sambucky4everlark · 10 months
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Rules are she gotta cross the plate without the assistance of her teammates or they have to forfeit.
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
I can imagine that the showrunners had to fight like hell to get even that, and I'm grateful for them not giving up.
But the fact that queer audiences are still being seen as not worth investing in, makes me so angry.
Here's showrunner Will Graham's statement on this:
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
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Abbi Jacobson was like I am gonna create the best show of 2022
LGBTQ characters in A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN (2022)
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
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Aziraphale literally has Crowley wrapped around his finger. THE WAY THEY LEAN IN TO GET CROWLEY TO MIRACLE THE STAIN AWAY??? Azi could’ve miracled it away on his own, but nope, he had to have his boyfriend do it for him like the dramatic little angel they are, and I am 100% here for it.
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
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Comforting his boyfriend
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sambucky4everlark · 10 months
I miss them so much :(
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stuck in a tight space during a mission etc etc cue the sexual tension/feelings realisation etc y'all know how it goezzz
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sambucky4everlark · 11 months
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stede and aziraphale having a good time while ed and crowley are fighting for their lives 😔
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sambucky4everlark · 11 months
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when I said “same ship, different font” THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!
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sambucky4everlark · 11 months
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GOOD OMENS | s02e03
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sambucky4everlark · 11 months
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GOOD OMENS (2019 - )
2.02 - The Clue
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sambucky4everlark · 1 year
I wrote a Marvel Secret Invasion song with the help of some twitter peeps! :)
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sambucky4everlark · 1 year
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If we had one more non-white male character with no romantic plot or even a mention of a romantic partner/interest I'd be mad as hell.
And no, I'm not saying that every character needs to have romance in its story, but the way Marvel always stretch to give a white man a love interest while they rarely make the effort to do the same with most of the few poc characters drives me crazy.
No but seriously:
Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, Scott Lang, Peter Quill, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Loki, Ikaris, Druig, Dane Whitman, Clint Barton, Steven Grant(Marc Spector) and Matt Murdock.
These are all the white male main characters from the mcu. Now guess how many of them has/had a romantic interest. If you guessed ALL OF THEM you are absolutely correct!!
Now the poc:
T'Challa, Sam Wilson, Shang-Chi, Phastos, Gilgamesh, Kingo and now Nick Fury.
This list is so ridiculously short that makes me want to add Rhodes and M'baku on it, but it's supposed to be a main character list so it wouldn't be fair. Anyway, guess how many of those have a romantic interest!
Exactly 4 out of 7!! And in case you're wondering those four are T'Challa, Phastos, Fury and Gilgamesh (even though some people don't consider him because he and Thena weren't an "explicit" couple Angelina Jolie confirmed that it was a romantic relationship).
I know it's kinda unfair to ask for more romance when we need more poc characters first, but it really pisses me of that the only few times Marvel decided that a character didn't need a partner was when said character wasn't white.
Like, c'mon, they'd go out of their way to give us some weird-ass couple like this
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or this,
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and this,
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but they can't even simply mention that Shang has a girlfriend or a crush or fucking something!!
I mean, ffs for them is easier to create a love story to Vision and Drax who are literally a robot and an alien!! And it's not that I don't like their stories, I actually love them, it's just that I can't believe thay can do that but they can't get Sam a date or something like that.
And it doesn't need to happen only with main characters, like, how much would have costed to put an extra on set when Rhodes fell during civil war and say it was his wife??
Of course I would prefer a relationship better developed than the examples I gave, but the fact that they don't even did this shallow shit it's pretty alarming to me. It just shows how they don't really see poc characters as true characters but simply as demands to be attended so they can claim they support diversity inclusion.
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sambucky4everlark · 1 year
Reblog if you think Agatha Wellbelove is an amazing character
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sambucky4everlark · 1 year
I disagree, to me is kinda the opposite.
Through all the movies he appears, the joke of him denying that he is a raccoon is based on the fact that he doesn't know what's that. In the first Guardians he even asks Peter what a raccoon is after being called that for the first time.
To me, Rocket experience is similar to how slavery affected black people understanding of themselves. They weren't only kidnapped and tortured, but they were also yanked from their culture roots and therefore robbed of their identities.
If he simply didn't know what a raccoon was we'd might have seen he correcting people, saying that he was actually another animal or from an specific alien race. So no, I don't think that was the only problem, because instead he would simply deny every specie that people would try to categorize him.
The real problem was that he didn't know what he was.
Notice that the only time in the whole franchise that Rocket mentions how he sees himself is when he is drunk in Vol. 1 and calls himself a little monster.
Now, on Vol. 3, we got to see his past and how the High Evolutionary never once referred to him as a raccoon, and how he actually made sure to dehumanize Rocket in every opportunity that he'd get, wanting him to believe he was nothing besides a failed experiment made to be discarded.
That's why the scene where he finally discovers his origin and that he is indeed a raccoon is so powerful. And after that, when facing his abuser and having to listen to all of the verbal harassment again, he's able to overpass his trauma by finally appropriating over the identity that was taken from him in the past.
I think it's hilarious that for the last 9 years Rocket saying "im not a raccoon" was assumed to be some deep rejection of self when in reality the man just had no clue what a fuckin raccoon was.
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sambucky4everlark · 1 year
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GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2014-2023) dir. James Gunn
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