reisz-sybil · 9 years
I know somebody who ships Sybil/Farrah, would you punch them or not Sybil ?
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Maybe… not.
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
Sybil waits patiently while he gathers himself; either she’s used to his behaviors while under the influence, or she’s seen it before elsewhere. In either case, she doesn’t seem surprised, and instead smiles brightly when he snaps to again. Folding her hands over the table, she pauses to think.
“I’d like an animal theme this year, in the fall colors which suit me,” she replies finally. “A fox, maybe, or a bird of some kind… well, a songbird of some kind. I’d never be caught dead as a turkey!” She shudders at the thought.
Sybil can’t help but giggle again. “Oh dear. We’re close to Traverson, darling,” she reminds him gently. “We decided to meet at this little cafe to talk about your plans for your new line… and I was hoping to commission a new costume for you for my soiree. I don’t suppose you’d be so inclined…?” She gazes at him with wide, doeful eyes and a slight pout.
Darzi stares for just a smidge too long, eyes wide and unfocused. Then he reanimates with a bounce and a smile.
“Oh yeah! Right! Traverson! Commissions! Gotcha!”
He gives a savvy nod and pulls a pencil and sketchpad out of his jacket. 
“So whatcha got in mind?” he says, frowning seriously at Sybil and sucking on the end of his pencil, lower lip thrust out dramatically.
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
Sybil can't help but giggle again. "Oh dear. We're close to Traverson, darling," she reminds him gently. "We decided to meet at this little cafe to talk about your plans for your new line... and I was hoping to commission a new costume for you for my soiree. I don't suppose you'd be so inclined...?" She gazes at him with wide, doeful eyes and a slight pout.
Sybil giggles at Darzi’s rhyming.  At times, he’s frightening when under the influence, but others, he’s positively entertaining.  This is turning out to be one of the latter, and the socialite holds out a hand once he presents the chain. “Why Mister Darzi, it’s lovely!  Thank you very much–and I certainly can’t wait to see the rest of it!”
He grins widely and flashes Sybil a double thumbs up.
“Yes! You’ll have to wait and see! Wait and see, yes!”
He pauses, then bites his lip.
“Uhm, Sybil, be a huge pal and please tell me where I am…”
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
Sybil giggles at Darzi’s rhyming.  At times, he’s frightening when under the influence, but others, he’s positively entertaining.  This is turning out to be one of the latter, and the socialite holds out a hand once he presents the chain. “Why Mister Darzi, it’s lovely!  Thank you very much--and I certainly can’t wait to see the rest of it!”
Sybil giggles softly. “It was worth a try, wasn’t it?” The socialite winks at him. “And besides, who better to be a walking advertisement than one of Cloudbank’s most-seen and most popular, hm?”
“Ohh Sybil,” sighs Darzi, reaching in the general direction of Sybil’s shoulders with curling and uncurling hands, “You’re a clever clever lady! Probably the most clever ever.”
He laughs.
“But even clever ladies have to wait until I make their dresses! In the meantime, you can have… This!”
Darzi pulls a very fine chain out of his pocket. It’s about six inches long and dove-grey in colour.
“Just a little taste of what’s to come!” he trills, holding it out so that it sparkles in the light.
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
Sybil giggles softly. "It was worth a try, wasn't it?" The socialite winks at him. "And besides, who better to be a walking advertisement than one of Cloudbank's most-seen and most popular, hm?"
I certainly would! You know I’d buy at least three dresses! And if I can get them in advance…
Darzi giggles and waggles his finger at the tricky lady.
“Oh Sybil! Always trying to pull one over! But you know I’ve got to keep everything hush-hush. ”
He puts a finger to his lips to illustrate this.
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
I certainly would! You know I'd buy at least three dresses! And if I can get them in advance...
cloudbankclothier answered: THE RUSH. EveryTHING HAPPENS AT onCE! THE YEAR STARTS TO DIE IN A BLAZE OF RED AND ORANGE GLORY! and under the cold dead ashes something begins to germinate… 
You have your… ah… inspiration at work, I see.  Is this a hint as to your new line, perhaps?
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
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One Whole Year of Ask me in the Country!
