Excuse me author, but do you have a masterlist...? Love your writings :3
I would like to make one eventually but all my old writing on here is from when I was in early highschool so they’re not that good ;v; I had another admin on here that helped write but not sure if they’re dead or not!
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Hello! I only recently discovered your page and saw the activity ended long ago—but I love your work! I hope that wherever you are, you’re doing well and that you’re enjoying stardew 1.5. Much love <3
Oh my god HI!! This is so very kind! I actually just got back into Stardew and am thinking about getting this blog back up 👉🏻👈🏻
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Not the anon but I adore the way you wrote for marlon and Gil 💖💖 you really captured the voice of old men who miss doing their passion
THANK U SO MUUUUUUCH i appreciate this :’)))))
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Hey, I previously sent an ask for a chubby belly farmer for the bachelors. I'm a little confused tho. Do I have to pay for it? I'm sorry, I just dont wanna ask you to write something and then scam you out if money if you're expecting it.❤️💖
100% no you don’t have to pay for it!! commission stuff is personal, i’m not going to make you guys pay for the content on this blog! this blog will ALWAYS ALWAYS be free. the commissions are there for those interested and able to help me pay a few bills and are entirely separate from this blog, i just reblogged it here because it was getting nowhere on my main.
as for the your original request, it just got ate by tumblr!! this ask will act as the new request ;9
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do u have any hcs for marlon and gil? i love my dads, even though theres like. nothing for them in base game. gil has a whopping Two Lines of Dialogue and i cry
luv luv luv luv luuuuuv marlon and gil. the adventurer’s guild as a whole is so interesting
Marlon: a little shy, surprisingly! he spends so much time up in the mountains in the corner with only Gil… sure does love when you come to visit, though. i think after a while, once you spend more time as an Adventurer’s Guild member and clear out some of the posted monster bounties, Marlon really comes to respect you. you’re so young and brave! it reminds him of himself a little bit, when he was first adventuring. genuinely appreciates all that you do for his little town, and that you’re so willing to keep it safe from all the slimes and monster bugs and skeletons and void creatures… it’s more dangerous than most of the villagers realize, but between you and him? it’s under control. 
he goes down into the mines every so often. not as often now that you moved in, but he does like to go down with you sometimes. he definitely did when you were first starting out, and even once you’re more seasoned; makes culling the monsters a little easier with some help, ya know?
Gil: didn’t trust you a lick when you first moved in. thought Marlon was being to optimistic when he let you join the Adventurer’s Guild, definitely thought you were just gonna go and get yourself killed! but then you cleared your first bounty. THAT certainly surprised him. they’re not set to be easy! he gave you your reward and even patted your arm. the more you come in, the more liable he is to greet you! the more you prove your mettle, the more he comes to respect you and your youth. eventually begins to believe you’re the only reason this town will be able to thrive.
he’s older than Marlon for sure. and like Marlon, he used to go down into the mines all the time. probably messed up his legs down there, what with all the running around and slimes gnawing at your ankles. still gets that itch, though, the one that makes him wanna get back down there and fight. it quiets the longer you hang around though. he really comes to trust you :’)
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hey guys!!! Parsnips has run into some trouble ; v ; i'm dropping this here if anyone is interested; i've been putting in around 2-3 job applications EVERY DAY for the past couple months to no avail. any help would be IMMENSELY appreciated, but don't worry! this blog will still be free and updated as regularly as i can ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ thanks again for hanging around and chillin with me here!!! you guys mean so much to me, you have no idea ; w ;
i’m Essy, an NB lesbian who is currently out of a job!! to help with bills, i’ve opened up some slots for writing commissions! here’s my dA journal with ALLLL the information you need, but to summarize:
i’ll be doing 1,000 words for $12. payment will be entirely through my ko-fi, just comment your username when you pay! and here’s my writing blog so you can get an idea of what you’re in for! ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾
if you are interested, you can comment on my journal/note me on dA, but you can also shoot me an ask here!!!!! 
please reblog if you can!!!! thank you all so much ; w ; i love u! (●♡∀♡)(●♡∀♡)(●♡∀♡)
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"he likes when you lay your head on his chest because he worked hard to get it so toned and he just wants you to notice LMAO" nice
ALEX IS SO FUNNY his heart and his muscles are huge
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which bachelor/ettes watches anime? For the ones that do watch anime...what kind of anime do they like?
