storyrecorder-au · 1 year
You know what's funny?
That Optimus canonically have sensitive boobies
Hopefully no one would abuse this kind of knowledge
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storyrecorder-au · 2 years
Try me with any transformers characters
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I made my own character opinion bingo so please send me some Sonic characters!
(Also you can use/repost the bingo if you want)
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storyrecorder-au · 2 years
Okay hear me out
TFA lockdown looks like he's wearing a swimsuit
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storyrecorder-au · 2 years
Now all I need is LL playing dress up with this new captain he got because that's kinda cute in disturbing way
Since the chair already have the original captain I think that LL gonna make the new one move like a puppet on strings quiet literally because hey someone needs to play in rodimus place to welcome newcomers!
🌻Something random about the sentient lost light?
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Shattered Glass Lost Light would be FREAKY. An antagonistic force to even the crew themselves. Despite them theoretically being on the “same side,” the Lost Light is still neutral, and cares more about what they themself want instead of what everyone else wants, like their good counterpart.
SG!LL would be very, very possessive over the crew, trapping everyone within their walls and forbidding anyone from leaving. If someone manages to break out by shattering a window or blowing a hole through the reinforced metal, they will transform into their root mode and grab them (which is inescapable due to their sheer size), before throwing them back into their body and sealing the exit off. Why would anyone want to leave? They all made a choice in boarding them. They wanted to be with them, and now the Lost Light will make sure it stays that way. And they’ve been so, so lonely… it’s been so long since anyone had been their company, they were practically wasting away! And now, with a whole community aboard them, they don’t ever want to go back to being a dead ship adrift through the darkness of space.
And poor Rodimus… if there’s anyone the Lost Light is hellbent on keeping, it’s him. The captain. The one who runs the little circus inside them, who keeps them entertained and happy while they travel. They’d be fine if the rest of the crew left them, if Rodimus stayed. Yes, without him, their spark would feel a little bit emptier.
Unlike the normal universe LL, who would reveal themself to the captain and be an invisible helper throughout their journey, the SG!LL wouldn’t reveal themself until a certain point in the story (think Flying Mind from TFP), after the crew had been free to leave on many occasions. Suddenly, there’d be no way to exit, and a voice would reveal itself to everyone—not just the captain. “All of you have left me too many times, I’m afraid. I simply cannot let that happen anymore.”
They’d be more of a boss to overcome. The only way to end their possessive reign would be to permanently convert them into a lifeless ship. And while the LL would do anything in their power to prevent that from happening, Rodimus and the crew eventually find a way, shutting their systems down for good.
Meanwhile, I like to think the duplicate SG! Lost Light would’ve killed everyone in a fit of rage. After their shelter, their protection was resisted for so long, they would’ve come to the ultimatum that if they can’t keep the crew, then no one can. And now everyone is dead… good. They’re at peace within them, and will never leave. Just how it should be.
The DJD receive a distress beacon in the midst of it all, and when they arrive, they’re greeted with a horrifying sight…
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storyrecorder-au · 2 years
I kinda have one:-
Okay this is pretty much embarrassing because I have this idea FOR A LONG TIME
It's basically Optimus just go ahead and says 'Fuck You' to the council because he's just so damn tired of how the system works.
He even brutally insult Sentinel because his so called 'friend' is the one who thought it's a good idea to go to the planet.He didn't even let sentinel tried to explain himself before he left,even when ultra magnus called him to get back he didn't budge and keep walking.
Safe to say he left for good.Sentinel is being questioned and possibly got expelled,or not.It's up to you which route you want to follow.
For Optimus,let's say he just disappeared for centuries and when he came back... he's one of the Decepticons,not as a high commands but one of the elite soldiers.Since he's small in Decepticons terms they kinda use him as a spy.
One of the reasons also because he knows how Autobots works.He had been in spy mission few times, pretending to be one of the Autobot because of his history with them.
Also he's the reason why so many disaster happened to the council,never mess with him or he blow the whole building.
