silverloreleysfanfics · 4 months
I liiiveeee!
Well, I wasn't truly gone, but this fic is finally updated.
Thank you all for your patience if you waited for it, and a warm welcome to the ones who will give it a first chance.
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silverloreleysfanfics · 6 months
This fic became my Christmastime story, which is fitting, given the fandom (and also because there is no more Fantaghirò if not the one I make myself), but also a pain because, at this rate, it'll take me, like, 6 more years to complete it.
Oh, well, may this be evidence of my perseverance.
Happy holidays!
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silverloreleysfanfics · 7 months
Mal and Carlos had shame and guilt at being the kids of the wrong kind of men, men who couldn't keep their places in their homes and had to leave, shame for their tainted bloodline, guilt nothing they could do could erase. The wishful "what if?" of the idea a cowardly father could have stayed and the frustration it didn't happen.
Evie was sad, more than anything, with the little shred of doubt in her heart she had not been enough to keep her father there, that she somehow allowed her mother to drive him away. If she had been prettier, if she had been more lovely, if she had been a quicker learner, maybe he would have stayed and braved the loneliness with them in their years of exile.
Jay had resentment, pent-up rage for no other reason than hating to not know, because Jafar had forbidden any word of Jay's mother, and Jafar's rules were enforced with an iron fist. And envy, too, because whoever his mother was, she didn't have to put up with Jafar anymore.
It was he who chose to take the first, reckless, step.
Or: the VKs need to find their other relatives if they don't want to end up with perfect strangers for the holidays. They're bound to find out more than they hoped for - or wished to.
This fic works as a frame for the series in which I want to explore the matter of the other parents of the Core 4 (and possibly some others, but just those ones will give me a lot of work).
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silverloreleysfanfics · 7 months
A little what if, based on my theory from when I watched the show the first time. It's unrelated to my main series, but it was stuck into my head so I turned it into a one-shot.
Li Susu said their past was a dream they both had to forget, that their love was gone, that she wanted to learn the Heartless Dao to ascend to godhood and fight the Devil God, that such was her wish and fate. "Fine," thought Tantai Jin, "if that's the way I can stay in your life, this is what you'll have" He left the Immortal Sects and discarded the fleeting identity of Cang Jiumin, not without having recovered what was rightfully his, the Bone-Refining Seal, which joined the God-Slaughtering Crossbow in his chest. Months later, he recovered the Sky-Slashing Sword too, along with his faithful lieutenants. The only piece missing from the original Devil God's inheritance was the Evil Bone, but not many knew of that and that wasn't an issue. He'd nevertheless play the part Li Susu pushed him onto, he'd be the villain to her hero. The Phoenix Goddess with an Evil Bone, the Devil God with a heart full of love. The All-in-Distress Way wasn't the only thing that could turn the world upside-down.
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silverloreleysfanfics · 7 months
EEEEEEEEEEEEP TO JING WE GO! ✈️ 🛩 🛬 Have a good rest of your year (and Holiday season if you have any festivities you partake of)-- be well :D
Thank you!
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silverloreleysfanfics · 8 months
I haven't abandoned this story. I just put it on the back burner for now. The story is just on a small vacation. It is currently out of office. It can't come to the phone right now. It just fell under my bed to sleep with the monsters. It never left my head. It is everywhere - except on paper.
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silverloreleysfanfics · 9 months
I probably laughed way hard but the end of act 9 was great! Moon Family Suprem(acy) XD
Lol, nice to know, I liked writing that bit entirely too much, a bit of lightness was needed I guess. ;)
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silverloreleysfanfics · 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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silverloreleysfanfics · 10 months
Read the latest chapter! I'm really trying to figure out what that unused plot point be.. I feel like when you get there my mind will be blown. I have to commend you because genuinely still on this ride and invested in the crossover! Can't wait for everything to play out with the semi canon compliance and divergence and seeing what is explored and how everything is navigated. Basically this reader is very intrigued by the writer's mind. Love it!
Ooh, thank you!
Honestly, I wasn't expecting me to be still writing this so constantly, lol
I'm having lots of fun and I'm glad others are enjoying it with me.
