#Im so sorry I apparently wrote my fucking thesis
pyritewitch · 7 months
Zoraxis Agent AU
Still working on the 'Spy and the Liar' Headcannons, but this little nugget wouldn't leave me alone. Don't plan to do much with this AU after this post (it gets way more depressing than I wished it would), but mayb someone might enjoy this too.
Holy crap this ended way longer than I wanted it to be! This was supposed b a short little draft. Fuck me! This post might b edited later into 2 or 3 parts so it's more palatable. Spoilers for Spy and the Liar plus Cog in the Machine.
Now on to the AU where the agent becomes the monster they feared they'd become.
So with how Zoraxis works, agents don't really get a "handler" but when they 1st start working for the corporation, they get their mission briefing and report back to Solaris. Their relationship starts off neutral but becomes more antagonist as Solaris finds the Agent's destructive tendancies (now amplified since there is no positive influence for them) to be more of a danger to the operation as a whole.
Unfortunately for Solaris, as long as they continue to have successful missions, they will keep climbing the corporate ladder, and climb they do. It's pretty easy to when the standard for being a good Zoraxis minion is just surviving a mission (which admittedly is the same for The Agency) and being to come back alive with a success is noteworthy. With a few victories under their belt, the agent makes it into Zoraxis' inner circle.
Now nicknamed Agent Vulture, the agent acts the the personal bodyguard and hitman for Zor, Solaris, and the Fabricator. Mind you Zor never really leaves their hideout and Solaris at this point hates them, so the only one who really uses their services is the Fabricator.
The Fabricator seems to enjoy, or is atleast entertained, by their company. She evens learns sign language in order to better communicate with them. She discovers, that while not nearly as smart as her, the agent is pretty clever and has some great ideas. For example, they suggest making it company policy to NOT leave documents in the same room where such information can be used against them.
There's, at first, some push back by employees saying it would be inconvenient, but with the help of Fabricator's influence (and Agent Vulture threatening to burn everyone and everything a person ever loved to any individual who doesn't comply) it becomes standard company procedure. The agency is still able to get a few secret company files (too many guards are willing to assume the sound of broken glass is simply the wind), but there is a noticeable decline in data breaches
Because of this security improvement, The Agency is woefully unprepared for Zor's Death Engine. The Death Engine doesn't completely eradicate the agency but leaves them with little resources and a huge deficit in manpower. The Agency then decides to put what little resources they have into the robot agent project that Dr. Prism purposed
The robot agents do make things better for the Agency, as they are able to survive the numerous deadly traps that Zoraxis throws at them. Many are destroyed, but the information they bring back with them makes it almost worth the wasted resources.
Feeling cocky Dr. Prism starts sending them on unapproved missions to kill their biggest threat, Agent Vulture. It ends in complete failure. Time and time again, Agent Vulture completely destroys her machines, and in anger, Dr. Prism puts more and more resources that they can't afford to waste into trying to kill Agent Vulture.
It comes to an end when Agent Vulture is able to bring back an alive robot to Zoraxis Corp., where not only is the Fabricator able to reverse engineer them but also makes a device that Agent Vulture uses to completely wipe out Roxanne's robots. This absolutely crushes her, and while she still works for the Agency, she's a shell of her former self. After this incident, Agent Vulture's profile contains the words "Do Not Engage On Sight; Do Not Engage At All"
It only get worse for the Agency (I'm so sorry!) as Mission Mimic comes to fruition, as with the help of John Juniper, Zor is not only able to get the nuke codes, but also make The Agency an international pariah, forcing them to go underground. Even after the officials are released, most decide to follow Zor as they have become too powerful to oppose.
Some good news, though, is that John Juniper turns traitor and joins The Agency. Seeing that the real officials are now willing to comply with Zoraxis' demands, thus making him useless and seeing the chaos Zoraxis Corp. is unleashing to the world, John, steals the Mimic Mask and nuke codes and looks to the Agency for sanctuary. Using his acting talent and the mimic mask, he is able to secure some funds and information for the agency, and it keeps them a float but it can't last.
