this time.ā€ ā€œAre you sure about that?ā€
I wrap my arms around his waist, nuzzling into the crock of his neck, leaving kisses and light sucks.
ā€œIā€™ve never been more sure about anything in my life. I want you, Tam. I want to experience my very first time with you.ā€
I know how much this means to him. Not to take my virginity but me being the one to trust him. To trust him with my everything. I havenā€™t told him yet how I feel about him, truly feel about him, as each and every day Iā€™m falling more and more in love with him. At this point I canā€™t imagine a life without him anymore.
Before I can even register whatā€™s going on he removes his night shorts. Itā€™s not like as Iā€™ve never seen him naked, in fact since the night I woke him up from his nightmare I see him naked every night. But thisā€¦ This is different. His cock is huge. Although, admittedly Iā€™ve never seen a cock in its natural habitat. I can only assume that human men arenā€™t that gifted. His cock is not only huge, but thick. And red. Painfully red. Leaking with pre-cum.
ā€œIf, at any point you want me to stopā€¦ā€ ā€œI will let you know.ā€ ā€œIn case you cannot talkā€, a mischievous smile on his face, ā€œtap anywhere on my body thrice.ā€
My heart is thundering. In all my years as a human no male has ever even looked at me. The disabled being that I was. I knew my sisters were doing it, especially Feyre when she came back from the village. Her hair a mess. Her cheeks all rosy. Even after being turned Fae I never even touched myself. When the other females talked about wingspan, I had no idea what they were talking about. Well, now I know. Iā€™m visibly shaking, too much going on in my head. In my body. The anticipation getting the better of me.
ā€œAelia, are you alright? We can stop now.ā€ ā€œIā€™m afraid. Will it hurt?ā€
Tamlin, still lying on top of me with his entire weight, looks at me, slowly wipes away a stray strand of my hair before saying: ā€œSex should never hurt. Unless it is for pleasure of course.ā€ A mischievous grin spreading across his face. ā€œAs you have never done it before, Iā€™m afraid to say it might hurt. And there might be some blood. So, if at any given point it gets too much, no matter the reason, please tell me. Can you do that, my light?ā€
I just nod at him. Wanting to bury my nose into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent.
Tamlinā€™s hand goes down to his crotch, never breaking eye contact with me. I can feel the tip of his cock between my wet folds. Wiping up and down. Collecting my slick. Making it easier for me to take him in.
Iā€™ve got no idea where to put my hands. Do I grab the pillows? Do I wrap them around Tamlin? Do I grab his ass? Somehow I decide to put my arms above my head, grabbing the pillows there. Tamlin takes one of my hands in his and starts kissing me. I got no idea what happens next, all I know is that Iā€™m being stretched and filled to the brim. Tamlin stops his movement every now and then, so Iā€™m able to adjust to his size. Never breaking eye contact with me.
ā€œYouā€™re doing so well, my light.ā€Ā 
I canā€™t deny that it hurts, but it doesnā€™t bother me. Tamlin is being gentle, so I guess the pain is because of his huge size and me being a virgin. All I know is that I couldnā€™t have asked for a better male to experience my first time with. He is all Iā€™ve ever wanted and dreamt about. As soon as he is fully inside of me, he stops every movement and starts kissing me passionately. His hand goes down to my bum and he squeezes it slightly.Ā 
ā€œLet me know when youā€™re ready.ā€ I cup his face, kiss him. Bite his lower lip a tiny bit and just reply: ā€œPlease Tamlin, please move.ā€
And he does. My entire world seems to collapse in that moment and starts to rebuild itself. I feel each and every thrust of him. Not able to concentrate on anything else while he bites my neck. Leaving a mark. Marking me as his. Gods, I want to be his for the rest of my immortal life.Ā 
ā€œTam, please move faster. I want to feel you even more.ā€ ā€œYou sure?ā€ His face full of worry. ā€œI am. More than anything.ā€
So he does.
ā€œBy the Cauldron, Tam,ā€ I cry out as his powerful hips snap into me, first at a comfortable than at a relentless pace. The sheer look of pleasure and determination on his face makes me shudder as I watch him take me apart. Making me his. And only his. Instinctively my legs wrap around his waist, an impulse for more; to be closer, to be consumed.Ā  His fingers start their sweet torture on my clit as he takes what he needs. With each fierce thrust he brings me closer, to my end, to his soul.Ā  Unable to speak, I watch my perfect male lose himself inside of me.Ā Just as I lose myself in him. It hits me like lightning striking my body, electrifying every nerve with blissful euphoria. I throw my head back as I hear my pulse ring in my ears, wet walls squeezing tight around his cock.Ā  He groans out my name as his hips stuttered erratically. Pushing impossibly deeper and he comes hard. Shuddering his release, pumping himself empty inside his new favourite place.Ā 
Collapsing on top of me, kissing me softly, all while he stays nestled inside of me. His green eyes connect with mine, his thumb dusting over my bottom lip.Ā I tangle my hands into his hair, pull him closer, pressing my lips to his. Our tongues fight for dominance until I give in. I donā€™t care at this point. I just want to feel him. After a while we both break the kiss to breathe. Tamlin nozzles into the crook of my neck. His hands never leaving my body.
He places a kiss directly under my ear lobe and asks: ā€œHow do you feel? Are you alright? Did it hurt?ā€ ā€œIā€™m *yawn* fine. Exhausted, butā€¦ā€ I try to find the right word. ā€œElectrified. I never ever want to leave this bed again.ā€
I can feel Tamlin chuckling lightly. I guess thatā€™s the answer heā€™s been waiting for.
ā€œIt did hurt a bit, but nothing I canā€™t deal with.ā€ ā€œJust wait until you want to get up in the morning.ā€
I nudge him slightly in the chest. This male really is unbelievable.
ā€œIf thatā€™s the case, you will carry me wherever I want to go.ā€ ā€œItā€™d be my pleasure, my light.ā€
He kisses me once more before removing himself from me. I can feel each and every inch sliding out of me and I feel so utterly empty now. Tamlin goes to the bathroom and gets out a wet flannel to clean us both up. Afterwards he snuggles into bed. Turning me onto my side so he can wrap his arms and legs around me. My hands roam up and down his back as his do the same. My head leaning against his chest, inhaling his very essence.Ā 
One last time for tonight Tamlin kisses my forehead. I can feel how I slowly drift off to sleep. Nevertheless I can still make out the three words I never thought Iā€™d hear:
ā€œSleep well, my light. I love you.ā€
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Iā€™m scared of loosing you
ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Fenrys Moonbeam x Niamh
summary: Hiking is fun, especially in the lovely nature of the Lake District, England, UK. But what if all of the sudden a portal opens and you find yourself in the world of ToG?Ā 
words: 4.2k
warnings: angst, mentions of mental health problems, fluff fluff fluff, Maeveā€™s a bitch, nudeness, Fenrys Moonbeam (that male is so hot, heā€™s a warning in himself)
note: English is not my first language, so apologise for any mistakes. This one shot may turn into a little story. Depending on how I feel.
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One last time I check if Iā€™ve got everything for todayā€™s hike. Enough water. Food and snacks. Sun cream. Very important. First aid kit. Mobile phone. Power bank. Smart watch. All charged and ready to go. Shades. A change of clothes, and clothes in case it gets rainy or cold. Which I highly doubt, but you never know. You never know. I decided to hike my way up from the town centre in Keswick to Surprising View. It should take me one and a half to two hours. So yeah, not too long but one of the most beautiful hikes Iā€™ve ever been on. Itā€™s the last week of my summer holidays and I want to make the most of it before I go back to work. Hearing children cry, scream, poo and wee all the time. Gods, I love working in a nursery.Ā 
Before I leave the Royal Oak Hotel I make sure to book a table for tonight. Iā€™ll be starving. Iā€™ll need food.
I make my way up to Surprising View, and already the hike there is amazing. I just love being in the nature. It is a usually hot day and so I have to do a few more breaks than I intended to. I sit down by a small stream, take my flask out of my rucksack and take a big drink of water. This was so well needed. As I look around I canā€™t help but admire the beauty of the nature. Bees. Butterflies. Bugs. If I could I would move far far away, in the middle of nowhere. Just me, myself and I. But as I canā€™t, Iā€™m enjoying moments like this even more.
After a while I get up and continue my way. When I finally arrive at Surprising View the view is literally taking my breath away. As it always does. No matter how often I come here. I already know where I want to sit down and have a break. Read a bit. Eat and drink something. On my way there I walk along all the trees until I reach a twin tree. Two trees grown together as they are so close together. I decide to walk straight through them. Iā€™m even thinking about bringing a hammock the next time and putting it in between these two. It would make an amazing relaxing place for me.Ā 
As soon as I step through the trees something feels off. I can still see my surroundings but they seem to be blurred out. It stills feels as Iā€™m here, but somehow not. I blink once and all of a sudden Iā€™m surrounded by forest. A different forest than it was on my way here. Itā€™s quiet. Too quiet. I turn around to try to walk through the trees again, but they are gone. I must be dreaming. Thatā€™s the only explanation Iā€™ve got. I hear some weird noises and itā€™s clear that this is definitely not a dream. Iā€™m sweating even more. Not knowing where I am. Or what the hell is going on. I take my phone out of my pocket - no service. Of course. After a moment of contemplating I decide to make my way out of this forest. After about twenty minutes of walking I end up in an open clearing. In front of a small hill. Well, thatā€™s a start. This at least means that somewhere around someone must live. At least I really hope so. I walk uphill and as soon as Iā€™m standing a top, I see a huge villa? No, thatā€™s too small for a villa. A castle? Iā€™ve never seen a castle before, but I assume that by the sizeā€¦ Itā€™s huge. Did I already say that?Ā  I see something that looks like a street and decide to follow it towards the castle. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? As I approach the gates, which are golden, of course, I can finally hear other voices. My heart jumps in my chest at the prospect of help. I start going faster, making my way closer and closer to my current destination.
Just as I was about to walk through the gates, a huge white wolf appears in front of me. All I can see are his beautiful onyx coloured eyes. And for whatever reason Iā€™m not even afraid of him. Do I like wolves? Yes. Do I even have a wolf tattoo all over my left arm? Also yes. Do I just want to get closer to him and snuggle myself into his fur? Fuck yes.