Thank you all so much. Let’s go ‘round again!
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
cloudbankclothier answered: THE RUSH. EveryTHING HAPPENS AT onCE! THE YEAR STARTS TO DIE IN A BLAZE OF RED AND ORANGE GLORY! and under the cold dead ashes something begins to germinate… 
You have your... ah... inspiration at work, I see.  Is this a hint as to your new line, perhaps?
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
The autumnal equinox approaches, my darlings, and it's one of my favorite times of the year!  Costumes abound!
What’s your favorite part of this time of year?
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
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gave up too soon
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
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the HAT..
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
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Finally done! Bout time I drew the entire Camerata~ (+bonus cat) Of course I am always a sucker for Kendrells fluff. Sybil’s telling them to go get a room.
So here’s a couch party for everyone over at the husbands’ place. Basically, coffee and tea and chillin. Royce’s hair was so fun to draw, holy shit
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
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(just thought id make a small doodle)
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
the gang is all here B)
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
what was Red and Sybil's fusion like? When Red was still alive that is
Rebil, darling! Life of the party, death of anybody who wasn’t invited, naturally!
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i got kind of carried away on this
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
[hello yes tonight the transistor skypechat realized that Something Is Weird About Sybil and the Process and this happened while we tried to figure out why]
She found the door by accident.
She’d been leaving the latest gala, her smile slipping once she was out the door. No time to linger – she had another event in three days, and the preparations still felt incomplete. She’d manage it, of course. She’d manage it, and appear with her flawless smile and the latest designer dress, and then—right, the fashion show the week after that, and then…
Head buzzing with plans, she kept on, unfocused on the world around her.
And then–
–a shimmer, a flash, an adjustment, and then there was a door on the wall to her right, open, the light from behind it too blindingly white to make anything out.
Keep reading
become [transistor fic, sybil reisz]
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reisz-sybil · 9 years
Sybil, why did you join the camerata? A popular socialite seems like the most unlikely person to be part of a secret cabal.
Anonymous. What I am about to disclose is very personal, do you understand? So I expect you to treat it with the appropriate tact, respect and discretion. 
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Now… Why did I join the Camerata? 
I suppose because the Camerata provided me with a place in which I could feel… at home.
I never felt at home anywhere in my life. Not with my parents, my school friends, even amongst the highest of Cloudbank’s social elite.
I always craved love and attention. You know that. ‘I love people!’ It says so in my OVC profile. I did, and I do; very much so. But much of that love was knowing that they could potentially love me back, and how wonderful it would be.
So from a very early age I shaped myself in the image of others. Every part of my life – or lives, I suppose – was calculated to please. I refined my techniques as I became older, climbing the social ranks, building my empire. I adored helping others, playing parties against each other, pulling at my threads until I and my closest ‘friends’ got everything we wanted.
I believed that someday, once everything fell into place, I would be happy. And yet the more time I spent around other people the more time I realized just how little of a person I was. One evening I was a demure debutant, the next I was a wild gambler, the next a refined judge. 
There were at once many Sybil Reiszs, and none at all. 
Only rarely did the real Sybil slip out, and she was discontent. Very much so.
And then my dear, dear old friend Asher got married… He was so secretive after that, I’d thought I’d lost my only true companion… He’d always been something of a confident to me; someone who I was comfortable enough with that I could be… myself.
It was a rather difficult time. Not aided in the least by the unceremonious and quite frankly disgusting attacks on my favourite artist.
And then he up and invited me into the Camerata. Completely out of the blue. He told me we could work towards something great– something truly worthwhile.
‘They understand us, Sybil,’ he told me, 'They get that awful formless feeling, like we’re stuck standing still. Grant, Royce– They’re different. They can see past what everyone else is so blinded by. They can fix Cloudbank for everyone– even us.’
Of course, they needed someone who spoke the language of the people. Someone who could see past the blindness and look directly into it, too.
So I joined. And I never regretted the decision. Asher was right. They understood how I felt. I could finally put my skills to truly good use… And with them, I was free of expectations, of preconceptions and rumours and judgement. I was Sybil, of the Camerata.
Finally, finally I could become one. 
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