pokequirks · 16 days
bakugo katsuki x male!reader
note: just a short thought i had.
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maybe it was the fact that he wasn't really a talker, his attitude, that cocky smile or his unknown potential. bakugo was furious. how could a damn dragonfly win against him, with motherfucking closed eyes?
"sorry, bakugo-kun," he had whispered in his ear as he threw his last attack.
katsuki was blind, the sand in the air making it impossible to open his eyes, to even breathe and think correctly. when he was thrown in some direction his inmediate response was to change his course to the opposite. thinking he would remain in the arena but actually he propulsed himself outside.
suddenly, the sand dispelled in just a second. he oppened his eyes only to see the fucking fly with closed eyes standing in the center of the arena.
"the winner is…!" the crowd went crazy while the teen whipped his face with forearm.
"you damned bug!" katsuki screamed as he walked closer to the winner, "how could you?!"
the winged boy looked at the public as the blond screamed things. he kept removing the sand out of his clothes when the contrary held him by the clothes and shoke him.
the only thing he could care about was his eyes. how red were they.
"i have eye drops for the eyes".
this insect didn't even caREEEEEEEE!
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pokequirks · 1 month
bakugo katsuki x male!reader
note: just a thought.
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"the fuck are you doing here?" katsuki growls, seeing the masculine figure with head inside the fridge.
"i live here," he responds, taking the cold dinner and a beer, "ya should buy more meat."
katsuki's eyes follow the trace of stains that the clothes of the man has. he sits on the couch and turns on the tv.
"that shit is blood, isn't it?"
"oh, fuck, fuck, sorry kats, i'll clean it later," the man says, taking his cargo pants off and leaving them on the floor.
katsuki sits on the other couch, remaning quiet and watching the tired man in front of him. messy and long black hair, eyes bags under his tired eyes, small smile forming as he watches the program, scratched neck, blood stained legs on a lotus position.
"could you stop looking at me like that?" he whispers, leaving the can on the coffee table and laying on the couch "i'm close."
the man closes his eyes and turns. suddenly, the man coughs.
"fuck…" the man stands and rinses the blood off his hand. katsuki exhales, standing and walking towards the room.
"if you wanna sleep with me then take a shower, ya nasty as fuck."
katsuki entered the bedroom. 2:50am displaying on the digital clock that remained on his side table. he layed on the left side, on his arm. he tried to go to sleep while hearing the other man silently entering the bathroom and water crashing with his body.
he pretends to be asleeps as the man barely dresses with clean underwear and takes refuge with him under the sheets. the man holds katsuki's waist tight and presses softs kisses against his back.
"i'm sorry, kats, i'm really, really close," he murmurs, "you don't deserve this."
katsuki stays still as he feels his shirt wet. the man coming undone as he falls asleep.
it's 6am and he's not there. katsuki goes on with his usual rutine. eat breakfast, clean the mess and get ready for hero duty. he walks to the agency, where the case that he and his sidekick have been working on waits for him.
"good morning, boss. we have new info about the case," katsuki sits and the sidekick continues, "we think the organization is falling into pieces. ghoul has been seen movilizating to another province. informants say other suspects have traveled too."
"he's probably forming an army of his own."
katsuki nodds and lets them retire. he looks at his phone, no calls, no messages. how much more time he'll need, he wonders. katsuki sighs and goes out on patrol.
couple of days pass on without a single word from the man. he's neither gone home since that day. katsuki cooks for him, three cold dinners already in the fridge, waiting for the man to eat them. he stays awake, waiting for him to arrive all hurt, but he doesn't.
as kasuki makes another dinner his phone rings. unknown number.
"hi, kats," soft voice coming from the other side of the line, "how ya been?"
"we decided to make an incursion tomorrow morning," he says.
"don't talk to me about work, baby, tell me something else."
"don't call me baby, mother fucker," katsuki growls and the man laughs softly. he knows he's tired "i bought wagyu meat, ya shall came and eat that."
"that sounds delicious," he whispers, "i love you, kats."
"don't say that shit that way, ya sound like saying goodbye to me," katsuki sighs, "finish that shit and come home, i don't care if you die, you have to come back or i'll kill you."
the man burst into laughter. it's sweet hearing him like that.
"tell me ya love me."
"i'll tell you when you home."
"i have to go, kats," the man warns after someone calls hims, "i love you."
"love ya too."
"you told me you love me, ha!"
"cut that shit off! stupi..." he hung up.
katsuki sighs and continues cooking. that would be the fourth meal.
"we're going to start the operation, in one," the heroes took position, katsuki and the sidekicks beside him, "two..."
katsuki takes a deep breath, he feels all his body now ready.
the crowd moved towards the entrance of the abandoned building. quick paces as they started covering the area and weird looks started to appear between the teams.
bakugo reached the last floor. there was no one there. not even a stain of blood.
"sir, team leaders said they have found nothing. this site is clear."
katsuki returns home in the evening. the night is almost setting. he opens the door, there's no shoes in the front door, no blood stains on the floor, but the tv is on.
he runs, the window is covered in a trace of blood. the fridge is barely open and he's there, laying on the couch, a hole in his stomach.
"shit, who did this to you?" katsuki asked, sitting on the floor next to the man.
"hi, pretty boy, how are you?" a small smile painting his croaked lips and one eye still closed.
"why the fuck are you in that state? you are barely alive," katsuki remarks, now noticing the missing eye.
"if i would die, i prefer that you kill me," he says. katsuki looks at him, frowns and a feeling of impotence covers all his body. suddenly the man holds his hand, "i did it, kats, i'm out of that shit."
katsuki remains silent, just looking at the man. the jacket he liked so much now was covered all in dry blood, his shirt with a hole that almost covered it, new skin just starting to generate.
"i look bad, don't i?" katsuki nodded and the man barely laughed, "i'll be the sexy man you fell for in a while, i have been eating well."
the man pointed at the coffee table, the containers with all of his dinners were there, a spoon on the side with food stamps. the black mask is also covered in blood. katsuki stayed on his side for a while. soft breathing as the man rests.
without a word, katsuki helped him reach the bathroom. he helped him take a seat in the bathroom stool and started undressing him.
"i didn't know you had these kinks with a barely alive man, kats," the man laughed, a sudden pinch on the place where his stomach would go.
"shut the fuck up, asshole," katsuki opened the warm water key, the bathtub filling slowly.
in silence, katsuki cleaned the man's body with a towel. light red water falling as the man stayed quiet under katsuki's touch. he was gentle with him. taking care of not touching the hole. then covered up the injury.
"look, my eye is coming back," the man smiles, katsuki does too.
they ended up in bed. both wearing the matching pajama set that the man had bought some time ago.
"please, come with me," the man pleaded. katsuki couldn't say no, slowly he accommodated himself next to the man who embraced him.
"how did you end up like this?" katsuki asks.
"i... i turned into a monster, kats. had to eat them all," the man said, purely referring to those who fell in battle, sad tone and expression on his face "while i was full of energy the regeneration worked at its peak point, i used all battling him, i pierced his heart and separate his head from his body so he left me with this hole... i'm finally free, kats."
katsuki stayed quiet, barely being able to recreate the image in his head. he caressed the injured man's skin while the man played with his toes.
"what's the plan now? after you heal."
"i should look for a job, cannot let my beautiful wife work her ass off," the man grabbed katsuki's ass with a cocky smile on his face.
"i'm not your wife," katsuki whispers, controlling himself in order to avoid hitting him.
"ya not? i have bred ya a thousand times and ya already have the tits," the man puts katsuki above his pelvis, just below the injury, he squeezes katsuki's chest with both hands.