(PLEASE watch katanagatari, im begging ya’ll)
Do They Like Anime?
Abigail: yes! really likes the horror ones; her taste can range from really gorey to psychological horror (mildly off topic, but i personally imagine she’d like the games Until Dawn, Outlast, Silent Hill, and Amnesia). she also likes shounen! AND KATANAGATARI. FAVORITE: Parasyte (with a soft spot for Hell Girl, which got her into the horror genre when she was younger)
Emily: not as much as you would think, but if she spots one with a really unique art style or an extraordinarily colorful one, she’s down. FAVORITE: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Howl’s Moving Castle
Haley: not really, but probably super into idols! likes Love Live and Uta no Prince-sama. FAVORITE: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, because she loves dumb men and also Kashima
Leah: sometimes, but prefers josei manga. also greatly prefers Ghibli due to how beautiful the animation and coloring is! can’t say i blame her. FAVORITE: The Secret World of Arrietty
Maru: yeah! has an appreciation for the magical girl sub-genre for allowing hyper femininity and ass kicking to coexist. but also loves One Punch Man and Naruto! Naruto was one of those shows she and Sebastian would watch together for HOURS when they were younger. FAVORITES: Sailor Moon (the one from the 90s, made her realize she liked women), Dragon Ball (Super is her favorite because it makes her laugh until she cries), and Naruto
Penny: Ghibli ONLY. she likes how they can easily sweep her away into a more fantastical, forgiving world. she even likes the brutally sad ones like Grave of Fireflies. she will, however, make the occasional exception for some of the sweeter romance/slice of life anime. FAVORITES: Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, and Ore Monogatari!!
Alex: not really, but likes some of the more popular sports anime! watched Yuri on Ice while it was still running and felt every emotion known to humanity. tried to get into Boku no Hero Academia but couldn’t handle watching young teens get the shit beat outta them for seemingly no reason LMAO. FAVORITES: Kuroko no Basket, Eyeshield 21, and Yuri!!! on Ice
Elliott: almost exclusively prefers manga, but will watch anything by Ghibli. FAVORITES: Spirited Away and Your Name
Harvey: not really! but did watch Cells at Work when it got brought to netflix and he really liked it. FAVORITE: Cells at Work by default LOL
Sam: yes! WE ARE FIGHTING DREAMERS. super into the comedy/parody ones or just shounen. FAVORITES: Naruto, Code Lyoko (i know it’s not technically anime but leave me alone!!), and Osomatsu-san (2015 one only)
Sebastian: YES. has seen a lot of different genres but stays partial to ones that make a commentary about certain parts of society. also Naruto. FAVORITES: tie between Deadman Wonderland and Devilman Crybaby
Shane: not super into anime, but likes the Classics™ – Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha… if it was on Toonami at one point, Shane has seen it and liked it enough to follow it. a very casual fan. FAVORITES: Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist (is partial to the 2003 one, but really likes Brotherhood) and Gintama
(note: everyone likes Ghibli, some just more so than others.
also………… everyone likes the Pokémon anime, but they all have a different opinion on which series is best. but that is another post for another time.)
consider buying me a coffee! and watching Katanagatari
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Can I request for some Shane having silly conversations with his chickens?
(Shane was the first person i married... i knew i had to have him when he snuggled up to his Charlie ;w; )
Shane usually only babbles to his chickens when you're not around LMAO, he gets shy! and as much as he loves and respects you, sometimes it's nice to just talk AT something and not expect a response. and it's been him and his chickens against the world even before he met you. gotta give the man a little alone time with 'em!
naturally, one of his chores on the farm is tending to the chickens (ducks, too, if you have any). Charlie has her own little coop behind the house but she likes to wander around when it's sunny out; she'll even go and play or sit with your chickens. usually when Shane can't find Charlie it's because she's in one of your coops lol.
early in the morning, he'll grumble as he feeds all of them, especially if he had a weird dream (which he'll tell them about). he'll make comments about how the coop looks and asks them how they're doing. if they're particularly mouthy, he'll buh-bawk right back, and he does this even if you're in there with him. he also compliments their feathers... their beaks... oh, miss cinderella, your eyes are looking very shiny this morning... did you do something different with your makeup? looks great.
