leiabird · 1 year
Fanfic Idea! (Lucemond, where Aemond heard of selkies, and decided to capture one for himself)
Aemond heard of such creatures, a being who can shape shift with the use of their hide. They say they were beautiful once transformed into humans, that stealing their hide would make them follow you forever. That you could even force them to marry you, as long as you keep the hide safe and hidden from their view. It was intriguing, such tales. Aemond would love to see if there was any truth in them.
He was an adventurer, and in his journeys, he tends to "research" the truth about such fairy tales. Often times, they turned out to be false sightings, exaggerations, but there are often times where this things were proven true, despite how many people say it's impossible. Hells, he even managed to find, tame and ride an old dragon, for gods sakes, so their must be some truths in the mountain of falseness.
So that was what led him there, waiting on a deserted island, his dragon resting far away from the coast. He was not one to be impatient, especially if the prize could be something as great as a sighting of such creatures. Perhaps, if they were as attractive as the rumors say, he might even take one for himself.
There had been several animals swimming towards the land. Seals, they call them. The rumors were that those shapeshifting creatures would take their form in the water, and would take off their hide on land. As of yet, the seals did show themselves, but not of them have yet to take off their hide and reveal a beautiful being underneath. There he sat, hidden, watching as the seals came and went.
It took seven days, and even he was beginning to think this was another false story. A shame, he thought. It would have been quite a sight.
Just when he was ready to pack up and leave, he saw them. There were four of them, and at first he decided to just take the chance to wait.
His patience was finally blessed with the four seals slowly taking off their seal skin, revealing such beautiful looking humans.
One of them in particular caught his eye, for it was clear he was the youngest, and to him, he looked the most attractive. He was the smallest, with a face like a cherub, curly brown hair and a look of wonder in his eyes, excitedly taking in his new surroundings.
They spoke in such a strange tongue, Aemond can only try to decipher what they were trying to say through their actions, with the three older selkies, an older boy and two girls, pointing at things and chattering away excitedly.
Soon, it was dusk, and Aemond knew they were preparing to leave. He took his chance and grabbed the hide closest to where he hid, and revealed himself to them.
They were quick, quicker than he would have imagined. They grabbed their hides and dove straight to the ocean, leaving the unfortunate one who's hide had been taken.
To his luck, it was the hide of the youngest, and when Aemond revealed he had it, the young one wept.
"Please give it back." He cried in common tongue, hugging his naked self.
"I think not." Aemond answered, turning around, heading to his dragon.
Like the rumors say, the poor boy had no choice but to follow, asking, begging for his hide.
"Ser, please. I am no woman, nor am I a strong man grown, nor do I have any skills you might deem useful or magical. I have nothing you would want. Please return my hide. Please."
He looked at the poor boy, tears falling from his face as they walked farther away from the cost and closer to Aemond's dragon.
"Oh? And what can you possibly give in order to convince me to let my prize go?"
He was silent, sniffling like a child. "What do you need me for, then? Pray tell, what do you wish for me to do?"
Aemond thought for a moment.
"Be my companion, for now."
The young boy was silent. Once they reached his dragon, he took his sack and threw it at him. It was a simple dress, bought days ago, just in case.
The boy wore it easily enough, though he did seem hesitant at first, and though it looked large on his frame, with the clothing sliding down on his shoulders, he said nothing, only looking at his hide.
Aemond should hide it somewhere while the boy slept.
"If I am to be your companion, what am I to call you, then?"
"You may call me Aemond, or Master, or Ser, whichever you please. And you, boy? What are you called?"
"....Lucerys. I am called Lucerys."
Such a sweet name.
I like mixing mythologies with these two.
So, thoughts? Violent reactions?
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leiabird · 1 year
Warning: non con
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A/B/O AU Lucemond where Aemond goes into rut at storms end after Luke presents in lord Borros hall and chases him down. Arrax doesn’t die but his wing is badly injured and Luke is too weak from heat to run.
Aemond lands Vhagar and hunts him down by his scent, eventually finding and nonconing him. The solver haired man has gone fully mad from rut by this point, treating Luke as if he’s a rag doll. Senses mute to everything but the smell of newly flowered omega.
Luke closes his eyes as his uncle relentlessly thrusts into him. Suddenly, he feels a deep pulling sensation in his chest. Just then he realizes Arrax is close enough to watch what was happening, reaching out to Luke through their bond to comfort him.
His beloved childhood companion knows he’s being hurt and doing what little he can to help.
It devastates him further.
Once it’s over, Aemond who is still not in his right mind leaves Luke without a second glance.
Luke breaks down. Not only is he an omega making him ineligible to be lord of driftmark, but his maidenhead has been stolen, leaving a very slim chance for a political marriage to be negotiated. No one wants a soiled omega.
