#agent vulture
pyritewitch · 7 months
Zoraxis Agent AU
Still working on the 'Spy and the Liar' Headcannons, but this little nugget wouldn't leave me alone. Don't plan to do much with this AU after this post (it gets way more depressing than I wished it would), but mayb someone might enjoy this too.
Holy crap this ended way longer than I wanted it to be! This was supposed b a short little draft. Fuck me! This post might b edited later into 2 or 3 parts so it's more palatable. Spoilers for Spy and the Liar plus Cog in the Machine.
Now on to the AU where the agent becomes the monster they feared they'd become.
So with how Zoraxis works, agents don't really get a "handler" but when they 1st start working for the corporation, they get their mission briefing and report back to Solaris. Their relationship starts off neutral but becomes more antagonist as Solaris finds the Agent's destructive tendancies (now amplified since there is no positive influence for them) to be more of a danger to the operation as a whole.
Unfortunately for Solaris, as long as they continue to have successful missions, they will keep climbing the corporate ladder, and climb they do. It's pretty easy to when the standard for being a good Zoraxis minion is just surviving a mission (which admittedly is the same for The Agency) and being to come back alive with a success is noteworthy. With a few victories under their belt, the agent makes it into Zoraxis' inner circle.
Now nicknamed Agent Vulture, the agent acts the the personal bodyguard and hitman for Zor, Solaris, and the Fabricator. Mind you Zor never really leaves their hideout and Solaris at this point hates them, so the only one who really uses their services is the Fabricator.
The Fabricator seems to enjoy, or is atleast entertained, by their company. She evens learns sign language in order to better communicate with them. She discovers, that while not nearly as smart as her, the agent is pretty clever and has some great ideas. For example, they suggest making it company policy to NOT leave documents in the same room where such information can be used against them.
There's, at first, some push back by employees saying it would be inconvenient, but with the help of Fabricator's influence (and Agent Vulture threatening to burn everyone and everything a person ever loved to any individual who doesn't comply) it becomes standard company procedure. The agency is still able to get a few secret company files (too many guards are willing to assume the sound of broken glass is simply the wind), but there is a noticeable decline in data breaches
Because of this security improvement, The Agency is woefully unprepared for Zor's Death Engine. The Death Engine doesn't completely eradicate the agency but leaves them with little resources and a huge deficit in manpower. The Agency then decides to put what little resources they have into the robot agent project that Dr. Prism purposed
The robot agents do make things better for the Agency, as they are able to survive the numerous deadly traps that Zoraxis throws at them. Many are destroyed, but the information they bring back with them makes it almost worth the wasted resources.
Feeling cocky Dr. Prism starts sending them on unapproved missions to kill their biggest threat, Agent Vulture. It ends in complete failure. Time and time again, Agent Vulture completely destroys her machines, and in anger, Dr. Prism puts more and more resources that they can't afford to waste into trying to kill Agent Vulture.
It comes to an end when Agent Vulture is able to bring back an alive robot to Zoraxis Corp., where not only is the Fabricator able to reverse engineer them but also makes a device that Agent Vulture uses to completely wipe out Roxanne's robots. This absolutely crushes her, and while she still works for the Agency, she's a shell of her former self. After this incident, Agent Vulture's profile contains the words "Do Not Engage On Sight; Do Not Engage At All"
It only get worse for the Agency (I'm so sorry!) as Mission Mimic comes to fruition, as with the help of John Juniper, Zor is not only able to get the nuke codes, but also make The Agency an international pariah, forcing them to go underground. Even after the officials are released, most decide to follow Zor as they have become too powerful to oppose.
Some good news, though, is that John Juniper turns traitor and joins The Agency. Seeing that the real officials are now willing to comply with Zoraxis' demands, thus making him useless and seeing the chaos Zoraxis Corp. is unleashing to the world, John, steals the Mimic Mask and nuke codes and looks to the Agency for sanctuary. Using his acting talent and the mimic mask, he is able to secure some funds and information for the agency, and it keeps them a float but it can't last.
That's sorta of the main meat of the AU universe itself. But for those of still here, here's a little extra that could happen.
Zor, hearing that the Agency is still around, demands that the Fabricator build their most ambitious project yet, a time machine. With that, Zor will have Agent Vulture go back in time and destroy the Agency completely and root out all operatives.
The Fabricator is able to finish the prototype, but being impatient, Zor orders the agent to use the device. It breaks right after the agent goes thru. At 1st the agent thinks they've made it back in time, but with some research they figure out that they haven't gone back in time but to a different dimension, where The Agency has had more victories than Zor (aka our timeline). This would also take place a little after the 3rd game.
Agent Vulture's 1st plan is to get into contact with Zoraxis and get the Fabricator to build another dimension portal. In researching Zoraxis, they come across the profile of Agent Phoenix and realize that this is them if they had joined the Agency. Now, the plan is to kill Agent Phoenix,take their place in order to find Zoaxis, and take down the Agency from the inside.
