#[ i also need to note that i think if any mother figure speaks to a child the way that she does to caelus and/or stelle-- ]
araneitela · 1 month
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Quick interruption: This may (somehow, still?) be a hot take, but I swear to all that is unholy and insane, I've been sitting on this salt about the TB and Kafka since like May of last year. This isn't going to be a long meta at all, but I do want to make something abundantly clear on this blog.
I know that people say the 'mommy' thing jokingly because they have the hots for her (listen, I understand the motivation, I just firmly hate the term), but I know some people actively still believe that Kafka is somehow related to the TB even if her story quest has since entirely debunked that claim and proved the opposite. Let me just, share this for a second:
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(source) Can we put this to rest now, pretty please? I'm too old and too tired for this, guys.
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silkjade · 10 months
Featuring— neuvillette x reader ⤀ warnings: none ! ⤀ summary: the melusines play matchmaker a/n: do they need an ideal mother
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Your relationship with fontaine’s melusines started when you took on the menial task of helping menthe tailor the sleeves of her too long cuffs, and was solidified after your wholehearted support for aeval’s aquabus tour. In such a small community, word travels fast and your popularity skyrockets when mamere paints your portrait as her muse of choice. 
It’s not like you mind, as they’re quite easy to get along with—very sweet, if not a little naive—and you do enjoy their company when they greet you on the streets or invite you to tea. Still, it comes as a bit of a surprise when a few approach you, absolutely convinced that you’d be a great companion to their ‘very lonely, very human friend.’ 
…Which is how you come to find yourself seated at cafe lucerne, impatiently tapping your fingers at this supposed ‘friend’ who would be so rude as to make you wait more than 30 minutes past the designated meeting time. You take a deep breath to keep your irritation at bay, convincing yourself that any friend of the melusines, especially one they speak so highly of, must be a good person.
As you continue to wait, one table away, something very blue crosses your line of sight, and you look up to discover that it’s none other than the esteemed iudex himself, the chief justice who radiates such an air of refined elegance that you cannot help but sit up a little straighter in his vicinity. Seems this day just got a little more interesting as it’s not everyday you run into the notoriously elusive monsieur neuvillette just out and about on the streets of fontaine.
You yourself have been to your share of trials at the opera epiclese, seen him from his seat up above, looming over the courtroom, high and mighty. Up close, he’s still all sharp lines and perfect etiquette, the very personification of grace, but you can’t deny the fact that he’s so much more handsome in person. 
He casts a glance towards a nearby clock, and while his expression remains largely neutral, his violet eyes dance, perturbed. Perhaps he’s also meeting someone here? You deduce that it must be so, judging by the fact that he’s seated at a table clearly meant for more, and since you obviously have the time, you might as well play detective, which now begs the question: who could he be meeting?
You highly doubt it’s lady furina, so perhaps another official? Except an outdoor cafe is hardly the place to conduct such business. Besides, the average fontainian would be much too intimidated to dare keep someone of such high regard waiting. Maybe a friend, then? 
Your head tilts as you think through your observations. At least outwardly, monsieur neuvillette is…cold. He presents himself the same way in and out of court: untouchable as the sun, but with none of its warmth. He’s private and stays out of the public eye, only ever seen interacting comfortably with the archon and…the melusines… 
You lean back in disbelief at the way it all clicks. Impossible. The friend the melusines so adamantly wanted to introduce you to is…monsieur neuvillette? What a ridiculous notion to even entertain. Besides, it’s public knowledge that he’s much more of a father figure to them… although it does explain why they seemed so tongue-tied describing this so-called ‘friend.’
And…he does look quite forlorn sitting there, face blank and fingers laced together. You make a mental note to remind your little friends that as amiable as he may be with them, they cannot just blindside you with the chief justice of fontaine. Still, a meeting is a meeting, and it’d be terribly rude of you to just up and leave.
“Um, pardon me monsieur neuvillette but you wouldn’t happen to be meeting anyone here, would you?”  
Neuvillette blinks. What a pleasant surprise; not many approach him of their own accord. “As it happens, I was supposed to meet a few melusines for tea.” He gestures to the evidently empty table, though his sharp ears catch the faint whispers amidst the rustle of leaves to his side. 
“However, I suspect they may have forgotten to inform me of their change of plans.” He clears his throat, tilting his head towards a nearby bush where the tips of a few very colorful pairs of ears wiggle in excitement.
The corners of your lips quirk into the beginnings of a small smile. “That’s funny—a few melusines insisted that I meet a very human friend of theirs, though he’s yet to show up.” For obvious reasons, you decide to drop the fact they called him lonely behind his back.
Ah. So you were the kind individual his melusines often spoke so fondly of.
“Perhaps he attended the trial this morning. It did run longer than anticipated.” Yes, you knew there must have been a valid explanation to the tardiness. 
“Well, maybe we can keep each other company while we wait?”
Neuvillette gestures at the empty chair across from him and you swear the sun seems to shine a little brighter. “I would very much like that.”
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© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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the-falling-star · 5 days
Astrology observation
All about your north node and your future spouse
Part 2
we will be starting by speaking about North node in the 8th house since it's a Scorpio ruled house deep meaningful love is seen here however the longevity of married life it's going to depend on your and future spouse healthy habits attitude towards life, for example you and your future spouse should do healthy diet or start eating vegetarian food also doing physical activity together will make the bond between you two stronger your future spouse is going to be loaded, financially speaking you will have a decent life with them you may even get inheritance after they die since the north note is two houses after your 7th house so it represents the second house of your future spouse chart your future spouse is one of the people who worked very hard to get what they want in life they're beginning wasn't really great so maybe this is a sign that when you meet your future spouse he will have the story about transformation from poverty to richness, your in-laws will play significant role in your married life this can cause some troubles because everybody's going to be in your business. Before getting into a relationship with any person you should pay attention to what they are hiding the eighth house is all about secrets and I know people who had their north node in their eighth House and after getting a relationship with someone they figured out that at the same time they had another girlfriend or a child they're hiding Etc so you need to pay attention to ask questions before you get married. Also your future spouse could have relationship to politics or military or work in it. You could meet your future spouse while doing research on a specific subject(cult, stock market, lawns).
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No let's talk about North node in your 10th house it is fourth houses from your 7th house which typically represent the fourth house in your future spouse chart and the fourth house is all about family the mother Homeland Etc so if future spouse is going to be family oriented person in some cases your mom will have a great relationship with either your future spouse or she will know the family if your future spouse already, your future spouse coul be working in their family business or maybe they took over their family, here's the twist the mother of your future spouse will have significant role in your marriage if their mother is present in their life you better know that they are their mommy child however if the mother is not present they will count on you acting like their mother they will search mother Love In you another thing this person could have a mom that is working hard since the day they were born and these kind of people will expect you to kind of be like their mom they want someone who wants to work and work hard if this is a woman you are looking for then this woman is counting on you working hard and if you are looking for men this man will want you to work hard ,they will want you to be independent, this person could live near you you may be me this person while you working , also the 10th house is relay is ruled naturally by Saturn so an older partner is seen of course if Saturn is not placed positively in your chart your future spouse could be younger than you however the way they think and the way they act is much older than their age.
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Now if your north node is in the 12th house you could have this type of love story when you hate your future spouse at first and then you fall in love with them your future spouse could have bullied you first, the 12th house is sixth house away from the 7th house so it represent the sixth house in your future spouse chart and it's not normally ruled by the sign of Leo therefore ruled by the Sun, The 6th house represent enemies, warriors, diseases and Etc when I'm getting is that your future spouse could have been through a huge transformation in their life for example you know these people who like overweight and they work hard at the gym to become healthy or these people who felt a lot with certain disease and then they got out of it Victorious, your partner will get your back and frankly your future spouse could be your soulmate they are intuitive and emotional, however the 12th house is the house of Hidden enemies so at some point your future spouse can get really annoyed with you and they may keep their anger to themselves to the point where they will explode on you so maybe try to talk about problems and not bottle them up, because obviously you don't want to be in marriage that can mess with your mental health. Your future spouse could be wearing in the health sector , therapist, artist , Physic or a policeman a fireman I mean they supposedly working to keep people safe.
Part 1
Do not Copy or rewrite my shit without asking for my permission.
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percervall · 11 months
the gift that keeps on giving
The biggest thanks to @moneyymaseyy for showing me the ropes and being my sounding board. Inspired by this TikTok
Toto Wolff x wife!reader social media au
In which Toto (begrudgingly) indulges his wife
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lewishamilton and others liked this persephone_london We'd like to share some incredible news! Persephone has found a new investor to continue our work in bringing you the best books! Our store remains independent, the cakes will still be here so don't worry!
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user so happy for you guys! user best news user lewis???? ⤷user 👀 what do you know lewis??? user persephone can't be a coincidence. has to be toto who bought his wife a bookstore after needing to carry her out last week ⤷user oh to be married to a rich man 🥲
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mercedesamgf1, natalie_pinkham and others liked this
ynwolff dragging the husband away for a quick coffee date before the madness of media duties starts
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mercedesamgf1 enjoy! lewishamilton how did you convince him to take a break? ⤷ynwolff a woman has her ways 😏 user mother is mothering
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user and others liked this
mercedesamgf1 The stage is set! Bring it on 💪
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tommyhilfiger let's go team!! user can the best admin show the paddock's power couple? 👀 liked by mercedesamgf1 user let's go lewis!!
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mickschumacher, persephone_london and others liked this
mercedesamgf1 your wish is our command! Boss focussed on fp1 and @/ynwolff focussed on 'the daughter of doctor moreau'
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user omg my parents!!! lewishamilton impressive that you managed to find y/n ⤷ynwolff it's not that hard. look for the place with comfy chairs user sksks when's the mercedes book club dropping? liked by mercedesamgf1 and ynwolff user sales for that book are about to skyrocket
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carmenmmundt, georgerussell63 and others liked this
ynwolff shh, nobody tell Toto 🙊 He'll never find them
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lewishamilton 🤫 mercedesamgf1 Liebling, I bought you a bookstore. Why do you keep bringing books into our home? -Toto ⤷ynwolff to read them? ⤷mercedesamgf1 ... you got me there. Please no more, we ran out of space 20 books ago -Toto ⤷ynwolff Oh babe, we can always buy a bigger house. Please return the phone to your poor social media admin user the man bought her a bookstore because they ran out of space??? Future husband, take notes user the only reason i believe in true love
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mickschumacher, lilymhe and others liked this
ynwolff to the person who snitched to my husband. Also know that he is building me an extra bookcase as we speak, so joke's on you really
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georgerussell63 wouldn't dare do such a thing! ⤷ynwolff I've got my eyes on you russell george lewishamilton the thought never even crossed my mind ⤷ynwolff neither has the thought of me abducting roscoe. let's keep it that way user remind me to never cross yn/wolff 💀 liked by ynwolff user lol who would've known toto would be so whipped?
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I have no idea if any of this makes sense lol. the world of social media au's is a foreign concept to me, but I had a lot of fun figuring out the plot and searching for the photos
please let me know what you think, your comments mean the world to me!
my full f1 masterlist
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turbulentscrawl · 11 days
Social Dynamics in the Manor
I did this for funsies
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Eli- The peacekeeper. He’s invested in the happiness of all the manor’s inhabitants, and often steps in (uninvited) to mediate issues between them. Secretly, he likes the attention and fulfillment that being needed gives him.
Luchino- One of the more passive “leaders.” He’s of the opinion that most inter-personal issues will sort themselves out with or without his interference, as nature often does. He gives his opinion on things freely, but doesn’t step in with force unless it’s critical.
Orpheus- A wolf in sheep’s clothing, Orpheus plays the role of a Follower to get a more personal understanding of the others. He prefers to lead from behind the scenes, controlling situations through careful leaking of information, or a specified figurehead.
Emily- A natural mother figure, Emily is sought out for comfort and advice as often as she is healing. Her rapport is especially strong with the other women of the manor.
Ada- A bit of a gaslighter, to be honest. Ada is good at convincing people they want the same things she does, be it through words or hypnosis. Her ability to read people is of strong use. She’s a bit more passive, however, and is less likely to see a need to step in for situations that don’t impact Emil.
Alva- Not a natural-born leader by any means, but his previous role in education has made him an experienced one. Alva is perhaps a bit too calm, a bit too slow to react as a leader, but he is nothing if not level-headed and calculating.
Kiegan- She’s been cold-shouldered for too long, and is not willing to be ignored anymore in life. Kiegan takes charge every time she sees an opening.
Phillipe- Has a strong sense of justice, and will always speak up for whatever he views as morally correct (though it should be noted that his morals are warped and prejudiced, and someone other than him is always at fault.) He can be even more pushy than Kiegan, when his heart burns with enough passion for something.
Andrew- Likes to think he’s a Lone Wolf, but he often feels directionless.
Luca- Will point a horse towards water, but not lead it or try forcing it to drink.
Freddy- Fancies himself a leader, but for all his intelligence and scheming he’s not well-liked enough to have followers. Also, his plans tend to be too…sacrificing.
Florian- As long as he gets his ten seconds of fame every once in a while, he's fine with whatever the atmosphere ends up being. ironically, he occasionally sides with Freddy, just because that man's "strategies" can be such dumpster-fires that it would be easy for Florian to save the day.
Kreacher, Emma, Lucky Guy, Willaim, Helena, Vera, Kevin, Margaretha, Patricia, Murro, Jose, Mike, Demi, Victor, Edgar, Ganji, Anne, Emil, Memory, Joker, Frederick, Lily, Violetta, Smiley ,Leo, Michiko, Wu Chang, Ann, Antonio, Ithaqua, Sangria, Grace
Lone Wolves
Aesop- Sometimes acts as a follower, but he doesn’t usually feel invested in the various issues and drama that comes up.
Norton- Is willing to follow when a situation calls for group cooperation, but he trusts his own judgment over that of most others in the manor.
Naib- Experience has taught him to fend for himself. He looks out for his allies, of course, but a group-mentality is sometimes detrimental to survival.
Alice- She behaves like a Follower for the sake of blending in, but Alice spends every unwatched moment she gets with her own goals and curiosities in the forefront of her mind.
Melly- Solitary and private. Melly makes truces, not allies.
Qi- Believes some emotional distance is the key for maintaining a clear head and fair judgement.
Matthias- A recluse for safety’s sake. He partners more closely with a select view, but does not like to call into crowds.
Jack- Only cares about satiating his own desires, and not the manor’s socio-politics.
Bane- A recluse for his own safety. He’s content with being left alone for the rest of eternity.
Hatsur- He speaks for and enforces the decrees of the Baron, but otherwise doesn’t care for the affairs of the other Hunters and Survivors.
Joseph- What’s the point in trying to obtain peace in hell? At least suffering, he thinks, would sometimes be more interesting.
Burke- He’s only concerned with his inventions, his work, and he picks sides and solutions according to what lets him get back to things the most quickly.
