sanders-spring · 2 years
March is officially over so i wanted to make a small shoutout/thank you to everyone who participated!
@just-some-gt-trash @dillydallydove @cyanberry08-3 @the-duke-of-nuts @lost-in-thought-20 @liemonyellow @galactic-puddle @spicycreativity @brandstifter-sys @lemme-overthink-this
I had an absolute blast reading all your stories and seeing all the art you've guys created <3 Thank you so much all once again <3
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Back at it again with some lovely g/t action!!!!
Safe in royal hands
I really hope you don't mind these are all being posted in the wrong day-
But! Day 14 of @sanders-spring Royality
Cw: Persecution, slight body horror(?
AN: Patton is a smart boy bc I say so, also part of this was written while watching the new Batman so there's a part it turns sort of darker? Not that dark but it has a more serious tone? Idrk if you can notice it or if it's just me lol
It was already dark outside when the royal family finished eating dinner. The queen excused herself back to the main room to prepare for bed, the king and prince Remy went back to the studio to make sure everything was perfect for the coronation, and prince Roman… well he had better things to do.
At least sneaking some food to the secret room where he was hiding an alien was something Roman considered as better things to do.
It wasn't Romans fault that his parents forgot to properly close off this part of the castle, or that he was riding around the forest when Patton’s ship crashed… Okay that may have been Roman’ fault because he wasn't supposed to go out on his own, but his brother was busy! He couldn't wait until Remy wanted to go horse riding with him!
Well it didn't matter now, Roman had a fugitive alien hidden in the castle. He was also helping Patton fix his ship, which could shrink down to portable size so getting it into the castle wasn't a problem.
Roman pushed the wood planks on the floor and wall. He smiled as he saw a hand helping him from the inside. Roman went into the room once the space was big enough.
Patton didn’t think twice before hugging Roman, “you’re back!”
Roman chuckled and hugged back as well as he could, “just like every night.”
Patton pulled apart, “sorry… I still keep thinking you’re going to get tired of me.”
“And I’ll keep reminding you I won’t” Roman left the bag full of food on the floor and fixed the planks to close the entrance.
Patton chirped and his ears moved. He turned around and covered them, ashamed. “I-I think I’m actually making progress with the ship now, thanks to the pieces you gave me.”
Roman picked up the food and walked over to the table with Patton’s work, “how long until it’s ready?"
“Not much,” Patton sat down. “I have to reload the system and make sure the size changing still works, but it takes too much energy and I’m not sure if there’s anything I could use on Earth to fuel it.”
Roman sat next to him, “what fuel do you usually use? Do you know what it’s made of?”
Patton looked through his hologram screen for his notes, “uh… I think it’s a mix of old metals and elements the planet gifts you”
“I could get you the metal but, “Roman raised an eyebrow. “Elements the planet gifts you?”
Patton nodded, “you know. The whole ‘don’t take stuff from the planet unless it’s a gift,’ humans don’t do that?”
“Well technically our planet is alive, but we don’t usually treat it like a living being. We just take what we need from it.”
Paton blinked, “that’s horrible! How do you even know when you’re taking too much? You don’t communicate with your planet?”
Roman shook his head, “we don’t.”
Patton hummed and looked around, “I wonder if I could do it…” He stood up and walked over to the small hole on the wall that served as a window, and source of light since Roman couldn’t light a candle for him.
“But you can’t go out, remember? It’s too hot for you and someone could see you.”
Patton went back to the tabe and moved his device closer to Roman. “Not if we go at night, Logan taught me how to track the temperature of a planet to make sure future explorations would be safe.” He swiped through the screen to show Roman the data. “The coldest time of an Earth year is coming in just a couple of hours, and it’s expected lowest peak based on our location is in a couple of days.”
Roman couldn’t really understand what Patton was showing him, but he still listened… mainly because of how hot Patton looked while explaining these stuff. “The kingdom doesn’t get very cold in the winter, it doesn’t even snow. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“It’s not cold enough for someone the average human size, but it’s a tolerable temperature for olxak size,” Patton picked his ship up. “We just need a way to activate the full reduction progress without changing the ship’s size”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Roman was very confused now, “olxak size? Wasn’t it just your ship the one that shrinks?”
Patton paused for a moment, “oh. I never told you right? Yeah uhm… I’m supposed to fit in there, the size changing system is to blend with the planet’s species and avoid danger.”
Okay, that wasn’t something Roman expected about Patton species. Just imagining a tiny Patton all cute and… yeah stop it now it’s not the moment. “Haven’t you been shrinking the pieces? You can’t do the same with you?”
“Eh, it’s not that simple.” Patton grabbed a metal disk, around the size of a large plate. “This shrinks the pieces down, but it’s not big enough to shrink something my size… nor safe for living beings. Usually I would change with the ship but-”
“We can’t grow it in here, and taking you out at this size would be dangerous,” Roman interrupted him.
Paton nodded, “exactly. The ship has a ray for the same system, but I need to access it from the outside and I don’t know how.”
Roman sighed and placed his hand on Patton’s shoulder, pulling him to sit down. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but you need a break.”
“But if I don’t get out of here in the next bimester-”
“The way to your planet will close, I know.” Roman cut him off, “and if you don’t eat something you won’t have enough brain fuel”
Patton snorted, “that’s not a real thing. If one of my brains shuts down the other two work to turn it back on.”
“And what do they use for that?”
“...Energy… okay! You have a fair point.”
Roman chuckled and started unpacking the food, “I asked the chefs to keep the soup out so it wouldn’t be as hot as last time. And I got some fruit and water for you.”
Patton took the food and felt it, chirping with curiosity. “It should do, I just have to eat slowly, “ he smiled. “You don’t have to do so much for me.”
“I promised I would get you back home didn’t I? That includes not letting you starve to death”
Patton giggled and his ears moved again. They were never this fluttery before… only with Roman, good thing he didn’t know what it meant.
Roman watched Patton as he took the spoon and scooped up a bit of soup, noticing the nervousness on his face. “Go ahead, you know I don't mind.”
“Yeah… but you were very frightened the first time, it’s hard to forget.”
“I know and I’m sorry. It was unexpected, maybe a little bit scary but I’m used to it now.” Roman nodded, “but I could cover my eyes if you want.”
Patton smiled softly, “if you’re sure it’s okay.” He took a deep breath and opened his second mouth. It was located where a human’s chin would be, and it looked like he was pulling his head back.
Roman felt awkward just staring at Patton… he understood it was normal for him but he still needed more time to really don’t mind it. He didn't want to be rude though.
They ate and hung out, and would have continued if Roman didn't have to go back. Someone could go into his room any time and notice he was missing after all.
It took a lot of work, and a somewhat successful try of communicating with Logan for Paton to figure out how to shrink himself back to normal. Just in time for the coldest day of the year.
Roman had Patton’s ship and a bunch of old armor in a bag, Patton himself firmly secured in his hand. Getting out of the castle without being noticed wasn’t a problem, Roman was an expert at it. The problem was that their little trip coincided with the town’s festival… which Roman needed to attend as their prince, plus, his family would be there looking for him. They had to be very careful blending in the crowd to get to the forest.
Patton wasn’t used to being handheld, it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but it was weird. Roman insisted he could get hurt in the bag, so traveling by hand it was. However, Patton hadn’t considered Roman’s body heat for his calculations. It felt nice being this close to Roman, but he knew it would hurt him to stay like that for too long. Patton just hoped Roman got his way out of town as soon as possible.
Roman kept some of his old clothes for situations where he had to blend in town, like this one. The cape he was wearing had enough mends to cover his identity, plus the hood made a very large shadow on his face. Just a little more, he could see the end of the crowd!
And a hand grabbed his cape.
Roman tried to pull back, but froze as he saw who stopped him. “Mom and dad have been looking for you”
The older prince pulled his brother away from the crowd so they wouldn’t be interrupted. “What were you thinking? Sneaking out on a day like this?”
“I know Remy, we have to be there for our people and all, but I’m helping a friend. This is the only day we could do anything!”
Remy raised an eyebrow, “a friend? Another servant from the castle?”
Roman rolled his eyes, tightening his grip around Patton instinctively. “I have friends outside the castle, you know?”
“Really? Then you won’t mind ifI meet this friend of yours right?” Remy crossed his arms.
Roman felt silent. What would Remy do if he saw Patton? Roman had been hiding him from everyone at the castle, mostly for Patton’s safety. What would the kingdom do to an aien?! He had no way of knowing! “What if I say no?”
‘Then you’ll come with me to the festival.”
That was the exact response Roman didn’t want to hear. He looked around, Remy had pulled them far enough from the town’s people, he could make a run for it. “I’m sorry Rem, but this is too important.”
Next thing he knew, Roman was running like he had never run in his life. He hoped it left Remy too shocked to react in time to stop him
Patton clenched onto Roman's shirt, they were running now? Oh this was bad… please, he just wanted to get to the forest.
Remy ran behind his brother, struggling to open his coat and get his wand out. He didn't want to use magic with his brother, but their parents would kill him if he didn't get him back to the festival. Remy had to be the example, a responsible older brother.
Roman knew he had to lose Remy, it wouldn't take much longer for him to be stopped. Just a little longer, he just had to keep running.
Remy was finally able to get a good grip on his wand. Aiming at Roman was the hard part, his brother knew how to avoid magic, and he was very good at doing it.
“We can do it Patt,” Roman whispered. He was trying to reassure both of them to be honest, just a little-
An energy surrounded his body and made him stop. Shit.
Remy finally stopped to take a breath, “damn. Since when are you this good at running?”
“Remy let me go!”
“I can't!” Remy walked closer to his brother, “what could be more important than your ceremony? You’ve been waiting years to be able to use magic and now you run away?” He stood in front of him, “this is not the Roman I know.”