Shane ALSO sings to his chickens, but usually when he's herding them back into the coop at night, and he WILL attack you if you hear him. full on fireman carries your ass back into the house and suplexes you onto the couch.
like my work? i have a ko-fi! ( ◞・౪・)
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Got any headcanons of bachelors reactions to being pinned under the sleeping farmer?
(OH LMAAAAOOO the amount of times my gf tries to roll onto me in her sleep…. she’ll be completely passed out but decides she’s Not Close Enough
also im going to assume the bachelors are asleep and are woken up by the farmer mashed up against them heheh)
Alex: pretends like he’s struggling to breathe but then realizes you’re asleep so he just. passes out, too. or scrolls through his social media or watches a gridball highlight reel on his phone or, if he can reach the book on his bedside table, read. he 100% doesn’t mind having you all up on him, snuggling or otherwise ;) it makes him feel strong! he likes when you lay your head on his chest because he worked hard to get it so toned and he just wants you to notice LMAO
Elliott: he thinks its UNBEARABLY adorable. he tries to take pictures with his phone of the two of you but i have a feeling he’s not great with technology? he seems very rustic. the photos turn out blurry and his thumb is some of them and he looooooooooooooves them. his favorite one features the side of your face mashed against his chest, your head slightly pushing his chin up, AND you’re drooling. his hair is a mess in it but he can’t even be bothered when you’re that cute. it’s his laptop background AND his phone background for weeks, and you’re so embarrassed every time you see it.
Harvey: okay, so. he’s snuggling. Harvey is snuggling. he couldn’t mind any less than he already does, he’s so good with you pinning him down (sleeping or.... you know ;) ). if his arms are free, he plays with your hair and rubs down your back, but if not he’ll just settle down into the pillows and watch some mindless TV. it’s very relaxing to him. the next morning he has to stretch a little more to get the extra kinks outta his back but who cares? he LOVES it.
Sam: are you kidding me? you think this boy notices? you think this isn’t how he normally likes to sleep at night? huh??? if you aren’t completely koala’d against him as he falls asleep, the boy doesn’t SLEEP. big snuggle boy. also when he’s asleep, he’s out. he could fall out of bed and just wake up like normal on the floor, if not slightly confused. anyway, pin Sam down before bed, this has been a PSA.
Sebastian: most likely to notice/wake up when he feels you roll onto him since he’s kind of a light sleeper lmao... at first he tries to wriggle out from under you but he’s a scrawny white boy with no upper arm strength so he Allows It... only because he doesn’t want to wake you up, that’s all... the next night, though, when you’re not sleeping on top of him, he notices he’s colder... so he steals all of the blankets to make you crawl on top of him again (BUT he still teases you the next morning about how you can’t keep yourself off of him, even when you’re sleeping).
Shane: most nights, Shane wouldn’t really notice unless it gets really hot. he’s a hot sleeper and always has a leg stuck out, one sock missing, arms sprawled out, the whole shebang. if it’s wintertime, Shane LOVES hardcore snuggling. if it’s summer, you WILL stay on your side of the bed, do not so much as TOUCH your hot little hand to his arm or he will gently try to scoot you off the bed with his foot. but if he’s helped you on the farm that day, he’ll be the one pinning YOU down in his sleep. CONKED tf out.
just $3 can help me buy groceries! i love u guys
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I'm sure that nobody asked it but can we get a headcannon of the bachelors taking care of his baby (boy girl, its up to you) while the farmer is busy?
(you’re totally good! sometimes i forget u can have TWO babies though LMAO)
Alex: proud owner of one of those baby carriers/backpacks where you can hold you kids hands free. when he needs to do something, whether it’s helping you on the farm or cooking, but the kids want his attention/just need to be near him, he straps them in! one in the front and one in the back. does that “you know what’s cuter than one baby? TWO”. 
