sixofcrowys · 4 years
i know he says that he will stay because of (not important) and that he will stay bc of a crush on jasper 
just started Crooked Kingdom And....
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the fact that one of the reasons wylan says is because of jasper!!! 
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sixofcrowys · 4 years
my opinion on the six of crows cast!!!
i just want to say that i have nothing agenst any of these actors this is just my opinion and how they mach up with the characters i pictured in my head.
Kaz beker 
played by: Freddy Carter
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for me he is not the perfect actor for the role as kaz. he just dose not match the imige in my head like this  (not my art). in most fan art i have seen Kaz has a long face, sharp cheek bones, longish hair on the top with the sides and back shaved very short. 
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Freddy has the sharp cheek bones, and can defiantly do a pretty good evil/plotting/seeming face. though his face in to super long that is not a big deal, and the hair is something makeup artist can help fix. i think it is worth giving him a shot and seeing how the show turns out. 
played by : amita suman
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i personally like Amita for the role.  i always pictured Inej with a soft, kind but determand and sometimes stern face. 
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also Amita also became a lead character in  season 2 of the outpost (i dont know much about it) the character she plays in it is a fearless, determand, independent young girl who is seeking justis for the deaths of her family. many of these characteristics can also be-found in Inej. over all i realy like Amita as Inej
played by: Danielle Galligan
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i am rather indifferent on her as Nina, on the one hand she looks a lot like the fan art, but i always picture Nina different than every one else.  
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i dont know much about her as an actress but i am exited to see her as nina in the new six of crows!
Matthias Helvar
played by: Calahan Skogman
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to me there is something that dose not seem Matthias to me, but that might just be this one photo. Calahan dose have the blond hair and square head, but when looking at fan art there are multiple different themes/ideas for Matthias like long or short hair.. etc. also matthias is kinda known for having a very stern face that melts into a soup of emotions very easily. so i think he has some promise as matthias. 
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played by: kit young 
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right of the bat i am not a fan. to me kit young looks nothing like the jasper in my head or in fanart. i dont know but afert a rather long time of scroling through picture of him non show the rye, smooth tonged, ADD, bisexal shooter boy we know and love! you are intideld to your own opinion and dont have to agree with me, but it is my opinion that they could have found some one better to play jasper.
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played by: Unknown
as of right now there is no one casted to be Wylan Van Eck!! why you might ask, according to multiple articals wylan will not be joining the group until some tie after the first season. i am rather disapointed bc i live of jasper x wylan moments. because there is no one casted for the role of wylan yet i will give my preferd actor. 
at the moment i realy like the idea of max barczak as wylan. why you ask? well look at him! he has that sweet insentient but intelligent look about him!! tho they would have to die his hair read and change out actors like half way trough (bc of the hole not looking like himself thing) but still...
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 so ya i hoped injoyed that i gess... i dont know i am a disfunctional dislexic bisexual with ADHD and have not sleeped in over 24 hours... 
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