#<- i think its agent 8???? idk i mean this ones an octoling with the same hair as her so
stabberghost · 1 year
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not as cool as i originally wanted it to be but oh well
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magician-hero · 2 years
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houseki no kuni x splatoon au !!!
spoilers for both houseki no kuni and splatoon ahead 
i joke sometimes about “wow splatoon is like one accident away from being hnk” but this time i mean it. i’m probably incredibly wrong but idc, i made this drawing at 12 and its still late and i’ve decided to type out every little detail and idea i can remember before i eventually get beaten by fatigue. 
so it’s more hnk adajcent than splatoon. u have the gems (inklings/octolings) but this time gems can be born on the moon occasionally. i thought about possibly marina and shiver being born on earth but agent 8 and neo being moon-made. OR agent 8 specifcally being moon-made with neo having rather obscure origins but being associated with admirabilis(salmon replacement i think) to a degree. marina and shiver may of been abducted at some point or willingly went to the moon in “earlier” years and came back. so marina, 8, and shiver sorta have more frills to their design concepts to mirror some of the stuff phos has later on in hnk. 
in terms of everyone else though, i think the idols prefer more mundane jobs outside of jobs but still fight to a degree. like marie and callie are probably strictly fighters but the rest of the idols do other stuff than fight the lunarians. btw idk if lunarians are octoling associated because there’s a trinity thing with the octolings/inklings/sea life. the only agent that probably does stuff outside of fighting is agent 3 is the local doctor. callie and agent 3 work together on stuff like this just incase one of them gets abducted. 
speaking of agent 3 i kinda...don’t know how to adapt what happened in octo expansion yet but feel free to add i guess? i know for certain they have BOTH a padaparadacha and phos situation simutanously with multiple gem parts but even that im wracking my brain with and wondering if i want that to be the case. in terms of what each character’s gem is. idk. the only one that is concrete is shiver who is obviously lapis lazuli becuase i liked the concept. 
hopefully this is coherent cuz its NOW 2 as i finish writing this 
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splatoon-edits · 4 months
Garlic anon here,
Got any predictions or hopes for Side Order since it's releasing in just 2 weeks?
(Personally I'm hoping other octoling DJs like Paul and Warabi show up somewhere somehow, also hoping for an Agent 4 cameo)
Agent 4. First and foremost this is the top of my list. I would love to have them appear in full 3d (and be available to see/have their own dedicated place on the map like captain 3 is cuz i want to take pictures. but thats less important) but honestly at this point ill even take them just being mentioned. it would suck if they were the only agent to not show up at all in 3 but like PLEASE JUST LET ME KNOW THEY ARE OK AND WELL WHERE DID YALL LEAVE 4 ARE THEY JUST STATIONED ELSEWHERE ARE THEY FOCUSING ON PERSONAL/NON NSS STUFF PLEASE MENTION MY DARLING BABY- ahem sorry im very normal
No dedf1sh villain :( i mean i ould be fine with it from a storytelling point if its good. but like. i want to imagine acht being ok after all this. pls let her be fine and ok. like on one hand it would be cool. but on the other hand... thats my baby pls dont make her evil :(
NO MARINA VILLAIN EITHER. well like. this is more subjective. but like. no like intentional "i wanna take over the world and do harm" kind of villain. if shes responsible for the bad stuff in an indirect or unintentional way id be ok w that. like idk she tried to do smth and it got out of hand? but if its just "ooh isure do hate the splatfest results so now im gonna turn evil >:(" kind of thing i just dont think it would fit her character.
some kind of reward. beyond just beating the dlc obviously. like. its meant to be played over and over and over again, right? i want some sort of reward(s) to work toward to incentivize that. idk i just want smth else to work towards besides just salmon run scales or playing pvp.
im also really looking forward to seeing pearl and 8 together again. i just feel like pearl being the one giving the advice and guidance, potentially without having a voice of reason like marina, is going to be very fun. she says the funniest most unhinged stuff. i adore pearl and i cannot wait to see her.