Roman just glared, “maybe you don't know me well enough. What's the point of magic if the favorite prince is going to rule?”
Remy rolled his eyes, “you already knew you weren't going to rule. Is this really about that? It's not my fault that I was born first."
“If you really want to think is about that then fine, call me childish or something but let me go.”
Remy fell silent. “I don't want to force you to walk back there, are you really going to force me to?”
Patton could feel swet starting to roll down his face, he tugged on Roman's shirt. “We have to hurry…”
Roman looked down instinctively, he needed to fight Remy’s magic, but how?
Remy looked down, noticing Roman's hand. “What are you hiding?” He moved the wand around making Roman float in the air and let go of the bag, and Patton.
Patton yelped as he fell to the floor, it took him a lomento to realize what was happening. He looked up until he met Remy’s face and started pushing himself back instinctively.
“What the?” Remy crouched down and reached forward to grab Patton.
Roman could only watch, he had to do something! “Don't hurt him!”
The energy around Roman changed color to match him, and the wand on Remy’s hand was snatched by it. The wand floated towards Roman, who had gained control over his body again. He grabbed it and threw Remy away with a quick movement.
Remy was too shocked to react in time, the magic pushed him all the way to a wall. This left him too weak to do anything.
Roman watched the wand as it changed to match him as well, “woah.” He took the bag and made Patton float back to his hand before he started running again.
Patton could barely even ask what was going on, “I didn't know you could do magic!”
“I couldn't,” Roman kept running until he was sure they got lost in the forest. “It's a royal family thing, I’m old enough for my ceremony but I never expected Remy’s wand to work for me.”
Patton looked around, trying to spot a tree that would be willing to cooperate. “And what kind of stuff can you do now?”
Roman shrugged, “I have no idea. I’m supposed to be trained so I can help my people, but I think I could figure this out on my own.”
Patton gestured for Roman to let him down next to an apple tree.
Roman did and sat next to him, “are you sure you know how to do this?”
“I am, but I hope it works with your planet.” Patton placed his hands on the trunk of the tree, a soft glow started coming out of them. The light expanded to the whole tree and some apples and leaves started falling down.
Roman was amazed by this, and by how all the apples seemed to avoid falling on top of them.
Patton smiled and took his hands away, “thank you.” He stood up and looked over at Roman, “now these are stuff the planet gifts to us.”
Roman smiled and picked Patton up, “that was amazing. I wish we actually asked before taking stuff from the Earth.” He looked up, they were able to see the stars between the tree branches.
“It’s a very nice experience, you connect with nature. Olaxs know a lot about technology, but we never forget where we came from” Patton looked up as well, but not at the stars, at Roman. The star and moonlight really brought out his facial features… he looked beautiful.
Roman looked back at Patton and blushed slightly, “well, maybe you could teach me.” He instinctively petted Patton’s head with his thumb.
Patton leaned on the touch, “we can definitely try.” He giggled softly and his ears flapped rapidly.
Roman stayed silent as he pet and looked at Patton for a while, “I’ve uh, been meaning to ask you. Why do your ears move? Does it mean something? I don't really want to be rude but they’ve done it a couple of times since we met.”
Patton felt his ears flapping even more, he covered them ashamed. “Well n-no you're not rude they uh… I guess it’s an involuntary response, like when you humans get ll red I think.”
“Oh,” Roman’s blush darkened.
“Y-yeah… like that.” Patton chuckled awkwardly, “I mean if my human knowledge is correct then I guess it means I want to mate with you. If not then for us it means some sort of feelings are being generated in us but it’s not quite there yet, like one of the first stages of uh falling in love with someone, others always told me I’m supposed to understand what it means when it happens to me but then you came and you do anything and I feel this that I don't have an explanation for a-and-”
Roman placed his finger on Patton’s mouth, “sorry sorry. I just uh, I get what you mean Patt.”
Patton nodded and gently pushed the finger away, “I think ranting is another side effect…”
Roman chuckled, “that might just be you. My brain kind of takes all my words away and I become the clumsiest person ever… and maybe I should put you down before you fall…”
Patton smiled a bit and stood up, “I have the perfect spot to be then.” He walked through Roman’s arm all the way to his shoulder, then used the hem of his shirt as support to stand in front of his face.
Roman almost had a heart attack once Patton started moving like that, “h-hi…”
“Hey,” Patton glanced briefly at Roman's lips… he couldn't, could he?
Roman noticed and chuckled, “just kiss me already.”
Patton felt like he could take off at any moment with how fast his ears flapped, “y-y-you’re sure?”
Roman left a gentle kiss on Patton’s head, “I mean, maybe we should try it once you're back to my size.”
“Yeah…” Patton felt very hot, but it wasn't a bad heat like before. He didn't know how, but it felt like the coldest day he’s ever experienced, like a bunch of leaves were being blowed all around his body. He couldn't take it any longer and pressed himself against Roman’s under lip.
That definitely caught Roman by surprise, he didn't want to move and get Patton covered with saliva. It definitely felt weird but… it was the best kiss Roman had ever gotten.
Patton pulled apart and smiled brightly. Even if he couldn't get back to his planet in time, it already felt like he was home.
21 notes · View notes
sanders-spring · 2 years
Safe in royal hands
I really hope you don't mind these are all being posted in the wrong day-
But! Day 14 of @sanders-spring Royality
Cw: Persecution, slight body horror(?
AN: Patton is a smart boy bc I say so, also part of this was written while watching the new Batman so there's a part it turns sort of darker? Not that dark but it has a more serious tone? Idrk if you can notice it or if it's just me lol
It was already dark outside when the royal family finished eating dinner. The queen excused herself back to the main room to prepare for bed, the king and prince Remy went back to the studio to make sure everything was perfect for the coronation, and prince Roman… well he had better things to do.
At least sneaking some food to the secret room where he was hiding an alien was something Roman considered as better things to do.
It wasn't Romans fault that his parents forgot to properly close off this part of the castle, or that he was riding around the forest when Patton’s ship crashed… Okay that may have been Roman’ fault because he wasn't supposed to go out on his own, but his brother was busy! He couldn't wait until Remy wanted to go horse riding with him!
Well it didn't matter now, Roman had a fugitive alien hidden in the castle. He was also helping Patton fix his ship, which could shrink down to portable size so getting it into the castle wasn't a problem.
Roman pushed the wood planks on the floor and wall. He smiled as he saw a hand helping him from the inside. Roman went into the room once the space was big enough.
Patton didn’t think twice before hugging Roman, “you’re back!”
Roman chuckled and hugged back as well as he could, “just like every night.”
Patton pulled apart, “sorry… I still keep thinking you’re going to get tired of me.”
“And I’ll keep reminding you I won’t” Roman left the bag full of food on the floor and fixed the planks to close the entrance.
Patton chirped and his ears moved. He turned around and covered them, ashamed. “I-I think I’m actually making progress with the ship now, thanks to the pieces you gave me.”
Roman picked up the food and walked over to the table with Patton’s work, “how long until it’s ready?"
“Not much,” Patton sat down. “I have to reload the system and make sure the size changing still works, but it takes too much energy and I’m not sure if there’s anything I could use on Earth to fuel it.”
Roman sat next to him, “what fuel do you usually use? Do you know what it’s made of?”
Patton looked through his hologram screen for his notes, “uh… I think it’s a mix of old metals and elements the planet gifts you”
“I could get you the metal but, “Roman raised an eyebrow. “Elements the planet gifts you?”
Patton nodded, “you know. The whole ‘don’t take stuff from the planet unless it’s a gift,’ humans don’t do that?”
“Well technically our planet is alive, but we don’t usually treat it like a living being. We just take what we need from it.”
Paton blinked, “that’s horrible! How do you even know when you’re taking too much? You don’t communicate with your planet?”
Roman shook his head, “we don’t.”
Patton hummed and looked around, “I wonder if I could do it…” He stood up and walked over to the small hole on the wall that served as a window, and source of light since Roman couldn’t light a candle for him.
“But you can’t go out, remember? It’s too hot for you and someone could see you.”
Patton went back to the tabe and moved his device closer to Roman. “Not if we go at night, Logan taught me how to track the temperature of a planet to make sure future explorations would be safe.” He swiped through the screen to show Roman the data. “The coldest time of an Earth year is coming in just a couple of hours, and it’s expected lowest peak based on our location is in a couple of days.”
Roman couldn’t really understand what Patton was showing him, but he still listened… mainly because of how hot Patton looked while explaining these stuff. “The kingdom doesn’t get very cold in the winter, it doesn’t even snow. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“It’s not cold enough for someone the average human size, but it’s a tolerable temperature for olxak size,” Patton picked his ship up. “We just need a way to activate the full reduction progress without changing the ship’s size”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Roman was very confused now, “olxak size? Wasn’t it just your ship the one that shrinks?”
Patton paused for a moment, “oh. I never told you right? Yeah uhm… I’m supposed to fit in there, the size changing system is to blend with the planet’s species and avoid danger.”
Okay, that wasn’t something Roman expected about Patton species. Just imagining a tiny Patton all cute and… yeah stop it now it’s not the moment. “Haven’t you been shrinking the pieces? You can’t do the same with you?”
“Eh, it’s not that simple.” Patton grabbed a metal disk, around the size of a large plate. “This shrinks the pieces down, but it’s not big enough to shrink something my size… nor safe for living beings. Usually I would change with the ship but-”
“We can’t grow it in here, and taking you out at this size would be dangerous,” Roman interrupted him.
Paton nodded, “exactly. The ship has a ray for the same system, but I need to access it from the outside and I don’t know how.”
Roman sighed and placed his hand on Patton’s shoulder, pulling him to sit down. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but you need a break.”
“But if I don’t get out of here in the next bimester-”
“The way to your planet will close, I know.” Roman cut him off, “and if you don’t eat something you won’t have enough brain fuel”
Patton snorted, “that’s not a real thing. If one of my brains shuts down the other two work to turn it back on.”