"don't, you hurt," the blonde says as the other rubs his skin below the clothes.
"like it hard, don't ya?" cocky smile on the lips. the missing eye is almost full again, "hug me and tell me ya love me."
katsuki accommodates himself next to the man, one arm over his chest, reaching the face. he stays there, comfortable, just in silence. wonders how much time this bliss could continue.
"i love ya, dumbass."
"i love you more, baby boy."
days pass by. the man soon got a job due to this excellent resume. katsuki still does hero duty, patrol in the morning, paperwork after lunch, and by dinner he's already home. a happy smile and welcoming hug there, waiting for him.
"ya have been making dinner lately," katsuki remarks.
the man nods, "the least i can do."
both man eat dinner together, seated at the dinner table while sharing a chat. the man speaks the most, talking about his engineering work and the co-workers. katsuki listens and sometimes asks something, he avoids talking about his hero duty, so the man being a chatty one is perfect for him.
"we should go see your mom and dad, don't think it is right to delay that when i'm already free, tomorrow's your day off, right?" katsuki nods, eyes fixed on his food, "could we go tomorrow? i'll pay for dinner."
katsuki nods again.
after sharing an intimate moment in the bathtub and then in the bed, katsuki's left with his own thoughts as the man sleeps beside him. he knows this has to come to an end.
"the old hag said my father isn't feeling good, we'll have to reschedule our dinner, i'm sorry."
"oh, it's okay, i hope your dad gets better," the man says and starts taking off his blazer.
"we could go to that park you like and eat something there," katsuki says, the man's eyes now filled with joy as he nods quickly.
he changes for the new jacket that katsuki gave him after the last one was completely unusable.
"thanks to the gift of ma wife, i look damn hot, don't i?"
"yeah, you do."
the man smiles and takes katsuki's hand, heading to the apartment door and chatting about nothing while leaving the building.
soon enough they arrived at that park that the former villain liked that much. they ate some street food before having ice cream and walked to a more private place.
"here, we meet here for the first time," the man said, a nostalgic feeling covering his chest, "you told me to die when i asked you for your number."
"yeah, i did. fucking weirdo that asked me out when i first meet him," katsuki growls, one hand inside his pocket.
"but ya fell so bad for your sexy, awesome husband, don't ya?" cocky smile on his lips as he tightens the grab on katsuki's.
time to finish this off.
"give me your hands," katsuki ordered, the man showed them to him, the blonde took the handcuffs out of his pocket and said, "you're under arrest."
"oh, kats, yer getting kinkier over time," the man said, laughing a bit and getting close to the red eyed man, "let's go home so ya could have me real nice."
the man got under alert when people in costumes started appearing. heroes. the man looked down, handcuffed hands, looked up, cold red eyes. a detective showing him his plaque and talking to him.
"kats, what's this? these yer friends?" the man stuttering.
"you're under arrest, ghoul."
"kats, take this thing off me, please," the man said, policeman taking him by the shoulders, "kats, please, please, don't go on with this joke, please."
the man was sweating cold, heavy breathing as the people surrounded him. he was getting anxious. pleading eyes looking at katsuki, who remained there, standing still.
"katsuki, please," the blonde negated his head, a heart breaking and suddenly all felt in silence. he looked down, a policeman holding the security wrap, "could you please not? i... i go with you."
police man looked at the man, then the number one hero.
"i'm sorry, it's protocol."
after that the black haired man was taken to the prison.
after months katsuki was able to visit the man in prison. the only purpose was to convince him to talk more and give the detective more information about the villain organization.
he was seated in the middle of the room, no more security around him than the guns on the roof ready to shoot if he activated his quirks. lost eyes, slow breathing. the hair was longer, he had gotten back the eye bags and he looked way too skinny.
"how are you?" katsuki asked, the man remained quiet, not even looking at him, "don't wanna talk to me?"
katsuki huffed, waiting for him to answer something. his patience grew smaller with each second that passed by. foot hitting the floor while looking at the man. he couldn't stand it.
"i'm out this shit," the blonde standed and walked towards the door and before he could get out the man speaked.
"why... why did you do that?" slow words, tired heart, "i understand you position being a hero, but i still think you could have gave me some sign..."
both remained in silence.
"did you felt the same way as i did? was all a farce? the nights we spent together, when you told me you loved me? was all that part of the mission?"
katsuki couldn't answer.
"for a long time i had nothing, just one thing to protect and then i met you and thought i may be able to have a life, someone to get back at home," the man looked up, tears running down his eyes, "you should go, katsuki."
"have you been eating?" the blonde asked, still without looking back at the man.
"sure... i'm sorry i can't be helpful to you. i'm not snitching on my friends," a large sigh came out to him, "this will end soon."
"what do you mean?"
"you saw me, i was at my best when you first met me and before being here," katsuki frowned when hearing the man's words, "cow meat is great for keeping me alive if i have it in big amounts, if i don't eat human flesh right now i'll die."
"so you'll just die? tell them what they need to know, they will lower your sentence and i could bring you all the wagyu you would need."
"it doesn't work like that, kats. this power was given to me and it will kill me. you shouldn't worry about my former co-workers, they're on the right track, i took care of that."
katsuki left. no words, no goodbye.
"kacchan, i'm sorry i-"
"shut the fuck up, deku."
the service was held at a small venue, surprisingly for the few policemen, the detective and a few heroes the venue was full. people would give their respects to katsuki.
"sir always said you were a pretty blonde, sure we didn't expect you to be a man nor a hero," one man said, chatting after the corpse was cremated.
izuku standed next to katsuki, trying to support him.
how did you know him? if i may ask," the detective intervened.
"he helped me and my sons get a job, he was a great engineer."
"yeah, he was," katsuki whispered and retired.
"hi, kats. i'm sorry you have to see me like this, lately i have been a jerk with you, i'm sorry about that. i know i'm dying soon, i feel weaker each day and... don't know just i thought i should tell you that i love you and you shouldn't feel bad about this, you did what you had to do, only brave men do. you never deserved this, to get involved with me and my stuff, i hope you can forgive me and i will always love you."
katsuki closed the laptop screen and huffed.
"stupid son of a bitch."
in the front building were too black silhouettes, one holding some binoculars watching inside the apartment.
"sir, we should go now, you're still weak."
"yeah, just let me have this a little more, this is the last time i see my wi-... i see him."
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pokequirks · 2 months
happy birthday, baby boy.
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pokequirks · 2 months
todoroki shoto x idol!fem!oc
synopsis: katsuki getting serious, trip to korea and his concerns.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: none.
note: oc is at least 2-3 years older than shoto, however i do not mention it hehe. hope u like it.
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Todoroki trained alone, he would do it in complete silence until he started wearing those headphones that Jiro recommended to him some time ago. He liked music, his only problem was that speakers often burned down or completely frezzee. Having the headset was so much better.
Being the quiet man he is, he often just puts on any playlist with the most girly song. However, he did like to listen to some songs on repeat. The songs from that girl group that he someday came across were his favorites. And she was the member he liked the most.
He remembers the first time he saw her. It was a video of one showcase of her gruoup; mesmerizing light blue eyes and a pair of short white fangs showing with her smile, gracefull dance and stable vocals during her time on camera. The perfomance ended with her in the center, white ribbons around her body making the scene even more ethereal, an irreproachable ending fairy. Shoto was left speachless.
He had turned into a pro hero, making his debut at the ninth place of hero ranking, not so long he was obligated to attend a variety show as a special guest in order to increase his acceptance, he was glad some of his former school classmates were attending the show.
"So, guys, do you have some ideal type or celebrity crush?"
"Nymphia," he said directly.