That's sorta of the main meat of the AU universe itself. But for those of still here, here's a little extra that could happen.
Zor, hearing that the Agency is still around, demands that the Fabricator build their most ambitious project yet, a time machine. With that, Zor will have Agent Vulture go back in time and destroy the Agency completely and root out all operatives.
The Fabricator is able to finish the prototype, but being impatient, Zor orders the agent to use the device. It breaks right after the agent goes thru. At 1st the agent thinks they've made it back in time, but with some research they figure out that they haven't gone back in time but to a different dimension, where The Agency has had more victories than Zor (aka our timeline). This would also take place a little after the 3rd game.
Agent Vulture's 1st plan is to get into contact with Zoraxis and get the Fabricator to build another dimension portal. In researching Zoraxis, they come across the profile of Agent Phoenix and realize that this is them if they had joined the Agency. Now, the plan is to kill Agent Phoenix,take their place in order to find Zoaxis, and take down the Agency from the inside.
At some point, they confront Agent Phoenix, kill them (or so they think), and take their place at the Agency. Living as 'Agent Phoenix' let's them experience all the things they thought they don't deserve could never have. Being seen as a hero, having a friend who legitimately cares about them and sees them as a person (yes I'm talking about Reginald!!), and the world not being plunged into chaos.
When the real Agent Phoenix returns, Agent Vulture has now a new, totally not insane plan: Kill Phoenix, ditch Zor, and just permanently live in this timeline. Of course, Agent Vulture is thwarted and feeling bad for them, Agent Phoenix suggests that maybe they should focus instead on improving their own timeline.
Agent Vulture agrees to try, though they're pretty sure if they try to contact the agency, they'd b shot on sight, and they'd probably let them. But Agent Phoenix and Reginald assure them that there will probably be one person willing to hear them out. (It's Reginald; it's always Reginald. If it wasn't obvious before, I hope it is now. He is my favorite character! I am a sucker for older british men looming voice character, i.e., Stanley Parable and Darkest Dungeon). So they contact Dr. Prism (who's on the lamb) and have her build them a similar dimension portal and send Agent Vulture on their way.
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that this week I chose to read some of the fics you have up in AO3 ( and by some of them I mean a lot) and I'm obsessed with your Sebchal Old Guard AU.
I haven't watched the movie yet, but I've been tempted in the past and your writing was the last reason I needed to do it.
That scene when Sebastian has apparently died and Charles holds him while praying in Latin, and he is so devastated about losing Sebastian because immortality is only a gift if Charles gets to share it with him.
That was..WOW..Yeah. No words. Tens across the board.
Those dreams of Lewis and Nico. The ending in Suzuka when Charles is wearing red again. People choosing to spend immortality together just really gets to me, I guess.
That fic really did something for me, and I have to thank you for it.
PS: your Nico/Jenson Soulmate fic made me see why people ship those two.
PS 2:"Red Gods of Old" is so phenomenal. I had to keep pausing to look at the wall and think about every paragraph.
PS 3: I was blown away when I saw you posted again, and blown away again because I had already read the Piarles piece, but didn't realize it was part of a series. I loved your first chapter. So angsty, and I hated the fact that you made me relate to Lando, but also thank for that.
Thank your for sharing your writing, and I know sending this right now seems so convenient because of your post earlier, but I really enjoyed the reading sprint I had on your stuff and I wanted to say so. Sorry for writing so much this got a little bit longer than the single paragraph I had intended it to be. :)
anon this made me so happy. like so so so happy, insanely happy. the answer is gonna get long because i cant not ramble about all this, so, cut.