Fool’s Gold- Doesn’t care about anyone else’s problems. He barely cares about his own some days.
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avnkin · 2 years
burn for you.
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aemond targaryen x fem!reader
when your family is summoned to court you find yourself caught in the middle of your brother's and uncles conflicts
note: didn't think I'd ever be writing on here again then I discovered aemond and here we are lmao, also I just noticed that I reached 4k followers I don't deserve y'all tysm <;3 this fic has enemies to lovers type beat cuz I can't help myself. Also, I'm a sucker for Daemon speaking valyrian to Rhaenyra so there's plenty of that type of dialogue between the reader and Aemond not to worry though the translations are all written behind the text, enjoy
wc: 3.8k
warnings: foul language, asshole!aemond, incest, family drama, Aegon being a creep y'know the usual
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You fiddled with the hems of your sleeves, the inky fabric wrapping itself firmly around your arms, the dress you wore cascading down your figure all the way down to your boots, the ridiculously tight corset beneath causing you to exhale a much-needed breath, you were nervous, that much was apparent.
You just moments earlier, along with everyone else in the throne room had been left permanently scarred after having witnessed Daemon cut your great uncle's head clean in half. You didn’t disagree with Daemon’s actions quite on the contrary you just weren’t privy to witnessing such violence firsthand, it was something you hated about attending court, everyone here seemed to be in a dick-measuring competition.
You let out a huff, you had no interest whatsoever in attending the family dinner Viserys had planned for tonight, you wanted nothing more than to mount your dragon and fly back to Dragonstone this instant. Your thoughts of escape were interrupted by a light knock on your door, you glanced over your shoulder immediately feeling your shoulders tense because you knew it was time to go.
"Are you ready my love?" your mother's voice could be heard from behind you as she peered her head into your room, pushing the door fully open once she saw you were decent. "Ready as can be, mother" you turned towards her walking into her outstretched arms as she engulfed you in her embrace. “You look wonderful” her soft fingers ran down your arms straightening the fabric as she fussed over you for a bit only stopping when you swatted her hands away, sighing she stepped aside allowing you to exit your chambers.
You’d only been walking for a short moment when you felt the need to ask, “when do we return home?” her eyes met yours as she raised an eyebrow at you “we’ve only just arrived” you rolled your eyes at her reply, she knew you hated it here.
You’d never been particularly close to the other side of your family, mostly because of the treatment your mother had to endure from them specially the queen herself.
You knew of their friendship in the past and had even suspected it might have been more than that though never daring to bring it up to your mother since the mere mention of her name seemed to put her on edge. You'd been privy to the many times Alicent had unfairly treated your mother and you cared not to pretend her cruelness was justified, never mind what had happened in the past.
"I know, I know just… play nice, okay? I don't want any trouble tonight, not in the state your grandsire is in" you looked down at your feet, frowning as you pondered the stress this might all be causing him, he was barely hanging on by a thread surely all this drama wasn’t helping.
"I'll play nice if they do" you muttered, glancing up at your mother who gave you a stern look "I jest" you finally caved coming to a halt before the large double doors that led into the dining hall. "It'll be fine" you heard your mother mutter, more to herself rather than to you. You smiled at the two guards posted outside the doors as they each grabbed a handle and pulled them open allowing you to enter.
The greens were already there, sitting patiently awaiting your arrival. You immediately felt yourself shrinking underneath their harsh glances, having to remind yourself you were no longer a mere girl of six like the last time you’d dined with them. You raised your chin as your mother reluctantly let her hand fall from yours taking her usual seat next to Daemon at the dinner table.
You looked around the room frowning once you made eye contact with Aegon, he was leering at you the same way he had been ever since you’d arrived at court, his eyes roamed your figure from top to bottom coming to a dead stop at your bust. You felt sick under his gaze, he had no shame whatsoever in looking at you however he pleased, eyes following you the entire way to your seat which much to your dismay and discomfort, was the one opposite his.
"Ah my dear niece" he slurred slamming his golden wine goblet onto the table, the liquid sloshing around the rims of it, he'd clearly not been shy on the alcohol. "You look absolutely ravishing" the compliment made you squirm in your seat your eyes darting around the room before landing on Daemon who was glaring daggers at the boy in front of you.
"Thank you, uncle" you forced out through gritted teeth trying your hardest to maintain a smile on your face, your mother’s words from earlier refraining you from calling him a creep and splashing that wine in his face.
You looked around the table then for the first time properly since you sat down, smiling at Helaena as she offered an apologetic look clearly ashamed of the man she had been forced to marry. You felt for the girl she didn't deserve someone like Aegon, although it could easily be argued that no one deserved someone like him.
It was Aemond who captured your attention next, he had certainly changed since the last time you’d met him, grown. You made eye contact with him for the first time since you’d arrived stopping yourself from cringing at the eyepatch he wore, the foul memory of the event now in the forefront of your mind and you immediately looked away feeling ashamed as soon as you did, it was him who had to suffer the horrendous aftermath of that night, not you.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when the doors opened revealing the king in his dire state. He was being carried by four guards, barely being able to keep his own head up let alone walk.
Everyone round the table stood including you, brushing down the skirts of your dress finding something to distract yourself with as you could barely bare to look at him in this state. Once the king had been placed at the center of the table all of you finally sat.
“How good it is, to see you all tonight, together” he was breathing heavily already out of breath from the few words he uttered.
“Prayer before we begin” you heard Alicent declare, your brows furrowing as your eyes met your mothers who seemed to be just as bewildered at these new customs as you. You couldn’t help the smile creeping onto your face it was almost comedic the flummoxed expressions on both Daemon’s and Rhaenyra’s faces
“May the mother smile down on this gathering of love…” you drowned out her words as you snuck a glance over at Aemond who had his eye closed and hands pressed together diligently listening to his mother’s prayer. He'd grown quite handsome over the years that had passed, you shook your head pushing those thoughts into the back of your mind as you looked back down at your hands, before closing your eyes once more.
“And to Vaemond Velaryon may the Gods give him rest”
Your eyes shot open at that, immediately darting over towards Daemon who couldn’t seem to help his amused expression, he looked over at you and you both gave each other sly smiles before you closed your eyes again resuming your praying stance.
Once Alicent had finally finished Viserys peeped up from next to her “this is certainly an occasion of celebration. My grandsons Jace and Luke are to marry their cousins Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young princes and their betrothed's” you grinned at Jace as you raised your own goblet, Daemons ‘hear, hear’ causing both your brothers to smile at their future wives proudly.
The moment didn’t last for long with Aegon feeling the need to lean over towards your brother muttering “well done Jace you’ll finally get to lie with a woman” you rolled your eyes, your uncle’s horrid personality never ceasing to amaze you. “You do know how the act is done, I presume” he continued “at least in principle, where to put your cock and all that”.
“Let it be cousin” Baela warned shooting Aegon a menacing glance as she placed her hand over Jace’s in an attempt to quell his rising anger.
“You can play the jester if you wish but hold your tongue before my betrothed” Jace cautioned seeming satisfied as Aegon backed down leaning back into his seat, raising his hands up in mock surrender.
You painfully sat through the remainder of the dinner having completely lost your appetite when Viserys had removed his golden mask revealing the decay hidden underneath. You listened to your family make their toasts, smiling at your mother in support when she tried to make common ground with Alicent who in turn surprisingly seemed to appreciate Rhaenyra’s declarations.
You were toying with the vegetables on your plate bored out of your mind when you noticed trouble seeming to brew on Aegons face as he downed the remainder of his cup in a split second, pushing his chair back and making his way towards the wine jug that sat between Baela and Jace.
You looked over at Aemond who was already starring at Aegon knowing his brother well enough to predict the upcoming wrangle.
“I…” Aegon started as he poured a decent amount of wine into his goblet. “I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask” your eyes widened at your uncle's audacity, but before you could say anything Jace had slammed his hands down onto the table his chair almost falling back at the speed in which he got up.
You shook your head at Jace and he seemed to bite his tongue his knuckles turning white as he forcibly held his hands at his sides. Your head turned at the sound of another chair being pushed back, Aemond had now also stood more than ready to come to his brother's defense if need be. His violet eye held a warning as if daring Jace to try something.
The aroma in the room felt suffocating the only person who seemed to be oblivious to the boys’ conflict was the king himself.
Goosebumps crawled up your skin as you felt Aemond’s eye on you. You squeezed your eyes shut taking in a breath before returning his gaze. He seemed to be intrigued by you, you figured it was because you didn’t look like your brothers, instead bearing the Targaryen features, silky white hair to match his own, violet eyes mirroring his as they bore into yours.
You raised your eyebrow in question wondering what he could possibly be thinking about, his lip upturned slightly at your expression, eye scanning you as he took in your new form, he seemed impressed and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
“To prince Aegon and Prince Aemond” Jace’s words snapped you out of your trance as you turned back towards your brother, his goblet raised in his hand as he continued. “We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family’s good health dear uncles”
You smiled proudly at your brother who gave you a knowing wink before taking a sip out of his goblet, giving Aegon a ‘friendly’ punch on the shoulder as he did. Aegon put on a tight-lipped smile at your brothers’ words not even looking at him as he muttered “to you as well”.
Aemond reluctantly sat back down as the building tension finally seemed to dissipate until Helaena stood a slight wobble in her step as she steadied herself against the table clearly feeling the effects of the wine she had drunk, placing one hand atop the wooden structure she raised the other squeezing the cup she held tightly between her fingers.
“I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They’ll be married soon. It isn’t so bad, mostly he just ignores you… except sometimes when he’s drunk”.
Your eyes widened at her words and you couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your lips, quickly covering it up with a cough when you made eye contact with your mother who held a warning look.
“Good” you heard Otto tell her and for the first time in your life, you agreed with him.
You looked over at Jace and you could immediately tell that he was considering something, silent debate written all over his face until he eventually seemed to come to a conclusion standing up and excusing himself to Baela before he made his way around the table over to Helaena who seemed genuinely shocked as Jace reached out it his hand for her to take, an offer to dance.
You smiled lovingly at the scene before you, your niece who seemed for the first time since you got here to be enjoying herself. Jace had always had a talent for making people smile, it was truly a gift it was like he radiated happiness and it infected everyone around him.
Servants soon began to fill the room, each carrying silver platters of delicious cuisines as they made room on the already stuffed table for the added refreshments.
You heard your younger brother giggle from across the table and as you followed his gaze you soon realized why. A pig had just been placed in front of Aemond and you immediately recalled the time your brothers and Aegon had gifted him a pig claiming they had finally found him a dragon. 'The pink dread' they had called it, a cruel childish prank, you shook your head at Luke and it seemed to quell his giggles, you hoped that would have been the end of it.
You jumped when Aemond was suddenly slamming his fist into the table causing the entire thing to shake at his sheer strength. “Final tribute” he declared a mischievous glint in his eye as he smirked at his uncles gods you thought, here we go.
Aemond raised his goblet into the air his eye meeting yours as he spoke “to the health of my niece” he gave you a smile before turning to your brother “and to my nephews... Jace, Luke, and Joffrey” he trailed off “each of them handsome, wise…” there was a long pause as he turned to face Luke seemingly taking in his appearance his head vaguely tilting to one side as he smirked he wouldn’t you thought “Strong” he did.
Your eyes immediately widened in alarm as did your mother's. Alicent's warning tone as she muttered Aemond's name didn't seem to face him in the slightest.
“Let us drain our cups to these three, Strong boys” he continued clearly trying to get a rise out of your brothers. He succeeded but before Jace could say anything Alicent had called for the guards to remove the king clearly not wanting him to bear witness to the upcoming conflict.
“I dare you to say that again” Jace warned as soon as the doors had closed signaling Viserys’ exit from the room, Aemond feigned surprise at his words. “Why? ‘Twas only a compliment” Aemond put his cup down as he made his way over to Jace and you immediately stood up, coming to your brother’s defense.
“Do you not think yourself Strong?” Aemond kept pushing and before you could reach them Jace had punched Aemond square in the face earning a gasp from you as you stopped dead in your tracks.
Aemond let out a low laugh not having been affected in the least by your brother's assault and in retaliation easily pushed him to the ground. You finally unfroze at the thud that echoed around the room as Jace landed on the floor and hurried to stand between them stopping Aemond's stride as he attempted to get at your brother again.
“Dīnagon” move he warned, a glint of challenge in his eye.
“Kesan daor rual ao naejot ilagon iā ondos va ñuha lēkia” I will not allow you to lay a hand on my brother.
A low laugh rumbled in his throat, and though he seemed to be impressed as you stood your ground he easily pushed you aside but before you could come to your own defense Jace had sprung up from the floor immediately stepping in front of you and pushing you behind him.
“Don’t you dare touch my sister” he was seething you could feel the way his chest was heaving as you stood behind him.
“Mm… I don’t know, I think she wants me to touch her, don’t you gevie” beautiful your brother lunged at him, but Aemond easily moved out of the way shaking his head in amusement as he did.
“Jace!” your mother yelped as both she and Alicent finally intervened.
“That is enough!” Alicent could be heard from the other side of the room as she made her way around the table reaching for Aemond and instantly grabbing his arm as she scolded him, “why would you say such a thing before these people?” Aemond easily ripped his arm out of her grasp turning back towards Jace who was now being held back by one of the guards.
“I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family mother. Mm, though it seems my nephews aren’t quite as proud of theirs.” Jace finally managed to wriggle himself out of the guards hold just as Aemond finished his sentence but before he could lunge at him once more Daemon stepped in front of him finger raised in the air "wait" and Jace listened planting like a tree behind Daemon.
You walked to stand next to your brother, Aemond and Daemon's face-off had turned the entire room quiet. Your mother didn't seem to want you or your siblings bearing witness to this debacle any longer as she ordered all of you to return to your quarters.
You reluctantly obeyed knowing that putting up a fight would get you nowhere. You followed your siblings out of the room but before you left you snuck a quick glance over your shoulder turning your head back immediately once you saw Aemond's eye was already trained on you.
You got no sleep the following night, the previous events playing over and over again in your head, you raised yourself up pushing the covers off of you as you got out of bed.
Fresh air that's all I needed you thought, hastily getting up as you grabbed the cloak that lay on the chair in front of your vanity, pulling on your boots as you quietly exited your chambers.
The castle walls were only lit by a few flames littered along the walls, you let your fingertips brush along the cold stone surface as you planned to make your way down to the god's wood.
The moonlight shining through the windows was now the only thing brightening up your path as you neared your destination taking careful steps down the seemingly endless castle stairs.
"Can't sleep?" you stopped dead in your tracks at the familiar voice behind you, slowly turning around your eyes meeting Aemond's. He pushed himself off the stone pillar he was currently leaning against how did you not see him? slowly making his way toward you only coming to a halt when you were nearly chest to chest.
The blue moonlight lit up his features which were carefully hidden underneath the hood of his cloak.
"Issi ao pikagon nyke?" are you following me? he chuckled at your words, intertwining his hands behind his back as he slowly began to circle you.