ā€œWho are you?ā€Ā 
Did- did the wolf just speak? I feel like getting dizzy. The world around me blurring. I canā€™t seem to concentrate on one point to calm myself down. Thatā€™s when I see the wolf turning into a human being.Ā 
Next thing I know is me waking up in an unknown bed. As soon as I opened my eyes, I want to close them again. Itā€™s just too bright in here. Protectively I put a hand over my eyes to let them adjust.Ā  Even though my eyes donā€™t want to work, my eyes work perfectly. I can make out several voices. Men and women.Ā 
ā€œWho is she?ā€ ā€œWhere does she come from?ā€ ā€œWhy is she here? Have you had any letters, Aelin?ā€ ā€œNo, I did not, Rowan. Did you?ā€ ā€œWhere exactly did you find her, Fenrys?ā€ ā€œAt the gates. She was just walking around. Trying to go through.ā€ ā€œI didnā€™t just try to walk through!ā€ I spit. Not able to contain any of my emotions. I slowly open my eyes. Iā€™m greeted with a women with blonde hair, dressed in, what I suppose, are training clothes. A man with white hair. His entire left side of his face covered in tattoos. And next to himā€¦
ā€œYou are the wolf.ā€ ā€œYouā€™re quite clever, little one, arenā€™t you?ā€ ā€œWell, Iā€™m trying my best after being thrown intoā€, I point around at my surroundings, ā€œthis. Where am I even? And who are you?ā€ ā€œWhy donā€™t you answer our questions first?ā€ It was the wolf man speaking again. For foxā€™s sake! What are we playing here? Ringelpiez mit anfassen oder was? I roll my eyes and nod. ā€œWho are you?ā€ ā€œNiamh.ā€ ā€œOf?ā€ ā€What do you mean of?ā€ ā€œWhere are you from?ā€Ā  ā€œLancaster. England. United Kingdom.ā€ ā€œWhere on earth is that?ā€
I wondered if they really are that stupid or if they are Americans.
ā€œIn Europe. You know, the continent?ā€
All I see is them looking at me as if Iā€™d be nuts.
ā€œHow did you get here?ā€
So I tell them the story. All three of them just look at me. Not able to say anything.Ā  Until Aelin finally breaks the silence: ā€œSo you are telling us you came through a portal and that youā€™re from a different world?ā€
I nod.
ā€œDo you remember where it was?ā€ Asks Rowan.
ā€œIn the forest? When I turned around to go through it again, it was gone. Look, Iā€™m really sorry to put of all you through this trouble. I will just get my things and leave. Thank you for your hospitality.ā€ I make to get up, out of bed. I make my way over to my things and shoulder my rucksack. Just as Iā€™m about to leave, Fenrys grabs me by my arm. I look up at him and once again am fascinated by his onyx eyes. They seem to draw me in closer. A feeling Iā€™ve never felt before. He looks down my sleeve tattoo and his eyes stay at the wolf head. Then his eyes go up to mine again and he says ā€œYouā€™re staying.ā€
It has been nearly a year since I ended up in Orynth. Terrassen. Erilea. A world full of wonders. Fae. Demi-Fae. Fae warriors. Witches. Whatnot. Whenever sheā€™s got time Aelin teaches me. So does Rowan. I met all of Aelinā€™s family and friends. Hence how I know about witches and all that kind of stuff. But the one that is constantly by my side - and in my mind - is Fenrys. He really helped me adapting to the situation. To settle into this new world. I canā€™t deny that Iā€™ve grown close to him. Itā€™s likeā€¦Ā 
Something nudges me on my cheek before liking a big stripe down my face. Iā€™m currently lying in the grass, enjoying the sunshine during this wonderful warm summer day. I open my eyes to see Fenrys sitting next to me. His white fur gleaming in the sun. A cocky smile on his face. I motion for him to lay down too, and as he does he puts his head on my chest. Demanding that I caress his head. This are the moments I enjoy the most. Just knowing that heā€™s here.Ā 
ā€œI had a child yesterday at workā€¦ Holy!ā€ Fenrys looks up as to tell me to continue.Ā  ā€œThey injured another child so badly, we had to call in a healer. Not to mention that their parents were more than just furious.ā€ Once again Fenrys nudges me.Ā  ā€œI know it wasnā€™t my fault, I wasnā€™t even in the room when it happened. But I still feel responsible.ā€
A gleam of light indicates that Fenrys is turning back into his Fae form. Butt naked. I roll my eyes and take one of his underwear shorts out of my bag to throw it at him.
ā€œLast night you had no problems seeing me naked.ā€Ā  ā€œBecause youā€™re always naked. And you had a nightmare. Do you really think in that situation I only got eyes for your dick?ā€ I raise an eyebrow, looking straight at him. Heā€™s still holding his underpants in his hands. His abs beautifully sculptured. Muscles in all the right places. That sexy V-line going down his hips to his private areaā€¦ I have to bite my lower lip not to act on some primal urge.
ā€œCertainly youā€™ve got that now.ā€ Fenrys replies with a wink. ā€œBecause heā€™s pointing straight at me.ā€ His cock is standing in attention. I canā€™t deny that it isnā€™t a sight I donā€™t like to indulge in. But maybe not necessarily here in public.
ā€œHe likes you just as much as his owner.ā€
I can feel my cheeks blush. Fenrys and I - we are friends. He helped me to get acquainted with this new live and I help him with his nightmares. It wasnā€™t long after I first stepped foot into this world that I heard screaming throughout the castle. It came from Fenrysā€™s room. When I opened the door I knew what was going on. I woke him from his nightmare and held him, all night long. While he remained in his wolf form. And itā€™s been like that ever since. Sometimes I feel like Fenrys is like an older brother. On the other hand I canā€™t deny my feelings for him. I wouldnā€™t dare to act on my feelings. Iā€™m too scared that once I allow myself to open up to him, Iā€™ll vanish through a portal again. Never to see him again.
Reluctantly he puts his boxers on and starts: ā€œNiamh, you know youā€™re an amazing teacher. It is not your fault that the other staff is incapable of handling children.ā€ ā€œBut it wouldā€™ve come back to me. As head of the department.ā€ He sits down and takes me into his arms. As soon as his familiar scent hits me, I start to relax. ā€œIs anything going to happen now?ā€ His head rests on top of mine. Kissing me briefly on my head. ā€œI have to send my staff to a special training. And for the curse of two months there always has to be someone in the room supervising my staff. Means, if I need a toilet or go for my break or have to do other things, I first have to get cover.ā€Ā  ā€œBut thatā€™s impossible.ā€ ā€œI know. Thatā€™s why I already thought about wearing nappies again.ā€
Both Fenrys and I start laughing at that. I can feel his vibrations flowing through my body. Listening to his heartbeat, smelling and feeling him, making me feel safe. Lulling me into a peaceful twenty minute nap. When I wake up my head rests on his chest. His arm wrapped around me, as my arm wrapped around his waist. My legs tangled with his. I open my eyes slowly, looking up at him. His eyes are closed but I know heā€™s not sleeping. All I can do is admiring his beauty. His wonderful golden locks. His nose. Those lips. I always wonder if they are as soft as I imagine them to be. The twin scars on his face. During his sleepless nights he has told me nearly all the stories about the Cadre, Maeve, Aelin and Rowan, the Valgs, about the time Aelin was in an iron coffin and Fenrys stayed by her side in his wolf form, how he got his scars and his Gavriel tattoo. The only thing he doesnā€™t talk about often is his twin brother. And he never talks about what Maeve did to both of them, but especially Fenrys. Nevertheless I can feel his fear and disgust each and every time he dreams of her. And each and every time I wish I could take those memories away from him. To let him finally live freely. Without the shackles of his past.Ā 
I donā€™t dare to move. Just relishing in the feeling of having him so close. Iā€™m aware what we look like and Iā€™m also aware of what the others think. I want to tell him how much Iā€™ve fallen for him. How much I love him. But I canā€™t. The constant fear of being thrown back into my own world - always present.Ā 
ā€œI can hear you thinking.ā€ ā€œIā€™m sorry. I should better be going anyway.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t you like me as a pillow?ā€ I can feel the smirk on his face. ā€œNo, Fenrys Moonbeam, I love you as my personal pillow very much, thank you. But Iā€™ve got to get ready with the other. And so do you.ā€Fenrys lets out a huff. Tonight is the yearly summer ball. You can compare it to midsummer in our world. But as we live in a castle, itā€™s more extravagant, so to speak. I try to get up but Fenrys pulls me back in. Both his hands now resting on my hips. ā€œWill you allow me to dance with you tonight, my lady?ā€ A smile forming across my face as I reply: ā€œOf course, my Prince Charming.ā€Ā  Our faces are so close that my heart starts beating faster. If he would kiss me now, I wouldnā€™t find the strength in me to resists. But instead I pull away from him, get up, gather my things and bid him goodbye.Ā 
The room is filled with laughter, perfume, alcohol and all of Aelinā€™s female friends and family. Most of them are already dressed and dolled up for later. I canā€™t deny it, but Aelin in her golden dress just looks breathtakingly beautiful. Next to her, in my plain black dress I more feel like Iā€™m invisible. Which I donā€™t necessarily mind. Less attention.
