kyoranrilynth · 7 hours
Question of the Day
When Kyoran was a child, what did she want to be, or think she was going to be, when she grew up?
At first, Kyoran believed she was going to be a dancer, just like her mother. She'd watched her mother dance throughout her childhood and believed that she would follow in her footsteps. She learned and practiced frequently with her mom as she anticipated one day dancing alongside her. She admired her mother and wanted to be just like her. To this day, Kyoran still loves to dance and has danced on countless occasions during her days performing with her former troupe. It just wasn't the main art form Kyoran pursued for her life after she found music.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 1 day
Question of the Day
If Kyoran knew that she was going to die in a month, how would she spend the rest of her life?
Kyoran would likely spend the last month of her life with the people she loves. She'd travel seaside with Shadowheart, visit Karlach in Avernus, drop by Waterdeep to check on Gale, go to the local tavern more than once a week to meet up with her friends from the troupe and drag Astarion along for every single one of them (even if he did whine the whole way). And, of course, she'd ensure that Astarion had a safe place with her parents once she had gone. She'd be sure to tie up any and all loose ends in her relationships in order to give those she loves the closure of her passing before she's gone. After all of the previously stated had been taken care of, Kyoran would spend her days almost like normal, filled with music and doing her best to keep Astarion distracted from the inevitable end she would be fast approaching. It wouldn't be extravagant or lavish, but it'd be joyful and comfortable those last few days.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 2 days
Question of the Day
Who in the party would Kyoran trust the most with her life?
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Is this really even a question? Kyoran knows Astarion is not above killing someone else to save what he cares about. Does she agree with it? Not necessarily, but it does mean that he'd do everything in his power to protect her. Sure, their first meeting had been less than ideal. He held a knife to her throat. But, through their travels, she found him drawing nearer and nearer to her until it almost felt like they were inseparable. By the end of the journey, Astarion had shown time and time again that the people in the party held a special place in his heart - whether he said it aloud or not. Plus, Kyoran knew that she held a very special place outside of even that. Kyoran loved all of her other party members, for the most part, but knew that no one would fight for her like Astarion would. They would take a step back, rationalize her life, or even be willing to give her up for their own benefit; but not Astarion. Oh, that sweet Vampire. He'd dive headlong into any fray to keep her safe.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 3 days
Question of the Day
What location encountered in the campaign has Kyoran felt the most "at home" in, or just generally liked the most?
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Kyoran thinks she should say "Baldur's Gate" or "The Underdark" because up until the events of the Nautiloid either place could have been considered "home." Being a Drow, Kyoran and her family hailed from the Underdark, even if they didn't spend most of their time there. So, the area still felt like home when they returned between her mother's contracts. Then, when she left home and traveled to Baldur's Gate, she made a new home. She found herself a little place to call her own and settled down for a few years before finding her way into the traveling troupe. However, no matter how far they traveled, Baldur's Gate was still her "new home." But...there was something about that camp. The one nestled beside a shore between rocks and bushes and leaves. There was something about it. Though it wasn't a house, it became a home. It's where Kyoran found herself surrounded by strangers she'd eventually learn to call friends and some even family. That camp filled her nights with fear and frustration, but also kindness and acceptance. It was the place Kyoran learned about Astarion's Vampirism, Wyll's contract, Lae'zel's fears, and much much more. She wouldn't trade that camp for anything. After a long day's journey, Kyoran looked forward to setting up beside the shore and kicking off her day clothes in favor of her camp skivvies. She knew that settling down for the night would always be filled with light chats, wine, and snacks. It was her favorite time of the day and one she misses greatly. Kyoran frequently finds herself wishing she could return to that seaside accompanied by all of them.
Here's the link to the questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 4 days
Question of the Day
What does Kyoran admire and dislike the most about Wyll?
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The thing Kyoran admires the most about Wyll is his softer demeanor. He's open and speaks kindly to everyone around him. She finds it warm and charming and something that many people miss. She admires how he's able to subtly command a room simply by being gentle. She admires the way he gives and takes respect, a mutual equality without demand. The thing Kyoran dislikes the most about Wyll is how much he hides. Kyoran isn't sure if she can fully trust him with how hypocritical he appears to be. He says one thing and then does another. He's mostly kept the group out of harm's way, but he's also drawn a Devil to them without warning as well. So, Kyoran's not positive she can fully trust him to make the best decision in regards to keeping everyone safe. Overall, Kyoran likes Wyll, but she keeps him at arm's length. He's kind enough to earn her respect and warrant her attention, but he's not shown self-preservation for himself or the group and she can't risk that.