Hint about the unused plot point: in the first episodes some secondary characters talk about doing something that eventually doesn't happen.
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silverloreleysfanfics · 11 months
WIP part 10
(I think it's n 10, but I'm not sure. Anyway, this is a new bit)
@26ja I said I wanted to post a new chapter since the last one came in December, but I'm stuck with a bit, so here's a snippet for you from a later section.
I know you are a bit wary about the concept of children of main characters appearing in sequels/fics, so I hope you'll like this anyway.
Fantaghirò was lost in contemplation of the sight in front of her eyes: her husband and son, sleeping peacefully, the boy curled in his father's side with his back to her after tossing a lot of times in his restless sleep. She had no will to sleep herself, wanting to commit that image to memory, so many times she had dreamt of if she couldn't quite believe it was real, that she could touch them if she just stretched her hand. «You're staring» Romualdo sleepily reprimanded, eyes half-lidded. «How could I not? I missed you so much» she whispered back. «I miss you too» was the immediate reply, followed by a sad: «But you are just a dream...» She caught a tear rolling down his cheek in the moonlight and didn't resist the urge to wipe it «I am no dream. I'll be still here in the morning» she assured. Romualdo fell asleep again, more serene than before, the only thing that gave her a bit of solace. She lay on her back, looking at the chipped decor of the ceiling, trying to will herself to rest. «Did you really miss us?» a tiny voice asked. She sat up, surprised by Rinaldo's question and the way he sounded fully awake, despite still being in the same sleeping position as earlier. She leaned on her side and whispered back: «Of course I did. Every single day, every minute, even» «Then why you didn't come back?» he was so serious, too much for a seven-years-old boy «Is it my fault? You didn't want me?» he curled on himself further, his little shoulders shaking, and he wasn't looking her way. She got closer, to find out her son was silently crying. Just how long had he held those questions in his heart? How long did they hurt within him, birthing feelings he couldn't name? Gently, she took him in her arms, not minding how heavy he was. She half-expected him to protest and fuss, but he didn't, waiting for her answer, soaking in the warmth he missed his whole life long. «Rin, I wanted you more than anything in the world» she whispered «Since the moment I found you existed, and every moment after, I loved you more and more. It broke my heart being unable to come back to you...» «I don't believe it. Aunt Carolina said you are the strongest and bravest, and you didn't come back...» «Sometimes the best of our efforts aren't enough» she admitted, carding a hand in his curls «Some times we have to try and try again for a very long time before we can reach our goals. But I promise: I never stopped trying. I always, always wanted to come back to you» she felt her own eyes getting moist and she hugged him tighter, hiding her face in his hair «I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you before. I never meant to leave you behind» «Is it because you didn't have a mom too?» «Who told you a thing like that?» «Some people in the castle. They said you weren't ready to be a mom because yours died and you didn't know what to do...» «That's something only people who don't know me can say» she interrupted quietly «If anything, I wanted to be a good mom to you because I didn't have one, to give you everything I didn't have. I'll never stop being sorry I didn't manage, I love you so much and wanted to give you all I could. I still want this and I promise you I'll do all I can from now on» The boy curled further in her embrace «You won't leave me again, right? And dad, he was sad too» «Not as far as I'll be able to prevent it» she affirmed «Rin, leaving you wasn't my choice at all. I was taken away by people who needed me but couldn't send me home again after. I've been looking for a way back this whole time and now I have it. You won't lose me, as long as I can, I'll be there for you» «Okay. I believe you, mom» She almost started to cry all over again at the simple word. Instead, she kissed his head and held him close until he fell asleep again.
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Five tales Tantai Jin is told by his adoptive family - five lessons he's taught - and one he tells them.
Or: five one-shots to explore the time skip between Act 1 and Act 2 of the main fic, plus one set during the Jing arc.
All my LBFAD/TTEOTM fics are now in a series: Entrust the Long Moon! (Title from one of the TTEOTM ost because I'm terrible with titles)
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You gonna get sick of me XD 😆 I loved the update of the crossover! Can't wait for the shenanigans. It may be weird but I was moved when he knew she was at his doorstep. Could it be the pining? From both? Guess we'll find out next time on DragonBall Z (but also looking forward to the dynamic of the Supreme Fam squeeee)
Ahahah, no, I won't! I love interacting with people who enjoy my writing with such enthusiasm, feel free to message me anytime ;)
About that, I'm going to publish the first chapter of the spinoff next week.
