lordzannis · 20 hours
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Bothering the beast
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lordzannis · 20 hours
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israeli protester in jerusalem, calling for a ceasefire. photo by yaheli gazit.
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lordzannis · 3 days
What are Minstrels, Jesters and Bards?
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Keeping it up with me rambling about the middle ages and fantasy, let me talk about one of the things that seems to confuse a lot of people - especially because most fantasy media just kinda mixes this one up. The difference between Minstrels, Jesters and Bard. Given that all the words are so often used interchangably. But, indeed, there is a big difference, if we look at it from a historical perspective.
The very, very basic differentiation is like this:
A Bard was a Celtic song writer and storyteller
A Minstrel was a medieval travelling singer, poet, acrobat and storyteller
A Jester was a medieval singer, poet, acrobat and storyteller working at a cort. In the late medieval time they were more acrobats and people telling jokes though.
Also there is Troubadoures, who were mostly singers and storytellers at the courts.
Let me talk a bit about the different groups in detail, though.
Bard as a word comes specifically from the Gaelic word for "poet", which basically tells us most about them. as with so many things concerning the celts, the early history of them is not very well known. We do know, though, that they played a certain role within the Gaelic and Welsh societies both in keeping the oral history of the societies alive, as well as celebrating chiefs and warriors with their songs. Other than other aspects of Celtic societies, the bards did remain for a long while into the medieval period, though how the societies treated them did vary a lot by region.
While in some areas due to their connection to the Celtic (and hence indigenous) religion and culture, they were seen as "second class poets" in some areas - especially in Ireland - with the true poets being connected to the church.
Never the less: Whatever we still know about the Celtic mythology of the British isles is all only known thanks to bards. Because bards kept those oral traditions alive at times till the late and post-medieval period, allowing them to be written down.
Minstrels developed a lot in what their role was. In the early medieval period they were often still bound to courts of kings and lords, where they would perform a wide variety of things. Songs, poems, theatre, acrobatics and dance being most among them. But in the high medieval period it became more and more common that the courts would employ jesters and troubardores, who were more specialized. With those a lot of minstrels became travellers. They would travel the lands and always remain in cities and villages for a while, collect stories, perform their arts and then move on. As such they helped to spread stories throughout the lands - though people could not always be sure whether the stories they told and sang were true or not.
Minstrels often had close networks among each other, though. Exchanging stories and songs they had written and collected. As such they often had a very wide repatoir that they could share with the people.
It should be noted that while there were people like this throughout the entire medieval world, minstrels as we would call them were most common in Medieval France and England, with some also being around in Germany (that is the Holy Roman Empire). Travelling singers and songwriters in the rest of Europe had a bit of a different background, often being closer to the celtic bards.
And yes, minstrels are very much the closest thing here to what bards in DnD are displayed as.
Among those noted here, jesters are probably the one occupation people have the best idea of, given that they are fairly big in even modern popculture - even outside of fantasy. I mean, in your standard deck of cards the "Joker" usually is portrayed as a jester.
Jesters were fairly interesting. While they also would at times do poetry and songs, they often were more acrobats, joksters and magicians, who most of the time were bound to the court of a lord, duke or king. In these positions they did however often serve a very important role, as they were allowed to hold a mirror to whoever they served and give them the truth. Basically: They were allowed most of the time to criticize even kings. (Which does not mean that they always got away with it - but usually they got away with way more than most people.) As such a common idea of a jester was, that they were supposed to be wise and also act as a sort of advisor to whomever they served.
Interestingly enough there is a lot of historical evidence that often enough this specific roll was filled by disabled and disfigured people, who could not work in other rolls. Which in hindsight is interesting especially because it gave some disabled people a very important role within the society.
Finally we have the troubadours, who were most of all singers and poets working at the courts. Their art was seen as more "high class" than the work of the normal minstrels. They often would entertain nobility during their feasts and on festivals and celebrations. While they were not the same as jesters, they often were however allowed to parody and do satire of the lords, with that also reflecting on their actions.
So, yeah. There is a difference between these words. While there definitely were bards that served as troubadours, and troubadours who ended up becoming minstrels... It was a bit of a difference between those roles.
The fact that the bards were so tied to celtic cultures is especially a fact that so often gets overlooked.
So, there you have it. xD Maybe some food for thoughts for my dear fellow bard players.