My need for a good Face-Heel turn fic for Optimus in TFA will never be satisfied.
or Bulkhead...could use one of those ones too
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storyrecorder-au · 2 years
My YouTube channel:
It's Gacha because I can't animate shits 🙃
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storyrecorder-au · 2 years
So I made a meme...
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Don't change my mind-
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Alright,I got permission from @storyrecorder-au to borrow(?) their Vengeful Sparks AU. Go check them out for some Transformers Animated and Undertale AU content! Her other account is @nova-x-05 so be sure to give that account a visit and some love too!
Now on with the AU!
Vengeful Sparks AU
( Credits to @nova-x-05 / @storyrecorder-au for this amazing AU and once again,thank you for letting me take a try at your super fun looking AU! ^^ )
"Megatron?" A voice called. Megatron only shifted in his sleep.
"Megatron!" The warlord grumbled. What did the Autobots want now?
"MEGATRON WAKE UP!" Okay,that got him moving.
The warlord cracked open an optic. He didn't know what time it was but it definitely felt far too early to be dealing with the damn Autobots. But what greeted him as he woke up very much confused and surprised him.
"Little Prime?" The bot in question huffed as he crossed his arms across his transparent chassis.
"About time you woke up!" There was no mistaking that voice.
Getting up as quick as possible for his current state,he looked the small Prime over. He looked the same overall,but he was much duller than before with the least taken care off paintjob Megatron had ever seen. A hole was right in the middle of his chassis with energon flowing out nonstop. And he was mostly transparent and floating than not. A trail of energon dripped onto the floor from the corner of his mouth,his optics black in a way that indicated that one was offline with only a single white glowing light in both of them. Megatron had to reboot his optics a few times before he confirmed what he was seeing.
"Autobot? What happened to you?" He asked mainly out of confusion.
"Wouldn't you like to know pretty boy?" Megatron narrowed his optics. When did the Prime get this sassy?
"Yes,I would so can you answer my question Autobot?"
"I'm offline. The Council killed us," Megatron showed no response aside from a single enquiring look.
"They said we knew too much. That we would reveal their secrets and then declared us traitors to the Autobots. Even forged fake documents,meetings,files and all. So here we are,offline but still online," Optimus explained,casually spinning and twirling around before he stopped.
"And you're here because?" Megatron asked with a hum to his voice.
"We're here,because we want revenge and to achieve that,we need to bust you out. Bee!" Optimus called.
A bolt of electricity ran from the cell door,up Megatron's cell berth and hopped into his stasis cuffs. A few minor shocks and the cuffs came off,dropping to the floor. The bolt of electricity then hopped out before it did a few circles around Optimus and changed into the spirit form of Bumblebee. The yellow minibot had a similar hole through the middle of his chest with the same type of optics. His paintjob was just as scuffed and dull as Optimus' own. His right sensor horn was broken in half and both his legs were missing knee down. A good chunk of his left faceplate had been torn off as well. All missing parts had been replaced with electricity in their vague outlines.
"Well well well! If it ain't Lord Megatron the Slagmaker himself! Pleased to finally be able to meet you!" Bumblebee happily chirped.
"And what does the bug mean Autobot?"
"He means they're joining us my lord," Icy said as he disabled the forcefield to Megatron's cell.
"Blitzy! I knew you'd be just fine without me!" Bumblebee said. Blitzwing switched to Random and scooped Bumblebee in a crushing hug while cackling.
"Well,aside from me and Bumblebee there's more of us that had been killed. Allow me to introduce our little team," Optimus begun with the most relaxed tone which he hadn't used in years.
"There's me,Optimus and then there's our scout,Bumblebee. There's Ratchet,the team medic,Prowl and Jazz,our team cyberninjas and Bulkhead,our technician and engineer. Our Intelligence Officer—where's Blurr?" Optimus asked,cutting himself off before Blurr suddenly appeared on Shockwave's shoulder.
"Reporting for duty Optimus!" Blurr said with a chirpy tone.
"Thank you Blurr. Our Seeker Gesalt Twins Jetfire and Jetstorm and finally Sari,the other techno-organic known to date," Each of the team members had made a motion of their own when they had been called on.