At some point, they confront Agent Phoenix, kill them (or so they think), and take their place at the Agency. Living as 'Agent Phoenix' let's them experience all the things they thought they don't deserve could never have. Being seen as a hero, having a friend who legitimately cares about them and sees them as a person (yes I'm talking about Reginald!!), and the world not being plunged into chaos.
When the real Agent Phoenix returns, Agent Vulture has now a new, totally not insane plan: Kill Phoenix, ditch Zor, and just permanently live in this timeline. Of course, Agent Vulture is thwarted and feeling bad for them, Agent Phoenix suggests that maybe they should focus instead on improving their own timeline.
Agent Vulture agrees to try, though they're pretty sure if they try to contact the agency, they'd b shot on sight, and they'd probably let them. But Agent Phoenix and Reginald assure them that there will probably be one person willing to hear them out. (It's Reginald; it's always Reginald. If it wasn't obvious before, I hope it is now. He is my favorite character! I am a sucker for older british men looming voice character, i.e., Stanley Parable and Darkest Dungeon). So they contact Dr. Prism (who's on the lamb) and have her build them a similar dimension portal and send Agent Vulture on their way.
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you-arelove · 3 months
fantasy high junior year: brennan strikes back
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kindacutebutaloser · 3 months
Brennan Lee Mulligan created Junior Year just to punish his players for bits in increasingly wild ways and I’m living for it!
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
“Do you have a fucking warrant?”
Gorgug has met his LIMIT of people being in his home 🤣
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cakebird-art · 1 year
Gonna be posting my Stobotnik art backlog, enjoy <3
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the-lavender-room · 2 months
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Ofc I had art block trying to draw him 😑
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boxohobo · 3 months
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As you can see, many old dudes. Many old dudes becoming monsters. Many sad old dudes and many monsters both metaphorically and literally.
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istealyourpunchlines · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time Brennan Lee Mulligan made an angry bird NPC to stop his players’ tomfoolery, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happens twice.
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comicwaren · 10 months
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From Death of the Venomverse #001
Art by Gerardo Sandoval and Jim Campbell
Written by Cullen Bunn
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highamfunny · 3 months
So, he invented a character and a dimension (both bird related) just to fuck with them
Makes sense
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fellhellion · 11 months
Headsoup thoughts about Miguel and his early relationship with physical retaliation to bullies and fear, but man. Tyler Stone telling Miguel on the way to boarding school that if he does something to jeopardise George O’Hara’s chances for promotion on the back of Miguel’s efforts, it’s his fault when that anger is taken out on Conchata and Gabriel. Xina, who was only a child and didn’t know, trying to encourage Miguel to stand up for himself and hit back and him saying yeah he’s scared when she teases him. Miguel saying he wanted so badly to strike his father but was afraid he’d kill him, when he wanted George to suffer every indignity of age and decline.
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ask-cloverfield · 7 months
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iviin-855 · 8 months
Just realized i accidentally made my newest ss a synth. Not as in the original ss died and was replaced but as in was a person created in pre war institute (using different methods) as part of a super soldier program as a prototype before the fev was considered. Like the methods are different (some good old Science! genetical splicing of a normal human egg cell) but if gen 1 & 2's and 3's both count as synths the method doesn't matter anyway. The railroad had a big "huh." Moment when finding out. After some deliberation glory welcomed hawk as a fellow synth. Im not sure how entering the institute will go but it will be a big oh shit moment, esp if hawk hasnt put 2 and 2 together about the institute and his origins... yeah. Especially if they still have files from project chimera. Shaun isnt his biological kid, he is noras, another agent sent partly to help with the cover and part to watch over him so he doesn't try to run, who had him as part of their deep cover but he cared for this kid as if he was his own which makes the whole father leader of the terrible bad place he doesn't want to think about worse
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miriamnox · 3 months
you are a student of the aguefort adventuring academy. one day you go to a musical festival held at one of your school’s token rock star’s house. the interim emergency backup principal attacks. the dildo machines attack. a party of juniors fights them and wins. they are sent to the vulture dimension. they return. the guy whose house the festival is at mocks a federal agent. an arch devil summons two vultures with neither reason nor prior warning and the richest, most popular boy of the school shoots one of them out of the sky with his crossbow and eats its organs with enthusiasm. it will help him to Talk to The Rats in The Forest, he gleefully explains. the (bad) kids leave. the dildo-wielding nun is nowhere to be found. the interim backup emergency principal grix is dead. it’s been five minutes.
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spinaholi · 3 months
i’m convinced brennan only wanted to do junior year as a way to systematically take revenge for all the outrageous bits he’s been through. oh hilda hilda? heres my fbi agent self insert npc, oh insight check on that piece of set dressing? straight to the vulture dimension for you! with a prop mini and projections all locked and loaded babyyy
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