millsung · 5 months
More Damian being hilarious moments because his sense of humor speaks to me, pt. 2
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pt. 1
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millsung · 5 months
Saw a post recently that mentioned how underrated Damian's sense of humor is, so I went ahead and decided to find some of my fave moments, pt. 1
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pt. 2
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millsung · 6 months
This is so gay in every aspect, tied and true relationship of them.
God this is so beautiful thanks to the game developers for this scene of Sasuke and Naruto.
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millsung · 8 months
Comic books are pop culture staples, but I love when they do nods to other pop culture staples like other media . Case in point, some of the DC Comics nods to:
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millsung · 1 year
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millsung · 1 year
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millsung · 1 year
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Batman and Robin Eternal #2
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millsung · 1 year
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Damian just forever has my heart. Look at this precious little boy. He deserves the world.
(I know Nightwings ass is taking this all up but let’s just look at Dami)
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millsung · 2 years
Who did Damian fight or tried to fight in the Batfamily?
All of them.
Don’t believe me?
Bruce Wayne: ☑
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Dick Grayson: ☑
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Jason Todd: ☑
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Tim Drake: ☑
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Duke Thomas: ☑
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Barbara Gordan: ☑
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Stephanie Brown: ☑
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Cassandra Cain:  ☑
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millsung · 3 years
This is me ranking the meanest things that Damian has ever said to Bruce
1. “You were easier to look up to when you weren’t around.”
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Batman and Robin vol 2 #1
I love when Damian reminds Bruce that he’s a disappointment. It took the other batkids years to realize that but Damian knew it from the beginning and he will never let him forget it. 9/10
2. “So that explains why Astrid Arkham sees me as a curse hanging over Gotham.” “Haven’t we all at some point?”
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Detective Comics (2016) #1004
He’s 100% correct but he’s not being as mean as he could be. Bruce’s feelings were definitely not hurt so it wasn’t a proper roasting. But it’s super fucking funny, and I’m obsessed with the fact that Damian interrupted this serious moment to joke about how everyone hates his dad. 7/10
3. “You know my name! Grandfather was right, you truly are the world’s greatest detective.”
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The Shadow/Batman #1
Calling Bruce stupid is very classic Damian. I appreciate that he keeps finding new and creative ways to say it. However I have to take off points because that’s not the actual Bruce he’s insulting, just a dollotron. 5/10
4. “Watch yourself old man. You may be better with a bicycle but I’m your superior at everything else.”
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Batman Black and White #5
This one absolutely took me out when I first read it. The “watch it old man” alone would be enough for me to put it on this list, but pairing that with Damian saying he’s better than Bruce in nearly every way makes this perfect. Bruce’s feelings probably weren’t hurt but he definitely called Dick later to complain about Damian’s lack of respect. 10/10
5. “So you’ve learned your long-lost father is a world class psycho... join the club...”
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Teen Titans (2016) #11
He’s not talking to Bruce in this one but this is still an impeccable roast. Calling Bruce a psycho AND telling his teammate that they ain’t special?? He’s killing two birds with one stone. I’m taking off points because this panel came from Teen Titans (2016) and that version of Damian is not valid. 6/10
6. “Father, if this is it, I want to tell you something. I... I need you to know... I definitely would have been the best Batman.”
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Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
Absolutely iconic. Damian is facing certain death and instead of telling his father that he loves him like Bruce was probably expecting, he decided to remind him that he could have been a way better Batman if he was given the chance. Damian is going to die doing what he loves most: antagonizing Bruce. 12/10
7. “Silence.”
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Super Sons #10
After all the times Bruce has told him to shut up, Damian finally pulled an Uno reverse card on him, and it’s all Bruce’s fault. Even he can recognize that. 5/10
8. “And I sometimes feel like I’m listening to a raging, controlling madman.”
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Batman: Pennyworth RIP
I admire Damian’s audacity to bring up all of Bruce’s faults whenever they fight. And he’s always correct. I also love how big Bruce’s hand is compared to his face. It reminds me that Bruce is getting verbally demolished by a kid who still needs a booster seat. 8/10
9. “But we’re going to talk about these orphanages. It’s a bit disconcerting that you own whole buildings full of potential backup Robins.”
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Detective Comics (2016) #1017
Even if this was a joke, I know some tiny part of Damian actually believes this. He lives in constant fear of getting another sibling. I’m deducting some points because this is one of the most popular and overused Batman jokes ever. We all know he collects orphans. 4/10
10. “I don’t know why you bothered to come back from the dead. We were fine without you.”
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Batman Incorporated (2012) #1
We’re finishing the list off strong with perhaps the meanest thing Damian has ever said to Bruce. He went for the throat with this one. His father just came back to life and he’s already decided he doesn’t like that bitch. I just KNOW Bruce cried himself to sleep that night. 1000/10
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millsung · 3 years
You cannot convince me that Damian isn’t lowkey one of the funniest people in the batfam (even if it’s completely unintentional half of the time)
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millsung · 3 years
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millsung · 3 years
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Baby-Doll Batman: The Animated Series
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millsung · 3 years
An Alfred doodle of some kind? I always love exasperated Alfred shenanigans.
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Less exasperated and more letting Alfred loose on his guitar 🤘
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millsung · 3 years
This is what I call quality content.
Finally some premium batfam content
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|Truth & Justice #16|
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millsung · 3 years
Here are some of my favorite Dick and Damian moments:
1. Damian being shocked that Dick saved his life early in their partnership (Batman and Robin vol 1 #3)
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2. Damian being sad that they won’t be Batman and Robin anymore when Bruce comes back (Batman and Robin vol 1 #10)
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3. Dick waiting with Damian while Talia and Bruce fought (Batman #34)
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4. “We were the best, Richard.” (Batman Incorporated #8)
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5. Dick taking Damian to the arcade (Nightwing #4)
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6. Damian trying to wake Dick up when he was in a coma after getting shot (Nightwing Annual #2)
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7. Damian being afraid that Dick is gonna replace him by having a kid of his own (Nightwing #17)
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8. Dick comforting Damian while he cries (Batman #33)
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9. Dick teasing Damian about having a crush (Superman/Batman #77)
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10. The reunion hug! (Grayson #12)
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millsung · 3 years
How’s Jason’s relationship with Damian in canon?
Well actually.. you just happened to ask in a really bad time for them, as the Teen Titans title is.. sure doing something with them. Jason has become some sort of mentor for Damian, as seen in Teen Titans #22, but the upcoming annual teased a fight between them, as apparently Jason.. betrayed him? We will see. (though i personally wouldn’t hold my breath because this Teen Titans run is an absolute set back for Damian’s character)
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That aside, generally they seemed to be in good terms, Jason acting like an annoying older brother to Damian (and in return Damian acting like a bratty younger brother)
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Red Hood and the Outlaws #17
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Detective Comics #968
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Batman #16 
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Batman and the Signal #3
then before rebirth, they teamed up in Batman Inc #4, which is still canon, as wingman has been mentioned again in red hood: outlaw
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and had an altercation in Batman and Robin #11
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but Jason reminds it.. fondly (as shown in Batman and Robin #33)
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