I used a Wheel Picker to generate who would be used for this question! Here's a link to the rest of the questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 5 days
Question of the Day
Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that Kyoran longs to find?
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Kyoran isn't much of one for finding weapons or trinkets the way other people might be. She doesn't find much value in material things (other than her instruments). However, if she could get her hands on an original copy of Starfall Pool (ballad) she'd be delighted. She grew up hearing tales of the song and she wants to read it for herself and maybe even play it if she can find the sheet music too. Additionally, she hopes that maybe by playing it she'll gain an understanding of where the ballad was written and why. After the adventure following the Nautiloid, she believes finding and exploring the pool would be no problem for her and her companions. Plus, what's one more adventure to uncover the secrets of an unknown bard's music about a mysterious pool.
A link to the Ballad I'm referring to:
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 6 days
Question of the Day
If Kyoran had the chance to rename the party/give the party a name, no questions asked, what would it be?
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Fortuitous Fidelities
And instead of "Weirdos," Astarion would call them "Fortuitous Freaks".
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 7 days
Question of the Day
Who in the party would Kyoran trust the most to keep an important secret?
She'd trust either Astarion or Shadowheart. Both companions are fairly aloof and typically don't open up to the rest of the group. Plus, she knows that deep down they both have their own secrets that lie hidden from the rest of the party as well. So, she'd trust them to do the same with hers.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 8 days
Question of the Day
Minsc admits that he's passionately in love with Kyoran. How would she respond?
"I'm flattered, but maybe you should talk it over with Boo again." Kyoran awkwardly smiles and makes her way toward Astarion's tent.
The Wheel Picker chose his name again 😅🤣 Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 9 days
Question of the Day
What is Kyoran's opinion on nobility? On authority?
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Kyoran cares about the nobility as far as getting paid and booking gigs. She knows how to schmooze them and actively tries to find ways to ensure she's a shoo-in for some productions. However, overall, she just doesn't really give much thought to nobles. They're out of touch and out of reach, but by the few conversations she's had with them, she'd almost prefer they stayed that way. Authority, on the other hand? She has a few thoughts regarding them. Kyoran believes the authority should be in charge of keeping peace and ensuring the flow of day to day life remains uninterrupted. They should be there to protect and maintain. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet, she recognizes and chastises the abuse of authority and power and typically resents their methods of upholding that peace. Kyoran believes Authority can be good. She just recognizes that it can also be corrupt and unfortunately, that authority rarely protects or serves her or others like her. So, she finds herself side-eyeing authority most of the time.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 10 days
Question of the Day
What major arcana tarot card best represents Kyoran?
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kyoranrilynth · 11 days
Question of the Day
What decision would the party have to make in order for Kyoran to consider splitting off from the group?
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Siding with Lae'zel. Kyoran cannot stand the woman. She finds her brash, disrespectful, close-minded, and difficult. Lae'zel has felt like a nuisance and problem from day one. She's put her knife to Kyoran's throat, caused rifts with Shadowheart, and practically spat in everyone's faces. Kyoran highly values respect, for herself and others, and the way Lae'zel speaks to her and the rest of the party is a sure-fire way to make sure Kyoran will never give her the time of day. Additionally, though Kyoran will entertain her ideas of finding a creche, she believes Lae'zel's ideas and opinions as unhelpful and downright wrong most of the time. She'll only entertain the idea of a creche because Kyoran is desperate for anything to get the damned tadpole out of her brain. But, if for some reason the party suddenly believed Lae'zel had great ideas and sided with her over Kyoran's opinions, she would likely have to leave. She wouldn't stand being disregarded and disrespected like that. She'd take her chances elsewhere.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 12 days
Question of the Day
What memory does Kyoran want to forget the most?
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It's already been spoken about in a previous question, but this memory really haunts her. The memory Kyoran wishes she could forget would be the one when she took the lives of two goblins in Moonrise towers. It's a memory that creeps up when she least expects it and fills her with dread. She can't find it in herself to regret the decision she made, which makes the memory that much more painful. If she could wipe it forever, she would.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 13 days
Question of the Day
Does Kyoran think more with her heart or her brain?