IM ALSO RLLY LOOKING FORWARD TO FIGHTING ALONGSIDE PEARL. it was SO much fun having little buddy in hero mode. like just having a lil companion who helps u in video games is the best.
at this point i think its time to retire the octoling enemies unless we have a reason for them. they barely made any sense at all in 3, and unless they do something creative with them i just dont think they have a place as enemies again. luckily none of the trailers show enemy octolings, so fingers crossed we don't have to beat up poor mind controlled octolings for a third time.
ok i know not everyone agrees with this. and given how side order looks so far, i dont think/actually want it to happen. but it would be nice to get more deep cut content. we didnt get to actually spend time with them in story mode. they were just antagonists the whole time and then once they joined the players side we got immediately thrust into the final parts of story mode. they didnt really get a chance to shine as friends rather than foe. but ig we already get tosee that on the splatcast. and the story mode is rlly just to show the other side of them we dont get to see on air. so at this point from what we know about side order, it wouldnt make any sense for themto be there. they dont know 8. but early on before we got any trailers and all we knew was that there was going to be a dlc with off the hook,,,, i was hoping for a deep cut cameo... now we have no way for deep cut and off the hook to meet after this. like deep cut and the squid sisters know each other and get along(?). and we know marina is a huge squid sisters fan, and pearl at least knows of them. Plus pearl and marina have met capn cuttlefish and made friends w him. so were probably able to infer that off the hook and the squid sisters have hung out more since octo expansion. i think there is even official art of them together in multiple pictures? so they are obviously friends now. but deep cut and off the hook dont know each other.... SO HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET A DEEP CUT, SQUID SISTERS, AND OFF THE HOOK CONCERT. I NEED INTERACTIONS WITH THEM.
honestly i hope they lean into the like... vibes of it all. but this is splatoon. the art and music always gives 130%. like its always good. theres nothing to rlly worry about there.
ok so im hopeing this isnt going to be some fully disconected alternate timeline where none of this affects the normal timeline or characters. im still partial to my own theory of the whole thing being a simulation built by marina in her hopes to see what a world of order would look like. but marina got stuck in it (or is refusing to leave maybe?) it would be unclear to 8 and pearl where in the simulation she is or if she is even here of her own free will or not. so u know 8 also goes into the simulation. and pearl probably doesnt go in, but is able to control the pearl bot from outside the simulation so that she can still interact with the real world. i mean pearl can cover for marina, but if both famous idols suddenly went missing it would be a pretty big panic. or maybe theres some other reason why pearl cant be in there fully. or she is in the simulation fully but for whatever reason she is in the pearlbot form. anyway this would allow us to have the fun of an alternate timeline while the characters are still from out timeline.
SPEAKING OF. if we do get the whole "our version of the characters AND alternate version of the character" thing. i want alternate marina to be the villain. like maybe marina in the simulation/alternate world didnt mean to be a villain, but in her quest for order and safety she ended up hurting others sel expression and creativity and all that. but our marina finds her and is like yo maybe this is... not a great thing. but alternate marina doesnt listen. this would be interesting cuz then pearl and 8 could get messages from marina that seem out of character but nope its just alternate marina boom big reveal. idk man.
ive realized im more theorizing than talking about what i want to see at this pint. so i should uh... probably end it here. cuz i can theorize all day but no ones gonna know whats right till it comes out. anyway yeah my biggest thing i want is probably an incintive of some kind to play over and ver.
also it 5 in the mornaling and i have not slept. so if you see grammar/pselling mistakes? no you didnt. dont ask why im awake(couldnt sleep so i figured id come check tumblr and try and get more requests done but i only actually ot one thing done before egting sidetracked by this ask)
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snailslunchpail · 1 year
ill do my best to explain though i literally have no idea whats going on !!!! but to start, in splatoon 2 there was this splatfest called the "Final Fest" where players could choose between Team Order or Team Chaos & we basically got the idea that whatever team won would be the theme of the next game, so at the end of the fest Chaos ended up winning and now we have Splatoon 3 with it's chaotic post apocalyptic-like aesthetic. but THENN ofc, many fans were wondering like huh.. i wonder what splatoon 3 would have looked like if Order won? AND NOW WE HAVE DLC CALLED "SIDE ORDER" WHICH IS LITERALLY PERFECT bc splatoon loves its food puns BUT ALSO SIDE ORDER!!!
