nightqueendany · 3 years
People giving Ned Stark a pass for wanting to behead Jorah for selling poachers into slavery because “slavery is illegal in Westeros” but not giving Dany a pass for killing slavers in Slaver’s Bay because “it’s part of their culture”...
You are not anti slavery. You are just anti breaking the “law.” 
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nightqueendany · 3 years
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That’s how all the great houses started, isn’t it? With a hard bastard who was good at killing people. Kill a few hundred people, they make you a Lord. Kill a few thousand, they make you King Queen.  — Bronn of the Blackwater, 8x04
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nightqueendany · 4 years
The Iron Bank backed Cersei over Daenerys because Daenerys had freed the slaves of Slaver’s Bay. 
When Cersei was giving her pitch to whats-his-face from Sherlock, and he told her that the Lannisters were in quite a lot of debt, she points out to him that Lannisters always pay their debts and asks him how debts get paid by former slaves.
The Iron Bank backed Cersei because they knew with Daenerys out of the way, the Slave Trade would return to Essos, therefore earning back the Iron Bank one of it’s main sources of profit. 
And yet, we’re still supposed to see Dany’s war for the Iron Throne as a bad thing....?
That scene in Season 7 essentially told us, slavery would return to the regions Dany had worked hard for nearly her entire show arc to eradicate, if she did not win the throne. We saw yet another thing at stake if Dany were to lose.
But Dany’s the bad guy for wanting to eliminate Cersei?
D&D are truly fools. They paid 0 attention to the drivel they wrote themselves and expected us to not pay attention too. 
I’m sorry, but no. 
The more I think about it, the less I accept this fucking bullshit. Not that I was ever going to come to terms with the dumpster fire that was Season 8, but now, more than ever, I realize how utterly ridiculous it was for us to see Dany as the villain. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
D&D: Yeah, you know, the way Dany reacts to her husband killing her abusive brother who literally just threatened to cut out her unborn child from her womb was really cold and was totally foreshadowing of her going mad later on.
Tyrion: *literally murders his own father with a crossbow after first murdering his ex lover after finding her in his father’s bed* 
D&D: Yeah, Tyrion’s a pacifist. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
Sansa Just Wanted To Be Queen
What if Tyrion had wanted to name Sansa Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and not Bran?
And, in such a scenario:
Do you think Sansa would have turned down the offer to remain in the North?
OR Do you think Sansa would have taken the gig, but insisted that Bran or Arya rule the North as its Sovereign because the North deserved its independence.
Or would Sansa have been fine with the idea that the North remain part of the Seven Kingdoms and under her domain?
It’s hard to imagine Sansa turning down such an offer OR accepting it but insisting the North be independent. 
She tells her own uncle whom she’s never even met before, to essentially STFU and sit while he was in the middle of a speech, embarrassing and humiliating him - a man who was held captive for years because he supported her brother, the REAL Sovereign of the North who was chosen by his people, Robb. Piece of evidence #1 that Sansa wanted to be QOT7K (making one of the candidates for the job look unappealing by making him seem ridiculous and weaker than her).
She offers objection to Bran being King, saying that he can’t have children. Piece of evidence #2 that Sansa wanted to be QOT7K (making one of the candidates seem unappealing by bringing to light one of his seemingly glaring weaknesses). And, well, if Bran can’t be King, who would be next best option but his own able-bodied sister?
Sansa couldn’t take the whole cake, so she carved out a little piece and named herself the queen of it, knowing there was no way Grey Worm would allow for a scenario where Jon could return to being KITN and that Arya wouldn’t want the position anyway (she said in 7x07 that she would never make as good a Lady as Sansa), leaving herself as the only option.
Anyone who insists Sansa’s motives in S8 are pure or that she just wanted to protect her people or that she only had her people’s best interests in mind or that she really thought Dany was a tyrant, etc. etc. is lying to themselves.