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lordzannis · 3 days
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jaskier in his s2 feather hat and nothing else 😳 for @blooodymoon
$5 sketch commissions on ko-fi
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lordzannis · 3 days
“Kairi remember her childhood and she smiled when she said she doesn't remember so she lied, she actually remember.”
*Kairi's first scene in kh1*
*Kairi in kh3*
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Like is that a face of someone lying???? Like if she was lying and remember why would she say "I wouldn't mind go to see it!" Or when she was in her homeworld she couldn't remember anything. STOP saying stupid things like I'm tired of seeing this going too far
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lordzannis · 3 days
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lordzannis · 3 days
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Man if I keep getting saved for later I’m gonna end up feeling like leftovers.
Boy Melody of Memories was some BULLSHIT. This is just a short (HA) narrative comic sorting through.. wow. Now that I look at it? Kinda the same timeline of the game, but actually from a Kairi perspective. I’m excited for her to spend time with Aqua, but. At the cost of getting left behind again? And totally glossing over the ✨hyperspace training ✨ with Lea? I cant help but feel bittersweet about it.
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lordzannis · 3 days
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lordzannis · 3 days
At the very start of there travels together, Geralt had some trust issues and couldn't wrap his mind around Jaskier genuinely being nice to him. Geralt assumed that Jaskier was plotting something nefarious.
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Geralt’s Journal entry: Jaskier had bought me a tart. I fear he is attempting to poison me.
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lordzannis · 3 days
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Witcher Ladies Appreciation Week: Favourite Minor Character ↳ Renfri/Shrike
I could have become so many things.
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lordzannis · 3 days
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I’m still playing through Witcher 3’s DLCs and I must say… Geralt is rocking a powerful Anime Prince aesthetic in my game right now.
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lordzannis · 3 days
Oh look it's the vaugly bi-coded optimistic character who gets treated as a joke and abandoned that I've projected all my issues on!
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lordzannis · 3 days
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if netflix won’t make them besties then i will
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lordzannis · 3 days
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"Remember me I ask. Remember me I sing."
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lordzannis · 3 days
Prompt: Jaskier, “I want you to be happy... even if it’s not with me.” Geralt, “You make me happy.”
Other prompt: after Geralt yells at him on the mountain he finds Jaskier sitting on that damn rock. “You think I don’t know when you’re trying to punish yourself? You think I don’t know that the thing that scares you most is people leaving you? I know you hate destiny and you think that’s the only reason Yen stays, but fuck it Geralt, I choose you every fucking time. And you choose me.”
Hi! Thank you so much for your prompts! I chose the second one and I did have to hold myself back, or else it would have ended up waaaaaaay longer and I still have so many prompts to do XD
this is anxty, concentrates a lot on self-worth issues and is rather serious, so... have fun?
For someone, who isn't supposed to have feelings, Geralt stays an awfully long time standing there, just staring at the dull, sandy landscape around him. At some point he hears Borch leave, the old dragon having more important things to do than watching a witcher pity himself. And that's exactly what he does.
Geralt, by all means, is not a good man, when it comes to any kind of relationships. Who is he kidding? He's terrible at it. He doesn't even like people and that fact is precisely, where all his problems connect. In a way he has come to hate humans, dislike most non-humans and despise monsters. That doesn't leave a lot of options to make friends, so he just- stopped. He wasn't always like this, of course, young and green, still thinking of himself as the savior of humanity, but after decades of stoning, screaming, spitting, scoffing at him, Geralt had become bitter. Perhaps it was after the Blaviken massacre, perhaps it happened much earlier.
Of course there's always one or two people that don't look at him like that, that treat him almost normal, but they can't change his cynicism, his bitterness and deeply rooted hatred, anymore. It's too late. Geralt is not a good man, despite what others may say. There was a time when he craved it. Addicted to meaningless praise like a court jester. He still is, sometimes, when it comes to people like Yennefer and Jaskier... the future-less boy that is somewhere out there.
In a way, it is worse with them. He knows it's utterly foolish, everything he does contradicts itself. How he forced himself upon Yennefer, a woman he had barely known for a few days, but had invoked... something in him. How he keeps pushing and pushing Jaskier away, a man he has known for nearly two decades, that calls himself Geralt's friend and keeps coming back again and again, on his own account. At this point he is more monster than man. Holding up his hands, he stares at them, searching for something he can't name.
He wonders for a short moment, if they are covered in strings, or if he has finally managed to cut them all loose. Surely Jaskier is already past the gorge. The sun is going down.