He came to a halt when he stood behind you leaning close to your ear as he whispered "you think too highly of yourself dear niece" you shuttered as his breath fanned over your ear, turning your head to face him as he slowly made his way back in front of you.
"You think you're the only one troubled by sleep?" he tuts reaching his arm up to pull down his hood, he looked absolutely breathtaking. "No, I suppose not" you admitted eyes narrowing at him as he tilted his head giving you a one-over.
"That was quite the scene you made earlier" you commented crossing your arms over your chest as you looked up at him. "Tell me uncle, does that make you feel powerful? Bringing down your cousins in front of the entire family, in front of the king" his lip twitched at your words and you could immediately tell you struck a nerve so against your better judgment you kept pushing.
"Are you so desperate for daddy's approval that you-" he cut you off, fury in his eye as he grabbed you by the throat pushing you up against the stone pillar behind you, it wasn't enough force to hurt you, but it still took you by surprise, the wind knocked out of you momentarily as you clawed at his arm in an attempt to free yourself, with no avail.
He towered over you outmatching you in both height and strength "you've no business speaking to me that way dear niece" he leaned in closer, lips hovering above your ear as he whispered "don't think I won't gut you right here in this corridor and gift your heart to your bastard brothers"
He pulled back slightly to take you in, he seemed to be content with the state of you, chest heaving as you glared up at him hatred boiling in your tummy as you pushed with all your might against his chest, he didn't move instead he dropped his hand from your throat at his own accord before taking a step back, your shove having not affected his retrieval in the least.
You let out a long breath as oxygen now circled normally in your lungs once more. It took you a second to gather yourself but when you finally did you straightened your posture closing the distance between the two of you, once more
"Iksan daor zūgagon hen ao, kepos" i'm not scared of you, uncle.
"Ao yenka sagon" you should be.
You didn't dare be the one to back down first so you held his stare, his lip upturning slightly as he raised his hand up to clasp your cheek gently running his fingers down your throat, his feather-like touch a complete 180 from the way he had manhandled you only moments prior.
He finally stepped back out of your personal space a low 'mm' vibrating in his chest as he turned to leave. "You should get some sleep gevie" there was that word again beautiful "I'll see you in the morning".
let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
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you know you never stood a chance - deleted scene: "hey, sister"
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you know you never stood a chance series
deleted scene: hey, sister
series masterlist
Joel Miller x f!reader
Words: 4.6k
Summary: you and joel try to patch things up with ellie before the baby comes. this takes place before the epilogue but I recommend reading the epilogue first!
Note: posting this now as part of Moth & Birdee's Mother's Day Fic Challenge! This is the final deleted scene for the series. (also if the first bit seems familiar, I posted a snippet during febuwhump).
Warnings: established relationship, technically spoilers for tlou pt 2 but no one goes golfing, terrible communication, makeup sex instead of communicating, p in v, two idiots at the end of the world, fluff, brief Tommy & Maria cameos, baby used as a plot device, vague descriptions of childbirth (nothing graphic in any way), vague depictions of breastfeeding, pregnancy, postpartum depression, family trouble, joel and ellie aren't speaking, estranged family dynamics
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Joel has the nerve to look sheepish when you storm into the house, door smacking against the drywall. You fumble when you try to grab for the edge of it, eventually grasping and slamming it closed.
“You lied to me,” you said, low and dangerous, heart thrumming with all you’ve been told. You clasp at your chest for a moment, sure that your hand will come back red. 
You let the accusation hang, daring him to grab it and throw it aside. 
But he doesn’t. He can’t. He knows he’s been flayed and left open to burn. 
“I lied to everybody,” he says after minutes have crept by. 
“You lied to me,” you snarl. The corner of your lip jerks, an involuntary sneer. You’d trained yourself to do it in the dingy mirror of your first Boston apartment, holding the other side down until you looked as nasty and tough as the rest of them. 
It worked. It was just a twitch now, unstoppable, popping up when you needed it, whether or not you wanted it. 
Oh, but you do right now. You want it. You want him to see the way you’re rethinking this whole fucking situation.
“I had to,” he says. 
“Oh, fuck off. I trusted you.” 
“I never asked ya to,” he snaps. There he goes. There’s the Joel you know and thought you loved. 
The fight slips from your fists, unfurling and folding over your chest instead. “You’re right. You didn’t.” 
He doesn’t stop you when you go upstairs, but oh, does he wish he had when you come back down a few minutes later. His brain almost doesn’t put it together; the sight of your backpack straps so incongruous with your life here in Jackson.
“What—” he starts, but you don’t let him finish.
“Don’t. I’ll come back by in a few days. And you can think about if it was fuckin’ worth it, Joel.” 
“Worth it to save her life?”
“For fucks sake, Joel, I’m not mad you did it! Jesus, is that what you think of me?” 
You had been trying to keep quiet before, but that’s dead and buried. He raises his voice to match.
“How the hell am I supposed to know what you’re thinkin’?”
“You’re supposed to talk to me, Joel! You’re supposed to tell me shit. You tell me when there’s chili at the hall, you tell me when Tommy has a stomachache, but you can’t fuckin’ tell me how close it came? Can’t tell me what you had to do to save that girl? To bring her home?” 
It’s too late. He’s shut down; you can see it. “I ain’t sorry. About any of it,” he says, and it’s clear and crisp, but you feel like it filters in from across town, something too distant to be sure what you heard. 
But you know. 
“Figure out if it was worth it to lose both of us,” you snarl before you can stop. And it does exactly what you meant it to. It whips across his face like a snowball packed with ice. 
His own sneer twitches to meet yours. You think you might burst if you stay there too long, held perfectly still between him and the door. Might spill more words you don’t want to watch him hear, might throw and shatter the vase on the foyer table, might break down into tears. 
Part of you wants to break, to give in, to try to pull the confession from him and pray he didn’t mean it. That he wants you to trust him. That he is sorry.
But you leave, and when you hear the door slam after you’re down the road, you don’t turn back.
You don’t cry until he opens the door, brows knitted together in confusion.
“What’re you doin’ here this late?”
But your lip trembles. “Tommy—” you start, and it breaks into a crackling, shaky breath. “Did you know?”
Tommy pulls you in for a hug. “Shit,” he says quietly. “No. Just this morning, too. C’mon."
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You’re reading in bed when you hear them. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. She seemed awfully upset, and I think she’s already asleep.” Tommy’s voice carries easily up the stairs. He’s not a quiet kind of man. 
“Jus’ let me talk to her for a minute,” Joel says. 
You hold your place in the book with a finger shut between the pages, waiting to see who wins this round. It’s a toss-up, really, for who’ll crack. They’re both stubborn as all hell. 
“I mean it, Joel,” Tommy says firmly but kindly. “She was cryin’ all evening and she just finally fell asleep.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Joel says. “Fine.”
You hear the slow creak of the door and heave a shaky sigh, unable to tell the difference between the relief and disappointment. 
He had come looking for you. You hadn’t expected that, not really. 
But of course, you don’t get to go Miller-free for the night. Tommy knocks shortly after. 
“Hey,” he gives a weak half-smile. “So, how much of that did you hear?”
“All of it,” you admit. 
“He seemed pretty upset,” Tommy says. He sits on the edge of the bed. 
“Good,” you mutter, scowling. 
“I just—look, I don’t want you to think I’m pickin’ teams. But y’all worked hard for what you’ve got. It’d be a shame if ya walked away from it.”
You sigh and lean back against the headboard. “I know. But he really hurt me this time. I trusted him.”
Tommy sighs. “I hear ya. I didn’t know, either. He really didn’t tell anybody. I think he was plannin’ on takin’ it to the grave.”
You know, because you know Joel. You know he didn’t want to put you in a hard place between him and Ellie. Didn’t want to ask you to shoulder his decision. And you know you’re going to forgive him. Maybe not today. But it’s already settling in your bones.
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Joel meets you in the foyer. He must have heard you coming up the porch. You slip in and shut the door before just… standing there.  Just as you had three days ago. 
“Sweetheart,” Joel starts, and with it, takes all your resolve. 
You sniffle. 
“Don’t cry,” he pleads, but it just tips the tears over the crest of your eyes anyway. 
You let him fold you into his arms, one hand cupping the back of your head to hold you against his chest. Your fingers twine into the soft green flannel, the lingering cinnamon and wood smoke as soothing as ever. 
But as soon as you’ve pulled it together, you extract yourself. “We’re going to have to talk about it,” you say to the button on his breast pocket. 
He tilts your chin up with two curled fingers. “I know. You gotta promise you’re gonna hear me out this time.”
You nod and before you can speak, he’s kissing you, one hand soft against your cheek.
“Don’t ever do that to me again, ya hear me?” he murmurs against your lips. “Don’t run away.”
“Don’t you do that to me again,” you retort, but there’s little fire behind it as you lean up to kiss him again.
He’s sweet from the honey he puts in your tea. He always tastes it before he gives it to you. 
“Hang on, how’d you know I was coming home?”
He grimaces. “Didn’t.”
“Shut up.” It’s not sharp, but embarrassed. His cheeks are a little flushed.
You can’t help the fond smile. “What a sap you are, Miller.”
He kisses you again, unable to stay parted for long. “M’serious,” he murmurs. “Don’t run away. Y’can be mad at me all you want, but do it here.”
“I am mad,” you say quietly.
“I know,” he says, pulling your head against his chest and holding it there under his wide palm. “I deserve it.”
“Yeah,” you nod, but there’s no heat behind it. “You’re an ass.” 
“M’your ass.”
“No, this is my ass,” you wiggle a little. 
“Now see, that’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart,” he gives it a hard smack, squeezing with his wide palm. “This is all mine. Said so yourself.” 
It’s as if you blew out a candle, the way his eyes have gone dark and encompassing. You can’t help but moan a little, and his lips quirk up at the corner. 
“Right?” he prompts, backing you over to the couch. 
“Uh-huh,” you squeak as he lies you down, tugging your sweatpants down as he goes. 
His fingers slide down and cup over your cunt, pushing your body close between his legs. “And this greedy little pussy is mine.” He wastes no time in pressing inside you, giving you no room or breath to adjust to his cock.
His hand slides back up to brush along the side of your breast. “Pretty tits just for me,” he murmurs in your ear, tweaking a nipple to hear you whine. His voice has gone low and rich, his Texas twang a little thicker. 
His thumb rests on your lower lip. “Perfect, eager mouth.” He pulls his thumb away right as you try to suck on it and replaces it with his lips, tongue dipping in to taste you. 
“Hmm? Anyone home?” he taunts. 
The sound you make is more like a strangled balloon than an actual word, and he chuckles. 
“See? I know what you need, sweetheart. All of you is mine,” he murmurs against your lips, pulling out torturously slow and pressing back in until your hips are flush. 
“Fuck, Joel, please,” you whine. You want to be mad that he’s distracted you from being mad, but, well… it’s working. 
The thick emotions of it all don’t leave so easily. Your throat is clogged with it, his breath is heavy with it, and the way he works at your clit is an apology on repeat.
Until it isn’t anymore. Until it’s less “I’m sorry” and more desperation. You’re writhing a little beneath him, the ache at a breaking point, pleading for him to push you over the edge he’s brought you to again and again and again.
“No,” he pants. “Not until you promise. Promise you won’t leave.”
“I’m not,” you nearly sob. “Joel.”
It’s the way you cry his name. He can’t keep pushing you; he pulls all the way out and drops to his knees on the living room floor, burying his face in your cunt with all the fervor he’s been fucking into you.
He goes straight for your clit, three fingers in your cunt, and wrings you dry over and over before he relents and plunges his cock back in you to the hilt, setting a punishing pace, though you aren’t sure which one of you is being punished by it.
Maybe both, but in reality, neither, since he comes deep inside you moments later.
It’s not the first time, but it is rare for him to slip up that way. Still, you think nothing of it, given how low the chances are. 
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Lulu is born in the peak of July. It’s hotter than hell and you’re glad that Ellie had gone with the other kids on the trip to the lake. It had been the reason you stayed behind, originally planning to go along with Maria and Alé. 
Joel hadn’t wanted you to go at all. It wasn’t far and even though you weren’t due for another month, he didn’t like it. 
The due date was kind of made up, though. It was really up to you and Joel counting on your fingers to see if you remembered the last time you had a period. 
Not that your period was very consistent to begin with.
His eyebrows had climbed higher and higher as you went back a week at a time to see if either of you could associate an event with it, like if he had fucked you in the ass for a few days or something. 
He had, but really, that wasn’t a great predictor, since he was still coming home from patrol riled up the way he used to in Boston. For the sake of your poor, well-loved cunt, you mixed it up a lot. 
You waited another four weeks before going to see Alice at the clinic. 
After she confirmed what you frankly already knew, you tried to talk to Ellie. 
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The first time you visited the shed, you almost chickened out, rocking back and forth on your heels while you waited outside. She cracked the door open, mouth twisted until she saw you. 
“Hey!” She gave you a hug, and you held her as long as she allowed (which wasn’t long; she was a teenager, after all). “Wanna come in?”
“Sure, kiddo, I’d love to see what you’ve done with the place.”
She beams and lets you in, shutting the door behind her to keep out the late autumn breeze. 
You’re not sure what you were expecting. You had feared something bare and cold, where she’d be lonely all winter. But the space is all Ellie. You look over, and she’s clearly bracing herself for your judgment.
“This is so cool,” you tell her, and she lights up. You drink in her toothy, genuine grin, and decide this is not the time. 
“You think so?” she says.
“Kiddo, I would have killed to have a place like this when I was your age. I had a treehouse, but that was nothing compared to this. Where’d you get all this stuff?”
“I traded around town for it; you know I’ve been—” and she stops, smile gone. “Well. I guess you don’t know. I’ve been doing some jobs after school in exchange for cool stuff.”
She’s guarded again, maybe expecting you to tell her off or nag at her for not telling you.
“That’s great, kiddo. That was a clever idea. What kind of stuff have you been doing?” 
You end up on the couch while she sits on her bed across the room. You don’t think the space is intentional, but you don’t want to cross it in case it is. 
She tells you about babysitting and cleaning, helping other residents with their jobs in the gardens and the stables. She shows you some of her prizes as she goes, gushing over a thick astronomy textbook. It’s beyond your knowledge level, but she’s clearly been devouring every word. Its real value, she says, is that it was printed in 2003 for some college. But the textbooks they had in the QZ were from 2001. 
“Did you know that after we discovered all the moons the other planets have—like did you know Jupiter has fifty moons? They told us it was 38—and then people were getting confused about our moon being the moon, so they started calling it Luna in all these research papers. It's all so fucking cool.”
“That’s incredible, Ell. I’m so proud of you.” 
It’s the wrong thing to say. Sometimes, you forget she’s still a teenager. 
“Yeah, it’s whatever,” she says, shifting uncomfortably. “Did you need something?”
“No. Just wanted to see you,” you lie. 
