okbutwhy-rebooted · 4 hours
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A recent illustration I made to submit to a show about disability
I wanted to depict pain and work. It wasn't selected, but I still wanted to share for any who relate 💕
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 5 hours
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𓆩✧𓆪 twitter | ig | art station | tiktok | inkblot |artfol 𓆩✧𓆪
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 5 hours
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I should draw them together more often, they're supposed to be best friends and hardly anyone knows about it.
I should also be more open about my lore but, yeah, still thinking and fixing things.
𓆩✧𓆪 twitter | ig | art station | tiktok | inkblot | artfol | bluesky 𓆩✧𓆪
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 5 hours
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 5 hours
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 5 hours
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 6 hours
im kind of obsessed with the white house's strategy of straight-up just lying about israel like. i don't know if its even gaslighting at this point it's just like some kind of bizarre strategy of just saying stuff for the obedient press to reprint it. it's so funny coming from the liberals who literally popularized 'disinformation' because they were so dismayed to learn about propaganda during the trump era and now here we are... disinformation central...
the white house since february: this is a ceasefire proposal hamas: this says 'no ceasefire' actually, this is a pause the white house: hamas won't accept our ceasefire proposal egypt & qatar & the CIA: here is a three-step actual ceasefire proposal hamas: we welcome the three-step actual ceasefire proposal the white house: we also welcome this three-step actual ceasefire proposal israel: we will literally never end this war the white house: egypt totally lied to us about this three-step actual ceasefire proposal. we're so sorry israel [two weeks later] okay this is ISRAEL's three-step ceasefire proposal israel: no it isn't the white house: israel has accepted its own ceasefire proposal israel: no we haven't the white house: the ball is in hamas's court hamas: we welcome the ceasefire proposal the white house: can you believe hamas won't accept israel's ceasefire proposal?
the recently anti-disinformation independent press: hamas won't accept israel's ceasefire proposal
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 7 hours
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 7 hours
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— Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 8 hours
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Always There for You
It’s finally finished!!! This is my first ever animation. I’m really proud of it! It took about 15 hours to make a 5 second GIF, and that’s without adding movement in every frame.
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 8 hours
hello everyone i asked you alot to help and im shy for asking you more but this time not for me this campaign for displaced people who are struggling to get good water to drink and for daily use like bathroom especially kids.and food bec its expensive . this will help my brother and my relatives it has been 9 months and they lost their source of income i hope you help them as much as u can. thanks
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 9 hours
You think the world would love you better without your holy edges, without your bleeding wounds and unsightly want. You think the world would love you better but it's just the world.
The grass is soft and holds the ants and parasites and wolves. The wind is gentle and topples mountains the same as it steals breathe. The ocean remembers you, the sea consumes. You are not so tall and not so new.
You think the world would love you better but the world has eaten as much as it's given. the world’s great beauty is a mirror and an indifference to all your burning parts. the Sun is graceful. the Sun is deadly.
We inherit tragedy from hunger but the world would love you better no more, no less, than it will bare you. And it will, and it will.
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 9 hours
I really need to emphasize that the German- overt- no exaggerating- 100% certified Nazi party, will have as much of a say in EU matters as the entire country of Austria
(based on the EU election results as of 9 June 22:00, there's still time for it to get worse)
This isn't a fucking joke. Pay attention to diaspora in Europe, even when the US eclipses everything else
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 9 hours
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I’m cropping you for your own privacy. I appreciate that you’re asking, but you are…wildly uninformed about this.
First, Pride is not BDSM-related. Every pride I have attended is extremely “family friendly” when it’s not an 18+ event, which makes it very clear that it’s an adult event and usually requires ID. It’s like any street festival. I’ve often seen more scantily clad Paddys parades. There’s Mardi Gras. You ever been to beach parties? I’ve seen more bare ass at a pool than I ever saw at Pride events. Pride is (frequently) a parade accompanied by cops and banks so nudity wouldn't be permitted, it's orgs tabling and handing out fliers, it's a dance party. It’s really not that serious.
Second, when it comes to things that make you uncomfortable, I promise you your discomfort does not mean you are not safe. Lemme repeat that: your discomfort does not mean you are unsafe. Public nudity is the absolute easiest thing to ignore. Turn your head. Walk away. I have seen cis guys plastered drunk in the city at football games pissing against the wall of a building and it's supremely easy to just go the other way. In the event you accidentally see a nipple or bulge or Idk, a leather belt? or whatever else you're so afraid of, it's not going to hurt you, and you can just walk away.
Third, any sexual elements of Pride come from the fact that sexuality was/is criminalized. People having a chaste kiss while queer is equated by bigots as being as heinous as fucking in the street. So people are going to be rowdy and unabashed about how their bedroom life is not going to be policed. Not by cops, not by you.
I went to a small town pride march where it was mostly queer teens and their parents and it was a chance for everyone to walk around with their flags and get ice cream. That's it. I've also been to +21 queer bar parties where people are topless or in assless chaps and wearing collars and have written obscene words on their bodies and that's also fine. I was not required to do anything I was uncomfortable with and I did not feel the need to tell others what to do. I could always leave. You can just leave things that make you uncomfortable.
Pride is a spectrum of experiences and nothing mainstream is going to be vulgar, and if it is to you, that is for you to reflect on, because why are silly outfits, or a nipple, or a leather hat so repulsive to you that you shake at the idea of not only seeing them, but merely being in the vicinity of where that might happen?
I am sorry you've been so convinced by homophobia that Pride is some scary place to be, and I had no doubts you haven't been before based on your questions. Ask what about it scares you so much. Ask what you can do to keep yourself safe and comfortable. And frankly just mind your business! If you wanted you'd be perfectly able to dance to some top-40 chart summer shit radio music and buy a slushie and get a g-rated rainbow keychain at the Target booth and be completely unhindered by others enjoying pride in their own ways.
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 9 hours
fuck the dc pride parade, they let israelies not only wave their flag of genocide and apartheid, but one of those devils was even marching with a sign that read "WHEN IS THE PRIDE PARADE IN GAZA AGAIN?"
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 19 hours
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 19 hours
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