To make matters worse Aemond is a prime alpha, a rare breed which are few and far in between. His seed will take, no matter how much moon tea Luke drinks.
He’s now broken and will likely swell with a bastard. He refuses to face the shame and humiliation that will come not only to him but his family. His mother can’t win if her reputation is stained once more.
A barely breathing Arrax shakily flys back to Dragonstone without his rider, leaving the entire realm confused once they receive word.
The blacks and greens alike are convinced Aemond killed the young prince.
Aemond goes half mad as he isn’t able to recall anything past Luke entering Lord Borros hall.
“A son for a son” Daemon whispered as he held his grieving wife who had fallen to her knees once news of their son’s disappearance and possible murder reached them.
Nine months later Luke is living his life as a simple fisherman in a small village away from the madness of war, tucked away in a loving community where who sits on the iron throne doesn’t matter.
Luke gives birth to a healthy baby boy with the help of local midwives. A babe with mahogany hair and chocolate eyes just like his mother, but with the face of his father. Osferth, Luke breathes as he rocks his bundle of joy. Who knew something so beautiful could come from a joining so cruel.
After five wonderful years rumors begin to spread of the lost prince living as a fisherman in a small village with a brown haired child. The whispers are baseless and unreliable, but a grieving Corlys must see for himself, he won’t be able to go on knowing there’s a chance.
Two years later as Luke sets up his small stand to sell the morning’s latest catch while Osferth runs around with the other village pups, a cloaked man greets Luke as he’s cleaning his stock. The brunette looks up from his chair to see his grandsire standing above him, frozen in place with tears in his eyes.
“Oh how you’ve grown.” Clorys whispers as his vision blurs with tears.
Hours later over a hot cup of tea, Luke tells Corlys the entire story from his presentation to how excruciating giving birth had been. Nearly bursting into tears when he recounts Osferth’s conception. His grandsires initial reaction is to gut the one eyed Targaryen, but Luke stops him. He has a good life here, away from the lies and fighting. His son will grow up happy and able to live life as he pleases without the cold emptiness of duty and sacrifice.
Corlys hesitantly agrees, but only on one condition. Luke and Osferth move to Pentos where Corlys has a small property they can live in, spacious and beautiful but still cozy. He will pay for everything they need and visit as much as possible, he refuses to miss out on his great grandsons childhood.
Lastly, he will legitimize Osferth as a true Velaryon.
Luke is a little nervous but agrees on his own condition, Corlys must keep everything he knows a secret.
ten years later everything is just as peaceful as it had been before. Luke created a small garden that he spent his free time in while Osferth who had bloomed into a kind omega just as his mother, had taken to the culinary arts, making him and Luke delicious, creative meals with many of the ingredients Luke grew.
It’s their own little slice of heaven, that is until one day two knights claiming to be sent by the princess rhaenys break into the property and force both omegas to come with them.
Apparently his grandmother heard whispers of Corlys housing an omega along with a bastard child he privately legitimized and came to her own conclusion.
“You are to be presented at court to queen Rhaenyra as per princess Rhaenys request.” The man says, still looking Luke up and down like a common whore, not recognizing him as their prince.
“Mother, what’s going on?” His son asks with wide teary eyes.
Luke kisses hid sweet boys forehead three times as he lets out a soothing croon. He’s always had a feeling this wouldn’t last, but stupidly hoped it would.
Time to face the music
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leiabird · 1 year
And because of that I have ñuhon saved and subscribed and I’m waiting to read it when it’s finished 😅
I hear from people that it must be so good and I know I’m going crazy if i read it now and then have to wait
Does anybody else of you ever think to like four months ago when we weren’t obsessed with a show about a fucked up family with dragons and didn’t ship incest and didn’t read and write uncle/nephew fanfics?
Like do you still remember the person you were before?
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leiabird · 1 year
When the dragonshifters attacked kingdom, Rhaenyra in desperation offered her son, the Realm's Delight as a "guest" for enemy court in exchange of peace.
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It wasn't so bad after all. He enjoyed spending time with Helaena and his wardrobe has been changed from red and black to green under inspection of Dowager Queen... but Luke knows he is a prisoner, one with privileges as he walk the corridors of the green castle, but a prisoner nonetheless.
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Dragon shifter Aemond? Yes, please 🐲
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leiabird · 1 year
Under the bed
2417 words
Lucerys Velaryon/Aemond Targaryen
Tags: Humour, Fluff, Secret Lovers
cross-posted on ao3
Rhaenyra hesitates before knocking on her son‘s door. The talk she wants to have with him is a delicate one and she does not want to frighten him. Still she feels it is necessary, for his own safety.
Firmly she knocks twice and braces herself. A “thunk” comes from the room and she furrows her brows.
“Lucerys?” she calls out, not wanting to invade his privacy by simply storming into his room, but now she is irritated if not even worried.