Red Riot, Deku, Charge bolt and Dynamight agreed she was pretty, just like everyone would. Next day, the internet was full with news and forums commenting about the variety show and the revelation of the hero. Fans shipped the hero and the idol, some even gave Shoto merch during patrol or any sort of encounter with him.
When the hero ranking came out he had turned into thrird place and just a year later, after the shipp hype went off, he keeped that place.
Now, he patrolled every so often, reserving some of his time to investigate underground criminals. Doing his patrols was nothing out of the ordinary, people saluting him, others asking for an autograph and every so often some high schooler would give him some photocard of Nymphia. He gratefully took it and when he arrived at his house he put it on a designated album for his repeats. Since he already had every photocard and every version avaliable...
There was some problem when he heard someone screaming 'thief!' from the café down the street, It was his surprise when he arrived at the place and saw the already known couple of white ribbons all over the thief.
"Please give it back, I have some important things in it" Soft voice speaking.
"Uh... y-yeah, sure" the thief handed the bag and the person with the ribbons offered him a coffee. "Not really, I think I should go..."
"Sorry, sir..."
"I think you should come with me to the police station" The hero said. The owner of the ribbon quirk put down their sunglasses.
"He already gave me my bag and I don't want to press charges, I'm sure he learned he should not steal from people," Smile with short fangs "Let me invite you a milkshake and cheesecake".
"A-Ah sure..."
And now he was on the second floor of the café, chocolate milkshake and oreo cheesecake for him, and strawberry milkshake and cheesecake for her. Somehow scared of the woman in front of him.
"This place is nice, really private," she said, taking down the sunglasses and bucket hat, then taking off the jacket. "Thank you for not taking us to the police, this is my free day and I decided to explore cafés while my friends are shopping..."
Shoto was enchanted. Enchanted by those light blue eyes and ribbons on the hair, sweet and harmonious voice on his ears as he drank from his milkshake and eated his cheesecake.
He actually wondered how she was able to speak that much...
"Are you Shoto?" she asked. He nodded. "Is your agency nearby?" Another nod from Shoto. "I knew you weren't much of a talker but I expected you to be more active."
"Uh, just impressed," she tilted her head. "Didn't expect this."
"I supose eating with your celebrity crush ain't an everyday activity," the woman jokes and Todoroki's cheeks blushed "you cute"
"Thank you”
She giggles. "What do you do for fun?"
"Well I..."
Light blue eyes fixed on the heterochromatic ones as the owner talked. The pro hero is indeed handsome. She had already seen pics and videos of him in battle and outside battle. Nymphia wondered how many scars decorated his entire body, the vestiges of them still on his young face.
"Got something friday night?"
That day is her performance, he thought.
"Not really."
"Great. Have this, hero Shoto," she handed a couple of tickets, one for the perfomance and the other for the meet and greet event only for owners of the fanclub membership. 
The woman put on the hat and sunglasses, standed on her feet under Shoto's gaze.
"I'll see you there."
A couple of days after and Friday has arrived as fast as a lighting.
"I'll be out till night," Shoto says to his sister.
"Have a date?" His father asks "Because I can set you up with so..."
"No need, father." He declines and bows before heading out to the agency.
Fuyumi and Enji shared a look.
"He's having a date."
And yes. Probably the only one really clueless about that was Shoto. 
After having one of the best places for enjoying the performance two people came to him and asked to join them backstage. They claimed Miss Nymphia asked them to do it. So naturally he accompained them. He was left in a small room with a TV and snacks. The members of the staff told him to wait and they will take him to the meet and greet when there were few people. Shoto hung out there for a bit, even chatted a bit with Fuyumi who asked how his date was going.
Shoto arrived at the line when there were already 4 people. He could see Nymphia smiling and signing some albums and of course recieving gifts. The hero had a paper bag from some store where Natsuo had bought him some shoes, there he got the gift for the girls and some things he wanted signed.
"You came," Nymphia said, recieving the album from Shoto's hands "Only one? I thought you were a huge fan."
"It would be rude if I didn't show up and the rest didn't fit on a regular bag," the woman giggled, he is really honest and transparent "here, I got you this."
Shoto handed the keychain with two crochet charms, the head of a cat and a rabbit. The woman smiled and looked at it.
"It's really pretty! I'll put it in my bag," she said, handing back the album and standing "Well, the event is already over... Do you have a driver's license?"
Few moments later and Shoto was driving a black rental car, Nymphia sat beside him. The hero is talking about some minor villains and she is talking about work. They stopped to eat some ice cream and walk in some calm park, still she had to wear a cap and glasses.
"Uhm, those aren't sunglasses," Shoto said walking beside her.
"Yeah, my eyes are kinda sensitive, since my pupil is white I see more bright colors and my eyes get tired really easily," she explained "Even if it's dark I use glasses because of farols and car lights."
"That's not public information," Shoto added, knowing his bias and crush database didn't contain any of it.
"Uhm, yes, I wear custom contacts on red carpets and things that actually don't need much emotion," she continues, licking her cherry ice cream, "You turn, tell me something no one else knows."
Shoto thought for a moment. He usually told things to Fuyumi or Yaomomo, Deku, Kirishima and sometimes even Bakugo. He really was with a blank mind, until he remembered.
"Nymphia and I have spoken before," the girl tilted her head, letting him know she was totally unaware "To-do-ro-ki, Tokki."
"Like rabbit in korean? OMG Are you really Tokki?" Shoto nodded and she oppened her mouth in a surprised smile, "Tokki is so kind, I mean, you're so kind, you always ask me how I'm doing and told me to eat well."
The half and half nodded while eating his ice cream. He felt warm on his cheeks as the woman thanked him for his attention.
"Oh, so the keychain, it's you! Tokki!" She realized and Shoto felt something wrapping his arm and he looked down, it was Nymphia's ribbons "Sorry! When I'm really happy they just wrapp around something."
Of course, she omited the fact that her ribbons wrapped around the object or person that generated that happiness.
"But if we have chatted there that means you're paying the most expensive membership!" Shoto nodded, again blushing. He was actually lucky that she was shorter than him, that way she probably couldn't notice. "And that means you already got the ticket for the show and the meet and greet."
"Yeah, your tickets were still better than mine. I got to be seated during the line and had an awesome place for the show," he remarked "Why did you give them to me?"
"I was gonna send them to your agency and that day we meet, and I always have some spare tickets," she explained and Shoto nodded, again wondering about what were the odds of both running into each other "Give me your phone."
Shoto handed it without any question, she tipped something and then gave it back with a contact card.
"Min Jinhee, who's she?" he asked, reading his phone.
"It's me, Shoto!" She said, “Just call me Jinhee.”
Night went just fine. Chatting about anything and sharing memories. 
"Should we have lunch tomorrow?" She asked.
"Can I go to your agency?"
"If you want to."
"It's a date then," Jinhee smiled widely while looking at the street.
Currently Shoto was driving her to the hotel where the staff and group members were staying. After having a light dinner of street food and ice cream both had thought that was time to call it a day.
"See you tomorrow," she said as both took off the seabelt "what you doing?"
"It isn't my car."
"Go home and tomorrow you'll give it to me, don't worry, Shoto," The woman went down the car and gave him a last look "Bye~."
The pro hero waited for her to be completely inside the building and then started driving back to his house. He thought about her eyes, it sure was uncomfortable having lights all over her face at the end of a performance. He thought about the ribbons, how they actually worked and what they could do.
Shoto left the car outside his house, since it wans't actually built for keeping a car. He left the car keys in the same place his siblings and father left their house keys.
"You bought a car?!" Fuyumi exclaimed as she passed by and noticed the keys.