ā€œSo, are you finally going to tell Fen what you truly feel for him?ā€ Lysandra brings me back from my thoughts into the here and now. I shake my head.Ā  ā€œWhy not?ā€ It is Elise asking while she puts her long hair into a braid. ā€œIā€™m not from this world. What if a portal opens and I just slip through. Iā€™d loose him, Iā€™d loose all of you forever. I- I just canā€™t.ā€ ā€œOh Niamh.ā€ Now itā€™s Aelin speaking. ā€œI do not know how that must feel for you. All I know is how it feels to fear not to see your loved ones ever again. If you donā€™t act now, youā€™d might regret it in the future though. No matter what your future still got in store for you.ā€ Aelin makes me think. By now I know all the stories about how they met each other. Aelin and Rowan. Lysandra and Aedion. Elide and Lorcan. Dorian and Manon.Ā  Elide. Lorcan. Dorian. Manon. Those four names keep repeating in my head.Ā  Two humans. One Demi-Fae. One Witch.Ā  The longer I think about it, the scarier it gets. Even if I should be lucky to never return to my old life, Iā€™ll die nonetheless. Fenrys is 144 years old. Iā€™m 27. He will live for nearly forever. Iā€™ll die in approximately 60 years. Already now I cannot imagine a life without him anymore. How is it going to be when weā€™ve lived so many decades together? I have to swallow hard as not to start crying. I want to enjoy this evening. I want to dance and eat and drink. I want to have fun with my friends. Who, by now, are more like a family. With one last deep breath I straighten myself, as to signalling that I am ready to go. All together we walk from our room, in which we got ready, to the main location. It is the ball hall in the castle. For this event it has been decorated beautifully with lots and lots of fae lights, candles and flowers everywhere. The outside area is also decorated. A white fabric tent in the middle of the garden, decorated with lots of, again, fae lights and candles. Fluffy cushions and blankets are laid across the floor, making it very inviting. Some chairs, daybeds and other very comfortable looking sitting (or lying down) options have been added all around the tent. Torches all around. Making everything look like in a fairytale. Being honest this is how I feel right now. Like being in the middle of a fairytale.Ā 
As soon as we enter the hall all eyes are on us. Or maybe just on Aelin and her dress. Which again is absolutely gorgeous. Rowan is coming closer towards his wife, taking her into his and leading her to their thrones.Ā 
ā€œThank you everyone for joining us this year. As you all know Iā€™m not a huge fan of speeches, so let the party begin!ā€ And with that the music starts, people start dancing. Children are running around. This is amazing. All of my friends have found their partners and are either dancing, eating or having conversations with others. I look around the room but cannot seem to find Fenrys. So I make my way to the drinks. Canā€™t say no to a nice glass of wine. As Iā€™m standing on the edge of the dance floor I can feel a presence coming up behind me. Shortly after I can smell the so familiar scent of him - Fenrys. His arms wrap around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder.
ā€œYou look ā€¦ you just look breathtakingly beautiful.ā€ ā€œIā€™d like to say the same, but unfortunately I canā€™t.ā€ He knows what I mean and twirls me around so I can face him. My breath catches in my throat for a few long seconds. Heā€™s wearing black leather pants, a black button up shirt that reveals his muscled chest. His hair hanging over his shoulder. His too well known smirk on his lips. ā€œDo you like what you see? Take a picture of it so it lasts longer.ā€ We both laugh at that little joke. After I arrived here I showed him my phone and took a picture of us. One of my fondest memories. ā€œWould you like to dance?ā€ He holds his hand open for me. I place my glass on the table before I take his hand. He then leads me onto the dance floor, apparently just in time for a slow dance. It is by no means the first time weā€™ve dance together, but somehow this feels different. We are so close to each other, I can feel his breath on my skin. His one hand rests on the small of my back, while his other is holding my hand. My other hand is slung around his shoulder. In swift moves Fenrys swirls us around the dance floor. Iā€™m so totally and completely lost in the moment that all I can see is him. Unfortunately thatā€™s also the moment I can feel my anxiety and panic raise. It is getting harder for me to breathe. I need to get out of here. Now. I untangle myself from Fenrysā€™s grip and as fast as my feet can carry me I run outside. I need fresh air. I need to be able to breathe again. I find somewhere where I can be on my own. I feel like drowning. Feel like suffocating. I have to remind myself of my breathing technique:
Breathe in Breathe out for four seconds Breathe in Breathe out for seven seconds Breathe in Breathe out for ten seconds
I do this until I can feel my heart slowing down again. Allowing me to breathe again. But not for too long. Once again he is standing behind me. Watching me. And Iā€™ve got no fucking idea what to do. I can feel that he his getting closer. Now standing right behind me. He doesnā€™t reach for me. He is just there.
After a while he asks so silently itā€™s barely a whisper: ā€œWhat are you afraid of?ā€
I donā€™t have it in me to turn around. My hands are balled into fists. Then relaxing. Fists again. After calming myself down and noticing that I started crying, I turn around and face him.
ā€œIā€™m scared of losing you. Iā€™m scared that one day a portal will open. That Iā€™ll never see you again. Iā€™m afraid that- that I fall for you even more than I already have. Iā€™m scared that-ā€œ I swallow, breathing out. ā€œIā€™m scared that one day I will love you even more than I already do. Just to never see you again.ā€ My tears are flowing freely over my eyes. Iā€™m unable to stop crying.Ā Fenrys cups my cheeks. Wiping some of the tears away. His forehead on mind. Our noses touching. ā€œIā€™ve been falling for you the moment I saw you walking through those gates. Since that day a year ago I never wanted to spend a day without you by my side. I want to spend my life with you. And even if I get to only spend a day with you, it still will be the best of my life. Niamh, I love you.ā€ ā€œYou- you mean that?ā€ ā€œEach and every word. After spending a hundred years under and with Maeve, I never thought that one day Iā€™ll be able to find - you. To find love. To find someone I can open up to. Someone who- who will be there for me. Whenever I need you, you are there. You are the one guiding me through my night terrors. Never judging me. Never pushing me. Niamh, Iā€™m so utterly and completely lost in you. Iā€™d be a fool to let you go.ā€
My hands, which were resting on his chest, now grab his shirt and my lips crash onto his. Fenrys kisses me back and the kiss turns into something more than just passion. Itā€™s longing. Desire. Happiness. Love. Future.
Fenrysā€™s hands move down my body. Exploring it in a way heā€™s never done before. When he reaches my thighs and cups them, I know heā€™s going to lift me up and I let him. My legs wrapping around his waist, my arms now wrapped around his head, tangled in his hair. First when neither of us can breathe anymore we part our lips.
ā€œI love you, Fenrys.ā€
Once again our lips and tongues connect and I can feel something strange happening within my chest. Iā€™m so confused that I stop kissing him. He notices and puts me down, without letting go of me.
ā€œYou are my mate.ā€
My eyes widen as his words leave his mouth. Iā€™m his mate. Now everything makes sense. Why I felt so drawn to him. Why I had to think about him all the time. Why I just canā€™t fucking be without him. .Ā 
ā€œThat is if you even want me as your mate.ā€ ā€œOh Fen, donā€™t be ridiculous. Of course I donā€™t.ā€ The way I say it he knows Iā€™m playing with him. He scoops me up again and twirls us around. His laughter so warm and full of love. I donā€™t ever want to leave his arms ever again. I donā€™t ever not want to feel his lips on mine. I donā€™t ever want to leave this place.Ā  Iā€™ve got no idea how much time has passed. And being quite honest, I donā€™t care either.Ā 
ā€œDo you- do you want to go back inside?ā€ I contemplate for a second before looking at him.Ā  ā€œNaaah, not really. But Iā€™d like to test your claim of your indestructible bed.ā€ ā€œAs you wish, my lady.ā€
(The only way Fenrys and I tested the bed that night was my cuddling and kissing. I do know how difficult it for him, even after all these years, to commit to something as huge as intimacy. But Iā€™m willing to give him the time he needs. The last thing I want to happen is me being a second Maeve. Heā€™s my little Moon Moon after all šŸ„°)
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
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There are too many quotes that support Elain Archeron as being observant, stealthy, and possessing mysterious powers other than having seer ability. It is noticed by the members of the Night Court inner circle that Elain is ready to do whatever it is that would protect her home, the Night Court. In this place, she has gotten closed with her two friends, half-wraiths and half-high fae, Nuala and Cerriwen respectively.
Nuala and Cerridwen are two spies that work for Azriel, the Spymaster of the Night Court. So with Elainā€™s tendencies that can greatly benefit a spying skill, her closeness with her two half wraith friends who are professional spies, and her romantic interests in the certain spymaster would make sense for her role as part of the spying team. This is the impression Iā€™m getting, that the author may go that direction for her book. I could be wrong of course, but until then, this is my perspective.
So I created this piece showing a situation where Elain is at her prime with powers, herself as whole and her goals. I hope you enjoy this art. Itā€™s still WIP, tho.
Sharing is welcome, credit me please. :)
I gladly welcome any constructive feedback, however I have zero tolerance for any snide or hate comments. I will delete any such comments and accounts will be blocked. Only positivity allowed in my space. Thank you for understanding.
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
@fieldofdaiisies Thanks for the tag
Iā€™ve got too many fic wips atm and no time (work, uni, child, family) but whenever I can I try. So here we go:
ā€¢ A Court of Ice and Shadows
ā€¢ Whereā€™s darkness thereā€™s light
ā€¢ Heart Dreams
ā€¢ Throne of Roses
Iā€™ve got more ideas (mainly one-shots) but no titles yetā€¦ šŸ˜©
Tags: @lokisgoodgirl @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @angrythingstarlight (šŸ‘ and šŸ are my absolute favourites šŸ˜) @decadentpostnacho @queentala (you know which ones Iā€™m waiting for šŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜šŸ–¤)
@campgender / @enfreakment / @crippleprophet (promoting ALL of mac's accounts to the followers today šŸ’–) tagged me to post the titles of my wips! i'll be real i only have some cupids kill with dice actually IN the works right now, but i have a few stories within the same universe that i've been cooking up and want to get started working on! the titles of those are:
papa don't preach
nancy wheeler's wedding planning survival guide
as always, you can ask me absolutely anything about my wips !!! i have so much stupid trivia about this universe locked up in my noggin it's INSANE
tagging @roykentt @finalgirl-steve @alligator-writes and @werewolfsteve !!
