Writing but make it social?
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I signed up to go to a writing group this weekend! I am not sure what to expect - I haven’t been to something like this since the writing workshops I went to in high school. When people ask me what kind of writer I am, I’m not sure what to say. Most of my recent writing has been here on Tumblr - but in the past I’ve written poetry, fiction, non-fiction, occasional Word doc rants here and there...basically I’ve been writing since Clippy, iykyk. But overall I hope it’s enjoyable, they promised hot coffee and a mix of social/silent writing time so that sounds dreamy enough to get me started! More updates to come 
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Thomas Hoepker - New Mexico
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Sunday mornings: the smell of fresh bread, a stray string of sunlight in a cafe, the low sound of plates and cups clinking together, cobblestones underfoot, every type of flower at the market, and no plans are the best plans
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Currently listening 🎧
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I got a new writing gig! I’m doing reporting for an F1 blog - it’s different than my usual nonfiction or poetry writing, but it’ll be fun. The goal was to find something that gets me writing outside of work too, since I was sports journalist for 3 years back in college, this will be an easy way to stick with it! I’ll share my articles here when they’re published.
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the only thing more embarrassing than cringy poetry is being so afraid of feeling embarrassed that you don't even try to make anything at all
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🎧 Morning mood 🎧
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May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears
Nelson Mandela
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1 Second a Day
I started a new project where I’m recording one moment a day for the entire year - considering I’m getting married, looking for a new house, and have a couple trips planned, I think this is an awesome year to get started. My fiance even started his own project - it’ll be cool to compare what was most important or interesting to us at the end of the year, see what we got up to and share it with family. 
As someone who’s not very inclined to post on socials, this is a huge step for me! I like that I get to eventually share it, but don’t feel the pressure to record something then immediately post it afterwards. On top of that, using video is an entirely new form of creativity for me - I’ve always been the *writer*, but this year I’ll get to capture my favorite moments in a new way. 
Updates to come! 
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14 writing tips from none other than Stephen King
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“You become a writer by writing. There is no other way. So do it. Do it more. Do it again. Do it better. Fail. Fail better.”
— Margaret Atwood
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This is worth a read - as someone who’s always struggled to be “a good texter”, this article offers a different perspective where you can give yourself grace for not responding to things quickly or feeling burnt out by being socially engaged 24/7. It’s hard to not feel guilty, especially when the people in our lives express disappointment with the amount we connect with them or how often we’re in touch. I think that’s because everyone has a different (largely unexpressed) expectation for what’s acceptable, but it’s also uncomfortable to set up boundaries without feeling like you’re telling someone “Sorry, don’t wanna talk”. When in reality that’s rarely the case. Maybe it’s possible to want to talk, but not right away. And it’s possible to have a good relationship, but not talk all the time. Or it’s possible to be connected with certain people on text and video but not social media, etc. It’s ok to be available on your own terms, and the first step to that might be defining those terms and sharing them with the people you love.
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man sometimes being a writer is like 
the written word is so beautiful and powerful and my ability to utilize it is a gift that I am so grateful to have, I’m going to sit down and write ten entire pages 
and then other days it’s like
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The Best $9 I’ve Ever Spent - An Unlimited Coffee Subscription
This is inspired by the Vox Column, Best Money
When I got locked into a parking garage at the metro station, I realized I was broke. I didn’t have $20, I didn’t have $10, and, I didn’t have $5. I didn’t have jack shit. There was only one person I felt like I could call without being embarrassed – so my brother left his office 20 miles away just to come swipe his debit card, lift the gate, and bail me out. He was a few years older than me and a little more settled into his post-graduate life, but our career journeys crossed often.
When we were between jobs, we’d meet up over coffee.
When we had some time to kill before going out for the night, we’d brew up a cup of the good stuff.
When we wanted to complain about the jobs that we literally applied for, we’d commiserate over cold brews.
It was in that first phase that we really developed our routine. We’d leave the house together around 10 am, and drive through town to hit the highway, stopping wherever we were feeling that day. Whose coffee club had the best selection, who’d already released their holiday blend? The specifics were important because even though we both didn’t have a lot to work with, we never settled when it came to which shop we were feeling that day.
When Glassdoor and Indeed became the new endless scroll, it was time to try a new blend. Even if it was $4-$5 a day we’d spend - likely the only $4-$5 dollars we could expend -  it was a line in the budget.
Fast-forward to this year, my brother and I now live on opposite sides of the country. We’re both satisfactorily employed, and enjoying some of the comforts that come with a steady paycheck, but most of all I think we’re both grateful that work doesn't feel like the center of our lives anymore.
He and his wife have a new baby, I met the love of my life and we're planning the wedding of the century - there will be a coffee bar, of course. We have more to protect now. When we’re young and just out of college, it’s easy to pull out the measuring stick and talk about who has the biggest salary, or who has the most certifications, or whose life seems like it’s the most “together”. And we still do talk about those things sometimes; even though he can’t come bail me out of the parking garage now, we can – and do – still FaceTime from our respective neighborhood roasteries.
For me, now that my savings are getting tight again, it’s the place that can give me unlimited coffee for $9. It’s not the best latte of my life, or a transcendental experience with slow-motion shots of fluffy, frothed milk swirling into a glass from Anthropologie, but I was looking for an endless pour and god dammit, I got it. Besides, we have lots more to talk about, always with a cup in hand, filled to the brim.  
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How it feels to read a really good fic and find the author has dozens more like it 
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