languagecoven · 5 years
Some random Italian slang
Com’è? = how is it (going)? How are you? What’s up? Dai = come on / forza / please (according on the tone, i.e. “dai, dimmelo!” = please tell me! // “dai!!” = come on!!) Meno male = luckily Boh = Idk, whatever Magari = maybe / if only / I wish so! (according on the tone, i.e. “magari piaci anche a lui” = maybe he likes you back // magari piovesse! = If only it rained! // ti piacerebbe andare al cinema? - ma magari! = would you like to go to the cinema? - I wish so!/I’d love to!) Che palle = I’m so bored / Oh crap (i.e. “non so che fare oggi, che palle” = Idk what to do today, I’m bored // Che palle, pure la pioggia! = Oh crap, here’s the rain too!) Merda! = Shit! Che figata! = This/that is so cool!! (at times is used also ironically) Basta = Enough Piantala! / Smettila / Adesso basta! = That’s enough, stop it! (piantala = lit.: plant it) Che schifo = This/that sucks Bella merda = it sucks (lit.:nice shit) Mi fa cagare / mi fa schifo = It makes me sick, I’m disgusted (lit.: mi fa cagare= it makes me shit) Vai/Va’ a cagare! (vaffanculo) = go take a shit! , fuck you! Ma sei fuori/sei grullo/sei matto? = Are you crazy / our of your mind? Mollare qualcuno = To break up with somebody Mettersi insieme = To start a relationship, to become a couple (ex. Luca e Maria si sono messi insieme = Luca and Maria became a couple) Ricco sfondato = filthy rich (lit.: limitless rich) Con la testa tra le nuvole = with the head in the clouds Veloce come un razzo = (lit.: as fast as a rocket) extremely fast Amore a prima vista = love at first sight (=lit.) Guastafeste = party pooper, killjoy Gufare = to bring bad luck, to jinx (ex. non gufare! = don’t bring bad luck, especially in sports, you “gufi” the team you want to lose, by saying stuff like “tanto oggi perdete!” = you’ll lose today!) Pisolino = nap Saccente (sapone - masculine / sapona - feminine) = know-it-all, smartass (btw sapone is commonly used for “soap”) Non starmi addosso = Don’t push me / Don’t stress me / Don’t stay on me (=lit.) (i.e = allora hai fatto quela telefonata? - la farò, non starmi addosso = did you make that phone call? - I will, don’t keep asking me/don’t stress me )
Bella! = Hi! Raga / Regaz / Raghi = shorten for ragazzi = Guys ( even as “bella raga” = Ciao ragazzi - pretty famous especially some years ago was the sentence “bella raga tutto rego?” = ciao ragazzi tutto bene (rego = regolare)? = Hi guys is all fine?) Fra’ / Frate’ / Fratello = Bro’ / Brother Sore’ / Sorella = Sister (beware commonly “sorella” is used for nuns) Gente = people / guys
A fagiolo - (lit.:to the bean.) “to the letter.” Quattro gatti -  (lit.:four cats.) really few people. i.e. “nel pub c’erano quattro gatti” = at the pub there were only four cats Avere le batterie scariche - To have a run-down battery  Spettegolare - to gossip Botte da orbi - (lit.:barrels from blinds.) “a knock-down-drag-out.” Uccel di bosco - (lit.:bird of the woods) when you can’t find someone, that person cannot be reached/disappeared to not do something, i.e. if your mum cannot find you to help her clean the house she might say you’re “uccel di bosco” Non sapere che pesci prendere -  (lit.:to not know what fish to take.) to not know what to do. Piove sul bagnato - (lit.:it rains on the wet.) “when it rains it pours.” Cotto a puntino - (lit.:cooked to the little dot.) a meal cooked perfectly  Sei proprio cotto! = You’re so in love! / You are crazy in love! (lit.: you’re cooked for real) Innamorato perso = (lit.: lost in love) crazy in love Da cosa nasce cosa -  (lit.:from thing is born thing.) “one thing leads to another,” Pavoneggiarsi -  (lit.:to peacock oneself.) to show off
(Some more of these sayings can be found on our twitter page)
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languagecoven · 5 years
Italian/English ‘False Friends’
False friends: Words that looks the same, sound almost the same BUT they mean different things.
