kageokami21 22 hours
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Jet the Hawk
Man, I've come a long way with my art. And I think this drawing right here is the perfect testament to just how far I've come in my art.
When I first got into the Sonic fandom and started drawing Sonic characters for the very first time, out of the official Sonic characters, I was really only able to draw the 3 S's (Sonic, Shadow and Silver for those of you who aren't familiar with me using that term yet) because they were the easiest characters for me to draw.
But now look where I am; not only do I have a whole collection of my own Sonic characters, but I've been able to draw some of my favorite Sonic characters outside of the 3 S's. A few of them include, Scourge (from the Archie comics), Werehog Sonic, Espio and of course too, Jet right here as well. I used to just stick to drawing the 3 S's all the time because I always thought the other characters were harder and more complicated to draw. But it turns out, they're actually not????? Wtf???? I mean, Jet's beak was a little bit of a challenge for me. But once I got that in, the rest of him was pretty easy.
I honestly cannot believe that the younger me in the past thought the other characters I liked so much (and so badly wanted to draw) were hard. I think that statement right there just shows how much I've grown. Not trying to pat myself on the back here, but just looking at this pic of Jet that I drew, it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good. Where I used to think other characters were hard for me to draw, now I feel like I could draw any of the Sonic characters if I just put my mind to it
Jet the Hawk belongs to Sega
Artwork belongs to me
@rosetyphooon, you'll like this one
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kageokami21 23 hours
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Lunar Star the Tiger
Holy moly.... I finished this drawing a few days ago and I completely forgot to post it!!! Well, better late than never, they always say (heh...)
Frick, and now that I'm posting her a couple days late, I really don't know what to say about her... Arg. Well, just enjoy this pic of yet another re-drawn old oc of mine
Character and artwork belong to me
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kageokami21 7 days
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Shade - Family and Friends
YEEEEEEESSS!!! It's done!!! My enormous drawing is done!!! And now it is here for all you guys to see too!!!
Omg, I can't believe it's done!!!! And from the time I started the rough sketch to completing the entire thing, it only took me a couple weeks (not even!) to finish!!! Can you believe that???! But anyways, it's done, and yes, I know there are some mistakes in it, but frick I'm really happy with it!!! This drawing with Shade and my other main ocs (excluding Silver) I've wanted to do for a long time, and finally I've accomplished that! (Two weeks??! Really???!!!!!)
Now, since I've put everybody's names on the page, I don't need to do a "who's who" for you guys. But I will, however, tell you everyone's relation to each other.
So, in my semi-AU (semi because some of the official Sonic characters are involved in it - as you can see - and not just my ocs), Shade is my main oc, and Silver is her boyfriend. Cyclone is one of Shade's adopted brothers, and also friends with Skate. Skate is Shade's best friend (not related to her) and Storm up top is Shade's cousin. (Fun fact, Shade has a lot of adopted siblings as well as cousins. Actually, Storm is her cousin and he has a lot of brothers and sisters. So, yeah..... XD)
Even though it's not perfect, I'm so glad I was finally able to do this! I hope you guys will enjoy looking at it as much as I had fun working on it!
Artwork belongs to me
Shade, Storm, Skate and Cyclone all belong to me.
Silver belongs to Sega
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kageokami21 8 days
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Spark the Dragon
Woo hoo! Finally I've got somethin' new to show you guys! It feels like a long time since I posted some art on here (even though it prob'ly hasn't been that long). My big drawing that I've talked about is very close to being done now, but for now, enjoy this pic of yet another re-draw of one of my old Sonic ocs (I have so many of them......... Although, now that I think about it, most of them live on my au world, so maybe it's a good thing I have a lot, because you can't have an inhabitable planet with no people on it XDD)
I dont' know why, but this guy reminds me so badly of another character that I'm sure I've seen somewhere before... I just can't put my finger on it....