"Shoto bought a car?" Natsuo asked from the kitchen.
"SHOTO!" His father yelled from his room.
He gave quick explanations about the car as his family sat on the tatami getting ready for an interrogation.
"How was the date?"
"It wasn't a date."
"Then what did you do?"
"We had food and ice cream."
"It was a date."
"What's her quirk?"
"Don't think I should tell you that."
"Then who are her parents? Are they heroes?"
"Don't know, she's a foreigner."
"What's her name?"
"It's Ji... Nymphia."
"The idol?" Shoto nodded. Fuyumi, Natsuo and Enji looked at each other and laughed, "You cannot be dating her, Shoto."
"But I am, tomorrow we're having lunch. If you excuse me, I have work tomorrow."
Shoto headed to his room, took off his casual clothes and took a quick shower. After drying his hair, he laid on the futon, the night replaying on his head as he looked at the ceiling. Her laugh when he made a joke, god how he loved that laugh, her way of telling his things, how she would get closer to him. Shoto wondered, was it fan love? Or genuine love? And well, he wouldn't call it love, after all they had just known each other.
So, he just fell asleep. Waiting for tomorrow.
Next day he did as it was normal for him. Only thing different was that he had to drive the car and left it at the parking slot of the agency street. The sidekicks wondered about the car just when he entered the agency. The hero did his normal activities, patrol in the mornings and do some paperwork till lunch. It was already past the time he usually had his lunch but he had a date. It would be rude if he just ate before Jinhee arrived.
"Sir, there is a woman saying she's having lunch with you," The sidekick entered the office and made the announcement. Shoto nodded. 
"Let her enter."
Few moments later the sweet voice of the idol greeted him with happiness. He stands up and gives a little tour of the office for the curious blue eyes he loves so much.
"It was my father's before his retirement."
"Really? Your father is Endeavor, right?" Shoto nodded, "Well, Shoto, I brought the food."
"I thought you'll want to go to a restaurant," Jinhee gestured with her head, taking out the disposable containers with food and leaving them where Shoto indicated.
"I like private places."
"Well, then we should eat," Shoto took a seat in front of the woman "Thanks for th..."
"I told him to not do that"
"We brought food!" His father anounced walking towards the table.
"Excuse me for a second," he standed and Jinhee laughed a bit, "What are you doing here?" Shoto asked his sister.
"Well, father wanted to come to see her and I thought we could have a nice lunch together, Natsuo couldn't make it so it's just us," Fuyumi explained, handing Shoto bags with plastic containers "Don't be mad."
"I guess it's okay, and dad?" The younger one looked for him, his father seated beside Jinhee, both chatting like a pair of old friends.
Fuyumi giggles as both siblings walk towards Jinhee and Enji.
"So, what's your quirk?"
"Dad, c-come sit with me," Fuyumi said, impressed by the beautifull idol in front of her. Enji changed places.
Now, Shoto sat beside Jinhee and Enji next to Fuyumi.
"Jinhee, this is my sister Fuyumi and my father," Shoto introduced.
"Y-You really are Nymphia," The white haired woman remarked.
"It's a pleasure getting to know Shoto's family, I'm Min Jinhee," She introduced herself, "Answering Enji's question, my quirk is called Ribbon Harmony. I can create and control ribbons that emit calming waves and when wrapped around someone help me understand their feelings."
"Your ribbons are super pretty! Shoto and I always watch your performances and they are awesome!"
"Oh, thank you, Fuyumi."
The next couple of hours all of them enjoyed food and a good chat. Until the idol recivied a message.
"You'll have to excuse me today, Enji, Fuyumi. My manager has already arrived."
"Oh, you really have to go?" Enji asked.
"We flew back tomorrow and we have a live interview at night," she explained.
"We'll be watching! Bye," Fuyumi said and Enji said goodbye too.
"I'll go with you," Shoto standed and walked with Jinhee out the office, "My family came by surprise, I'm really sorry if you felt uncomfortable."
"It's okay, Shoto. They're really cool," She smiled and looked at him with those bright light blue eyes.
"Jinhee... You said this was a date, are we dating?" 
"I don't feel good asking you to date me because of my work and distance. I think it would be selfish.”
Shoto already knew what he wanted. He knew how he felt. Just one night was enough for him to fall head over heels for her. Jinhee was so much more than a pretty face. She was caring, sweet and thoughtfull, and so much more that Shoto still needed to know. 
"I want to know you better, if you let me," Jinhee smiled and nodded.
"Godbye, Shoto," Jinhee stood on her toes, barely reaching Shoto's cheek, where she landed a soft kiss, "Don't forget to write me!"
"And now we're going to see what the girls have been doing during her stance here," the man said, "They went shopping and exploring caffés!"
"What did I miss?" Shoto asked, returning to the living room.
"The MC followed your girlfriend," Natsuo said, pointing at Nymphia reacting to the pics.
"We're not a couple," Shoto remarked.
"And Nymphia even meet the prohero, Shoto, maybe a date?"
"Shit, they really followed her!" Natsuo exclaimed.
Pics of Shoto and Jinhee eating ice cream and chatting started showing up on screen. The wide smile of the woman on the screen now is a subtle smile while listening to her friend's whispers.
"So, Nymphia, are you dating Shoto? We know you're his type."
"No, we're not dating. We just met," she explained.
The faces of the four other girls being a blank expression, looking at the sides of the set, clearly uncomfortable. 
"We'll come back after commercials, stay with us!" The other MC announced and the program changed to publicitary space.
Shoto's phone rang. The family locked their eyes on him.
"It's Jinhee."
"Go, go answer my daughter in law," Enji said and Shoto excused him from the room.
"Shoto, hi," she greated, "I'm so sorry, I didn't knew."
"Don't worry, how are you?"
"I'm really upset, I should have known."
"Don't say that, if someone should have known it should be me. I'm the prohero..."
After that Jinhee didn't come back to the program.
"What happened after that mama?" the pink haired boys asked. "Well, your dad went to the airport before I left and my agency had to release a statement. After a few years we married and now we have you both and your sister," Jinhee said, touching the nose of both boys and the baby on her lap.
"Boys!" the voice of Enji sounded across the rooms. It was the exact same scream he calls Shoto even to this day.
"It's grandpapa!"
They boys runned to the man outside the room as Jinhee holds the baby and walks to reunite with her father in law and her husband.
"Hi, honey," Shoto says, leaving a kiss on her lips and holding the little baby, "hi there, baby."
Jinhee returns to the bedroom, enters the bathroom in order to prepare a bath for Shoto, who came back from hero duty. Just a few minutes later, the man embraces her from behind, slowly falling into his knees.
She smiles, a hand running over his face as his head rests on her lap.
"Sometimes I feel guilty for you staying at home," Shoto says, "I know you chose this, but I can't help this."
"I can always launch an album, Milfs are a hot topic, ya know?" Jinhee jokes and Shoto laughs a bit.
"I shall get you pregnant again," he whispers, head now in between her breasts.
"The kids?" she asks, Shoto kissing her neck.
"With grandpapa."
"Then I guess we can play a bit..."
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pokequirks · 2 months
category: dumbair
katsuki bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: katsuki getting serious, trip to korea and his concerns.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: +18.
note: second of category. third chapter of the series (should i make a masterlist?)
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You two spent the rest of the morning together, at least what was left of it. Watching news, ordering food delivery and taking advantage of the free day that you both share. 
"I should turn on my phone" You said, heading to your belongins under Katsuki's gaze. Numerous buzzes and notifications. "Ah, shit..." You whisper.
"What's wrong?" Katsuki asks, clearly annoyed, being almost sure it was your shitty ex.