One of the first things we ever hear Sansa say in the series aside from telling her sister to shut up, is that the only thing she has ever wanted was to be Queen. And the last scene we see of her is when she gets her crown and people are bowing to her. 
Sansa’s motives were always purely selfish. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
“If Tyrion needs to give a speech to explain to the audience why this person is a “Mad Queen”, it’s because there was no carefully planned foreshadowing.” 
I am HERE for this tea today.
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nightqueendany · 4 years
I know I’ve mentioned something similar to this before, but I had another shower thought today about our dearly departed Queen and had to write it:
Daenerys is the only person who fought for the good of the people.
No one else in the entire story even comes close to attempting to make the common people’s lives better, or thinks of them at all really.
Sure, Jon’s fight in wanting to save people from the army of the dead is important.
But Jon’s fight also saves his own skin. If the army of the dead come, he’s dead too.
Dany’s fight against slavers and nobles does not affect her if she were to just peace-out and give it up. She’d still be a Targaryen. She’d still have a claim to the throne. She’d still be a Queen.
She doesn’t need to help the people she helps throughout the story. Yet she does it anyway. 
This is why the ending to Game of Thrones is doubly frustrating because the audience has never seen anyone else fight for the kind of people Dany was fighting for... so we’re just left with the same broken system and the same awful hacks who kept the wheel spinning. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
Some dumb idiot: Dany didn’t care about the Dothraki culture! She didn’t join the Dosh Khaleen when Drogo died! If she really cared about the Dothraki, she should have joined them! She was only using the Dothraki for her own gain!
Me: Sooooo.... a girl who was sold as a child bride into a culture that is foreign to her is required to live by their oppressive standards for the rest of her life, otherwise she “disrespects” their culture and is only using them?
Hmm? Methinks your logic is fucked dear person. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
What the fuck was the point of Sam reading in the library in 8x01???
Buffoon never found anything of use in those damn books anyway!
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nightqueendany · 4 years
More like “The Queen Who Did Nothing” “The Queen Who Bitched While Other People Fought For Her Home” “The Queen Nobody Chose” “The Queen Who Teased Her Brother About Wearing A Crown And Then Had One Specially Made For Herself” “The Queen Who Told Others The North Wouldn’t Bow For Anyone And Then Made Her Subjects Bow To Her” “The Queen Who Almost Killed Her Own Sister” “The Queen Who Broke Her Promise To Her Brother” “The Queen Who Wished Her Sister Had Died In Place Of Her Pet Direwolf” “The Queen Who Betrayed Her Father To The Lannisters” “The Queen Who Lied About Her Aunt’s Death But Then Told The Truth When It was Convenient For Her Years Later”...
I could go on. Should I go on?
I just saw a gifset of Sansa, crown on head, with the words ‘the queen who did not bend’.
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It had like some 8000 notes. damn.
Yeah, man, totally. Sansa did not bend. She did not have to bend because other characters did all the hard work and bending for her.
Jon came up with the idea of going to Dragonstone for weapons and allies, sailed all the way there, negotiated with Dany, convinced her about their fight in the North and brought back the resources necessary to fight against this existential apocalyptic threatening Sansa’s home.
It was Dany risking her life in the North with her armies against the army of the dead. Dany did not get those armies for free by the way.  She worked for them over 6 seasons. She convinced them to fight for her. It was Arya, Dany, Jon and others who were out there fighting to save the North. Sansa meanwhile was sitting comfortably in the crypts whining about Dany.
It was Dany who took on and defeated Cersei Lannister. It was Jon and other soldiers who were fighting on the ground against Lannister soldiers. And finally it was Jon who kills Dany.
At the end, Tyrion makes Bran king for some reason. And then Sansa pops up and asks for independence  despite doing fuck all over 8 seasons except write a letter to LF accepting his help, hoard some grain and complain about the characters who are actually trying to actively effect change and defeat the baddies.