It’s the wrong thing again. 
“Did Joel make you come here?”
“He doesn’t even know I’m here.” That, at least, is the truth. 
“Okay,” she says. 
“I—” you start, not knowing what you’re going to say, but hoping your runaway tongue will do patchwork here. But she doesn’t let you get that far.
“Hey, so, I was actually going out when you got here, so.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry to have kept you.” You believe her about as much as she believed you a minute ago, but you’re not going to push. You get up, and she lets you give her a hug, but it’s not returned very enthusiastically this time. “It was nice to see you, kiddo.”
“Yeah, um, see you later.” 
When she shuts the door behind you, it feels uncomfortably final.
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You don’t try again for another month, when you have the excuse of Christmas to give you gumption. 
When you knock, she’s slow to open. Her face is unreadable, and she crosses her arms over her chest. 
“What?” she says. 
You nearly shove the bundle in your arms at her. “Merry Christmas. I know it’s early, but it’s supposed to be real cold this week, and—”
Anything else you were about to word vomit catches in your throat while she opens the gift. You’re terrified she’ll reject it, reject you. You’ve been working on it for a while. Since before the fight, even, worried about her in that damn shed all winter.
This quilt is patchwork blues, different shades and patterns. Over top you’ve cut out and stitched the galaxy together for her. It’s maybe childish, but you don’t think she ever had a chance for many childish things. And it’s not nice, not like the ones they used to sell at Pottery Barn when you were a kid that your parents could never afford. 
“You made this for me?” she says. 
“Yeah, kiddo, of course. Sorry it’s not quite accurate, I—”
Her hug knocks the breath from you for a moment, but you hold her to you and try not to cry. It doesn’t last long, and you can see the way her conflicting feelings are making her uncomfortable. But she surprises you.
“Wanna come in?” she says.
“Oh, um. Maybe later, I’m-um, I’m on my way to dinner at Tommy’s. Do you, um. Do you want to come with us?”
The scowl is back. “You mean with you and Joel.” His name was a dirty word spat from her mouth. 
“Well, yeah. We miss you, kiddo. I miss having everybody together.”
“He put you up to this.” It’s harsh and she knows it, sees the way you blink against the offense. 
“I’m capable of doing things of my own accord. Is it so hard to believe that I want to see you?” 
“Sorry,” she mumbles. 
“S’ok,” you say glumly. “I knew it was a long shot, I just—“ and you’re mortified to find tears burning at your waterlines, “just thought I’d ask anyway. M’sorry.” You had intended to ask, and Joel knew. You just wanted to tell her so badly. 
You hug again before you leave, but you have to hide in the half bath when you get to Tommy and Maria’s to weep. 
Joel slips in after a few minutes. He wraps you up in his arms while you try to smother the sounds of your broken heart. 
“I know, darlin’,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
You tell Tommy and Maria after dinner. Tommy picks you up and swings you around in a hug, which makes Alé giggle. 
You go home first, exhausted. Joel tries to insist on going with you, but you know he needs some time with Tommy. As much as he’s trying to share Sarah with you, this is a whole different rodeo. 
The light is on in the shed when you get home. You hover on the porch, wobbling between your split instincts. In the end, you go to bed. 
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Winter passes quietly. The layers help keep your secret, but you know it’ll be harder come spring. When Maria tells you that Ellie stopped by to wish Alé an early happy birthday because she wasn’t coming to the party, you cracked again. 
You pound on the door of the shed. She answers, guarded as always, and clearly surprised to find you there.
“Can I come in?” you blurt.
“Sure, yeah,” she says, and though she hesitates, she steps back to let you through. 
It’s not a frigid day, as you head into spring, but you stay layered up in your winter gear. Your bump isn’t big by any means, but it’s unmistakably there. It could be passed off as weight gain, but Ellie isn’t stupid, and you aren’t about to insult her by pretending. 
“Alé’s going to miss you at her party.” 
Ellie shuts the door of the shed, but hovers there, arms crossed. “She’s turning three. She won’t remember.”
“You’re her family; you should be there.”
“You want her to see us fighting?”
“Ellie, please. Just come over, come have dinner. We can talk. All three of us.”
“No,” she snaps. “If all you’re going to do when you come over is try to get me to talk to Joel, stop coming.”
“I just want our family together.”
“I’m not coming over there to get lectured and have you do nothing but side with him like always. You’re too damn scared of him leaving again that you never side with me. Guess what? I can leave, too. Get out.” 
“No, Ellie—”
“Just get out.”
“It’s not about him, just please give us a chance—”
She opens the door and stands there, not looking at you. 
You hesitate when you reach her, but she flinches back, so you just go home.
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When Lulu is born, the sun rages at the apex of the horizon. Joel sends one of the neighbors for Alice, and busies himself getting everything ready while you pace the length of the upstairs hall and breathe through the pain. 
He’s filling the tub when he finds you with your elbows against the wall, head down, and teeth gritted. In an instant, he’s at your side, rubbing his hand over your lower back. 
“I’ve got you, darlin’,” he says, as he always does. “What do you need?”
“Just you,” you whimper. “Need you with me.” 
“Okay, sweetheart, I got ya.”
It’s far too soon to push, but he helps you into the tub anyway, hoping the cool water will help since you’re flushed and sweaty. He climbs in behind you, perched on the edge with arms wrapping around the top of your chest above your breasts. His lips press up and down your neck, and he takes a rag to wipe the sweat from your face. 
That’s how Alice finds you, and she nods at Joel approvingly before telling you she’ll be in and out to check on you. 
Between contractions, you slump back against Joel. Alice dropped water bottles off and he coaxes you to sip while you can. 
When the time comes, you’re exhausted. You can tell Alice is worried that you won’t have the strength. 
Joel isn’t, though. “You’re tough,” he murmurs. “You just hold onto me and do what you need to do.” 
It hurts. There’s no way around that. You push back against his chest, arching and screaming while he holds you tight. When each break comes, it’s too short. Your head flops back onto his shoulder, and he wipes you down with the cold rag again.
“You’re doing great. Fuckin’ incredible. Just a little more, baby, I promise.”
After, Joel helps you stand on shaking legs just long enough to get dry. Once you’re safely seated on the bed, feeling absolutely ridiculous in what was more or less a heavily lined cloth diaper, he helped you into one of his flannels, leaving it unbuttoned so you could nurse the baby. 
The day is a blur. You’re not sure what time she was born and you’re not sure how long it is before Tommy shows up. You’ve been mostly asleep, rousing when Alice brings the baby in to eat. She’s an absolute miracle, watching over little Luna while you and Joel sleep. 
“Getting rest today is critical to your success in the coming weeks,” she had said. 
You sleep even better once Tommy’s there. Maria stayed back with Alé, just for today. They were coming over first thing in the morning at your insistence. But Tommy came to help with the baby and stay the night once Alice went home, as you had done for them. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Alice. But knowing Tommy had Luna made you feel safer than anyone, other than you and Joel. 
You might have slept better still if not for the specters haunting the room. 
The next time you wake, the sun has set. You can hear her cries from downstairs, and sure enough, Tommy brings her in moments later. 
“Look, Lulu, your mama is up and ready for you.”
You take her into your arms and get her latched before it registers. “What did you call her?”
“Lulu! Ain’t it sweet?”
No, you think, but he has his biggest, dopiest grin on. You settle on a noncommittal hum, which you would regret later when he takes it as enthusiasm. 
You go to say something, but it dies when it finally clicks that you’re alone in the bed. 
“Where’s Joel?” 
“He, uh—”
“He went to try to talk to Ellie. They all just got back.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, I tried to stop him—”
“No, it’s okay,” you say, closing your eyes tight for a moment. When you gently cradle Luna against your shoulder to burp her, you take a deep breath against her tiny, downy head. “He should. It’s good.”
“He didn’t need to leave you alone. I told him to wait until she got back.”
“I’m glad he didn’t. She deserves to know right away. Hell, we both tried to tell her before, but…” 
The silence sits like the river in the winter—a thin, false calm on the surface. After you latch Luna on the other side and get settled, Tommy sits on the bed beside you and lets you rest your head on his shoulder. 
That’s how Joel finds you when he gets back. Luna’s gone back to sleep, cradled in your arms, and Tommy’s thrown his arm around your shoulder while you cry. 
“It’s normal,” he had said. “That’s what Alice told us after Alé was born. Baby blues, she called ‘em. And I think you got a real reason to be sad, anyway.” 
You look up, blinking away stray tears, when Joel comes in the room. The look on his face tells you everything you need to know. 
“She took one look at me and took off with Dina. I tried to call out and tell her it was real important, but she wasn’t hearin’ it,” he says once he’s crossed the room to you. He presses a kiss to you and Luna’s foreheads. 
“What about me?” Tommy grumbles playfully, and Joel gives him a little kiss, too.
They both laugh. You wish you could. You think you would have. It’s right there, sitting at the bottom of your diaphragm. But it doesn’t rise, doesn’t bubble up. Instead, it goes cold and sinks down where you can’t reach. 
Joel and Tommy exchange a look. 
“What?” you say.
Joel just shakes his head and lifts Luna from your arms to place her in the crib. “Let’s get some sleep, sweetheart.”
“I’ll be just across the hall,” Tommy says, tipping his head and shutting the door quietly behind him. 
Joel slips under the covers and wraps you up in his arms. It eases a heavy sigh from your lungs, one that trembles on the air in its own wake. 
He kisses your head and tucks you in close, trailing off into soft snores. But you can’t follow. Your heavy eyes blink slow, that brief darkness the only barrier between your gaze and the crib.
Your chest is tight. It’s like icicles are forming inside your lungs. It’s a testament to how tired Joel is that he doesn’t wake when you slip out of his grasp. 
The soft knit socks from Mrs. Davies muffle your shuffle across the floor. You tug the throw pillow and crocheted blanket from the armchair. The crib sits low to the ground, so you lower yourself beside it, wrapped in the itchy pastel, and watch the rise and fall of her little chest. 
You don’t sleep.
*title from "Hey Brother" by Avicii
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fan-goddess · 1 year
Hey you! Can I request Aemond falling for a Princess who is generally more dark, sarcastic, maybe she has war experience and is imterested in occult stuff? Thx of you do this !!Love u
Author Note: Thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy it as that I do it justice! After writing I don’t think I went less dark and more sarcastic and only cheerful with Aemond. Hope this is alright though still!
If anyone else has any requests please don’t hesitate to ask :)
Here is my masterlist where you’ll find other requests I’ve answered and my other content
Warnings: no nsfw, fluff, no real pronouns nor any real physical features are mentioned though it is implied the reader is a girl
When Aemond first heard from his grandsire that he was to marry you, he assumed he had heard incorrectly. You were well know in kingslanding for being… unique.
For one, you did not dress like any woman he’d ever seen before. You dressed like a boy. When your father brought you to court one day when the both of you were two and ten, his eye nearly fell from his head when he saw you hanging round with Helaena under the tree in the courtyard.
You wore a dark vest top and darker bottoms. It was only when he saw the more feminine features that graced your face till he realised you were in fact even possibly a lady. Maybe even a pretty one at that…
“What are you staring at princeling?” You shouted at him when you saw him. You had no regard for what may occur with your talk. You truly seemed to be fearless. “You never seen a girl or something?”
Even the way you spoke drew him in to you. You didn’t speak like the women at the court, who all giggled and talked only of needlepoint and their husbands latest triumph. It was all the same recycled rubbish according to Helaena. You instead talked of the wars your lands faced and the training your father allows you to wholeheartedly pursue. He’d seen the scars that graced your body. There were small ones that were mainly etched on your arms, though he’d also seen one that peaked from the back of the shirt you wore for when you joined him and ser Criston for training.
He missed you only a little when you left to go back to your kingdom. Something about them needing you for another war that was starting up. All he knew was that you and your father left in the middle of the night never to be really heard from again.
The next time though he even heard of you was when his betrothal was announced. His mother gave him a sympathetic look as his grandsire announced it at supper for his eight and tenth, Aegon simply raised a cup of some unknown alcohol and said, “Maybe you’ll now learn how it is to feel a woman before the princess cuts your cock off for a spell at least!”
His mother quickly dismissed Aegons jest, though even she couldn’t deny one of the rumours that surrounded you. How you dabbled and experimented with something dark and dangerous.
No one knew what it exactly was you did. The rumour only talked of some language being painted onto your skin before battle in charcoal. A mystery language none could understand excerpt for yourself.
When he saw you next though. That was what did it for him. You still dressed the same. Though this time it held much more armour themed clothing. That and it seemed to be tailored to fit you perfectly. Your now painfully obvious womanly figure showed him just how much you physically matured in the years you left. Though it seemed you didn’t mentally mature as he had hoped.
“Hello again princeling!” You said with a smirk as you sat next to him. He does not respond to you. Hoping maybe you’ll get bored of him and leave him be. “That’s awfully rude of you my dear princeling! And to think I thought this would be a love marriage!”
WHAT?!? His eye widens in your direction by pure instinct. His shock not as well hidden as he’d have hoped. Though as he looks at you in shock his gaze softens at the sight of your face.
It seems since your involvement of the war, which he has been told has been stopped and conquered, has given you more scars that litter your body. There is one more prominent that sticks out to him. It’s on your forehead and looks to be deep. By the looks of it it was cut by a sword. It’s ugly yes, but the smirk you give him makes it so he doesn’t immediately move his eyes to it.
He’s about to comment on it, when a Lannister he does not remember the name of comes over with a goblet of no doubt wine in hand. He can see the frown that takes over your face from the corner of his eye. “My princess! My how much you’ve grown! When I last saw you I swear you had the figure of a boy! At least now I can tell what it is you are!” The man grins, unashamedly looking at your figure.
Aemond nearly lunges at the man there and then. How dare he make such crued and inappropriate comments to his betrothed?!? He’s about to say something so he doesn’t in fact lunge at him, but it seems you beat him too it. “I don’t think my figure should be what worries you Lord Lannister. Maybe you should be more focusing on, what is it your third wife now whose died? People may start to believe your cursed… or possibly that you killed them yourself in your unquenchable desire for a son…?”
Aemond lets out a laugh before he can stop himself. It seems you also know of the rumours of your, dabbling. Though unlike most ladies who fear for the rumours that may spread, you embrace it. It seems Lord Lannister does not share his enjoyment of your wit, as he leaves near as soon as he arrived practically with his tail between his legs like a dog.
“I’m not a sorceress you know little Princeling.” You say as you turn to him. “We do not have the same religions you have here. I follow a certain path that involves symbols called runes that help protect me in battle. That’s what the whole rumour was about.”
“I do not care about the rumours that surround you Princess.” He says. It’s a damn lie. He’s been eager about any rumour about you since you’ve left the castle. “We are to be wed either way.”
“Liar” You smile. It’s so wicked how you smile. You’ve been in war. You’ve been down right mocked for how you’ve been brought up and yet you still give him a smile that makes his insides feel like he’s flying on Vhagar for the first time all over again.
