Take The Moment and Taste It
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Chapter 1
It would be the first time Emerie visited to Pabu to see her sister Omega since she escaped, took the children to there for their safety months ago.
She wasn't visiting alone, she was with Echo. They just finished their lastest mission from Senator Chuchi. "How many times have you visited there so far ?"
"Three times, including the time we took the other children there." Emerie added "I am glad all those children could come home eventually."
Echo replied "Me too. They have been through enough."
Emerie nodded then she was quiet for awhile which noticing Echo "You alright ?"
Emerie sighed "I will be, I just have a lot of process in my mind and it would be challenge to adapt my new life."
"I get that, Omega never knew what was the real galaxy was. That kid was curious but confined on Kamino for her whole life until she wanted to join with us to survive."
"Was she having a hard time to interect with the other children around her age ?" Emerie Karr.
"Well, at first, she was a little shy because I guess she never thought that they would want to spend time with her but she quickly adapt it pretty well. She even learned how to play a game." Echo said.
Emerie smiled "Sounds like she really enjoyed her very first experience as a child as she should be."
Echo nodded then he checked it out the coordinate "We almost there, you ready ?" Emerie took a long breath then replied "Yes."
They arrived at Pabu, at the top of a land where the citizen having a good time, brought some food and drink for dinner soon.
"These people are peaceful and happy." Emerie commented.
"And this is why Omega and the others decided to live here, their happy home." Echo said.
Speaking about Omega, they noticed Omega show up with a lurca hound that she hopped on. "Echo !" She immediately hugged him "Hi kid, glad to see you again."
Next, Omega hugged Emerie "Emerie, so glad you finally here." Emerie smiled as hugged her back "Hello Omega. Glad to see you too."
Then Emerie nothing a hound walked to her which she stepped backward, she was scared. Omega took her hand as reassure "It's okay Emerie, Batcher is a good girl. She just wanna getting know you better."
Emerie took breath as Batcher getting to know her with smelling and soon after that, she licked her hand which making Emerie laugh. "See ? She likes you."
Echo asked "Where's the others ?" Omega replied "Oh, they're just finished the last touch to our new house, they just took a break when you and Emerie showed up."
"A house, eh ? Like the comfort building ?" He was surprised.
"Something like that. I'll show you there. Come on." Omega took a lead to bring them to see her other brothers. They walked behind her and Batcher.
Taglist: @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @kanerallels , @aesira-of-orion , @twinsunstars
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Another old drawing, Kaz and Ama wearing their helmets after they painted it.
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locitawritingsblog · 2 days
Enjoy reading this one
A little Emerie Karr & Omega fic 💕
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locitawritingsblog · 3 days
Enjoy reading this one
Crosshair, Omega + drizzle & sleepless?
Somehow while writing this I forgot the sleepless part of this and focused on the drizzle. So there's a hint of sleeplessness but mostly it's about a little moment in the rain with Crosshair and Omega. Thank you so much for the prompt! Prompt list here.
Set shortly after Bad Territory. Crosshair continues to attempt meditation with Omega's encouragement, but it's slow going, especially when the rain interrupts. Not remotely a drabble at 1500 words!
Crosshair frowned.  His hand trembled on his knee, the tremor subtle but still perceptible.  He let out a sharp, impatient breath.
”Crosshair?” Omega asked.  He sighed, turning to the kid sitting cross-legged beside him.
It had been a week since Omega had convinced him to give meditation for his hand a try.  Dutifully he’d come down to the beach with her every day, even when he’d rather not.  He still wasn’t sleeping well after their encounter with the CX trooper on Teth, and he felt more like shutting himself away than getting out every morning and putting time into something he wasn’t sure would work.
But every day, Omega wore him down.  And overall, his average shooting accuracy was improving… very, very slowly.  
It was just that every time he thought his hand was starting to get better, every time he allowed himself to hope for his old ability again, there the tremor would be -- irritating, agitating, weak.
”You know it’s going to take time,” Omega said, as if reading his mind.  “I’m sure that even with your enhancements, it still took a lot of training for you to become a sniper.”  She smiled, reaching up to brush the bangs out of her eyes.  “Besides, I thought being a sniper required patience?”
”Don’t get smart,” Crosshair said, though without any real venom.  He bit down on his toothpick and it cracked in half.  Annoyed, he spat it out.  