I really hope that this post will help a lot of people that want to learn italian or either italian people that want to learn english and get less confused by this words.
Also there are a lot false friends but I only wrote the ones that for me are the most confusing.
Abusare means to take advange of (to) abuse = insultare, maltrattare
Affrontare to face (to) affront =  offendere, oltraggiare
Annoiare this doesn’t mean to annoy but to bore (to) annoy = irritare, dar fastidio
Attendere means to wait for (to) attend = frequentare, partecipare
Box means garage, parking space box = scatola or fare pugilato
Candido pure, innocent Candid = schietto
Confrontare means to compare (to) confront = far fronte a, affrontare
Conveniente means good value Convenient = comodo, adatto, opportuno
Delusione means disappointment Delusion = illusione
Disgrazia doesn’t mean disgrace but misfortune Disgrace = vergogna, disonore
Divertire means to amuse (to) divert = deviare
Domandare to ask, to require, to wonder (to) demand = pretendere, esigere, insistere
Editore publisher Editor = direttore (of a newspaper) or curatore (of books)
Educazione good manners Education = cultura, istruzione
Effetivo means real Effective = efficace
Eventualmente necessary, possibly Eventually = alla fine, finalmente
Fabbrica means factory Fabric = tessuto
Fattoria means farm Factory = fabbrica
Grosso means big Gross = grossolano, rozzo
Inconsistente inconsiderable, filmsy Inconsistent = incompatibile, incoerente
Incidente accident, crash Incident = evento, episodio
Intendere to understand, to hear Intend = often traslated as destinare
Interrogazione oral test (scholastic) Interrogation = interrogatorio
Libreria bookshop Library = biblioteca
Miseria poverty Misery = sofferenza
Morbido means soft Morbid = morboso
Nominare means to name (to) nominate = candidare
Ostrica means oyster Ostrich = struzzo
Parenti means relatives Parents = genitori
Patente means licence Patent = brevetto
Pavimento floor Pavement = marciapiede
Preservativo contraceptive, condom Preservative = conservante
Rapa means turnip Rape = supro
Riguardare to look again, to be about, to exmine (to) regard = considerare, stimare, riguardare
Rispondere To answer, to come up to (to) respond = essere sensibile a, contraccambiare
Rude rough and ready Rude = maleducato, offensivo
Sensibile means sensitive Sensible = ragionevole, di buon senso
Stampa press, print Stamp = francobollo
Terrificante terrifying, fringhtening Terrific = eccezionale, fantastico
Vacanza holiday Vacancy = posto di lavoro disponibile
Vino means wine Vine = vite, rampicante
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languagecoven · 5 years
An expression all French teens/young adults use 🇫🇷
So there’s this thing we say to express the way we act, the way we acted or the way we’re gonna act, and it’s:
Basically, it ressembles the “be like”
Here’s an example of what my best friend just sent me:
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To translate:
Okay there’s a possibility I might go talk to him
And be like
Hey I’ve got a crush on you bye
(lol excuse our petty conversations)
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languagecoven · 5 years
French Essentials; Tenses Masterpost
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Le Présent
ER         IR           RE
e            is            s
es          is            s
e            it 
ons       issons    ons
ez         issent      ent
Common Verbs, Irregulars and Stem Changers
Aller; vais, vas, vas, allons, allez, vont
Avoir; ai as a avons avez ont
Être; suis es est sommes êtes sont
Faire fais fais fait faisons faites font
e.g. I speak       Je parle
Le Imparfait
To describe things in the past that use to happen
Use the ‘nous’ verb of the form (ons)
Remove the ons
Then add
ais ais ait ions iez aient
Être- Êt+ Etais, Etais, Etait, Etions, Etiez, Etaient
e.g I used to speak      Je parlais
Parler - Parlons - (-ons) - Parl - (+ais) - Parlais
Le Passé Composé
To talk about things that have happened
é      i    u
Used with the present tense of either Avoir or Être
