nakahara-angie · 5 months
Skk at 17 is so funny cause imagine you’re in the port mafia, about to go on a serious and dangerous mission, and your executives are two insane hormonal teenagers. Yeah one of them can make black holes and the other can inflict terrifying psychological damage on people but then Chuuya is giving a big scary speech and his voice cracks and Dazai fucking loses it.
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nakahara-angie · 5 months
Dazai : " i don't know how to tell you this chuuya but you're in love with me "
Chuuya : " What ? "
Dazai :
Chuuya : " Oh my god, i am ."
Atsushi : " What kind of confession did i just Witness ? "
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nakahara-angie · 5 months
i love seeing how the whole fandom’s vocabulary became just “what the fuck”
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nakahara-angie · 5 months
the difference in the way the bsd fandom shows affection for their faves is so fucking funny to witness like w chuuya it’s usually like “he’s the greatest ever such a cool fella very sexy very nice he’s literally perfect he deserves nothing but happiness he’s awesome everyone loves him and if u say anything bad abt him ur wrong” whereas w dazai it’s more like “i wanna shove this absolute pathetic whore of a man down a flight of stairs and watch him flail around violently he’s so bbg it makes me wanna either strangle him or carry him around like the dainty little princess he is”
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nakahara-angie · 2 years
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I want everyone to make a big board of this and put it in their house
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nakahara-angie · 2 years
hc that Dazai and Chuuya have their own secret code similar to morse code so that they can talk to each other during meetings n such without getting figured out.
Dazai and Chuuya: *tapping back and forth to each other*
Hirotsu: is that... morse code?
Kouyou: no, i know morse code and this sounds like gibberish
Mori: i believe it is their own version of morse code.
Hirotsu: so they have their own dialect of morse code?
Kouyou: it doesn't surprise me
Mori: i still havent been able to figure it out yet
Chuuya: *aggressively taps long message*
Dazai: *gasps* HOW COULD YOU?
Hirotsu: perhaps it's a good thing we can't understand them
If you want to use this idea, feel free to! just credit me and tag/send it to me so i can see what you do with it!!
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nakahara-angie · 5 years
So I’ve had a theory for a while that I thought I’d share (Let’s hope no ones done it already).
You know how Ranpo believes he’s stupid without the glasses.
And how higher iq people are more likely to get depressed.
What if his ability is just a coping mechanism, whenever he’s not using his glasses he gets a break from thinking so hard and knowing too much.
And dazai?
“Because if you’d use your brain to its full capacity 24/7 you’d go mad.”
“And what about you?”
“Do I look sane to you?”
I mean he is literally trying to kill himself all the time. This could be part of an explanation.
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nakahara-angie · 5 years
Character cheat sheet
Part 2/2 of my notes from bungou stray dogs
The mafia
- angrier than I ever make him out to be
- He also talks more than I realize
- He’s cruel
- He’s training his subordinate much like Dazai did with him, but less calculated and less bullets.
- Thinks so highly of himself
- And Dazai
- Stop underestimating other people
- Really all he does is fueled by rage, calm down my boy
- You prove them wrong bby
- Also a lot of things he thinks are wrong, like how kyoukas ability is made to kill. You could learn some things from Atsushi
- “I don’t need anyone”
- Think before you act boy
- Dazai says he’ll become the strongest gifted in the mafia in the future, what about Chuuya? I guess eating time and space might be more powerful than gravity. Would Rashomon work against Chuuya?
- Edgy vampire
- He needs to say nice things, just for a change
- He is powerful though, he just needs to learn to not let his feelings through so much when he fights
- Check that cough already
- Only uses San for the few people he respect
- Always hands in pockets like someone else we know
- He just needs a friend
- This demonic armor looks pretty cool
- Stop thinking you’re weak jeez
- His body is weak, cuz he’s sick?
- Gets angry (at Dazai) easily, in a loud way
- Doesn’t fight with his hands (what’s the use of the knife then?)
- Literally a head smaller than Dazai, which I knew but omg he’s so smol
- Says Dazai a lot
- His voice is so nice
- Is actually smart, like kunikida level maybe? But they’re different kinds of smart. Things just seem obvious to him so he might not know how smart he is? (This is based on s3)
- Definitely enjoys fighting too much
- Did I mention how nice his voice is?