After the announcement ball of your betrothal, he has been seeing you much more than he ever did as a child. You join him for his training sessions with Ser Criston, just as how you did as a child. Only this time you fight him directly and manage to knock him on his arse. A feat he finds himself strangely happy with.
You even bring out a hand for him to take in a goodwill gesture. He finds himself admiring the feel of your hands on his. They have callouses, he can feel. He can also feel a scar on you inner palm. Possibly from holding a sword by then blade. Though as soon as he realises he’s holding it for too long he drops it. He even realises that he likes fighting with you almost too much when you hold him down with all your weight like you’ve been taught to do.
He feels his heart is about to burst from his chest and he hates it. Yet even after that discovery, he still insists on himself enjoying your company.
He finds you to be annoyingly informative. You join him sometimes for his reading sessions in the library, and insist on telling him to gruesome ventures of you in the war.
While he was attempting to read about Visenya and Vhagar, all he could hear was you telling him the tale on how you had to saw of a man’s arm to stop an infection from spreading any further. It annoys himself even more when he goes out of his way to engage these tales from you, asking about the infection and what is was, abandoning the book to the side.
Aemond finds himself near abandoning the books altogether and instead discusses these usually disbanded topics of conversation in full detail with you. Maybe he likes how passionate you get when you insist on telling him your your gory stories from war, your hands making small gestures when you get to a personal favourite parts and sometimes even putting on ridiculous voices for the men in the stories. He hates how he always ends up unconsciously smiling by the end of them and you always smile back at him.
He also hates how well the meeting of you and Vhagar went. All you could do since he once, and only once, mentioned about the possibility of you meeting Vhagar. Ever since then you’ve been non stop threatening him to take you to Vhagar and meet the queen of the dragons. You threatened to take out his eye, you threatened to poison his wine, you even threatened to set fire to the library leaving nothing but dreary poetry you knew he hated.
Oh how he despised you. Oh how he cared for you. Oh how he hated how he smiled so widely when he gave in after the threat of his books. You caressed Vhagar like you would a cat, and he nearly burst a blood vessel when Vhagar began to purr. What in the seven were you doing to his dragon?!? All you were doing was caressing Vhagar with your calloused yet somehow soft hands and whispering to her your favourite war stories… he was definitely not jealous!
Aemond learnt over the next few days he was in fact jealous.
All you could do was bother him to see Vhagar again. You didn’t ask to see him with the same intensity you asked to see Vhagar…
His denial knew no bounds as he denied why you seemed to make his heart race so much. Or why it seemed only you could make him smile so naturally.
Maybe it was only until he married you in the way of his ancestors, when he could whole heartedly say he loved you as he showed his full self to you. Sapphire eye and all.
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
I try to go out of my way to let people know if I like something that they're doing, because people don't really notice the good things of themselves or aren't aware that other people notice. Or occasionally, they might not be aware that something about them that they're not observing is a positive thing. It reflects and bounces back and forth, and we all need some random positivity around.
Made a post a while ago about this guy whom I met through my publisher, whose name I had honestly forgotten/missed completely, wanting to note down how this dude made me see just how much the southern US kind of rural "redneck" stereotype that I'd only seen depicted - largely in a negative, classist light - really is rooted in a genuine type of people, who not only exist, but are just the same type of people as my mother's side of the family in rural Finland. And that weren't for the complete language barrier between people who don't speak a word of english, and people who don't speak a word of finnish, they'd have much to talk about - more in common than I really do with either of them.
What I hadn't expected were a few people tagging the post as "gender goals" - I honestly hadn't even thought of this cultural observation from a gender presentation point of view - but I thought that he himself might find this amusing. After sending my publishers the initial message I realised that wait shit, they're all late millenial bordering-on-gen-X cis guys, I'll need to translate this. I started going into what the hell any of that even means, explaining the concept of transition goals, of how trans people go about gathering inspiration of just what kind of men/women/nb they want to be, and taking notes of the kind of gender presentation they personally like.
Typing it out, I kind of started also getting a clearer picture of how much of a significance that kind of thing can have, even when remarked half-jokingly. Of what I put together, this guy has been in kind of a rough patch in life - freshly divorced after getting married too young, he's been up in the air in his mid-30s trying to figure out how to build up a life in his own image as an independent adult, after marrying his high school sweetheart wasn't Happily Ever After after all.
So maybe he would like to know that there's people on the internet who are trying to figure out how to present themselves, and what kind of a man they want to be, who read my rough description of my impression of him - that I wrote without thinking much more about it at all - and thought "I like what this guy is doing. This is what I'd like for myself."
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bluemoondust · 9 months
Can I order a hc from Yan Lilia with fem reader who one day makes a random comment like "When I get married and have kids..."? Reader practically comes from a family that didn't give her much love so she yearns for the love of a family. Nsfw or Sfw, as you prefer!
✧Family✧ — Lilia Vanrouge
cw: fem/afab!reader (no pronouns), reader is called a mother once
Warning(s): Slight Obsessive Behavior, Slight Manipulation (if you squint), Baby/Pregnancy Talk, 18+ CONTENT — MINORS DNI
Note: Yeah... I want this man carnally. (´・ ・`。)
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Oh you poor sweet thing. You shouldn't have said that around him. Maybe you were comfortable to speak to Lilia about a subject such as this due to the fact that he is experienced in raising/caring for children. Albeit, not his own, but it still stands. Even so, now you've planted an idea into his mind. He was already thinking of having a life with you ever since his infatuation was apparent to him, but this seems like you really want something with him. Oh, how precious of you.
Lilia had his suspicions about your home life, given that he's been keeping watch over you. You'd never be able to hide this forever, you know. Some day he'd find out, but he would rather you tell him straight out. He simply loves when you confide in him. Which is why he does his best to assure you that he is your best bet when it comes to venting out your deepest thoughts and needs. There is no judgement here. Still, he pities you. What sort of family doesn't give their child/sibling the love that they deserve? It seems that your family really didn't deserve you in the slightest.
But that is okay now. You're away from them for good. There's no need to think about them anymore nor any worry about ever feeling the love you oh so crave. He'll give it to you. You just need to tell him exactly what you need. Saying that you'd want to get married and have kids was the assurance he needed. Now you just have to figure out that he is the one for you. All these young ones at NRC wouldn't be able to give you the care, love, and attention you truly deserve. They have no experience nor knowledge on how to please/cherish a lifelong partner.
Plus, not only would he be ecstatic to raise another child. Even better; it's his own this time! A mixture between you and him in appearance, he thinks to himself as he imagines what your baby will look like. It's been a while since he's taken care of such a precious little bundle. Oh, he can't wait to see you all soft and round.
Once he has you in his grasp...When you finally open your eyes and see that he is the one for you, Lilia is going to take such good care of you. Whether or not you're experienced, he will make sure to be attentive towards your needs and pleasure. The whole process is slow and sensual. He wants to make sure you feel every touch, kiss, lick, and bite he gives to your body. A tease he is as he traces his finger across the bundle of nerves that sends pleasure down your body. "Yes, yes, I'll slip my fingers inside you soon. Be patient, lovely~ I just want to hear more of you." He says before giving your clit a teasing pinch, causing you to let out a delectable sound.
Lilia is definitely going to leave hickeys and bite marks across your shoulders and neck. He just loves seeing them on you. Such a pretty sight~ What he also loves is to see you squirm and plead for more. It's cute to him. It makes him feel a little greedy as he sucks on one of your nipples while two finger are inside, stretching you out so nicely. "I can't wait to see you so full of milk for our child. You'll look so beautiful. So breathtaking. You are going to be such a good mother, I just know it~" He smiling up at you, face in between your soft mounds as his fingers touch that sweet spot of yours. You're definitely going to come undone a few times before he finally slips his cock inside. You deserve to be worshipped, after all.
In the scenario where you're inexperienced, Lilia is gentle (but also satisfied that he gets the honor of being your first). His kisses any tears away that you shed when he slowly pushes himself inside you. He whispers praises upon praises at how well you are taking him, commenting on how you were made just for him. Rubbing your thighs and hips in a tender manner, he lightly teases at how much you're clenching around him. "It seems like you're already so eager to milk me dry...Are you that excited to have a baby with me? You can tell me~ In fact..." He leans in to utter these words in your ear, "I'll stuff you with as much as my cum as possible until I'm sure you'll be pregnant."
He wasn't just saying that in the moment. That was a promise that Lilia will make sure to keep. He intends to keep thrusting and filling you up however many times it takes until the possibility of having a child is inevitable. Every single time, he kisses you so sweetly and tells you how much he loves you. You're going to be further bound to him after this. No one else can have you. No one. Anyone foolish enough to try and take you will have to answer to him. Lilia will make sure to protect you and your child at all costs.
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literatecowboy · 9 months
The King With No Name
8. Do You Trust Me?
Part 1
Next part
Summary: König - the king of Caldera - has been called upon by your father to choose a bride from his daughters in order to establish an alliance to keep peace over the lands they rule. When he arrives, he is enraptured by you, your father’s eldest child - an unconventional woman by all standards. He pursues your hand in marriage, doing his best to make you fall in love with him like he has fallen in love with you - much to your dismay Author's Notes: fucking finally. Also this is long sorry. Also, would people be interested in reading a kidnapper!konig fic? Warnings: Arranged marriage, SMUT, betrayal, pining, ultimate wingmanship
You wasted away slowly as you sat in König’s castle.
Each day dragged on but the weeks seemed to fly by. You were allowed to do nothing alone - soldiers stood outside your door and on the balcony as you slept, forever vigilant. They remained outside of the bathroom as you bathed, the maids entrusted with your care keeping a watchful eye on you as you washed.
You ate with others watching too, though they did not eat with you. You were no longer allowed into the barracks or onto the training grounds, no longer allowed to leave the castle at all, and the silence warped your dreams into nightmares. 
Some of the men who guarded you looked upon you with pity, others neutrality, some kindness. The ones you loathed the most were the ones who stared at you with fear behind their eyes - it was not fear of you, but rather, what your husband would do to them if you were to escape. 
You watched out the windows during the day as the world bustled around you, as others lived their lives in normalcy. You coveted any news that reached your ears about the conflict - König was winning, of course, beating back his enemies and pushing them out of his lands. But there was no word of your family - of Sadie, of Lydia, of mother or father or even Henry. 
Ferdinand was a common figure in your nightmares. 
König hadn’t shown his face back at his castle, but he had returned to the city several times. It was Wilhelm who visited you one evening as you sat by the fire, cleaning the bow you hadn’t used in what felt like forever. 
“My lady,” he called softly as he approached your seat. You didn’t react, not bothering to look up at him. 
“My lady, I’d like to speak with you about König,” he attempted cautiously, sitting down across from you with a sigh. You looked up sharply. 
“I have no words for my jailer. That is all. Go,” you demanded, looking back down at your bow. Wilhelm sighed quietly. 
“What would you do to help your people?” he asked after a moment, fixing his gaze heavily on you. 
“More than just sitting here, rotting away in a castle that doesn’t belong to me,” you spat, glaring at Wilhelm. 
“I’d like to give you that opportunity if you’d only hear me out,” he said. You sat stock still, not having to think it over for long. 
“Then speak.”
“Come away from this castle with me to see König. Lay with him again,” Wilhelm said, his cheeks turning pink. Your mouth fell open. 
“You’ve come all this way, lied to me about being able to help my people, and dangled freedom over my head so you could demand that I have sex with König? You’re a bastard and König is worse. I have never lain with him and I never will. Leave me alone!” you snarled, rising from your seat and stalking towards the door. 
“Wait! Please, I should have explained myself. König misses you, misses your touch. He hasn’t said it but I can see it in him. He’s more violent, more angry, more impatient. He’s starting to become reckless. I need your help to focus him!” Wilhelm yelled. You picked a book off of a shelf and hurled it at him. He ducked it just in time. 
“Fuck off!” you shrieked, snatching your bow from where it lay and storming out of the room and toward your bedroom, your guards following close behind. 
That night was hot, and after returning from your bath, you noticed that your maids had not built a fire in your fireplace. Once the bustle around you had settled and you had been confined to your bed, the guards had left to stand watch around the entrances to your room, leaving you alone. 
You blew out the candles one at a time as you did each night, and after waiting some time under the covers, the castle quieted. As the moon rose outside you dressed as quickly and as quietly as you could, tightening the straps on your armor and pulling a hooded cloak on over your clothing to hide yourself. 
With your weapons by your side, you stepped into the fireplace, gazing up the chimney and catching sight of the stars above. The climb wouldn’t be far, and judging by the roughness of the stone walls, it wouldn’t be that difficult either. 
As you hauled yourself out of the chimney and found your footing on the roof minutes later, you dusted the soot from your cloak and looked around. 
There were no guards on the sloped roof so you crept forward, moving as quickly and silently as you could across the tiles and to one of the tall towers near the outward edge of the castle. 
As you climbed down the ivy and landed on the ground, the tower door swung open and you nearly ran right into Sheriff Klein. He gasped but you clapped a hand over his mouth, your other hand finding your knife in it’s sheath. 
“Shh. It’s me,” you hissed, glancing around. Klein nodded, his eyes wide. 
“Stay quiet,” you murmured, pulling your hand from his mouth slowly. 
“How did you escape?” he hissed, glancing around and checking to see if you were followed by any guards. 
“That’s not important. I need you to get me outside of the walls. You owe me, Klein,” you whispered, pointing at the hitched prison wagon that waited just beyond the shadow of the castle. He sighed. 
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To save my family.”
Sheriff Klein stopped the wagon in the trees not far outside of the city and unlocked the back, tugging the iron door open and offering his hand to help you out. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. 
“Thank you, sir. I believe we’re even,” you said, pulling back and offering him a smile. He returned it. 
“Come back to us when this is all over. I could use a woman resourceful as you helping me keep the city safe,” he said, unhitching one of the horses from the wagon and offering you his reins. 
And then you were off, riding bareback with only your bow and the knife on your belt, heading for home. 
Several days of riding took you through the carnage of war and past burnt-out villages and farms, their survivors hardly sparing you a glance as you headed deeper for the grassy plains of your homeland. As you rode, you passed the thicket where you and König had spent your first nights together, where he had slain the wolf and saved your life. 
Soldiers passed you occasionally but none seemed to recognize you as you blurred past them on your horse. As night fell on the day you reached the outskirts of your home, you set up camp, hitching your horse to a tree and building a small fire. You’d hunted a rabbit and ate the leftover meat for dinner and laid out on a bedroll you’d taken from a dead soldier as the fire died out slowly. The woods were quiet when it happened. 
König pounced on you from out of the darkness, terrifying your horse and sending it kicking and tugging until the lead broke and it took off like a shot. 
You screamed and thrashed as he pinned you to the ground, forcing your arms above your head as he buried his nose in your neck, inhaling deeply. He slotted his hips between your legs, grinding himself against you roughly as he kissed at your collarbone. 