“A moment!” she hears her son’s voice. He sounds… panicked?
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes!” comes the immediate answer “I’m just… I was just getting dressed! A moment please!”
Rhaenyra relaxes and a small smile creeps up on her face. Has her son really slept this long? He seems to have inherited her own tendencies of sleeping way into the morning.
A moment passes, then another. Finally Lucerys calls “You can enter, mother!”
Turning the doorknob she steps into his chambers. Lucerys really looks like he has only just gotten up, his curls a bit of a mess and his clothes only hastily put on.
Smiling she steps up to him and begins to try to comb his hair with her fingers to give it at least a bit of order.
“Mother!” Lucerys protests, his cheeks glowing with embarrassment.
“Good morrow” she says, still smiling but stopping her attempts of coddling him “Have you slept in, my sweet boy?”
“I…” Lucerys hesitates “I… yes. I’m sorry. It will not happen again.”
At that she laughs. “Do not fret” she says “Believe me, I have done the same when I was your age.”
Her son lets out a small huff and nods his head.
Then Rhaenyra folds her hands in front of her and puts on a more serious demeanour.
“Unfortunately I am here to talk to you about a … concerning matter.”
Lucerys stares at her with wide eyes. “About what matter?”
Rhaenyra takes a deep breath and answers “Your uncle Aemond.”
If possible her son’s eyes widen even more and for a moment she sees confusion, panic and… something else on his face. Then he seems to pull himself together, blins a few times at her and asks “Wha- what about Aemond?”
“My brother” she continues carefully, not wanting to frighten her son further “Is a hotheaded man. He is impulsive and … dangerous as every skilled warrior is.”
Lucerys continues to stare at her with an unreadable expression.
“And I could not help to notice over the past few weeks that… well” talking about this is harder than she has anticipated “That he seems… more troubled than usual. Troubled by you.”
Now her son looks frightened. Her heart clenches and she immediately puts her hands on his arms and holds him tightly while still looking directly at him and continuing despite his fear.
“He is a man who believes he was wronged as a child when he lost his eye and that makes him unpredictable.” Another deep breath. “But I do not believe that he would harm you here in the Keep where all of us are around. I simply want you to be aware of this. He… Every time the family gathers he looks at you like…” She presses her lips into a thin line. She truly does not want to trouble her boy, but the way her brother has been looking at her son the past weeks makes her skin crawl. Aemond looks at Lucerys so intently as if he was imagining every possible way to harm him. And she will not let that happen.
Gathering herself she continues calmly “I simply want for you to be careful. Maybe try not to walk around alone as much and please try to avoid any confrontation with him. I am sure this…  fixation he has will pass soon.”
Lucerys has listened to all of this with wide eyes and an open mouth. He no longer looks frightened but in complete disbelief. Rhaenyra tries to take that as a good sign.
Gently she takes him into her arms. Seemingly by pure reflex he hugs her back as they always do. Sometimes she misses the times when she could carry him in her arms at all times, tucked closely to her chest, safe in her embrace, sheltered from the world.
Aemond will not touch her sweet boy. She would never let that happen.
Her gaze wanders over Lucerys’ shoulder to the bed. Her brows furrow.
“What is that?” She asks and Lucerys leaves her embrace to turn around and inhales sharply.
“What do you mean?!” her boy asks and sounds a bit out of breath.
“That shirt” Rhaenyra says and steps forward to take the garment into her hands “I’ve never seen it before.”
“That… that…” Lucerys stammers “That is new!”
Rhaenyra smiles. Her son still doesn’t seem to be awake yet. Then she looks back to the shirt and her irritation returns.
“It is quite big” she states as she holds it up. The thing would nearly be a dress on her son who insists he will still have a growth spurt. Secretly she very much doubts that, especially at his age.
“Yeah that… Maybe they mixed something up” Lucerys continues while blinking rapidly at her.
“Maybe they meant it for Jacaerys” Rhaenyra concludes and her son sighs.
“Yes! That’s probably how it is!” He says eagerly and she smiles. She is happy how close her sons are, not at all like her and her siblings.
“I could bring it to him” she offers Lucerys who immediately wildly shakes his head.
“Don’t worry yourself, mother, I will bring it to him later” he insists and steps forward to take it from her hands.
Rhaenyra nods slowly and clasps her hands together. Lucerys has always been the most considerate of her boys, empathetic beyond measure. Her sweet boy.
Gently she puts her hand to the side of his head and leans in to give his temple a quick kiss.
“Try to wake up properly and join us for luncheon later, yes?”
Lucerys nods eagerly and with another smile she leaves her sweet boy alone in his room.
Lucerys stares at the door through which his mother disappeared again in complete disbelief. He is still holding the shirt in his hands.
Then he hears faint laughter coming from the bed. He turns around.
“Do you think this is funny?!” He asks still in disbelief.
