#{ the unseen sword : star }
enigma-the-anomaly · 1 year
genshin impact leaks might just be my favorite subreddit. Sometimes it’s legit screenshots and videos of the next update and sometimes it’s 15 different people posting blurry concept art, with each claiming the character to be a different combination of element, weapon, rarity, and nationality. Watching things evolve from “momoka, the 5 star geo bow using cat girl from Inazuma” to “actually she’s kirara, a 4 star dendro sword using girl from Inazuma who may or may not be cat?” was magical
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pirataimperatix · 5 months
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“Nem fogsz visszajönni.” (You will not be coming back.) Liliána accused, tears already glistening in her eyes. Her mother's silence was an admission on its own, causing helpless anger and fear burst from and coat her heart.
“Apa haldoklik, és te is itt hagysz.” (Dad is dying and you will leave me too.) The daughter of the Devil and Sea hissed through a curtain of tears, cutting straight to the point, just as she learned
“Kislányom-” (My little girl-) Rozália tried before an another outburst cut her off
“Meghalni jobban szeretsz, mint engem!” (You love dying more than me!) Liliána's black pearl eyes flashed dangerously; truly the perfect combination of them.
“Ha ez igaz lenne, akkor visszamentem volna az országba, amit egyszer hazának hívtam.” (If that had been true, I would've gone back to the country, that once I called homeland.) Rozália dismissed that belief sharply “Te nem látod a gyásztól, de én igen. Lassulok, kislányom. Érzem.” (You cannot see it from the grief, but I do. I'm getting slower, my little girl. I feel it.) The Duelist -no longer the best since the title was won by Liliána five years ago- Captain, the Empress of the Caribbean admitted
“Ne akard anyád lógni látni. És azt se kívánd, hogy az emberek elveszítsék a tiszteletet, mert öregszem. Mi történne veled, amikor széttépik a holttestem? Hogyan gyászolnál és lépnél a helyembe egyszerre, tiszta tudattal?” (Don't want to see your mother hanged. And don't wish people losing their respect for me because I'm getting old. What would happen to you when they are tearing my dead body apart? How could you grieve and step into my place at the same time, with a clear mind?) By now Rozália was holding her sobbing child, desperately clinging to her mother the very last time.
Her arms equally as tight around her, this wasn't a decision that she made easy. Continuing after losing James was an entirely different kind of agony, now Jack also at the door of death...she couldn't let him go through it alone. No matter how her other instincts and part of her soul screamed at the thought of separating from Liliána, this decision, in this world ensured her survival. Both pirates and empires feared her, her fleet. She can't allow a change in that state. Cannot allow to risk her daughter.
“Mindennél jobban szeretlek, utolsó gondolatom is te leszel. Gyászolj, majd lépj helyembe. Tudom, hogy képes vagy rá. Búcsúzz el apukádtól, biztos hiányzol neki.” (I love you more than anything, my last thought will be you as well. Grieve, then step into my place. I know you're capable. Say goodbye to your dad, I'm sure he misses you.) Kissing her tears away Rozália slowly parted, no matter how her heart twisted at the movements. How she had to bite her lips with sharp gold sewing them shut after Liliána's I love you too mom, to prevent herself from calling after her to reassure, to hug, to cry. She stood until she disappeared from sight and decided to visit the graveyard.
“We're coming James. You don't have to wait long.” One might mistake this lush part of the bay for an oasis instead, vivid green leaves and uncountable kinds, colors of flowers lined the crescent land. It disappeared during high tide, the sea taking all gifts left by relatives, friends. It was the cemetery of the old Vihar crew as well; her whole family and their memory rested here.
She couldn't bear the thought of throwing them into the sea, but eventually they became sailors, pirates, especially James. This was a compromise, a tiny cheat of habits, as most of them eventually found love and children even. And Rozália had to be able to visit them.
“I miss you. Have been ever since; like I'm not complete.” hands now marred by tiny wrinkles traced gently the wooden albatross, Jack's latest gift.
Two years, yet it felt as it happened yesterday. Even at 62, Rozália led every attack and defense with the Vihar, a living legend of that age still the best, the first to arrive, the last the leave the battlefield. She wasn't fast enough. It was too late when she noticed the man charging at her with the bayonet already within too close range to evade. But James managed to be faster, killing the man while metal burrowed deep into his body. The fleet switched to defense, Jack soaring across ships to reach his husband. World seemed to stop as the two of them cradled the ex Admiral, who even in death joked: why wouldn't he not do that? He would've gone mad if he only had Jack as company. James Norrington fell in battle, succumbing to his injuries in the arms of those who loved him the most.
Of course Rozy tracked down the source of the attack and burned Port Royal to ashes, the scale of mayhem, the raw insanity in her vicious eyes rekindling the stories of the Hungarian Devil. Those tales mentioned nothing of her anguish. “I'm sorry.” and she didn't know what she was apologizing for, only shifted in the sand, kneeling hurt, so did walking. No matter the mobility aids, herbs; she permanently ruined her knees with her inhumane fencing style. About that, she had no regrets and would do the same even if she knew where it led.
“I love you. We're coming.” one last loving kiss against the sun warmed wooden albatross, her fingers parting with difficulty.
“Barátaim, családom. Mindent köszönök. Itt ér véget a történet, de a legenda századokig megmarad. Megtiszteltetés volt veletek lenni.” (My friends, my family. Thank you for everything. Here is where the story ends, but the legend will stay for centuries. It was an honor being by your side.) The Captain stood tall, emerald eyes glassy at her goodbye to the legendary Vihar crew, the family who saved her decades ago.