“Oh maus, how exhilarating it has been to chase you across my lands. I have missed you,” he groaned. 
“Get off of me you fucking psycho!” you screeched, kicking at him and thrashing in his hold. He drew back as if wounded and you scrambled away from him. 
“Maus, have you not missed me? I am sorry for what I have done but–”
“But nothing! You kept me caged like some pet bird! Is that all I was to you? A pet? A decoration? Just a pretty thing to distract you and put down when you get bored?” you shouted, drawing your knife from your belt and thrusting it at his throat. 
“Oh, liebling, you are my heart, my reason to live,” König said breathily, gazing up at you from his knees. You were struck by the memory of the first time he’d come into your bedroom and your heart thundered at the thought as you pushed the blade forward. 
“Go away. I’m going to go save my family because you clearly aren’t capable,” you hissed, tears starting to flow freely down your cheeks. 
“Not capable?” König barked out a laugh, looking taken aback. “I have killed hundreds for you, maus. I near your castle each day. My men rip through the enemy with ease. All of this I do for you, for your honor,” he breathed.
“My honor is my own to forge, and you locked me in that dreadful castle!” you shouted, punctuating your words with wild stabs from your blade. He caught it in an armored hand and took it from you with ease, throwing it aside.
“Maus, I must do what I must to keep you safe,” he said, rising to his feet and taking your hands. You looked deep into his eyes. 
“Do you trust me?” you asked. 
“Of course, maus.”
“Do you want me to love you?” you breathed. He stiffened, his grip tightening. 
“Then trust me, König.”
You rode into the war camp on the back of König’s stallion just as proud as the horse was. König trailed behind you on foot, watching with stars in his eyes as you shouted a greeting to his men, a great cheer splitting the night air as they caught sight of you in your battered, road-weary, armored glory.
As you dismounted in front of the largest tent, Wilhelm came to greet you, a smug look on his face. You froze. 
“You madman. You planned this, didn’t you? Riled me up at the castle so I’d break from my chains and ride out on my own?” you asked. He raised his hands and laughed, shaking his head. 
“I’d like to apologize, my lady, truly. I was doing only what needed to be done. But in all seriousness…have you never lain with König?” You laughed and smacked him in the chest before you hugged him, shaking your head. 
“The poor Sheriff must think so oddly of me now,” you chuckled. Wilhelm quirked an eyebrow. 
“He wasn’t in on it, my lady. I figured I’d leave the details up to you.”
You passed into the tent to collapse into a proper bed a moment later, the tent flap falling shut behind you. König approached Wilhelm, watching as you disappeared. 
“Does she hate me?” he asked, his gaze unfocused as his mind raced. 
“Hard to say. I wouldn’t push your luck though.”
König came into the tent a little while after you’d settled into bed and sat down on the end of it, working at the straps of his armor. It was quiet. 
“I…I am sorry. What I did was not right,” he said after a moment, setting his armor aside and turning to make eye contact with you. 
“Thank you for apologizing,” you said softly, rubbing your eyes and yawning. 
“I would like to sleep with you, maus. To embrace you. I will not touch you inappropriately. I…I have missed you,” he admitted. You thought it over, biting your lip and sighing. 
“I missed you too, König, but I don’t know. You scared me in the woods…” you admitted, curling up into a ball and shivering. He dipped his head respectfully. 
“I trust you, maus. I will sleep outside,” he said, rising and heading for the tent flap. Your heart sank slightly and you surprised yourself by calling out.
“Wait. I changed my mind. Sleep here,” you called out as his hand met the canvas. He paused and turned to you, his eyes wide. 
“Anything you wish, maus. I…give me one moment.” He stepped further away from the bed, taking his shirt off and letting it rest over the back of a chair before pausing. 
With a deep breath, he took his hood off and let it fall. He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at you, his eyes brimming with worry and uncertainty. You sat up slowly, silent as you took him in. He was beautiful. 
The next morning you woke up nestled against König’s chest, his strong arms wrapped protectively around you. You watched him sleep for a time, tracing his facial features with your eyes and his scars with your fingertips. 
When he stirred and his eyes cracked open, you encouraged him with a gentle kiss on the cheek. Then he was awake and kissing him back, your eyes fluttering shut as he pulled you closer to him. He grasped at your hips and pulled you up so that you could straddle his lap. You could feel his erection throbbing against your core and you groaned softly into the kiss. He slid his hands up your shirt slowly, breaking away from your lips and looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Maus, I do not want to make love to you for the first time in this place where my men might hear you,” he cooed, squeezing your breasts gently before his hands dropped back to your hips. 
“I wasn’t planning on it. I’m still mad at you,” you murmured teasingly, running your fingers through his hair as you pulled him in for another kiss. 
“You are making it difficult to resist you,” he admitted with a laugh, laying you down gently on your back and climbing on top of you. Your lips met again and you slid your hands up his bare chest, teasing at the hem of his trousers before pulling away. 
“Consider how difficult it will be to resist me once you’ve proven your love to me and this fighting is over,” you purred, pushing gently against his chest. He backed away from you with a soft groan, watching as you got up and undressed. His breathing got heavier as he watched you dress and he got up, hugging you from behind and nipping at your neck. You laughed and shooed him away before leaving the tent and his view. 
It was cold outside and the morning was foggy. You armed yourself and headed to the edge of the camp to meet Wilhelm, looking out over the cliff and down upon the city and the castle you’d once called home. 
The city seemed deserted - villagers had been imbued with the good sense to flee as König’s armies marched closer. Ferdinand no doubt paced in the castle, plotting his resistance. Little hope was left for him now, and you were determined that he’d be dead by the time the week was over. 
You wondered about your sisters, your parents. Were they alive? Were they being cared for? Had your father resisted at all when Ferdinand had seized power?
“You want to sneak in. I can see it in your eyes,” Wilhelm said as you approached, his arms folded across his armored chest. 
“I grew up in that castle. I snuck out nearly every night. I know more nooks and crannies and passageways that could lead me inside than even the rats,” you admitted, sitting on a large rock and watching the guards on the walls. 
Had any resisted? Were any still loyal to you? You knew these men, their families. Would they kill you on sight or be loyal to your cause?
König approached, his armor clanking as he came to stand beside you and rested a gloved hand on your shoulder, gently guiding you closer to him. 
“Would anyone be able to detect you if you went in?” Wilhelm asked. König stiffened but said nothing, he merely rubbed your shoulder gently. 
“Not unless I wanted them to detect me. I suspect that once the men can see me I might be able to sway some of them to my side. I think that I can take down Ferdinand from within,” you said. 
“I think it’s worth the attempt. It’ll be faster than a full-out siege and do less damage to your castle so there’s less damage to be rebuilt when you take it back. The only danger would be if they were to take you captive,” Wilhelm said cautiously, watching his hooded king for a response. 
“They would not kill me, at least, I do not think that they would. If they have my family in there, I have to try to get them back,” you said. 
“Maus, will you ride with me?” König cut in, taking your hand and helping you rise. You nodded and shot an apologetic look to Wilhelm as you followed him out of camp and to the area where the horses were kept. He lifted you onto his horse and climbed on behind you and you rode off into the woods. 
“If this is what you wish to do, I will not stop you,” he began. You rode together for a little while in silence until you found a little clearing filled with flowers far off the beaten path. He laid out his cape for you and sat down, opening his arms to you.
“I wish that you would not, but you are a capable little maus. You can scurry quietly,” he said with a small smile. “But you must have a plan for when you go in, and you must allow me to charge in with force should anything go wrong.”
“It would be good to have a failsafe,” you admitted, stepping closer to him as he wrapped his arms around you and sat you on one of his massive thighs. 
“Then you should go tonight after the sun sets. I will bring men along the sides of the castle and should there be a commotion inside, we will storm it. Where will you go in?” he asked. 
“There are some catacombs far beneath the castle that open near the river. I can creep in there and nobody will disturb me. I will be let out into the dungeon, where hopefully I can find my family,” you said. 
“I trust you, maus. I love you. You must promise to me that you will come back to me safely,” he murmured. You rested your head against his chest plate and nodded. 
“König?” you asked softly after a moment, gazing up at him. He looked down at you curiously, and you slid your hand under his hood, cupping his cheek gently. 
“Make love to me.”
He was gentle as he helped you out of your armor and laid you on your back, leaning over to kiss you as he fumbled with the straps of his own and let it fall into the grass beside you. He only broke the kiss to tug his shirt and hood off in one motion. You wrapped your legs around his hips as he crawled on top of you, locking your lips together and gently tracing his fingers against the skin under your shirt. 
You pulled it off as he reached your breast and leaned down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth as they hardened, caressing and kissing your breasts as he drowned himself in you. 
You pushed your hips up to grind your core against his erection with a groan, feeling him grow even harder as he leaned up and kissed your neck, his gentle, teasing touches making you writhe. 
He paused to tug his pants down, allowing you to sit up and do the same. You crawled on top of him as he tossed both pairs to the side, straddling him and moaning as he gripped your hips and ground you against his erection, grunting into your ear softly. 
You moaned as he bit your neck and sucked at the mark he’d made feverishly, lapping at the bruise with his tongue as it formed. Your core throbbed and pulsed and he laid you back down gently, carefully pulling your panties down your legs and tossing them away. 
He pushed your knees apart gently, hunger in his eyes as he gazed upon your core. In an instant he surged forward, kissing up your leg and inner thighs before licking a long stripe up your entrance, making you toss your head back as your back arched, crying out in pleasure. 
König grasped you by the hips and pulled you forward, shoving his tongue deep into you and rubbing his nose against your clit. You throbbed against him, your arousal coating his face as he devoured you like a starving man, palming himself through his boxers as he listened to your moans and gasps of pleasure. 
“Oh, König!” you cried, your back arching and your toes curling as he kept going, his eyes flickering open to hold your gaze. Your entire body was hot as if his touch was a flame and you shivered as you saw the desire and love in his eyes, feeling your stomach tighten. 
König pulled his tongue from you with a groan and gently inserted one of his long, thick fingers. It felt better than anything you’d ever felt before - the sensation was alien and overwhelming, and as he pumped the finger in and out slowly, he brushed against a spot that made you mewl loudly, whimpering as you angled your hips so he might brush against it again. 
“Do I make you feel good, maus? Tell me how you feel,” he purred, inserting a second finger and pumping them faster, angling them so they just barely brushed against that spot with each thrust. 
“So good! Oh my god!” you cried, gasping for breath as you felt your orgasm building. König leaned down and sucked on your clit slowly, pushing his fingers directly into the spot you wanted him to hit so much. 
“Fuck!” you came loudly, crying out, moaning and whimpering and panting as your body spasmed. König gently pulled away from you as you came down, crawling over you, kissing you and wrapping you tightly in his arms. He’d freed himself from his boxers and you glanced down, your eyes widening. 
“Are you…are you going to fit inside of me?” you asked in a small voice, heat rushing to your cheeks as you looked up at him. He cooed, kissing your collarbone and running his fingers through your hair. 
“We can wait, maus,” he murmured in your ear. The tip of his cock brushed between your folds and bumped against your clit and you gasped, pleasure rushing through your body again. 
“No, no, no more waiting,” you gasped, pushing your hips up to meet his. He groaned as he ground his cock against your wetness, eventually guiding the tip into place and pushing in just a little bit. 
You cried out as he slid into you slowly, stretching your walls and making your eyes water from pleasure as you adapted to his size, panting softly as you watched him enter you. 
“I love you so much, maus,” he moaned, wrapping his arms tightly around you as he bottomed out, staying in place as he wrapped his arms around you, cradling you gently as he kissed you. 
You deepened the kiss, wrapping your legs around him gently and holding onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as you adjusted to his size. His first thrust was slow and experimental - he watched your face for any expression other than pleasure as he pulled out slowly and pushed back in. 
“Give me more,” you gasped, your eyes rolling back into your head as he took you, bucking your hips up into his thrusts encouragingly. 
He buried his face in your neck and moaned, setting an even pace as he thrusted in and out of you, gently cupping one of your breasts in his hand as the other held your hip steady. 
“I’m not going to - not going to break!” you cried out, the pleasure overwhelming as you reached down to rub your clit while he fucked you. He looked up at you, his eyes hazy with pleasure and love as he picked up the pace, slamming his hips into yours more roughly and with greater speed. 
Morning light burst through the clearing and turned you golden as you made love, the slapping of skin on skin and moans mingling with birdsong echoing through the beautiful clearing. 
“I want to make you feel so good, maus,” he growled into your ear as he picked up the pace yet again, kissing you roughly before leaning down and biting your neck to mark you. 
“Fuck, you are!” you cried, feeling another orgasm building in your stomach. 
“Cum for me, my pretty wife. Tell this forest who loves you, who is making you feel so good,” he growled, biting your breast as his thrusts lost their rhythm and he moved wildly against you. 
“König!” you cried as you came, your back arching as your body spasmed, clenching tightly around him. He moaned your name as he came at the same time as you, his last, sloppy thrusts burying his cock deep inside of you as he filled you. 
You caught your breath together, embracing and kissing before König slowly pulled out, rolling off of you and pulling you into his side to snuggle. He pulled his cape around your body to shield you as he held you, stroking your hair gently as you rested against his chest. 
“I love you, maus,” he whispered as he watched you doze off. You could only mumble something in assent as you drifted to sleep.
@0mint-chocolate0, @elowynnlane, @littlelovebug98, @saturnknows, @passdaweedgaara, @lexuria, @numnuts, @nothingkillsyoulikeyourmind105, @acynicalcat, @poohkie90, @glitterypirateduck, @babyspice6, @hazelnutbitch, @rilamon, @p1nkliquor, @zeennnnnnn,
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williamrikers · 11 months
okay. fuck. i need to talk about be my favorite. because jesus christ, this might be THE smartest show currently airing, which is a miracle at a time when la pluie is also airing.
so, this episode we learned more about kawi's and pisaeng's family backgrounds, and oh boy, is there a lot to unpack there... and it all works to explain why the original timeline was the way it was, why everything turned out so fucked up for both of them in the beginning.
