spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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preview for @ephemelody‘s sunflower zine
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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I’m still sobbing
*click for better quality*
*reblogs are appreciated*
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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We mourn. We remember.  We stand with the LGBTQ community against hate and violence.
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Love this brotp and the art!
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(just realized i never posted these here oop)
a dance au aka i miss dance and therefore i’m projecting very hard onto fictional characters [1/?]
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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Just pretend I finished this
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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An Allura
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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This week is dedicated to positive and loving Klance content. Feel free to interpret the prompts however you want, but please keep angst to a minimum because this week is all about uplifting fans and boosting our love for Klance!
There are two prompts per day – you can choose between them or incorporate both.
Tag your work with #MonthlyKlance we can reblog it!
Reblog this post to spread the word.
May 25: AU of choice / Trope of choice
May 26: Meet cute / Pining
May 27: Modern day / Historical
May 28: Moving in / Confessions
May 29: Rivals / Partners
May 30: Proposal / Wedding
May 31: Soulmates / Destiny
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
This is gorgeous!!
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Here’s a re-upload because I didn’t notice how washed out the colours ended up and it made them look way lighter than I wanted :/
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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“And we can get through this. Together.”
Shooting For the Stars (But Crashing Back Down) - @icypantherwrites
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Can’t wait!
Everyone who reblogs this will be rewarded with a lil’ chibi character based on your username and blog design.
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
in the tags put your pets name vs what you actually call your pet
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
I can’t wait to read some of your work!
Introductions! (sortof)
Hey Y’all! It’s Han- Or, as you probably know me “@Klaxces”.
So I originally started writing almost 2 years ago as a way of improving technique for upcoming exams-
Well, those exams were a year ago, I did well (100% y’all) and I haven’t really stopped writing since.
I’m making a whole different blog for it, because I want to take writng more seriusly, continue to imporve technique and finally, keep any and all imformation on my writing/AO3/etc in one place. I’ll be talking about new fic ideas, asking questions, maybe looking for beta’s really interacting with all you guys, bc your support means the universe to me.
I think that’s all I have to say for now. I’ll be posting snippets of what I’m working on real soon.
Thankyou again, I can’t wait to show you guys more of my stuff
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Yeah, after thinking about it... I think that you’re probably right with this.
I’ve watched a lot of interviews and yea.. the creators definitely have only the purest of intentions, unlike how I originally perceived it
(and it’s totally okay for you to respond. I’m just an anxious teen too!)
Long post about she ra criticism.
People criticizing she-ra don’t have very strong arguments. I just watched a nine minute video of a grown man making no new points. He’s upset about the reboot ruining his favorite character, which I can understand. But I would just ignore the reboot instead of whining about it multiple times.
This videos only other points were “she-ra looks like a boyish lesbian” and “Spinnerella is fat and farts a lot” (I wish I was joking but that’s his main argument.)
The show is here to remind people that it’s okay to not be considered “normal.” He even says in his video that it’s okay not to be normal. He claims that he thinks it’s okay to be “gay, or trans, or a tree(? He can’t even say ‘im not homophobic’ without saying something belittling other people’s identities?) as long as you aren’t infringing on anyone elses rights.”
He seems to miss his hypocrisy. Women can be muscular and masculine. They can be feminine. They can be thin. They can be heavier. They can be tall. Or Short. They can be blonde, brunettes, have dyed hair, short hair, long hair. There are women of every race and ethnicity.
Women are allowed to be different. They’re allowed to be gay, straight, bi, pan, ace, or any other sexuality. They can be trans, or gender fluid. They can have any body type. They can have any hair style. They can be any ethnicity.
That’s what this show is about. Women are beautiful. Women who have been told they can’t be strong, smart, funny or pretty? She-ra tells them they can be whatever they want. And that they deserve respect no matter who they are.
As a pan girl in highschool, this show helped me learn that it’s okay that I’m not super thin. It’s okay that I’m queer. It’s okay that I don’t look like the girls in magazines. It’s okay because I’m me, and I’m happy being me. Without messages like this, I would have never bothered helping myself when I needed it the most. I would have never worked to get myself to a healthier weight. I wouldn’t have went to therapy and helped myself with my anxiety and depression. I would have never thought I was worth love and respect.
She ra says gay rights, but more importantly, She ra says you deserve respect no matter what. She ra says it’s okay to be whoever you are, and that you are beautiful for being true to yourself. That’s the message we need the youth to get. That’s it’s okay to be you, and that you should love yourself.
But what do I know? I’m just a fat boyish lesbian who farts a lot apparently.
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
I agree that she-ra is very inclusive, and that makes it wonderful (I personally love it!), but I think in one aspect it does deserve criticism.
So, pretty much all the main characters race/skin tone was changed. Which, on its own, is great! But Adora’s skin tone remained the same. She is still white, and as the hero of the show, it kind of gives off a “white person saving a group of POC who were pretty much useless without said white person” vibe, which is really racist.
And that kinda throws me off, even though the rest of the show is awesome.
Long post about she ra criticism.
People criticizing she-ra don’t have very strong arguments. I just watched a nine minute video of a grown man making no new points. He’s upset about the reboot ruining his favorite character, which I can understand. But I would just ignore the reboot instead of whining about it multiple times.
This videos only other points were “she-ra looks like a boyish lesbian” and “Spinnerella is fat and farts a lot” (I wish I was joking but that’s his main argument.)
The show is here to remind people that it’s okay to not be considered “normal.” He even says in his video that it’s okay not to be normal. He claims that he thinks it’s okay to be “gay, or trans, or a tree(? He can’t even say ‘im not homophobic’ without saying something belittling other people’s identities?) as long as you aren’t infringing on anyone elses rights.”
He seems to miss his hypocrisy. Women can be muscular and masculine. They can be feminine. They can be thin. They can be heavier. They can be tall. Or Short. They can be blonde, brunettes, have dyed hair, short hair, long hair. There are women of every race and ethnicity.
Women are allowed to be different. They’re allowed to be gay, straight, bi, pan, ace, or any other sexuality. They can be trans, or gender fluid. They can have any body type. They can have any hair style. They can be any ethnicity.
That’s what this show is about. Women are beautiful. Women who have been told they can’t be strong, smart, funny or pretty? She-ra tells them they can be whatever they want. And that they deserve respect no matter who they are.
As a pan girl in highschool, this show helped me learn that it’s okay that I’m not super thin. It’s okay that I’m queer. It’s okay that I don’t look like the girls in magazines. It’s okay because I’m me, and I’m happy being me. Without messages like this, I would have never bothered helping myself when I needed it the most. I would have never worked to get myself to a healthier weight. I wouldn’t have went to therapy and helped myself with my anxiety and depression. I would have never thought I was worth love and respect.
She ra says gay rights, but more importantly, She ra says you deserve respect no matter what. She ra says it’s okay to be whoever you are, and that you are beautiful for being true to yourself. That’s the message we need the youth to get. That’s it’s okay to be you, and that you should love yourself.
But what do I know? I’m just a fat boyish lesbian who farts a lot apparently.
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Happy birthday! I hope you get some time to do the fun stuff
it’s my birthday and I want to spend it writing klance and watching marvel and eating cake but I guess I’ll write my thesis instead
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
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My first piece of digital art!
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