Captain Jack Sparrow's last journey. Picking the crew for this voyage took a day, the most trustworthy and in a way pure hearted sailors allowed on board of the Black Pearl, his ringed fingers resting on the railing of the quarterdeck. Sharp eyes overseeing the bustling of pirates under his command. Both him and Rozália giving a last hug to Liliána, their miracle. One last shout of ‘I love you!’ ringing together before the sails unfurled gracefully. They were out of sight when she collapsed sobbing.
Rozália felt before she saw him join her, salty spray of the sea restoring some of his vitality. He took her in, one last time basking in sunlight. By now few strands of silver woven in her short, unruly hair, haven't lost the slightest from her towering height nor danger laced charisma and there was still plenty dynamic strength within. Her eyes the same pure color but ultimately not the same ones he used to get lost in. Something changed after James and he couldn't blame her for it. Perhaps he was the same way.
His time seemed to arrive, sneak in unnoticed, brushed off as exhaustion after a long day, blamed on age, until everything was harder, harder and then impossible. Something icy settled in his chest along with the knowledge. Still, he faced it with all his remaining dignity, he had done this before, although the beast was...vastly different than what was coming.
“You're beautiful Love.” he smiled at last, well aware every moment was his last
“So are you, Love.” dexterous fingers gently squeezed his, raw sincerity dripping from her words.
The sun dimmed slowly, the piercing pain especially in her right knee flaring told Rozália what was ahead. And she couldn't think of a more fitting final stroke to their grand epos told by many future generations to come. The wind was picking up, the crew about finishing tying every sail in position, longboats ready. A little boy just arrived back with rum, his face gleaming when Jack asked him for it. He didn't know he brought the legendary Captain his last drink, only knew his kindness and playful ruffle of his hair as thank you.
The darkened sky was the indicator, final glances at the Captain as the deck eventually emptied, boats slowly distancing from the Pearl and the storm she was about to go into.
“Maradsz, ugye?” (You're staying, don't you?) Jancsi, the last one of the Vihar crew fought with his tears at the realization. He didn't need a yes as confirmation, he should've known she simply couldn't live without him.
“Vigyázz a lányomra, amíg gyászol.” (Take care of my daughter while she grieves.) Rozália issued her last command, causing the emotional barrier breaking in the now 55 year old man, shattering further when he felt her hug farewell. His head burying in her shoulder and cried softly as if he was a little boy again.
“Megtiszteltetés volt minden perc.” (Every minute was an honor.) He eventually managed to choke out, his life flashing against his eyes from the first moment he sneaked onto the rescue ship
“Úgyszintén.” (Likewise.) Rozália kissed his cheek before letting go of her first mate. “Elboldugolok majd a hajóval egyedül?” (Can I man the ship alone?) she asked softly
“Igen. Minden...jól van. Biztosan- biztosan-” (Yes. Everything...is well. It will surely- it will surely-) Jancsi simply couldn't finish that sentence. Not if he wanted to avoid a complete breakdown.
“Jó. Ne keressetek minket, se a hajót. A Vihar és a Végzet flotta új kapitánya Liliána Thalassa Véghváry és te vagy az első tisztje.” (Good. Don't look for us, nor for the ship. The Vihar and the Végzet fleet's new Captain is Liliána Thalassa Véghváry and you are her first mate.) She named her successor, put her in the arms of the very few she trusted. Jancsi stood straighter at the well known news, she could see he would go any lengths to protect her.
“Viszlát...Rozália.” (Goodbye...Rozália.) One last tight hug as farewell before the man descended into the last boat, cradling his chest where the warmth of her touch lingered.
With a heavy sigh, she turned, not surprised to see Jack glaring at her.
“You're still here.” an acknowledgement with no surprise behind it. She knew he suspected her plan all along and only didn't try to change it because he wouldn't be able to convince her to leave.
“Do I look like a ferryman to you? Who will only lead you to the door and not through it?” Rozália challenged, noting his sickly pale complexion and shivers with the weather change
“Does Lili...” he choked, those eyes still burning with life
“She knows. She will fully understand later. This wasn't a choice I made on the whim or with an easy heart, Jack. I cannot live any longer. Especially not without you.” by now only they remained so she allowed her pained limp to show before she embraced her soulmate.
“Retire to your cabin, Captain. Wait for me. There was a reason why James' speech missed the ‘till death do us part’. Because not even death can or will separate us.” Rozália smiled, supporting him all the way to the door with a shattering heart. “Rest. I will join shortly.”
The Black Pearl tossed around like a toy among the abyss waves, both the sea and the downpour flooding the deck. Her hair wildly whipping in the wind and she refused to give up her fight with the helm, driving the prized ship further into the vicious storm, perhaps the worst she had seen. Tightly corded muscle fought with the very strength of the sea, defiant, no matter how many times she was knocked from her feet. At last the course and outcome set in stone. The Devil turned her head towards the pitch dark sky and roared one last time, fangs bared, lightning flashing in the storm like her swords did.
She turned her back to the elements to wrestle herself through the cabin door, water already ankle deep.
“Jack?” she called, her heart settled when she saw the slight raise of his head. Shaking her soaked coat off, slicking her hair out of her face, she immediately joined him, her soulmate in her arms' gentle yet protective hold. Still, she winced as the Pearl's hull groaned, drawing a fond smile from Jack.
“Just look at me darlin’. Nowhere to else. Look at me.” Rozália could hear the plea underneath the comfort, draping her body closer till they couldn't be told apart. Light...not from outside but...the ghost wings she had seen plenty times on him. Golden sparrow wings were dimming rapidly, his body more and more lax in her hold.
“Jack, Jack stay with me a little longer. Please hold out just a little longer. I know you can.” saltwater from her hair mixed with tears at the sight of her dying soulmate, just one last look. A few more moments. His eyes gently fluttered open, some of the glow returning to the wings but not steadily.