- Definitely still trust Dazai and his predictions
- His voice goes high pitched when he yell
- Takes his hat off for the boss
- Wow he talks so normally with other people, you know when someone doesn’t make him mad
- Comes with ideas on what to do and presents them to Mori, he’s an executive after all
- Definitely looked up to by other people
- Not even close to as soft as I always make him
- Hardcore
- Overly confident
- Way too serious
- His ability is amazing though
- That whirlwind kick
- Cares about the city
- Much fanfare to his entrances
- Ah he’s worried for dazai even if he claims to hate him
- Lots of cursing
- His hands look normal
- He snores, at least after being knocked out by corruption
- Doesn’t seem hesitant to sacrifice himself
- he doesn’t actually have to chant to use corruption? (Dead apple?)
- jokes
- He sounds so kind when he talks what the actual hell
- Pervert
- Might say things in a kind way, though they’re often not
- Everyone actually knows of the port mafia, even news mention their buildings
- Secretive
- I never actually realized everyone kneels for him
- His acting is great
- What a liar
- Evil evil doctor
- Giving advice to Atsushi how cute
- He doesn’t want people to see his relationship with Elise
- Swear he’s a vampire
- Another edgy vampire
- Tactician, the question is, how big of a match would he be for dazai?
- His plans are very cold in ways that would easily sacrifice lots of people
- Uses Kun for everyone but Elise
- This fancy lady
- It’s like an opposite Stockholm syndrome with Kyouka
- Her vision on things is wrong, you’re not protecting Kyouka pls
- Or she’s just delusional
- Her shoes don’t fit that outfit
- She talks fancy
- Carries herself like an executive
- Red nails, red lipstick. Bet she got the color from her enemies blood
- Says Kyouka a lot
- Frantically angry when she fights
- Not as held together when something goes wrong as I thought
- Don’t let lil dazai scare you, torture is fun!
- She enjoyed staying with the agency, seen as a possible liability cuz of it
- loyal
- Acts before thinking
- Always defends Akutagawa, even in front of Mori
- Does she not look like saber from unlimited blade works?
- Wow she’d sacrifice a lot for Aku, reminds me of Naomi
- Senpai, senpai ;-;
- Aw she stayed in the mafia cuz she likes Aku, What a loss on her part.
- he’s much more cold hearted than I thought
- Straight forward
- Hardcore fighting and ability
- Acts much like a leader
- He looks like such a nice old man
- He is, in fact, not
- Or maybe he is, I’m so confused
- You clear Dazai’s racing game old man
Ango (who’s not part of the mafia but I’m not putting him with the agency pfft)
- Intelligence officer
- Knows a shit ton about port mafia
- Who even lives in a hotel
- How secretive
- His glasses are too big for his face
- Schneaky schnake
- He actually cares when people die, doesn’t want them to be forgotten
- This little liar
- His voice is so boring, feels like being lectured on something not even he cares about
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nakahara-angie · 5 years
Character cheat sheet
Alright so today I decided to rewatch bungou stray dogs cuz my writing is really lacking when it comes the all the characters. It feels like they’re more often than not out of character. So I wrote down notes on how they behave (and a lot of stray comments) and thought I’d share them in hopes that it might help someone else. Getting all these characters right is really hard after all. So, enjoy! And feel free to add/comment if you want to change something!
Here goes! Part 1/2 The Agency
- very loud
- Lots of exclamation marks!
- Always looks worried, probably is as well
- Assume a lot
- There’s just so much panic in that small body
- Stutters
- Says stupid things to get out of something
- Not confident enough in his abilities
- Puts others above himself
- He needs to actually want to hurt someone or he doesn’t know how to fight
- Good instincts when it comes to fighting as well
- If this boy couldn’t regenerate he’d be dead by now
- Fighting spirit is much fueled by rage
- This naive little thing, stop believing everything people say
- Easily scared
- Jesus he’s gullible, stop listening to Dazai
- His will to protect others is admirable
- He can transform fully he just rarely does it
- Always sees good in people
- He is so done with everyone
- Uses San for almost everyone (as he should)
- Usually answer questions with questions
- Doesn’t correct assumptions
- Doesn’t make them himself
- Neutral/bored facial expression unless he’s teasing someone
- He actually is serious sometimes, actually pretty often
- Watashi
- Does go for some pretty long monologues when he explains things
- Actually listens to kunikidas orders
- Pain does in fact not bother him
- Watch him punch someone with a cheesy line
- He likes to tell the criminal how he figured it out or where they made a mistake
- Hands in pockets, always
- He shows surprise in his eyes
- Very mean when he has to, Akutagawa for example (see: my new subordinate is much better than you)
- Says Chuuya a lot, well people’s names in general
- All this pickpocketing
- I mean he can actually fight
- Also this jumping up from a laying position
- We already know he’s smart but Jesus, how do you write a character that’s smarter than yourself?