“And what do they use for that?”
“...Energy… okay! You have a fair point.”
Roman chuckled and started unpacking the food, “I asked the chefs to keep the soup out so it wouldn’t be as hot as last time. And I got some fruit and water for you.”
Patton took the food and felt it, chirping with curiosity. “It should do, I just have to eat slowly, “ he smiled. “You don’t have to do so much for me.”
“I promised I would get you back home didn’t I? That includes not letting you starve to death”
Patton giggled and his ears moved again. They were never this fluttery before… only with Roman, good thing he didn’t know what it meant.
Roman watched Patton as he took the spoon and scooped up a bit of soup, noticing the nervousness on his face. “Go ahead, you know I don't mind.”
“Yeah… but you were very frightened the first time, it’s hard to forget.”
“I know and I’m sorry. It was unexpected, maybe a little bit scary but I’m used to it now.” Roman nodded, “but I could cover my eyes if you want.”
Patton smiled softly, “if you’re sure it’s okay.” He took a deep breath and opened his second mouth. It was located where a human’s chin would be, and it looked like he was pulling his head back.
Roman felt awkward just staring at Patton… he understood it was normal for him but he still needed more time to really don’t mind it. He didn't want to be rude though.
They ate and hung out, and would have continued if Roman didn't have to go back. Someone could go into his room any time and notice he was missing after all.
It took a lot of work, and a somewhat successful try of communicating with Logan for Paton to figure out how to shrink himself back to normal. Just in time for the coldest day of the year.
Roman had Patton’s ship and a bunch of old armor in a bag, Patton himself firmly secured in his hand. Getting out of the castle without being noticed wasn’t a problem, Roman was an expert at it. The problem was that their little trip coincided with the town’s festival… which Roman needed to attend as their prince, plus, his family would be there looking for him. They had to be very careful blending in the crowd to get to the forest.
Patton wasn’t used to being handheld, it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but it was weird. Roman insisted he could get hurt in the bag, so traveling by hand it was. However, Patton hadn’t considered Roman’s body heat for his calculations. It felt nice being this close to Roman, but he knew it would hurt him to stay like that for too long. Patton just hoped Roman got his way out of town as soon as possible.
Roman kept some of his old clothes for situations where he had to blend in town, like this one. The cape he was wearing had enough mends to cover his identity, plus the hood made a very large shadow on his face. Just a little more, he could see the end of the crowd!
And a hand grabbed his cape.
Roman tried to pull back, but froze as he saw who stopped him. “Mom and dad have been looking for you”
The older prince pulled his brother away from the crowd so they wouldn’t be interrupted. “What were you thinking? Sneaking out on a day like this?”
“I know Remy, we have to be there for our people and all, but I’m helping a friend. This is the only day we could do anything!”
Remy raised an eyebrow, “a friend? Another servant from the castle?”
Roman rolled his eyes, tightening his grip around Patton instinctively. “I have friends outside the castle, you know?”
“Really? Then you won’t mind ifI meet this friend of yours right?” Remy crossed his arms.
Roman felt silent. What would Remy do if he saw Patton? Roman had been hiding him from everyone at the castle, mostly for Patton’s safety. What would the kingdom do to an aien?! He had no way of knowing! “What if I say no?”
‘Then you’ll come with me to the festival.”
That was the exact response Roman didn’t want to hear. He looked around, Remy had pulled them far enough from the town’s people, he could make a run for it. “I’m sorry Rem, but this is too important.”
Next thing he knew, Roman was running like he had never run in his life. He hoped it left Remy too shocked to react in time to stop him
Patton clenched onto Roman's shirt, they were running now? Oh this was bad… please, he just wanted to get to the forest.
Remy ran behind his brother, struggling to open his coat and get his wand out. He didn't want to use magic with his brother, but their parents would kill him if he didn't get him back to the festival. Remy had to be the example, a responsible older brother.
Roman knew he had to lose Remy, it wouldn't take much longer for him to be stopped. Just a little longer, he just had to keep running.
Remy was finally able to get a good grip on his wand. Aiming at Roman was the hard part, his brother knew how to avoid magic, and he was very good at doing it.
“We can do it Patt,” Roman whispered. He was trying to reassure both of them to be honest, just a little-
An energy surrounded his body and made him stop. Shit.
Remy finally stopped to take a breath, “damn. Since when are you this good at running?”
“Remy let me go!”
“I can't!” Remy walked closer to his brother, “what could be more important than your ceremony? You’ve been waiting years to be able to use magic and now you run away?” He stood in front of him, “this is not the Roman I know.”
Roman just glared, “maybe you don't know me well enough. What's the point of magic if the favorite prince is going to rule?”
Remy rolled his eyes, “you already knew you weren't going to rule. Is this really about that? It's not my fault that I was born first."
“If you really want to think is about that then fine, call me childish or something but let me go.”
Remy fell silent. “I don't want to force you to walk back there, are you really going to force me to?”
Patton could feel swet starting to roll down his face, he tugged on Roman's shirt. “We have to hurry…”
Roman looked down instinctively, he needed to fight Remy’s magic, but how?
Remy looked down, noticing Roman's hand. “What are you hiding?” He moved the wand around making Roman float in the air and let go of the bag, and Patton.
Patton yelped as he fell to the floor, it took him a lomento to realize what was happening. He looked up until he met Remy’s face and started pushing himself back instinctively.
“What the?” Remy crouched down and reached forward to grab Patton.
Roman could only watch, he had to do something! “Don't hurt him!”
The energy around Roman changed color to match him, and the wand on Remy’s hand was snatched by it. The wand floated towards Roman, who had gained control over his body again. He grabbed it and threw Remy away with a quick movement.
Remy was too shocked to react in time, the magic pushed him all the way to a wall. This left him too weak to do anything.
Roman watched the wand as it changed to match him as well, “woah.” He took the bag and made Patton float back to his hand before he started running again.
Patton could barely even ask what was going on, “I didn't know you could do magic!”
“I couldn't,” Roman kept running until he was sure they got lost in the forest. “It's a royal family thing, I’m old enough for my ceremony but I never expected Remy’s wand to work for me.”
Patton looked around, trying to spot a tree that would be willing to cooperate. “And what kind of stuff can you do now?”
Roman shrugged, “I have no idea. I’m supposed to be trained so I can help my people, but I think I could figure this out on my own.”
Patton gestured for Roman to let him down next to an apple tree.
Roman did and sat next to him, “are you sure you know how to do this?”
“I am, but I hope it works with your planet.” Patton placed his hands on the trunk of the tree, a soft glow started coming out of them. The light expanded to the whole tree and some apples and leaves started falling down.
Roman was amazed by this, and by how all the apples seemed to avoid falling on top of them.
Patton smiled and took his hands away, “thank you.” He stood up and looked over at Roman, “now these are stuff the planet gifts to us.”
Roman smiled and picked Patton up, “that was amazing. I wish we actually asked before taking stuff from the Earth.” He looked up, they were able to see the stars between the tree branches.
“It’s a very nice experience, you connect with nature. Olaxs know a lot about technology, but we never forget where we came from” Patton looked up as well, but not at the stars, at Roman. The star and moonlight really brought out his facial features… he looked beautiful.
Roman looked back at Patton and blushed slightly, “well, maybe you could teach me.” He instinctively petted Patton’s head with his thumb.
Patton leaned on the touch, “we can definitely try.” He giggled softly and his ears flapped rapidly.
Roman stayed silent as he pet and looked at Patton for a while, “I’ve uh, been meaning to ask you. Why do your ears move? Does it mean something? I don't really want to be rude but they’ve done it a couple of times since we met.”
Patton felt his ears flapping even more, he covered them ashamed. “Well n-no you're not rude they uh… I guess it’s an involuntary response, like when you humans get ll red I think.”
“Oh,” Roman’s blush darkened.
“Y-yeah… like that.” Patton chuckled awkwardly, “I mean if my human knowledge is correct then I guess it means I want to mate with you. If not then for us it means some sort of feelings are being generated in us but it’s not quite there yet, like one of the first stages of uh falling in love with someone, others always told me I’m supposed to understand what it means when it happens to me but then you came and you do anything and I feel this that I don't have an explanation for a-and-”
Roman placed his finger on Patton’s mouth, “sorry sorry. I just uh, I get what you mean Patt.”
Patton nodded and gently pushed the finger away, “I think ranting is another side effect…”
Roman chuckled, “that might just be you. My brain kind of takes all my words away and I become the clumsiest person ever… and maybe I should put you down before you fall…”
Patton smiled a bit and stood up, “I have the perfect spot to be then.” He walked through Roman’s arm all the way to his shoulder, then used the hem of his shirt as support to stand in front of his face.
Roman almost had a heart attack once Patton started moving like that, “h-hi…”
“Hey,” Patton glanced briefly at Roman's lips… he couldn't, could he?
Roman noticed and chuckled, “just kiss me already.”
Patton felt like he could take off at any moment with how fast his ears flapped, “y-y-you’re sure?”
Roman left a gentle kiss on Patton’s head, “I mean, maybe we should try it once you're back to my size.”
“Yeah…” Patton felt very hot, but it wasn't a bad heat like before. He didn't know how, but it felt like the coldest day he’s ever experienced, like a bunch of leaves were being blowed all around his body. He couldn't take it any longer and pressed himself against Roman’s under lip.
That definitely caught Roman by surprise, he didn't want to move and get Patton covered with saliva. It definitely felt weird but… it was the best kiss Roman had ever gotten.
Patton pulled apart and smiled brightly. Even if he couldn't get back to his planet in time, it already felt like he was home.
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Reading this fic pains me bc I know what will happen :')
Day 23 Anxceitmus
After this I’m not gonna be posting anymore days soo have this ig @sanders-spring
Ship: Anxceitmus (up to interpretation)
It was well known that none of the core sides wanted anything to do with the others. Going so far to the point where they were the “dark sides” of Thomas’ personality.