my sebchal old guard au is my favourite thing ive ever written and i love it so much and people dont often go for it, though i do have some wonderful asks in my inbox that im saving for a rainy day and i just. thank you for coming here to tell me this and i hope you watched the movie because its MASTERFUL. i put so much into that fic, for example i tried to figure out how to make two white boys be joe and nicky without being insensitive or appropriative about race, and how not to apply the fundamentality of joe's loveliness of being an arab man (gentle and kind and a poet in his soul) to this german dude. that one kept me up for a while, so i decided not to mirror it perfectly but to apply seb and charles' personalities into the context, except adapting the other way around. it was a challenge to write, because i wove so much little ideas and nods to other people in there, not the least lewis and nico as andy and quynh, and then in the end i just really wanted them to come a full circle and somehow tie it in with f1. i always do this in my au's, give a little nod to f1 somehow, just to show my love for it. anyways, thank you so much for reading it and just. i love that you liked it.
oh god the princess cake soulmate fic - i saw the prompt and i couldnt resist! it turned out to be a prompt by a tumblr friend so that worked out even better. i love nico and i love him with jenson and i need to get back to writing him some more soon tbh. he is such a complicated and interesting character and he has twists and turns and i just love him insanely much. (if you liked the soulmate fic, i refer to this fic as my princess cake master thesis, so you may like that one too, maybe.)
oh my fucking god. this part. this part had me stopping in the middle of my corridor when i saw it because like. nobody reads that fic? nobody knows it and its my first proper rpf that i wrote and i love it so much and i just. im just heart-eyeing you now, because that was me trying to figure out some things about seb and about ferrari and to make it work in my head so i know how to proceed, so, thank you for reading it, and especially mentioning it!
thank you also so much for reading my carlando, im very excited about it because i never wrote them and im a bit nervous about the characterisation but so far it seems like it has a positive reception. i made it angsty on purpose because lando is just a ball of anxiety and i rly tried to show it. im super hyped about the next chapter two, but please keep all your limbs crossed for my uni work, which i have to do tomrrow on penalty of death.
please, never think its inconvenient to read something as lovely as this ask, no matter if its because of a post i made or just because, it literally doesnt matter, because you took the time to come and tell me these lovely things anyway. it made me happy and it made me hyped up and thank you. and there's never ever too much rambling, i dont see this as rambling i see this as something lovely. thank you <333
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moonhurts · 3 years
im so sorry your supervisor died :((( sending u and their loved ones lots of love !!
Thanks for the message. It's extra awful because he was meant to retire this year and go back to Italy to be with family. I even wrote about that in my acknowledgements in the thesis. The faculty coordinator apparently emailed everyone else in the year to let them know, but not me. Love being on her shitlist. Means I missed out on the funeral too. Fucking cow.
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ciratira · 4 years
uni rant
u ever get those lecturers that will not stop figuratively suckin the dick of a particular writer. They act similar to those ‘the book i wrote is essential reading now give me money’ lecturers, but like, of someone elses work.  we were free to pick our own topics for our major essay, thesis style, so long as it somewhat relates to the degree. but its been herrington this, herrington that. like its design. its an evolving medium by nature. so basically herrington made this framework for analysis of all landscapes, always be wary of something that claims to be one size fits all, and its like oh look at materiality, then layout, then economics etc. and my project is about emotional investment, in design, groundbreaking. but apparently herrington kind of avoided cultural/psychological interpretations of architecture. so i present my lecturer my topic and she’s like oh, your idea for a project (that i made you decide on before out first class or i’d even mentioned herrington) does not align perfectly within this dudes framework. you’d normally thing oh maybe this framework has a bias, and actually has a flaw for not looking at this interpretation. but no. my topic is broken i guess. oh you want to look at how environment affects people emotionally? culturally? socialogically? sorry i guess fucking design has nothing to do with emotional response. this is a very wide area of existing research because like, design and aesthetic exists to create certain vibes, thats what art and creativity is. anyway. but despite it being a very well established topic, it isnt valid because some old american dude didnt take it into account in his universal framework. but heres the thing. i might have been fine if it was week 1 and we got introduced to it and it was like ok i can change my topic at this point. so i asked the lecturer, oh hey my topic isnt a neat fit, is that ok? oh yeah its fine. first assignment, not great mark. oh i see yeah i wasnt as proud of that one it was kinda rushed. i shall try my ass off to make up for it. second assignment, even worse mark hnggggg ok so i’ve now officially had my mark drop so bad that i lose any chance of getting a high enough mark for honors, something ive been working hard at for 4 years to get a high average is now ruined because of one class. welp maybe i will revamp my topic? because my feedback has been minimal and i dont know what im doing wrong. i shall run this by my lecturer. lecturer: oh i see ur looking at new innovations in design like use of technology and stuff which has plenty of research and precedents, thats all good. but have you considered, 18th century american history. im sorry what is even the point of fucking writing. i thought design theory was to like, propose new was of thinking, move forward as a society. but no i guess i can just reword some rote history thats been looked at a thousand times and is like, several revolutions ago so that its barely relevent to modern practice. is writing really just about regurgitating ideas. oh i guess thats why instead of writing a course you just gave us herrington.
