leiahal · 3 years
Sweet Mafia
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He was so innocent, so pure and perfect. Cass wanted nothing more than to show him her world. The chaos that writes her everyday.
“Stay still...” she whispered into his ear before sitting up. She wanted to mark him, show everyone that he was hers.
She ran a knife with a delicate hand, down his chest and back up careful not to break skin. He watched her closely hanging on to everything she did. He knew she would never hurt him no matter what danger lurks between her depths. He had surrendered himself to her and she loved it.
Craved it.
Convincing herself, she put the knife down at the side of them and grinds against his now erect shaft. Her own excitement wetting her lace panties. She wanted to claim him.
His innocence.
Because he was only hers.
“Tell me Jayce, do you want me?” She grounded her hips against him harder causing groans to escape his mouth. Pre-cum wet his boxers as he kept his body as still as he could.
“Yes.” He shuttered against her.
“How badly.” Her voice was a purr to his ears that had him clenching his abdomen.
“I need you Cass,” he breathily replies. “Take me...” And that was all she needed to hear before easing back his boxers and pulling his cock into her mouth.
She woke with a start to her day, her heat aches beneath her. She wiped a hand over her face and tugged her hair into a bun getting up to take a cold shower.
Why couldn’t she get him out of her mind?
She knew the answer to the question all too well but she knew the person hidden within her skin would ruin him.
She had a darkness only Tye had seen once. The side of her who craved the world be set to ashes. She had let her anger get the best of her and lost control, she need not to do that again.
Years and years of practice maintaining patience and a calm stature when all she wanted to do is wreak havoc.
Cass turned the water on and stepped underneath the shower’s cold water tapping down her raging hormones and went to start another day.
She let her hair air dry as she put on her clothes for today, the mafia leader still had her own college classes to attend after all. The new semester starts today but at least it was her last year. Putting on some mascara and lipstick she was just about ready for her meeting before she got a call.
“Wassup Tye, what’s going on?” She tugged on her garters and clipped them to her socks.
“Meeting is canceled Cass. I got some bad news for ya...” he paused for a bit, something Cass knew meant it really wasn’t good.
“What is it Tyson?”
“Micheal is back.” He fell silent the moment those words fell from his lips.
“What—“ Anger swirled within her. Pent up and swelling even more, the box she held it in was going to bust. “What do you mean he’s back!?” She was furious to say the least. “I thought I fucking told him if he ever came back I’d— never mind. What has he done now?”
“It’s not good Cass... Just come to the docks.” He replies.
“I’ll see you in 20.” She hung up the phone shaking as she tried to hold back her angst.
“So they’re missing.” She stated calmly, too calm.
“Yes...” Tyson was weary. He knew how his friend was like especially when boiled with anger. This calmness was new and he didn’t really like it. He expected her to yell and rage at him and she was doing neither. She looked completely calm and unaffected when he knew that was not the case.
Micheal was after all, the one who betrayed her.
“Okay.” She said simply to the fact that a few of her people were missing. Knowing Micheal he would have killed them by now because they would never speak. “We must inform and warn them to try and stay clear of him until Micheal comes to me himself.” Micheal only wanted her, she knew. He wished to marry her and when she said no he did everything in his power to make her life as miserable as he could... including something she would never tell a soul. Not even her trusted friend knew. One thing she did know is that when he inevitably comes to her she will be ready and he will die.
“Yes ma’am.” Replied Tye and turned on his heel to alert the others. He wasn’t about to make her upset in any way.
She let out a big sigh and went back to her vehicle, right now she had things to do and couldn’t lose herself in the loss of her people. She was going to set up a plan and a damn good one to lore Micheal right where she wanted. She just had to go to her class first. Cass drove quickly down the road not quite speeding but still fast. Making it to her campus in record time she stepped out of her car and grabs her bag.
Professor McKay was her next step, forensic psychology.
Yes she was a psychology major.
“Morning professor.” She stated walking into the class before any other student.
“Ah, morning Ms. Nyx and how are you today?” Professor McKay always favored this sparky student before her. Cass was too smart for her own good she thought, she sees a lot of potential to do great things in the young woman.
“I am well, thank you.” She just wish Cassiopeia didn’t follow in the footsteps of her father. The mafia was not a safe place in terms of their enemies. She knew she couldn’t change her mind. “How are you today?”
“Could be better but I’ll get there. Thank you professor.” Cass sat in her chair and waited for the other students to enter. Suddenly her senses peak and the hair on her neck stands and she feels as if she’s being watched. She turns her head to the window looking out in hopes of finding the source of it. Finding nothing she shivers and turns back around.