Crawling out from under the bed appears his uncle Aemond, who seems to be delighted by this horrid situation. He is wearing pants but not his shirt, which Lucerys is holding at the moment.
Instead of answering Aemond sits down onto the bed he was hiding under and continues to laugh.
It warms Lucerys’ heart in a way. Aemond doesn’t often laugh this openly. He often smirks mildly amused. Only since they have been together in secret, Lucerys has had the privilege of seeing a real and wide smile upon his uncle’s face at least a few times.
But unfortunately he can not share Aemond’s amusement at their current situation.
“My mother thinks you want to kill me!” He tries to make the situation clear to his lover who only laughs harder.
Frustrated he throws the shirt as hard as possible at Aemond, who of course catches it with ease.
Sighing Lucerys throws his hands up in the air and turns around to stomp to his closet in search of a jacket and shoes. He needs to go and present himself to his family before another one of them could get the idea of visiting him in his quarters.
“Oh come on Lucerys” Aemond says, his laughter fading away. Lucerys turns around to see his uncle still grinning at him widely.
He rolls his eyes and turns back around away from his uncle who doesn’t seem to grasp the weight of the situation.
Lucerys hears a sigh and footsteps. Aemond has stood up from the bed and walks towards him, but he pretends to be busy searching through his clothes and doesn’t turn around.
Then he can feel his uncle’s breath on his neck and two big hands that settle on his hips before engulfing him in an embrace.
Before Lucerys can protest further, his body automatically relaxes. He lets out a deep sigh and leans back, tilting his head towards Aemond.
His uncle takes that as an invitation to place feather light kisses on his neck. Another content sigh leaves his lips. Lucerys can not imagine that there will ever be a day where he will not respond with anything other than pure contentment to Aemond’s touch. His uncle has utterly ruined him for anyone but himself.
“I’m sorry that this has upset you so much” Aemond whispers in his ear.
Lucerys takes a deep breath and tries to ignore the knot of worries that lies heavy in his stomach. He can’t.
“I just…” he tries and fails to explain. He lets out a frustrated huff.
Gently, as if he was holding a dandelion whose petals could be whisked away with a soft breeze, Aemond turns Lucerys around so that they face each other.
“Skoros amīvindis ao sīr, issa jorrāelagon?” (What worries you so, my love?) Aemond asks tenderly as he soothingly runs his fingers along Lucerys’ back.
Lucerys can not seem to bring up the courage to look Aemond in the eye.
“Kessa gaomilza d��rī ilvo indīgon” (She will never allow us to marry) he mumbles.
The look on Aemond’s face grows impossible tender. It is if possible the thing that surprised Lucerys the most. Aemond’s tenderness. He had assumed that Aemond would be all sharp angles and bruising touches and kisses with more teeth than tongue. Lucerys had been entirely caught off guard when Aemond had been actually reluctant to touch him at all at the beginning.
Aemond had confessed to him one day, long after they had fallen into bed with each other, that he simply did not know how to touch without hurting, how to hold without bruising. The affection Lucerys had received all his life was something entirely strange to Aemond. Which was why every time he got to hold his nephew he looked at him like he was a marvel.
And then there had been the dreams. Aemond says that he does not have them any longer but there had been a time when he would wake up screaming alone in his chambers from visions of Lucerys dying by his hands. Lucerys dying in fire, between Vhagar’s teeth, falling from Arrax and breaking every bone in his body and drowning in the Narrow Sea.
Aemond says he believes that maybe, in another life, where he would have not come to love Lucerys, he would have been consumed by anger and vengeance. It had frightened Lucerys for but a moment before he simply answered “I do not believe there is a world where you would be capable of being a kinslayer. And I refuse to believe there is a world where we would not love each other.”
The dreams had stopped after that.
Now Aemond confidently holds Lucerys every time he wants. He caresses him delicately and treasures it. Aemond drowns his nephew in gifts, saying he would like to properly court him. There is only the problem of their family. Lucerys knows his mother would never allow them to be married, not when she truly thinks Aemond still wants him harm for what had occurred in their childhood. She doesn’t know that by now Lucerys has thoroughly apologised for that incident.
Aemond leans forward to rest his forehead against Lucerys’ and together they breathe in each other’s air, their lips ghosting over each other. Lucerys feels his uncle’s words more than he hears them.
“My offer still stands, issa jorrāelagon (my love)” he whispers and Lucerys shudders at the thought as his uncle continues “Zaldrīzdōron ivestrās avo maghās se valzȳrys aōhys sagon aōt sahās. (Let me take you to Dragonstone and make you my husband.)”
From the first time Aemond had proposed the idea of simply running away and getting married without their family’s notice Lucerys had thought about it. Had thought about the excitement of running away, of the prospect of being wedded to the man he loves. Still, his reason to not do it stays the same.