All three of them thought it was dumb but nonetheless they weren’t really able to go speak to the core sides about it.
Patton wanted nothing with Janus and Remus. For some reason, he had a softer spot for Virgil.
Roman wanted nothing from all of them. For a variety of reasons.
And they were too irrational for Logan according to the side himself.
So all they had were just the three of them together. It was just them against the small world of Thomas’ head.
“No matter what, we’ll always have each other, right?” Virgil had asked.
“Of course n-“
“Duh! We’ll always be together like the human centipede!” Remus interrupted Janus.
“That’s such a wonderful analogy Remus,” Janus replied, “But yes, we’ll always be together Virgil.”
“No of course not, why would you ever think that?” Janus lied reassuringly.
“Only Jan-ass would lie to you! Not on purpose and not all the time.”
“If you still have doubts, what if we made a vow?” Janus suggested.
“Ooh! Like wedding vows? When’s our honey moon?”
“No Remus, not like that. He means like a promise.” Virgil corrected him.
“Oh! That’s a little vanilla but okay!” Remus agreed, “But how are we gonna go do that? We’re not gonna sign some boring contract are we?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what we’ll do. But I’m not entirely sure what either.”
“Um,” Virgil interjected, “this sounds so embarrassing, but what if we did… a pinky promise?”
“That sounds like a nice idea actually, let’s not do it.”
“What about you Remus?”
“Sure!” He held up his pinky.
Janus had taken off his glove and held up his pinky as Virgil held his up as well.
The three of them locked their pinkies awkwardly as Virgil began to speak.
“Promise to never leave each other’s sides no matter what?”
“We promise.” Janus and Remus said both at once.
“And if any of us breaks this promise I’ll break whoever-broke-it’s finger!” Remus continued without Janus.
They then unlocked their pinkies. Janus put his gloves back on before speaking.
“I’m sure you’ll have to do it sometime..”
“I’m sure you won’t either.” Virgil smiled. “Now that the sentimental stuff is over, who wants to watch a movie?”
“Me! Let’s watch something raunchy!”
In the end, everything turned out fine.
Totally fine.
But that’s not a story for today.
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Dove I love them!!!!!
They look adorable!
9.Janus x Roman x Virgil – Prinxceit/ Prinxieceit/ Anaroceit 10.Logan x Patton x Remus – Intrulogicality 11.Logan x Patton x Roman – Logincality/ Moralogince
12.Logan x Patton x Virgil – Analogicality
13.Logan x Remus x Virgil – Analomus/ Intruanalogical
14.Logan x Roman x Virgil – Analogince
15.Patton x Remus x Virgil – Intrumoxiety/ Modukexiety
16.Patton x Roman x Virgil – Anaroyality
17. Janus x Logan x Patton x Remus – DLMR/ Intruloceitality/ Intrulogicaliceit/ Intrulomoceit
18.  Janus x Logan x Patton x Roman – DLMP/ Royaliloceit/ Logincaliceit/ Moraloginceit
19. Janus x Logan x Patton x Virgil – DLAM/ Analogicaliceit/ Anloceitality
20. Janus x Logan x Remus x Virgil – DLAR/ Analoceitmus/ Analodemus
21. Janus x Logan x Roman x Virgil – DLAP/ Analoginceit
22. Janus x Patton x Remus x Virgil – DAMR/ Moxceitmus/ Intruanamoceit/
23. Janus x Patton x Roman x Virgil – DAMP
24. Logan x Patton x Remus x Virgil – LAMR/ Intruanalogicality
25. Logan x Patton x Roman x Virgil – LAMP/ CALM
26. Janus x Logan x Patton x Remus x Virgil – DLAMR
27. Janus x Logan x Patton x Roman x Virgil – DLAMP
28. Janus & Logan & Patton & Remus & Roman & Virgil- DR LAMP
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@sanders-spring heres some anaroceit!
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Day 23: Anxceitmus @sanders-spring
I’ve just been informed that the day was Anxceitmus and not ANGSTceitmus
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Oh my Lord, the everything about this
Day 21: Royaliceit @sanders-spring
These are the two he chose to spend the rest of his life with
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sanders-spring · 2 years
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Day 20: Intrumoceit @sanders-spring
Underrated poly pairing. Change my mind
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Oh this was adorable. And rip the two who now have to deal with changing heights xd
Big crush, small lover
I keep being lateeeeeee but here. At this rate I'm going to finish in April ;-;
This is for day 12 of @sanders-spring Moceit
I don't think there's any content warnings, but let me know if you find any!
Janus rang the doorbell of Patton's house, waiting patiently for them to open.
It had been a long time since he saw his childhood friend, college kept both of them very busy and there was hardly any time to visit each other. But Janus knew he had to be there as soon as possible when he heard Patton had been in some kind of accident while helping their aunt at work.
Patton swore they were okay and there had only been a few side effects from the substances they were exposed to, how could Janus not worry about that?! Patton did ask him to let them know when he arrived… but Janus forgot to do it.
The door opened and Janus smiled at his friend. Patton stood speechless for a moment before smiling widely, their whole face lighting up. God, Janus really loved that smile.
Patton sqealed and threw himself to Janus’ arms before he could say anything else. “I can’t believe you're really here! I’ve missed you!”
Janus chuckled and hugged Patton back, “I’ve missed you too.” With his arms wrapped around Patton, he could noticed it was getting harded to hold them? Janus thought they were pulling apart but no, and Patton's grip on his body felt tighter too.
Patton seemed to notice too, “oh shoot.” With a quick movement they grabbed Janus’ hand and pulled him inside, closing the door behind them. “I forgot, I forgot, I forgot,” they mumbled to themselves.
Janus was quite confused now, specially looking around Patton's house. All the curtains were closed, which was weird considering how much Patton loved natural light. There were a bunch of stuff on the floor or in places where they didn't belong, like they’ve been poorly rearranged after bumping on them. And there were several stools and makeshift ladders to reach high and low places, like a kid was living here.
“You forgot about whaaaa?” Janus turned around to see Patton now on his knees, back against the ceiling, and at least twenty feet tall!
Patton chuckled awkwardly and looked down at Janus, “I uh… this is why I wanted you to know when you were here.”
Janus had to back up to actually get a full look on Patton. Something was going to get into his mouth if he didn't close it soon. “Wha… this… how?!”
“The accident at my aunt’s? This is the side effect...” Luckily, Patton's embarrassment was already making them shrink… who knew how much though… “Please don't be scared, we’re still working to understand this.”
Janus noticed the change this time, he stepped closer to Patton. “So… you just grow randomly?"
Patton shrugged, “not really. We know the change is linked to my emotions but it’s not very… consistent. The first explanation the people on the lab gave me was that I grow with positive emotions and shrink with negative ones, but I’ve shrank while being happy too.”
“So it goes the other way around too?” That would be interesting to see, Patton was always the tall one.
Patton nodded, glad his head wasn't reaching the ceiling anymore. The shrinking also stopped for now, but at least he wouldn't be as intimidating.
Janus looked up at Patton “I think this is too tall even for you”
Patton giggled, “but I’ve been dealing with short problems too… sorry I used to make fun of you for that.”
Janus shrugged, “I’d say it's your karma.” He looked at Patton’s hand… just their hand was huge! A couple of feet more and he could sit on it comfortably.
Patton shifted slightly, dropping an inch or two. They knew Janus would be confused and all… but people have been staring at them for days and they were getting tired of it, “you're not… scared, right?”
Janus looked back up, did he stare for too long? “No! Of course not Patt! You're just big and it's shocking but, you're still my Patton.”
Patton blinked and blushed. They didn't know why but Janus calling him “his” made them all shy and flustered.
Janus’ eyes shot open and he blushed darkly, he said that out loud right? He cleared his throat, “well uh… is there anything I could do to help shrink you down?”
“I don't think so…” Apparently being flustered made them shrink too. Patton should write it down somewhere for their next checkup, “Could you move closer so I can stretch my legs? I don't want to hurt you or anything.”
“Sure.” Janus got closer to Patton’s body, he felt like a child on his mother's lap.
Patton extended their legs, instinctively holding Janus against him so he could get comfortable.
Janus couldn't help but blush even darker as Patton pressed him against their body. It was weird being held like this by a giant hand… but Patton was so warm.
Patton's legs were taller than Janus on their own! He used to feel small around them but this was a whole new level! He didn't mind, sure being on the smaller side was annoying, but with Patton… he always felt so protected and cared for.
Patton noticed, “oh I-I’m sorry I didn't mean to hold you like that.” They pulled their hand away, resting it on their thigh.
Janus looked up, he couldn't see Patton's face being this close to their body though. “It's okay Patt, I uh… actually like being this close to you.”
Patton's face turned red again and they started shrinking again, at a much higher pace.
Janus let out a small yelp as he felt Patton's body practically disappear from behind him. He turned around, finding a shrunken Patton sitting on the floor. They were definitely smaller than their normal size, “d-did I cause that?”
Patton looked up, seeing Janus from this angle wasn't helping them at all. He looked so tall and handsome, those thoughts only kept Patton shrinking.
Yeah Janus was getting worried now. Could Patton shrink to nothing? What if they did? How would he grow them back?! Janus kneeled down in front of his dwindling friend, “w-what do I do to stop it?”
Patton looked down at themselves. Okay they had to calm down before they got stuck too small… again, at least Janus would be here to help this time. “I- no, this is on me I’m just being weird about stuff.”
Janus raised an eyebrow. Too weird? About what?
Patton stood up, they weren't shrinking as much as before but they were definitely still getting smaller. Ugh! They weren't prepared to deal with all his fuzzy feelings! They weren't prepared before the accident and now there was no running away from them.