“Anythin’ for you.” his easy smile made her bring their foreheads together, her only relief that she will follow him soon.
The sea seemed to still, the raging storm pausing noticeably enough for her head to jerk up; did she accidentally navigate into the eye of the storm? The water now lapping at the bed trembled and morphed into a familiar shape.
“You know what happens now, do you?” Calypso, the Goddess asked, melancholy heavily tinting her accented voice. Rozália only could nod carefully cradling Jack's head
“His time has come. Yours, no.” the Goddess' glare bore into the woman who outright denied her in response.
“Yes it did. I lived on my own terms. I will die the same way. And I decided I will, today, with him. I am in control of my fate.” she sit straighter, emerald fire burning in her eyes, rebellious, strong, undeterred and unapologetically fierce.
“Be it then.” Calypso sighed, not bothering hiding the pain at the sight of the soulmates about to perish in each other's arms “I will make it quick.”
“Wait!” Rozália cried suddenly, before she could sink back to the ruthless sea she emerged from. The urgency in her voice making her pause with a piercing gaze.
“Thank you. For Liliána. For Jack. For giving me a true second chance to live. For granting us this death. Please sometimes look towards our daughter, she's also yours.” her throat was closing in, overflowed with emotions, fragments of her life
“Bring us under. Don't let anyone find the Pearl...or us.” Jack rasped his last request
“Fine. Farewell Sparrow and Phoenix.” with the lingering cryptic message, the goddess dissolved into droplets, back into the depths she had risen from.
“Rozy...your...wings” Jack whispered and for the first time she also saw them. Enormous phoenix wings arched gracefully from her back, closing around him protectively. They burned bright, with ferocious intensity, his glow nowhere near hers but at least steady. “I'm sure I didn't drink enough rum to see” the signature hand gesture at his own ones “this”
Calypso's gift. It was unsaid, along with the fact they only had moments remaining. Her lips on his soft, careful and passionate “Szeretlek.” (I love you.) Rozália said with a teary, loving smile. Safe in her wings, shielded by the rage of the world, Jack reached for her face, strength dissipating from him with every lazy heartbeat. Unlike her, he couldn't call a language his own, unless...“Én is téged.” (I love you too.) A kiss with his last breath.
The sea seemingly split open, waves reaching mountain heights, accompanied by the largest lightning ever cutting across the sky they crashed down the Black Pearl, bringing it down to its final rest and extinguishing the two burning souls.
Liliána Thalassa Véghváry was just as feared and respected as her mother was. As her fathers were. She fenced like Rozália and James combined did, navigated better than Jack and led people just as effectively. The sea what ultimately claimed her parents seemingly always favoring her, almost akin to an apology. Despite Jancsi's tremendous support, there were still times when the agony became unbearable to keep locked within. After a sleepless night, she stumbled to the deck of the Vihar at the very crack of a misty dawn and screamed silently with tears like translucent pearls sliding from her cheeks, soaked up by the wood.
Eventually, she rose, straightened just like they would've wanted. In the distance she noticed a ship...not a traditional one, more akin to the Flying Dutchman? Flinging herself against the railing, Liliána stared at the three figures standing united on the deck. Bright seafoam, blazing emerald, brilliant black pearl eyes looked at her tenderly, full of pride and love.
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vendettavalor · 7 months
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Anonymous said: “📂“ -> For the S.W.O.R.D.S team (individual or as a whole, up to you!)
⚔️ Random Headcanon // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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// all of the above actually - and none of them are useless❤️
S.W.O.R.D.S. - General
Following the failure of Project Nemesis and the escape of her test subjects, Zaccarian's operations put into question were oficially shut down. The end of Project Z also meant the destruction of all files and records related to the project. Well - almost. There were exactly two people who had full, unrestricted access to the original documentation. Those were Andromeda Zaccarian herself, and Margarita Alacan prior to her going AWOL. All other copies, database archives, and backups of the project ever existing were deleted following the Project's formal shutdown. For the sake of the team (and at the request of Lupa), Margarita has withheld all information on the project, including the real names of all of the members. To date, none of the original S.W.O.R.D.S. know their real names, birthdays, or any other information about themselves prior to becoming child test subjects for Zaccarian's Project Z.
// Unlike the rest of the team, Conrad Curtis was infected with the Z-Virus long after the rest of his team. He wasn't part of the initial project, but was infected in a follow-up rescue mission after Zaccarian had kidnapped the S.W.O.R.D.S. again. While captured, he was exposed to a more advanced and more stabilized version of the virus. His mutations are the result of a combination of gator and gorilla DNA. He's unlike the others solely because he has full control over his mutations and does not suffer the negative effects of genetic alteration from the virus. This is just a longwinded way of saying that the team playfully refers to him as Kongzilla.
Like Conrad, Margarita is infected by the virus later on in the timeline after being capture by Zaccarian trying to reclaim the S.W.O.R.D.S. and revive her long-dead project. Her variation of the virus is also stable and without side-effects due to purification and perfections made over time. Her genetic makeup is re-engineered and mixed with that of a Japanese Sable and Megachiroptera Bat. Following the recovery period after their escape from capture, Margarita develops the habit of making a lot of random, cute noises. She often finds ways of working while hanging upside down and develops a new fascination and comfort with climbing up into high places to relax.
Lupa's mutations from the Z-Virus gave her the genetic makeup, habits, and physical characteristics of a wolf. As a result of this (and some instances that occurred when she was still a test subject) she wears a muzzle and refuses to eat meat. She also refuses to allow herself to bite people in case it triggers her natural instinct to devour them. But one big exception she allows herself in terms of animal products is bones. Lupa loves gnawing on bones for hours on end. Especially if it's stewed because she loves to scrape out the marrow inside and chew on the cartilage that stays stuck on the edges and ends of the bones. Often times, if she's too busy to chew on a bone she will bury it/hide it to dig up and gnaw on later as a treat to herself. It's one of the few pleasures she allows for herself.