If you guys can believe it, I originally had this guy marked as an adoptable (one of many, lol). I was gonna re-draw him, get him digitalized and then put him up for adoption, But as soon as I drew in those spikes on his head (or whatever you would call 'em), I was like, nope, those look dope, I'm keeping him. XD. So, now I can add Spark here to my ever growing list of ocs, lol
Character and artwork belong to me
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kageokami21 9 days
Hey everybody,
So, a short while ago I made a post sayin' that I was workin' on a really big drawing inching a number of my ocs. Well, I am still working on this gigantic, but it is almost done now! It still won't be finished for a bit, but as of currently it's about 4/5 of the way done! And I'm really excited to be able show this drawing to you guys when it is done!
I don't want to leave you guys hangin' for too long though. So in the meantime I have a re-draw of another one of my old Sonic ocs that I'm working on simultaneously, and will hopefully have that one done soon to post somethin' new for you guys 馃槉
And the point of all this is to say that no, I have not disappeared, I am 100% still here. So, If you guys can wait just a little bit longer, then I will have a really exciting drawing to show you!
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kageokami21 18 days
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Free Assorted Adoptables! - OPEN!!
Ok, so I know this is a little outside of what I usually do, but I'm giving away a whole bunch of adoptables. Now, unfortunately, I cannot sell these guys for money, because I did not draw any of them. I (admittedly) made all of these guys online with a bunch of different character makes. So, I kinda have to give all of these guys away for free. And with that said, please take these guys. Seriously, take them. Take as many as you want! These guys have been sitting around collecting dust forever now, and I haven't done anything with them. So please, take them!!!
As of currently, all of them are open! Just let me know which one(s) you want, and they're yours! And you don't even have to give credit! (Unless you've a sudden urge to, lol)
2. Open!
3. Open!
4. Open!
Owner: alittlecolorsblog
6. Open!
7. Open!
8, Open!
9. Open!
Owner: bored-dusk
11. Open!
12. Open!
Owner: bored-dusk
Owner: alittlecolorsblog
Owner: bored-dusk
16. Open!
17. Open!
18. Open!
19. Open!
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kageokami21 18 days
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Black(out) Storm
So, for those of you who remember my oc, Storm (cousin to my main Sonic oc, Shade), this is one of his other forms. (I say one of because I might give him a "Super" form of sorts too). The full name of this form is Blackout Storm, but it's more commonly known as just "Black Storm".
Now, this form is sort of rare for Storm, because it's not a form that he can willingly turn into. For this dark form to take effect on Storm, his powers have to get interrupted while he's using them. Think of it like an actual thunderstorm. During a storm, sometimes your life gets interrupted because you loose power in your whole house for a while. Well, same thing with Black Storm. If his powers get interrupted while he's using them, he will forcibly take on this darker form of himself. And while he is in this form, Storm looses all of his powers completely, and his personality does a major, complete 180 spin. He pretty much looses all of his happiness and joy and becomes completely detached and uncaring and moody and is just all around "whatever" about everything.
However, for Storm to turn back to his normal self again, he can't do that willingly either. Using my real life thunderstorm analogy here, for the power to come back on in your house, someone (like a power company) has to restore it and bring back the electricity to your house. Well, this is kinda the same thing. For Storm here to be reverted back to his usual, happy, someone else (maybe one his of his many brothers, lol) has to literally hit him with a small jolt of electricity, which will in turn cause Storm to blackout (pun intended) for a bit before he comes to again. And when he eventually regains consciousness again, he won't have remembered anything that transpired while he was under the effects of Black Storm.
Character and artwork belong to me
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kageokami21 19 days
Hey guys,
So, I have a huge drawing that I'm currently working on consisting of a good number of characters (but mainly some of my ocs). Already I'm really excited to show it off to you guys when it's done, as this drawing is somethin' that I've been wantin' to do for some time now.
Now, because this drawing is so big, it will take me quite a while to finish. But not to worry! I'm not gonna leave you guys hangin'. While I'm workin' on this big drawing, I will still be posting smaller, individual character drawings to continue providing you guys (my followers especially) with some new content.
But I am excited about this big drawing I'm doing, and cannot wait to show it off to you guys! Fingers crossed that it turns out well!