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flawlessbellamy · 7 years
Buy me coffee in the morning
Pairing: Bellarke Prompt: “I stole your coffee cup and started writing on it and the coffee is spilling everywhere I know I look crazy but I just figured out how to solve the chem problem that’s been bugging me for days and I need to write it down before I forget I’ll buy you more later.”   Rating: PG-ish
A/N: this is what happens when i ask for prompts. Please don’t be disappointed. Please just comment with a “good” if you like it the attention fuels me. 
Bellamy accepted his Coffee from the Barista with a grateful smile and headed towards the sidebar, placing his cup down he picked up the Cinnamon-what? he liked the subtle sweetness- he was just about to reach for a stirrer when a blonde girl reached past him to grab a serviette. He leaned back slightly to let her arm pass but paid her no more attention until he looked down and found his cup gone.
Scraping his eyes across the table he saw a cup which was definitely not his Grande Caffè Latte. In fact this drink had the name “Clarke” scribbled haphazardly across the side of it. Bellamy raised his eyes to the blonde and found his cup resting in her hand as she was scribbling all over it, Bellamy stood there watching this, rather cute, but still completely mad blonde women scratching over his cup with a pink sharpie.
“ermmm” he began towards her.
“hang on” she interrupted holding up a finger briefly to silence him. Bellamy just watched as she wrote more hurriedly over the cup tilting it further and further back until Bellamy watched helplessly as his drink started to spill onto the floor.
“Excuse me” he tried again this time trying to move his hand to tilt up his spilling drink. The blonde just ignored him and twisted the cup around tipping more out onto the floor.
“look” Bellamy started again slightly more forcefully “you’re kinda spilling my coffee all over the floor and i was really looking forward to it”
The blonde, Clarke according to her cup, looked at him her eyes slightly thinned in confusion and doubt. She watched him for a brief second and then her eyes flicked down to the cup, twisting it Bellamy watched as she saw a different name written in black writing on the side, her eyebrows shot up as she realised her mistake.
“oh fuck” she swore. She capped her pen and placed it back in her pocket blushing as she looked back at Bellamy embarrassed.
“shit i’m sorry, honestly i was just so caught up trying not to forget this Chem equation i just solved” she rubbed at her forehead in agitation and Bellamy watched a little sympathetically. He noticed now the girl looked stressed, her hair was in a  chaotic bun and she wore what the students called finals fashion. Jeans and a hoodie, minimal effort for the most stressful time of the year. As a TA Bellamy saw the slightly crazed, sleep deprived look in her eye pretty regularly.
“you think im crazy.” she declared “ i’m so sorry, let me buy you a new drink or have mine? i don’t suppose you want relaxing camomile tea?” she offered.
“I really don’t” Bellamy laughed “and it’s fine. I probably drink to much Coffee as it is. Finals season is a bitch. Just maybe use a napkin next time” he offered. He’d already been running slightly late for office hours and he could put up with the crappy coffee in the faculty lounge for one day.
“ are you sure?” she offered looking agonised at not being able to reimburse him.