Tumblr just loves celebrating mediocre white female characters in the name of feminism.   D&D were pretty much writing for this type of audience, one reason for why they did not bother putting any effort or thought into story or character development. Give folks a few snarky one liners from Sansa so that the crowd can yell ‘Yass Queen!’, put a crown on her head (Even if it makes no sense) and we get nonsense like ‘THE QUEEN WHO DID NOT BEND!’.
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nightqueendany · 4 years
@lawonderlandwriter​ Ditto. I’m such a whore for warrior Missandei.
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nightqueendany · 4 years
“...learning how to flip the knife from one hand to the other. Once we saw how well she could do it in that moment with Brienne, we thought, this is the way it’s gonna end against the Night King.”
Which, as this video beautifully points out, the “three years ago” when they decided it would be Arya to kill the Night King (Benioff says they decided this “three years ago”), was DURING the filming of Season 7. Possibly right before filming Season 7. But it was no earlier than that. It can’t have been, given the timeline D&D themselves have set up.
Which means....they likely decided on the Night King death scene WHILE they filmed the Arya/Brienne fight scene from Season 7.
Which means Bran giving Arya the dagger...was not foreshadowing at all that Arya would kill the Night King because D&D hadn’t decided that yet at the time they were writing Season 7.
I’ve never been so angry but felt so validated at the same time.
BTW @instantbouquetface-me​ “you couldn’t have come up with that scene back then because the Azor Ahai fanart you were plagiarizing had not been drawn back then you liars!”
I DIED. Love you so much.
For anyone curious, here is the fanart side-by-side with the death scene from 8x06:
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Art Credit*
And this fanart was made in 2017, right after S7 aired. 
Something I’ve noticed about D&D’s “style” of storytelling, is that it seems largely dependent on “shots”. It’s all about things they wanted to see and it’s something they even touched on in that dismal Q&A from that Texas film festival. (The shot they were so focused on with the White Walkers and the baby, wanting to show the baby’s penis so the audience KNEW it was a boy as if all the talk of Craster sacrificing his BOYS wasn’t hint enough at the child’s gender).
They fixate on the minutiae, not the big picture. So if D&D saw this fanart when it was posted, I think it’s entirely possible they changed key plot-points in order to accommodate it. 
We very well could have had “Night King attacks King’s Landing” - which would require similar special effects and set up as what we actually got, but the context is clearly different. 
The set design team wouldn’t have been required to change anything at all. Which would give D&D room to change this aspect of the story. 
They had a good month and a half. This could easily have been the case. 
Bernie Caulfield says that D&D listen to everyone. Which is probably true. They listen to all these ideas, including the fans. It’s how Jason Momoa was cast as Khal Drogo for fuck’s sake. It’s how we got Cleganebowl. And they were likely cruising DeviantArt for cool things to include in Season 8.
They saw the above fanart, became fixated on it, and decided to change their entire story. 
At least, that’s my theory. Might seem a little extreme. But come on. The evidence is ALL RIGHT THERE. 
Trying to move on past this show and then something like this comes out and I get annoyed all over again. 
How unsurprising that Dany’s death was something that came from the minds of D&D. It’s nice though to have the confirmation that this was their idea, not GRRM’s. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
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My Queen 😍😘
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nightqueendany · 4 years
@veteranmortal I’m still reading but the way the first couple essays read, is that the peace deal was actually real and the one betraying Dany was the Shavepate, not the Yunaki’i. Which, obviously is just one way to read those chapters. But I do agree with you that peace without justice is tyranny. You also put it beautifully in that war has an end but slavery does not. Just as I mentioned in a previous post, the slavers made their choices, they never gave their slaves a choice, which is why arguing that stopping them through non-violence only is foolish. 
So…I’m finally sitting down and reading the Meereenese Knot Essays and… I just…
“My take is that Dany’s overall course of action in Meereen was moral, correct, admirable, and effective — that the peace she created was real, albeit fragile, like most peaces are.”
How do antis view these essays as support for their arguments again? I’m only on essay 2 but this line obliterates like, over half of antis arguments against Dany, as people usually say Dany is immoral, incorrect, and ineffective as a leader in Meereen. 