Janus let out a soft sigh as Patton's shrinking seemed to stop. “Is me being here making you… uncomfortable? I could leave if you don't want me to see you like this.”
“No!” Patton didn't want him to leave! Not only because moving around at barely two feet tall wasn't the easiest thing to do, but they didn't want to be alone. “I’m not uncomfortable, not around you. It's been days since they let me be back at home, and technically I can't interact with anyone… But I want you here.”
Janus had a slight blush on his cheeks, “Patt.. ugh I don't know. I don't want you to keep changing because of me.”
Patton shook his head, “I don't care. This size thing has been a pain to deal with, I don't want it to take you away from me.”
Okay, now Janus didn't know how to feel about that. Patton has been a big crush for, Janus even forgot for how long! He kept leaving flirty comments here and yhete to grab Patton's attention but it never worked. Janus thought they didn't have any effect on them but… he could literally see they did now. Has Patton liked him back for all these years.
Patton was getting desperate at not getting a response. Janus was spacing out on his own thoughts, as if they didn't have their own to deal with already. Patton was now closer to one foot but they didn't care, they walked closer to Janus and climbed his legs.
Janus felt Patton’s small body on him and instinctively cupped his hands around them. “Here, I don't want you to hurt yourself.” He helped Patton up his lap and let them sit there.
Was this what Janus felt being against them before? Patton didn't know if he could deal with it much longer. “You do have an effect on me Jan, but not a bad one. At least I think it's not bad.”
Janus was sure Patton was now smaller than he had been to them. “Uh… I affect you? How?”
“Well, it's hard to explain but I… mmm something attracts me to you. I feel safe and loved with you, and I feel like I want to make you feel the same thing.”
“Yeah… I think that's a great way to explain it.” Janus scratched the back of his head, “listen I didn't want it to come out this way. I never imagined it would come out this way, but if it makes you feel better.” Janus took a deep breath, “I feel like that too, I’ve felt like that for so long. Being away from you has been so hard, I just want to stay by your side.”
That stopped Patton’s shrinking, it actually gave them a small growth spurt. “You really mean it?”
Janus smiled at Patton, who was now at eye level with him. “I do, and I promise I’ll be here for you.”
Patton smiled and cupped Janus’ cheek. Their hand looked so small, it only made Patton a lot more flustered. “Can I?”
Janus chuckled a bit and held the back of Patton's head, “go ahead.” This was it, it was really happening! At least if he really understood what Patton meant.
They didn't wait any longer and closed the space between them with a kiss. Patton felt like a hundred butterflies were dancing on their stomach. They could feel the heat coming from Janus’ face merge with their own heat.
Janus felt Patton getting heavier as they leaned on him. He laid down on the floor, letting them lay on top of him. Janus kept going with the kiss, only stopping once Patton grew out of reach.
Patton frowned and looked down at Janus with a chuckle, “guess I got a bit excited.”
Janus chuckled back and nodded, “that's what it looks like.”
“You look adorable when I’m bigger than you.” Patton stroked Janus’ hair as they got off of him to lay on the floor.
Janus blushed, he felt a tingling sensation running through his body but assumed it was just him being flustered. Janus watched Patton as they started growing again… only to find a confused look on his face.
Looking around, Janus realized it wasn't Patton growing. He was shrinking.
Patton sat up and picked Janus up to try and comfort him, “uh… I guess it's contagious after all. I’m so sorry Jan.”
Janus was pretty sure he wasn't even a foot tall now, confusion and fear mixed together weren't good for his situation. He sat on Patton's hand and looked up, shaking his head. “You didn't know, it's not your fault Patt… but, you did say an antidote is being made right?”
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sanders-spring · 2 years
And I'm proud of all of them too
“No, I’m actually not ok.” with Logan + any side(s) you want
Okay this took embarrassingly long- I am sorry!! I'm just a little late for @sanders-spring's prompt for Marcht 3rd, Roloceit, but thought this was a nice way to combine the two :D Turned out a little long and been at this deep into the night so, so hopefully it makes sense and hope you like it! (Also I changed the wording of the phrase a bit whoops)
Summary: Janus and Roman try their best to get Logan ready and calm in preparation for his wedding. Janus realizes he's holding onto some insecurities of his own to deal with.
Pairing: platonic Roloceit, romantic Intrulogical (mention)
Word count: 4,081
Warnings: mention of vomiting/food very briefly, past verbally abusive relationship, bullying/name-calling mention, medicine mention, not much else I think (let me know if I missed anything!)
“Beautiful, show-stopping, magnifique…”
Mimicking the voice of a fashion show host to lighten the mood, Janus marveled at Logan’s appearance in the full-length mirror of his spacious dressing room. Hands on both of Logan’s shoulders, standing behind him, he wished Logan was able to smile as contentedly at himself as his future spouse surely would soon.
Especially considering the effort both Janus and Roman put in to make their friend look his Sunday best for his big day. Logan wore a clean black suit and a gorgeous tailored dark blue tie, adorned with constellations and sea creatures reminiscent of Remus’ tattoos in green threads sewn onto it upon request. Not to stroke Roman’s ego even more, but Roman’s bold (and frankly, expensive) choice in the tie’s design was decidedly going to leave his brother with his jaw on the floor.
“...exceptional. Need I go on?” Janus widened his smile, trying and sadly failing to entice Logan to do the same. He was staring at his reflection with an intense gaze, lips a thin line, practically holding his breath. “I’m sure Roman has even bigger words of praise to share about how marvelous you look, dear. With these looks, with all the preparations you’ve done, you have nothing to worry about. Everything will be okay.”
Janus rubbed his palms over Logan’s shouldercaps, then gently placed his chin on his right shoulder and nudged his cheek against Logan’s playfully. Anything to get the nerd cracking a smile even a little bit.
“Then… Why does it feel like I’m… like none of this is actually okay? Like I’m not… ready?”
Logan let out a swift sigh, then turned away from the mirror. Janus begrudgingly let him go; if only he was as successful a charmer as Roman. What was taking him so long, anyway?
“Instead of any kind of excitement, it feels like I can hardly breathe in this suit,” Logan huffed, loosening his tie a little. “It has been so… surreal until now, or dream-like. And… now it really is happening and it is final, definitive. I can’t come back from what I did and said and what if we made the choice too soon or they were right and - ”
“Logan, sweety, listen to me.”
Janus approached him again and grabbed him by his wrist. It was practically vibrating with nerves, sweat already forming under his cuff. To his relief, he didn’t have to pull Logan towards him, as he already sought out Janus’ gaze by himself. The worry reflected in his blue pupils, now even more vibrant with the contacts he was wearing, made Janus’ heart clench.
He held onto Logan’s hand loosely, and tried to soften his smile.
“All these worries you’re feeling are natural, par for the course,” Janus nodded to him, doubt clouding over Logan’s eyes. “You both have been through some rough patches; you saw each other at your worst, if I can believe the stories.”
Logan blushed at that. He stared down at his shoes, an expression washing over him that was somewhat melancholic.
“And yet, you have fought and persevered through all of it. You have made amends, learned, adjusted, grown - the love between you two has only blossomed and let me tell you: it has even restored some of my personal brand of faith in humanity.” Janus grinned, even wider when he heard a faint chuckle coming from Logan. That was all the accomplishment he needed, really. He knew Logan long enough to know that some degree of nerves helped keep him focused and concentrated.
Logan’s shaking was worrying, though. Not that Janus could blame him. Just yesterday, he had to receive an earful from his parents, demanding he break off his engagement with Remus and never associate with any of Remus’ family or friend circle again. He had tried his best to negotiate with them, but yesterday’s shouting match had been the final straw.
Logan had denied them entry to their wedding ceremony.
Which had torn Logan’s heart in half, anyone could tell.
Thank god Remus was there to hold it together somehow, fix the seams, heal his wounds. Just like Logan had done for Remus. Literally and figuratively, Logan would say.
“Hey, tell me - do you love Remus?”
As if Janus just asked the most ridiculous question (which was kind of his intention, but that was beside the point), Logan’s head shot up and he met Janus’ gaze again.
“Of course I do,” he said with conviction, that previous waver in his eyes now vanished.
“Next question, do you wish to spend the rest of your life together?” Janus pinched Logan’s hand a bit, which Logan returned. He nodded with pursed lips.
“I do.”
“Well, there you have it.” Janus cocked his head to the side and let go of Logan’s hand, putting both his hands in his pockets again. “You know you want to marry him. It’s that pressure from outside, from some old folks who aren’t even invited to this party anymore, that are telling you that you don’t know. Or that there are things to fear. Insecurity about the future. But let me tell you a secret, sweetheart…”
Janus leaned forward, and he cupped one hand around his mouth as if to whisper him a secret. Just like they did when they were kids, Logan’s eyes began to sparkle. Janus couldn’t repress a smirk.
“...being insecure about the future is natural too.”
If only he could instill in Logan that his conviction and dedication, when all those layers of judgment from his parents and expectations and pressure were peeled away, was enough. Janus saw that it was enough, Roman had said countless times that it was enough.
Remus knew it was enough, plentiful, ‘more than he deserved’ though his brother argued otherwise.
“Listen to your heart, Logan.”
The words tasted weird in Janus’ mouth, coming from him who had resigned from engaging in romance of any kind some years ago now. And frankly, would have gladly turned down another one of these festivities confronting him with the expectations he was feeling, if it wasn't Logan's wedding.
Those epxectations of the path of life laid out before him, that he wouldn’t walk but was expected to, nonetheless.
But this wasn’t about him.
“And I know how that sounds, so poetic, coming from me,” Janus backed away and puffed his chest forward quasi-poshly, waving his hand in the air in a twirly gesture. He felt the tight sleeves of his suit wrap around his arms like plastic. Surely, something sleeveless and airy around his shoulders would have made his chest feel considerably less suffocating…
Janus shook away the thought, and gave Logan another nod. Some color had returned to his cheeks - Janus couldn’t help but place a hand on his shoulder just below his neck and give a reassuring pinch. “It’s still true,” he concluded.
