#ieytd 2 spoilers
icecreampizzer · 6 months
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ehh. I'm sorry but i really just like enemies to lovers dynamics HWHATEVER!!! i think juniper would be frustrated that he's into phoenix while they're like. pissing him off by wearing his masks and shit
tbh this was a part of a doodle dump, but I'm putting IEYTD 2 spoilers under the read more :] just to be safe!
You know I wasn't this obsessed with him when I first experienced (watched) IEYTD 2 but I always thought his death was so ... underwhelming? After being such a big personality throughout the sequel and he just falls to his death... I'm like sureee he's just like Icarus with his hubris flying too close to the sun falling to his demise and etcetera. The scene illustrating Dr. Zor's power without any bounds, disposing their subordinates that easily and Whatever..... I just kinda wished he had a more Extra death. IF HE'S EVEN DEAD IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! DUN DUN DUN I'm willing to hold out on that possibility. But in the meantime...
Here's some Alive Junipers after the whole debacle. I'd bonk his head with hammers but I also want him to get a hug, you know what I mean. Characters with massive egos who's got stuff going on are my weakness. sawry
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perhaps i will draw a bit more for the other characters, but apparently i have Real Life Responsibilities to tend to. So those will have to wait.
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agent-calivide · 5 months
I know Juniper is likely dead and not coming back.
I know Prism is in hiding and likely not coming back.
I know Solaris left Zoraxis and is likely not coming back.
...but how fucking cool would it be narratively if they all came back to the EOD and Zor was destroyed by their own hubris, the very thing they used to manipulate the main villains of each game?
Like. They thought they were untouchable because they're Zor. They own Zoraxis, they've got access to endless money and resources. But because they treat their workers like canonfodder, they fall at the hands of the very people they take advantage of.
They thought they could rule with an iron fist, they could pick at people's weaknesses and play with them like dolls as means to an end, but ultimately it is all of the people that they wronged on the way, who have seen the way Zor works and have learned little facets of who they are to jigsaw together a solution with all the different things they know to take the doctor down once and for all.
Idk, I think it'd be neat.
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pyritewitch · 7 months
Zoraxis Agent AU
Still working on the 'Spy and the Liar' Headcannons, but this little nugget wouldn't leave me alone. Don't plan to do much with this AU after this post (it gets way more depressing than I wished it would), but mayb someone might enjoy this too.
Holy crap this ended way longer than I wanted it to be! This was supposed b a short little draft. Fuck me! This post might b edited later into 2 or 3 parts so it's more palatable. Spoilers for Spy and the Liar plus Cog in the Machine.
Now on to the AU where the agent becomes the monster they feared they'd become.
So with how Zoraxis works, agents don't really get a "handler" but when they 1st start working for the corporation, they get their mission briefing and report back to Solaris. Their relationship starts off neutral but becomes more antagonist as Solaris finds the Agent's destructive tendancies (now amplified since there is no positive influence for them) to be more of a danger to the operation as a whole.
Unfortunately for Solaris, as long as they continue to have successful missions, they will keep climbing the corporate ladder, and climb they do. It's pretty easy to when the standard for being a good Zoraxis minion is just surviving a mission (which admittedly is the same for The Agency) and being to come back alive with a success is noteworthy. With a few victories under their belt, the agent makes it into Zoraxis' inner circle.
Now nicknamed Agent Vulture, the agent acts the the personal bodyguard and hitman for Zor, Solaris, and the Fabricator. Mind you Zor never really leaves their hideout and Solaris at this point hates them, so the only one who really uses their services is the Fabricator.
The Fabricator seems to enjoy, or is atleast entertained, by their company. She evens learns sign language in order to better communicate with them. She discovers, that while not nearly as smart as her, the agent is pretty clever and has some great ideas. For example, they suggest making it company policy to NOT leave documents in the same room where such information can be used against them.
There's, at first, some push back by employees saying it would be inconvenient, but with the help of Fabricator's influence (and Agent Vulture threatening to burn everyone and everything a person ever loved to any individual who doesn't comply) it becomes standard company procedure. The agency is still able to get a few secret company files (too many guards are willing to assume the sound of broken glass is simply the wind), but there is a noticeable decline in data breaches
Because of this security improvement, The Agency is woefully unprepared for Zor's Death Engine. The Death Engine doesn't completely eradicate the agency but leaves them with little resources and a huge deficit in manpower. The Agency then decides to put what little resources they have into the robot agent project that Dr. Prism purposed
The robot agents do make things better for the Agency, as they are able to survive the numerous deadly traps that Zoraxis throws at them. Many are destroyed, but the information they bring back with them makes it almost worth the wasted resources.