“i’m sure” he confirmed, dropping his now useless stirrer back in the pot.
“ugh if you’re sure…Thanks ermm” She paused looking at him quizzically.
“Bellamy” he supplied.
“Thanks Bellamy” She finished “I’m Clarke. So now you have a name for when you tell all your friends about the crazy girl in Starbucks”
Bellamy laughed and shook his head. There was a small awkward pause before Bellamy remembered his rush to leave.
“i’ll see you around Clarke” He waved moving toward the exit. She gave a feeble wave back and he felt her eyes follow him out the shop and onto the street.
The last thing Bellamy Blake expects first thing on a Friday morning office hours is for someone to actually show up. Let alone for it to be the women who stole his coffee and spilled it all over the floor.
Clarke appeared at his door knocking gently. Bellamy looked up from reading the latest journal article he’d found on Justice in the Byzantine era  to see her standing in his doorway coffee cup in hand.
“hey” she greeted. Bellamy noticed she looked slightly less sleep deprived.
“Clarke? Hi” he offered waving her in.
“I know this seems slightly stalker-ish” she began, placing the coffee on the table and pushing it towards him “but i figured i owed you a cup and honestly your name is pretty unique.” she smiled gently dropping into the seat on the other side of his desk.
“you really didn’t have to” Bellamy replied but reached for the coffee wrapping both hands around it. Clarke smiled at him and watched as he took a sip before continuing.
“I know, i partly wanted just to explain away my madness” she admitted
“and the other part?” he questioned
“well…i guess i wanted an excuse to see you again.” she playfully shrugged but kept her eyes locked with him. Bellamy was slightly taken aback and coughed gruffly.
“you’re a student here” Bellamy pointed out.
“actually im in my second year of med school.The university across town” she informed him “i went here for undergrad.” Bellamy raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement.
“good to know” he recognised.
“yeah?” she asked.
“yeah” he echoed “but next time maybe we can get coffee somewhere other then my office?”
Clarke laughed and nodded her head. She flicked her eyes around his office and took in his genrally empty space. Apart from a semi filled bookshelf, a cactus Octavia had gotten him and the sofa he and miller had smuggled in late on night so they could both work here away from the rest of the department questioning on their progress.
“yeah maybe” she joked “so you’re a TA?” she asked changing the subject
“for my sins. I just wanted to write my thesis but apparently you’ve gotta pay financially and through dealing with 18 year old breakdowns” he grumped relaxing back in his chair.
“i bet you love it really?” she guessed. Bellamy shrugged in response looking down at his lap. Because she was right he kind of did.
“so Clarke” he said looking up and meeting her eye. He noticed the hint of excitement there and Bellamy pushed on. “if i invite you to dinner you wouldn’t draw all over my plate would you?”
Clarke rolled her eyes at his attempt at a joke but she smiled at him.
“I guess you’ll have to take me to find out” She teased.
“so” Bellamy managed drifting to a stop in front of Clarke’s building as she pulled out her keys. They had just finished dinner and Bellamy had walked Clarke home “you managed to convince me you weren’t crazy”
“ha ha” she deadpanned “i scribbled over your coffee cup and then stalked you to your office. You would have carried on even if i was”
Bellamy was man enough to admit that Clarke was completely true. It was ridiculous how much he like this girl. She’s smart, funny and spent her spare time either sketching or out with her friends. They had a lot in common too. She’d lost her dad at 13 and he’s lost his mum at 16. They both were massive nerds. Laughing over puns. She let Bellamy talk about his thesis in detail and he listed to her talk about the latest medical developments.
“This was good though?” she asked obviously a bit worried about his lack of reply.  He stepped forward slightly into her space.
“yeah, it was” he assured. Clarke smiled and in one swift motion raised herself onto her toes and pressed her lips softly to his. It was askew on his lips and Bellamy brought his hand up running it across he shoulder and up to the back of her neck. They moved gently but pulled away eventually. Bellamy leaving his hand on her neck and Clarke grabbing his hips to hold her steady.
