pyritewitch · 5 months
Hey so it's come to my attention that the Creators of Disco Elysium want you to share the game and not give the company who took over and fired them (illegally)?) any profits off of their ideas and work, and I originally joined tumblr 2 weeks ago when that post was going around about the Steam sale and how you should [Skull and Crossbones flag] it instead.
in light of that.
Check the replies/notes of this post :)
I was informed that posts containing links in them aren't findable in the search so i'll just.... drop a link in a seperate reboot :)
first things first though, copy this key:
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pyritewitch · 5 months
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❅ a very merry almost christmas ❅
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pyritewitch · 6 months
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pyritewitch · 6 months
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dog eat dog world
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pyritewitch · 6 months
KDM: Now your survivors traverse a valley of jagged stones.
Me: Wow, that sounds dangerous!
KDM: It is. Even small cuts made by the stones bleed significantly.
Me: Oh, dear. We'd best not-
KDM: Do you have any bandages?
Me: What? No. It's only my second-
KDM: Then all survivors gain two bleeding tokens.
Me: ...but. Five bleeding tokens means death.
KDM: Yes.
Me: And I haven't even started fighting the monster yet.
KDM: Yes.
Me: So... when I start fighting the monster, there's an even increased chance of a-
KDM: Total party wipe, yes.
Me: ...
KDM: ...
Me: ...
KDM: How sad for you.
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pyritewitch · 6 months
hey hye hey im back
(making this my second home)
grabs you by your neck
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Okay! Okay! I'll give you what you want!
Handler headcanons here we go.
So he is so soft. Like he only likes feel good movies. Romance, Disney movies, and ones with not a lot of conflict. He sees a lot of death on the job and just... Doesn't want to deal with that outside of work hours.
He does have a bit of a skewed sense of justice though. After years of working in the agency, the phrase "an eye for an eye" means something a little different. A little darker. He doesn't flinch at a gun shot, or his agents blowing things up. Enemies are more like a number on a spreadsheet rather than actual human beings.
But by God does this man care for his friends so deeply. When he found out about Roxana working for Zor, he wasn't just betrayed because it's his colleague working for his enemy. It was his family turning their back on him personally.
But he forgives just as easily.
He likes to pull pranks in the office on the good/slow days. He has been asked to stop. That's partly why REALLY cares for Agent Phoenix's antics. HE can't get away with things now that he's one of the big shots in the EOD but Phoenix can. And Phoenix DOES.
He has an immense love of animals and they love him back. They can sense his good vibes and flock to him like he's a Disney princess singing in the woods. He could literally go into the woods and see like 100 animals. He has pet a deer before. He has photo evidence. He loves to bird watch from his office.
Reginald has insanely good luck. There have been times that he disarmed a bomb completely by accident. Sometimes he swears that his good luck transfers to his agents when they're on missions. How else did Agent Phoenix manage to live all those times?
But that doesn't mean that every mission is a success. He's seen a lot over the years and goes to therapy regularly. At least as regularly as the job allows. He's in and out of the country just as often as his agents are so if he can, he'll do online therapy sessions.
He has to keep busy. He's not one to sit around and do nothing. He NEEDS to be doing something. So he has taken up just about every hobby that he can while in the office. Knitting, crochet, writing. He loves to write murder mysteries but everyone tells him it's so obvious who the killer is. He doesn't care. He writes them and leaves them in people's offices for them to read.
Anything he knits is also distributed through the EOD. He's surprisingly good at it, actually. People love getting a pair of mitts from him and scarves are fought over. They're really cute and have really cute designs on them. All of them have the EOD logo on them.
One time he knitted so many things that he decided to donate them and the shelter actually had no room for all of them.
Agent Phoenix does not admit to it ever but every time he makes them something, they keep it forever. If anything gets damaged while on a mission they lose their mind over it.
He wears Crocs unironically.
Can't cook to save his life. Has literally never turned the stove on in his house. It's there for show.
He always wanted kids but was told very young that he was unable to have kids. He thought about adopting but he was always so busy and his work was so dangerous that he never let that thought be anything more than that. A thought. Once he learns that Agent Phoenix has no family, he takes the role of father figure so seriously that he almost starts believing that he is Phoenix's biological father.