“I want my mother’s blessing, Qȳbor (Uncle)” he sighs and cups Aemond’s face in his hands “I want my mother to be the one to give me to you. I want all of our family to see our love. I do not want to have to hide and run away in a cloak-and-dagger operation.”
Tilting his head Aemond presses a soft kiss to the inside of Lucerys’ wrist.
“Your mother did the exact same with her uncle” he grumbles, but with no real ill will “It’s not like she could hold it against us.”
Lucerys can’t help but giggle a bit at his lover’s grumpiness in such a tender moment.
“Well” he says and fiddles with a strand of Aemond’s soft and long hair “You will have to have a bit more patience, Qȳbor”
Then he mournfully wriggles himself out of his uncle’s embrace to finally go search for proper clothing.
“And also more manners. Or else my mother will have you send away for looking at me like…” Lucerys tries to find the right words whilst his ear’s turn a bright red. He looks over to Aemond who looks at him with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk.
“Like I want to eat you?” His uncle kindly finishes his sentence and Lucerys turns back to his clothes.
“Not in the way she thinks” he mumbles while digging through his closet and hears Aemond chuckle. The bastard really has good ears.
“Well then” his uncle says while walking through the room and to the door “I presume I will see you at the luncheon later?” He turns around with another smirk and adds “And I promise I will not try to eat you.”
Lucerys’ only response is a pair of trousers which he throws into Aemond’s face who flees the room with another chuckle.
Sighing Lucerys’ leans his head against the wooden door of his wardrobe. He feels so hot with giddiness and love he feels like he is about to burst.
“Soon” he whispers only to himself and every God, old or new, that might hear the vow he whispers with a smile “We will marry soon.”
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leiabird · 1 year
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Everyone: plotting and listening carefully
Aemond: lost in a daydream about valyrian wedding, looking directly at Luke
Lucerys: 😳❔
Jacaerys: throws imaginary daggers at Aemond
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peak comedy if you ask me
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leiabird · 1 year
Under Queen Rhaenyra's rule Lucerys grows into a beautiful young man. He is constantly pursued by many suitors fighting for his favour and gets called the new Realm’s Delight.
For several weeks now he has an anonymous suitor who hasn’t yet shown his identity. But Lucerys always recognises the gifts as they are always blue. Sapphire blue.
First flowers, then the most beautifully embroidered clothes and then actual sapphires. Everywhere sapphires. Sapphire earrings, sapphire rings, sapphires embroidered in fabric. And lastly a stunning and luxuriant necklace with three big sapphires.
Lucerys wonders about the identity of this new suitor who has impeccable taste and a curious fixation on sapphires.
That is why on a grand celebration in the Red Keep with a ball Lucerys puts on not only the clothing but also the incredible necklace with the three big sapphires by his mysterious suitor.
Immediately upon his entrance to the festivity he is the most fought for dance partner. His dark hair correlates perfectly with the blue and all the sapphires are shining in the candlelight and make him glow.
His mother the Queen Rhaenyra is watching delighted from her place on the podium whilst Daemon next to her is more looking sullen and mistrustful of all the young men dancing with his son. He knows how they are and think, he was one of them once.
Lucerys is having a wonderful time but he is still wondering if his mystery suitor will make himself known, now that Lucerys is openly wearing his gifts.
Swept up into conversation and dancing he almost doesn’t think about it any longer until suddenly his uncle Aemond is standing in front of him. His hand outstretched in the silent question for a dance.
Lucerys is confused. He didn’t think his uncle has ever forgiven him for the incident that cost him his eye, they had barely made peace and usually didn’t interact with each other often enough. Why would his uncle ask him for a dance?
Still he lets himself be swept to the dance floor by his uncle, their hands interlinked as Aemond pulls him closer to his body than absolutely necessary. Lucerys feels his face heat up. It isn’t as if he thought Aemond wasn’t an attractive man.
His uncle is surprisingly nice to him, smirking at him and engaging in light conversation. He even tells Lucerys how beautiful he looks.
That is what does it for Lucerys.
“Why in the seven heavens are you doing this?” He asks, enraged by now, thinking this is some sort of cruel joke.
Aemond laughs and spins Lucerys around before pulling him in very close again.
“Well, nephew” he whispers against Lucerys’ face and there are butterflies in his whole body “I thought you wanted to dance with me, given the fact that you are wearing my courting gifts.”
His mind goes blank. The gifts are from Aemond. The most beautiful courting gifts he has ever received are from Aemond.
Lucerys wants to ask so many questions. Why would you court me? Is this all a joke? Why would you put so much effort and money into a joke? Do you actually like me?
The question that makes it out of his mouth is: “Why sapphires?”
His uncles smirks and in a swift motion that is so elegant it could be part of their dance he takes off his eyepatch.
Lucerys gapes at him. Aemond has never taken his eyepatch off in front of Lucerys and definitely not in public where everyone can see. They certainly have the attention of the whole room now.
