remmiesaloser Ā· 4 years
13 Years | 4 Weeks
honestly, I dont know which of the two have been longer in my life.Ā 
so recently I ended a 13 year long relationship with the guy I've been dating since my freshman year of high school. it took me this long to understand, acknowledge, and accept the relationship was emotionally (and borderline physically) abusive and thanks two my two best friends and a very nice therapist I asked him to move out.
I thought the overwhelming life style change would be the hardest. I haven't been alone since I was 14 and it took me a long time to build up the courage to end things because I am terrified of change and had little to no idea what to do without him. to my surprise I've adapted to being alone pretty well. the loneliness does get to me sometimes - I miss those moments we had where we could have a conversation without speaking. I miss over a decadeā€™s worth of inside jokes, and it still hurts when I see something and instantly think of him cause it was our thing.
its a daily struggle to remind myself why I did this because its frighteningly easy to minimize the damage he did when heā€™s not here to do it every day. the gaslighting and emotional manipulation isn't something that just switches off or diminishes with distance. somehow, in some super shitty, unfair way, it gets worse. because im left alone with my thoughts that heā€™s managed to turn against me and theyā€™re still working angles for him that catch me off-guard sometimes. I still battle with guilt for making him move out, because I feel terrible that now heā€™s stuck living with his mom and all his things are in boxes. and I hate that itā€™s gonna take a long time for that to go away.Ā 
but I digress. because all of that isnā€™t the hardest part. the hardest part is getting him the fuck out of this apartment. we 'ended thingsā€™ April 5th. there are quotes around that because we havenā€™t officially broken up. like, I told him I needed a break till he gets his shit together, and heā€™s all but moved out, but I havenā€™t even changed our relationship status on Facebook (yay, guilt!) and we haven't really agreed that weā€™re broken up. Jesus, again I digress. ANYWAYS. I knew it was gonna be a process to move him out because our lives are so intertwined that weā€™ve had to go through rooms and drawers and boxes one by one separating our shit. and this process has been fucking agonizing because he is dragging his goddamn feet.Ā 
Initially I thought we were gonna bang this out in a weekend, get all the shit out and be done. A month later, and thereā€™s still a pile of his shit at the top of the stairs, a handful of things in the corner of the living room (including the giant china cabinet filled with his things) and his grandmotherā€™s dishes in my cupboards. but thatā€™s a post for another day. because right now im just gonna vent about him taking his sweet ass time, being insanely petty, and still somehow fucking manipulating me when he doesnā€™t even live here anymore.Ā 
honestly the pettiness and inconsideration for my own time and requests is the biggest thing thatā€™s getting to me, whatā€™s driving me to write this. most of the time heā€™s been here for his shit, his momā€™s been with him, and I was chalking up a lot of the pettiness to her. because heā€™d be here to get the things from the living room, and hours after they'd left Iā€™d notice small things had been taken from other parts of the house.Ā now some of the stuff heā€™s taken was his, just something I was using with him that Iā€™d assumed heā€™d at least mention he was taking. im a lot of things, but selfish isnā€™t one of them and honestly unless itā€™s something from my family or something that I bought that was expensive, I donā€™t care. he can have it. Itā€™s more the fact that, when I need something all of a sudden I cant find it and realize he took it.Ā 
like, his nanaā€™s pots and pans. Theyā€™re a really nice set his mom let us have and I fully expected them gone. my only request was that he give me a heads up so I could go out and get my own set when he planned to take them because with them gone, all Iā€™d have left is a few frying pans. This is our conversation from that weekend: Ā 