He felt a drop of water hit his head.  The morning fog, instead of burning off, had only thickened.   While he and Omega had been attempting to meditate, clouds had rolled in above them.  He glanced up at them, noting the deep gray color, the billowing plumes.  It didn’t take a tracker’s skills to realize they were going to be in for a storm.
”Come on, we’d better get going,” he said, half-relieved to be done with meditating for the day.  Part of him had to admit that the stillness and the breathing reminded him of some of the more enjoyable parts of his old training — but the rest of him resented that it was needed, that there didn’t seem to be a quick fix for the tremor.  He clambered to his feet, giving Omega a hand.  She scrambled up easily.
”You think it’s going to rain?” Omega asked, even as a few more droplets of water dripped onto his head.  Of course, her head was rather better protected from the elements than his own.  
He rubbed his head with his hand, his hand coming away damp as he brushed against the barely palpable stubble growing there.  Maybe he’d grow it back out now.  He knew it’d never grow over the burn scar, but he didn’t mind that showing; it was a reminder he deserved.
”I know it.  And Hunter would kill me if I kept you out here in a downpour.  You might get a cold.”
Omega burst out laughing.  “You’re too much, little brother.”
He bristled, but not before giving her half a smile.  “I’m just looking out for you.  Kid.”
The rain began in earnest then, drops drip-dripping on the ground below them, sending up a sweet, dusty smell of damp stone and sand.  Omega shivered as the rain intensified into a steady drizzle, rubbing her arms.  She’d worn short sleeves today and looked like she was regretting it.
”See?  I can hear him now.  ‘You let Omega get caught in this weather?’” Crosshair said.  He undid the snaps on his vest and pulled it off, leaving only his undershirt, which was rapidly getting soaked.  “Here, I know it’s not sleeves, but maybe it will help.”  He wrapped it around her shoulders, where it hung off her small frame like an awkward poncho.  
She beamed up at him.  “Thanks, Crosshair.  And don’t worry about Hunter.  I know how to handle him.”
Crosshair nearly choked at the thought.  Hunter, their sergeant, their leader, stern as hell — and wrapped around the finger of this scrawny kid with the sunny smile.  On second thought, maybe he and Hunter were more alike than he wanted to admit.  “Yeah, I guess you do.”  
They made their way up the stairs back to the colonnade, taking it slower than usual with the stairs slick and slippery.  Omega’s hair was plastered to her face, but the vest he’d given her was slightly water-repellant, and her shivering had stopped.  He was the chilly one now, but he wasn’t planning on mentioning it.
Omega squinted up at the rainy sky, droplets beading down her face.  “It reminds me of Kamino,” she said, her voice going flat.  
“Mhm,” Crosshair said, unsure of what to say.  He didn’t think much about Kamino, these days; there were other things that stalked his memories and his sleep, and if he let himself linger on Kamino, he’d remember that platform, that hunger, that choice.  The wrong choice.  
He swallowed.  Looked down at the kid, whose face had gone stony.  
“What about it?” Crosshair asked at last.
”The lab I was raised in was underwater,” said Omega.  “You saw it.  Sometimes I didn’t see the sky for a year at a time, if Nala Se didn’t need me to leave the lab with her.”  She wrapped her arms around herself, skipping up a few steps ahead of him, her head down.  “And when I did get to look outside, it was always this.  Always rain.  I didn’t see a sunny day on Kamino until that day with you.”
He trudged up behind her, crossing his arms, trying not to think about it.  He couldn’t have known.  Couldn’t have realized it was the last time he’d ever see his brother.  
Could he have?
Omega stopped on the next landing, waiting for him.  He hadn’t realized he was climbing so slowly.
She gazed at him, something complicated in her eyes.  “I hated it.  But it was still my home.  I haven’t thought about it in a long time.  It’s just, the rain —“  She frowned.  “Are you okay?”
He looked down at her.  “I… don’t like thinking about it either,” he said evenly.  
At his side, his hand shook, fingers dragging against his leg.  He let out a long breath, then reached out.  
He pulled the vest down a little lower over her back where it had bunched up.  There.  That would cover her better, protect her more from the rain. He patted her back once, twice before pulling away, his hand going still.
She smiled sadly up at him.  “Thanks.”  She hunched in under the vest more securely, then wiped her hair out of her eyes.  
“For what?” 
“I don’t know.  Listening.”  She kept climbing the stairs and he followed.  “You’re pretty good at it.  When you aren’t being sarcastic.”