"What were each one of you charged with to have been sentenced to the death penalty?" Shockwave asked.
"Fraternizing-with-the-enemy-turning-traitor-to-the-Autobot-Commonwealth-underage drinking-repeated-acts-of-stealing-on-many-different-levels-murder-aggravated-assault-on-the-acting-Magnus-and-more.-The-list-goes-on-and-on-really," Blurr rattled off with a far too nonchalant expression.
"Eh,some were real and others were fake. Not like it matters now," Bulkhead added.
The Decepticons looked unimpressed on the outside,but they were a little worried internally. Were—Were these Autobots okay? Were they even Autobots after everything that had happened to them?
"But before we bust you guys the heck out of here,we'd like to ask of one thing from you Megatron," Optimus spoke,turning to the warlord with a serious expression. The team followed his lead,all suddenly appearing behind him.
"Will you allow us to join the Decepticons?" There was the million shanix question.
Megatron narrowed his optics. Should he let them join his ranks? The other Decepticons looked at each other with a mildly worried look. The former Autobots did have talent from what they saw and knew. Blurr with his exceptional speed and processing power;The cyberninjas with their skills;Ratchet with all his years of experience as a medic;The list goes on for quite a good while. But at the same time,Megatron did not think the best of those who had betrayed their former fraction.
There wasn't any way to tell whether they were being true or not. Would they betray them after getting what they needed? Or were they true about it? This was what the silver warlord himself had used in so many past experiences in letting Cybertronians of their former fractions into the Decepticon rank regardless of skill or not.
But to everyone's surprise,Megatron gave the team a menacing smirk before he gave his final decision.
"Very well. Welcome to the Decepticon Cause," Optimus and his team visibly perked up with the most feral smiles anybot had seen on their faceplates before they dropped to one knee with their heads bowed.
"Reporting for duty Lord Megatron!"
Megatron smirked. This decision was definitely one of the best ones he had made.
The alarm rang out as Megatron and his officers ran down the halls. Their weapons were back with them and they had gotten a map of the quickest route to the docks with the biggest ships. The rendezvous point where their newest recruits were waiting for them. Shockwave muttered a few curses as they ran. Of course Lugnut had to trip the fragging alarm.
Megatron charged up his fusion cannon and blasted it as the door in front of them gave a loud slam as it slammed shut. Unfortunately it was no match for the power of the blast. With a forceful skid,the running Decepticons came to a stop at a three way intersection before they turned left and continued to run. Gunshots started to ring out behind them. A quick breeze passed by them before cries of fear and confusion rang out from behind them. That was Blurr then.
The breeze passed by them once more before they came face to face with some Elite Guards,but those were quickly taken care of by a pair of sharpened leaves. There was Prowl. More Elite Guards came by before Jazz casually stepped in while humming a song. Mist gathered around him and entered the unfortunate mechs' vents. They were quickly choked to death.
The rest of the escape until the entrance of the prison was smooth. But right there and then,as they finally stepped out,the Ultra Magnus himself greeted them. But an eerie laughter only surrounded them before a bolt of electricity darted through them,shocking the once more unlucky guards at a lethal voltage as they screamed while dying. An unseen force held the Magnus in place while they ran to the dock with the biggest ships.
The captured Decepticons were quick to get on the ship. Once the last of them were on board,the hangar closed and they took off. Optimus could be seen in the control chair as he typed in a specific set of coordinates before they hyperjumped through space.
As the adrenaline wore off,Megatron finally got a good look at the newest Cons. They looked so different from how they once used to,he wasn't sure many would recognize them.
While the spirits had matching holes in the middle of their chassis with similarly scuffed and dull paintjobs alongside their pitch black optics with that eerie white light,they all had injuries of various degrees.