137 notes Ā· View notes
juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Thank you for the tag, @decadentpostnacho and @queentala
ā€¢ Fave colour: magenta, lavendel, emerald green (but I really love all the colours of the rainbow šŸŒˆ)
ā€¢ Currently reading: The House with the Golden Door by Elodie Harper / A Vow so Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer
ā€¢ Last Song: Stand up by Cynthia Erivo
ā€¢ Last movie: The Gray Man
ā€¢ Sweet/savoury/spicy: all of them šŸ˜Ž
ā€¢ Currently working on: assessment about abuse (especially child abuse) and all the legislations trying to protect babies, children and young people
thank you for the tag, @padmedala <3
fav colour: yellow
currently reading: call down the hawk (stillā€¦ i keep getting distracted by fanficā€¦)
last song: two queens in a king sized bed by girl in red
last movie: corsage (i donā€™t expect anyone to be aware of austrian movie releases but yeah. a movie about empress elisabeth. itā€™s good! go watch it if you like historical movies but donā€™t mind deliberate anachronisms! itā€™s not a light hearted movie tho, deals with mental health issues a lot, so be careful there.)
sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet!
currently working on: my osemanverse big bang fic šŸ˜
iā€™m tagging @kindaorangey @trebondialanna @ronoexiste @anbybeingcool @stuttertutter @phoneglow @lovednotrusted @elizaflamingo @emoryinaboat and anyone who feels like it <3
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
I Hope She Makes You Happy
ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Lucien Vanserra x y/n
summary: You and Lucien have been friends for some time now. Youā€™ve got feelings for the red head. But does he feel the same?
words: 2.9k
TW: mentions of alcohol, language, implied smut, it gets a bit steamy šŸ”„, fluff, a bit of angst
note: English is not my first language, so apologies for any mistakes
It was a normal weekend in Velaris, which means that me and my two best friends got ready to go to Ritaā€™s. I wear a black long sleeved laced crop top, with a black bralet sewn into the top, a floor long black skirt that started just shyly above my navel and had a thigh high slit on both legs, and black glitter high heels. Maybe today I could finally get a male to turn his attention to me. I donā€™t want to say that I was desperate, but by the Cauldronā€¦
ā€œY/n, have you got any make up?ā€
ā€œYeah sure. Just right over there in that tiny bagā€, I pointed over to a chest of drawers. On top was a mirror and my make up bag. Admittedly, there wasnā€™t much in there but enough to keep me going. My friend, Kyara, applied some red lip stick and mascara. I did the same but added a black line of kohl on my upper eye lid. I just like how my y/e/c sparkle even more.
ā€œAre you two finally ready?ā€ Ophelia questioned us while taking a long sip from her wine.Ā 
When she arrived at my apartment she was already fully dressed and dolled up. Basically just joining so she can empty my wine cupboard. She goes back into my kitchen and pours each of us another glass of wine. As Kyara and I move over to her, she gives us our glasses.
ā€œTo a lovely girls night out! And hopefully some willing males as I really need to get fucked!ā€ I roll my eyes at Opheliaā€™s speech and we toast our glasses together. After we emptied our glasses we make our way to Ritaā€™s. As usual we have to queue but luckily itā€™s summer and it goes rather quickly. As soon as weā€™re inside weā€™re being greeted by loud music, flickering lights and all scents imaginable - sweat, arousal, alcohol,ā€¦Ā 
We make our way through the crowd towards the bar, (un)fortunately we donā€™t make it that far. There, leaning against the wall of a booth, he is standing. His red hair all flowing openly around his shoulders and back, some strands have been braided back tightly. He is wearing a casual white shirt and green pants, coupled with brown shoes. No boots this time then. Ok. He is holding a glass of red wine in his hand and seems a bit bored, being honest. He doesnā€™t seem to be engaged in the conversations the others have. Nor does he look at them. It nearly seems as if heā€™s having a secret conversation with his wine.
So I take my chance.
ā€œLUUUCIIII!!!ā€ I yell as loud as I can, open my arms wide as I walk just a tiny bit faster over to him. He puts his glass down and embraces me in a tight, warm hug.Ā 
The scent I know all too well and love the most engulfs me: bonfire, fallen leaves and apple. Am I addicted to it? Definitely. Maybe. No, definitely. My hands go straight for his face, holding him while my thumbs caress his beautiful jaw line. Lucien wraps his arms around my hips and seems to be holding me impossibly tighter. Even after that hug he doesnā€™t let go of me and his hand lingers on the small of my back, while my hand lays flat on his chest, trying to savour his warmth and the feel of his muscles underneath.
Lucien leans down slightly and whispers in my ear ā€œI missed you.ā€
ā€œI missed you, too.ā€ I canā€™t help the bright smile crossing my face.
He shortly lets go of me to go behind me and takes Ophelia and Kyara in a warm hug as well. They exchange short hellos and how are youā€™s before Lucien returns to me. Being honest I donā€™t pay much heep to the other people on that table, even though I know that itā€™s the High Lord and Lady and their Inner Circle.Ā 
ā€œWhy didnā€™t you let me know youā€™re visiting?ā€ I ask him while pouting and making puppy eyes.
ā€œI didnā€™t plan on it. Rhysand told me just yesterday.ā€ He gestures over to the High Lord. I turn my head towards all of them, nod my head in greeting and return to Lucien. Nevertheless I didnā€™t fail to see the look on their faces. Thousands of questions. Emotions written all over their faces. Thatā€™s not everything. I feel talons scraping at my mental shield, but I block them.Ā 
Nice try, my High Lord. Come back when youā€™re less obvious trying to spy information from me.
I hear a low growl and know exactly that this did not please him. I couldnā€™t give a damn about it. Lucien has told me enough for me to not ever wanting to be a part of their elite circle.Ā 
ā€œHow long are you going to stay?ā€ I ask Lucien while my hand rests on his biceps. Not trying to make it too obvious that Iā€™m more than just interested in this male.
ā€œLetā€™s go over to the bar.ā€
All four of us leave the Inner Circle behind and make our way over to the bar. Tye, the bar keeper, already knows us and what weā€™re drinking: three white wines and one red. After that we go over to a round table with four chairs, sit down and start to converse.Ā 
Lucien and I met a while back. Right after the war with Hybern. Ever since weā€™ve grown to be friends and I introduced him to my friends. So heā€™s very familiar with Kyara and Ophelia. The conversation is flowing smoothly. Iā€™ve got the feeling this is what Lucien misses with the others. With us he can be more of his own self than with the Inner Circle. As weā€™re talking I canā€™t help but notice that we both are stealing glances of the other one. I mean, who could blame me? Lucien is by far one of the most beautiful males Iā€™ve ever seen. If not the most beautiful. As his hand is resting on one of his thighs I take is hand in mine and with my thumb I start drawing small patterns on his palm. He on the other hand slowly strokes my arm with his other hand. If he continues like this Iā€™m going to fuck him right here on this table. In front of everyone.Ā 
A small giggle escapes his lips and I turn my head to him.
ā€œWhatā€™s so funny?ā€
He leans over to me and whispers in my ear: ā€œDonā€™t think I canā€™t smell you.ā€Ā 
My face goes all red and I bite my lower lip.
ā€œDidnā€™t get enough last time it seems.ā€
Last timeā€¦ We were having a small gathering at my place and played Truth or Dare. I took dare and had to kiss the most beautiful person in the room. Which to be fair was an easy choice. But ever since that day my dreams are filled with his soft lips. The taste of him. His scent.
I throw him a raspberry at that and try to calm myself down. This male radiates too much heat. In all meanings.
ā€œSo, how are Vassa and Jurian doing? And the mortal lands? When are you taking us?ā€
Lucien laughs at Kyaraā€™s questions but goes to answer her: ā€œEverythingā€™s fine. The two are bickering all the time but wonā€™t admit that they fuck. Didnā€™t think through that I can hear and smell them.ā€Ā 
We all laugh at his admission. Although I canā€™t fail to see the bit of hurt in his eyes. I know he wants someone he can love, cherish, worship. But Iā€™m not sure if he can after everything that happened with Jesminda. She is also the reason I donā€™t jump straight onto Lucienā€™s cock whenever I see him. Or why I havenā€™t shared what I feel for him with him. I want to give him time. And Iā€™m not even sure about the Elain situation. Elain. His mate. Who is hovering after another male as if sheā€™s a bitch on heat.Ā 
ā€œYou have to take us with you at some pointā€, I say after weā€™ve all calmed down from laughing.
ā€œIā€™d love to. But are you three sure you want to go to the Mortal Lands?ā€
ā€œWhy not? Iā€™m sure they wonā€™t bite.ā€
ā€œThey may not bite, but they can do other things.ā€Ā 
I see the memory playing in his mind and try to change the subject: ā€œHow about we all finally hit the dance floor. I mean thatā€™s what weā€™re here for.ā€Ā 
I grab Lucienā€™s hand even tighter and drag him with me to the dance floor. I just love dancing. Although I never would claim Iā€™m good at it. Lucky for me Lucien, Kyara and Ophelia donā€™t make any fun of me. The songs are really good this time and I let my body flow to the rhythm of the music. Not caring about anything around me. That is until I feel two strong hands and arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer into a hard, muscled chest. I can feel the heat rising inside of me. I swear that sweat is starting to form on my forehead. I want him. I want him so badly. Especially now as Lucienā€™s hips are pushing impossibly closer into my backside and I can feel his hardened cock rubbing against the fabric of my skirt. A little moan escaping my lips. I lean my head back into his shoulder while his hands keep tracing up and down my torso. Ever so slightly leaving small trails around my breasts. I take one of his hands in mine and we interlace our fingers. My other arm and hand wrap around his head, playing with his red locks. I ankle my head to the side, my nose lightly pressing against his lower cheek. Mother boil me! I want to kiss him so badly. While looking into his russet and golden eyes, I have to bite my lower lip to not act on my feelings. Lucien leans down, our lips so close, not even a hair would fit through it. Before I can say or do anything his soft, delicious lips meet mine and he turns me around. I place my hands around his neck while his hands wrap around me hips, one of them going down to my bum, squeezing it ever so slightly. His tongue licks along my lips, asking for permission. I part my lips for him and in one swift motion our tongues are tangled. Oh Cauldron! This male just tastes so delicious. At the sensation of finally having this, my heart beats like crazy, my breathing is staggered. Iā€™m totally and entirely lost in the moment. I got no idea how much time has past. Only when we let go of each other, lips all red and swollen, I manage to take in the others around me. The Inner Circle. Dancing, but still throwing daggers at me with their eyes. I look at Lucien. To my friends. I feel so embarrassed at this moment. Did Lucien only kiss me to make Elain jealous? To get any sort of reaction out of her? I let go of him. My arms falling slack beside me. I canā€™t breathe. Iā€™ve got the feeling Iā€™m drowning. I need to get out of here.