“Did someone say… Prince?”
Equally naturally, the one brother of the Prince twins who was not about to be wed, poked his head through the gap of the dressing room’s door. With a clean and theatrical swing, he opened the door in full and dramatically waited a few seconds till he was sure the other two pairs of eyes in the room were pointed at him.
“Gentlemen, my, do you both look lovely!” Roman cheered, and closed the door behind him with a louder bang than necessary.
A sudden flashback to their college days overcame Janus, coming over to Roman’s for the weekly movie night, Roman gossiping with Janus about the first sparks he saw flying between Logan and his brother.
Instead of the rolled eyes he made back then, his lips curled into a gentle smile, and he approached a little closer to Roman which Logan did as well. It was this… natural magnetic pull that always seemed to bring the three of them together. A bond that Janus hoped would last forever.
Even when Logan was bound to be distracted by… a different bond.
“You better believe I was trying my best not to outshine Remus as his best man,” Roman added heartily, and tucked some loose strands of his sleekly combed, wavy hair back behind his ear. It was only then that Janus noticed the jumpsuit Roman had hung over his other arm, tucked against his chest. The silky red one, for the party later, the one that was supposed to be paired with…
Janus swallowed and felt his heart sink.
“How is Remus… doing?” Logan rubbed his elbow and titled his head a little. “Is he dressed properly? Did he not get… bothered by anyone, or..?”
“It’s all good, Lo,” Roman huffed sweetly. He walked up to him a couple steps, then reached for his head to rake his hand through Logan’s short, black hair. Janus had probably spent about 45 minutes trying to get Logan’s hair combed backwards, exactly how Roman explained it to him.
And then he went and ruffled it up anyway. “You did a good job styling it, Jan,. Just needed a few more tweaks,” Roman winked in his direction. Just in the teasing manner they’d love to do, Janus scrunched up his nose at the ‘Prince’.
“So… Remus is okay? Prepared to go, I mean?” Logan insisted. There was a pinch of urgency, that tone of worry, cracking his voice. Before Janus had reached out to comfort him, Roman slid his palm over Logan’s cheek dotingly.
“Yes, Lo, he’s okay. And believe me, he’s going to flip his lid and freak out all over again when he sees you coming out like this!”
Roman must have expected a different response, because he stood aghast for a couple seconds when Logan’s concerned gaze worsened.
“...All over again? D-Did something happen? I gave you his medication, right? If there’s anything-”
“Logan, relax. He’s all good! He’s just… a little overexcited.” A sheepish laugh escaped Roman’s throat. He softly tapped Logan’s cheek, then readjusted and pulled up his tie. “Remus is okay, promise. Have a little faith in me too, yeah? If there was anything serious going on, I would have told you.”
Logan nodded to himself, because yes, he should have faith in his friends telling him when something was amiss.
Definitely. For sure.
…Janus felt a lump in his throat as he saw Roman drape his other arm over the one holding his red jumpsuit.
“Speaking of excited…” Roman now redirected his attention to the one who would rather not receive it, as the anticipation already told him what Roman was about to mention.
“...Janus, let’s see your dress for tonight one more time! Remus handed me some accessories, that I think would go perfect with our matching look for tonight!”
“Yeah… about that.”
To avoid the nonetheless inevitable disappointed glares, Janus was the one staring at his shoes now. The shoes he was going to be wearing the rest of the night, instead of stilettos that would have obviously broken off or gotten dirty at the disgusting dance floor filled with sweating strangers and sticky booze anyway.
“I left it at home.”
The lie slipped over his tongue and melted like a deliciously baked piece of salmon. Swallowing through his narrowed throat, Janus faced Roman’s gaze. “We were in a hurry this morning, and…”
“A hurry?” Logan raised his voice in an obvious question. An oversight on Janus’ part, not to have calculated the naive, sometimes sweetly dense Logan in his immaculate excuse. “Didn’t we both arrive here fairly-”
“The point is, I didn’t take it with me. Unfortunately. So…” Janus focused on looking at the spot between Roman’s eyebrows, because both he and his brother had those puppy dog eyes that even Janus couldn’t say no to. “...I will make do with the dress shirt I’m wearing now.”
The fairly plane, golden-colored one with a few subtle decorations of flowers that matched with Roman’s red version. They had everything planned, to go for matching outfits in both their best man attire and the informal party outfits later.
If only it wasn’t for the irrational, nauseating insecurity Janus experienced when looking at himself and picturing his dress last night. Recounting the ugly comments, the nasty assumptions, the scornful looks - because it went oh so well the first time.
But now, now, no one more than some random strangers’ eyes and his trusted, supportive friends would be witnesses to this. There was no reason for Janus to be bothered this time around. So why did his insecurity decide to take a bite at him on the day when he was supposed to put in the effort to look good, for the sake of his dearest friends, people who he knew wouldn’t judge…
“That would… defeat the whole purpose.” The hurt in Roman’s voice and the disbelief in Logan’s sigh made a knot in Janus’ stomach.
This day wasn’t about him.
“Did you really not bring it? Or… did you change your mind?” Janus looked away, at his bag in the corner. In which there was not a single trace of a sleek long dress with a slit in the middle, draped in gold and decorated with a red threaded snake-like dragon. The pair of stilettos to match Roman’s and a poofy, warm scarf around his shoulder.
…A shoulder which Roman touched, careful and almost hovering over it. “I didn’t want to force you. I just thought you liked the idea, so…”
“I did, I did like it, but…”
Dammit. It wasn’t just Roman’s eyes, but his voice, too. Despite all those years, Janus was still a sucker for them. He bopped his head towards his friends again, being fully aware of every second passing by that he was selfishly making them waste on him, instead of Logan’s because today was his day.
“It’s… it’s not important, I’ll- we’ll think of something. Right now, Logan is-”
“No, Janus.” Now Logan joined Roman’s side, both staring him down - two against one. “I want you to feel at ease, too. If there is anything wrong or making you uncomfortable, please tell me.”
The moment of truth, then. Janus owed them that, at least. He folded his arms close to his chest, Roman awkwardly retracted his hand, not sure what to do with this sudden display of vulnerability. As his eyes kept shifting to the ground, Logan kept his eyes fixed on Janus. His time with Remus really did teach him a lot about how to provide someone with comfort.
Janus took a couple seconds, looking at his childhood friend who he’d spent years explaining what being friends was actually all about, and was now about to get married. Talk about surreal. He breathed out a sigh.
“I… I haven’t worn a dress, in public, in a long time. As I told you.” How pathetic, that apparently the singular memory of utter embarrassment buried so deep, could be so easily dug up by a piece of clothing. “The last time was when… With my ex. And that didn’t…”
‘Didn’t go well?’ Understatement of the century.
“Oh, Jan… I-” Roman stuttered, and waved his hands in front of him defenselessly. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed and… Did I push you while shopping? I pushed you, didn't I? Pushed that dress into your arms, when you didn’t want it and it dug up awful memories, and…”
“Roman, it’s not your fault,” Janus interjected. He’d much rather just wave this off, all he was doing with this was take time away from the one who mattered most today. “I didn’t tell you, that- that was on me.”
“I just- you looked like you were beaming,” Roman laughed sadly, maybe even desperately, knowing his perfect matching-outfits-plan was about to be ruined. “I- Okay, um, it’s fine, we can figure out something-”
“Both of you, calm down. Please.”
Ironic, it took for the one person with the most right to me stressed and nervous, to put a halt to the two of them stressing out and being nervous. Logan took a position next to both Roman and Janus, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.
“I appreciate both of your efforts to coordinate all this, since you really didn’t have to,” Logan shook his head lightly, switching his eyes from Janus to Roman. He lingered onto Janus for a little longer, which made Janus’ heart beat a couple beats faster. He’d better pay the retribution for lying just now, huh?
‘I’m sure neither me nor Roman will force you if you are uncomfortable, but… I must agree with his statement.” The smirk on Logan’s face radiated a familiar confidence, a special one only they shared, and it brushed off on Janus with such ease. “You did look radiant in that dress.”
“See? All of us think so!” Roman jumped on his feet, tossed his jumpsuit on the chair in the corner and grabbed Janus by both his hands. In his excitement, Roman pinched a little hard. But maybe that was for the best, to get Janus’ mind to focus on the now…
He met Roman’s sparkling eyes, equally lighting a small fire in him as well.
“You know Remus would never object, Virgil would be too flustered to tell you anything, and Patton will be deflecting any type of negative comment amidst a tidal wave of compliments.”
Janus chuckled, because it was accurate. He could trust the five of them to be supportive, at least. The random strangers shouldn’t matter, he knew that. And yet, that shuddering feeling was hard to shake off.
…He would have to suck it up. Be selfless, for a change. He’d set aside his nonsensical, temporary shame for the sake of -
“And don’t do it just for us, or… for me.”
There were times like this, they’d had this in their youth, when Janus and Logan were on such a similar wavelength that they could finish each other’s thoughts or read each other’s mental states purely on first instinct. As Janus held onto Roman’s hands, he answered Logan’s call by turning his head towards him.
The words lay at the tip of his tongue… if Janus was right about this, that is.
“...do it for you.”
Even though Janus knew they were coming, the words hit harder than expected and a hot pressure surfaced behind his eyes. The lump in his throat grew stronger, and as if he just knew, Logan held onto Janus’ hands a little more firmly.
“I asked you to be my best man, because you are one of, if not the most cherished friend I’ve ever had,” Logan said in a most earnest and heartfelt voice that didn’t make it any easier to store those tears for the ceremony. This wasn’t about Janus, after all.