Buffy was one of the most affected, and yet most resilient members of S.W.O.R.D.S, during her time as a subject. Her repeated recovery from various exposures led to her becoming one of the most promising subjects with nearly five different types of DNA being integrated into her cells: rabbit, kangaroo, aardvark, porcupine, and Plant 43. The combination of both animal and plant DNA integrated into her native genome means that Buffy has a very special connection with plants. She can make them bloom, she can make them grow, and she can control plants to obey her whims and make them appear to act on their own. During the active period of her team, the ability was mostly used to attack and defend by disarming enemies and strangling them with vines. These days, Buffy uses the ability to spur on the growth of their garden plants so that her team has something to eat. The amount of blooms that also grow all over her body means that Buffy is routinely covered by bees and butterflies while she naps.
Being one of the most heavily affected by her Z-virus infection, many of Star's critical organs and accessory limbs are supported by integrated cybernetic systems that help keep her alive and functional. To some, it sounds like a grim fate. To be kept alive by machine parts and hand-made software. To Star however, it's just fine. Her upgrades mean that she is able to modify and update her body to do whatever she needs it to. She can suppress pain detected by her nervous system, react faster than any fully organic being can, and further enhance the abilities of her mutated form to be a perfect infiltration and stealth specialist. Having to take care of her cybernetics mean that Star also has a high interest in mechanics and software in all sorts of other fields too. Phones, computers, servers, hacking, code-writing, programming, design and digital art - you name it, she has a claw in it.
Jude's mutations include a bear form with several additional mouths, including those on his neck, back, and abdomen. His saliva includes a powerful acidic enzyme with a strength that compares to the hydrochloric acid of his stomach. His tongues are their own prehensile limbs that can grab and drag targets into his maws to be devoured. While he does have control over when the digestive enzyme is released, naturally, the lingering product of these acidic glands can cause him some discomfort. To alleviate this, Jude makes himself large logs of alkaline or calcium carbonate-based snack chews in order to nullify the effects of the acid in his mouths. Additionally, if one is feeling brave enough, he will allow them to play with the tongues of his mouths. They're quite friendly and playful, and they mostly smell like mint. All one really has to do is get over the slimy texture.
Ray's mutation feature hyperactive bone growth as a result of his amplified cervid DNA. While the shape of his antlers may start off and progress in the shape of a moose's, the rapid growth will eventually have them looking more like overgrown white-tail antlers with multiple main columns and tines. After the velvet on his antlers sheds and they've hardened up, they'll often be very heavy and cumbersome. While Ray prides himself on taking care of his antlers, there comes a point each year where trimming and grinding them down is not enough. He has to clip them off entirely. For a while, he sulks. But once they start growing it again normally, he'll perk right up and go back to grooming himself as meticulously and as dutifully as he always does.
Mariana's neck and rib gills give her the ability to breathe underwater. Paired with how thick and insulated she is, cold water doesn't post a problem for her. Likewise, Mariana feels more at home in the water anyway. She tends to a coral reef and large field of undersea plants that she uses to make medicines and salves for her team. These underwater paradises attract sea life, including fish that she feeds and feeds on. Her most well-kept secret it an underwater home made within the coral of her reef. She has a comfortable bed, and air pocket, and many chests and storage units where she keeps things like rocks, stones, shells, plants, and other treasures and trinkets she's collected over the years. If nowhere else in the world feels safe, that little coral house always will.
Alice is the youngest member of the S.W.O.R.D.S. at just six years old. Rescued during one of the later raids of Zaccarian's facility, which was still operating in secret, Alice was one of the first children to be born with an innate Z-virus infection. Her infection was, like Conrad and Margarita's, stable and perfected. Her genetic mutation contained samples of all the existing species in Zaccarian's existing database. As a result, it's predicted that Alice can take on the mutated shape and abilities of any number of species. For the time being, her transformations are largely guided by emotions and take on the small, baby versions of the species she mimics. She has little to no control over any of her abilities, and not many of them are well-defined. She's doted on by all of the members of S.W.O.R.D.S. like their own child. And while one day she may choose to follow in their footsteps and become an agent, for now, Alice enjoys the comfort and delight of having the childhood that the rest of her family never got to have.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@maximuses​ SAID: Where is their relationship the strongest? - For Vinny and Star
⚔️ Couple Questions // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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// Without a doubt, Star and Vin’s relationship is strongest in the aspect of open and honest communication. The amount of emotional intimacy these two have is off the charts. They trust each other so deeply and so wholeheartedly. They know each other to a depth and degree that other people only wish they could achieve. Vin is intimately aware of the horrifying procedures and experiments Star endured to become what she is, and he loves and adores her even when she cannot find it in her to look at herself. Likewise, Star has been there throughout the process of Vincent dying. Twice. And despite knowing that he was living on borrowed time, she still chose to stay with him. She stuck by him as he raced against time, held his hand as he dared to hope against all odds stacked against for a chance at survival, and then tended to him throughout his painful, stilted recovery. She bore the physical and emotional toll that it took on them both with pride. Because she loved him and knew that among everyone, he was the only one who would ever truly understand what she had been through. And when he got better, they celebrated that together too. They realized that if they could overcome death together, then they could overcome anything. So long as they were together.
// That why they end up tying the knot after all.~
// And none of that would have been possible without them constantly talking to each other. They are so completely open and unafraid to express their thoughts and feelings to one another. There is no judgement or harshness between them. Only love and understanding and compassion. That is what makes their relationship so successful and their bond utterly unbreakable.
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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💜 Surprise Mini-Starter for @ineffablemuses ‘s Vincent 💜
She’s not happy.