Without turning to my friends or Lucien, I just make my way outside. I got the feeling that the world is spinning. My mouth dry. My throat clenching together. I walk as fast as I can. Not wanting to see any of them. Thoughts racing through my mind. How could Iā€™ve been so stupid? How could Iā€™ve ever thought that he, Lucien, son of the Autumn Court High Lord, would feel the same way for me as I feel for him? How could I have not noticed his mate being on the dance floor before he started kissing me? Iā€™m pretty sure that right at this moment heā€™s either making fun of me for being so easy and naĆÆve or shoving his tongue down Elainā€™s throat. I can smell the salt of my tears. I feel how they are running down my cheeks. I donā€™t care. I just want to get home. Want to be curled up in my bed under my blankets.Ā 
I make my way up to my apartment and smell him. The scent that always drove me crazy. Now itā€™s just a sign of my utter stupidity. It probably still lingers on my clothes, my skin. I desperately have to wash it off as soon as Iā€™m home. I open my door and stare at the figure in front of me. Of course he winnowed inside of my flat.
ā€œGet out.ā€ I say as calmly as I can, still my voice is filled with bitterness.
ā€œY/n, please. Itā€™s not what you think.ā€
ā€œGET. OUT.ā€ My face is covered in tears. I ball my hands into fists. I canā€™t decide whether Iā€™m sad or angry. Probably both.
Lucien just stands there. Leaning against the kitchen counter. His arms crossed in front of him. I make my way to my kitchen, not because of him. I need a drink. A strong one. Especially now that heā€™s here. I walk past him and donā€™t even look at him.
As I go through my cupboards looking for my favourite whiskey, Lucien starts talking.
ā€œI came to Velaris for two reasons, okay three. First I have meetings with Rhysand. But thatā€™s unimportant. Second. I came here to talk to Elain. I basically broke the bond. Officially. I talked to her yesterday. I donā€™t have any feelings for her. I can somewhat still feel that bond, but itā€™s basically dead. She doesnā€™t desire me. I donā€™t desire her. Not anymore.ā€
At that I pour myself a big glass of whiskey and empty it half way. It burns its way down my tongue and throat, right into my stomach. Just what I needed.
ā€œAnd the third reason. I met someone. Sheā€™s from Velaris.ā€Ā 
I cross my arms over my chest and try not to explode. Is he seriously going to tell me this shit now? After everything that happened tonight?
ā€œSheā€™s ā€¦ She had my heart from the second I saw her. Sheā€™s the most intelligent, most funny, caring, loving person Iā€™ve ever met. I lost my heart to her. She is the one I want to spent the rest of my life with.ā€
I canā€™t stop the tears from falling. I just want to get out of here. My heart broken. Shattered on the floor and heā€™s stumping on it. I take another sip from my glass, put it back down on the counter and try to make my way to my bedroom.Ā 
I stop for a second, looking up at him and say ā€œI hope she makes you happy.ā€
ā€œYou do. You do make me happy.ā€
Am I going mad? Did I just hear that right?Ā 
I openly stare at him. My mouth forming an ā€˜oā€™, my eyes wide.
ā€œY/n. Itā€™s you.ā€ He wraps his one arm around my waist and pulls me closer. His other hand goes to my cheek, wiping away some of the tears. Lucien brings his forehead to mine. I can feel his breath on my face.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s been you since the second I saw you in that book store.ā€ A kiss to my nose.Ā 
ā€œFrom that moment on all I could think about was you.ā€ Another kiss to my forehead. ā€œAfter we kissed during that stupid gameā€, a kiss to my one cheek, ā€œall I could think about was your scent. Your lips. Your taste.ā€ A kiss to my other cheek.Ā 
ā€œTo have my arms wrapped around you. To feel your heartbeat. To smell you at day and night.ā€Ā 
He kisses my lips. I canā€™t control my breathing. My heart seems to be jumping out of me chest.Ā 
ā€œAll I could think about was how youā€™d be the first I see in the morning, and the last I see at night.ā€ Another kiss to my lips.Ā 
With my hands I reach up to cup is face. Placing a small kiss to his lips.Ā 
ā€œFor you to be by my side. For you to follow me, for me to follow you no matter where our future will lead us.ā€Ā 
He kisses me again while pulling me even closer to him. My fingers trace the scars on his face. I wanted to touch them for so long. Letting him know how much I love everything about him. Lucien leans is head down to nozzle my nose.
ā€œItā€™s always been you.ā€ His voice merely a whisper. Before he can kiss me I slightly jump up, wrap my legs tightly around his waist and my arms around his neck while his hands grab my thighs. I place a passionate kiss onto his lips. Nibbling them slightly before I let go. I put my forehead to his and say softly ā€œItā€™s always been you.ā€
Relief seems to be trailing through his body at my words and at that he embraces me in a long kiss. Lips parting to let the other one in. Savouring the taste of each other. The kiss is filled with passion, lust, wanting, love, desire.Ā 
All this time. All this time weā€™ve been two idiots in love. A love stronger than any mating bond.
ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ I say after weā€™ve kissed each other breathless. ā€œIā€™m sorry for how I reacted.ā€
ā€œNo need to be sorry, sunshine. But if you like you could show me just how sorry you really are.ā€ He winks at me as he carries me into my bedroom.
Needless to say I was in for a long night of ā€˜apologiesā€™Ā 
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Anything For You, My Love
ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Lucien Vanserra x y/n
summary: itā€™s your birthday and our fox boy has planned something special for you
words: ~2.5k
TW: none. At least I wouldnā€™t be aware of any. Just lots of fluff šŸ„°
note: English is not my first language, so please be nice.
ā€œLucien, I swear!ā€
ā€œYes, my queen? What do you swear?ā€ He says, having a mischievous smile on his face, while looking up from his book.
I just came out of the shower, finding my husband in our shared bedroom. Him sitting on the bed. A book in hand. All naked. Before I went to the shower I had put my dress and underwear, all ready to be put on, onto the bed. Now they were gone.Ā 
ā€œI swear to not let you touch me for at least a month if you donā€™t tell me where my clothes are.ā€
Lucien puts his book down on his bedside drawer before slowly climbing out of bed and making his way over to me.
ā€œNot even like this?ā€ He nozzles his nose into the crock of my neck. A shiver running down my spine. I can feel his hardening cook pressing against the low of my stomach. This Fae bastard knows where my weak spots are.
ā€œEspecially not like that.ā€ I know that my smell betrays me, yet I donā€™t want to give him the satisfaction of becoming jelly under his touch.
ā€œYou know how much I adore your naked form, y/n. You know how crazy and feral you drive me.ā€
ā€œI am very well aware of that. But Iā€™m also aware that I am late for work. Thanks to you.ā€
ā€œI find clothes restrictive.ā€
ā€œLucien Vanserra!ā€
ā€œYes, y/n Vanserra?ā€ He picks me up and instinctively I wrap my legs around him. My arms going around his neck and grabbing his soft red curls in my hands. Bringing him closer into a kiss.Ā 
In between kisses he speaks: ā€œYou are going nowhere today, my love.ā€
Totally dumbstruck I look at him. ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€ All I can do is stare at his beautiful face. Trying to figure out what on earth heā€™s talking about.
He slowly moves over to our bed, still carrying me in his arms. He then lays me down gently before hovering over me. His hair falling like curtains around my head.Ā 
ā€œYou are staying home today.ā€ He kisses the top of my nose. ā€œI wonā€™t let you celebrate your 210th birthday at work, wife.ā€ He starts kissing down my neck while taking one of my peaked nipples into his finger and rolling it slowly. Ever so often pinching it slightly.
ā€œAaand what *moan* have you - oh my - planned?ā€Ā 
ā€œThatā€™s for me to know and for you to find out.ā€Ā 
After our very surprising morning and the rather sweaty exercise we indulged in together, Lucien asks me to get dress. Nothing too fancy, something comfortable. He still doesnā€™t tell me where weā€™re going or what weā€™re going to do. So I decide on a blush pink coloured sun dress, some sandals. Light make up, no jewelleries apart from my wedding band. Lucien is wearing a button up shirt, revealing his muscled torso, black pants and normal shoes.
ā€œLike what you see?ā€ Itā€™s that moment I notice Iā€™ve been staring at him. Drool probably coming from my mouth. I clear my throat to speak but he silences me by pressing a kiss on my lips. ā€œI love, that even after all these years, you look at me just the way when we first met in that book store. When I told you itā€™s you, and only you. When I asked you to marry me. Y/n, you are my everything. Thatā€™s why today I intend to make everything about you.ā€
He presses another kiss to my lips before taking my hand and guiding me out of our house. It is a beautiful day at the Day Court.
Lucien and I moved around a lot after starting our relationship. He didnā€™t feel at home in Night. Although Velaris and the Night Court were my home, I had promised him to go wherever he goes. Lucien is my home, and my heart is where my home is. At first I stayed in Velaris, but being separated from him was like torture. For both of us. As often as both of our schedules would allow we met. But it wasnā€™t the same. It was like having him for a burrowed time.Ā 
After living like that for around two years, I quit my job. Sold my apartment, my furnitures - basically everything that I didnā€™t need. With one bag full of clothes, another one filled with books and some items close to my memory, I followed Lucien to the Human Lands to live there. Together with Vassa and Jurian. The arrangement was far from ideal. Lucien and I wanted to have some place and peace of our own. I wanted to go back to work, but living in the Human Lands this was impossible. Going back to Autumn wasnā€™t an option. Not as long as Beron was alive.Ā 
Both, Lucien and I, had ties to Spring, so after a year with Vassa and Jurian we went there. Surprised to see that the Court was rebuilding itself. Or better said Tamlin and his mate, Nayeli, rebuilding their Court together. It took a while for Tamlin and Lucien to grow back together again as friends. But rest assured, Nayeli and I had our hands in it and didnā€™t necessarily made it easy for the two males. But when we found both of them drunk, bruised and bloodied (theyā€™ve gotten into a fight with each other while being drunk and the only way to finally end their arguments they decided to see who is the stronger oneā€¦) all curled up next to each other telling each other how much they missed and love each other. Nayeli and I knew this is the restart of a wonderful friendship. Nayeli and I had been growing closer to each other, too. Spending girls nights together while the boys did whatever boys do.Ā 
While Lucien still worked for Rhysand, I found a job as a teacher in the town closest to Rosehall. We lived in Spring for about ten years, seeing the court flourishing and growing. Along with Tamlinā€™s and Nayeliā€™s family: The twin girls Tana and Meira making their parents the proudest Fae Iā€™ve ever seen.