Then his heart stops. In the empty socket where he cut out his uncle’s eye is a sapphire. A beautiful sapphire that makes Aemond look like an ethereal God more than a human. He is power and divinity and grace. What is shocking the rest of the people is luring Lucerys in.
I did that, he thinks and looks at his uncle with awe and adoration.
Relief seems to wash over his uncle’s face when he doesn’t receive a negative reaction. Then Aemond smirks again.
“Well, nephew” he says again “I merely wanted us to match.”
And then he stops them in their dance in the midst of the people that are still trying to stare as discreetly as possible and pulls Lucerys flush against him, his hand on his nephew’s lower back and his breath on Lucerys’ lips.
“And now everyone knows you belong to me as I belong to you. Now you wear my mark as I wear yours.”
Lucerys’ mind is spinning and he reaches for Aemond’s face before he can think better of it, cupping his uncle’s face and tracing the scar with a touch as light as a feather.
Aemond draws in a sharp breath before sighing contently and closing his good eye. And then he leans in and Lucerys knows he will be in the seven heavens when their lips will finally meet-
And then Aemond is suddenly gone. Lucerys snaps his eyes open to see his father Daemon before him who has grabbed Aemond by the neck and shoved him away. His uncle stumbles but manages to look at Daemon defiantly. His smugness enrages Daemon further.
“Get away from my son!”
With a last longing look at Lucerys Aemond leaves the room. People are staring openly now.
Daemon turns back to Lucerys and gently puts a hand to Lucerys’ arm.
“Has he hurt you?” His father asks and Lucerys would be thankful if he didn’t miss Aemond’s touch already.
“No”, he answers when his brain is able to function again “But I think I will retire for the night. I think I danced too much.”
In truth the thought of anyone else touching him the way Aemond has makes him want to vomit.
And that is when he realises that Aemond has ruined him as much as he ruined Aemond.
His hand goes up to touch the sapphires on his necklace and he smiles.
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leiabird · 1 year
Aemond: *taking out his knife* I WILL make it OUR stab wound!!
Lucerys: Aemond NO!
[Aemond and Luke reacting to the other being injured]
Aegon: He can't fight because he's been injured!
Aemond: I wasn't injured, I was lightly stabbed
Lucerys: I'm sorry, You were STABBED?!
Aemond: LIGHTLY stabbed
Aemond: Lucerys, please, we need to take you to a maester
Lucerys: Oh, I'm sorry, is this OUR stab wound?
Aemond: ......
Lucerys: No? I didn't think so
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leiabird · 1 year
Jace, who knows that little Daeron and Joffrey absolutely have a crush on each other: Oh thank the Gods they’re way too young!
Rhaenyra losing her shit, calling Jace: Your little brother ran away with my little brother, sent me a picture of their wedding bands and dropped off the radar and now we don’t know where they are!!!
Jace, who just woke up: Which ones
Rhaenyra: Which—? Lucerys! And Aemond!
Jace, who secretly married his uncle Aegon in Vegas two years ago and has been living with him since right under everyone’s noses: Damn that’s crazy
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leiabird · 1 year
A romantic Lucemond draft, squeeze the sugar out of this one, based on a little piece of nordic folklore.
Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights
The howling winds were cold and merciless on the mountain top, the mantle of the night’s darkness a heavy weight. Up there in the wintry heights it was difficult to tell the time of day for they only saw a fleeting moment of sunlight during the morrows. The snow was glistening in the light of the stars, sparkling like transparent jewels of the most expensive kind. The glacier was so bright, so pristine it could offer a man the most immaculate image of oneself when glanced upon. It could show one’s weaknesses, one’s loves. The hills of snow were never ending, traversing across the landscape up and down, further than an eye could trace. The tundra was an unyielding place from which many did not return. The cold was not solely at blame - it was the enchantment.
Aemond wrapped a mink fur around Lucerys, seated beside him atop one of the frozen tree trunks overlooking the scenery below them into the valley. The rivers had been stilled for hundreds of years, the cover of snow disguising all sorts of mysteries a man would perhaps never discover. They remained silent, Lucerys was resting his head against Aemond’s shoulder. There was a warmth within him the younger man was reaching for, but suspense kept them further apart than was necessary.
The gloaming sky had been split open by a blade into multiple wounds of colors against the heaven’s shroud: emeralds and teals, purples and pale reds. The sight was spectral - sacred, a ripple traveling through the complexions and blending them further into the skies above and below. They joined together, twisted and turned, stirred the heights with such might even the stars went dull in comparison. Such a strange battle they fought. They traced the horizon, disappeared somewhere into the great beyond.
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leiabird · 1 year
brunette(lucerys, alicent) cutting blonde(aemond,rhaenyra) with knife.