“Okay…so i’m definitely going to call you” Bellamy mumbled still slightly startled.
“or…you could come upstairs” Clarke suggested. Bellamy kissed the side of her mouth before responding.
“I don’t know” Bellamy paused pretending to think “you might have to buy me coffee in the morning to make up for the inconvenience”
Clarke shoved him and walked up to her front door. She looked over her shoulder at him and called back confidently.
“trust me. They’ll be nothing to make up for”
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flawlessbellamy · 7 years
Hey can you do #2 for Bellarke from your Uni prompts? I would love to laugh my ass off reading it xD
Bellarke+ “I stole your coffee cup and started writing on it and the coffee is spilling everywhere I know I look crazy but I just figured out how to solve the chem problem that’s been bugging me for days and I need to write it down before I forget I’ll buy you more later.”  
A/N: i honestly don’t know what happened but this is what happens when you let me go free falling in bellarke uni AUs
Bellamy accepted his Coffee from the Barista with a grateful smile and headed towards the sidebar, placing his cup down he picked up the Cinnamon-what? he liked the subtle sweetness- he was just about to reach for a stirrer when a blonde girl reached past him to grab a serviette. He leaned back slightly to let her arm pass but paid her no more attention until he looked down and found his cup gone. 
Scraping his eyes across the table he saw a cup which was definitely not his Grande Caffè Latte. In fact this drink had the name “Clarke” scribbled haphazardly across the side of it. Bellamy raised his eyes to the blonde and found his cup resting in her hand as she was scribbling all over it, Bellamy stood there watching this, rather cute, but still completely mad blonde women scratching over his cup with a pink sharpie. 
“ermmm” he began towards her. 
“hang on” she interrupted holding up a finger briefly to silence him. Bellamy just watched as she wrote more hurriedly over the cup tilting it further and further back until Bellamy watched helplessly as his drink started to spill onto the floor.
“Excuse me” he tried again this time trying to move his hand to tilt up his spilling drink. The blonde just ignored him and twisted the cup around tipping more out onto the floor. 
“look” Bellamy started again slightly more forcefully “you’re kinda spilling my coffee all over the floor and i was really looking forward to it” 
The blonde, Clarke according to her cup, looked at him her eyes slightly thinned in confusion and doubt. She watched him for a brief second and then her eyes flicked down to the cup, twisting it Bellamy watched as she saw a different name written in black writing on the side, her eyebrows shot up as she realised her mistake. 
“oh fuck” she swore. She capped her pen and placed it back in her pocket blushing as she looked back at Bellamy embarrassed. 
“shit i’m sorry, honestly i was just so caught up trying not to forget this Chem equation i just solved” she rubbed at her forehead in agitation and Bellamy watched a little sympathetically. He noticed now the girl looked stressed, her hair was in a  chaotic bun and she wore what the students called finals fashion. Jeans and a hoodie, minimal effort for the most stressful time of the year. As a TA Bellamy saw the slightly crazed, sleep deprived look in her eye pretty regularly. 
“you think im crazy.” she declared “ i’m so sorry, let me buy you a new drink or have mine? i don’t suppose you want relaxing camomile tea?” she offered. 
“I really don’t” Bellamy laughed “and it’s fine. I probably drink to much Coffee as it is. Finals season is a bitch. Just maybe use a napkin next time” he offered. He’d already been running slightly late for office hours and he could put up with the crappy coffee in the faculty lounge for one day. 
“ are you sure?” she offered looking agonised at not being able to reimburse him. 
“i’m sure” he confirmed, dropping his now useless stirrer back in the pot. 
“ugh if you’re sure...Thanks ermm” She paused looking at him quizzically.
“Bellamy” he supplied. 
“Thanks Bellamy” She finished “I’m Clarke. So now you have a name for when you tell all your friends about the crazy girl in Starbucks” 
Bellamy laughed and shook his head. There was a small awkward pause before Bellamy remembered his rush to leave. 