That's why it hurts him when he believes Agent Phoenix to actually be dead. He has never hurt more than the brief time after the Juniper incident when he thought Phoenix was actually gone. Nothing in his life had ever hurt that much.
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pyritewitch · 7 months
Zoraxis Agent AU
Still working on the 'Spy and the Liar' Headcannons, but this little nugget wouldn't leave me alone. Don't plan to do much with this AU after this post (it gets way more depressing than I wished it would), but mayb someone might enjoy this too.
Holy crap this ended way longer than I wanted it to be! This was supposed b a short little draft. Fuck me! This post might b edited later into 2 or 3 parts so it's more palatable. Spoilers for Spy and the Liar plus Cog in the Machine.
Now on to the AU where the agent becomes the monster they feared they'd become.
So with how Zoraxis works, agents don't really get a "handler" but when they 1st start working for the corporation, they get their mission briefing and report back to Solaris. Their relationship starts off neutral but becomes more antagonist as Solaris finds the Agent's destructive tendancies (now amplified since there is no positive influence for them) to be more of a danger to the operation as a whole.
Unfortunately for Solaris, as long as they continue to have successful missions, they will keep climbing the corporate ladder, and climb they do. It's pretty easy to when the standard for being a good Zoraxis minion is just surviving a mission (which admittedly is the same for The Agency) and being to come back alive with a success is noteworthy. With a few victories under their belt, the agent makes it into Zoraxis' inner circle.
Now nicknamed Agent Vulture, the agent acts the the personal bodyguard and hitman for Zor, Solaris, and the Fabricator. Mind you Zor never really leaves their hideout and Solaris at this point hates them, so the only one who really uses their services is the Fabricator.
The Fabricator seems to enjoy, or is atleast entertained, by their company. She evens learns sign language in order to better communicate with them. She discovers, that while not nearly as smart as her, the agent is pretty clever and has some great ideas. For example, they suggest making it company policy to NOT leave documents in the same room where such information can be used against them.
There's, at first, some push back by employees saying it would be inconvenient, but with the help of Fabricator's influence (and Agent Vulture threatening to burn everyone and everything a person ever loved to any individual who doesn't comply) it becomes standard company procedure. The agency is still able to get a few secret company files (too many guards are willing to assume the sound of broken glass is simply the wind), but there is a noticeable decline in data breaches
Because of this security improvement, The Agency is woefully unprepared for Zor's Death Engine. The Death Engine doesn't completely eradicate the agency but leaves them with little resources and a huge deficit in manpower. The Agency then decides to put what little resources they have into the robot agent project that Dr. Prism purposed
The robot agents do make things better for the Agency, as they are able to survive the numerous deadly traps that Zoraxis throws at them. Many are destroyed, but the information they bring back with them makes it almost worth the wasted resources.
Feeling cocky Dr. Prism starts sending them on unapproved missions to kill their biggest threat, Agent Vulture. It ends in complete failure. Time and time again, Agent Vulture completely destroys her machines, and in anger, Dr. Prism puts more and more resources that they can't afford to waste into trying to kill Agent Vulture.
It comes to an end when Agent Vulture is able to bring back an alive robot to Zoraxis Corp., where not only is the Fabricator able to reverse engineer them but also makes a device that Agent Vulture uses to completely wipe out Roxanne's robots. This absolutely crushes her, and while she still works for the Agency, she's a shell of her former self. After this incident, Agent Vulture's profile contains the words "Do Not Engage On Sight; Do Not Engage At All"
It only get worse for the Agency (I'm so sorry!) as Mission Mimic comes to fruition, as with the help of John Juniper, Zor is not only able to get the nuke codes, but also make The Agency an international pariah, forcing them to go underground. Even after the officials are released, most decide to follow Zor as they have become too powerful to oppose.
Some good news, though, is that John Juniper turns traitor and joins The Agency. Seeing that the real officials are now willing to comply with Zoraxis' demands, thus making him useless and seeing the chaos Zoraxis Corp. is unleashing to the world, John, steals the Mimic Mask and nuke codes and looks to the Agency for sanctuary. Using his acting talent and the mimic mask, he is able to secure some funds and information for the agency, and it keeps them a float but it can't last.