Avoir; ai as a avons avez ont
Être; suis es est sommes êtes sont
Common Verbs, Irregulars and Stem Changers (with Avoir)
Avoir; eu
Etre; éte
Faire; Fait
e.g. I have spoken       J’ai parlé
Le Conditionnel
to say I would
Add the following endings on the infinitive of any verb ending
ais ais ait ions                           *the same endings as in the imperfect* iez aient
Common Verbs, Irregulars and Stem Changers
Aller - Irais (not allerais)
Avoir - Aurais (not avoirais)
Être - Serais (not etreais)
Faire - ferais not faireais
e.g. I would speak
      Je parlerais
Le  Future Simple
Use the present form of‘Aller’ followed by a verb in the infinitive
e.g. I am going to speak       Je vais parler
Le Futur
Add the following verb endings onto the infinitive of any
ai as a ons                        *the same endings as the present tense of AR verbs* ez ent
Common Verbs, Irregulars and Stem Changers
Aller - Irai (not allerai)
Avoir - Aurai (not avoirai)
Être - Serai (not etreai)
Faire - ferai not faireai
e.g. I will speak       Je parlerai
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languagecoven · 5 years
spanish phrases
las más de las veces - most of the time
mañana a primera hora - first thing in the morning
añadí para mis adentros - i said to myself
me callo - i will shut myself up
escoltar…hasta la puerta - to see someone out
ahora que lo menciona(s) - now that you mention it
deslúmbrenos - illuminate us [let us know what’s up]
la mala sangre - bad blood
x caer en saco roto - to not be heeded
váyase a la mierda - go to hell
una punzada de inquietud - a twinge of worry
ante mí - before me
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languagecoven · 5 years
How to know which language level you’re at and tips for improving your skills - divided by proficiency level!
These are all my personal thoughts and experiences from reaching a proficient level in one language, and an intermediate in another!! Feel free to correct me or add whatever you wish<3
 1. A0 - Knowledge Level: Nothing
At this stage, you have absolutely no knowledge or very little knowledge about a language. My advice is to start out slow: the alphabet, pronunciation rules, basic pronouns, colors, etc. At this point, there’s not much you can improve on (Reading/Writing, Listening and Speaking) since you’ve got no actual knowledge to expand upon. Try apps like Duolingo, have fun with translating words such as your favorite animal, plant, or swear word. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself at this point, it’s all in good fun! Try starting a notebook in which you write down new words, (i.e. all of them) or watching a couple videos on Youtube, even if you don’t understand much.
2. A1 - Knowledge Level: Just a Bit
This is when you slowly exit the stage of “is this even a language” and enter the “beginner” world. You know a couple basic verbs (to be, to have, eat, sleep, walk, talk, etc) and some sets of basic nouns/pronouns. (weekdays, months, numbers, colors, objects you find around the house, and all that fun jazz.) You can string together a couple sentences you’ve heard twenty times on Duolingo! Regardless of the fact that “The boys drink milk” is not really something you’ll need in irl conversation, it’s good that you’re getting familiar. By this time, you should start looking into proper grammar rules such as verb terminations, tenses, noun declinations, pronouns, etc. Children’s books are a good way to learn a lot of stuff you’d need. The language is simple and it goes straight to the point, which is the only type of writing you understand, mostly. Right now, speaking is not really an option aside from learning to pronounce words right. Listening, on the other hand, can be done really easily! If you find that Youtube channels in your target language are boring or too hard to understand, music is the way to go. You’re especially lucky if you’re a Disney fan, because most of their songs are easy to remember and are dubbed in a lot of languages, so have fun with finding what fits you best!