Optimus's neck had been mangled and his finals had been ripped off in a terribly nasty way that definitely would've hurt a hundred times more than it was supposed too. His left forearm had been dented by a pair of servos bigger than the average Autobot's and a few sparks would fly from his joints,an indicator they were massively aimed at. His legs were dented almost everywhere from kicks and there were a few slashes from what could only be a sword. An energon trail came from the corner of the Prime's mouth that dripped into the hole in his chassis before it leaked onto the floor in a continuous dripping fashion.
Bumblebee had his right sensor horn half ripped off and a chunk of his faceplate around his left optic was missing. There were slashes all over his frame and anything from his knee joints down were made purely from electricity. His servos were massively scraped and so was his back,another sign he had been running away from somebot. Signs of a concussion were obvious as a huge trail of energon flowed down his neck,into the hole that threatened to rip him in half as his took up his entire chassis and plopped onto the floor.
Prowl had rust patches and random graying spots all over with a few dead leaves caught in his joints and a few of his transformation seams. Energon and water dripped from the blaster sized hole in the middle of his chassis as well as a few loose cables that stuck out at the most random of places. His visor had spiderweb cracks in one corner and looked like it was about to shatter into pieces at any given time now. There were a few slashes,but his plating was mildly warped from heat. A few leaves and a ring or two of water floating around the black and gold cyberninja,seemingly caught in a time loop since it would reset every few minutes.
Blurr was missing his legs too,but instead of just the parts from his knee joints down he was missing everything needed for a pair of legs and that had been replaced with far stronger air currents. Chrome energon flowed through his veins while his joints sparked uncontrollably at random intervals,a clear sign of mercury poisoning. Blurr would also loose his balance at the most random of times,making him slip and fall right onto his aft which he simply laughed off.
Bulkhead's servos were floating midair and the hole in the middle of his chassis was big enough to let Bumblebee climb through with no problems. Energon flowed in a steady trail from his frontal helm and down his chin guard. He was the most dented out of all the spirits yet the least injured. But the way he occasionally spat static in the middle of a sentence could only mean his voice box needed a good fix or a total brand new replacement.
Ratchet had sparking arm joints and his helm floated off his body sometimes. His chassis had the smallest hole on the front but a hole the size of a sparkcasing for a mech his size was clearly on his back. The sound of shattered sparkcasing pieces rattling around in him whenever he moved left no imagination as to what had happened to him. Slashes covered his forearms and servos,the plating hiding his magnets visibly outlined.
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Is it okay if I take my try at your Vengeful Sparks AU? I have a few ideas and headcanons of my own and your AU also looks really fun so is it okay?
Go ahead as long as you credit me! :D
Also thank you-
I'm so busy with school that I almost forgot the au still exist :'D
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Doll AU
This is random idea as a joke at first but somehow I think about this more than I should-
•So basically the Decepticons found a way to possessed a doll or something similar to it,like mannequins or puppets
•At first it's only used for emergency if their body went missing but the spark still intact and well, they're alive-
•Then they used this method to spy on the Autobots,or some of them just being a jerk to scares some Autobots in the middle of the night-
•When Megatron got stranded on Earth and still alive his spirit(or spark,idk-)found a doll to be his vessels while his body still gone
•Turned out it's Optimus' doll-(don't ask,I just like this)
•So he observe the Prime without him noticing that his beloved doll getting possessed by the warlord himself
•Then when he's not around Megatron kinda found some of his secrets and well, probably going to use it for blackmailing the Prime later
Idk what else to put but ask me anything about this AU if you're curious
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Crack ideas with TFA Cygate+Team Chaar
•Team Chaar were investigating an abandoned Autobots base/building for whatever reason and Cyclonus found the minibot in stasis for who knows how long
•Tailgate being hella oblivious just told him what he remembers before going into stasis
•Then somehow Team Chaar just let him stay by being their 'maid',yes Tailgate have to clean their ship
•Tailgate don't really mind because it's not like he got anything else to do
•Cyclonus at first ignore him most of the time like the rest of the team but he for some reason he slowly begin to talk with him
•The others sometimes put the energon on the highest cabinet because Tailgate will try to get the sweetest one for himself
•One time Team Chaar actually made a stop at a neutral planet to buy some stuff-One of them actually bought a maid dress for Tailgate
•He doesn't mind but little did he know someone's going crazy because of that
•Cyclonus confessing his feelings pretty much awkward because he sings him a song-while drunk
•Tailgate made embarrassed noises because of that and after some comical situations they somehow ended up in a relationship
•Cyclonus teammates don't really care about that but he has to take responsibility
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Promised Neverland AU #1
•Optimus as Emma,so technically OP is a girl(because TFA don't have many females characters)
•Sentinel as Ray,because well-Magnus is Isabella because I see Sentinel as UM's child sometimes so yeah
•Elita as Norman,she's still a girl
•Instead of demons it's Quintessons
•Old timers as the mother and sisters (aka Ratchet,Magnus,Kup etc-Them wearing maid-like outfits)
•The storyline almost the same, except maybe some characters switched roles in some parts,for example:
-OP is the one cooking instead of Sentinel when they're in the forest
•The stories expanded when they escaped to human world
•Some of them got adopted while others stayed with in an orphanage
•OP become trans(I will draw him later)
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Homeschool AU #1
Has someone else done this already?