- He just sitting against the wall in a 90 degree angle so Chuuya can reach him, cute
- Does in fact not know everything, he does research to find what he needs
- He tells Oda about missions at lupin, lupin really must be mafia owned?
- “The biggest misfortune of Dazai’s enemies is that they are Dazai’s enemy”
- He did still joke a lot in the mafia, same lightheartedness as now.
- Does Dazai know it’s gonna end badly with oda? He wanted to take a picture to remember
- Uses a lot of fancy words even when young
- Carries a lock pick
- He guesses a lot and says he knew
- Dont feed him spicy food
- Fuzz up? I mean I know he curses in the manga but really?
- Basically never uses San (did he with Mori? Yes he does) Ane-San doesn’t count
- I’m happy that the mafia members are still scared of him, they know how ruthless he can be
- Does he have feelings?
- He really doesn’t predict everything, he’s just good at adapting
- He likes slapping people, you backhand that bitch, go dazai!
- Very flippant when he does something to help
- Red eeeeyeeees
- There’s no exceptions to his ability
- I wonder if he dislikes celebrations
- gets angry easily
- Trusts Dazai when there’s need
- Much smarter than I give him credit for
- Super strong
- Acts on his feelings all the time
- Just.. ideals. I hadn’t realized how often he mentions them
- Very straightforward, he doesn’t say things in the nicest ways
- Shows his feelings on his face
- Calculating
- He’s proud of the younger ones but don’t show it
- Likes calling people idiots
- Can be really dense when it comes to normal things, as in not detective related shit
- Please stop listening to Dazai’s bullshit
- serious
- So small and innocently cute
- Looks very cut off from reality, at least in the beginning
- She’s an assassin
- Seems like she just wants to try normal child things all the time, crepes for example.
- Maybe she missed out on growing up (like most others did)
- She’s killed 35 people
- The mafia scares her
- Is she scared of her ability? At least in the beginning
- She basically does anything others tell her
- So scared
- Doesn’t understand how normal people behave, just does as she’s learnt
- Strong independent woman (or 14 y/o)
- sadist
- Always ask if someone’s hurt and gets disappointed when they’re not
- Very nicely threatens people with dismemberment if they’re being a bitch
- Give them hell
- Doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit, if they’re wrong they’ll know
- Yes use that motor saw hon
- She relies on her ability a lot when she fights, though I’m sure she’s a good fighter nevertheless
- Threatens random people who are being unreasonable
- very bored, always
- Does question the president when something is wrong
- He talks more than I actually thought, and it’s not always smart things, usually just rubbish
- Candy
- Very hyped when he gets to have fun
- And teaching Kyouka about candy yes
- “War is so boring” I agree Ranpo-San
- Doesn’t actually figure everything out at first glance, sometimes he asks or need clues
- Seems like he can figure people out in one glance though
- He does stupid things when he isn’t wearing his glasses, it’s a trap dear Ranpo
- Really he’s an idiot without them
- He believes in the glasses thing
- The president is the one who made his ability, sort of
- So he isn’t actually stupid without.. more like he believes he is
- The agency was created because of him
- “I’d look stupid if I turned out to be normal now” so he basically does know
The Tanizakis
- she follows him everywhere
- His ability is so useful why don’t I ever write him?
- This sisterly love is... special
- He cares for her as much as she for him
- She shows everything on her face
- But she is very brave
- He is as well
- The brother is as old as Atsushi
- He worries most when she’s in danger
- “For Naomi I’d gladly burn the world”
- Well he can fly a plane
- cares about everyone in the agency
- Appears out of nowhere
- My dude’s got a boat, probably have more than one safe house as well. Oh and a car. Imagine them owning a plane/helicopter. Note: they do in fact own a fighter plane
- Always knows what’s going on somehow
- Very fair in giving everyone a chance
- Looks pretty cold hearted
- Bet he’s got a thing for saving children as well (Odasaku would do great in the agency with him)
- Takes no bs
- How did Natsume get the permit for them?
- Op fighter, better than kunikida
- Puts it on others to explain plans
- he says such horrible things in such a nice way. (The person would be tied up and thrown off a cliff~)
- Really not aware how the world works
- Happy go lucky
- Doesn’t look at death with any feelings unlike Atsushi
- Knows everyone
- Doesn’t judge anyone based on looks or so
- How are people scared of him
- These people would do anything for him what
- Let’s smile and wave around a pole, it’ll only scare the living shit out of everyone
- Straight forward
- Takes everything at face value
- “If you are sincere you can communicate with people”
- He could take a few hits yes
- Many cows as well
- Lots of mentions of “back home things work this way”
- He actually goes to sleep after eating, thought he only lost his strength
- City folk really are amazing
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