(very rambly thoughts under the cut)
first of all, it's important to note how much of an impact kawi's father's death had. it was always clear that this was a traumatizing event in kawi's life, literally the first thing he did when he went back in time was to ditch the (supposed) girl of his dreams so he could be with his father, tearfully hug him and tell him "i love you, dad".
now, we're learning that after his father's death, kawi completely gave up on himself. he literally didn't see any reason to pursue a better life or his dreams because his father would never get to see it and be proud of him. i think this also explains to some extent why kawi has so much trouble accepting help from others: he has internalized the idea that he somehow has to do everything on his own, so his father (and others) can be proud of him. it's interesting that kawi obviously loves his father a lot but they're not really close: they don't see each other very often and in the first episode, it's established that they don't usually talk to each other about their feelings, either.
so. everything else that happened to kawi in the og timeline (knot making fun of his singing, pisaeng "stealing" his spot as pear's secret buddy, his falling out with max, kawi being too much of an introvert to make any new friends at uni) was compounded by the fact that after his father's death, kawi saw no hope for himself any more, and he ended up alone, isolated, friendless, depressed and deeply unhappy.
and now that we're learning more about pisaeng as well, it's becoming clear that something similar happened to pisaeng in the og timeline as well, only for him it was not a single event but more the reality of him being gay and having a crush on kawi (come on. nobody can tell me he DIDN'T crush on that cute awkward nerd as soon as kawi dropped his lil notebook in front of the seniors on the first day of uni), but kawi never even speaking to him and completely ignoring his existence... while pisaeng's own mother was adamant about pisaeng staying as deep in the closet as possible because it's bad for her political ambitions to have an out gay son. she basically tells him "you can feel whatever you want to feel but telling people about it is something that you should only do with my permission".
so, pisaeng has been getting told by his mother to stay in the closet since he was 15 years old (JESUS!!!), and since his crush is obviously unrequited and hopeless, why should he risk anything by being honest about it? his family is rich, pear's family too, their marriage is one of convenience for pisaeng, who gets to keep living his good life while placating his mother and spending his life with a person he's friends with, even if he can never love her romantically. from his mother's perspective, pear and pisaeng must be a good match, and pisaeng has no real reason to fight any of it. because coming out as gay would do nothing but cause him trouble and make him unhappy.
but in the new timeline, kawi is there as pisaeng's friend. and pisaeng falls for him so much deeper than he ever could have done in the og timeline. and now he HAS to figure himself out, HAS to confront his own queerness, not for kawi or even with kawi (utterly brilliant choice in the last episode to have pisaeng go on this journey alone!) but for himself, because it is becoming clear that he is living a lie and that he can't go on like this. having kawi in his life changes everything for pisaeng -- even if they weren't in a bl and were simply friends, this storyline would still be incredibly compelling because even while they're not in a relationship, kawi and pisaeng keep challenging each other, keep changing each other, keep making each other better, more honest people.
when they're in bed together and kawi asks why pisaeng likes him, he says much of the same stuff he's said before: that pisaeng is better, richer, more handsome than him, that he can't understand what pisaeng sees in him. but he says it differently this time, not with anger or defiance like in the beginning of their friendship, but so honestly, he's able to open up to pisaeng in a way he never could before just because he has had pisaeng in his life and they have had an impact on each other.
i keep coming back to this because it's something i rarely see in stories and bmf is doing it AMAZINGLY. both of the protagonists go on a journey of growth and self-improvement through knowing each other, they literally make each other better. and even though kawi is not at a point where he can see them as equals, he can honestly talk about this now, can voice his feelings of insecurity in a way he was never able to before -- and so, pisaeng can say, well, i think you're cute, does there have to be anything more to it than that? he doesn't try to talk kawi out of his self-perception, merely states his own perception of him in a way kawi can't argue away. i think this is a smart writing choice because kawi has to accept that pisaeng finds him cute, he can't say "no you don't" without accusing him of lying.
and oh, my baby kawi being so incredibly deep in denial is tugging at my heartstrings. there's a very interesting parallel happening with kawi's singing, something he was obviously dreaming of as a career when he was a child but completely gave up on -- until pisaeng and pear helped him gain confidence to put himself out there once again. i think something very similar is happening with his sexuality: he has shoved the truth of himself so far back in his own mind that it takes a long time and the knowledge that pisaeng is into him for kawi to even entertain the thought of maybe also being into him maybe. there's a certain safety in that, just like there's safety in having pear there while he reads his song lyrics to a room full of people. and that's not a bad thing! this show has consistently shown (and outright told) us that people need to help each other, that literally no one is capable of making it on their own, that everyone deserves love and support. and kawi needs a lot of love and support to be able to even let himself think of pisaeng in romantic terms. i am seriously excited to see what happens next, now that kawi has crossed the line between them, now that he got a taste of what he could have if only he let himself.
there are probably a million things i haven't said that i can't think of right now. but every single episode leaves me more impressed than the last, the story is written SO well and presented in such a smart way, later revelations recontextualizing things we already know, and with every week, everything makes more and more sense. and learning more about their families really explains a lot about all three of them (god, i haven't even mentioned pear's rich upper-class alcoholic father, a lot to unpack there as well!), and how they got where they were in the og timeline as well as in the current timeline.
thanks for reading 😘
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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too far / mason mount
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author's note: soooo it's been a while since i wrote something for this man, and it just had to be angst, you know? italics are flashbacks. proofread, but just a bit. it's kinda an open ending but i'm not thinking about a second part at the moment, sorry :(
wc: 2.052 words.
summary: things aren't going great for mason at the minute. he knows something -or someone, that could turn things around, but you might be too far now.
the doorknob twists, and mason sets a foot into his house. it's dark, no lights turned on, exactly as he left it when he went away, a few days ago. it smells empty, like no one lives there, and it's kind of true: he's never really there.
his shoulders slump and he feels defeated. it seems like he can't escape these feelings nowadays: he's just coming back from that first leg against real madrid, and the pain from the defeat is still weighing heavy on him, the scar still fresh on his mind.
he doesn't bother turning any light on, and much less making something to eat, knowing that his fridge must be empty. it's been one week since his mother did the grocery shopping for him, chastising him while doing so. "you need to eat, mase".
the brit steps a foot out of his car, and even though the london weather is as cold as it could get, with the night all settled in, he feels warm. he sees the lights turned on, shining all through the blinds, and he knows he's home.
the second he passes the entrance, mason gets welcomed by the homely fragrance of your shared home. there's a slight vanilla essence he can recognise, surely from the candles you love to lit, but also, a nice smell coming from the kitchen that makes his stomach rumble, reminding him how hungry he is after the trip back home. he can hear plates clinking and different sounds, which only ensures that yes, you're there.
"missed you" he says, while hugging you from behind. you're still busy mixing ingredients in the pan, but you still melt onto your boyfriend's figure. you feel the ticklish sensation of his beard over your cheek when he cranes his neck enough to leave a kiss there, and you smile knowingly. "missed you too, sweetheart".
mason doesn't care enough to clean up after himself, instead starting to undress from the minute his figure passes the entrance. the backpack he took on the trip with him is abandoned near the door. he'll take care of it in the morning, he thinks, if his mother doesn't get ahead of him. 
his trainers are the next thing to leave his figure, not caring enough to untie them before taking them off only with the help of his other feet. ben would, for sure, give him hell if he saw what he did with his birthday gift from him. "oi, mate! you're going to crease them!". again, he couldn't care less right now.
when he gets to the top of the stairs, the painful images return. it's like he was walking through his house as a mere corpse, going up the stairs in just his black briefs without actually seeing where he was going. he just wanted to jump into bed. 
instead, the spot seems to transport him back to a few weeks back, on the same site, same white walls and wooden floor, where he saw you for the last time. mason has made an effort to not think about it too much the thousands of other times he had to pass through the same spot. but he's not that strong tonight.
"what are you doing?".
his voice startles you, and mason gets even more confused at your reaction. this isn't usual for your relationship, he thinks: you, not jumping on his arms to greet him when he comes back from training; him, not knowing what you're up to; and last but not least, you flinching at the sound his voice. he can't prevent the pit in his stomach from forming when he sees you close your eyes, inhaling deeply before speaking softly. "i-i thought you would be gone for a few more hours. i'm sorry". 
he knows where this is going, even before asking you about it. but still, he does, in case he has misinterpreted something: in case this isn't as over as your sad features lead him to realize.
the suitcases stick out like a sore thumb, and the brit isn't one to keep from exteriorising his doubts. "what are you doing?" he repeats, almost expecting you to tell him about some trip you're taking coz of your work. he knows that's not the case. your work doesn't require any traveling; you had converted to working from home exclusively when you two moved in together. your reasoning was that mason was away all the time, you didn't need to make things more difficult.
"i'm moving back to my parent's house, mason. i explained everything in the letter," you mutter, almost inaudibly, like you're afraid he would get mad at your response. the truth is, you can't even look him in the eyes while telling him this: you imagined it would be worse if you had him in front of you, and you were right. that's why you wrote the letter in the first place. that's why you had thought about leaving when he wasn't home. so you could, hopefully, escape his pleads that would get you back to square one.
"a letter? why can't you say it to my face?" he asks, and even if it's a rhetoric question, you try to answer it, but you're left empty handed. "you're leaving me. say it".
he isn't angry, but his tone sounds harder than it needs to be. the thoughts are filling his head, and he's beating himself up for every one of them. he realizes that, yeah, he might be angry, but not at you, rather at himself. for letting it get to this point. for making you feel like you couldn't tell him what was wrong before deciding to leave.
"is this coz i'm always away?" he bitterly asks when you don't respond, rather standing still in the same spot where he had caught you. "i don't like being away either, but it's my fucking job!" he gets louder by the end of the sentence, before adding "i signed up for it".
"yeah, you did, and i'm proud of you for that every day". you're flashing him a nostalgic smile that he doesn't get to see, too occupied in trying to flatten the wrinkles on his forehead that had formed in surprise when he saw you with the bags. in reality, he's trying to divert his thoughts before falling apart in your presence, which turns to be even more difficult when you finish what you had started to say. "but i didn't sign up for living alone in someone's house, you know? you're always too far, mason. and i wish i would be talking only about the physical aspect of you not being here, but i'm not".
the air felt thick, and it sunk in mason's head that there would be nothing he could do to change your mind. his shoulders deflate even more, if it was even possible, when he heard you dragging your things past him, only to stop right by his side to give him a kiss on the cheek. a last goodbye, he thought, later on, once the dust had settled and the silence of your shared home, now only his house, engulfed him. your face was drenched in tears, but he didn't feel or see them because he couldn't do anything else but stare at his feet, and try to think where it all had gone wrong.
the first week was the worst.
he called a thousand times; morning, evening and night. you never picked up, of course. and it was fine, because mason didn't really know what he would say to you if you did. he only wanted to hear your voice in the recorded message that reproduced automatically after the call ringed too many times: he preferred to hear your chirpy, happy voice saying your automated "please, leave your message at the end of the beep!" instead of the gloomy tone you had when you muttered the last words you said to him.
"you're always too far, mason".
mason made sure to train extra hard, so sleep would come in quicker, but it had only made his teammates worry about him even more. he was visibly grumpy, and it only prompted more questions about what had happened between you two when his friends realized about your presence missing at stamford bridge.
"i'm so sorry, mate. i thought she was the one," said christian, sympathetic look in his eyes and a friendly pat on the back. the brit had thought you were the one too, the red box hiding on his nightstand only reminiscence now of what he hadn't even had the chance to ask.
"would you marry me?"
with the way he kept slowly brushing his fingers on your naked back, you were almost asleep when mason muttered his question. "huh?". he giggled a bit at your questioning eyes, barely seen by him in the darkness of your bedroom. nuzzling his nose on the top of your head before placing a soft kiss, he explained, though his voice sounded hoarse. "hypothetically speaking. if i bought a ring, would you say yes?".
it was the first time that you two were talking about this topic. still, you had no doubts. "i'd say yes. hypothetically speaking” you clarified, like he had done before, and he only held you tighter by the waist. the way you two were resting, skin to skin, almost asleep after your sinful activities made this talk seem like a feverish illusion. “what’s that taylor swift lyric? 'i've loved you three summers now…'".
"and i want them all," finished mason. he wasn’t just completing the lyrics, but rather exteriorizing his deepest wish.
the temperature didn't drop inside his house, but suddenly mason felt cold all over. not even the hot shower he took to try and ease his aching muscles helped him with the warmth he was lacking. after all, he knew it was yours.
it would be a lie on his part to say that he didn't feel you all over after that day. he wasn't sure if this is how it was before; maybe the little things that made him remember you throughout the day felt comforting before, but now, he dreads every time you appear in his brain. and it’s even worse when he can’t do anything to stop his thoughts from going back to you.
he realizes he feels you in the most mundane things, and that was what he despised the most, not being able to get rid of anything to forget you. nothing in the material objects spelt your name: they would, probably, seem normal to anyone that dared to look at them. but they weren't mason, didn’t have his soft caramel eyes who recognised all too well what was yours. what used to be. he was the one carrying the memories of your relationship, too engraved in his mind to forget.
for example, the hydration cream he applied religiously after you had scolded him for not taking care of his skin. the delicate sheets you had insisted he needed to buy to upgrade his quality of sleep. the thousands of pillows that you needed to sleep, but now, that was just decoration to him. "baby, the only pillow i need to sleep well is you," mason had insisted.
you were all over his house, but you weren't there. 
he knows it's pointless to still dwell on it, even after all this time. he knows why you're not here anymore, and there's nothing he can do to change it. at least, that's what he thinks. it's safer that way, to not think about what could’ve been. maybe if he had been more there, if he had listened more, if he had seen the signs. for sure, you would still be here. he knows the love didn’t run out; but the distance between you two was impossible to ignore.
“i wish i would be talking only about the physical aspect of you not being here, but i'm not".
after tossing and turning, probably more times than he could count, he gave up. mason realized that sleep would definitely escape him for the night, and at these ungodly hours, he just wasn’t as strong. he didn't do what he had promised himself he wouldn't.
02:22 [mason] said: i miss you
02:22 [you] said: go to sleep, mase
02:23 [you] said: we'll talk tomorrow, yeah?
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cretaceousquake · 8 months
One shot -
Responsibility - montherly!Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader
A/n idk if these are any good but I am having fun with them so who cares (I take requests)
Summary - sometimes you really need to think about yourself in the situation, you mother and sisters have to remind you of that
Being the oldest child had its perks. You were given the most say in important decisions, and the first pick on new weapons. But it also had its down sides, one being that you were responsible for your three younger sisters. Your mother expected you to take care of them, and be the most mature in every situation. You loved them of course, but you got frustrated with them sometimes, this was one of those times. Daniela had brought a maiden down to the basement to drain her and you were supposed to be watching her, it was her first time draining and not just killing and you were expected to teach her. However, you had made a deal to play with cassandra that day and completely forgot. Of course Daniela didn’t come to get you, being determined that she was old enough to do this on her own. 
That is what led you to where you were now, freezing your ass off and attempting to close the window while Bela chased the maiden who escaped down. Your mother had heard the commotion from her study and you could hear the clicking of heels get closer by the second. “ Y/n, what is the meaning of this!?” you hear your mother's voice shout from behind you as you finally seal the window with boards. 
“Mother, I am so sorry! I was playing with Cass and lost track of time, then Daniela attempted to drain the maiden by herself.” You explained. Your mother gave you a frustrated sigh and an aggravated look
“ You need to be more responsible Y/n, you could have gotten one of you killed. I expected better of you.” Your mother lectured, you looked down in shame and anger. You were always responsible, but every time they made a mistake you were yelled at for it. You gave a simple ‘yes mother’ before going off to find the maiden.