“Cass..” Her ears faded back in and a familiar voice calls her. “Cassiopeia?”
She ground her teeth at the mention of her name, often people said it wrong which aggravated her. This person however said it correctly.. interesting. “Cass?” He called again until she turned to meet the beautiful clear blue eyes of someone she could never forget.
“Jay, hi.” She smiled as politely as she could at the moment.
The beast she kept within herself clawed to the surface wanting to claim him right then.
Relax and get back.
“How are you today?” He took in her appearance as he sat down next to her. Definitely not as black as the clothing he met her in but just as dangerous and incredibly beautiful.
“I am well.. thank you.” She smiled while pushing back her thoughts of destruction. “How are you?”
“I’m good, nice to see you.”
Cass remembered him saying last night that he transferred from a different college. However with everything that went on this morning she kind of hoped not to see him. She was on edge and that brought the person she hid closer to the surface.
“Nice to see you as well.”
The professor began to teach but Cass couldn’t focus. Between Micheal being back, some of her trusted colleagues missing and probably dead and the sexual frustration setting back in from this morning because the man of her dreams literally sitting next to her, she couldn’t.
As she began to shake her leg and anxiously tap her pen on the desk Jay looked to her wearily. He knew something had to be wrong but Cass was his biggest mystery he had yet to figure out. He didn’t know how to approach her about how she felt. Before too long the class ended and Cass tried her best to hurry out of the room saying a curt bye to her professor and heading out. She needed a release and quickly before the beast lurking beneath her surface broke free.
Words and sounds faded into nothing as she felt a sense of danger. As she walked the parking lot to her car her hair on the back of her neck rose more and more. She tried to settle herself but the feeling wouldn’t go.
She felt a presence behind her and she quickly grabbed her knife from her garters and threw a quick elbow back causing a yelp from the person. She turned quickly tripping the man and holding the knife to his throat. Adrenaline blinded her until she heard her name, “Shit Cass— relax it’s me.” Connor Ryder, her ex.
“Connie what did I tell you about sneaking up on me.” She grit her teeth as she put her knife away and letting him go.
“Nice to see you too sweetheart.”
“Don’t sweetheart me, what do you want Connor? If you can’t tell I’m busy.” She scoffed.
Connor and Cass had a weird relationship, they left on good terms but the tension between the two was hard to miss.
“I uh... I heard about Mike being back.” He looked sheepish. Michael was a hard subject for the both of them when all Michael wanted was to ruin any relationship Cass had after her refusal for marriage.
“Yes. What about it?” Often times she forgot Connor was apart of the whole mafia. She barely saw him anymore since... she didn’t want to think about it.
“I just want to let you know that I’m here for you. Anything you need just give me a call, my number hasn’t changed.”
Don’t do it Cass... don’t do it..
“Actually there is something I need help with....”
Don’t say it Cass.
“Oh?” He questioned.
“I know you remember all the.. fun we used to have, want to relive that for a day?”
For fuck sake Cass, don’t you listen to your conscience?
“Fun as in?”
“You know what Connie, don’t make me take the offer back.” She rolled her eyes.
“Yes ma’am.” He smiled getting into the passenger side of the car.
Cass got in right after and turns on the car driving off.
“To the spot?” Connor asks.
“To the spot.” She replied simply causing a smile upon Connor’s face.
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leiahal · 3 years
Sweet Mafia
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The Bar:
The Bowie knife glistened with crimson as the man before her crumpled to the ground in a heap of sobs and blood. She gripped the dagger tight in her hand and narrowed her amber eyes that shadowed the devil himself.
“Anyone else want to challenge my authority? I’ll surely carve you into nothing as he before me.” Eerie silence met her. “Good, now get this fucker out of my presence.” She snapped handing her right hand man the knife and walked away with a sway to her hips.
He quickly wiped the blood off of the blade and followed her.
“Why must these males question me?” She sighs in aggravation.
“That I have no idea Cass.” He replies.
“Tyson how could I ever thank you for being by my side through all of this?” Tye was her best friend since she could remember. She took over the mafia after her father had passed and Tyson followed in the footsteps as his mother before him. No matter what happened the Nyx and Wilder family were always in charge. Man or woman, it did not matter.
“You know I would never leave your side Cassiopeia.” Yes her name was a mouthful be he only said it when he was absolutely truthful. Plus he’d never lied to her.
The two were a team to be feared as were each generation before them.
She turned to him and smiled a genuine smile, “What would I do without you Tye?”