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WHAT DOES ALL THE BLEACHED CORAL AND CRYPTIC VISUALS MEAN THO I COULDNT TELL YOU- but! the main character you're seeing is Agent 8 and they're basically one of the main characters of splatoon who you play as in Splatoon 2's DLC Octo Expansion, and Agent 8 is a really interesting character because at the start of the DLC they have amnesia so we have no idea what theyve been through but we can presume a lot !! (one thing you'll come to realize in splatoon is that the Octolings have it SUPER rough and lot of them were raised to be like war soldiers and / or test subjects so,, YIPPIE)
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so ive seen some people theorizing that maybe this DLC will delve more into Agent 8's past/memories?? or that this is the effect of even more crazy climate change stuff or possibly another new or already exsisting villain?? IDK ITS SO WEIRD!!! cus the place ur seeing is Booyah Base from Splatoon 2, BUT NOW ITS ALL WHITE AND COVERED IN CORAL AND THE LOBBY ENTRANCE IS DIFFERENT??? (இ﹏இ`。)
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scalerclaw · 5 years
So the splatpocolips is about to happen and im not sure who to chose
one ultimate reason i love both chaos and order or in a way a balance of the two you need chaos as much you need order so i could chose either one HOWEVER, Theres the usual pros and cons of both so lets get that out of the way first shall we?
pros of team Chaos: they provide change and growth with its destructive nature just like life, new things COULD happen, callie is on this team, chaos is also a type of freedom, pearl perfectly represents chaos incarnate, and also chaos isnt necessarily bad or evil despite it being destructive, Chaos is rebellion  
Cons of team Chaos: Chaos as a whole can be very overwhelming its its nature, since it is a type of freedom it does mean it leads to more destructive things, not everyone might have your best interest and might use the chaos for their own gain like how DJ octavio is there in the art, chaos can lead to ruins if not careful around it, chaos is actually sometimes a double edged sword.
Pros of team Order: Peace, prosperity, protection, order, and unity, merina is on this team including caile, cuttle fish,agent 3, and agent 8, it means alot to merina because its the stuff pearl told her which lead her to her dreams and stuff, so follow your dreams to a better future, cool as heck helmets, and could make sure both the inklings and octolings could come together and be at peace.
cons of team order: this is a BIG ONE! if you play games like shin magamie tensie, bayonetta, persona (especialy persona 5), and nier and maybe more for kids (since half of this is rated M games), you will know that Order isnt that great and doesnt always mean you’ll have freedom, commander tar tar in that picture is a BIG red flag even though octavio does the hypno thing tar tar kills inklings and octolings and “sanitize” them to be obedient slaves, the cool as heck helmets might actually be a new type of hypno devices, EVERYONE COULD LOSE THEIR FREEDOM!
SOOOOOO YEAH......im a bit torn, personaly i WANT to make sure the octolings and inklings live together in harmony and stuff but not if it means that their is no growth and all of the inklings and octolings becomes slave to a new type of enemy (granted that be a kick ass story but idk would it be worth it?)
and dont say im reading too deep into this remember.......THIS IS SPLATOON! the last time our final splatfest came up we lost calie to octavio!!! so my deep crazy thinking isnt for nothing man I NEED TO CHOSE THE FATE OF MY FELLOW INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS! Chaotic freedom at the cost of possibly losing playable octolings and hurting the off the hook crew or Perfect order at the cost of everyone losing their freedom and being slaves to a new kind of evil? (i might lean more into being order just because i want to make sure we still have octolings and inklings both playable but what you think? help me out??? convince me please?)
