madetobetenacious · 2 years
Just because I am here....Trying with you.
Doesn't mean I don't get to process, be angry, still get upset - healing is not linear. There is no time limit.
I am here trying because you were my best friend. You were my person. You are my family. You are my kids father.
Our son deserves more - So I am trying. He deserves the fullest kind of love. He deserves the family I didn't have.
So I am here trying. Because I choose us. I choose family. I choose love.
[ Trying but feeling it All ] LP 11/15
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madetobetenacious · 2 years
After what you did... How could I be thankful for you?
How could I still choose you?
How could I still love you?
Oh - But I do.
[ Complicated Human] 11/25 LP
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madetobetenacious · 2 years
Every beat of my heart has been written for you.
even after the heartbreak and betrayal too.
every beat of my heart still wants you.
so I guess I'll work on forgiving you.
[ Love Beats Betrayal ] LP 11/22
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madetobetenacious · 2 years
It's been one year since I found out.
One year - since you cheated on me.
One year - since you gaslight me.
One year - since you broke me.
Broke my heart. Broke my trust. Broke my idea of love and of friendship. Broke my confidence. Broke my thought process. Broke our marriage. Broke our family.
You broke everything.
But I am here. I made it. To one year.
I may be broken, held together by tape and glue. But I am here.
I made it without any of the vices that my family imprinted in my DNA. I am an overcomer. I am tenacious. I will break the cycle.
I may be broken but I am learning to heal. By choosing myself. Just as I have before - I will not let my trauma control my choices.
[Cycle Breaker] 11.22 LP
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madetobetenacious · 2 years
Trauma is a fickle creature.
Just when you think you are moving forward ... Trauma triggers it's bullshit into your brain all over again.
I will not give up. You don't own me. I will be free of you.
[ Monsters at Midnight ]
LP 11.22
#madetobetenacious #iwillgoon #heartbreak #love #cheating #healing #forgiveness #relationships #writing #writemythoughts #writersthoughts #hearmyheart #writingfeelings #write #originalwords #spilledink #journaling #healthesoul
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madetobetenacious · 2 years
It's been a year now.
Since you took my heart ripped it in two.
I've made it 365 days since I found out you betrayed me.
Healing is not linear. Forgiveness is not linear either.
I am still working on both.
[ Progress ] LP/11.22
#madetobetenacious #iwillgoon #heartbreak #love #cheating #healing #forgiveness #relationships
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