There’s a member of SWORDS each holding one of her arms and one holding both of her legs. The sounds rattling out of her throat are nothing short of feral. The hisses and yowls of a very unhappy cat. She growls, jerking each time there’s a loud, resounding CLIP from her nails. Margarita tries to hush her, assuring her that this is nothing more than a little necessity to keep her healthy. That doesn’t seem to dissuade Star. Her ears perk as she hears the door swing open, head immediately jolting to look at Vincent. She’s silent for just a moment before she opens her mouth to yell.
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“HELP. BABE. THEY’RE CUTTING MY CLAWS.” Everyone involved yelps as she suddenly begins to thrash under their pinning hands. She yowls as another claw is clipped and hisses at Margarita. She looks back at Vincent, offering him the closest thing a cat can to extreme puppy eyes. She whimpers, yowling against and slapping her tails against the ground. “VINCENT! GET THEM OFF ME! I NEED MY SLASHERS!”
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Version 4.6 Event Wishes Notice - Phase I
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Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
Event Wish "The Hearth's Ashen Shadow" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Dire Balemoon" Arlecchino (Pyro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 4.6 update—2024/5/14 17:59:00
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Dire Balemoon" Arlecchino (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo), "Elegance in the Shadows" Lynette (Anemo), and "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Conjuring Chiaroscuro" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Spectacle of Phantasmagoria" Lyney (Pyro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 4.6 update—2024/5/14 17:59:00
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Spectacle of Phantasmagoria" Lyney (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo), "Elegance in the Shadows" Lynette (Anemo), and "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish-2." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Crimson Moon's Semblance (Polearm) and The First Great Magic (Bow)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 4.6 update—2024/5/14 17:59:00
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star weapons Crimson Moon's Semblance (Polearm) and The First Great Magic (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 4-star weapons The Dockhand's Assistant (Sword), Portable Power Saw (Claymore), as well as the 4-star weapons Dragon's Bane (Polearm), Eye of Perception (Catalyst), and Favonius Warbow (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, use Epitomized Path to chart a course towards a promotional 5-star weapon, such as Crimson Moon's Semblance (Polearm) or The First Great Magic (Bow). For more information on Epitomized Path, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
※ Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapons will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
Title: Undetered.
Continuation of Unrequited.
Pairing: Arlecchino x Reader x Furina (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Obnoxious Sapphic Pining, Lesbian Melodrama, and Spoilers for the Fontaine Story Quest. Live Dove: Tender and Sweet.
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Truly, you were fortunate to have such a persistent suitor.
And, truly, Arlecchino was lucky to be so desperately in love with someone who so often left their windows unlocked.
Lady Furina – or, rather, Miss Furina now – might not have had the limitless means of an archon, but her manor was still sizable enough to leave convenient gaps between patrolling guards. Vaulting the stone gate was child’s play, climbing to the second floor a task that would’ve been easily passed off to one of her less capable subordinates, remaining unseen as she worked a dagger between the glass pane and its wooden frame until the mechanism gave and she could slip into your bedroom an art she’d perfected over decades of careful practice. She never expected to use her talents for a matter so personal, but still, expertise couldn’t be denied.
Although Furina’s burdens weren’t quite as heavy as an opera star as they’d been as an archon, you still took care of her affairs dutifully – ever the loyal companion despite your favored idol having been proved false. Even now, in the dead of night, you were chained to your desk, your fingertips stained with ink and your quill abused to the point of dullness. It took a moment for you to take notice of the draft, to straighten your back and glance blearily in her direction, but whatever exhaustion stole your attention from her seemed to disappear the moment you met her eyes. You scrambled to rise, to call for your guards, but she was already closing the distance between you, already trapping you against the edge of your desk, an arm caging you in on either side. Too breathless to spare a proper greeting, she took your hand in her own and held it to her chest. If she had a heartbeat, you might’ve been able to hear it racing. “My love, my light,” You opened your mouth, undoubtedly preparing one of the dismissive platitudes you so often offered her, but just this once, she refused herself the pleasure that was listening to your voice. Time was precious, tonight, and she couldn’t afford to be so indulgent. “I’m leaving for Snezhnaya at dawn, and I will only dare to ask this once—” She paused, forced herself to breath. “Come with me.”
Your eyes remained wide and horrified. “Lord Arlecchino.” And then, after a short lapse, “You’re in my bedroom.”
“If you must serve a god,” she went on, unfazed by your shock. “Then serve me. I know you think you’ve found a purpose in Furina, but there is nothing in the world she can give you that I can’t. There’s nothing she does for you that I’m not willing to.” She raised your hand to her mouth, her lips grazing over your knuckles. “You don’t have to love me. All I ask is to be able to pretend you might, one day.”
It was your turn to manage a ragged inhale, now, to draw yourself out of her hold with a quick shake of your head, a dry swallow. “You can’t—” You started towards the door, then thought better of it, taking to pacing as you glared daggers towards the carpeting. “You cannot be here. You have to leave, and you have to make sure no one sees you.”
“I’m not afraid of a few guards,” she cut in. “If I had to fight a thousand men for your hand, I’d draw my sword without a second thought.”
“You don’t understand. She thinks I don’t know, but—” You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “She writes these— these fictions, and if she finds that you’ve broken into her estate in the middle of the night wearing—” You gestured vaguely to her, or more specifically, to the pitch-black bodysuit she usually wore to her less scrupulous encounters. “—that, I’ll have to travel far past Snezhnaya before I ever hear the end of it.”
With an airy chuckle, she found her way back to your side. As gently as she could, she took you by the arm, and when you failed to protest, drew you into a delicate embrace. “What are you afraid of, dear?”