3. A2 - Knowledge Level: Basic/Preliminary
Now we’re beginning to see some major improvements. You pick up words easier, you can read almost perfectly even if you don’t understand everything, and you can form really basic sentences by yourself. For speaking, by now you should be able to say your name, the place you live in, and maybe talk about your hobbies or your favorite stuff! It depends on if you’ve worked with a teacher until now or not, so don’t worry if you’re still struggling. As a stepping stone between beginner and intermediate, this level can either be the one when you slowly improve or make a really big jump in your skills. Listening to songs and youtube videos should be easier, but nobody is expecting you to actually comprehend everything. As for vocabulary and reading, learning new words should come more intuitively by now, but again, you’re still in the early days. Writing is still something that can be difficult, so try maybe linking a couple sentences together to make a short story and translating some simple texts. But it you don’t find it difficult, writing a hundred words once a couple days may be the way to go.
4. B1 - Knowledge Level - Intermediate
Finally, we’ve reached the intermediate stage! By now you should be able to hold very basic conversation and reveal information about yourself. You should be able to pick up words you know from the people around you, and understand mostly everything if spoken slowly and clearly to. Reading light books or magazines should be challenging but okay, while you should be able to remember certain words without making too big of an effort. By this stage, active learning is still essential, as you probably have a lot more ahead in your language learning journey. I encourage you to write short stories or several sentences about your day in a diary, depending on what works for you. Watching Youtube videos should be something you do often, because it improves listening skills greatly and gets you accustomed to informal speech patterns and filler words.
5. B2 - Knowledge Level - Advanced Intermediate
Yay! You have officially reached the advanced intermediate stage! You should be able to hold everyday conversation without too big of a headache, listening probably isn’t a breeze for you but still, if you watch a basic youtube video you can pretty much get all of it. YA books should be a regular part of your reading, since they’re not too hard to comprehend but still a good reading exercise. Vocabulary probably isn’t a bother anymore, since you know most of the words you need and the ones you don’t, you hear them once or five times and they stick to you. At this level you can probably write some basic fanfiction, or anything that doesn’t require advanced language skills but is still challenging. Congrats! You’re almost at an advanced level!
6. C1 - Advanced
If you’re still here, means you’ve got a strong sense of dedication. C1 is the advanced level, where you have pretty much everything that you need to comfortably live your life in a country which speaks your target language. If you’re already here and most of the above things seem far, far away to you, then maybe it’s time to get down on some serious reading. Look up local classics, or contemporary works that stimulate your mind. Writing essays, reviews, reports, etc, should be something you are able to do, as you have a good grasp on both formal and informal language, both literary concepts and idioms/phrasal verbs/slang. Listening should come easily, with the ability to understand everything that is spoken to you without worries, as long as they don’t have an alien accent. Speaking, too, should be a breeze by now, with everyday conversation being a piece of cake and more formal conversations not posing too big of a challenge. If you want to reach the next– and last– level, it can be done through thorough preparation of skills that are usually required by exams or for language-related jobs. If you don’t care about either of these, congrats! You learned a language! 
7. C2 - Proficient
Long past fluency, you now wish to master a language, down to its very core and history. Pick up some of the big classics to read. Watch a bunch of those complicated videos explaining complicated concepts. Write poetry and prose,and speak to people in contexts which require more than the average range of vocabulary. If you’re still not satisfied, get a damn teacher. Tumblr can’t help you now.