Our time at Spring came to an end when the news of, lets say, Beronā€™s death spread like a wildfire through Prythian. Lucien immediately packed our things and we went to Autumn. This was the first time Iā€™ve ever seen his mother. And by the Cauldron, I knew where Lucien had his gorgeous looks from. Beronā€™s death also brought some secrets up to the day light. This is when my husband learned that his biological father is in fact Helion, High Lord of the Day Court. It all made sense now. His build, his darker skin colour, his abilities. I think itā€™s needless to say that Lucien was shocked. He didnā€™t talk to anyone for days. Didnā€™t even want to be with me. Slept in a different room. Until I finally had enough.
ā€œLove, you can either sit here, in your old room, brooding and tantruming like a toddler, or you get your ass off that bed and face your mother and father. I am not saying that youā€™re supposed to love Helion with all your heart or to worship the ground is walking on, because that right is exclusively reserved for me. All Iā€™m saying is, give him a chance. Get to know him. Not as a High Lord, but as your father.ā€Ā 
And so they did. Our visits to Day became more and more regularly and often. Most of the time taking Lucienā€™s mother with us. Until his mother decided to stay with Helion. Shortly after the now Lady of Day moved in with Helion, Lucien asked me if I would agree to us moving to Day as well.Ā 
ā€œUnder one condition.ā€
ā€œAnd that is, my love?ā€
ā€œWe finally settle down.ā€
ā€œI think we can arrange that.ā€
Our life in Day was amazing. We lived in our own little house, a little outside of the town, in the nature. Lucien started working for his father as an emissary, while I got myself a job at a school. Teaching children is my passion and I never want to do anything else. After everything had calmed down in our lives Lucien asked me to marry him. I didnā€™t even had to think twice. I knew from the second I saw this male that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. The only thing missing now was a little fox of our own. Unfortunately this far we havenā€™t been blessed with a child. We do know how rare Fae pregnancies are and we donā€™t give up our hope.
Lucien leads me away from our house and into town. I smell freshly baked goods and my stomach growls in anticipation. Of course Lucien notices and together we go to a small bakery. I immediately lay my eyes on some deliciously looking cinnamon swirls with icing.Ā 
ā€œAnything for you today, my love.ā€Ā 
The shop keeper packs two cinnamon swirls for us and we continue our little journey. I still got no idea what my husband has planned. But I canā€™t deny that Iā€™m excited.Ā 
Our next stop is a flower shop. Lucien picks out a flower bouquet that is made out of roses, solidago, craspedia, sunflowers and statice. I absolutely love it and draw him into a passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and I can feel all his love radiating from him. I never couldā€™ve thought it possible of being able to love someone as much as I love him. Sometimes I do wish we would be mates. That way we both could feel all the love, passion, affection, lust and desire through the bond.
We continue walking through town and end up on the big market place.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m hungry.ā€
ā€œOf course you are. Arenā€™t those cinnamon swirls enough?ā€
ā€œThey are, but Iā€™d like to sit down somewhere. Relax. Cuddle in your arms.ā€
Lucien seems to be contemplating for a second before winnowing us somewhere else. As always when we winnow together I press my face into his chest and inhale his calming scent. When I turn my head out of my safe place, we are standing in one of the many gardens at Day. Our favourite one. Itā€™s a bit hidden from all the others. Flowers, plants everywhere. Even a tiny lake in the middle of it. But today that isnā€™t what catches my eyes. Itā€™s the blanket thrown across the grass. Decorated with fluffy cushions. Food and drinks in a basket next to the blanket.Ā 
My breath hitches in my throat. This is absolutely stunning.Ā 
Lucien and I walk towards the picnic area and sit down. I put the bouquet of flowers in a safe distance away from us.Ā 
ā€œLucienā€¦ This, this is amazing.ā€
He pulls me into his lap, my legs straddling him. We are sitting face to face, our noses touching. None of us says a word. Just enjoying the moment.
ā€œHappy Birthday, my love.ā€ A kiss on my forehead. ā€œI hope you like what Iā€™ve prepared for you.ā€
ā€œOh Luci, you could never do something I donā€™t like.ā€ Now itā€™s my turn to kiss his forehead. I clung unto him as if being afraid he would just vanish. He is the only thing I need. Although the cinnamon swirls are a nice addition.Ā 
After being like this for another several minutes of cuddling and kissing, we detangle from each other and Lucien grabs the basket with food. Itā€™s filled with bread, cheese, fruits and a bottle of wine. He fills each of us a glass of the red liquid and hands me mine.
We start drinking and eating. Talking about everything. The latest books we read. How things are going at work. Things we have to do at our house. Where he needs to go next due to his work and for how long. After our bellies are filled we lie down next to each other on the blanket. Both holding each other in their arms.Ā 
ā€œY/n, I know weā€™ve spent many years together already and I hope weā€™re going to spend the rest of our days with each other. That weā€™ll be able to have a family of our own at some point.ā€ He takes a deep breathe and fishes something out of his pocket. Itā€™s a small velvet box.
ā€œLucien, we already are married.ā€
ā€œThanks for the reminder. Iā€™ve nearly forgotten. But this is not a ring, y/n. Open it.ā€Ā 
We both sit up again, next to each other. My legs thrown over his. As he hands me the small box all I do is look into his eyes for any signs of what this could be.
ā€œI know what youā€™re doing. You will not be able to trick my golden eye.ā€ He kisses me on the temple and I just want to melt into it. Did I by any chance already mention how much I love this male?
Slowly I open the box. Inside I find a necklace and a bracelet, both adorned with a small compass. Questioning I look up at my husband.
ā€œMy father and his scholars made this. After my request. It imitates a mating bond. As soon as we both wear it, the spell will be activated and we both will be connected to each other. We will be able to feel what the other one feels. We will be able to communicate through it. It basically will do everything a mating bond does, too.ā€
ā€œLuciā€¦ā€ My voice hitches in my throat and Iā€™m unable to bring out another word. ā€œThisā€¦ this is the most amazing gift Iā€™ve ever received.ā€ Before even taking the necklace and bracelet out of the box, my hands find Lucien cheeks and I stroke my thumbs over his cheekbones. My forehead resting on his as I merely whisper ā€œThank you.ā€
ā€œDo you want the necklace or the bracelet, my love.ā€
I contemplate for a second and decide that the necklace will be the one I go with. Lucien is already wearing a few leather bracelets or better said strings, which he mostly uses for tying up his red locks. He takes the necklace out of the box and puts it around my neck. It has the perfect length for me and I canā€™t stop playing with it. Now itā€™s my time to put the bracelet on him. As soon as both of our ā€˜mating bond pendantsā€™ are connected with us, both pendants radiate a small yellow-orange and light green light. And faster than the blink of an eye, I am a bit overwhelmed with all of Lucienā€™s emotions. So much love. I know that he loves me but thisā€¦
ā€œI think weā€™re thinking the same.ā€ He takes my hands into his. Drawing small circles on my skin with his thumb.
ā€œI think we do.ā€ Looking into his eyes Iā€™ve got the feeling they are sparkling even more than before. Which is a bit funny to say as one of his eyes is made out of gold anyway. But I could swear that even the gold eye lightens up.
In one swift move Lucien pulls me over onto my back, him resting on top of me. He wipes away a stray strand of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.
ā€œI love you.ā€
ā€œI love you, too.ā€
Needles to say that this was the best birthday Iā€™ve ever had. Itā€™s not like Lucien didnā€™t always make my birthdays as special day. Itā€™s just this time his gift added a speciality to it. A day I will cherish forever.
Little did y/n and Lucien knew at this point, that someday theyā€™ll tell their children and grandchildren about this day.
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Whereā€™s darkness, there's light
ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Tamlin x Aelia (OC)
summary: Aelia Archeron, the oldest of the four Archeron sisters, she tries to find her own way in her new life after being made. To everyoneā€™s surprise she ends up where no one wouldā€™ve thought possible: In the Spring Court together with the beast. Will Aelia be able to bring Tamlin back from his darkness? Will she be the light heā€™s been looking for all his life?
TW: each chapter will have its own TW
note: English is not my first language. All mistakes are mine. This is an AU in which Tamlin is cursed and needs to find true love (more like ā€˜Beauty and the Beastā€™ as the originals were)
Update: Iā€™ve decided to change this a bit, as at the moment Iā€™m not in the mood of writing an entire series. Although most part of it are already written down, I utterly dislike it and have no inspiration to change it the way I want it. But the main theme is still standing: Tamlin x Aelia Archeron, and their way together. I will also add a few drabbles on how Aelia met the IC, how and why she ended up in the Spring Court, what happens with her and Tamlin. Things like that šŸ˜Š
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wc: 917 TW: fluff, lots of fluff. Pregnancy. Birth.
I wake up to a breeze coming into the bedroom. My mate knows how much I love the fresh air of Spring.Ā 
I stretch my limbs before slowly getting out of bed. My back hurts like crazy and I desperately need something to drink. So I make my way from our room, down the hallway and staircase. There I can already hear the voices coming from the living room. My heart is so full of love at hearing them, I got the feeling itā€™s about to burst. Each and every day I thank the Cauldron and the Mother for giving me this life. My mate. My husband. My family.
The view Iā€™m being greeted with brushes a huge smile on my face. I see my mate, husband, my equal, the love of my life, playing with our children: Elora and Finn. Those two are are an iron copy of their father. Green eyes, blonde hair, same nose and mouth. The only thing they inherited from me are the freckles, and I canā€™t help but think if my genes even had any say in the making.
As usually when nothing is on our plan the children are still dressed in their pyjamas, Tamlin only wearing his sleeping shorts. Which he got after Elora was born. Not wanting to traumatise our daughter by running butt naked into her nursery when sheā€™s crying.Ā 
ā€œYes, my little light?ā€
ā€œCan we go to Rosehall today? I want to pick some flowers for mummy.ā€
ā€œOr course we can, Elora.ā€ He kisses her in the head, then looks up at me. The love in his eyes clearly visible. And so are the sleepless nights since we started our family five years ago.