Feeling cocky Dr. Prism starts sending them on unapproved missions to kill their biggest threat, Agent Vulture. It ends in complete failure. Time and time again, Agent Vulture completely destroys her machines, and in anger, Dr. Prism puts more and more resources that they can't afford to waste into trying to kill Agent Vulture.
It comes to an end when Agent Vulture is able to bring back an alive robot to Zoraxis Corp., where not only is the Fabricator able to reverse engineer them but also makes a device that Agent Vulture uses to completely wipe out Roxanne's robots. This absolutely crushes her, and while she still works for the Agency, she's a shell of her former self. After this incident, Agent Vulture's profile contains the words "Do Not Engage On Sight; Do Not Engage At All"
It only get worse for the Agency (I'm so sorry!) as Mission Mimic comes to fruition, as with the help of John Juniper, Zor is not only able to get the nuke codes, but also make The Agency an international pariah, forcing them to go underground. Even after the officials are released, most decide to follow Zor as they have become too powerful to oppose.
Some good news, though, is that John Juniper turns traitor and joins The Agency. Seeing that the real officials are now willing to comply with Zoraxis' demands, thus making him useless and seeing the chaos Zoraxis Corp. is unleashing to the world, John, steals the Mimic Mask and nuke codes and looks to the Agency for sanctuary. Using his acting talent and the mimic mask, he is able to secure some funds and information for the agency, and it keeps them a float but it can't last.
That's sorta of the main meat of the AU universe itself. But for those of still here, here's a little extra that could happen.
Zor, hearing that the Agency is still around, demands that the Fabricator build their most ambitious project yet, a time machine. With that, Zor will have Agent Vulture go back in time and destroy the Agency completely and root out all operatives.
The Fabricator is able to finish the prototype, but being impatient, Zor orders the agent to use the device. It breaks right after the agent goes thru. At 1st the agent thinks they've made it back in time, but with some research they figure out that they haven't gone back in time but to a different dimension, where The Agency has had more victories than Zor (aka our timeline). This would also take place a little after the 3rd game.
Agent Vulture's 1st plan is to get into contact with Zoraxis and get the Fabricator to build another dimension portal. In researching Zoraxis, they come across the profile of Agent Phoenix and realize that this is them if they had joined the Agency. Now, the plan is to kill Agent Phoenix,take their place in order to find Zoaxis, and take down the Agency from the inside.
At some point, they confront Agent Phoenix, kill them (or so they think), and take their place at the Agency. Living as 'Agent Phoenix' let's them experience all the things they thought they don't deserve could never have. Being seen as a hero, having a friend who legitimately cares about them and sees them as a person (yes I'm talking about Reginald!!), and the world not being plunged into chaos.
When the real Agent Phoenix returns, Agent Vulture has now a new, totally not insane plan: Kill Phoenix, ditch Zor, and just permanently live in this timeline. Of course, Agent Vulture is thwarted and feeling bad for them, Agent Phoenix suggests that maybe they should focus instead on improving their own timeline.
Agent Vulture agrees to try, though they're pretty sure if they try to contact the agency, they'd b shot on sight, and they'd probably let them. But Agent Phoenix and Reginald assure them that there will probably be one person willing to hear them out. (It's Reginald; it's always Reginald. If it wasn't obvious before, I hope it is now. He is my favorite character! I am a sucker for older british men looming voice character, i.e., Stanley Parable and Darkest Dungeon). So they contact Dr. Prism (who's on the lamb) and have her build them a similar dimension portal and send Agent Vulture on their way.
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kiramarien · 6 months
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Posting these old ieytd doodles, because while they aren’t very good, I had a lot of fun making them and it’s fun to see how my design of Agent Phoenix changed over time.
The ending of ieytd 2 nearly had me in tears so I… I had to draw it.
I love this darn game too much.
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bluefoxproductions · 9 months
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I felt like being Angsty hehe haha
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kitkatyes · 8 months
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solobodor · 6 months
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i wanted to make myself reference for my version the IEYTD cast Complete with additional info and their height chart ehehe >:)
i made a couple of changes to their design but they're mostly the same.
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Yes, i have plans for the defector, ollie, zor and hivemind but its past midnight now and ive been doing these for hours , i prefer leaving it here and get to them later <3 thank you
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roxanneprismsrobot · 9 months
A lot of ppl get mad at me when i say that nobody should feel bad for john juniper but ppl should feel bad for Roxanne Prism so im gonna explain why i am right abt this
John juniper was rich, a beloved actor, rich, everyone loved him, oh and did i mention he was rich? This man was so rich he owned a PRIVATE JET. Not to mention he had enough to buy a HUGE MANSION, and if i can remember correctly he has more than one mansion. And dont even get me STARTED on Gibson and practically everything else this rich man named john had. It was completely his fault that he lost everything. Now you may ask, “Why did he lose everything? How did what happen become his fault?” Well, the answer is simple. HE WAS POWER HUNGRY. This man had everything, yet he was willing to throw it away just so he could have a little more. He wasn’t manipulated, he was hungry for more, even though he had so much. Its all his fault.