"Kijun, he's been calling like crazy" You sigh "I'll have to go to Korea."
Katsuki briefly felt like all that was built yesterday night was falling into pieces. What if you two made up? What if he finds a way to make you stay? What if he's again left there with a broken heart?
"I'm serius with you."
"Wanna go with me?"
You both speak at the same time. Katsuki's confussion and worriness disguised with his frown. Your gentle smile and eyes looking at him from above.
"I mean, if you want to go, we should sleep at my apartment. That motherfucker thinks he has some right over it".
"I'll talk to Deku,'' Katsuki said, standing and holding his phone. "I'm really serius with you. I don't want you to leave me here again for a shitty clown. Don't know how ya’ feel about marriage now, but in the future if you feel it's fine please let me know."
Katsuki finished and excused himself in order to call Deku and inform him about his trip with you and that he would be taking an extra day off, since he always took just one.
From the office Midoriya smiled happily for Katsuki and you. Finally taking place where you both belonged. With each other. Of course, he was alredy aware of the broken compromise between you and your Korean fianceé.
And you, you were left there thinking about marriage. Marriage with Katsuki. The sensation of hot cheeks as you thought about getting married to him. However, you know you have things to talk to a terapist and heal some others. So, yeah, you wouldn't probably think a lot about getting married in the near future.
For now you will only focus on being a good hero, reconnect with old friends and...
"It's done," Katsuki announced, getting out of his bedroom.
You and Katsuki had arrived at the café where you and Kijun had decided to speak. Quick kiss on his lips before separating, he going to a kinda far table, still in your vision range, and you sitting in front of the man that once was your fianceé.
"So in the end I was always right, huh?" He asks with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
"We remainded friends until the night I flew back after taking you out of my apartment" He clenched his jaw, "Katsuki fucked me really well that night and he'll do the same tonight."
"I think we should sell and split the money," he changes the subject "after all, it is under our names."
"You only paid the first two three months of maintenance fee, I gave the entrace and the rest of the apartment because you 'weren't a pro hero and didn't make as much money as me', am I wrong?"
"Ahg, then give me the car and the months I paid."
"You serious? I paid for the car, the only thing you paid was the insurance and this last month you asked me to pay it," Kijun throwed his head back and complained. On the other tables people started to whisper looking at your table. "Be an adult and keep it quiet."
"Then what do you want me to do? Wanna leave me here with nothing?"
"Even after what you did I do not wish you anything bad," you sighed "I suppose you're living with the journalist and I think I can sell you the car at market price minus the amount of insurance you have paid."
"I guess that's fine..."
You reunited with Katsuki after finishing the chat with your ex. He had finished his coffee and even took your recommendation on the strawberry cheesecake. He gave you the last bite as he saw that fucker heading out the café.
"Hey look at me," Bright green eyes looking at him, lashes bating and blushed cheeks "I love you, Tsukipie."
"Uhm? I love you too," he responds, caresing the palm of your hand "What deal did the shitman and you make?"
You playfully roll your eyes and look at him, "I'll sell him the car, I'm not gonna need it since I'll only come back in order to do community work in rural areas."
Katsuki hummed and nodded.
"You could come with me and take vacations at the farms."
"I would like that."
You took Katsuki to eat street food and convenience store noodles, things you usually eated while studying and working. Maybe that was the reason why you were able to save up a good amount of money. Been now aware of your bad habits during your living in Korea Katsuki wasn't really happy about it.
"Did you really eat this shit for years?"
"Yeah, and well, not like years, for field work we were sent to towns with farms and a metheorological agency," you explained "in my free time I went to these farms and help elders with rain and harvesting the crops."
"Sure they gave you marital proposses" Katsuki whispered as you two walked down the street to wait for the bus.
"Yeah," you giggle, holding his hand "I already had Kijun and before I had you..."
"You always had me, dumbair."
"You used to call me that before you fell with me!" You took a seat at the parade, Katsuki beside you.
"Yeah, ya fell with me too." 
"Yes, I did" You kiss one of his cheeks and giggle at the sight of rosy color in them.
You took out your phone, briefly going through news on the local main app and telling Katsuki about them, like the idol you like and showcases held. Until one catched Katsuki's attention.
"That one has your hero name."
You click on it and it displays a whole article about your café visit. They called him your boyfriend and others actually revealed that he is Dynamight, the number 2 in Japan.
"What does it say about me?"
"That you're my boyfriend and hero number 2 in Japan, they put nice pics of you," you show him "my boyfriend is really handsome."
Bakugo proudly smiled at your commentary, of course he is. Katsuki saw the bus approaching and indicated to you to stand up.
Once at your apartment and before Katsuki entered the bathroom you took his wrist.
"Can we try something?"
Now you were both naked. Katsuki seated with oppened legs and hands on your ass as you devour his mouth and roll your hips over his tip. Tits at his neck level. Quiet moans on his lips as you work through your orgam.
"Wanna be inside...," He whispers, breaking the conection with your lips and taking care of your tits "so bad."
You hummed, feeling all over the place. Your hands running over his muscular shoulders and blonde hair, barely taking time to think before holding his dick and putting it inside you.
"Ah, fuck," you moan, hips rolling even harder until Bakugo cruelly holds your body still and pulls it againts him, "shit, Kats, let me..."
"Kats? Dunno him" he teases, sucking on your tits, "say my name, dumbair."
"Tsukipie, wanna come, please, Tsuki" You beg and he smiles at your desesperation.
He puts you down, legs on his shoulders as he violently penetrates your pussy, one hand messing with your clit and the other holding you still. You squirm under his touch, strong hold on the bed sheets, tears running down your cheeks and pleads comming out your lips.
"Oh my God, Katsuki!" You scream loudly and he pulls out finishing on your clit.
He touches you, your skin twitches at every little friction. Chest going up and down as you tried to recover. He comes to you after a while, starts cleaning his art on your pussy. Then he pulls you closer and you smell him.
"Tired," you whisper.
"Sleep baby, you were awesome," Katsuki whispers too and he leaves a kiss on your forehead.
Katsuki's eyes traveled to the window, he could see the moon shining. And you are lying by his side. He wondered how much that bliss was going to last, how much time you were going to be with him. Utterly concerned for the future, after all...
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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pokequirks · 2 months
the sidekick: intro
synopsis: after all All Might needed a sidekick to handle jobs he could not.
word count: 0.2k
warnings: none.
note: i intend to do a series with this oc (he's really really inspired by Spiderman) since i couldn't decide which character it worked best with i'll be writing scenarios or drabbles with whatever situation i came up. also, you can make requests with this particular oc.
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AllMight'sSidekick! who swings to USJ and climbs to the dome's top to see what's going on inside.
AllMight'sSidekick! who jumps three times and breaks the dome's glass to help Eraser Head from Nomu.
"All Might's sidekick! Webcrawler!" Izuku silently said from the water.
AllMight'sSidekick! who leaves Shigaraki on the floor after hiting him with spiderwebs.
AllMight'sSidekick! who's worried about interference and not being able to report the situation as he battles Nomu and webs the other villains.
AllMight'sSidekick! who webs Shigaraki's feet and arms to the floor and does too with Nomu's in order to stop the attack against two students.
An explossion on USJ's door and loud voices screaming his boss' hero name.
"I'm here!" All Might screamed, tearing his tie off.
AllMight'sSidekick! who takes the students to a safe place after All Might's sign.
"Take Eraser to a safer place" Webcrawler indicates, looking at the hero's injuries.
AllMight'sSidekick! who stands beside All Might and says "I'll go after the boss" before All Might tries to hit him directly.
So he probably protects him.