“For you to stand here with me, as I am about to enter a new stage in life that is nerve-wrecking, terrifying, and exciting… I want you to listen to your heart like I do. And.. celebrate with me in a way in which you feel happy. Which makes me happy in return.”
Surely, Roman would whine about wanting his fair share of attention.
Surely, someone was going to come knocking and telling them they were keeping everyone waiting.
Surely, this didn’t feel at all like Janus was the one being married to.
And he would have thrown up at the idea alone, if his throat wasn’t practically glued shut as soon as Roman tightly wrapped his arms around both of Logan and Janus’ necks at once.
“I love you guys so much.”
Logan and Janus exchanged glances over Roman’s head tucked between them. Logan was the first to break into a laugh, followed by Janus who counted himself lucky to be able to hide the sob that was dangerously close to escaping.
“I thought you would… complain for lack of attention for a second there,” Janus almost croaked; perhaps because his neck was being wrapped in Roman’s strongly built arm or… because of something else.
“Not if I just… steal you both and marry you instead,” Roman sniffled, then broke away from the hug. While nevertheless keeping his arms gently wrapped around their backs. “For both the attention and financial benefits. Logan told me all about that. We’ll deal with Remus’ vengeance when he catches up to us, once we escape to the ends of the earth.”
“Roman, I doubt you would be able to go up against my fiancé, I apologize.”
“Your ‘husband’, sweety, you can call him your husband now.”
“Oh god, I just realized that makes me your brother-in-law… Oh my god, Logan! Did you realize that?! That sounds so...”
With their laughter combined, Janus hadn’t even noticed some sneaky tears slipping over his cheeks until their familiar fun was abruptly interrupted by a door opening. Roman was the first to swiftly turn around, being on high alert all morning, to meet the eyes of his niece Bella poking her head through the door.
“Roman! Remus is, eh… calling for you,” she giggled sheepishly, and Roman let out a dramatic sigh. “He’s ready to go.”
“Well,” Roman settled himself, letting go of his companions at his sides. “I suppose duty calls, friends.”
And all three of them were sent back into reality. With the inevitable fears, worries, bouts, insecurities… However natural they may be, Janus would have given everything for a wedding that didn’t leave everyone’s nerves shot by the end of it.
“Logan, good luck. I’ll see you at the altar.” Giving his final words of encouragement, Roman did his usual gesture and tucked a loose strand of hair out of Logan’s face. “You got this. And I got this… haven’t shed a tear yet, though I was close to ruining my make-up just now.”
Logan huffed, a warm grateful smile that seemed at least somewhat lifted of the doubt that was weighing him down earlier. A similar weight Janus felt pulling on his shoulders, when he caught Roman looking at him somewhat carefully.
“Janus? Are we… good? Or, I mean, given that you were obviously lying again, are we even?”
Janus scoffed. How was he expected to say no to that soft, shrill voice? Surely, Roman wasn’t entirely clueless on how to gain sympathy points.
“Yeah, we’re good, Roman,” Janus grinned, making eye contact and making sure to wipe a small drop of black eyeliner off the corner of his right eye. No tears were shed, huh?
“I think… I want to wear the dress tonight.”
Roman beamed - almost replicating the reaction he gave Janus when he first applauded him in the mirror of their dressing room when they went out to buy it.
“I’m proud of you! I bet we’re going to beat the newlyweds as Wedding King and Queen on the dance floor later,” Roman smiled at him with that wide, almost goofy grin that Janus always loved to poke fun at. But trying as he might, those puppy eyes had him beat again.
As Roman waved them goodbye and closed the door behind him, Logan and Janus stood side to side simply staring at the door for a while. The door they would soon have to walk through to make this surreal dream a reality.
“Remus does that same look, did you know that?” Logan smirked, which got him an eyebrow raise from Janus. “Roman taught him, apparently.”
“Oh? Twins sharing the same mannerisms? Who would have thought.”
Janus chuckled in spite of his nerves, in spite of whatever knot was still in his stomach, in spite of the intrusive insults from the past just faintly scratching at the back of his mind. In an effort to ignore them, for both his sake and Logan’s, he held up his left arm next to him.
“Shall we go out there?”
Before Janus had finished his sentence, Logan had locked his arm with Janus and tucked closer towards him. Perhaps this would be how Roman felt, giving his brother away at the altar.
No, Janus shook his head. He was saving any potential tears, must he succumb to such frivolous emotions at lousy ceremonies like these, for the actual ceremony where he could hide them among other sobbing silhouettes.
Logan tightened his grip around Janus’ arm, beckoning his attention, then nodded. Confidently, or confident enough. Still nervous, but excited. The least Janus could do was return it.
Return the gesture of admitting your insecurities and persevering nonetheless. Regardless it was for the sake of something so overwhelmingly romantic like ‘true love’ or rather a sign of mutual trust, respect and support.
Janus was proud of him… of Roman, Remus, naturally himself. For sticking together through all of it.
“I’m ready,” Logan reassured him in closing, then let Janus lead him out the door.
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sanders-spring · 2 years
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I love them!!!!!!
Look at their faces and the shading!!!!!!!! 2.Janus x Logan x Remus – Intruloceit
3.Janus x Logan x Roman – Roloceit/ Loroceit/ Loginceit
4.Janus x Logan x Virgil – Analoceit
5.Janus x Patton x Remus – Deintruality/ Intrumoceit/ Modukeceit
6.Janus x Patton x Roman – Romoceit/ Royaliceit/ Moroceit
7.Janus x Patton x Virgil – Moxceit/ Anamoceit
8.Janus x Remus x Virgil – Anxceitmus
9.Janus x Roman x Virgil – Prinxceit/ Prinxieceit/ Anaroceit
10.Logan x Patton x Remus – Intrulogicality
11.Logan x Patton x Roman – Logincality/ Moralogince
12.Logan x Patton x Virgil – Analogicality
13.Logan x Remus x Virgil – Analomus/ Intruanalogical
14.Logan x Roman x Virgil – Analogince
15.Patton x Remus x Virgil – Intrumoxiety/ Modukexiety
16.Patton x Roman x Virgil – Anaroyality
17. Janus x Logan x Patton x Remus – DLMR/ Intruloceitality/ Intrulogicaliceit/ Intrulomoceit
18.  Janus x Logan x Patton x Roman – DLMP/ Royaliloceit/ Logincaliceit/ Moraloginceit
19. Janus x Logan x Patton x Virgil – DLAM/ Analogicaliceit/ Anloceitality
20. Janus x Logan x Remus x Virgil – DLAR/ Analoceitmus/ Analodemus
21. Janus x Logan x Roman x Virgil – DLAP/ Analoginceit
22. Janus x Patton x Remus x Virgil – DAMR/ Moxceitmus/ Intruanamoceit/
23. Janus x Patton x Roman x Virgil – DAMP
24. Logan x Patton x Remus x Virgil – LAMR/ Intruanalogicality
25. Logan x Patton x Roman x Virgil – LAMP/ CALM
26. Janus x Logan x Patton x Remus x Virgil – DLAMR
27. Janus x Logan x Patton x Roman x Virgil – DLAMP
28. Janus & Logan & Patton & Remus & Roman & Virgil- DR LAMP
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I drew the boys for @sanders-spring‘s intruloceit day! God, I love them.
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sanders-spring · 2 years
I'm not crying. You're crying!
But seriously oml, this gave me so many feels
Day 15 Logince
I had this brewing in my drafts @sanders-spring
A songfic of this song
Warnings: Angst, Robophobia(????)
Could be interpreted as a Human AU
Roman was in love with Logan. He would always look forward to the dates with him. He loved the way he would ramble on about something smart and nerdy. He loved how eccentric his boyfriend could be at times.
But only recently, Logan had been spending more time in his room. Roman was starting to get worried. Had something happened? Every time Logan had left his room he seemed more tired. Roman knew Logan had lots of responsibilities, but he’d never seen Logan this tired.
Roman wasn’t going to wait for an answer though. Whatever is happening with Logan he will help him through it! No matter what!
It was ‘no matter what’, until Roman had entered Logan’s room to see the sight that greeted him.
Oh, my love, what madness can this be?
Roman saw Logan turn to look at him. Logan’s chest instead of flesh had been a metal compartment that held a false heart.
In your place a monster I do see.
“Is that you..?”
Upon closer inspection, it seemed that Logan’s entire body was composed of metal. Flesh-colored paint and foundation chipped away to reveal a silver metallic sheen. One so inhuman that Roman had no idea how he’d never noticed.
I only hoped to understand this work that drains you so.
“I only wanted to check in on you..”
He couldn’t believe it, he didn’t want to but the facts were right there.
But I find this metal demon, spinning falsehoods into gold.
“Instead, I find out what you truly are.. an unfeeling robot.”
Roman felt betrayed. Was their entire relationship a lie?
Oh, my love, what madness can this be?
“Why did you come here?” Logan asked monotonously. Or at least it seemed that way to Roman. There was a twinge of sadness in there, but what could a robot truly feel?
In your place a monster I do see.
(I warned you not to look.)
“I thought I told you not to look.” Logan looked away from Roman. Logan paused before continuing.
“You don't understand, I had to keep my nature secret.” Logan attempted to explain.
“This was never planned, you were never meant to know.”
There was a long pause as Roman tried to comprehend what he had found out.
Oh my love, what madness can this be?
“How long did you hide this from me?” Roman asked, although he already knew the answer.
“My love..”
In your place a monster I do see.
“Don’t ‘my love’ me you metallic beast!” Roman shouted.
(I only meant to please.)
“I only wanted to make you happy.”
All this time, I've lived with your deceit.
“You’ve lied to me the entire time! If you really wanted to make me happy you’d be truthful!” Roman couldn’t believe the gall Logan had for a robot.
(I meant no deceit.)
“I never wanted to deceive you.”
Oh my love, we know this cannot be.