Oh my god I’m so gonna make a list with the parallels now because you’re right, it’s even more than my silly little brain thought.
Lucerys and Aemond as childhood friends, who grew up with each other and were purposefully turned against each other by Aegon's bullying and Alicent's pressure.
Rhaenyra and Alicent, childhood friends who were pitted against each other by Otto (and Viserys).
Lucerys and Alicent, anxious and nervous about the expectations that are put onto them.
Aemond and Rhaenyra, proud and confident in their abilities, always believing they deserve more.
Lucerys and Alicent, the quiet and peaceful ones with the dark hair who take a knife and draw blood.
Aemond and Rhaenyra, the impulsive and violent ones with the fair hair who get maimed by the other.
Both pairs childhood friends that were torn apart by forces out of their control.
Both pairs consumed by obsession and longing that will be their downfall.
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leiabird · 1 year
What are you guys doing on Christmas Day?
I am currently writing smut on my phone in the same room as my family.
Happy Holidays I guess
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leiabird · 1 year
The pain!!! The pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is incredible and fits both characters so well! Especially Aemond volunteering for his own gain fits perfectly and I would love to see his character development until he falls in love with Luke and is ready to give his own life to get him home!
I'm literally begging you to write more!
Lucemond! Hunger games idea
“Joffrey Velaryon.”
Lucerys could not believe his ears. He must have heard wrong.
How else could his little brother, Barely twelve years old, be reaped for these horrid games?
His name had only been in the pool once!
Luke looks up and catches Joffrey move to the road leading up to the podium.
He could barely hear his mother’s screams, Jace most likely holding her back from stopping the young boy.
The oldest Velaryon was too old to do anything. He could not volunteer or stop this.
But Luke could.
With no hesitation Lucerys makes a run for his brother, but he was promptly stopped by the peace keepers.
“Joffrey!” His brother looks back towards him. Fear and hope shining in his eyes as he looks to his older brother for help.
Luke trashes and throws their hands off him as he finds his voice.
“I volunteer, I volunteer!” The peace keepers let’s him go.
“I volunteer as tribute.” Luke musters up all the confidence he can as he says his dooming words for all to hear.
Rhaenys, district 12’s chaperone has a fake smile on her face, one of pain and understanding.
She gestured for him to come up. But before he can reach the podium he stops by Joffrey.
The young boy is sobbing as he crushes his brother in a hug
“Listen to me” Luke begins, “you need to go to mom and Jace.”
“No.” Joff protests, not wanting to leave his brother.
“Joffrey listen. You need to stay safe. Now!”
Luckily Luke doesn’t have to say any more as Jace comes to collet the youngest boy.
Luke can still hear the loud cries of his brother, now mixed with his Mother’s own cries for him.
But he can’t look back now. He’ll break if he does. And even he knew the games had just began.
In district one, their own reaping is happening.
It was not unusual for academy graduates to volunteer, for them the games were an honour. A secured win for most.
This years unquestioned candidate was none other than Aemond Targaryen, who’s own brother had won two years prior.
If Aemond could choose he would have volunteer last year, but his mother had begged him not to. To wait for graduation, and so he had.
But now, finally, it was his turn.
No longer would he be the simple brother of a victor. No, he would be a visor himself, and he would be a feared one, nothing like his drunkard brother.
The name on the note wasn’t even fully read before he raised his had high.
“I volunteer!”
Alys, district 12’s very own chaperone smiles brightly as he is brought forward to the podium.
One boy volunteered for love and to protect his family, the other; for glory fame and acknowledgment.
who knew their fate was bound by the same words
“I volunteer.”
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leiabird · 1 year
First chapter is now on ao3, the second one will be up tomorrow as a Christmas present ;)
Merry Christmas!
modern au Lucemond
After a family reunion the younger Targaryens / Velaryons decide to go clubbing. Surprisingly everyone seems to get along. Aegon is in his element and him and Jace are getting along really well, talking about alcohol and sports. Heleana, Baela and Rhaena are having the time of their life on the dance floor. Lucerys is really really drunk for the first time in his life and even Aemond seems to enjoy himself.
That is until they are getting a new round of shots and Luke who is sitting next to Aemond and is just utterly pissed, looks at his uncle dreamily and says in front of everyone:
“You know Aemond, I really don’t regret taking your eye.”
Everyone tenses up and Aemond clenches his fists. They had just all gotten along, why did Luke have to ruin it? Why did he have to make a remark about Aemond’s biggest insecurity that he was responsible for?
Then Luke who is already slurring his words follows up with:
“The eyepatch just looks really hot. Like ten out of ten. I would absolutely fuck you if I had the chance.”
He promptly lays his head on Aemond’s shoulder and passes out.
Aegon is laughing hysterically, Jace looks completely dumbfounded and the girls are giggling. Aemond is absolutely caught off guard and just stares at the dark curls on his shoulder where the boy is leaning on him.