What if Optimus got homeschooled instead of going to the academy? •w•
•Alpha Trion is his guardian and he has been in the archives since he was young
•He knows Ratchet too,he called him 'Uncle Grumpy' when he was a kid
•He voice his opinion a lot,don't argue with him.He always win in speech
•He's pretty much rebellious as a teenager
•He don't like being called nicknames(sweetspark,cutie,etc-)
•He still learn how to fight,but more focused on studies
•Always sneak out of his room to grab some datapads and read whole night,his 'nanny' always have to check on him
•Is a sweetheart as long as you don't piss him off
•Smaller than original version,still taller than Ratchet
•He met Elita and Sentinel when they visited the archives,somehow they become instant friends
•He didn't follow them to Archa-7,but they did invited him.He just don't feels like it's a good idea
•They never come back,he blames himself for not stopping them
•He changed a lot after the incident,gloomy and somehow looks scary when he stares at someone
•He met Bumblebee and Bulkhead when they're still in the bootcamp,they need some study materials-
•He become their tutor for a while, helping them with their studies
•They both still have to do the spacebridge repair though-
•OP joined them because 'he can't stay inside the archives forever' and 'someone needs to do the reports'
•He get along with Prowl,but didn't really understand the ninja bot sometimes
•He still kick Megatron's aft,the warlord is impressed-
•He like Sari,she's cute in his opinion
•Sari like him too,he's like a cat(she said that-)
•He wrote some notes about Earth,the planet is pretty interesting to him
•Starscream is not happy when he got defeated by OP,because OP is hella small-
•Lockdown kinda flirts with him,he ended up getting slapped by OP
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Void of Emotions AU
(AKA OP freaking delete his personality because of the bullshits he has to deal with)
"Are you sure about this...?" Swiftbeam said with a masked concerns."I want to.I just...can't take it anymore.I don't want to feels any more pain...but I'm also afraid to die" Optimus said with a stressed face.He's tired.Tired of everything.He feels like he's dying but too afraid to die for real.He's been talking about this with Swiftbeam for few times already but she's still worry about it "Optimus,listen to me kid..."she sighed "I respect your decision but...are you sure...?Because once I've done this I'm not sure if I can undo the results"She looked at him.He just smile,possibly his last one"Yes.I'm sure I want this.Don't you want to make me stop hurting...?"he looked at her and she just let out a soft sigh and nodded "Alright.I'll do it"she said with mixed feelings "Get on the slab.This will not take long..."She turned around to grabbed some stuff.Optimus did what she said and closed his optics and convince himself that he done the right thing"This is for your own good.You can handle it"he talks to himself and after a while everything went dark...