The maiden was found and dealt with in no time by you and bela almost silently. You had wanted to berate Daniela, to tell her all the things she had done wrong and how it affected you, but you were too tired. Winter had been rough, with very little to hunt and eat, and you were all dependent on your mother because of the cold. This meant that you had to start draining maids, as you were currently doing, but you had always let your sisters have their fill of the food first and eating whatever they leave behind. Your mother suspects this behavior stems from your life when you were mortal, but you have no recollection of that time so it will never be truly explained. This habit also means a lot of the time, you don’t get to eat. Your body couldn’t starve like you could when you were mortal, it could only get so hungry before you turned feral and got your food one way or another. 
That was almost where you were while you were draining the maiden, the smell of blood had you fighting to stay yourself. Bela could see something about you was off, you weren’t your normal sarcastic but protective and sweet self. This energy followed you out to the dinner table, leaving your mother and sisters to look at you strangely. Your mother is the first to speak up about it. “Y/n, you seem…. Tired. Are you feeling alright?” You only find it in yourself to give a small nod and mumble confirmations under your breath. Your mother doesn't press you on it but has her suspicions on why you are acting this way. 
She watches as you let your sisters eat all of the flesh and blood she has gathered for you. You wait patiently, watching her other daughters finish the food with smiles on their faces. She sees you crack a small grin at the sight of your sisters, an infectious thing she figures out when it slowly creeps onto her face as well. She notices your smile falter as you excuse yourself and head to your chambers. Your mother makes a mental note to come talk to you after she finishes her work in her study. 
Meanwhile, you sit in your room curled up at the foot of your bed. You have been fighting your own body for control since the minute you entered your chambers. You knew that not eating today would send you over the edge but you didn’t really care. No matter how hungry or frustrated you got with them, you would always protect your little sisters. 
You remember the first time you saw them on the tables next to you. You had only been awake a couple of days but you had learned so much from your mother. She told you of your new existence and showed you how to hunt. You felt a large, warm hand on your back and turned to see your mother smiling over your shoulder. “ These are your sisters. They will need our help to grasp their new existence. I need you to show them how to be a Dimitrescu.” You had nodded to her, promising to be the best big sister you could be right as bela opened her eyes. 
You smile when you remember this, you had had this burning determination to protect them from the moment they opened their eyes, one harsh winter was not going to stop you. What you didn’t realize was that you had finally lost control and your rational mind was slowly fading. Your body acted on its own in a flash of flies, searching for the nearest maid. However, by this time the maids had all gone to sleep in the help quarters at the far end of the castle, meaning that it was Daniela who found you. 
She looked at you with a confused expression, racking her brain on how one of them could possibly have looked like you at that moment. You were paler than you normally were, with large bags under your eyes and your eyes themselves glossy. You looked like her when she finds a snack after a long day. Then it hit her, you haden't been eating. You had gotten like this once, but your mother had brought you out of it. She needed to get you to mother. “ Y/n, mother said she wanted to see you in her study.” don’t even look like you could hear her. Normally you would have immediately swarmed off to your mother but you just stood there staring like you didn’t hear her. She reached forward carefully to grab you, only to be pushed to the ground. In your haze you thought she was attempting to attack you. 
You both roll around on the ground for a while, she was only looking to restrain and pacify you with every movement, but it looked to be that you genuinely wanted her dead. She eventually escaped your grip and ran, booking it to your mothers study only to come to a stop when your other two sisters turned a corner. You look at them the way you looked at your youngest sister and they both immediately know what's going on. Bela yells at Daniela to go get your mother while Cassandra restrains your arms. You thrash wildly in her grip, making it difficult to hold you down, the brunette only barely managing it. Bela approaches, getting down to look you in the eyes as you growl and bite at her. “ Y/n, it's us, your sisters. Don’t you remember Cassie and I?”
 Bela puts a hand on your cheek and you calm slightly before you hear a door open and a large, imposing figure that you can’t quite place stalks toward you with familiarity. The tall person picks you up by your hood as you thrash and grunt once more. “ such ferocity, little one. I do wish you were just a bit more selfish so you wouldn’t get like this." The voice of the figure instantly puts you at ease, placating you long enough for you to notice the fresh body in her hands. She sets you down and slides the fresh carcass over, watching your eyes light up. You dig into the body like a starved wolf, ripping chucks with your bare hands and covering your mouth and clothes with a thick layer of blood and guts. 
You mother inches closer, and you let her, not fighting at all when she pulls you into her lap. She strokes your hair as your sister gather round. Your ferocity is slowly fading to regret as you realize what you have done. You attacked your sisters and eaten a whole body by yourself. Shame flashes across your face as you hear your mother tut “ Surely that frown is not for us child, you have done nothing to us.” You can feel tears peek in the corners of your eyes, you definitely did do wrong by them and they refuse to see it. 
“ I attacked my sister's momma, I could have hurt them.” your voice is breaking as you speak. You have failed as a protector.
“ Your only crime was not telling us just how hungry you really were. I wish you had just an ounce of self preservation in your body darling.” Your mother chuckles. You frown further at the joke, but calm when your mother pulls you closer to indicate that she really means it and you are not going to be lectured this once. You can only find the strength to curl into her, your body having been spent on your quest for food. “ Rest now child, your sisters and I will watch over you.” You find solace in that statement, drifting off comfortably in your mothers arms. 
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boarjamen · 2 years
In 2021, there were roughly 2,717 antisemitic incidents reported across the United States. This was a 34% increase from the year prior. Thanks to the recent rise in neo-nazi rhetoric from political figures, celebrities, and online personalities, this number is expected to increase in 2022. I see a lot of people talking about avoiding obvious dog whistles, but very few explaining how to identify them. So, that’s what I hope to do today.
As defined by Oxford Languages, a Dog Whistle is a subtly aimed political message which is intended for, and can only be fully understood by, a particular group. Politicians will try to manipulate their audience by using alienating phrases, and in the process, dehumanizing those they’re speaking about while also having a margin of plausible deniability. For example, let’s take the term “illegal alien”. When we think of aliens, we think of little green dudes who suck us up in flying saucers to probe our anal glands. We think of xenomorphs and The Thing, creatures that are out to get us normal folks. However, “illegal alien” is meant to refer to immigrants who migrated here through unofficial channels. These are people. Saying “these human beings need to be deported” won’t drum up as much of a response as “these illegal aliens need to be deported”.
Blood Libel-
An ancient superstition that Jewish people will kill non-Jews, typically babies or young people, for the purpose of drinking their blood. This myth has inspired many vampire stories, most infamously Dracula and Nosferatu, and fuels a lot of modern day conspiracies. Ever hear “these celebrities are bathing in the blood of babies to stay young”? Well, this is where that comes from. It should be noted that Romani people are often the targets of similar rumors. This is obviously untrue.
Similar dogwhistles include but aren’t limited to the New World Order, The Elites, Globalism, Illuminati, and the Reptilians.
The term itself stems from the word Kabbalah, which was a Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. It is meant to describe a secret group of people, mainly Jews, that control the world’s governments, economies, and media. Not only is this blatantly stupid, as most of the people in power are wildly antisemitic themselves (just look at Elon Musk), but it’s also just ignoring the obvious and observable fact that corporations and money drive politics and not a secret shadowy government. We don’t need a shadow when we’re already shady.
Have you ever seen a person partially censor the name of a celebrity or a fandom they’re discussing to avoid fans coming onto the post and giving them shit for it? (For example, I’ve seen a couple people post things under tags like #lum*ty when they don’t like the ship) This is the same idea, except it’s almost exclusively used by neo-Nazis to talk about Jewish people. It saw a resurgence in popularity with the introduction of a chrome extension called the Coincidence Detector, which put these parentheses around the names of any of the over 8,000 Jewish people in their database. It was mainly used on Twitter.
Jews Killed Jesus/30 Pieces of Silver-
In the Bible, Judas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, was bribed by the Romans to turn in Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Many people use that as evidence to say jews killed Jesus. However, anyone who has read the Bible can tell you, Jesus was also Jewish. And so were the rest of his disciples. And his mother. If anything, Jews birthed Jesus and made him into the man he was. Y’all should be thankful.
Not The Real Jews-
This typically refers to the black Israelite theory, where the tribes of Israel relocated to Africa once the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed. They claim Ashkenazi Jews are imposters, and that black people are the real Jews. There are certainly black Jewish people out there, and they’re lovely af and deserve all the support in the world. However, the people espousing the black Israelite theory cannot be further from the truth. Judaism originated in what is now considered the Middle East with the prophet Abraham who settled in Canaan which is what we know now as Israel/Palestine. Around 722 BC, the Assyrians conquered the northern part of the territory and forced the 10 tribes of Israel to move further up north, and the Babylonians did the same to the Tribes of Judah a little later on. Not to mention when they were eventually overtaken by Alexander the Great. For the majority of history, Judaism was focused in the northern part of the Middle East and the southern part of Europe. To reflect that, Ashkenazi Jews share the most genetic similarity to the Greeks and Turkish folks. There is no evidence to suggest that Ashkenazi Jews are in any way fake. Again this does not mean there are no black Jews, there certainly are, but you don’t have to deny the validity of the ashkenazi to prove that. They are all Jewish. Not to mention, those who espouse the black Israelite theory rarely practice Judaism themselves.
This refers to the 14 words, which are "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It is typically placed in social media bios alongside 88, which stands for Heil Hitler.
An alternative to YouTube created in 2017 after the adpocolypse nuked many alt-right channels. You can find anything on here, from your average conspiracy videos titled “Why are some people seeing demonic entities after the vaccine?” with the Decorative font from MS word in the thumbnail, to ISIS beheadings and Atomwaffen recruitment videos. I am not kidding about any of those.
Daily Stormer-
A popular Neo-Nazi website and message board made by Andrew Anglin to spread antisemitic conspiracies and his weird 9/11 fanfics. It’s not used as much as it used to be, but this site played a large part in propping up figures like Milo Yianapolis who has been recently hanging out with Kanye. Which I find funny, as he admitted to wanting to fuck young boys on the Amazing Atheist’s podcast and that it was a totally normal thing. Even Ben Shapiro hated that guy from the beginning.
Twitter but more racist.
Twitter but more racist and more buggy.
This is mainly a joke but you should be very mindful that Twitter has always had a neo-Nazi problem, and it’s worse now than ever.
Twitter but owned by Elon Musk
Owned and operated by Alex Jones, not only do they scam their viewers out of thousands of dollars, spread lies about mass shootings, harass innocent families who lost their loved ones in horrifying tragedies, play a key role in orchestrating the January 6th attack on the capital, but they also spread antisemitic conspiracies.
It’s important to acknowledge that absolutely anyone can fall for these dog whistles without even being aware of it. Recently, my brother started falling down this horrid rabbit hole thanks to Kanye’s rhetoric and despite everything I’ve tried to warn him about, he’s not listening. By posting this, I hope to stop at least one person from following that path. Now more than ever, we need to stand with the Jewish community and show our support. Stay safe out there.
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serene-sun · 1 year
‧͙⁺˚*・𝕴𝖒 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖒𝖆𝖉‧͙⁺˚*・
Pairing: copia & teen/child reader (gender neutral)
Tw: anorexia, slight theme of past abuse, crying, eating disorders, mentions of passing out/fainting
A/n: a little thing I wrote in @ghostussy “faith” universe you can read on their Ao3 in their bio! Also note that this is not proof read, also self indulgent. I also think that there should be more visibility for people who struggle with anorexia and eating disorders in general
“Amore! What happened?! The school called and said it was an emergency?” Copia bursted through the nurses room door, not caring if anyone in the hallway saw the strange painted man swiftly sprinting through them.
You raised your head slowly, low energy stopping you from saying anything. You try to speak, but it just comes out as a soft whimper and a breathy sound.
“Amore? What is the problem?” He continues, taking his hands to hold your arms as he kneels before the examination bed.
“Don’t….feel well.” You mumble
Copia tries to understand what your saying, and then he connects the few letters he heard with your body language.
“Oh bambino, could you explain how you feel? I need to know if you need a doctor, or even worse the hospital.” He adds, serious but all going.
Copia rubs your shoulder as tears prickle in your eyes.
“Please don’t be mad at me papa.” You start to cry, seeing the school nurse enter the white room.
Copia turns even more concerned, he looks to the nurse for answers.
“They need to eat, drink, and sleep more. They didn’t have any fluids, neither anything in their stomach. They passed out in the middle of class.” The nurse says, her monotone voice upsetting copia that she didn’t seem to care.
“Bambino, what is this about?”
“I’m sorry…”
“There’s no need to be sorry, why have you not eaten or been drinking anything?”
“I-“ you give up in defeat, more disappointed in yourself than the reason for this
Copia brings his hands to yours, then cupping your face. “Let’s go home, si? Would it be easier if you told me in the car, or in my office?”
You nod as he wipes away your tears trailing down your cheeks.
In the car, you set your backpack in your lap as copia takes a seat beside you. He motions for the ghoul behind the wheel to leave for the ministry.
Copia eyes you, reading your expressions to figure out why you had skipped both breakfast and lunch, even drinking too.
“So…” copia looks out the window
“I’m really sorry copia, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You sniffle
“Oh it’s alright, accidents happen. But, you know that Im always here for anything alright?” Copia nods with a smile.
“It’s because I needed to loose weight.” You admit, eyes sagging a bit from exhaustion.
Copia quickly turns his head, puzzled by your answer.
“What do you mean Bambi?” Copia asks, bringing a finger to push baby hairs sticking to your face behind your ear.
“I’m….well…I’m fat.” You whisper, unable to bear the awkwardness growing as he continues to listen.
“And who told you that?” Copia tries to stay calm, many people going in and out his head of who could call you that.
“Mom…” you breathed, a strand tear finding its way down your neck.
Copia takes a breath, understanding the situation more.
“So, because your mother had said that- all those years ago, you still believe it?”
You hide your face in your arms against the window on the door, anxiety building up and crawling into your throat.
“Yeah.” You mumble
“I’ll be honest with you darling, I did notice your eating patterns the day you arrived. I didn’t want to say anything, after all it was so much for you and you were severely injured.” Copia gently says, as if your glass
You look at him, eyes filled with shame.
“Oh bambino, you are not fat at all! I know words might not do anything to help, i promise you I’ll find a way to prove it to you.” Copia argues, kindness like a light in his voice.
You can’t do anything but nod, still feeling awkward in the silence.
“Well, I understand more now. I’ll let you know that I appreciate you telling me, and that im very happy you trusted me with this information.” Copia adds, brining a hand to your head for a gentle rub.
“Thank you papa, are you still mad?” You worry for his response.
“Oh bambino, how could I ever be mad with you? This is nothing to be angry about, simply worried was all.” He replies
“So…it’s going to be ok?” You ask, shocked that anyone would be as of kind to you for this reason.
“It’s all going to be ok bambino, trust me, I’ll work with you through this.”
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