“Probably get yourself arrested.” He chuckled.
“Oh don’t be coy, you know the government comes to us for their.. special tasks, they wouldn’t dare arrest me.” There was a wicked glint in her eye as she reminisced the last job given by the government, that was a bloodbath.
Well.. for the opposing side since their weapons were new and improved by the best weapon makers themselves.
“Ms. Nyx we have word from K.C. that a shipment is coming to the docks at 12 noontime, most likely the smuggling of drugs from the cartel.” Lucy, the youngest but most fiercest to be accepted into the family said. Yes the mafia is a family not by blood of course but they’ve all bled for each other as if they were. Bonded by violence and retribution. Cass had a soft spot for the girl and adored her as if she had birth her, herself. Occasionally her stone eyes would soften when she saw the girl only 15 years of age.
“Thank you Ce have your brothers tend to the matter and you can go back to your classes.” The woman nodded and gave the girl a small smile.
“Yes ma’am.” Lucy exited the room with a brilliant smile upon her face going to alert her brothers.
“That little girl..” Cass shook her head, “How unfortunate but fortunate for us, her family abandoned her. I am glad Marcel found her and brought her to us.”
“She is truly something else.” Tyson agrees.
“Alright Tye I’m gonna go to the bar, you coming with?” Cass questions.
“No, I’m pretty sure you can handle yourself, I’ve got to pick up my mother’s medication.” Tyson’s mother was sick, been sick ever since Cass’s father passed. They were sure it was just a coincidence though. Surely no one would try to blatantly poison them lest they wish for death.
“Give Monti my love.” She took Tyson into a short but meaningful hug and exited the building and pulling off in her car.
Black silk spaghetti strap shirt, high waisted skirt with fishnet stockings and platform high heels. Pocket knife in her garters and a choker around her neck. One kick ass shaved design on the side of her head as the rest of her hair flows freely in her natural curls. With a slit in her eyebrow and thick lips, a slender neck to a decent sized D cup breast and inked arms she was a force to be reckoned with. She wasn’t skinny that was for sure, she was muscular, built. Thighs that could kill if given the chance.
Cassiopeia was a gorgeous independent woman. She never looked for solace in anyone, she provided her own safe haven.
She strut into the bar looking sexier than she ever could knowing not one would dare try to touch her. She owned the damn town.
The bar tender gave her what she always got, silver on the rocks. A tequila drink, Tyson always chided her on her choice of drink when she could be sipping the most fine wines.
She disliked wine however.
Looks like she got here just in time as two started to argue just about a foot away from her. She scoffed at how easily men fought when given liquor and a piece of eye candy they’d never get any off.
“Back off, you little shit she’s mine. Why don’t you be with your own slut too busy opening her legs for others.” The taller guy said practically all in the buffer guy’s face. The brute in the chair grunts in response still feeling on the woman’s thigh. The woman looked almost uncomfortable between the two men fighting over her before things took a sickening turn.
The taller fellow pushed the man in the chair. The brute got up and pushed him back harder. The two started full on fighting and no one cared to stop them... that was until he came in.
Pitch black hair, tall, strong jawline but soft dimples a not too muscular but still muscular built body, toned calves, apparently stark white perfect teeth and clear blue beautiful eyes any would die to have. His voice like velvet to Cass’s ears, the simple sound started a fire that grew within her, slow but burning bright.
“Hey! Hey! Stop it!” He tried to separate the men fighting causing him to get punched and knocked back.
Cass sprang into action without thinking and grabbed her knife out her garter. With one quick throw of the knife and a hold on one’s bicep it temporarily paralyzed the two fighting. She finally push the two apart and told them to leave. There was no back talk they got their things and left. The girl looked relieved and the guy on the floor holding his jaw looked up to her in amazement. Cass grabbed her knife and wiped off the little blood that was on it and put it back in her garter. The extended her hand to the guy on the floor and pulled him to his feet.
“H-hi.” He stuttered to say.
“Hello.” She smiled— yes actually smiled to someone and it wasn’t an evil smile. Or one only Tye and Lucy got to see.
“My name’s Jayce but uh you can call me Jay.” He rubbed the back of his neck as a blush crept up his neck.
“Cassiopeia but you can call me Cass.” She wanted to giggle but she had a facade to uphold. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“C-could I buy you a drink first?” Jay’s cheeks stained red and that wasn’t just the blow to his jaw.
“Sure Jay. Why not.” She smiled.
He wasn’t anything special to the average person around here but from then on he was more than special to Cass.
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