ā€œLook whoā€™s there.ā€
Both, Finn and Elora, turn their heads towards me, running into my arms and giving me tight hugs.
ā€œMama! Boobelly cakes.ā€
ā€œDid you make some blueberry pancakes?ā€Ā 
Finn nods enthusiastically.
ā€œOh, Thank you. I bet their the best I ever tasted.ā€ I give him a kiss before I send him back to play.
Tamlin comes over to me, putting on hand on my nine months pregnant belly and gives me one of those kisses that say more than he could ever express himself. He nozzles his nose into my hair before kissing my temple.
ā€œHow did you sleep, my light?ā€
ā€œI slept good, but your child kept me awake. Although I am not sure whether they fought or danced.ā€
ā€œIf they are anything like us, then definitely the latter.ā€
I canā€™t help but giggle at his words before I take his hand and together we walk over to Finn and Elora. I make myself comfortable in an armchair, as sitting down on the floor is literally impossible at my current state. After a while Tam and Elora make their way into the kitchen, which is connected to the living room, and prepare breakfast. Together with sit at the dining table, eating, discussing todays events. All three of them want to go to Rosehall, but as rising as well as winnowing is too dangerous for me, I decide to stay at home and get the nursery and Finnā€™s new room ready.Ā 
I love the house Tamlin had build many moons ago. After Rosehall had been back to its former glory, if not even better, we both decided that we wanted to stay somewhere more private. The day I stepped into this house for the very first time, I knew that I wanted to spent the rest of my days here. Together with the people I love the most - my very own family.
Three weeks later our house is filled with my screams. The babe wants out and I want to sleep.
Tamlin is sitting by my side, holding my hand. Being honest I wonder how I havenā€™t broken each and every bone in his hands yet.Ā 
Our oldest children are with their uncle Lucien. I donā€™t want them to hear their mummy screaming her soul out and swearing colourfully at their father for doing this to me.
ā€œJust a few more pushes, my High Lady.ā€ Our healer, Naenia, the only one Tam and I trust, says while her apprentice gets everything ready. Just as she said, after a few more pushes our latest addition to the family finally makes their appearance. Taking their first breath and wailing - the most beautiful sound a mother and father could ever hear.
ā€œCongratulations, my High Lady and High Lord, itā€™s another boy.ā€ Naenia wraps the babe up in a towel and hands him over to me. She gives Tamlin the scissors, and just like he did with the other two children, he cuts the umbilical cord, before settling next to me again.
ā€œWelcome into this world, Felix of Rosehall. I am your daddy,ā€ Felix wraps his tiny, tiny hand around Tamā€™s little finger, ā€œand this is your wonderful, beautiful mummy.ā€
Tamlin kisses me on the forehead. I place my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around Felix and me.
ā€œI love you.ā€
ā€œI love you, too. We love you.ā€
I snuggle closer into him, breathing in his scent and warmth.
ā€œBut Tam, this was the last one.ā€
ā€œWeā€™ll see about that, my freckle.ā€
ā€œThree children are more than enough. Especially in such a short time span.ā€
ā€œThen letā€™s wait a few decades or centuries.ā€
ā€œYou will be the death of me.ā€ I turn my head so I can give him a kiss.
ā€œAnd I intent to exactly be that.ā€
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
I Hope She Makes You Happy
ā‹† āœ¶ ā˜… ā˜¾ ā˜… āœ¶ ā‹† Lucien Vanserra x y/n
summary: You and Lucien have been friends for some time now. Youā€™ve got feelings for the red head. But does he feel the same?
words: 2.9k
TW: mentions of alcohol, language, implied smut, it gets a bit steamy šŸ”„, fluff, a bit of angst
note: English is not my first language, so apologies for any mistakes
It was a normal weekend in Velaris, which means that me and my two best friends got ready to go to Ritaā€™s. I wear a black long sleeved laced crop top, with a black bralet sewn into the top, a floor long black skirt that started just shyly above my navel and had a thigh high slit on both legs, and black glitter high heels. Maybe today I could finally get a male to turn his attention to me. I donā€™t want to say that I was desperate, but by the Cauldronā€¦
ā€œY/n, have you got any make up?ā€
ā€œYeah sure. Just right over there in that tiny bagā€, I pointed over to a chest of drawers. On top was a mirror and my make up bag. Admittedly, there wasnā€™t much in there but enough to keep me going. My friend, Kyara, applied some red lip stick and mascara. I did the same but added a black line of kohl on my upper eye lid. I just like how my y/e/c sparkle even more.
ā€œAre you two finally ready?ā€ Ophelia questioned us while taking a long sip from her wine.Ā 
When she arrived at my apartment she was already fully dressed and dolled up. Basically just joining so she can empty my wine cupboard. She goes back into my kitchen and pours each of us another glass of wine. As Kyara and I move over to her, she gives us our glasses.
ā€œTo a lovely girls night out! And hopefully some willing males as I really need to get fucked!ā€ I roll my eyes at Opheliaā€™s speech and we toast our glasses together. After we emptied our glasses we make our way to Ritaā€™s. As usual we have to queue but luckily itā€™s summer and it goes rather quickly. As soon as weā€™re inside weā€™re being greeted by loud music, flickering lights and all scents imaginable - sweat, arousal, alcohol,ā€¦Ā 
We make our way through the crowd towards the bar, (un)fortunately we donā€™t make it that far. There, leaning against the wall of a booth, he is standing. His red hair all flowing openly around his shoulders and back, some strands have been braided back tightly. He is wearing a casual white shirt and green pants, coupled with brown shoes. No boots this time then. Ok. He is holding a glass of red wine in his hand and seems a bit bored, being honest. He doesnā€™t seem to be engaged in the conversations the others have. Nor does he look at them. It nearly seems as if heā€™s having a secret conversation with his wine.
So I take my chance.
ā€œLUUUCIIII!!!ā€ I yell as loud as I can, open my arms wide as I walk just a tiny bit faster over to him. He puts his glass down and embraces me in a tight, warm hug.Ā 
The scent I know all too well and love the most engulfs me: bonfire, fallen leaves and apple. Am I addicted to it? Definitely. Maybe. No, definitely. My hands go straight for his face, holding him while my thumbs caress his beautiful jaw line. Lucien wraps his arms around my hips and seems to be holding me impossibly tighter. Even after that hug he doesnā€™t let go of me and his hand lingers on the small of my back, while my hand lays flat on his chest, trying to savour his warmth and the feel of his muscles underneath.
Lucien leans down slightly and whispers in my ear ā€œI missed you.ā€
ā€œI missed you, too.ā€ I canā€™t help the bright smile crossing my face.
He shortly lets go of me to go behind me and takes Ophelia and Kyara in a warm hug as well. They exchange short hellos and how are youā€™s before Lucien returns to me. Being honest I donā€™t pay much heep to the other people on that table, even though I know that itā€™s the High Lord and Lady and their Inner Circle.Ā 
ā€œWhy didnā€™t you let me know youā€™re visiting?ā€ I ask him while pouting and making puppy eyes.
ā€œI didnā€™t plan on it. Rhysand told me just yesterday.ā€ He gestures over to the High Lord. I turn my head towards all of them, nod my head in greeting and return to Lucien. Nevertheless I didnā€™t fail to see the look on their faces. Thousands of questions. Emotions written all over their faces. Thatā€™s not everything. I feel talons scraping at my mental shield, but I block them.Ā 
Nice try, my High Lord. Come back when youā€™re less obvious trying to spy information from me.
I hear a low growl and know exactly that this did not please him. I couldnā€™t give a damn about it. Lucien has told me enough for me to not ever wanting to be a part of their elite circle.Ā 
ā€œHow long are you going to stay?ā€ I ask Lucien while my hand rests on his biceps. Not trying to make it too obvious that Iā€™m more than just interested in this male.
ā€œLetā€™s go over to the bar.ā€
All four of us leave the Inner Circle behind and make our way over to the bar. Tye, the bar keeper, already knows us and what weā€™re drinking: three white wines and one red. After that we go over to a round table with four chairs, sit down and start to converse.Ā 
Lucien and I met a while back. Right after the war with Hybern. Ever since weā€™ve grown to be friends and I introduced him to my friends. So heā€™s very familiar with Kyara and Ophelia. The conversation is flowing smoothly. Iā€™ve got the feeling this is what Lucien misses with the others. With us he can be more of his own self than with the Inner Circle. As weā€™re talking I canā€™t help but notice that we both are stealing glances of the other one. I mean, who could blame me? Lucien is by far one of the most beautiful males Iā€™ve ever seen. If not the most beautiful. As his hand is resting on one of his thighs I take is hand in mine and with my thumb I start drawing small patterns on his palm. He on the other hand slowly strokes my arm with his other hand. If he continues like this Iā€™m going to fuck him right here on this table. In front of everyone.Ā 
A small giggle escapes his lips and I turn my head to him.
ā€œWhatā€™s so funny?ā€
He leans over to me and whispers in my ear: ā€œDonā€™t think I canā€™t smell you.ā€Ā 
My face goes all red and I bite my lower lip.
ā€œDidnā€™t get enough last time it seems.ā€
Last timeā€¦ We were having a small gathering at my place and played Truth or Dare. I took dare and had to kiss the most beautiful person in the room. Which to be fair was an easy choice. But ever since that day my dreams are filled with his soft lips. The taste of him. His scent.
I throw him a raspberry at that and try to calm myself down. This male radiates too much heat. In all meanings.
ā€œSo, how are Vassa and Jurian doing? And the mortal lands? When are you taking us?ā€
Lucien laughs at Kyaraā€™s questions but goes to answer her: ā€œEverythingā€™s fine. The two are bickering all the time but wonā€™t admit that they fuck. Didnā€™t think through that I can hear and smell them.ā€Ā 
We all laugh at his admission. Although I canā€™t fail to see the bit of hurt in his eyes. I know he wants someone he can love, cherish, worship. But Iā€™m not sure if he can after everything that happened with Jesminda. She is also the reason I donā€™t jump straight onto Lucienā€™s cock whenever I see him. Or why I havenā€™t shared what I feel for him with him. I want to give him time. And Iā€™m not even sure about the Elain situation. Elain. His mate. Who is hovering after another male as if sheā€™s a bitch on heat.Ā 
ā€œYou have to take us with you at some pointā€, I say after weā€™ve all calmed down from laughing.