"Optimus...can you smile...?"Sari said to him with a pouty face "Your request is not something I can do,at least not now" Optimus replied with monotone voice and some kind of lifeless optics.He doesn't feels anything now,all he did was to make sure the task on hands finished successfully.Ratchet have been enraged when he found out about it,but it's fine.He don't see the reason to talk back.Ratchet have more experience after all.Bumblebee and Bulkhead also have been behaving better.That's a good thing.They never listen to him before.So that's probably an improvement.Prowl also have been listening to his plan lately.He probably did good.Right?And lastly,Sari...she's been asking many questions about him.He gave her the most honest answer he can give.There's no need to hide anything from her.She's his friend, he can trust her.Also for some odd reasons she's been saying "I love you Optimus!" a lot lately.What's the reason?Is it because he's her friend?She doesn't said that to others everyday.Does she thinks he's special?He doesn't understand why...
They've been stuck on the planets for few weeks now.Possibly months.He don't know so does don't see the reasons to care.No one's looking for them,it's fine.They probably have other important things to do.This planet seems fine,better than Cybertron somehow.He wonders what happened to Megatron actually.What happened after he threw him out of their ship.It's interesting.Because he met the warlord himself and being put on a bounty for something he don't do on purpose but it's alright,because his team came to save him.He feels grateful for that and thanked them.Somehow the incident reminds him of the unfair trial and the betrayal he received. But that's fine.Everything is fine.
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Cybernet Musical AU
I called it Cybernet Musical AU because in this AU basically Cybertronians have internet called cybernet and some Cybertronians actually famous with musical stuff like singing and playing instruments,some can even dancing with the rhythm.They also can connect their minds into the cybernet to interact in virtual life.
This AU actually some kind of humanformers but the humanoid Cybertronians are mechanoid,means they're still robots but in humanoid looks.They have inhuman strength and speed that makes them feared and respected by other alien species. Also they actually can enter the cybernet,like they actually get inside their computer and popped out in someone else's computer.So basically they teleport using cybernet.
Since this AU also some kind of musical AU some of them really good at playing musical instruments.The highest rank for musicians in this AU called Maestro while some who can play musical instruments called Meister.If they're creative with music they're Virtuoso.Someone will know they're becoming Meister when some of their hair changed into different color.
Also there's no exact war except music battles and Cybertronians aren't racist.So technically they can visit other planets whenever the hell they want to.
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
In this AU is where the Decepticons kept in science facilities and used as test subjects.They have no freedom and not allowed to die(Some actually rather die than living in hell hole)
Some kind of dark AU obviously.Also angst,angst everywhere.
Optimus once come to one of the facilities when he's learning in the academy, that's when he met the Leader of the Decepticons,Megatron and some others like Starscream, Blitzwing and Lugnut.He maybe young but let's say he has mixed feelings about it."Do the Decepticons deserve to be treated like this?"he asked himself.He knows what the Decepticons does in the past but do they have to be treated in such cruelty?Optimus don't know.
Ratchet work as a medic in one of the facilities.He's pretty much disgusted with what the Autobots did.Some of the Decepticons literally begging Ratchet to kill themselves because they don't want to get through anymore pain and suffering.
Bulkhead learned about science and he done many incredible inventions, but little did he knows that Decepticons are the test subjects for his inventions until one day he accidentally saw it.Bulkhead is horrified but said nothing because he fears what will happen if he done something.
Bumblebee encounters with the Decepticons are pretty much an accident.He's on his way to go somewhere but he got lost and trespassing inside a room with a warning signs (he didn't notice the signs because it's dark).He almost screamed when he saw the Decepticons state. Too horrified he left the place immediately.
Prowl however still in his training in the dojo(Yoketron live, because Lockdown also got captured).But he heard some dark alleys rumors about the facilities.So one night he goes to check because of his curiosity... and he actually regretting the decision because what he saw is horrifying.
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
TFA Promised Neverland AU
Aka I made all old men as mother and sisters 🤣🤣🤣
But no jokes about the fact that the kids got shipped away only to be used by the demons(Quintessons in this case)
Optimus,Sentinel and Elita as the main trio,means Sentinel actually nice but still kind of jerk I guess
I'm still working on the characters, also forgive me for drawing Sentinel with normal chin (He's 11 in this AU dude)
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