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This was Saturday afternoon. He never told me he wasnā€™t going to come by Saturday, and gave me a 15 minute heads up he was on his way over on Sunday - which did me no good because I wasnā€™t even home. That meant I couldnā€™t clean out the dressers (I didnt want to do it until the day he was going to get them because I would have to leave my clothes on the bed until I could get my own dresser from my parentā€™s house once his were gone). When I got home, all of my clothes were thrown on my bed and the ground.I had to rewash a bunch of shit, refold everything, and then clean the entire room from the mess that was made.Ā 
fucking on top of that, his mom decided to take the pots and pans. Iā€™d specifically asked him Saturday because I was going to Walmart and could have bought a new set for myself while there. IĀ didn't want to buy them until I needed to because Iā€™m trying to save money and didnā€™t get paid that weekend, so I figured if heā€™s not taking them I donā€™t need to get things until I get paid next weekend. Wrong. I had to go out that night again and get a set because, as I said, all I had were 3 frying pans and a skillet thing. Oddly enough, she didnā€™t take the dishes. They were her momā€™s, just like the pots and pans, and for some reason she didnā€™t want them... donā€™t worry, I already plan to pack them up this weekend and give them back because lord knows whatā€™ll happen if I dont and she decides she wants them six years from now.Ā 
honestly though the biggest level of petty was the Tylenol PM. I know, itā€™s not a big deal. But itā€™s just one of those little things that I stopped and was like, are you fucking kidding me. I noticed that, after taking his bed and dressers, the pack of tissues heā€™d got us from Samā€™s was gone. Again, he bought them, whatever.Ā wouldā€™ve been nice for him to tell me so I had a heads up to fucking get them when I was at Walmart but whatever. he also took a 6-pack of toilet paper heā€™d gotten literally the day we ended things (because heā€™d gone to king Soopers with his mother instead of talking to me about the fight weā€™d had) and heā€™d initially told me to keep it, it was for me anyways. I noticed just last weekend it was gone.Ā 
but the fucking Tylenol PM.Ā I'm not one to buy brand name medicine. if I can get store brand, I will. Almost all my medicine is store brand except that Tylenol PM because I was really sick one year and wanted the good stuff. Yā€™all know how expensive Tylenol is. I sprang for it, and I used it sparingly because I didnt want to have to buy more if I didnā€™t really need it.Ā Well, two weekends ago I fell down a fucking mountain. I was running a trail down a mountain, tripped, flew through the air, and landed on my shoulder and kneecap. It still hurts, and that day I was in a lot of pain. The regular Tylenol and Ibuprofen that Iā€™d been switching back and forth with all day just wasnā€™t doing the trick and I was like, okay. this is a Tylenol PM kind of pain. That night, right before bed, I went to grab it from the bathroom cabinet.Ā 
it was gone. the rest of my medicines, the store brand acetaminophen and store brand ibuprofen, those were still there, but the Tylenol PM was gone. It has exclusively only lived either on the dresser/nightstand in the bedroom, or the bathroom cabinet. as he took the dresser and nightstand, and it wasnā€™t in the cabinet, it had been taken. I cannot tell you how livid I was. it still pisses me off. because of all the things to take he took that. Not the rest of his bathroom shit, not even all his shit from the bedroom. but he took the Tylenol PM. I even asked if he knew where it might be - thinking heā€™d come across it at some point. he told meĀ ā€œitā€™s always been in the linen closetā€ where the rest of our medicines are. It was never there, but I checked the entire closet just in case - nothing. Again, I know itā€™s small. itā€™s just a bottle of pills. but itā€™s the whole damn thought behind it.Ā 
thereā€™s more things too - the fact that no, he doesnā€™t take all his things from a certain room, and I have to then box the rest of his shit up, move it out of my way, and clean the room that he trashed.Ā 
Itā€™s the fact that 90% of the things on our walls were his (which helps show me how little say I had on my own things in the apartment I exclusively pay for) and now that heā€™s taken them, heā€™s left the walls, hooks, and nails behind. most of them are up way above my head - he needed a ladder to put them in - and now theyā€™re littered all over the wall. today, as he worked to get the shit from our front bedroom (hopefully the last things heā€™ll need to get) I asked him if he could also get the nails and hooks out of the wall because I canā€™t reach them. he asked me,Ā ā€œdid you try using the step-ladder?ā€. I answered no, and he simply said,Ā ā€œthat should work thenā€. Like, no. you put those up, so you could display all the things of yours YOU wanted to display (3 out of 4 walls in the room were covered with his things) and now he canā€™t even take the tacks down even though he took the hangings down.Ā 