Elliott: will sit out on the porch with your kids to watch you work and also just get some fresh air. kinda narrates what you’re doing out on the farm so they know what you’re doing and what they might do one day! also reads to them so much, your kids are literally leaps and bounds ahead of most kids in terms of reading comprehension LMAO. loves it when they read to him, too.
Harvey: he’s always doing something with your kids, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is; if babies are awake, harvey is near and teaching them! he constantly has activities set up, so when they finish/get bored with one activity, he already has another one set up! your kids are always stimulated and having fun, and if they need their dad, he’s nearby. sometimes he’ll help with an activity or just let them be.
Sam: is just as energetic as your kids most days! playing with them constantly, is a big fan of educational video games and plays the games with them often. definitely has that Elmo letter game for the Nintendo 64; it was his favorite growing up and he wants to share that with his babies!!
Sebastian: also has a baby carrier but pretty much only uses it if he’s in town and doesn’t want to get out the stroller. is very big on getting the kids moving and stretching so they don’t form the bad habits he has due to his coding LOL. a big snuggler.
Shane: sometimes Shane can’t even look at his kids without tearing up (he never thought he’d have this!! he is so grateful!). when you were pregnant/finally next in line for adoption, he DEVOURED parenting book after parenting book. Shane is a cautious parent, nervous about the baby hurting themselves, but is careful about turning into a helicopter parent. likes to play wrestle with them, though! always lets them win and pretends they’ve vanquished him.
coffee keeps me going!
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Can you do an Imagine where a female farmer visits Sebastian and instead of sitting in another chair while he is coding just plops on his lap and watches? I imagine he would go from focused to “Sebastian.exe has stopped responding.” Thank you! I love your writing ^_^
(it’s been awhile, but i missed u guys and i FINALLY have some time ;w; ya’ll deserve the world)
i like to think in this scenario, the farmer and sebastian aren’t DATING dating, more like? just flirting and feeling things out? so you obviously have access to his room already, which is good since he’s always down there LOL
you knock on his door politely, had already shot him a text to let him know you were swinging by, so once he knows it’s you at the door you hop on down! Seb’s over by his computer as usual, working on some freelance coding project he was able to snag; he gives you a little wave and a small smile and you return the gesture. Seb asks how you’re doing, what you were up to that day, and you answer and ask the same of him, and then it falls into a comfortable silence.
you amuse yourself for awhile; you like the sound of Sebastian tapping away on his keyboard (it’s soothing!). but then you start getting bored.
you scoot a little closer to Seb’s computer desk, who in turn looks up at you and raises an eyebrow but smiles nonetheless. you smile back, moving around behind his chair to peek at his code from above his shoulder. you put a hand on one, to initiate contact so you doesn’t spook him. once he’s relaxed a little into your touch, you very gently begin pulling his chair out, him of course along with it.
Sebastian makes a little noise of surprise, turning his head to ask you what’s going on, but then you swing around, move his hands away from the keyboard, and slip right onto his lap! naturally, Sebastian is flustered, a little embarrassed, but his relationship with you is an easy one. he also knows you’re teasing him (if the smug little smile that’s crinkling the corner of your eye is anything to go by!) so he just gripes into the back of your shoulder a bit. mashes his nose into your back and squeezes your sides so he can hear your laugh before just giving you a light hug. 
you guys stay like that for a little while, just sitting together, some peaceful snuggling! but then Sebastian HAS to get back to his project, so with a little work, you’re flush against his chest watching as he gets back to coding.
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Is this Blog still running?
it definitely seems like it’s not, but it is!! i’ve just been slammed with overtime at work and college and car troubles and broken phones...... just life stuff!! but i’m def gonna try to give this blog a comeback because i love sdv to death and i need to get back into writing again. i’m so sorry to everyone who’s waited on this blog but i also appreciate it immensely!!
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i just wanted to thank everyone for ur support and patience!! i love u all very much !!!
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hey kids!! just wanted to remind everyone that the askbox for requests is now open >:3c
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