You slackened against her chest. “I… I honestly don’t know how to explain it,” you admitted. “It’s just, ever since you first came to Fontaine, she’s been inf—”
This time, you were interrupted by the door to your bedroom slamming open, your mistress appearing above the threshold – already posed with one hand on her waist and the other curled around the handle of a mahogany cane, her eyes shut and her smile wide. “Teyvat’s brightest star has returned!” She declared herself with a turn on her heel – a dramatic flourish worthy of a retired archon. “You would not believe how well rehearsal went, there’s already a—”
Her eyes flickered op, and whatever she meant to tell you died on her tongue as her gaze fell onto Arlecchino. Immediately, you wrenched yourself out of Arlecchino’s arms, rushing towards Furina. “My lady, it’s not—"
“Save your excuses.” Her voice was low, her tone steely. Furina posed no threat to you, much less to her, but Arlecchino still had to temper the urge to step in front of you – if only out of some long buried, sickeningly knightly instinct. “I can see what’s going on.”
A beat passed in silence, then another. Ultimately, Arlecchino took it upon herself to break it. “…you can?”
“For exactly what it is.” She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, gasping sharply. “My greatest foe, here to use my closest confidant against me. I will not allow it! Whatever you plan to do with them – let me take their place. No matter what you plan to take – my mind, my soul, my body, I insist that you take it from me!”
Her rambling went on, but Arlecchino diverted her attention, sparing you a glance out of the corner of her eye. “She’s got a bit of a crush,” you whispered, smiling apologetically. “This is just how she behaves when she’s nervous.”
Arlecchino’s looked back to Furina. Upon closer examination, her cheeks were flushed, her movements erratic. As she described the torture she would go through for your sake in truly graphic and well-imagined detail, Arlecchino cleared her throat. “With as little respect as possible,” she cut in. “You’re not the one I’m here for, Furina.” She took up your hand, intertwining her fingers with your own and falling to one knee. You pursed your lips, but didn’t protest, content to let the gesture stand – if only for the sake of your mistress. “It’s your confidant who has my heart, despite how callous the hands I’ve entrusted it to may be.”
“But, my lady, my loyalty is with you.” For the first time, Arlecchino watched your expression wither. Your worry – not for your mistress’ safety, but purely for her happiness – would’ve been touching, if her selfishness hadn’t been the cause of your concern. “And… my love, as well. If you’d care to accept it.”
It was a pitiful confession, pale in comparison to even the meekest of hers, but it seemed to be enough. Furina took a moment to examine you, to evaluate Arlecchino where she kneeled. Slowly, she straightened herself, squaring her shoulders. “If that’s the case,” she began, finally, taking on an air that could be easily mistaken for dignified. “Then as the former sovereign of your nation and the mistress of this estate…”
She raised a hand, a near radiant grin painting itself across her lips as she encompassed you both in one sweeping gesture.
“I demand a threeway!”
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a-d-nox · 10 days
what your tarot deck thinks about the place you are living
grab your tarot deck! ask your deck "what do i need to know about my home?" below are some ideas of what the cards you get could mean.
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the fool
first time home owner and/or going without an inspection or walkthrough (site-unseen buying)
the magician
fixer-upper and/or in need of repair
the empress
fertile ground and/or having a good foundation
the emperor
you definitely need to get an inspection and/or a picky/tricky seller (needing to be aggressive with bidding)
the hierophant
seek financial counseling, to seek with your realtor more seriously, and/or needing to call in a specialist
the chariot
get ready to move
the hermit
the house is older; you might want to look at foundation, electrical, and/or insulation
the devil
definitely look at electrical and ac/heating elements (duct cleaning may be needed) - or even the dryer vent
the tower
this is a tear down and start from scratch project
the star
PLEASE look into your plumbing...
you might be in over your head with the cost of where you live; its time to move to somewhere a bit more sustainable
3 of cups
house warming
3 of cups rx
a controlling HOA and/or noisy/gossipy neighbors
4 of cups
having a lot of big ideas for what you want your house to be and look like, but not taking the action needed for it to get to that vision
5 of cup
money pit house that makes you feel disappointed/depressed
2 of pentacles rx
not having enough time for everything you want to accomplish with the house between life, job, and house renovations
3 of pentacles
talking with architects, someone who does custom building, and/or who an interior designer
4 of pentacles
having a lot of clutter and/or hoarding that damages the house
5 of pentacles
needing better insulation and/or to upgrade windows (plastic wrap in winter or something)
7 of pentacles rx
not working towards your vision in terms of housing expectations
ace of swords
making an offer on a house
2 of swords
having to make a difficult decision about what project to focus on
5 of swords
disagreeing with your family about what should happen with a project and having an argument
6 of swords
needing flood insurance
7 of swords
taking pieces from old projects or from what already exists
2 of wands
putting in an add-on
7 of wands
the place as a lot of unforeseen issues
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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danikamariewrites · 5 months
My North Star
Cassian x reader
Summary: You and your siblings represent the eight points of your father, King Astraeus’, brightest star. After his death your seven siblings have come to the decision to banish you since you don’t agree with their way to rule. Sending you across space and time you end up landing in the Illyrian Mountains.
Warnings: violence, angst, fluff, and very long
A/n: based on this request
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They had you dress in your armor. Had you strap your sword to your back. All to get rid of you. In your twenty-five years of life never once had you been a nuisance to your siblings. Being the youngest made you unseen and you had handled it with grace.
Never had you defied your father or the woman you are forced to call mother. Never once had you gotten in their way of ascending the throne.
Your siblings were all in agreement on how they wanted to rule. And who would question gods?
You are young, you’ll learn is something you always heard from the seven of them. But you didn’t want to learn. You wanted to change things. Make the world a better place for the people you ruled over.