“That’s a lie and you know it!”
(My love, this cannot be.)
Logan remained silent. If robots could’ve had a conscience maybe Logan would’ve feel guilt Roman decided.
Oh my love, what madness can this be?
“How could’ve you hid this from me Logan?” Tears threatened to spill out of Roman’s eyes at this point.
(My love.)
Logan continued to be silent, even then he refused to look at Roman.
In your place a monster I do see.
“You’re a monster in more ways than one..”
(I only meant to please.)
Logan still refused to answer.
All this time, I've lived with your deceit.
“You played with my feelings and for what?!”
(I meant no deceit.)
“I really do love you Roman.” Logan finally responded.
Oh, my love, we know this cannot be.
“If you really did maybe you wouldn’t have tricked me!” Tears finally spilled out of Roman’s eyes.
(My love, this cannot be.)
Before Logan could even form an answer Roman left and slammed the door behind him. Logan finally turned his head back to the closed door.
Oh, my love, what madness can this be?
Faux tears ran down Logan’s face. He didn’t know how he felt. All he knew was that it hurt. He wasn’t even aware he could feel a pang in his artificial heart.
(My love.)
Roman sat outside Logan’s door, his back against the wall. Even after everything he figured out he still loved the damn metal monster. But he knew that Logan didn’t love him back, not truly.
In your place a monster I do see.
Logan understood why Roman felt that way, but nonetheless it still hurt. It hurt for Roman to just suddenly hate him now. Because even though his emotions may be artificial to Roman, they were so very real for Logan.
(I only meant to please.)
Roman felt all his efforts for Logan were all in vain. After all, there was no way he’d ever be genuinely impressed. Maybe his friends were right, he fell in love too easily.
All this time, I've lived with your deceit.
Logan wished Roman took the time to understand. It was getting harder to ignore the small notion that maybe Roman never even loved him.
(I meant no deceit.)
Too bad Roman didn’t fall out of love as easily. He still wanted to be with Logan, but there’d be no way it’d work.
“Oh, my love, we know this cannot be.”
“My love, this cannot be.”
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sanders-spring · 2 years
1.Janus x Logan x Patton – Loceitality/ Logicaliceit/ Lomoceit
2.Janus x Logan x Remus – Intruloceit
3.Janus x Logan x Roman – Roloceit/ Loroceit/ Loginceit
4.Janus x Logan x Virgil – Analoceit 
5.Janus x Patton x Remus – Deintruality/ Intrumoceit/ Modukeceit
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//So, you wanna talk about it?//
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sanders-spring · 2 years
I am hearing you loud and clear OP
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Day 14: Royality @sanders-spring
Hear me out. T H E M <3
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Oh this is adorable. I love how głowy they look.
Day 12 Moceit
Didn’t have the energy for anything yesterday but I did have it today!! @sanders-spring
More art!! It’s in my Mechs AU I have yet to work on haha
Ship: Moceit (up to interpretation)
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sanders-spring · 2 years
Oh that was adorable!!!! I glad they managed to reconnect!!!
Virgil and Janus
Hellooooo, I keep being more and more late! So I decided I'm not going to do all the ships like I originally wanted to, which means I disappointed myself but I'm still going to do most of them!
So this is for day eight of @sanders-spring Anxceit
And also part two of 8.-Fortune from my October prompt list!
I just noticed they're both no.8, that was not planned. Anyways enjoy!
AN: when the letters are like this, it means that Janus is lying. Except for the fortune cookie phrases.
Virgil didn't feel comfortable on his bed anymore, he really needed to ask Roman for a new mattress. He moved around trying to get back to sleep… When had he eaten something in bed? It felt like it was covered in crumbs.
Groaning, he decided to take a look for himself. Virgil reached to the side to turn on his bedside lamp, only to find… more crumbly bed? Okay no time to open his eyes now.
That was when Virgil realized this wasn't his bed, or his room. He was laying down on a bunch of dirt, in what seemed to be a tunnel. Time to freak out, “uh… hello?!”
“Virgil?” Someone replied and the anxious side groaned as he recognized the voice.
“Great! We’re stuck together now!” Virgil stood up, at least Janus wasn't in the same tunnel as him, which maybe wasn't as good as Virgil thought.
Janus huffed, “I’m glad to hear you too.” He looked around, “we should start walking if we want to get out of here.
Virgil reached into his pocket to grab his phone, which luckily was actually there. “Now you won’t make fun of me for sleeping with my phone,” he didn't have any service but the flashlight would come in handy.
“Well at least do something useful and lead the way.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, “I have no way of knowing your tunnel is the same as mine but sure, follow my voice I guess.”
They walked for what seemed like hours, “uh… this is a dead end.”
“Same on my side.” Janus looked around examining the walls. He looked down and spotted the drawing of a hand. Kneeling down, he pressed it and a scuttle opened above him, way too high to reach. “I found something.”
The ground below Virgil started to rise up, “what the hell?!”
Virgil’s sudden reaction made Janus let go of the button, which closed the exit. “Are you okay?”
Virgil sighed relieved as the ground went back to normal, “whatever you did almost squashed me against the ceiling!”
Janus hummed, “is there some sort of handprint over there on your side?”
“There is, why?”
“That opened an exit on my side and raised you on yours. Maybe the one on your side can do the same and we’ll both get out.”
Virgil kneeled down, “how do I know you won’t jump out and leave me?”
Janus huffed, “I shouldn’t be the one worried of you leaving me.”
“And here we go again.”
“Oh please, it’s not like you started it.” Janus sighed, “it’s the only shot we have to get out of here. Either we trust each other or stay here forever.”
Virgil groaned and mumbled to himself, “...count of three then?”
“Yes, one.”
“Three” Both of them pressed the button and Janus’ theory was correct, they were raising up to an open exit.
The platform they were in eventually reached the top, giving Janus and Virgil a clearer version of the place they were in, and of each other.
Virgil half waved at him, “hey.”
Janus didn't reply and just focused on the huge three behind them, “this is Remus’ side of the imagination.” He looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars that decorated it.
Virgil frowned slightly at the lack of reply but took a look at the three either way, “oh.” Yeah, he knew exactly where this was too.
Some chatting could be heard from the other side, maybe they weren't alone like they thought and the others were here too.
They looked at each other and silently agreed to go take a look. Each of them walked around opposite sides of the tree, only to find younger versions of themselves sitting on the other side.
Virgil sighed, “what is this supposed to be?”
Janus kneeled down next to younger Virgil, both past sides unbothered by their presence. He tried to grab anxiety’s attention by tapping his shoulder but his hand went through, “these aren’t like some sort of illusion or projection of ourselves.”
“Careful where you put your hands on younger me.” Virgil sat next to younger Janus, “this is clearly a memory Jan.”
Janus hadn't made the connection, but Virgil was right. This was only days before Virgil's first interaction with the light sides, days before he left.
This wasn't a special conversation or anything, maybe it was a special moment because this was the last time they were here together. Remus promised to leave this part of the imagination just for them, no one could bother them here unless they wanted them to.
Virgil looked down at their former version’s intertwined hands. He used to doodle little hearts and stars on Janus’ hands, but he didn't even see him without his gloves anymore.
Janus was more focused on the younger side’s faces. They were smiling, and a slight blush could be seen on the human side of deceit’s face. When was the last time he saw Virgil smiling?.. no, when was the last time he made Virgil smile?
“It was easier back then. Dark sides on the dark side, light sides on the light side… and to think we’re dating each other now. I’m sure anxiety over here wouldn't have agreed to that.” Virgil laid down on the grass, looking at the stars between the leaves of the three.
Janus laid next to him, “Anxiety over there though he only wanted to date one person.”
Virgil didn't look over at Janus, but he knew exactly who he was talking about.
Love can last a lifetime, if you let it
The words of that freaking fortune cookie resonated in his head. Virgil may be dating the others but… was he ready to make amends with Janus?
“I know we haven't been avoiding this, only Remus knows about our past relationship. I get it if you want to keep it platonic.”
You treasure what you lost the most
“But I don’t.” Janus looked over at his ex, “I’ve missed you. As cheesy as it sounds, my heart is not complete without you, no matter how many partners I have.” Virgil had to feel the same… Janus wasn't sure why but this felt like the right moment to open up about his feelings. He couldn't keep pretending that feeling of jealousy when he saw the other sides with Virgil didn't exist, he wanted that. Just like the old times.
Virgil finally looked at Janus, “that did sound very cheesy coming from you.” Not like he could blame him, everyone in the mindscape had become a lot more romantic with the current events. “But… I don't know, being a light side wasn't easy at first. I felt like I needed you there with me, but what if going back was getting rid of everything I had already achieved? It felt like it was, so I never went back… and it may have been a mistake.”
Janus didn't say anything else, he just took the tip of his glove and slowly took it off, revealing a bunch of star and heart doodles. “I know what you're going to say, I have been washing my hands. I just like to redo them now and then so they don't fade, and the gloves help with that too.”
Virgil took Janus’ hands and looked at the drawings, he stroked them gently with his fingers. “I thought the gloves were another way of keeping me out.”
“Oh Virgil,” Janus cupped the anxious side’s cheek with his free hand, “I never wanted to keep you out. I was trying to preserve our memories, the Virgil I used to know.
Virgil smiled softly, “he’s still here Janus. He’s just… better? With himself, with his role in Thomas's life, and, maybe at receiving love from others.” He gave Janus’ hand a squeeze, “we can try again. Not just to keep harmony with the polycule thing, but for us. I just want to keep it slow.”
Janus nodded, “and I respect that.”
It wouldn't take long for both sides to fall asleep, cuddling each other under the stars. Only to wake up in their own rooms, with their fortune cookie’s paper gently set on the pillow.
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sanders-spring · 2 years
I love them your honor!
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Day 12: Moceit @sanders-spring
Husbands your honor!
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