ā€œIā€™d love to. But are you three sure you want to go to the Mortal Lands?ā€
ā€œWhy not? Iā€™m sure they wonā€™t bite.ā€
ā€œThey may not bite, but they can do other things.ā€Ā 
I see the memory playing in his mind and try to change the subject: ā€œHow about we all finally hit the dance floor. I mean thatā€™s what weā€™re here for.ā€Ā 
I grab Lucienā€™s hand even tighter and drag him with me to the dance floor. I just love dancing. Although I never would claim Iā€™m good at it. Lucky for me Lucien, Kyara and Ophelia donā€™t make any fun of me. The songs are really good this time and I let my body flow to the rhythm of the music. Not caring about anything around me. That is until I feel two strong hands and arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer into a hard, muscled chest. I can feel the heat rising inside of me. I swear that sweat is starting to form on my forehead. I want him. I want him so badly. Especially now as Lucienā€™s hips are pushing impossibly closer into my backside and I can feel his hardened cock rubbing against the fabric of my skirt. A little moan escaping my lips. I lean my head back into his shoulder while his hands keep tracing up and down my torso. Ever so slightly leaving small trails around my breasts. I take one of his hands in mine and we interlace our fingers. My other arm and hand wrap around his head, playing with his red locks. I ankle my head to the side, my nose lightly pressing against his lower cheek. Mother boil me! I want to kiss him so badly. While looking into his russet and golden eyes, I have to bite my lower lip to not act on my feelings. Lucien leans down, our lips so close, not even a hair would fit through it. Before I can say or do anything his soft, delicious lips meet mine and he turns me around. I place my hands around his neck while his hands wrap around me hips, one of them going down to my bum, squeezing it ever so slightly. His tongue licks along my lips, asking for permission. I part my lips for him and in one swift motion our tongues are tangled. Oh Cauldron! This male just tastes so delicious. At the sensation of finally having this, my heart beats like crazy, my breathing is staggered. Iā€™m totally and entirely lost in the moment. I got no idea how much time has past. Only when we let go of each other, lips all red and swollen, I manage to take in the others around me. The Inner Circle. Dancing, but still throwing daggers at me with their eyes. I look at Lucien. To my friends. I feel so embarrassed at this moment. Did Lucien only kiss me to make Elain jealous? To get any sort of reaction out of her? I let go of him. My arms falling slack beside me. I canā€™t breathe. Iā€™ve got the feeling Iā€™m drowning. I need to get out of here.
Without turning to my friends or Lucien, I just make my way outside. I got the feeling that the world is spinning. My mouth dry. My throat clenching together. I walk as fast as I can. Not wanting to see any of them. Thoughts racing through my mind. How could Iā€™ve been so stupid? How could Iā€™ve ever thought that he, Lucien, son of the Autumn Court High Lord, would feel the same way for me as I feel for him? How could I have not noticed his mate being on the dance floor before he started kissing me? Iā€™m pretty sure that right at this moment heā€™s either making fun of me for being so easy and naĆÆve or shoving his tongue down Elainā€™s throat. I can smell the salt of my tears. I feel how they are running down my cheeks. I donā€™t care. I just want to get home. Want to be curled up in my bed under my blankets.Ā 
I make my way up to my apartment and smell him. The scent that always drove me crazy. Now itā€™s just a sign of my utter stupidity. It probably still lingers on my clothes, my skin. I desperately have to wash it off as soon as Iā€™m home. I open my door and stare at the figure in front of me. Of course he winnowed inside of my flat.
ā€œGet out.ā€ I say as calmly as I can, still my voice is filled with bitterness.
ā€œY/n, please. Itā€™s not what you think.ā€
ā€œGET. OUT.ā€ My face is covered in tears. I ball my hands into fists. I canā€™t decide whether Iā€™m sad or angry. Probably both.
Lucien just stands there. Leaning against the kitchen counter. His arms crossed in front of him. I make my way to my kitchen, not because of him. I need a drink. A strong one. Especially now that heā€™s here. I walk past him and donā€™t even look at him.
As I go through my cupboards looking for my favourite whiskey, Lucien starts talking.
ā€œI came to Velaris for two reasons, okay three. First I have meetings with Rhysand. But thatā€™s unimportant. Second. I came here to talk to Elain. I basically broke the bond. Officially. I talked to her yesterday. I donā€™t have any feelings for her. I can somewhat still feel that bond, but itā€™s basically dead. She doesnā€™t desire me. I donā€™t desire her. Not anymore.ā€
At that I pour myself a big glass of whiskey and empty it half way. It burns its way down my tongue and throat, right into my stomach. Just what I needed.
ā€œAnd the third reason. I met someone. Sheā€™s from Velaris.ā€Ā 
I cross my arms over my chest and try not to explode. Is he seriously going to tell me this shit now? After everything that happened tonight?
ā€œSheā€™s ā€¦ She had my heart from the second I saw her. Sheā€™s the most intelligent, most funny, caring, loving person Iā€™ve ever met. I lost my heart to her. She is the one I want to spent the rest of my life with.ā€
I canā€™t stop the tears from falling. I just want to get out of here. My heart broken. Shattered on the floor and heā€™s stumping on it. I take another sip from my glass, put it back down on the counter and try to make my way to my bedroom.Ā 
I stop for a second, looking up at him and say ā€œI hope she makes you happy.ā€
ā€œYou do. You do make me happy.ā€
Am I going mad? Did I just hear that right?Ā 
I openly stare at him. My mouth forming an ā€˜oā€™, my eyes wide.
ā€œY/n. Itā€™s you.ā€ He wraps his one arm around my waist and pulls me closer. His other hand goes to my cheek, wiping away some of the tears. Lucien brings his forehead to mine. I can feel his breath on my face.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s been you since the second I saw you in that book store.ā€ A kiss to my nose.Ā 
ā€œFrom that moment on all I could think about was you.ā€ Another kiss to my forehead. ā€œAfter we kissed during that stupid gameā€, a kiss to my one cheek, ā€œall I could think about was your scent. Your lips. Your taste.ā€ A kiss to my other cheek.Ā 
ā€œTo have my arms wrapped around you. To feel your heartbeat. To smell you at day and night.ā€Ā 
He kisses my lips. I canā€™t control my breathing. My heart seems to be jumping out of me chest.Ā 
ā€œAll I could think about was how youā€™d be the first I see in the morning, and the last I see at night.ā€ Another kiss to my lips.Ā 
With my hands I reach up to cup is face. Placing a small kiss to his lips.Ā 
ā€œFor you to be by my side. For you to follow me, for me to follow you no matter where our future will lead us.ā€Ā 
He kisses me again while pulling me even closer to him. My fingers trace the scars on his face. I wanted to touch them for so long. Letting him know how much I love everything about him. Lucien leans is head down to nozzle my nose.
ā€œItā€™s always been you.ā€ His voice merely a whisper. Before he can kiss me I slightly jump up, wrap my legs tightly around his waist and my arms around his neck while his hands grab my thighs. I place a passionate kiss onto his lips. Nibbling them slightly before I let go. I put my forehead to his and say softly ā€œItā€™s always been you.ā€
Relief seems to be trailing through his body at my words and at that he embraces me in a long kiss. Lips parting to let the other one in. Savouring the taste of each other. The kiss is filled with passion, lust, wanting, love, desire.Ā 
All this time. All this time weā€™ve been two idiots in love. A love stronger than any mating bond.
ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ I say after weā€™ve kissed each other breathless. ā€œIā€™m sorry for how I reacted.ā€
ā€œNo need to be sorry, sunshine. But if you like you could show me just how sorry you really are.ā€ He winks at me as he carries me into my bedroom.
Needless to say I was in for a long night of ā€˜apologiesā€™Ā 
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
I couldnā€™t agree more with this.
One of the reasons I disliked ACOSF so much was the fact that it basically was just sex without a plot. Cassian and Nesta fucking whatever chance they got. Same with Feysand. Did they actually do anything else but that? Of course after Rhys used Feyre for what he needed (the book, the ring, ā€¦). On the other hand weā€™ve got SJM writing Elorcans ship so adorably. Like what tf happened? Does SJM really think fans only want sex? No! (If I only want to read smut I come here šŸ˜Ž) I want fluff, angst, love, laughter - everything a real relationship has, too. So hopefully in the next book we get a full working happy relationship that doesnā€™t heavily rely on fucking šŸ™šŸ»
I mean, when you look at romance books, especially the most popular ones nowadays, the relationships are only based on sex. I canā€™t tell you how many Iā€™ve read that donā€™t even seem like the characters like each other, they just have the hots for the other so I finish the book thinking, ā€œYeah, theyā€™re not going to last very long.ā€ Which is the complete opposite of what romances are supposed to do??? And honestly, considering Feysand is only also based on sex (ex. The sexual flirting between them not even two seconds after Feyre leaves Tamlin), thatā€™s genuinely what SJM clearly thinks good romance is. I donā€™t want that for Elucien. šŸ˜­
Seriously though, if you look at their relationships, there's so much sex related stuff. And sex is fine, but not when that's the only thing keeping your relationship together! Most of the "cute" moments always have some kind of innuendo to them. There's nothing where they're actually funny and make each other laugh. Do they even like each other's company? Because most of the time when I read about Feysand, if one of them is laughing or has a mischievous look to them, it has something to do with them sleeping with each other later. But I'm sure that won't happen to Elucien! Hopefully...
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
When you listen to Kingdom of Ash on your way to work and you know you have to mentally prepare you whatā€™s about to come šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Tumblr media
It just breaks me each and every time šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­šŸ’”
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juulle987 Ā· 2 years
Not me having the naughtiest ideas right now šŸ„µ
Yes to gavriel daddy kinkā€¦ but I also think that man might be submissive as hell. Like just so badly wanting to be your good boy as he fucks himself up into your hand, overstimulated and whimpering and looking so pretty
Oh. oh. Wait, yes. I really really like this
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