Clearly, your older siblings did not like that idea. You wouldn’t be standing here with a portal to gods knew where at your back as they all looked down at you from the dias in the throne room. Guards surrounding you with their weapons drawn.
“I have been nothing but compliant all my life. Learning to live in your shadows as father favored all of you, never paying attention to me. You were all I had. And now you’re abandoning me because what? I won’t agree to Castor’s ruling?”
Your eldest brother sighed, looking bored as he spread out on the throne. The sight made you sick. He was lazy, arrogant, and cruel. He is the last person in existence who should be king. “What’s done is done little sister. I can’t have descent among the ranks. Our brothers and sisters are in agreement with me.”
Tears stream down your face as you realize what Castor was truly mad about. Were you truly being punished for something you had no control over? "That's not why you're getting rid of me, is it? You hate that I'm more powerful. If I'm still around our people will question your rule when they see me." Castor pounded his fist against the arm of the throne. He stood so abruptly the throne almost toppled over.
Guards and courtiers and even a few of your siblings were confused at the reaction you drew from him. Castor points a finger at you, the rage simmering on his face threatening to boil over. “You have no right to speak to me that way!” He stomps down the dias stopping at the line of guards keeping you from your family.
Castor takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm his temper. It’s too late though. He’s already ruined himself for the people who are supposed to show him blind loyalty. “You will hand over your sword before you go.” He said plainly. “No.” You say firmly, standing straighter, ready to defend yourself. If you were going to take something with you it would be the silver and pearl sword at your back. You forged it when you were fifteen before your first battle to match the bright silver armor you were wearing now. Like hell you’d give that up. It was imbued with your power. Castor would melt it down for its core and the beautiful thing you’d created would be gone.
The guards looked conflicted as Castor waved his hand for them to stand in attack position. You discreetly step back two paces, trying to get as closer to the portal before they strike. It was shrinking as Castor wasted time. You realize that you’d have to jump soon or die here.
“Give it here, little sister.” He holds out his hand, impatience running low. You shake your head vehemently. You take two more steps back. The cold breeze from the portal sending chills through the open spots in your armor. “No Castor.” You say trying to keep the shakiness from your voice. “You want me gone? Then all of me is going.”
The room around you fades. Closing the distance between you and the unknown, you leap before anyone can grab you. There’s a moment where you’re suspended in mid air. A light feeling taking over your body. Like you weigh nothing. Looking back you find the chaos of the throne room frozen. Castor lunging to grab any part of you he can reach. Guards mid-swing to strike you down.
You don’t have a chance to fully take in the scene before you're falling. There's just darkness as you tumble through time and space. You feel a pull in your stomach. It's unbearable. Your bones feel like they’re compressing. Before it gets worse the pain vanishes as you keep falling. And falling. And falling.
It felt like you were falling for hours. Days. Years. All sense of time and direction was gone. Left was up and Down was right. Tears from your eyes spilled upward, floating away from your face. You didn't know if it was from the wind whistling past or your fear of the unknown.
When you could finally see again you started slowing down. As if the universe was deciding where to put you. Taunting you with what could be.
Different worlds in all different periods of time flew by. Major cities that looked old and new. Gleaming towers touching the sky, people with and with out wings flying through the air. Lush green worlds with castles, some with odd architecture that seemed millennia away built into the land, others with flying ships coming and going. Worlds made entirely of water with structures just above the restless surface.
But the universe didn't stop at any of these places. If you could choose you don't know which world you would pick. You'd love to explore all of them if you could.
Time slowed again, bringing you to another world. The final one it seems. A glittering night sky came into view until it was the only thing you saw. Snow capped mountains appeared to get closer, the air chilly with a roaring wind.
Gasping, you realized this is where you were being dropped. The universe picked a world and it was this gorgeous, endless night. At least you'd have the stars. Maybe there would be new constellations for you to discover.
You tried to control the rest of your fall. Summoning your power, your hands eminated that familiar shimmering white glow. You could use the propulsion of the 'star beams'—you and your sister Vesper lovingly called them—to slow down. The light flickered like you couldn't fully connect to it. Your heart pounded hoping it was just a one-time thing.
It was not.
In fact your light seemed to dim every few hundred feet. You felt an odd buzzing rush through your body at what seemed like the five hundered feet mark. By three hundred feet your power fully flickered out on you.
Holding in your scream you braced for impact. You silently prayed the snow was deep enough to cushion you. Feeling the ground rush up at you, you screwed your eyes shut, not wanting to watch.
The snow was no help at all. You hit the hard, cold earth hard. You rolled over onto your back taking in deep breaths to help dispel the pain running rampant through your bones. To distract yourself from your shaking body you focus on the night sky.
The stars seemed so familiar but new. Even though your current situation sucked a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. You have a new night sky to discover. A new north star to navigate the land with.
Sitting up you move and crack your joints to get feeling back in your body. Now that your bones have stopped shaking you stand, stretching again.
You look around the mountain region and spot what you hope is a village in the distance. Lanters and fire light told you that the residents were still awake. Hope flared in your heart. Maybe this mountain village would be your new home. A smiple life but it would be yours and no one would try to control you.
Rhys felt the breach in the wards an hour ago. With every minute he wasted winnowing to Windhaven, telling Devlon, and tracking down Cassian and Azriel he was on edge. Anyone could have broken through. And that anyone could have any kind of power with a grudge or looking to destroy a city.
While waiting the High Lord donned his fighting leathers, strapping his sword to his back. His brothers came rushing up to him as he pulled the leather srap through it's buckle.
"Devlon sure took his time getting you two. Did he tell you about the wards?" Rhys asked, tension in his voice from the concern for his court. The pair shook their heads givinging their brother a worried look. “An hour ago the wards were breached. Whoever it was is up here in the mountains so they have a ways to go before the city. I want this done quietly so we don’t cause panic, ready?”
