kawamagikr · 5 months
One of my goals is to get into K-Arts (The south korean national school of arts)
but rn... I'm having some doubts. like, I'd have to leave my cat behind for 4 years... that's so much... and I don't have the heart to separate her from the other cats (who i will miss too)... besides, I'll miss my family... ik its "just" 4 years but.... idk.
Maybe its the autism jfjdksjd
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kawamagikr · 8 months
I’m curious, as a polyglot myself…
Feel free to comment or reblog with your languages.
I know English, Afrikaans, Hebrew, French, German, and I’m learning Russian and isiZulu.
Also, I was considering making posts in other languages other than English. Thoughts?
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kawamagikr · 9 months
You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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kawamagikr · 9 months
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Romanticizing studying/education
While I am not currently enrolled in college, something I found incredibly helpful when it came to studying and taking notes was fully romanticizing it. And by that I mean going all the way in— I would put on a classical music playlist and set my LEDs to a warm orange tone and pretend I was a young scholar in ye olden days studying by candlelight, and a couple hours later I’d have half a notebook filled with color-coded notes. Another time I put on some film noir jazz and rain ambience and imagined I was a tired, grizzled detective working tirelessly on a cold case that just wasn’t making sense. And sure enough, I would have pages upon pages of notes and work completed by the end of the night. It sounds really silly but I shocked myself with how well it worked, and I wanted to share my experience with it in case it can help anyone else!
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kawamagikr · 10 months
I'm sorry for not updating these last few weeks!! I'm back in school so life has been busy. i did get to study bc i got sick and spent my day (sickly)studying korean instead of going to school lol
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kawamagikr · 10 months
Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of free resources for different sign languages:
American Sign Language (ASL)
Australian Sign Language (Auslan)
Black American Sign Language (BASL)
British Sign Language (BSL)
Chinese Sign Language (CSL)
Emirati Sign Language (ESL)
French Sign Language (LSF)
Indian Sign Language (ISL)
International Sign Language (IS)
Irish Sign Language (ISL)
Japanese Sign Language (JSL)
Mexican Sign Language (LSM)
Plains Indian Sign Language (PISL)
Ukrainian Sign Language (USL)
Please feel free to add on if you know of others, be it more resource for one of the sign languages above, or resources for learning any of the other 300 plus sign languages.
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kawamagikr · 10 months
I love that the name evil act is using a car.
Also Portuguese also has the "victim" thing and its called sujeito, kinda cool to see both languages having that.
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Why is the wording for this so sick
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kawamagikr · 10 months
google drive of free korean language learning resources
hi everyone! because i put tutoring on hold while i am working full time but still want to provide help to those who want to start learning/want to practice their korean, i am continuously compiling material for free learning :)
resources are totally free!
most are typically aimed at children (which is great for beginners!!)
hangul practice
vocabulary building
example of scans:
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example of grammar breakdowns:
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i will be adding material over the coming weeks and continuously as i come across material! updates may be frequent or slow down at times.
note: resources are free, and they’re totally free to share and use! but please do not repost without credit, and because i buy these from my workplace with my own money and spend time scanning them and cleaning them up and organizing them, please consider tipping me as much as you’d like ♥️
here is the link to the drive! (sorry, can’t hyperlink on mobile currently)
enjoy, and thank you in advance! have fun and feel free to ask me any questions—i am a korean studies grad and was a tutor for the beginning korean classes at my university. i am happy to help however i can!
♥️ joey
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kawamagikr · 10 months
🍷28.07.23 & 29.07.23🍷
Sorry for no updates yesterday! i studied batchim and pronounciation rules yesterday but had to end my studies earlier than i wanted because i had a get together with some friends :3
Today i didn't study because i was hungover from yesterday's party/hangout, but tomorrow is a study day.
no deco yet because I'm doing this on my phone, will fix later!!
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kawamagikr · 10 months
Best language learning tips & masterlists from other bloggers I’ve come across
(these posts are not my own!)
THE HOLY GRAIL of language learning (-> seriously tho, this is the BEST thing I’ve ever come across)
Some language learning exercises and tips
20 Favorite Language Learning Tips
what should you be reading to maximize your language learning?
tips for learning a language (things i wish i knew before i started)
language learning and langblr tips
Tips on how to read in your target language for longer periods of time
Tips and inspiration from Fluent in 3 months by Benny Lewis
Tips for learning a sign language
Tips for relearning your second first language
How to:
how to self teach a new language
learning a language: how to
learning languages and how to make it fun
how to study languages
how to practice speaking in a foreign language
how to learn a language when you don’t know where to start
how to make a schedule for language learning
How to keep track of learning more than one language at the same time
Language Study Master Post
Swedish Resources Masterpost
French Resouces Masterpost
Italian Resources Masterpost
Resource List for Learning German
Language-Sanctuary Langblr Challenge
language learning checkerboard challenge
Word lists:
2+ months of language learning prompts
list of words you need to know in your target language, in 3 levels
Other stuff:
bullet journal dedicated to language learning
over 400 language related youtube channels in 50+ languages
TED talks about language (learning)
Learning the Alien Languages of Star Trek
Feel free to reblog and add your own lists / masterlists!
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kawamagikr · 10 months
biggest language wtf moment is when you can understand every single word of a sentence but you still have no idea what it actually means
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kawamagikr · 10 months
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This Twitter thread really spoke to me. I wanted to share it with anyone who hasn’t seen it. 
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kawamagikr · 10 months
★ This is your sign to romanticize studying! make that pinterest board full of aesthetic pictures, buy all those cute washi tapes and decorate your notes. make studying fun ★
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kawamagikr · 10 months
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Learn Korean vocabulary in a more organized and structured way.
Instead of a blank journal write your notes in this fill in the blanks notebook for Korean. You will learn 2500 words by filling in the blanks on the left pages and after adding relevant vocabulary on the empty right pages you will definitely surpass 3000 words and maybe even reach up to 4000-5000 words, all of which you will find neatly organized under 68 different topics.
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kawamagikr · 10 months
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Today's studies were a revision of consonant, vowels and the basics of batchim! i feel more confident on my reading abilities but i still have to work a lot on pronounciation (and hangul in general.)
i used Mrs Vicky's video to study, and using a post it to add little notes to my already made notes. also my username written using hangul is 가와마기 (fun fact: it comes from the word 까마귀, meaning crow. that's bc i really love crows, so i took the korean romanization and changed it around.)
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kawamagikr · 11 months
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🖊️ 26.07.2023 🖊️
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I'm sorry for no updates yesterday! today and yesterday were more of rest days,i wasn't able to study (>﹏<) but i did train some calligraphy today so that the day didn't go to waste. i also managed to talk my dad into buying me two korean textbooks!!
tomorrow's gonna be a work day i promise!! >:3
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Also no deco on this entry yet bc I'm doing this one on my phone >.< fixing it tomorrow morning promise!! pinky promise! Deco added!
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kawamagikr · 11 months
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🩵 24.07.2023 🩵
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today's studies were 받침, didn't study a lot since I went out with my friend :3 but I've felt a lot of progress since I started >.<)
I'm having difficulty with memorizing sounds and writing correctly but hopefully tomorrow I'm gonna remember better
center pic is mine
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