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She's more of a "with her brain" type. Kyoran can certainly think with her heart, but she finds that emotions are fallible and fleeting whereas observation and logic are more likely to get her the outcomes she actually wants. She's still an emotional person, but she recognizes that those emotions can certainly get in the way of achieving her goals. She's very forward-thinking and is fairly opportunistic whenever possible. She knows how to work a room in her favor and will make sure she knows exactly the right moves to play. Social gatherings are a game of chess, not some fanciful evening to fulfill one's desires. At least, most of the time. She has her moments for sure, but overall, Kyoran typically has to work out the pros and cons in her head before moving forward. Heart be damned.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 14 days
Question of the Day
What is Kyoran's favorite school of magic/type of weaponry?
Her favorite school of magic would be Illusion magic. She'd use it many times over for both combat and day-to-day. Kyoran enjoys the mischief and manipulation that can come from Illusion magic and would constantly use it to woo audiences. Her favorite weapon would be a short sword. Kyoran likes the size and weight of it in her hand as she's able to manipulate it easily in the face of danger. Up until the Nautiloid, she hadn't been one for fighting, but she wound up falling in love with the nimble weapon along her journey.
Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 15 days
Question of the Day
Describe Kyoran's current relationship with Astarion.
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It's a little complicated right now. Kyoran finds herself drawn and attracted to the man, but she recognizes that both of them are keeping their distance. She's helping him out of idealism, but she's bedding him to fulfill a longing that's ached since childhood. She finds herself longing to be closer to him, but sees his beautiful words for what they are - lies. She reckons she should get closer to someone more open, more honest, about their feelings, like Gale, but there's a sort of safety in Astarion hiding his emotions the same way she buries her own. She cares for him as a friend and companion, but she knows that sex is just that - sex. It's fun. It feels good. And it satiates the loneliness for a while, but she knows Astarion will never let her call him "home." Everyone leaves eventually. So, for now, she calls out his lies for what they are but supports and cares for him as a friend only could. It's a comfortable now, but thoughts of him entangle themselves in her mind when she's alone and she hopes that one day they can fade away before they can hurt. She knows it's a fool's errand to love a man like him. But, as he continues to share parts of himself with her, Kyoran can't help the way her heart opens up, yearning to love the man who cannot love himself.
I used a wheel picker to choose the character for this question! & Here's the list of questions I'm pulling from!
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kyoranrilynth · 16 days
🩸BloodNotes🎶: Kyoran's Nightmares
She startled with a sharp gasp as her eyes flew open to reveal the night sky. Sitting up in her bedroll, Kyoran sank her fingers into the soft dirt as her labored breaths slowly petered out as she glanced around, taking in her surroundings. The campfire crackled dimly beside her and Shadowheart and Karlach lay sound asleep in their bedrolls. Peering over her shoulder, she counted seven tents and then sighed in relief. Everyone remained accounted for. She dragged her fingers roughly through her hair, gripping at the roots, and pleaded for the nightmares to stop. At this rate, every other night she awoke in a cold sweat, tormented with thoughts about yet another companion dying.
When would it end?
Hot tears pricked her eyes as she felt a gentle hand rest upon her shoulder. “My dear,” an all too familiar voice whispered. 
“I’m okay.” Kyoran avoided looking at him and tilted her head to the sky, trying to convince the tears to return to the wells from which they came.
“This is the third time in a ten-day. Do you take me as a fool or heartless?” Astarion scowled. “And be sure to answer correctly.”
“Neither.” She placed her hand over his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Astarion tsked and withdrew from her touch. “Always the one for right answers. Now that we have that settled…” He lifted her chin so that her eyes met his. “How about you indulge me on why my love is awake with tears in her eyes.”
Embarrassed, Kyoran shifted her gaze away from him. How could she admit such petty fears when Astarion suffered from a waking life more frightening than anything her mind could conjure up? “It’s nothing.” She tried to pull away from him. 
“So, you do take me as a fool…”
Her eyes shot to his, pleading, “No! No. Of course not…”
“I know.” He cooed through a cheeky grin.
Kyoran pouted when she realized he’d baited her the same way he always did when she refused to tell him something. She shouldn’t be surprised anymore but he still somehow continued to catch her off guard. Asshole. Glaring at those soft, ruby eyes Kyoran wanted to be mad at him. Yet, she couldn’t help but appreciate how he tried to get her to open up, even when it was through less-than-charming antics.