“i’ll see you around Clarke” He waved moving toward the exit. She gave a feeble wave back and he felt her eyes follow him out the shop and onto the street. 
The last thing Bellamy Blake expects first thing on a Friday morning office hours is for someone to actually show up. Let alone for it to be the women who stole his coffee and spilled it all over the floor. 
Clarke appeared at his door knocking gently. Bellamy looked up from reading the latest journal article he’d found on Justice in the Byzantine era  to see her standing in his doorway coffee cup in hand. 
“hey” she greeted. Bellamy noticed she looked slightly less sleep deprived. 
“Clarke? Hi” he offered waving her in.
“I know this seems slightly stalker-ish” she began, placing the coffee on the table and pushing it towards him “but i figured i owed you a cup and honestly your name is pretty unique.” she smiled gently dropping into the seat on the other side of his desk. 
“you really didn’t have to” Bellamy replied but reached for the coffee wrapping both hands around it. Clarke smiled at him and watched as he took a sip before continuing. 
“I know, i partly wanted just to explain away my madness” she admitted 
“and the other part?” he questioned
“well...i guess i wanted an excuse to see you again.” she playfully shrugged but kept her eyes locked with him. Bellamy was slightly taken aback and coughed gruffly. 
“you’re a student here” Bellamy pointed out. 
“actually im in my second year of med school.The university across town” she informed him “i went here for undergrad.” Bellamy raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement.
“good to know” he recognised. 
“yeah?” she asked. 
“yeah” he echoed “but next time maybe we can get coffee somewhere other then my office?”
Clarke laughed and nodded her head. She flicked her eyes around his office and took in his genrally empty space. Apart from a semi filled bookshelf, a cactus Octavia had gotten him and the sofa he and miller had smuggled in late on night so they could both work here away from the rest of the department questioning on their progress. 
“yeah maybe” she joked “so you’re a TA?” she asked changing the subject
“for my sins. I just wanted to write my thesis but apparently you’ve gotta pay financially and through dealing with 18 year old breakdowns” he grumped relaxing back in his chair. 
“i bet you love it really?” she guessed. Bellamy shrugged in response looking down at his lap. Because she was right he kind of did. 
“so Clarke” he said looking up and meeting her eye. He noticed the hint of excitement there and Bellamy pushed on. “if i invite you to dinner you wouldn’t draw all over my plate would you?” 
Clarke rolled her eyes at his attempt at a joke but she smiled at him. 
“I guess you’ll have to take me to find out” She teased.
 “so” Bellamy managed drifting to a stop in front of Clarke’s building as she pulled out her keys. “you managed to convince me you weren’t crazy”
“ha ha” she deadpanned “i scribbled over your coffee cup and then stalked you to your office. You would have carried on even if i was” 
Bellamy was man enough to admit that Clarke was completely true. It was ridiculous how much he like this girl. She’s smart, funny and spent her spare time either sketching or out with her friends. They had a lot in common too. She’d lost her dad at 13 and he’s lost his mum at 16. They both were massive nerds. Laughing over puns. She let Bellamy talk about his thesis in detail and he listed to her talk about the latest medical developments. 
“This was good though?” she asked obviously a bit worried about his lack of reply.  He stepped forward slightly into her space. 
“yeah, it was” he assured. Clarke smiled and in one swift motion raised herself onto her toes and pressed her lips softly to his. It was askew on his lips and Bellamy brought his hand up running it across he shoulder and up to the back of her neck. They moved gently but pulled away eventually. Bellamy leaving his hand on her neck and Clarke grabbing his hips to hold her steady.
“Okay...so i’m definitely going to call you” Bellamy mumbled still slightly startled. 
“or...you could come upstairs” Clarke suggested. Bellamy kissed the side of her mouth before responding. 
“I don’t know” Bellamy paused pretending to think “you might have to buy me coffee in the morning to make up for the inconvenience” 
Clarke shoved him and walked up to her front door. She looked over her shoulder at him and called back confidently. 
“trust me. They’ll be nothing to make up for” 
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