“Well” Aegon is still laughing “Congrats brother, seems like you won’t be going home alone tonight!”
Jace seems to want to say something but gets dragged away by the girls. Aemond carefully puts a hand around Luke’s shoulder and gently guides him to stand up and leave the club. He calls them a cab, brings him home to his apartment and carefully tucks him into bed (of course putting a bucket on the nightstand just to be safe).
Bonus: The next morning Luke has the hangover of his life. Aemond gives him water, some painkillers and makes him breakfast. Lucerys doesn’t remember what he said the night before and doesn’t know why he woke up in Aemond’s apartment wearing one of his uncle’s shirts. He tries flustered to ask Aemond if they slept with each other and his uncle teases him about it. In the end he tells Luke no (who is disappointed) but tells him what he said at the club. Luke is extremely embarrassed and apologised profusely until Aemond smirks and shuts him up with a kiss.
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leiabird · 1 year
What hurts so much about the Dursley's treatment of Harry is that if it would have been the other way around, Lily and James would have raised Dudley with so much love.
If it would have been Vernon and Petunia who had died and Dudley had been raised with the Potters they would have treated him like another son.
He would have gotten the same amount of presents as Harry, they would have all eaten their meals together, they would have played and grown up like brothers.
Lily would have read to the both of them every night, James would have played catch with them, they would have learned reading and writing together and taken care of each other.
And when Harry would have been accepted into Hogwarts and Dudley not, Lily and James would have made absolutely sure that Dudley felt as special and cherished as Harry, even without magic.
Dudley would have gotten the same amount of love and care as Harry if it had been his parents that died. Whereas Harry only got resentment and neglect with the Dursley’s.
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leiabird · 1 year
James hates Sirius' and Regulus' parents for how they treated their sons. The neglect, the abuse, the pressure.
James has always made sure that Sirius was cherished and loved and gets a family with the Potters and is absolutely ready to do the same for Regulus.
Now imagine James Potter having to watch his son grow up with the Dursley’s. Neglected and abused. Without any love or care. Just like Sirius and Regulus.
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leiabird · 1 year
This is heartbreaking and healing at the same time!
Thank you for blessing us with this!
Concept for a HotD fic that I wanna write:
Viserys passes within days of Daeron's birth and the distress spirals into Alicent dying in childbirth. Daeron makes it of course but all four of Rhaenyra's siblings, plus herself, are now orphaned and now she has to ascend the throne. Thankfully Lyonel is Hand and makes sure her coronation is well handled, Rhaenyra is crowned with Laenor at her side as King Consort.
The young queen agonizes over what to do about her siblings. Aegon is a little boy but old enough to know and remember his parents and Heleana is just passed her third nameday. But Aemond is less than a year old and Daeron's only glimpse of his mother was of her dying. She considers the fact of her own child in her belly and how these children pose a challenge to her rule. But they are all that's left of her father and her girlhood friend. She will not abandon them.
No, they are her family and they need a mother.
Her first true act as queen is to adopt her siblings and raise them as her own. Many question the wisdom of such a choice, especially when she births a dark haired son. The whispers begin but she is not swayed, Jacaerys is her heir. Born of her body. And any who speak against him will be tried for treason.
She does worry that her siblings will feel neglected with the new baby, though. She spends many a day with them in the nursery. Placing Jacaerys and Daeron in the same cradle to foster closeness. She does not ask Aegon or Heleana to call her mother, but Aemond who hasn't yet spoken reaches for her hand one day and utters the phrase:
"You look sleepy, mama. Nap time?"
It breaks something in her to hear a chubby babe call her mama. She tells him that babies just take a lot of work and so does being a queen. She's struggling to balance the work of being queen with being a mother but the way Aemond crawls into her lap and insists it's nap time in the most serious of tones makes her fall in love. Aegon and Heleana soon follow in calling her mama, the months that come.
Aegon shyly tugging her skirt as she makes to head to a small council meeting. "Can I come too? Can I help, mama?" She walks into the small council chambers holding her seven year old adopted son's hand. He serves as her cupbearer after that.
Rhaenyra finds out that Heleana has been waking up crying for mama and the maids have thought that she just missed her mother. Rhaenyra asks who she's crying for one afternoon and Heleana just holds her arms out to be held.
Even as she births her second son a year after the first, she continues to dote upon her adopted children. She learns to tend their needs, as does Laenor. Her husband is found with Aegon passed out on his shoulders after sword practice quite often and takes Aemond flying on Seasmoke. The first word that Daeron speaks is 'papa'. Rhaenyra realizes that Laenor has fallen just as in love with them as she has.
Their family grows closer and better loved by the year. Rhaenyra gets to raise her family. Even with all the mixed emotions and the weight of the crown, she will not fail these children as her father failed her.
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