Now Roxanne on the other hand,
She was once loved for making the telekinesis implant, but then was practically just ignored. She made an invention, her robots, that she thought was amazing, just to be shut down by the eod. And like she said in her speech in the credit scene, she just wanted to make something that would outlast her, that people would love, that she would get praised for, and the eod just ignored her. All she wanted was to be seen again, but the eod refused to do that, so she went to Zoraxis, not for revenge, but for somebody to actually care about her and her inventions. She gave up the kinesium research in hope of Zor noticing her, but Zor went behind her back and made project kboom. She was extremely hurt about this too, showing she didn’t expect it, and truly was at her ends wit, which we can see during her speech at the end of mission cold shoulder. That speech genuinely breaks me because you can hear the pain in her voice, you can hear how she just wanted to be loved again, and nobody would acknowledge her and her robots she cared deeply about, which were just exploded right before that speech, so know she genuinely had nothing left. Not to mention she obviously didn’t care if she lived or not in mission kboom, since she told agent Phoenix to just leave her to die when she almost fell in the lava, not to mention she gave up so quickly on stoping Zor from exploding the kinesium when she almost fell, since she immediately said it was useless and to just give up. She was so mentally destroyed that if you don’t feel bad for her there is obviously something wrong with you.
Thats it, if you still think im wrong you are obviously the one who is wrong! xoxo
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ashenberry · 10 months
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[ID: 3 images featuring Agent Phoenix from I Expect you to die. He has brown and grey hair slicked back and shaved on the side and brown eyes. Image 1: Agent Phoenix is in a wheelchair with a cigar in his mouth. He is wearing a black suit with an orange tie and grey waistcoat, as well as black gloves and jeans and grey shoes. He is smiling and looking off to the left and is against a red background. Image 2: Several sketches. From top to bottom: Sketch 1: Agent phoenix with his hands clasped together making a :3 face. behind him is an explosion with :3 over it Sketch 2: John Juniper with a hand to his chin saying, "wow you just sat there and listened to the whole [evil monologue]. i honestly didnt think that would happen" while agent phoenix sits below surrounded by lasers. there is a note saying ," could not figure out how to skip the monologue" and a clapperboard near his feet Sketch 3: Agent Phoenix chewing gum while levitating a mug towards himself. The handler in the background is saying, "i swear to god if you keep putting pre chewed gum in your mouth im gonna strangle you with my bare hands" Image 2: More sketches. from top to bottom Sketch 1: Agent phoenix holding a paper while smoking a cigar and thinking, "god i love smoking". in the next panel the paper is on fire and his expression is shocked. there is a note saying, "paper caught on fire :(" Sketch 2: The handler and Dr Prisim having a conversation Handler: Roxana you've seen Agent Phoenix in action you know we can help Dr Prism: Not this time, Reginald Agent phoenix is in the corner looking up with big eyes thinking, "divorce" Sketch 3: Agent Pheonix has both of his arms outstretched strained using telekenis while Dr Prism exclaims, "How are you doing that?! Thats Incredible!" End ID]
hello all 5 ieytd fans how we feelin
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f3arow · 9 months
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iexpectmetodie · 3 months
I Expect You to Die animatic, anyone? :3
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 8 months
Certainly, it was undeniably impressive what Solaris managed to accomplish. Building the Death Engine, true, but surviving its destruction? That was the sort of feat you'd only witness once... Hurtling from space and living to speak of it. Withstanding the searing heat of the satellite's destruction. A stunning achievement, in a vacuum. Surviving Zor's ire, though... That was going to be far harder.
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agent-calivide · 3 months
Favorite detail in Jet Set-
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The wine on your table is an Amontillado, like Cask of Amontillado. The Edgar Allen Poe story where man, pretending to be a friend, leads a helpless fool to into the catacombs and to an early grave with the lure of rewards and pleasure (the wine)
Much like how Juniper, pretending to be a friend, leads Phoenix onto his atonomous jet to deliver them to Zoraxis and to an early grave with lure of rewards and pleasure (alcohol, good food, and the luxuries of the jet itself)
and we know John Juniper is well read in Poe's work because he performed the Masque of Red Death and you can find several copies of Poe's work throughout the game.
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goldendevilsivy · 9 months
hey guys.
I couldn't find one for ieytd so I Made One. it exists now
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abacibate · 9 months
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affableboar-zero · 9 months
In celebration of finding the absolutely wonderful community on here, I'd like to offer my favorite piece I've done for the series
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(there's a reason this piece is my phone background lol)
I will be posting more about this game later I promise 🙏🙏
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