But the guy who wrote the essays most antis praise disagrees with that assessment and actually thinks Dany a good Queen? Weird. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
So...I’m finally sitting down and reading the Meereenese Knot Essays and... I just...
“My take is that Dany’s overall course of action in Meereen was moral, correct, admirable, and effective — that the peace she created was real, albeit fragile, like most peaces are.”
How do antis view these essays as support for their arguments again? I’m only on essay 2 but this line obliterates like, over half of antis arguments against Dany, as people usually say Dany is immoral, incorrect, and ineffective as a leader in Meereen. 
But the guy who wrote the essays most antis praise disagrees with that assessment and actually thinks Dany a good Queen? Weird. 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
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But in recent years, it has occurred to me from time to time that it might have made for an interesting twist if instead I had made the dragonlords of Valyria… and therefore the Targaryens… black. … if I’d had dark-skinned dragonlords invade and conquer and dominate a largely white Westeros… Well, it’s all moot. The idea came to me about twenty years too late. – George R. R. Martin 
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nightqueendany · 4 years
This whole idea of “You’re bad if you use violence against bad people” is just...so problematic. 
It’s like, today’s version of centrism. The same kind of “I’m not a nazi but I support people’s right to free speech” bullshit. 
If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. 
Allowing slavery to continue is wrong. The US fought the bloodiest war in its own history over slavery. 
Sometimes, pacifism just doesn’t fucking cut it. You have to get your hands dirty to get shit done...and the “shit” getting done is, in this case, SAVING PEOPLE AND FREEING THEM.
The cost does not outweigh the gain. This is people’s lives we’re talking about. How can anyone fucking argue that the lives of oppressors are more precious than the lives of the people they oppress? 
The slavers made their choice. They didn’t give the slaves a choice. 
And that makes all the difference in the world. Or at least, it should.
Why is it that this fandom is always saying stupid shit. Like… some things people say are just unbelievable. Look at what’s in the Dany tag right now:
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I cut the post just for the parts about Dany, because that’s what interests me, but they also said some stupid shit about Arya too. But like… wtf? Dany going to war against the slavers, conquering the slaver cities, burning the masters in Astapor  during the battle, breaking the deal and deceiving them to free slaves, and ending “customs that lasted thousands of years” (aka slavery) is not wrong at all. It’s 100% justified and right. Killing people in self-defense or in defense of others isn’t wrong. Just war isn’t wrong. There’s no way to free slaves without violence. Slavers won’t give up their slaves if you ask them politely. Even if you did manage to “negotiate” the end of slavery (unlikely), it would still take decades at least. And in these decades of “negotiation”, thousands of slaves would still be killed, mutilated, raped and tortured. So this person is saying that it would be better that the slaves would keep suffering violence than Dany using violence to defend them? WTF? It’s not “tyranny” to end tyranny. It’s not wrong to do things in self-defense or in defense of others, and all of these things I mentioned above that Dany did were in defense of the slaves and there was no other way. Dany was 100% justified and right.
This isn’t Dany fans “thinking that she is perfect”. Amongst all the things OP mentioned, the crucifixion of the slavers is actually something wrong Dany did. It wasn’t in self-defense or in defense of the slaves, and it wasn’t justice either, because Dany didn’t go after those who crucified the children, she wanted retribution against the leaders of the slave masters, so it had vengeance in it, it wasn’t completely justice. This doesn’t make Dany evil, this doesn’t make Dany a bad ruler, but I’m capable of recognizing that this was something completely right that she did.
But all the other things mentioned were completely right. It actually baffles me that people would say a person who kills in self-defense and in defense of others is “wrong”. WTF. None of those other things are “Dany’s flaws”. See, this is why I don’t take people seriously when they say Dany fans “ignore her flaws”, because we don’t ignore her flaws, it’s people that create flaws where flaws don’t exist.
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