”I’m never sarcastic. I’m observant,” he sniffed.  She looked back at him, her eyes wide and skeptical, then she broke into a laugh when she realized he was smiling.
“You’re kind of horrible, you know.”
He shrugged, but the smile still tugged at his face.  “You’re not wrong.”
They climbed up the rest of the stairs in the rain, which thankfully kept itself to a drizzle instead of a tropical cloudburst.  Still, they were sodden by the time they reached the deserted colonnade, their feet squelching in the water pooling on the stone surface.  They made their way back to the Marauder, shivering side by side while the gangplank descended.
“Come on, come on, get out of the rain!” Wrecker said, waving them in.  They climbed aboard, the warm close air inside the ship extremely welcome.
Wrecker tossed Crosshair a blanket, then wrapped one carefully around Omega.  “I’m fine, Wrecker,” she giggled.  “Just soaked.”
“Here,” said Hunter, emerging from the cockpit with a pair of steaming mugs.  “Found some tea.  I know I’m no cook, but I swear it won’t poison you.”
”I’ll be the judge of that,” Crosshair said.  He wiped his face off with the blanket, then wrapped it around his shoulders and took a mug from Hunter.  It did smell good, something floral and faintly fruity, and most importantly, it was warm.  He held it tightly in his good hand.
Omega took a sip.  “Oh!  I remember this.”  She gave Hunter a small smile, then took another sip.  “It’s the tea Phee gave us.  Tech really liked it.”  She took a deep breath of its scent.
Crosshair took a small sip, closing his eyes.  The tea was scalding hot, but its flavors were delicate, an herbal undertone mixing with bright warm florals. 
Funny, he had never known Tech to be much of a tea person.
He’d have liked to tease him about it.
Omega sneezed, startling all of them.  Crosshair looked up guiltily, knowing before he saw it what he’d find: Hunter staring daggers at him.  
“She’s fine, Hunter.  Just a little rain,” Crosshair said.  Hunter arched an eyebrow at him in warning, but stopped short of actually making a move on his life.
Crosshair sat down at the console, gazing out the viewscreen, watching the rain sluice down.  He drank his tea, slowly warming up in the blanket, listening as Omega began talking to Hunter and Wrecker, their voices a familiar and comforting murmur.
He took another drink, and his hands stayed steady.
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locitawritingsblog · 3 days
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"Grandpa, when will daddy come home ? I miss him."
"I know sweetheart, I miss him as much as you are. He'll be back soon"
This was the first week a six years old Ayumi had to live without her father, Kaz since he decided to rejoin the resistance. Yeager had tried to reassure her but it wasn't easy. She and her daddy has a special bond as liked to be called "Daddy's Starcake".
@thebadbatch2022 would like to see this one since he/she has been reading my wattpad fics for years.
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locitawritingsblog · 4 days
Allah has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will.
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locitawritingsblog · 4 days
Aww, thank you so much @fulltimecatwitch it means a lot 🥹
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This fanfic is between "A Quick Salvage Run" and "Live Fire"
After few hours later, after they escaped from D'Qar where the first order found the colossus, Kaz sat on the top of the fireball to grieve his homeworld was destroyed by the first order.
He remembered when he and the others just arrived at D'Qar, he was shocked that planet was destroyed and attacked by the first order. He noticed a big hole on that planet reminds him of a planet base called starkiller destroying Hosnian Prime, his homeworld.
He suddenly heard a knock and looked at the bottom. It was Yeager holding two cups of tea "Hey, I made extra just in case." He offered. Kaz smiled sad at him as nodded and climbed down from the fireball.
They had a peaceful time with drinking their tea until Yeager spoke first "How are you holding on, kid ?"
Kaz sighed "I don't know, there's too much grieve in my mind...how did you deal with all your losses ?"
Yeager took a long breath before told him "Well, at first I was devastated, couldn't believe this was true to see then I was angry that why I had to lose everything I had. Then I decided to leave and came to this station..."
Kaz listened carefully as Yeager saying "...I joined few races few times but... everytime I joined the race, it reminds all those memories that Marcus and I were used to live, race each other until he cheated and killed my family..."
Kaz noticed Yeager had some tears in his eyes, he rubbed Yeager's shoulder "...How could he do that to them ?" Yeager broke into tears.