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languagecoven · 5 years
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Translated and integrated from this post by @languageoclock
l'appendiabiti (m.) - coat hanger l'armadio (m.) - closet l'asciugamano (m.) - hand towel l'aspirapolvere (m.) - vacuum cleaner l'asse da stiro (f.) / la tavola da stiro - ironing board la bilancia - scales la carta da parati - wallpaper la cassettiera - chest of drawers il cassonetto - garbage bin il cestino - waste basket il comodino - night stand/bedside table il congelatore/il freezer - freezer la credenza - cupboard il cuscino - cushion, pillow il divano - sofa la doccia - shower il ferro da stiro - iron il frigorifero - fridge l'impianto stereo (m.) - stereo system l'interruttore (della luce) (m.) - light switch la lampada - lamp, light il lavandino - sink la lavastoviglie - dishwasher la lavatrice - washing machine il lenzuolo - bed sheet il letto - bed il letto a castello - bunk beds il letto matrimoniale - double bed il letto singolo - single bed la libreria - bookshelf la maniglia (della porta) - door handle il materasso - mattress i mobili - furniture l'orologio (m.) - clock il paralume - lampshade la pattumiera / il bidone dei rifiuti - garbage can la persiana / l'imposta (f.) - shutter/blind il piumone - quilt/duvet la poltrona - armchair le posate - cutlery la presa (di corrente) - power point/socket il quadro - painting la radio - Radio il rubinetto - tap/faucet la scopa - broom la scrivania - desk il secchio - bucket la sedia - chair lo sgabello - stool lo specchio - mirror la spina - plug la spugna - sponge lo straccio - mop il tappeto - carpet il tavolo - table il telecomando - remote control il telefono - telephone la televisione / il televisore - television la tenda - curtain/drape il termosifone - radiator la torcia - torch/flashlight la tovaglia - tablecloth la vasca (da bagno) - bath tub il vaso - vase lo zerbino / il tappetino - doormat
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languagecoven · 5 years
more french slang so it is cool you know
“c'est marrant”
it is funny. it doesn’t mean it is funny every time. it is more a casual sentence to say that this stuff picked your interest.
“c'est marrant comme truc” means “this thing is intriguing”
“sa mère”
his/her mom. it is something people put in the sentence to accentuate their saying. it can be in a good or in a bad way.
“comment c'était bon sa mère” means “it was fucking good”
it is a short cut to “rien” and it means “nothing”. you pronounce it like the letter so in a french way but please don’t throw up while saying “r”
“j'en sais r” means “i don’t know”
“grave”/“au taquet”/“de ouf”
they kind of all have the same meaning. it’s like you want to express an exegerate yes. you can use it alone or in a sentence to accentuate something.
“elle est grave différente” means “she is really différente”
“il est au taquet grand” means “he is really tall”
“c'était bien de ouf” means “it was really good”
it means you are leaving. but it originaly means to tear off.
“viens on s'arrache” means “let’s go”/“let’s leave”
ah really i love doing it. if you need more or you have a question don’t hesitate to ask really
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languagecoven · 5 years
learning french (seriously this time)
So i’m starting to learn french this time for real and not giving up after a week, if you have any suggestions on how to learn french (pronunciation, vocabulary, tips etc) please let me know!!! merci te Bon journée!
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languagecoven · 5 years
Flowers - Fiori
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Azalea - (l’) Azalea
Broom - (la) Ginestra
Camellia - (la) Camelia
Carnation - (il) Garofano
Chrysanthemum - (il) Crisantemo
Cornflower - (il) Fiordaliso
Cyclamen - (il) Ciclamino
Daffodil - (il) Narciso
Dahlia - (la) Dalia
Daisy - (la) Margherita
Dog rose - (la) Rosa Canina
Edelweiss - (la) Stella Alpina
Forget-me-not - (il) Nontiscordardimé
Geranium - (il) Geranio
Gladiolus - (il) Gladiolo
Hibiscus - (l’) Ibisco
Hyacinth - (il) Giacinto
Hydrangea - (l’) Ortensia
Jasmine - (il) Gelsomino
Liliac - (il) Lillà
Lily - (il) Giglio
Lily of the valley - (il) Mughetto
Lotus - (i) Fiori di Loto
Magnolia - (la) Magnolia
Mallow - (la) Malva
Orchid - (l’) Orchidea
Pansy - (la) Viola del Pensiero
Petunia - (la) Petunia
Poppy - (il) Papavero
Primrose - (la) Primula
Rose - (la) Rosa
Snowdrop - (il) Bucaneve
Tulip - (il) Tulipano
Water lily - (la) Ninfea
Wisteria - (il) Glicine
♡ Let me know if i made any mistake! ♡
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languagecoven · 5 years
10 Italian Hotel Vocab
the front desk: la reception
the bellboy: il fattorino
the address: l'indirizzo
the elevator: l'ascensore
the air conditioning: l'aria condizionata (la climatizzazione)
the shuttle: la navetta
the suitcase: la valigia
the key: la chiave
the hotel: l'albergo
the hostel: l'ostello
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languagecoven · 5 years
sei l’amore della mia vita, ti voglio un mondo di bene - you’re the love of my life, i love you a world of well
(yes idk how to translate ti voglio un mondo di bene in english because it’s doesn’t directly translate)
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languagecoven · 5 years
from A1 to A2: omg I’m nearly fluent! I understand so much and I just love this language! learning languages is so amazing!