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squidshadow · 5 years
6, 15, 16 & 17 for the agents? It would be really cool if you could include Dana (heck even Lucas) too!!
ooh boy this is a long one!!! under the cut it goes
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
3 - 3s friend group wasnt exactly the best and she was fairly withdrawn, but still too much of a pushover to actually find new friends. she stuck around 4 a lot (who wasnt really in that group) to the annoyance of some of 4s friends. thats mainly why 3 and dana hate each other, even if its sort of petty. 3s also a college dropout, she couldnt keep up with it while juggling nss stuff. her fav subjects were art and math, surprisingly, and she hated language arts and pretty much all sciences.
4 - she wasnt exactly well-liked by any means, but she had a nice friend group at the very least. shes much happier to be out of school since she quite frankly thought it sucked. she didnt do any further schooling after high school. if theater counts as a subject, that would be her absolute favourite. if not, then language arts and even then, only the units that cover shakespeare. least fav is probably gym, but that was more because of dysphoria than anything else
8 - 8 didnt really receive proper schooling, buuuuuuuuuut to go along w the question, if she went to school like the ones surface-dwellers attend, she would enjoy it. shes curious about the world and all and a place to receive free knowledge just seems really cool to her. fav subject is history, with no real least fav.
dana - shes a theater kid what else is new. she liked it but she likes not being in school a whole lot more. shes currently juggling online college classes with prof turfing. fav subject is theater again, but if not then art. least fav is math bc its boring
lucas - (lets just go with 8 rules for this again) hes 17, so he would still be in school if he attended. hes a bit standoffish and would prob be more of a loner, that or the guy who befriends all the goths/stoners (though he wouldnt smoke). hed be indifferent to most subjects, though i dont see him liking gym much. not for the same reasons as 4 (although he is trans, but there wasnt any opportunity in his introduction for me to just... say it) i think hed just think it was a waste of time if anything.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
3 - compared to my other agents, she is a god. compared to normal people, her food is crummy but tolerably so. not good, not terrible... just incredibly bland.
4 - 4 likes cooking. cooking does not like 4. her food is edible and technically prepared correctly, but something about it is just... off. in a bad way. 4 doesnt like her own cooking and neither does anyone else
8 - 8 thinks food is cool but also has the attention span of a flea when it comes to these things. shes still trying to learn, and shes made some progress, but theres still a 75% chance that her food comes out burnt. (and, if youre wondering, pearl is so very proud)
dana - she has the ability to cook, kind of, but she prefers take-out. its faster and the chance of it burning your house down is smaller, after all. her food isnt bland like 3s, she just oversalts it. a lot. youre better off just chugging saltwater at this rate
lucas - he likes cooking, its soothing. out of everyone here, hes the best at it. its sort of a hobby of his. he doesnt eat a whole lot though. the apartment complex he lives at is pretty run-down and nowhere near the best part of town, but its cheap and its fairly populated with octolings, so he tends to share with them. (and his roommate as well) they appreciate him a lot.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
3 - she doesnt really collect anything. i mean, she has a lot of fancy pens, but its not like she went out and got them all to add to a collection.
4 - commissioned art of her fursona uhhh idk? i mean, she has a lot of clothes, but thats not really a collection.. actually, can you collect succulents? she has a whole shelf of succulents that she can miraculously keep alive somehow. theyre all named.
8 - she basically hoards pins. like the ones you can get on etsy or at hot topic, those. theyre quirky and fun!! currently she has them all shoved in a box beneath her bed. 
dana - keychains and stuff you can hang off them. its pretty much a weapon at this rate. watch out lest you invoke the wrath of the fresh fish keychain.
lucas - he doesnt really have a lot. mainly because of money and a generally ascetic lifestyle
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
3 - she doesnt like taking photos, shell only do it if its stuff on paper or a sign or something that she needs to remember
4 - she takes a lot of selfies with friends and posts them to whatever the squid equivalent of insta is. once she posts them, she deletes them
8 - she takes sooo many pictures of like... everything. the surface is just really colorful and so full of stuff. shes scared shes going to forget it all again. 8 saves them all to a flashdrive since her phone runs out of space faster than shed like.
dana - shes the one annoying friend that takes pics of food all the time. she posts them to squid insta but doesnt delete them
lucas - he doesnt take photos. hes the type to just write down details of stuff he needs to remember so his camera doesnt see any use
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