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I'm about to post a bunch of things I wrote in the past months because I finally passed my hardest exam and I fully intend to celebrate this way.
Embers and Light was updated today.
The first chapter of The Snow Queen on the Isle of the Lost will be up after, between today and tomorrow, I think, just the time to polish it a bit.
A Descendants fanfic I had in the works for years to which the Carlos Madrigal ideas belong to will likely appear soon too.
I'm waiting for the results of the poll to establish what to do with the Quirk-y Moon series, so that update will come next week at the earliest, before the end of the month at the latest (I hope).
I want to publish another chapter of the CotGR fics, but I'm not sure if and when I'll manage (not that anyone but two people care about that LOL), or a snippet, if I can't complete a full chapter.
That should be the plan. Then we will see if I manage to actually stick to it ;P
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About DoMaH
So, today marks the 1-year hiatus of DoMaH and I feel horrible about it, but I just can’t seem to be able to put myself to work on it as the story deserves.
I have three propositions.
I publish a few snippets of what I have written (I don’t write linearly so some bits will be a lot far in the future chapters)
I put some outtakes (I currently have 2, maybe 3), aka some scenes that didn’t fit into the plot but I had almost completed before I scrapped them
I make a separate fic, restricted to Ao3 members, within the Quirk-y Moon series, where I'll put what I’ve written so far and the whole outline of the fic as I currently have planned it, knowing that 1) it could change as I’ll go on writing it; 2) it’s full of holes and half-assed ideas and 3) if I ever see any of it put somewhere else or, worse, fed to an AI to complete the fic in my stead, I’ll delete the whole thing and stop writing the series altogether. Really, I hate AIs and all they represent, if you think a calculator can write better than a person you don't deserve a person's time and efforts.
That said, here’s the poll.
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Two of the six one-shots I planned for the time-skip of Embers and Light are complete, the third is at a good point, but now I have to decide whether to write them all and publish at once, or wait until the new chapters of the main fic will be out, or just spread the two parallel.
Decisions, decisions... (and still I have no idea what to write for the fifth shot, how damn hard it is to write Xunfeng?!)
Anyway, here’s a little anticipation of the side-fic:
Five tales Tantai Jin is told by his adoptive family - five lessons he's taught - and one he tells them. Or: five one-shots to explore the time-skip between Act 1 and Act 2 of the main fic, plus one set during the Jing arc. 
"But I have to" Jin's thin voice said after a moment.
Changheng stopped in his tracks and turned "Why would you think so?" he asked.
"You won't want me if I'm not good at it" was the matter-of-fact reply.
"Why would you say that?"
"I'm not your real son, you can send me away, if you want. Even my real dad didn't want me and sent me away. If I'm good, you'll keep me"
Changheng's heart broke at that.
"What is it, Jin'er?" Xiao Lanhua asked, worried he may feel ill, or otherwise need help.
"I think... I don't want you to leave, imu" he muttered in her shoulder, so only she could hear.
She hugged him closer "I'm sad too, Jin'er, but guess what? If you're sad now, you'll be happier when we'll be back together"
"I'll be happy?" he repeated, blinking slowly, a realization making way on his small face as he moved backwards: "I can be happy!"
"Recovering my emotions was painful too, yet I wanted them. They made me weaker on the surface, stronger in truth. You don't have to fear emotions, Jinfang, they make us who we are, nurture our hearts, and help us protect the ones we care for. You'll learn how to handle them, with time, worry not"
"I'm not scared of that" Jin admitted, eyes still lost in the flame floating in front of him.
"Then of what? What happened in your nightmares?"
The child was silent for a while. Dongfang Qingcang didn't mind and waited in silence for him to open up.
"The cold voice" Jin said at last, barely a whisper.
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You said you'd want comments about the snippets for the crossover-- my comment is that I'm ready to devour whatever you give me and excited to experience the world you threaded together.
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Thank you!
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It’s you friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
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