and then of course, itā€™s the fact that he just leaves a mess in his wake. when he first moved things out of the living room it was a mess. I spent hours rearranging shit, packing up the rest of his shit that he left behind, and then cleaning up everything because I still have to live here. it was the same with the bedroom. and now itā€™s gonna be the same thing with the front room. I told him today that everything needs to be out by next weekend because I canā€™t do this every weekend. He asked what I meant byĀ ā€˜thisā€™ and explained that I was tired of having to clean up everything that got messed up. He told me simplyĀ ā€œitā€™s not being destroyed. Iā€™m just taking my thingsā€. At the moment the entire room was in shambles, everything askew from him digging his things out and leaving my stuff lying in piles. Itā€™s cleaned up now - save the pile of boxes and junk at the top of the stairs - but I told him I have to clean up the mess thatā€™s left behind. He didnā€™t have an answer for that.Ā 
Honestly thereā€™s really not a point to this. Iā€™m just pissed, Iā€™m annoyed, and Iā€™m angry, and Iā€™m sad. Iā€™m just tired. And I wanted to vent. So if you stuck with me through this, I wanna thank you for listening. I appreciate being heard, because I havenā€™t been for so long. your time means a lot to me.Ā 
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remmiesaloser Ā· 6 years
He always turns it around on me. Always makes it seem like Iā€™m attacking him, when Iā€™m just tying to talk.
Makes me seem crazy when I just donā€™t understand why he has to be a dick to me all the time. The second I question him he turns it to me being the bad guy.
I want to scream. I should. I should scream and shout and make myself heard but then Iā€™ll just be even more crazy.
And Iā€™m so tired already, I canā€™t afford being crazy too.
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remmiesaloser Ā· 6 years
Everything is weighing heavy on me.
Stress on stress on stress.
Itā€™s hard to breathe. I want to cry, but I donā€™t want to break. I will break if I cry.
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remmiesaloser Ā· 6 years
I am very sad today. Very tired.
I want to be away from him, from all this. I love him when heā€™s nice, when heā€™s who he used to be. Heā€™s so different and angry and I just canā€™t do it.
I want to sleep.
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remmiesaloser Ā· 6 years
Again tonight I pictured being face to face with the shotgun.
I was in bed, and he was mad. He came in, we exchanged words and he grabbed the shotgun and pointed it at me. I told him, ā€œitā€™s done. Weā€™re done. Itā€™s over now.ā€ And I knew heā€™d realize that there was no going back, heā€™d be desperate.
I saw him shoot me this time. Felt the blast in my stomach. I tried to hide the pain but I scream out. He realizes what heā€™s done and, knowing thereā€™s REALLY no going back he turns the gun on himself. Iā€™m banging on the wall hoping my neighbor wakes up, calls 911.
All this because of an argument about printing things. This was only what I imagined and when I was done brushing my teeth I was so glad to find him in the other room. Heā€™s never actually pointed a gun on me but deep down I know thatā€™s the way it could end.
Iā€™m just waiting to hear the sound of the gun being cocked.
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remmiesaloser Ā· 6 years
I never want to get married. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just because itā€™s him, or because I have low key commitment issues.
I do not want to be tied to him. When I think about marrying him I think about being trapped. I think of how hard it would be to leave him and be done and it scares me. I donā€™t want to be trapped.
I will not marry him. Maybe one day Iā€™ll find someone that I look at and think, yes I want to be with you forever. Right now I look at him and I think, why? What am I to you, what are you to me? I donā€™t know much but I know this isnā€™t love.
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