"Isn't working because of impact absortion. It would be better gut him off..."
AllMight'sSidekick! who runs to help All Might get off Nomu's hands as students appear and help too.
AllMight'sSidekick! who takes the students to a safer place while All Might fights Nomu.
AllMight'sSidekick! who throws webs at Shigaraki's hands and pulls him towards him.
Soon other pro heroes start arriving. Shigaraki decomposses Webcrawler's webs as he pulls and pulls.
"I'm not letting you escape!" He screams.
Snipe shots Shigaraki leaving him on the floor and making easier Webcrawler's movements. Still, they managed to escape.
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pokequirks · 2 months
category: prom
katsuki bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: Regarding the prom events.
word count: 2k
warnings: +18. aged up characters. unprotected sex.
note: prelude of category, as i said this is now a tiny series.
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Katsuki standed before you, holding a package of mint chocolate and a velvet covered square box. 
"Go to prom with me" He said, handing the gifts to you. You happily took it.
"Sure" You replied, keeping the chocolate and the velvet box against your chest with one hand and holding Bakugo's wrist with the other.
Heading to the top of the coline in silence. You two took a seat under the only one three there. Backpacks on the floor and you in between Katsuki's legs. You oppened the chocolates and give the first bite to him.
"Delicious" You say after eating your bite and give him another, "I like this, us."
"Me too."
You two were on your weekly friday-after-class date. Already having completed all the usual things you did, the only one left was seeing sunset together, him holding you and sometimes you would hold him while caressing his hair.
"Why so soon?" You asked, refering to the prom proposal, if you could call it that, "Prom is in 5 months.”
"Extras could ask you and you're too nice to say no," he grumbles, thightening his embrace on your waist. 
"Sure, as if they would even imagine" You mocked.
You and Katsuki may not actually have a formal relationship, like 'will you be my girlfriend' and stuff, but you two actually fullfiled even more than many couples. Things like getting to know each other's parents and spending time together as a family, both at Bakugo's and yours. Or having these weekly dates, eating almost all of the daily foods together and taking care of each other, both physical and mentally.
Everyone at UA knew you were each other's person, so pretty much nobody was brave enough to even try anything...
"Open that," Katsuki said, barely pointing at the velvet box.
"What's that?" You asked, holding the soft box with your hands, calmly opening it and then gasping when you saw what was inside, "Kats... It's beautiful. I love  it" You hughed him tight, then gave tons of kisses in his face.
"Wear it at prom" You nod, totally happy of getting to wear his gift. You held the red heart charm and felt something engraved on the back. "Yours, all yours," Katsuki  murmured, his voice dropping in tone as you met his gaze, flickering green eyes locked with the scarlet. A soft smile graced his lips as he tenderly kissed the tip of your nose, his hand trailing along your lower back.
"I belong to you, wholly and truly," he affirmed, while touching your forehead with his.
That evening, Katsuki made a declaration that echoed in the air, in all of you. He declared his love. He gave you his heart.
Months passed by real fast. Studying for finals, working hard at internships with proheroes and trying to spend time together. After all, prom was tonight. All thrird year UA students were sent home in order for them to prepare comfortably.
"Comb your hair well," Mitsuki said to his blonde son.
"Y/N likes it like this!" The woman laughs and walks towards his only son. She tidies his red tie. "You want photos?"
"Don't worry, Ruri will send it to me" She pointed refering to Y/N's mom...
Ding, dong. 8:30pm, the exact planned hour. Kazehare Sora, Y/N's father oppened the door and smiled towards his son-in-law-ish (since those two didn't take the step), letting him step in and wait for the girl.
"She's almost here," the almost white haired woman said, coming down the stairs. "You look so handsome, Katsuki!"
The professional camera hovered in the air, capturing Bakugo's expression in a flash of light. It came as no surprise; after all, Ruris' quirk allowed her to capture the perfect shots every time. Though Bakugo expressed his gratitude silently, he was immensely thankful for her skill, as it enabled him to witness every significant moment, both major and minor, in Y/N's life displayed throughout their home.
From the first captivating smile of their baby on the staircase to the cherished memories of Y/N's birthdays adorning the living room walls, each photograph held a special place in their hearts. For the past three years, Bakugo stood proudly beside Y/N in these captured moments, a testament to the unwavering bond they shared.
He could never get tired of it.
Another flash disturbed him and as he saw you coming down the stairs the world almost felt in silence, only your heels touching the floor and his respiration. Bright smile on your lips and blushed cheeks being a show for him.
"You're perfect, so perfect" Katsuki muttered, completely mesmerized by your gaze. You giggled and then you placed yourself beside him.
"You look pretty yourself, Kats" You mumbled in his ear and held his arm, ready for another round of shots.
Ruri snaps a few shots and then tooks family pics, she would make sure to add Mitsuki and Masaru later while editing. Finishing the photoshot you two were good to go, not before having a talk with both parents.
“Don’t abuse alcohol, and if you two do, call me, Ruri, Masaru or Mitsuki, we'll pick you up" Sora said handing your backpack with clothes to Katsuki, "If you want to go to some after party call us or send us a message, you may be 18 but still are our childs. And well, take care of each other."
"Yes, Dad," you said as Katsuki nodded beside you.
After a few goodbyes you entered the front seat of Mr. Bakugo's car not before your own dad stopped Katsuki and told him something. You ask about it, he just says your dad gave him a warning, you giggle. The light chat continued as you two arrived at the prom hall.
At the prom, first photos on the front for couples, all types of dances thanks to Present Mic's, photos as a prom, with the girls, with the boys.
"Bro, you should really take the step and make your thing official" Kirishima said, looking at you chatting with your girl friends from other classes. "She's been your girl for three years straight."
"Y/N will get a lot of declarations," Todoroki commented casually, provoking Bakugo's ire. "Since she likes community work she'll probably get tons of marriege proposals from people in the rural areas.”
"Shut up!" He yelled, drawing Y/N's eyes to his figure, she only giggling and continuing chatting, "as if we needed those things, we're perfectly fine as we are.”
Katsuki walks out while grumbelling and Kirishima and Todoroki gives thumbs up to Uraraka and Yaoyozoru.
After a while, music for the last dance was playing. Arms crossed around Katsuki's neck, his hands on your waist and a comfortable silence in between.
"We need to talk," Katsuki said in your ear, you nodded. Does he know? "Wanna eat pancakes".
He does not, probably. You thought.
As the music fades away your dance also does. He held your hand as both of you said goodbye to teachers, friends and students from other classes.
Katsuki brings with him your backpack while you open the main door of his house. You were allowed to spend the night at Bakugou's, nothing that your parents didn't allow before. You walked directly to Katsuki's room, sore feet as you took off your heels. The blonde arrived with water glasses on his hands, offering you one as he drank from the other.
He took off his jacket, the tie and unbotoned a few bottoms of his shirt before looking for his pijamas.
"Be right back," he said, heading towards the bathroom.
"You can do it here," you calmly said, looking at his scarlet eyes. He nodded, getting undressed "What did you wanna say?"
"Oh, well..." Katsuki took off his shirt completely and sat next to you, "Are we together as a couple?"
You took a deep breath and gave him a smile.
"Yes, Tsukipie, I thought you already knew like 3 years ago" You joke while taking down the zip of your dress, letting Katsuki see more of your back.
You standed letting the dress fall into the floor. You looked back at Katsuki, his eyes buried in your face as you approached him, necklace on your neck.
"You want to do this?" He asks as you sit on his lap, bra already off. You nod, your gaze lingering on his lips, tantalizingly close, teasing the desire to lean in for a kiss. "I'm yours, entirely yours," he whispered, voice carrying a hint of longing and devotion, punctuated with the intimacy of your name on his lips.