That's sorta of the main meat of the AU universe itself. But for those of still here, here's a little extra that could happen.
Zor, hearing that the Agency is still around, demands that the Fabricator build their most ambitious project yet, a time machine. With that, Zor will have Agent Vulture go back in time and destroy the Agency completely and root out all operatives.
The Fabricator is able to finish the prototype, but being impatient, Zor orders the agent to use the device. It breaks right after the agent goes thru. At 1st the agent thinks they've made it back in time, but with some research they figure out that they haven't gone back in time but to a different dimension, where The Agency has had more victories than Zor (aka our timeline). This would also take place a little after the 3rd game.
Agent Vulture's 1st plan is to get into contact with Zoraxis and get the Fabricator to build another dimension portal. In researching Zoraxis, they come across the profile of Agent Phoenix and realize that this is them if they had joined the Agency. Now, the plan is to kill Agent Phoenix,take their place in order to find Zoaxis, and take down the Agency from the inside.
At some point, they confront Agent Phoenix, kill them (or so they think), and take their place at the Agency. Living as 'Agent Phoenix' let's them experience all the things they thought they don't deserve could never have. Being seen as a hero, having a friend who legitimately cares about them and sees them as a person (yes I'm talking about Reginald!!), and the world not being plunged into chaos.
When the real Agent Phoenix returns, Agent Vulture has now a new, totally not insane plan: Kill Phoenix, ditch Zor, and just permanently live in this timeline. Of course, Agent Vulture is thwarted and feeling bad for them, Agent Phoenix suggests that maybe they should focus instead on improving their own timeline.
Agent Vulture agrees to try, though they're pretty sure if they try to contact the agency, they'd b shot on sight, and they'd probably let them. But Agent Phoenix and Reginald assure them that there will probably be one person willing to hear them out. (It's Reginald; it's always Reginald. If it wasn't obvious before, I hope it is now. He is my favorite character! I am a sucker for older british men looming voice character, i.e., Stanley Parable and Darkest Dungeon). So they contact Dr. Prism (who's on the lamb) and have her build them a similar dimension portal and send Agent Vulture on their way.
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pyritewitch · 7 months
I Expect You To Die (ieytd)
Headcannons for the 1st Game
I've been obsessed with this series for years and my obsession has finally boiled over! These are just my headcannons for the 1st game, at a later point I will probably make a separate post concerning the other 2 games. Here we go!
So lets start with the agent, as their personality sort of drives their relationships with others. This agent has a bit of a chip on their shoulders. Absolutely was a troubled teen and not much better as an adult. A bit of an alcoholic, smoker, and arsonist, they were really just 1 decision away from being a Zoraxis Agent, but the agency had better benefits, plus they wanted to prove something to themselves.
The agent, for me, is the one that chooses more of the meaner/ speedrunner options. For example, instead of pretending to wash the windows, as soon as they are alerted to the enemy agent, they fire on site.
The agent is a talented spy and combatant, but their lack of cooperation and destructive tendencies has had them bunt heads with their past handlers. As such, they have gone through many handlers. The agent was probably about to quit/ be fired if they hadn't met Reggie.
Seeing that Reginald has been with the agency for years and has some connections with the higher up, like the director, him becoming the agent's handler was probably more of a re-training exercise. Essentially more about teaching the agent about the importance of working with their handlers and blah blah.
The agent is simply content to ignore him at 1st, treat him as white noise. But unlike his last like 10 or so handlers, Reginald doesn't really try to command them like a video character. Sure, he comments on their destructive actions ("Your tendency to light things ablaze, agent, concerns me.") but doesn't demand they clean up their mess it or even tell them to stop. He also actually mentions stuff that the agent deems important, like enemy agents ("Enemy agent spotted 2 'o clock, Agent! I suggest you take immediate action before he closes in!") As smug as the handler can be sometimes, he's pretty easy-going as a supervisor.
As for Reginald's thoughts on the agent, well, he can kinda understand why they might b a bit difficult to work with. The agent does like to cause trouble and unneeded destruction, but it has never intervered with the mission (well, not like in any meaningful way). He also notices that the agent is the most adapt to using their telekinesis chip. So thw issue doesnt come from a lack of skill. After interviewing some of the agent's old handlers, Reggie brings it up to the director that they may need to actually retrain the handlers instead. Some of them seem to not understand their proper role. That it's to b an assistant, not a commander.