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kageokami21 22 days
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"DJ" Scratch the Fox
Okay, okay, I know I'm a little bit late with uploading a new drawing, and I apologize to my followers for that. But drawings that have more than one character and/or have a semi-complicated background often do take a little longer for me to finish. But this one here is finally done, and I can finally show you guys my newest drawing (*pant*)
This awesome girl here is another character that I once had up for adoption quite a while ago. But after re-drawing her anew after not having touched her in a few years and giving her a bit of a new look, I've decided to keep her. Yeah, she'll be added to my ever growing list of Sonic ocs, but now that I've re-designed her I like her too much to just give away. Sorry oc shoppers, but this gal is mine XD
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kageokami21 24 days
What another beautiful and awesome piece by Kuroiyuki!!!! Just look at all the talent in this pic! Just incredible!!!
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Tried to draw Jet
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kageokami21 28 days
This pic is so cute. And Silver, ad ever he is is so adorable
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kageokami21 30 days
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Galaxy the Zeetah
Frick, finally finished re-drawing this guy. As you guys can see, Galaxy here has quite a bit of detail on him, so this drawing took me a little longer than usual to finish.
I was going to post a before and after of him and what he looked liked when I had first designed him a few years ago. But I'm actually a little embarrassed to show off his original design to you guys. In his very first design, he was a mix of a bunch of different animals, and had a lot more color both on his body and his clothes too. And as cool as all those colors looked together, I think it was a little bit much, to say the least. So, that's why why this re-design, I really focused heavily on reducing some of those colors and sticking to at least some sort of sensible color palette. And if I'm being honest with myself, he does look a lot better. Not completely happy with him, but definitely miles better
(I'm going to have so many characters when I finally finish re-drawing them all XDDD)
Oh, I almost forgot. You're probably wondering like, "Zeetah? What the heck kinda animal is that??" XD Well, in his original design, as I said above, he was a combo of quite a few different animals. But that was kinda crazy. So, in this re-worked version of Galaxy, I only stuck to a couple animals instead, since that makes a lot more sense inside of the Sonic universe. So the new Galaxy here is part Zebra and part Cheetah. Hence, "Zeetah" (I thought it was kinda clever anyways XD)
Character and artwork belong to me
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kageokami21 1 month
Just came across this while literally searching for some art, and just had to re-blog it (mostly so I can look at this very cool fan-character again anytime I want since I'll prob'ly never see it again otherwise, lol)
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Say hi to my second silvaze fankid!
Lune's not his full name but it'll do, he's the older brother of Nymph
As the eldest son and heir to the throne, Lune is usually in different lands taking care of business and studying. In rare time, he'd come back and visit his dear family
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kageokami21 1 month
This ever happen to anybody else before?
Literally mere minutes ago I was the middle of typing out a comment on a drawing I spotted on here that I liked, and then Tumblr just suddenly booted me out for absolutely no reason. And now I can't find the pic I was looking at to finish my comment! (It was by an artist I don't know/follow)
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kageokami21 1 month
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Lunar Sonic
So, on my ocs world, the three S's have, instead of Super forms, what are called "Lunar" forms. And some time ago, I drew and uploaded a pic of what Shadow would look like in his Lunar form on my ocs world, and now it's Sonic's turn.
I'm actually a lot happier with how Sonic's Lunar form turned out, because I made his quills a lot more flowy, which is basically how I want the style of the quills to look in these forms, and it's what I should've done with Shadow's Lunar form too, since I want them all to basically look the same - as is the case with their Super forms too.
And on a slightly different note, I think I'm still very, very slowly getting better at shading. Now, I'm still not amazing at it, as I know I still have a lot to learn when it comes to shading. But for now, I think I'm at least learning (and by that I mean teaching myself) at least where some of the shadows should go. And while I am still learning, I'm pretty happy with where I am for the moment. It may not yet look amazing, but at least it gives the picture just a little bit of volume and dimension and looks (already) miles better than just a flat-colored drawing. But again, still learning
Sonic the Hedgehog belongs to Sega
Artwork and Sonic's Lunar form belongs to me
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kageokami21 1 month
Are you kidding?!?? A drawing of my favorite hedgie done by my favorite Tumblr artist?!?? Somebody pinch me
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A Silver I drew when having an art-block
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kageokami21 1 month
Absolutely SMASHING rockstar Sonic, in the HOUSE!!!
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hes a rockstar guy look at him
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