"I'm so sorry for you've been through, Yeager. I had no idea you had to deal all those things."
Yeager wiped his tears "Thank you Kaz." Then drank his tea.
Kaz gave him a sad smile as nodded.
After they stared at the space as drinking their teas for awhile, Kaz sighed "When Poe told me that the first order would attack my home in some ways, I immediately jumped in and would do anything to be a part of resistance but...."
"You were shocked that Poe took you in here as a resistance spy ?" Yeager finished.
Kaz responded "Yeah ! I wasn't trained to be a spy, I was trained as a pilot. I mean, I was on the top of my class." Yeager shook his head as smiling "Alright, no need to brag, hotshot." He gave Kaz a friendly punch then they chuckled.
"Speaking about pilots, I've been noticing the ace squadron hasn't been experienced in this war situation, I was thinking you and I show them some tricks to make them great fighters in the sky."
"Like teaching them ?" Kaz raised in confusion.
"More like partner up. We'll show them what we made of."
"Are you sure ? I mean, you've been in the war so many times while I don't have that many."
"But you had been flying with Poe few times and I could really see that you're a gifted pilot." Yeager pointed out.
Kaz smiled "Thanks Yeager. It means a lot."
Yeager smiled back "I'll tell Doza that we will join the ace and prepare them for whatever it comes to protect our home." Kaz nodded "Sounds great."
Yeager tapped Kaz's shoulder "And Kaz, you don't have to talk about your homeworld if you don't want to...but when you ready to talk about it, call me up and I'll be there." "Okay and thanks." Kaz replied.
"We should get some rest, tomorrow will be our big day." Yeager suggested. Kaz nodded and they walked to get some sleep to prepare their big day.
Taglist : @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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locitawritingsblog · 4 days
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This fanfic is between "A Quick Salvage Run" and "Live Fire"
After few hours later, after they escaped from D'Qar where the first order found the colossus, Kaz sat on the top of the fireball to grieve his homeworld was destroyed by the first order.
He remembered when he and the others just arrived at D'Qar, he was shocked that planet was destroyed and attacked by the first order. He noticed a big hole on that planet reminds him of a planet base called starkiller destroying Hosnian Prime, his homeworld.
He suddenly heard a knock and looked at the bottom. It was Yeager holding two cups of tea "Hey, I made extra just in case." He offered. Kaz smiled sad at him as nodded and climbed down from the fireball.
They had a peaceful time with drinking their tea until Yeager spoke first "How are you holding on, kid ?"
Kaz sighed "I don't know, there's too much grieve in my mind...how did you deal with all your losses ?"
Yeager took a long breath before told him "Well, at first I was devastated, couldn't believe this was true to see then I was angry that why I had to lose everything I had. Then I decided to leave and came to this station..."
Kaz listened carefully as Yeager saying "...I joined few races few times but... everytime I joined the race, it reminds all those memories that Marcus and I were used to live, race each other until he cheated and killed my family..."
Kaz noticed Yeager had some tears in his eyes, he rubbed Yeager's shoulder "...How could he do that to them ?" Yeager broke into tears.
"I'm so sorry for you've been through, Yeager. I had no idea you had to deal all those things."
Yeager wiped his tears "Thank you Kaz." Then drank his tea.
Kaz gave him a sad smile as nodded.
After they stared at the space as drinking their teas for awhile, Kaz sighed "When Poe told me that the first order would attack my home in some ways, I immediately jumped in and would do anything to be a part of resistance but...."
"You were shocked that Poe took you in here as a resistance spy ?" Yeager finished.
Kaz responded "Yeah ! I wasn't trained to be a spy, I was trained as a pilot. I mean, I was on the top of my class." Yeager shook his head as smiling "Alright, no need to brag, hotshot." He gave Kaz a friendly punch then they chuckled.
"Speaking about pilots, I've been noticing the ace squadron hasn't been experienced in this war situation, I was thinking you and I show them some tricks to make them great fighters in the sky."
"Like teaching them ?" Kaz raised in confusion.
"More like partner up. We'll show them what we made of."
"Are you sure ? I mean, you've been in the war so many times while I don't have that many."
"But you had been flying with Poe few times and I could really see that you're a gifted pilot." Yeager pointed out.
Kaz smiled "Thanks Yeager. It means a lot."
Yeager smiled back "I'll tell Doza that we will join the ace and prepare them for whatever it comes to protect our home." Kaz nodded "Sounds great."