Reginald also starts looking into the cases the agent has been working on and sees that these missions shouldn't b done solo. The fact that the agent was able to complete them greatly impresses him. Feeling a sense of responsibility now, as the agent hadn't really been with a great handler and had been forced to take on missions they shouldnt have, he decides to become the agent's permanent handler for now.
The two soon find themselves getting along really well, especially when the agent learns that Reginald knows sign language (yes I go by the agent is mute theory) and start even joking around with each other. Reginald proves to be a good influence to them too as the agent gives up smoking (drinking and burning not so much, but in better moderation). Reginald does get asked every once in while when he will stop being the agent's handler (as like I said earlier he probably has a higher admin duty and is really only suppose to be a handler for agents every once in awhile and not that very long either) but never really confirms a date and no one else is really excited to take on the pyro, so it continues like this.
Until Operation: Death Engine happens. Reginald is honestly surprised and pissed that the agency is sending them on this mission with no backup and deep into enemy territory. The agent is honestly touched as no one had ever really gotten mad for their sake. (Not that they'd ever admit it) but promises that they'd make it back easily.
Reginald is devastated when he hears about the explosion and subsequent crash of the space station. While recon takes place, Reginald becomes withdrawn, talking little and putting off work. Blaming himself for not doing enough and even at times admonishing himself for caring too deeply; for forgetting the number 1 rule: "Don't get Attached"
When the agent does return, relatively unharmed, Reginald just sends a congratulatory email and puts in the paperwork to move the agent to a different handler. Reginald, for a time, refuses any handler work, instead burying himself in admin duties. Though a couple weeks later, he is brought into a meeting where the higher-ups beg him to talk to the agent. The agency wants to use them for a plan, but the agent, like always, is uncooperative.
Reginald relents but says he'll just meet with them once. It's awkward when they meet up again. The agent is clearly tense, but overall, they are obediently listening to Reginald. It's only when Reginald is about to leave that the agent demands to know what is his problem. Why did he pretty much abandon them? Was it something they did?
Seeing his child the agent so upset. They both end up hashing it out and making up for now. Though there are some unresolved issues that may or not get mentioned.
I spent way to much time with this and it's late. Hope u guys enjoyed it!
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pyritewitch · 7 months
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local loser
more tgaa comics
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pyritewitch · 7 months
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Hell hath no fury like a boytoy distraught
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pyritewitch · 7 months
Loved your Great Ace Attorney roleswap posts.
Thank you so much! ❤️ And I am so sorry I took so long to reply. Tumblr hates me and legit didn't give me a notification.
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pyritewitch · 7 months
Part 1. Part 2
Ryunosuke Bits Part 1
So the original plan was to go thru wat would change in the series from chronological order, case by case, but well 1: I got bored and 2: I realized, especially in the 1st game, I don't have any real plans to change any major story beats in the 1st game. Like maybe in case 1-5, it's Kazume that ends up dragging the Skullkin Bros to jail and got shot in the process, but besides that, not much. Hopefully, that changes in the future, but for now, I'm gonna switch gear and talk about how our boy Ryuunosuke suffers in the meantime.
Realized real fucking quick that I wrote I lot more than I thought I did so... the Ryuunosuke bits will probably also be in multiple parts. Fuck me, let's see how long my hyper fixation will last this time!
So our boy wakes up in a coffin.
No name, no memories, just a pounding headache and a sense of dread as he tries to figure out why he's being buried alive. He pretty easily gets out of the coffin and realizes he's on a docked ship in Shanghai. Few memories start pouring in, he remembers being pushed, and hearing hushed, angry and scared voices talking over his body in Russian. He also remembers that he promised someone he would go Britian. After sneaking around the ship, Ryuu realizes that most of the crew on the ship is russian and fears that they may drag him back into the coffin, so he makes the decision to jump ship and see if he can survive in Shanghai and find a way to get to England.