But when Geralt returns to camp, Jaskier is still there. He has changed out of his red doublet and trousers and instead is wearing a soft, white chemise and dark green breaches. His bags are unpacked and he is furiously scribbling in one of his notebooks, while Roach watches him with great curiosity. Jaskier, apparently, has no means to leave the mountainside for tonight. Something inside Geralt's mind shifts. “Jaskier.”
Said one shuts his journal and takes a long, controlled breath. The witcher has only seen him this determined a handful of times before and being stared down by Jaskier like that is a strangely intimidating feeling. “Sit,” he orders and Geralt complies without thinking, sinks to the dusty ground like a trained dog. Jaskier's eyes won't leave him. “We will talk now, Geralt. This conversation is long due and I am tired of waiting for you.”
It hurts. The sharp tone, the truthful words, they burn themselves into the witcher's chest. But the one thing Geralt is most familiar with is pain, so he keeps his mouth shut and bows his head. Because Jaskier is still there. It seems like he never will and yet he has just said that he would. Contradicting. It's Geralt's fault, isn't it?
“Now listen up,” Jaskier resumes, “because quite frankly you have pushed it too far, my dear, so I will only say this once.” Geralt looks up again and their eyes meet. For a moment, Jaskier is quiet, making sure that Geralt really does listen. “I have known you, Geralt of Rivia, for nearly twenty years of my life. I spend months, each year, following you around like a dog and I get treated like one too, most of the time. I can get my treats elsewhere, so I never needed you to dote on me. But this? 'If life could give me one blessing,' was it? I am very well aware of my own failures, alright? But I do not deserve this. I am self-centered, loud and proud and I do get into a lot of trouble, but that does not make me worth any less. I like who I am, Geralt, and I like to know my worth.”
Geralt stays silent and bows his head again. The sun has nearly vanished behind the mountains, but the campfire illuminates their faces well enough for Jaskier to see him. The bard looks older now, tired in a way that is entirely Geralt's fault. But he's still here. “I don't deserve you.”
Jaskier lets out a wet laugh, his voice has lost all harshness as he speaks again, “That's the problem, Geralt. I know my worth, but you can't seem to find yours. Do you really believe, I don't realize that you are trying to punish yourself? That this... pushing me away happens, because you are scared?” Geralt can't look him in the eyes. The truth hurts too much. “Do you really believe, I don't know that the thing that scares you the most is not some kind of monster, but the idea that the people you trust and love, will leave you? I know you hate Destiny, because in your eyes, it's the only thing connecting you those very same people and you think that’s the only reason Yennefer comes back to you. But seriously, fuck you, Geralt. Because every day I wake up I choose to spend my life by your side. I choose it. And I want to believe, you choose me too.”
The witcher's eyes burn, unable to form tears, he still cries silently. The pain in his chest has gotten so bad, he feels like throwing up, he physically can't, but it's a feeling he remembers well from his years in training. Geralt sees himself more as a monster than a man and like every witcher he despises monsters. But Jaskier is still there, still waiting for him, like he somehow always has. Jaskier, who is in a way as troublesome as Geralt himself. Jaskier, who still knows his worth and chooses to believes in Geralt's. That's what all this is really about, isn't it? Choice against Destiny?
“I do.”
[insert 30k of more talking here]
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked it!! writing about netflix canon is such a hard thing to do, because nG is such a bitch and everything is so damn toxic like wtf - I tried my best :))))
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lordzannis · 3 days
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more geraskier bs for y’all
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lordzannis · 3 days
Here’s a thought. You Know how defined six pack abs on actors is usually a sign they’ve had to starve themselves and are super dehydrated for the Look? That thing?
Give me a Jaskier who Sees Geralt shirtless that first time. All hyper defined muscle. And is Horrified.
Because Jaskier has Seen Knights. He’s seen strong men. And he’s seen what long winters and empty cupboards do to them. How it draws them into hard muscle and bone. And then just bone.
Give me a Jaskier who sees this and starts ordering Geralt second helpings at every inn. Who buys extra food at market and slips it in Roaches bags so they can share it on the road. Who makes sure Geralt gets that extra coin for the months they’re apart.
Give me a Jaskier who almost weeps with joy when he sees that layer of soft over the steel of Geralts muscles. Who calls him Beautiful and loves him so much.
And a Geralt who’s embarrassed by Jaskiers praise but grateful. He doesn’t go to bed each night hungry because he can’t afford it anymore or because he doesn’t need it. He’s full. For the first time in so long he’s finally full.
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