Yeager tapped Kaz's shoulder "And Kaz, you don't have to talk about your homeworld if you don't want to...but when you ready to talk about it, call me up and I'll be there." "Okay and thanks." Kaz replied.
"We should get some rest, tomorrow will be our big day." Yeager suggested. Kaz nodded and they walked to get some sleep to prepare their big day.
Taglist : @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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locitawritingsblog · 6 days
Just read one of @kanerallels 's sw rebels fics and I really love this one 😘
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locitawritingsblog · 7 days
Enjoy reading this one 😊
In a Perfect Galaxy
My fluffy little tribute in honor of The Bad Batch now that the final episode has aired (less than 24 hours ago)…
In a perfect galaxy, they ALL could have lived happily ever after in peace… Something every single one of them deserved considering the chaotic, brutal, and tumultuous lives they had lived. If only the galaxy was such an ideal and picturesque place.
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locitawritingsblog · 8 days
Go back to Allah, even if you’ve sinned a thousand times.
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locitawritingsblog · 9 days
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Ama's wish to have her own child came true, she adopt a baby boy named Lucky. She would raised him with her sister, Roxy as his aunt.
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locitawritingsblog · 10 days
Can't wait for the next one !
After watching the finale of The Bad Batch ALL I wanted to see was an 👏👏Omega and Hera reunion 👏👏 Soooo I’m writing one! (Plus adding onto the epilogue because I wanted more ((why leave my boys Crosshair and Wrecker out?? ))🥲)
Anyways this was my coping mechanism maybe it can be yours too. ✨
Plus I mean come on, Omega would vibe with the Ghost Crew. 😎
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locitawritingsblog · 10 days
Love this fic 😘
Kanera, Blind date au?
My stars this prompt is great I could have gone any number of directions but this one was too great to not write:
“You set me up on a WHAT?” Hera gaped at her friend in horror.
“A blind date,” Omega said, looking way too cheerful about the prospect. “Listen— we think you’ve been spending too much time working. The Empire’s not going to be overthrown overnight, and you need to spend some time on yourself. Like going on a date!”
There was a lot to unpack in that sentence. Hera decided to focus on it one part at a time. “We?”
“My brothers and I.”
Hera’s eyebrows shot up. “THEY’RE INVOLVED IN THIS?”
Omega nodded. “Hunter said he knows the perfect young man. Smart, kind, hates the Empire— you’ll love him!”
Letting out a long sigh, Hera said, “Omega, you know I don’t have time for that kind of thing. It’s just not a priority, not while the Empire’s still around.”
“I know,” Omega said, putting a hand on her arm. “But life doesn’t stop just because the Empire needs to be fought. Just think about it— I’m going to go check it with Echo.”
Hopping up from her seat, she headed across the restaurant to where her brother was sitting. Hera let out a long sigh, staring out across the open sea below them. She should have known visiting Pabu again was a bad idea.
“You okay?”
Glancing up, Hera saw a dark haired man standing nearby her table. She almost told him that it was none of his business— but there was something like genuine curiosity in his eyes. “Meddling friends,” she said.
The man snorted. “Oh, I know the type. Why my love life is any of their business is beyond me.”
“Exactly!” Hera said, throwing her hands up in the air. “Maybe I happen to have more important things going on than romance. And Force only knows with Omega’s friends, I’ll probably get stuck with someone insane.”
The corner of the man’s mouth tipped up in a grin. “Probably.”
“I’m back, and I brought snacks— oh, hi, Kanan!”
Hera turned at Omega’s cheerful voice. “I didn’t know you were already here,” the young woman continued, setting down the plates she’d been carrying. “And I see you met Hera.”
Slowly, Hera turned to face the man she’d been talking to. “You know the type, huh?” she said, raising a very pointed eyebrow.
He had the good sense to look a little sheepish. “In my defense, I wasn’t totally sure that it was you she was setting me up with. And I’m… less opposed to it now.”
Hera couldn’t say that she wasn’t less opposed as well. But she definitely wasn’t going to admit it. Folding her arms, she said, “Well, consider this your opportunity to convince me.”
Kanan grinned. “I like a challenge.”
Neither of them saw Omega smirking as she took a drink from her beverage.
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locitawritingsblog · 10 days
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This my old drawing gives me an idea to write a mini fic. I haven't been writing for so long. It's about time.