from B1 to B2: day 2746261. dear diary, today I tried to read a newspaper article in my target language and I found 12 irregular verbs, 3 incomprehensible grammar structures, and 7 words I couldn’t find in any dictionary. I will never be “fluent”. This language is too difficult. I hate learning languages.
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languagecoven · 5 years
Difference between “Oui” and “Si” en Français
Hello friends, just a small disclaimer, I’m not a native french speaker and I’m currently probably at level intermediate, but I would like to contribute a bit with the little I know. Please feel free to correct me if this is wrong!! 
“Sí” is yes in Spanish and “Sì” is yes in Italian. However, in French you say “Oui”, but you may have heard “Si” as well. So, how do you know when to use each?
Oui is used when the question is positive, which means that it is asked with no negative words.
A: Tu veux aller a la plage aujourd’hui? 
B: Oui, bien sûr!
Si is used when the question is proposed with negative words, because the person asking is already assuming a negative answer. If the person answering says Si, they are answering negatively, therefore confirming the opposite of what the person asking posed.
A: Tu n’es allé a la plage hier, vrai?
B: Si, je suis allé avec ma famille. 
I hope this kind of makes sense lol, it’s a small thing but it’s very important since answering “Oui” to a negative question is incorrect. It really confused me when I learned it because this doesn’t happen in Spanish, but it’s just getting used to using it. Bien, c’est tout aujourd’hui, à bientôt!
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languagecoven · 5 years
🎁🌹 french practice questions 🔮💖
Salut mes abonnés bien-aimés ! Comme vous le savez, je conspire de vous faire interagir avec moi, donc je ne m'oublie pas mon français ! Par conséquent, j'ai écrit des questions qui sont sous ! Je vous invite à poser des questions à moi, ou m'envoyez tes réponses. (Ou, bien sûr, je vous encourage de reblogger (?) (help) (you know what i mean) les questions, pour les utiliser avec vos abonnés !
Because even I, in all my infinite denial, must admit that most people reading this speak english and not french, i’m writing this bit in english. I just made up some questions for a langblr ask tag thing (because most of them are about langs, which i love, but i think you should be able to talk about all kinds of things in your tls!) I’m putting english translations to the questions because i encourage you to use them for any language, not just french! (Plus, i know my french leaves a lot to be desired, so hopefully the english helps with ambiguity!)
🌹1. C'est quoi le conseil numéro un que tu donnerais à ton soi antérieur ? (Number one piece of advice for your past self?) 
🌹2. Si tu avais pu inventer n'importe quoi, qu'est-ce qu'il serait ? (If you could’ve invented anything, what would it be?)
🌹3. Qu'est-ce que tu considères être la qualité la plus importante dans une personne ? (What do you consider the most important quality in a person?)
🌹4. Qu'est-ce que tu ferais pendant ta journée finale sur la terre ? (What would you do with your last day on earth?)
