#;;🍕 hawkeye too - kate
ithebookhoarder ¡ 3 years
Dating Kate Bishop Would Include:
A/N: I just watched the first two episodes of Hawkeye and I’m in LOVE with it and how they’ve brought the comics to life. If you haven’t seen it - go, now, do it! I’m also in love with Kate Bishop so this kind of flowed out XD 
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If you’re dating Kate Bishop then you should expect to be spoiled absolutely rotten by her. Whether it’s spending some of her extortionate wealth on something you’ve been wanting, or performing some super cheesy gesture like doing laundry so you have clean sheets to crawl under after a long day at work. 
She’d consider you her best friend first (even if Clint insists he owns that title) and partner second 
She’d make sure she’s the first person you see or speak to every morning, and the last person you think about before going to bed. 
She’s always sending you texts and tagging you in dumb memes she thinks you’ll enjoy or that have her howling like a crazy person.
“But look! The dog has a tiny hat! And he’s dancing!” 
You knew making her get TikTok account was a mistake. 
You should also expect to have a third person in your relationship as the Hawkeyes come as a pair… as you’ve found out more than once. As it is you’re basically a member of team, rotating between being their medic, therapist, and general voice of reason. 
That, and apparently you make the best coffee in the city which means they’re always swinging by for a cup
“No, Kate. Pizza is not a good group and I swear if you don’t drink some water soon your body is going to shrivel up and die.” 
“Coffee has water in it though.” 
You get pretty good at giving her your best unimpressed stare and are relieved that it works like a charm. (You can thank Natasha for teaching you that one at your next ‘my best friend is Hawkeye, an idiot, but I love them’ support group). 
In fact, most nights are spent with the dopey loveable idiots you’ve somehow adopted as your own. Kate crawls into bed with you and there’s a perfect Clint sized crater on your couch. So, you do your best to remember to pull on clothes before walking into the living room most mornings just in case. (No one needed a repeat of the one time you’d gone to make breakfast in a t-shirt and basically blinded Clint after he’d crashed on the couch for the night)
Dating Kate means lots of laughter
It also means dates spent hitting the town, enjoying the best and craziest New York has to offer. 
Although, as much as you enjoy the odd tickets to Broadway shows or tables at exclusive clubs, you’re both happiest when you’re cuddled up on the couch, armed with take out and whatever box set you haven’t seen yet. 
She also enjoys taking you up to the rooftop of her building and watching the city lights at night. 
“It’s just peaceful up here, you know?” she explains the first time she takes you there, armed with blankets. 
Being Kate’s partner also means plenty of phone calls too at odd hours from Kate to come help her get out of whatever mess or dumpster she’s in. 
You’ve lost track of how many pairs of pants you’ve had to toss after getting garbage juice on them. 
However Kate is always quick to replace them, or even lend you pairs of her own. You can tell she really enjoys seeing you in her clothes and loves stealing your hoodies as payback to wear when she’s cold. 
Kate texting when she’s super embarrassed or knows you’re gonna hit the roof when you find out what idiotic situation she’s in now. 
You live in fear of those bubbles on your phone showing she’s typing a message. 
“You know I don’t think Captain America ever gets hauled out of dumpsters. Nor does he ever piss off Russian mobsters without checking he had arrows first.”
“Then he’s missing out. My step count is through the roof lately from all this running. No wonder my ass looks great.”
It does but you don’t want to give her the satisfaction of telling her. 
You really love seeing Kate when she gets dressed up. Like. A suit was sexy before but Kate wearing one is enough to melt you in to a puddle. Hence you rather enjoy it when Clint or Kate’s mother drags you both to formal events. 
Kate can be a hot head at times too, which drives you insane but only because you care about her so much. 
At least she can use her anger for good though, and is quick to defend you from any and all threats, no matter how big or small. 
You’ve had to stop her from going after a dickhead ex, a grumpy mail man, and even a bird that decided to swoop at you for your hotdog. 
She also thinks emojis are a language in them self 
“What the hell does that even mean, Kate? A middle finger, a crying face and a coffee cup?” 
“It means I’m sad and mad and need coffee? Duh.” 
You would also dog sit Lucky so regularly that you basically considered him yours now and have told Kate as much. 
You’ve even warned her that if you two ever break up you will be suing her for custody of your fur baby. 
Kate swears that would never happen though, simply because Lucky liked you and he’s a great judge of character. If he approves of you then that was it. You were one of them for life. 
Basically the two of you are like the epitome of ‘stay, stay, stay’ by Taylor Swift and have a relationship most people would be envious of full of thrills, spills and memories that will last a lifetime. 
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