During his time in Shanghai, he mainly takes on odd jobs, either manual labor or doing clerical work for cheap, just trying to get enough money to survive in England and stowaway in a ship traveling there. He gets caught and probably brought before Stronghart after Souseki's 2nd case, but before case 1-5, I'm too lazy right now to check the timeline. Stronghart sees the Yumei University Pin and puts 2 and 2 together and realizes he's probably the stowaway who "died."
Seeing an opportunity, Stronghart makes a proposal. It just so happens that he is in need of a legal secretary. In exchange for doing some legal grunt work (ie typing legal reports and filing paperwork) he'll provide Ryuunosuke with food, shelter, and payment (and also you know not get him deported or worse). Not really having any other option, Naruhodo agrees and does his best to fulfill his end of the bargain.
And he does so, as in a little less than a month, he exceeds Mael's expectations. He's able to pick up and learn Britain's legal system quickly, and his reports on past cases are impeccable. Stronghart then decides that instead of working for him personally, he will instead have Naruhodo work in Scotland Yard as The Reaper's legal assistant. Like Kazuma in the original timeline, Stronghart also forces him to wear a mask and hide his voice. The reason he gives Naruhodo, for the secrecy, is that not only is Van Zieks... adverse to his kind, but that he took on a lot of risk hiding a foreigner w/o any papers, and if someone were to find out, there would be grave consequences.
Again, with little choice, Naruhodo agrees with the terms. At first, everyone at Scotland Yard is a bit put off by the masked mute man, but the results he produces are undeniable. He adjusts quickly to crime scene investigation and has a knack for picking up what the other bobbies missed. He also shows off his skills in reading people during interrogations. Mind you, he's not the one doing the talking but gets around his limitations by writing down his thoughts and theories and having someone else read/ act-on them.
This has gotten him some praise from the higher-ups, even from the likes of Gregson and Van Zieks, but his rapid rise in the ranks has also earned him a lot of ire from others. Rumors concerning the reason he hides his face range from being Lord Stronghart's illegitimate son to a known crime lord that as a plea deal has to work for law enforcement and help capture other criminals. The mystery surrounding Naruhodo's identity reaches fever pitch when one day he is all but assaulted by a gang of the more disgruntled bobbies demanding he reveals his face. Van Zieks is able to interfere and stop them from revealing his face, but news of the incident makes it to Stronghart.
Almost immediately, a notice is put out, and those involved with the assault and their supervisors (whether they were involved in the incident or not) are immediately fired. This would have left The Yard severely understaffed, but "thankfully" Stronghart also quickly filled in the supervisor positions with some...friends of his. The whole fiasco left most of the workers feeling tense. The fact that such a punishment was handed out immediately and even affected people who had nothing to do with the incident made everyone realize that Naruhodo's place in Scotland Yard was a special one. Not wanting to risk getting caught in the crosshairs, most simply chose not to interact with Naruhodo unless absolutely necessary; some going so far as to ignore him entirely.
No memories, in a foreign land, and no company, this event leaves Ryuunosuke more isolated than ever. The only friendly relations he has right now are with Stronghart, Gregson, and Van Zieks. Even then, 2 of those relationships come with caveats. Gregson is friendly enough but won't really stick out his neck for him. He's developed a great banter/ friendly relationship with Van Zieks but is under no illusion that if Van Zieks were to find out about his origin, his attitude would immediately change for the worst. The only person Naruhodo feels like he can talk to face to face like a regular person is Lord Stronghart.
This lonely existence continues for Ryuunosuke until about a month or so after case 1-5. An article about said case, with details of those involved, makes its way into his hand. As soon as he sees a photo of Kazuma (with his gloves ❤️) all his memories comes flooding back. His name, his relationship with Kazuma, and why he came to Britain in the first place. Naruhodos 1st thought is too ofcourse contact and meet up with Kazuma. So he goes to Stronghart to tell him that that is just he is about to do.
Except Mael Stronghart immediately disagrees. His reasoning is that Ryuunosuke can't afford to be distracted now. Stronghart claims that he has been interacting with a lot of London nobles, with powerful connections, and has been doing so for Naruhodo's sake. He got his name out there and raised his reputation. After all that he's done for him, he's heartbroken that at this crucial time, Naruhodo would even consider abandoning him. Ryuunosuke, feeling extremely indebted to Stronghart, concedes and agrees to delay his reunion with Kazuma for the time being.