You sealed the kiss, your arms draped around his neck, his hands tenderly caressing your waist and back. With closed eyes, you assertively took the lead, Katsuki lying on his back, his shy hands yearning to grasp your hips. Sensing his hesitation, you graciously allow him to explore, guiding his touch with gentle encouragement.
You descend, meeting his intense scarlet gaze as you deftly undo the buttons of his pants. With a tentative touch, you grasp his erection, feigning uncertainty. Sensing your hesitation, Katsuki offers guidance, his voice a steady reassurance as he instructs you on the next steps.
"Should I take it into my mouth?" you inquire softly, captivated by the allure of his arousal and the furrow of his brow.
"If you desire," he replies.
"I do."
Gently, you enveloped him in your mouth, savoring every reaction that played across Katsuki's face as you alternated between different tempos and movements, using your tongue to enhance his pleasure. Then, a sudden rush of warmth flooded your mouth as Katsuki reached his climax.
His moan, a symphony of your name, reverberated in the air as he peaked, your lips still connected to him. Slowly, you withdrew, the taste of him lingering on your tongue as you swallowed, savoring the moment. As he gazed at you with eyes the color of scarlet flames, his chest rising and falling with each breath, the intensity of your connection felt palpable.
Another kissing session begins. He tastes himself on your lips, a blend of sweetness and saltiness. Your hand works to stimulate his erection, coaxing it back to life. This time, he takes the lead, positioning himself between your legs as you lie on your back, the only barrier between you being your panties.
With gentle hands, Katsuki assists you in removing them, his touch barely grazing your nakedness, careful not to unsettle you. Aligning himself with your entrance, he teases back and forth, each movement sending waves of anticipation through both of you. Slowly, he penetrates you, eliciting soft whimpers of his name as you reach to hold his face, signaling your desire for a kiss.
The rhythm builds gradually, his movements a dance of ecstasy within your warm and welcoming embrace. Blushed cheeks reflect the intensity of the moment, your words a stream of desire that he struggles to fully process.
"Faster!" you command, and he obeys without hesitation.
"God, yes," he curses, gripping your hips to maintain a steady pace, his actions causing your breasts to bounce with each thrust. As the pleasure mounts, he feels the impending release.
You vocalize your pleasure in a high pitch, eyes closed in ecstasy and whimpering filling the air. Katsuki silences your moans with a fervent kiss, feeling you climax around him before he succumbs to his own release, withdrawing just in time to avoid a mess.
Breathing heavily, he collapses beside you, your gentle caresses soothing him as he catches his breath, his hand resting lightly on your belly.
"This is beautiful," he murmurs, a sense of pride swelling in his chest as he admires the aftermath of your passion. You giggle, and he looks at you affectionately. "We should take a shower," he suggests.
"I was thinking the same thing," you agree.
The rest of the night unfolds seamlessly, with shared moments of intimacy in the shower and Katsuki rushing to change the bed sheets before your return. Eventually, exhaustion from the day's events overtakes both of you.
"I love you," Katsuki whispers, wrapping his arms around you."I love you too."
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pokequirks · 2 months
katsuki bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: after a long time without contact katsuki is sure he's more fitted for you
word count: 2.5k
warnings: +18. aged up characters.
note: first one. gonna make this a tiny series.
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It all started on prom night. Katsuki and you went together as it was expected even when you two weren't really a couple. A magical night, even after the war you gotta enjoy the ball. You two ended up having each other's first sexual experience on Katsuki's bed. In an intimate, shy and trustfull love making.
His heart broke when you told him you were moving to South Korea to study meteorology in order to perfect the use of your quirk.
"We'll make this work, baby" He said while eating the breakfast you made earlier, "is not that far, I can fly there and sure you'll come back for christmas and stuff".
"I'll move next week" He didn't even look at you, "I have to get my hero license there too and study for the admission exam..., I'm sorry, Katsuki."
"As I said, we'll make this work" he growled.
It wasn't a surprise when things didn't work out. You two ended up losing contact after a while. Katsuki would get news about you through shared friends. Things like "she's having fun at practices", "she's halfway through career" or "she's already doing field work" and "she's a great hero there". This last thing he already knew. Even if it was a torture he would search your name and subscribe to news with your hero name.
He's sure he should get over you, with the memories of the last night you both spended together, with your kisses, your hair, your eyes, your smile, your voice... This last one he could hear calling for him, he even could see your figure next to Deku.
"Kacchan!" Deku called to get him out of trance.
"Katsuki" You said calmly.
"Y-Y/n" He replied.
"I'll leave you both, I guess you have a lot to talk about" Midoriya said heading to the door of Bakugo's office.
"Thank you" You said, eyes fixed on Katsuki, he looked a bit taller. Once the other hero was out you started talking "Long time no see ya, huh?”'.
"Yeah… H-how are you?" He asked.
"Fine, I'm kinda engaged" You said, showing him your hand with a ring and a small diamont. He could buy you one so much bigger, "and you? Got someone?"
"No, nothing that serious" He said while cleaning his hands with a tissue, his hyperhidrosis gradually getting worse as he talked to you.
"Well, it was nice talking to you. I hope to see you around".
"Yeah, sure...".
It was weird seeing you in your hero suit and even more weird hearing Izuku announcing you would be working as a pro hero for them for a non-defined time. Damn Deku.
It took a couple of weeks, almost a month, for Katsuki getting comfortable again with you, sharing missions, rides and even drinks. You would take selfies alone, with him or anyone so often, once he asked what you do with those pics.
"I send them to Kijun".
Kijun, your fianceé, that shit of a man. Katsuki once caught you, more like overheard, arguing with him about the money you sent to him. How the amount isn't enough to maintain his lifestyle. Bullshit, and he is supposed to be an analyst of the weather.
It felt weird when you suddenly announced you were on a quick fly to Korea and that you returned that same day. Bureaucracy to deal with, you said. However your voice was different, almost sad.
During patrol, Katsuki passed by a jewelry store that caught his attention. At the end of his shift he returned to the agency. He called you, thinking you should already be in Japan.
"Hi, y/n, want to grab dinner?" He asked you "if you can, of course".
"Yeah, sure, Kats. Where is it?" You sobbed and he asked himself if you caught a cold.
"Don't worry, I'll pick you up. Just put on a nice dress".
"Like nice nice or casual nice?" You asked in a kinda playful tone.
"Nice nice. See you at 8:30".
He hung up not before saying goodbye and smiled for himself. He picked up the bag from his desk and then headed to his car. He dressed up with a pair of dressing pants and shirt accompanied with a maroon jacket and his red and silver watch.
When you entered his car the first thing he noticed was the lack of ring on your finger and those heels that fitted your legs so well. Katsuki didn't ask about the missing ring, it wasn't the moment, instead he asked about the trip and how was the shit of a man you had over there. 
When you two arrived at the restaurant, Katsuki opened your door. Then he took the bag from the back seat. You were looking outside of the restaurant, it looked nice, really nice.
"What's that?" You ask, walking beside Katsuki.
"Just a little something".
The two of you were placed on a nice table, in the middle of the restaurant with a beautiful view, after all it was a reservation. Katsuki ordered wine while you two breezee through the menu and chatted for a while.
"That's a stunning dress" You smiled and thanked him, "I'm sure it looks good with a ring".
"Actually, it didn't quite fit" you answered looking at your hand and then his scarlet eyes. You could tell he wasn't buying your story just by the way he looked at you. A black dress fitted with anything. "So, what's the occasion?" You questioned and he wiped his hands with one of his tissues, after all his sweat was kinda explosive.