”It’s nothing to be concerned about.” She pulled her legs tighter to her chest. “Just some childish nightmares.”
”Nightmares?” Astarion almost laughed. “Darling, we’re living a nightmare. Well…almost.” He mumbled the last part mostly to himself.
”I know.” The words came out sharp and punctuated by the crack in her voice. The place behind her nose burned like an ember and the prickling feeling grew until Kyoran’s vision clouded over. She begged the tears not to fall, but when Astarion drew her eyes to him once again she couldn’t hold it any longer.
Silent tears stained her cheeks as she looked at him, trying to find the words to excuse her outburst, but nothing came. Instead, she raked her eyes over every part of him, imprinting all of it to memory. Each time she landed on a new detail, tears would streak down her face once more. She could lose him. 
She could wake up one morning without seeing his messy curls caressing his ears. She could turn around and his ruby eyes wouldn’t be lovingly staring back at her. She could lay down one evening without the promise he’d feed on her that night. The more she stared, the more Kyoran knew she was falling madly in love with him, and with that love, came the potential for loss.
They’d outsmarted a hag, fought their way out of a goblin camp, carefully descended into the Underdark, and even fought a beholder, but despite their victories what if one day there was a loss? What if Astarion was that loss?
”Love.” Astarion reached out to hold Kyoran’s hand. “I-I don’t know how to do this, really.” He squeezed. “This—“ He gestured vaguely at all of her. “—supportive…comforting stuff. I didn’t really get the chance to…” He sheepishly glanced off to the side.
Wiping her tears with her free hand, Kyoran assured, “It’s okay. This is more than enough.”
”Is it?” Astarion furrowed his brow. “If I were you, I’d be asking for all sorts of things. A back massage, wine, a little extra blood…”
Kyoran lightly giggled at that. “I’ll remember that.”
“I certainly hope you do.” Astarion had turned his nose up in his typical pompous way but quickly returned to her. This time, grabbing both of her hands in his own. “Now, my sweet, will you tell me what has you awake right now?”
“It’s such a small thing.”
He squeezed a little tighter. “Your tears say otherwise.”
“Like you said…” She struggled to speak past the lump in her throat. “We’re living a nightmare. I—“ Her voice started to crumble. “I could lose you.” Then she looked around at the other sleeping companions before choking out, “I could lose all of you.”
She tried not to cry again, but the overwhelming dread that her fear could become a reality any day covered her like a blanket of darkness. The possibility crept into her bones and Kyoran couldn’t shake the way it made her body tremble.
”We won’t die.” Astarion gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “At least, I won’t.”
”You don’t know that…” Kyoran pathetically tried to argue.
”But I do.” He caressed the tip of her ear. “I outlived my first murder. I’m certain to outlive a few more.”
She playfully thumped his chest. “Not funny.”
“Now…what is it that you truly need?” Astarion’s eyes searched hers and Kyoran couldn’t help but get lost in them. When was the last time they’d had a moment to be close, gentle, intimate?
”I need you,” she admitted barely above a whisper.
A pregnant pause hung in the air between them for a moment until Kyoran realized what she had accidentally implied. Face flushing red, she shook her head. “Not like that. I just need to be beside you. I need to feel you pressed against me while I rest so that I know you’re still here.” Kyoran balled her hands tight, resting them on her knees, afraid to reach out and touch him. She almost didn’t want to look at him, nearly certain she’d made a mess of things, but when she finally plucked up the courage to look, a loving smile and soft eyes were already looking back at her.
“Of course, my love.” Astarion stood from where he’d been sitting beside Kyoran and helped her feet. “Let’s go to my tent.”
She felt like a child following behind him. It reminded her of the days her mother would pull her aside to comfort her after something or someone had upset her. It was a type of warmth Kyoran couldn’t put into words and somehow Astarion exuded that same feeling. He’d become her safe space as much as she’d become his.
She reached out and grabbed the fabric of his shirt as they neared the canopy. Pinching it tightly between her fingers, Kyoran thanked him for being there for her.
Throwing a coy smile over his shoulder, Astarion lifted the fabric to the entrance of the tent. “There’s nothing to thank me for. You need me and I need you. A fair exchange, I would say.”
Rolling her eyes with a grin, Kyoran stepped under his arm and into the tent. “Whatever you say, my dear.”
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