Wish You Two Were Here Now
Relationship : Kaz and Yeager
The Colossus made a stop, flying around the sea and there was a city land near their location, the sun shined through the window to wake Yeager up.
Yeager rubbed his eyes as sat up on the bed. Next, he stared at a holo-picture of him, his wife, and his daughter. He sighed as touching a holo pic "Wish you two were here now."
He brought a holo-picture on the table which there was a mirror. He worn his jacket and looked through the mirror. He heard a door knock "Come in."
It turned out it was Kaz entering his room "I bring you a drink." He put a cup of coffee on the table. "Thank you Kaz." Yeager said.
"You're welcome. Anyway, Venisa just took Tam and Neeku to having some supplies for repairs." Kaz told him.
"Yeah, she told me about it last night." Yeager back to stare at the mirror as brushing his hair. But at the same time, he stared back at his holo family pic. He took a long breath and looked down as stop brushing.
Kaz noticed Yeager missing his family so much, he took breath and talked "I don't know much about your family but I have this feeling that you had been a good husband and a good father to them."
Yeager sighed "I wished I had more time to grow old with my wife or watching my daughter grow into a beautiful lady..."
"Like Tam ?" Kaz guesesed as taking Yeager's brush.
Yeager gave him a friendly punch "...Being her own person." As Kaz brushing Yeager's hair.
"I once accidentally called Tam my daughter's name. Tam asked me who was she and I just said it's none of your concern. I could tell that she wasn't happy with my answer but...she tried to understand that I needed some time..."
"If you see Tam that way, maybe you should tell her how much she means to you. She still blaming herself for leaving us a year ago." Kaz suggested.
"I'll keep that in my mind." Yeager replied as Kaz nodded.
Few seconds later, Kaz took a long breath and spoke again "Hey, um, I have an important question that been stuck in my head." "Okay, what is it ?" Yeager responed.
"If you had that chance to see your daughter grow up but she didn't want to be a racer or a pilot like you, would you be disappointed with her ?"
Yeager was surprised and put his concern look "Well, if she didn't want to be like that, I would support her whatever she choose to be. Like I said, I wanted to raise her to her own her person."
"Even though you had to let go ?"
"Even though I had to let go."
Kaz sighed then smiled as tapping Yeager's shoulder "I knew you had been a good father." Next, He put a hair brush on the table. Yeager noticed something was on Kaz's mind. He had this feeling that Kaz needed someone to express.
"Hold on, Kaz..." Kaz turned around when Yeager calling him "Do you have any plans today ?" Kaz shook his head. "Wanna walk around ? Look around the city ?"
Kaz was surprised "I thought you wanted to have some peace and quiet."
"Yeah but.... I need a company today." Yeager replied.
Kaz smiled "Okay, I'll take my jacket first." Yeager nodded as Kaz left his room. Yeager touched his family holo-picture one last time then left his room.
Taglist : @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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locitawritingsblog · 10 days
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Ayu cuddled her Sunbear everytime she miss her dad, far away for doing his job.
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locitawritingsblog · 12 days
Enjoy reading this one
Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Title: there's a hole inside of me the shape of you
Pairings/Relationships: Hunter & Omega
“Omega? Kid, what's wrong?” His feet were carrying him forward before he even uttered the whole sentence. Omega dropped her gaze and sniffled, avoiding his eyes as she wiped her face with the back of her wrist, but didn't protest when he scooped her up and wrapped her in his arms, cradling her little body against his bare chest. “What's going on, sweetheart?” He whispered to her, rubbing soothing circles into her back. “I can't sleep,” Omega mumbled into the crook of his neck. ------ First night back on Pabu after escaping Tantiss once and for all, Omega comes to Hunter for comfort.
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This is as self-indulgent as it could possibly be. I'm a physical affection girlie at heart, it's my #1 weakness, and I couldn't pass on the opportunity to shower these two with it. I've always been especially drawn to the meaning and value of skin to skin contact that is so important in creating a bond between the parent and their child. Granted, Omega is not a baby anymore, but despite the maturity she gained in season 3 she is still a child, a child that has been through a lot and is bound to break sooner rather than later.
Shout out to my lovely @dilf-din for reading my mind and providing me with this incredible title!
Also, I fully recommend listening to this instrumental version of loml by Taylor Swift while you read. I did while writing, and it elevates the soft vibe 100%!
I hope y'all enjoy it!
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