He was about to answer but was interrupted by your phone and its vibration. Kijun. He was sure it was him, he had memorized the korean letters each time you talked with him. Katsuki stayed surprised as you decided to shut down your phone.
"Don't worry, it's fine" You said and gave him an awkward yet comforting smile.
"Well, I got you this" He handed the bag to you and you opened as he spoke, "consider it a graduation gift and a gift for all those missed birthdays".
"Oh my God, Katsuki!" You exclaimed looking at the red garnet jewelry set, necklace, earrings and a ring, "Katsuki this..."
"Don't worry, it's a gift".
You smiled brightly while looking at the pieces. Katsuki had called the jewelry store during his break and asked about a set, a red set. They sent him photos of all the availables and he chose the one which he thought would look the best on you.
"Thank you, it's so pretty".
"Like you" He thought, not quite, he said that out loud and looked down in order to avoid your gaze.
You looked down to your hands after putting the set box on the bag again. You touched the place where the engagement ring used to be.
"I broke up with Kijun" You said, Katsuki gagged with wine while looking at you, this time you avoided his precious scarlet eyes. "I found out he had been cheating on me with a journalist and I kinda kicked them out of my apartment".
Katsuki got his classic angry face just like the one he had when winning the first year sport festival. You started laughing.
"You should have seen their faces, I didn't even let them get their clothes and took the keys of the car and changed the password for the apartment".
Even if Katsuki was angry as hell he still laughed with you, more calmly since he hated even more that clown of a man. Your laugh faded away slowly.
"I guess it was really stupid to get engaged at such a young age" You sighed and smiled at him.
"It was stupid being with someone who wasn't in your category".
"And who's in my category?" You asked, taking a sip of wine that left your lips red, "The hero Dynamight? Someone like... Bakugo Katsuki?" You teased, playing with your hair.
"Not someone like me, me and only me".
Katsuki's back landed on the chair after that statement. Your semi opened lips calling him to jump that table and kiss them. 
"I think we should pay for this wine and get going, don't ya?" You mumbled looking at his lips.
"Yeah, I think so" The waiter arrived at the perfect moment, "could you get me the check? We have matters to resolve".
The waiter nodded remembering that one time that Dynamight saved the owner of the restaurant from a villain that kidnapped him. Since then the hero had all the VIP privileges that the restaurant could offer. So he did as he was told.
After paying (Katsuki did) you two strolled to the car. One hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh while driving to his condo. You squirm under his touch as switches between the gearbox and your body. He smirks while doing so.
On the elevator, sloppy kisses, he holds one of your legs with the mere intention of applying more pressure on your body. He pulls you to him and you pull his blonde hair.
"Oh, Kats..." You moan as he gives you neck kisses.
"Baby, you drive me crazy," he groans.
The elevator's bell rang, letting you both note that you had already arrived on the apartment's floor. Slowly, you two pulled from each other. You take the initiative, gently pulling up the bag with jewelry from the floor. Green feline eyes looking back at him.
"Aren't you gonna fuck me?"
Katsuki smirked and quickly grabbed your hand, walked to his door and after opening it he trapped you against it. 
"Gonna make you mine"
"I have always been" You whisper against his lips. Katsuki smiles and kisses you. 
He carries you as a feather to his bed, where he leaves you in order to take his shirt and pants off. You hurry to take off your dress while Katsuki undresses himself.
His heavy breathing is getting closer and closer to you. Scarlet eyes fixed in your body still covered by black lacy underwear. He softly touches your legs, not worrying about his hyperhidrosis, now he doesn't care. He craves your body, your lips, your warmth.
He craves your love.
His dick pushing your entrance only covered by the lace, his face buried on your tits, smelling their scent, growing drunk on you. You move aside the fabric of your panties, letting the tip of Bakugo's cock slowly enter you. Whimpering pleads coming out your lips as your cum covers all his dick.
"Needed me that bad?" He mocks you, his tongue licking your skin and he enters even deeper, you sob product of the overstimulation, "I need you bad too".
With a groan he came inside you, hot seed covering your walls as he kissed your lips. Waited a little and then he started thrusting again. 
With a groan he came inside you, hot seed covering your walls as he kissed your lips. Katsuki waited for a little while and then he started thrusting again. You hugged him, being able to feel his skin, sweaty and burning skin. Little scratches on his back as he mumbled nonsense on the crock of your neck, his scars from the war being barely palpable. He bitted and sucked your skin, sure it'll transform into a hickey.
Katsuki managed to undo your bra, leaving your bare nipples at his disposal, he took the chance and stuck to your breasts, sucking your nipples almost like a hungry baby. Actually, exactly just like one.
"Katsu... ki!" You moaned out loud, being able to feel his dick hitting that sweet spot of yours, "I'll come again... God!"
"Ya? C'mon baby, do it for me" He pounded harder, faster, "shit, me too".
Katsuki looked down to the place where his pelvis touched your clit, then he looked at you. Tiny tears coming down your eyes, blushed cheeks and open lips. He made a photo with his brain.
"F-Fuckkk" you howl while cumming on his pounding dick, just a few seconds were enough for Katsuki implanting his seed inside you again.
He stayed inside for a while, he appreciated the view in front of him. Green eyes barely open, hair all over the place, swollen lips and heavy breathing. Katsuki landed on your side, taking a moment to rest before you hugged him by the side. He caressed your shoulder and then pressed a kiss on your hair.
No words, not a sound, just each other breaths and sweaty bodies. You caressed his legs with your foot and drew circles on his musculated belly... You got up after a few seconds, quickly walking outside the bedroom.
"Y/N!" He called, almost followed you, but you quickly came back and entered the bathroom, "what?"
He waited a while for you. Certainly he did nothing wrong besides wearing no condom. Shit. Maybe you're mad at him? His head is going crazy.
You got out of the bathroom. Light on as you standed in front of him. The jewelry set on your naked body.
"Shouldn't I use them for the first time with you, Katsuki?" You mewled, crawling slowly to him.
"You're gonna be the death of me, baby" The blonde uttered as you got on top of him.
"I'll make you mine, Katsuki, mine, all mine".
Sunlight streamed through the window, casting golden trails across the room. Last night, Katsuki had forgotten to draw the curtains closed, but who could blame him? Both of you had been utterly exhausted, likely staying awake until the early hours of the morning. Your gaze lingers on his face as he slumbers soundly, bathed in the soft glow of morning light filtering through the window. Tiny giggles as you remember what happened last night. Intense, untidy, and tender intimacy.
As Katsuki slowly began to stir, you couldn't help but admire the way his scarlet eyes fluttered open, reflecting the morning light like facets of precious gems. A tender smile graced his lips, reminiscent of the beauty that had unfolded between you the night before. Memories of your shared moments flooded your mind, intertwining with the present as he gradually returned to wakefulness.
"Good morning" He greets, "did ya have a good sleep?"
You hummed a soft nothing, rising languidly from the bed and padding toward the bathroom. Meanwhile, Katsuki's gaze darted around the room in search of his phone, only to find that it was almost noon. With a sense of responsibility tinged with affection, he contemplated whether to order food or treat you to brunch, leaving the decision entirely in your hands.
As you closed the bathroom door behind you and began your return to him, he couldn't help but take in the aftermath of your shared passion. His eyes widened at the sight of the marks adorning your skin, evidence of the intensity of the night before. A pang of guilt washed over him as he realized the extent of his own fervor. You stood before him, wearing nothing but your panties, the canvas of your skin adorned with hickeys and marks he couldn't recall making. His remorse mingled with admiration for the beauty he had left in his wake, a reminder of the passion you both shared.
“I love you”
“I love you too”
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