At this point, Stronghart inquiries about his relationship with Kazuma and seeing no reason to hide that information (and still feeling guilty) tells Stronghart everything. From the fact that they had really only been friends for a little over a year to telling him about how Kazuma even risked his overseas program to defend him in court (ie case 1-1). Learning about this Stronghart makes a not so subtle suggestion that Kazuma may have had a more nefarious motive for defending him. Irked at the implication, but not really in a position to argue, Naruhodo simply keeps quiet and makes plans to try to convince Stronghart that whatever suspicions he has towards Kazuma is probably just a misunderstanding.
To be continued...
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pyritewitch · 1 year
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113 notes · View notes
pyritewitch · 1 year
I could totally see Kazuma trying to impress Ryu by taking him to the best stalls at a summer festival, especially if it’s post-TGAA2
The man sailed for 2 whole months to impress his boyfriend with water-balloon yoyo's and streetfood
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Absolute canon.
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pyritewitch · 1 year
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pyritewitch · 1 year
Drabble 2 of many Swap TGAA AU posts
Now, for a more coherent outline/ timeline of the au events. Major Spoilers Ahead
Part 1. Part 3
Nothing much would really change. So I will instead use this section to sort of outline the theme/ focus of this au would be. With our new main character being Kazuma, it would probably focus more on his short comings and insecurities and how he lets them rule his actions. It's been a while since I've finished the game, but I recall Kazuma stating he received a letter (probably from a grieving Van Zieks) cursing his family when he was young.
This would be what I imagine the inciting incident that gave Kazuma a perfectionist complex. Determined to prove his father innocent and that his family is not cursed. Sadly, with each mistake he makes and misfortunes he endures, he fears that those words may have been right all along. Can't help but feel guilty that on the day he invites Naruhodo out to dine and celebrate his trip to England that he is arrested for murder. Though it doesn't even compare to the agony he feels when...
Case 1-2
Ryuunosuke dies. Again not much would really change. I imagine if I were to ever write the fic, small changes would have to take place like Ryuu and Kazuma sharing the chicken meal and wat not. Probably also have Kazuma spill the beans that Hasunaga is on the ship as his bodyguard. With these events happening it would give probably cause for the ballet dancer (can't remember her name now) to feel threatened and hurt Ryuunosuke. Probably because Ryuunosuke unfortunately mumbles to himself about expecting the inspector to come by.
(for those who don't know, in an extra chapter that wasn't released overseas, its revealed that the reason everyone is able to read Ryuu so well is that half the time he mumbles his thoughts out loud, watch it if u get the chance it's very funny and VERY gay)
Kazuma is suspected of murder of course, and most events don't change. During this chapter, I would say that Sherlock Holmes is probably insistent at first for Kazuma to head back to Japan to bury his friend, mainly in an effort to protect him. Remember, at this time, Sherlock knew about the letter but assumed it was a hit list at first and that Kazuma was going to be killed in England. Sherlock's initial plan, being that on his way back to Japan his friend would wake up (and they'd all have a happy little reunion), but it would be too late to go back, thus giving him enough time to hopefully weed out the horrific threat. Unfortunately, two unexpected things happen when they arrive at the Sheghai port,
1.) Sherlock gets an emergency telegram from Mikotoba explaining what happened to Watson
2.) Ryuunosuke's body has disappeared
Paranoia sets in, and Sherlock realizes his has to improvise. Japan is no longer as safe as he thought, so now he thinks about what he can do to make sure Mikotoba's, his husband's partner's kids, are safe. So, like his moods, he completely shifts gears and starts to insist that Kazuma goes to England in dedication to his friend. He figures rather than risk his safety on a ship that could be ambushed. He takes on the task of looking after the kids himself. Kazuma is completely distraught over Ryuu's "death," a voice in his head telling him that his is a curse to all who know him. But after some discussion, he decides to continue on with his journey and takes Ryuu's arm guards as a momento.
More drabbles are coming soon...
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pyritewitch · 3 years
I love fandoms, we’re all just overly emotionally invested in people that don’t actually exist and like none of us are stable
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