🌹5. Sur quoi est-ce que tu peux dépendre pour te remonter le moral quand tu es triste ? (What reliably cheers you up when you’re sad?) 
🌹6. Quels sont tes buts pour l'avenir ? (What are your goals for the future?)
🌹7. L'histoire de ton béguin prémier ? (First crush story?)
🌹8. C'est quoi ton signe astrologique ? (Star sign?)
🌹9. C'est quoi ta peur la plus inexplicable ? (Most inexplicable fear?)
🌹10. C'est quoi ton mot préféré ? (Favourite word?)
🌹11. Un espace vide, pour la question de ton choix !  (Blank space, for the question of your choice!)
🌹12. Question bonus pour les personnes gaies ! C'était quoi ton histoire de coming out/ta prise de conscience de ta sexualité ? (🎉Bonus round for the gays🎉 what was your coming out story/realisation of your sexuality?
J'espère que vous les aimez! - Miri 🗼
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languagecoven · 5 years
Italian playlist
Would you all be interested in hearing my Italian playlist? It has everything from rap, classics, pop, and more! Lmk!
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languagecoven · 5 years
Hi! I am just beginning to learn French and I'm so lost on to where to start and everything. So I was wondering if you had any tips for someone who's just starting to learn French? And if you have any recommendations? Thank you so much ✨✨
i’m so glad you decided to get in touch, thank you!! 
i’ve linked all resources in a small icon that looks like this: (x)
first of all i reccomend learning some french phonics and the rules of the french alphabet. learn the way each letter is pronounced - especially accents as that can really help you in spelling and pronunciation. (x) i’d reccomend, following some of the studyblrs that i’ll leave at the bottom of this post, to find some french notes in your feed - the studyblr community is so helpful when it comes to learning languages - not to mention, you’ve got the whole langblr community too! go ahead, start following some french and langblr tags!
then move on to learning basic phrases, vocab and words, so you can start forming sentences. learn words like ‘mais’, meaning ‘but’, and ‘parce que’, meaning ‘because’. for learning these basics, i reccomend looking through my pinterest board dedicated to the french language! (x)⇢ as you learn vocab, learn the gender with the word - it will help you so much in the future!
as you learn more, you’ll need to start learning about verbs, start off by learning verb endings: the -er endings, the -re endings and the -ir endings for the present tense; do the same for the other tenses. ⇢ you will find that quizlet (and the internet in general), will be your best friend for this!THERE YOU GO! YOUR FIRST RULE COPLETED :)
once you’ve learnt the basics, start learning some more rules, BUT DON’T LET THE RULES OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE SCARE YOU - admittedly they can be hard to get your head around, but they’re some of the most important things to learn - it’s the difference between someone who is grammatically correct, and someone who is not - and we all love to sound smart don’t we!
find someone to practise with, make an internet friend who studies french; one that is french, would be even better! if you’re not into making internet friends with random people, try speaking to some of the french studying studyblrs, that i’ll leave at the bottom of this post. or perhaps, just talk to me! i’ve only been learning french for two years, but i’m top of my year / grade, and i have some decent conversational skills, to say the least.
REMEMBER:⇢ do it because you love it, learn a few more phrase and vocab lists, because they interest you - it’ll become more and more motivational - trust me!⇢ get in the mood to learn french: learn about their culture, eat some of their food, listen to some of their music etc. 
AN HONORABLE MENTION:@studiyng​ wrote an amazing masterpost on how to learn a new language, which could be ever so helpful to so many people, so i’ll just leave this here! (x)
STUDYBLRS WHO STUDY AND POST FRENCH CONTENT:@getshitdonetbh​ @acadreamic​ @frenchaise​ @kaz-studies​ @in-search-of-paris​ @studyoblivion​ @thewritersblock707 @hystorically @smallstudyblrsunite @intelliqents @juliasacads @studyingsian @alistudys @womenstudy @etudiebee @cypherstudys @julesstudyblr
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