“Let’s go.” Cassian said, checking the glowing ruby siphons on the back of his hands. The three brothers spread their wings, taking off into the night sky.
Cutting your way through the forest the trees finally thinned out. You must be getting close to that village. Taking a pause, you lean against one of the thick tree trunks to stretch out your back. Your body still feels tight and achey from the fall. Gods, you’d kill to have a hot bath right now.
Letting go of the rough bark you wiped your hands together to get rid of the dirt. Continuing your trek up the steep mountain the sound of beating wings above you making you freeze. Not knowing what is attached to said wings you find it in your best interest to hide. And you better hide fast because they sound like they’re slowing down.
Running on silent feet you backtrack a few feet to the left to hide behind one of the larger trees. The sound of someone whooshing through the branches and landing, shaking your surroundings makes you hold your breath. Pressing your back to the tree trunk hard you will your powers to come back to you. That familiar light sensation in your body had noticeably dimmed.
If you had to fight you were terrified you’d have to rely on hand-to-hand combat or weapons. You weren’t at full strength, no way you could last.
Crunching footsteps got louder and louder as whoever was searching the woods drew closer. You had to make a decision and fast. Attack first or wait. The thing about waiting is that you can get too comfortable with your hiding spot. You let your guard down and someone surprises you.
Taking a chance you peek out from behind the tree. The thing with large membranous wings had his back to you. It looked like a male, male shaped at least. He could have a creature like face for all you knew. Something nasty and horrible or sharp teeth meant for ripping limbs from your body. You had never encountered anything like that on your home world but you always had a wild imagination.
Home world. What an odd thing to say.
The winged creature turned slightly, just enough so you could see his profile. Definitely not a sharp toothed monster. He seemed quite handsome actually. You wanted a closer look at him except every warning bell in your head was going off telling you to stay put.
His nostrils flared, sniffing the air. You quickly duck back behind the tree holding your breath once again.
A red blast shot through the tree just next to your head. You roll sideways, shooting to your feet. The male was closer now. Glowing red stones adorned his hands, shoulders, knees, and chest. They were pulsing with power as his face portrayed a warriors rage.
Holding your hands out at your sides, palms out, you willed your power back to you harder than you ever had in your entire life. To your relief, your hands glowed brighter than you had ever seen them. You felt the light in your whole being. It felt like it was emanating from your whole body.
The male looked frightened for a moment before snapping back into a battle stance. The dam you were keeping up on your rage at your family was breaking. If this male was looking for a fight you would give it to him. You bring your palm up to cover his chest in your line of sight.
A red shimmering shield absorbed some of the light, pushing the male backwards a few feet. Once the light died the rage on his face was clear. His teeth were bared at you and he let out a deep threatening growl. He started running at you drawing his sword.
You mimic his movements, bring the metal to clash in a loud ringing that shook your eardrums. It didn’t affect you as much as the male, who winced in pain. You didn’t hold back. You slashed and slashed and slashed. Hoping he’d fall soon.
You brought the male to his knees with a flash of your power and extra aggressive swing of your sword. Your blade sticks in his, creating a small notch. The surprise on his face changed to anger. He pushed back hard with a loud cry. You tried your hardest to dig the heels of your silver boots into the ground. The snow and frozen dirt making it impossible to find purchase.
He pushes you over a thick root causing you to lose balance. Calling to your power again you find it flickering out again. The white light dying as it reaches your finger tips. He notices and takes advantage. Elbowing you in the chest you fall the ground hard for the second time that night.
Before you can recover and fight back he dropped his knees down on either side of you, straddling your middle. Your instincts scream at you to start scratching and hitting him. But he acts like he’s being bothered by a fly as he bats your hands away. Catching your wrists in one hand he pins them above your head. You still struggle. You didn’t want to make it too easy.
Watching his face you noticed his eyes glaze over. His attention was on you, but it seemed like he was somewhere else. Taking advantage of the moment you attempt to knee him in the groin. He catches on to what you’re trying to do and moves to trap your legs tighter. You were now fully pinned under this hulking male.
There’s no way to get out of this. He’s far stronger and if you did break free he’d have no problem reaching out to pull you back. Or he could fly off with you. Then your chances at reaching the small mountain village would be zero. Your chances were looking pretty grim right now anyway.
As you stopped struggling and accepted your fate for right now. Adrenaline wearing off had the exhaustion of everything hit you. The bruises and stiffness from falling out of the sky. The ache in your chest from where the male elbowed you. Your arms were shaking from wielding g your sword. You are a certified mess.
Your vision began to go in and out. Between long blinks you saw two other figures standing over you. They were almost identical to the male on top of you. Almost. Even in your tired haze you could tell there was something unique about each of them. That they each held a special power. And then nothing.
You came to with a jolt. Feeling ropes tight around your wrists you started to panic. The door to the room you’re being held in opens with a bang. You wince and tuck your chin to your chest.
You had to get out. Escape somehow. You refuse to be locked away after escaping (well…being banished) from your own personal hell. How sad would it be if you traded your brother for another monster. Maybe you should’ve stayed. Continued being the silent, unquestioning sister and support Castor’s rule.
Looking up you see the three males from last night. You assumed everything happened last night since it was day time. You hoped it was last night.
The three look down at you with an odd curiosity. Like they’re dissecting you. You notice that glazed over look in all their eyes. As quickly as you noticed it their gazes refocus on you. The one in the middle who clearly carries himself like a leader steps forward.
“You’re a curious little silver thing. No one in the seven courts, or on the Continent for that matter, has claimed you to be their spy or warrior.” You raise an eyebrow at him, pursing your lips. Courts? The Continent? Just where exactly did you end up? The only positive you see right now is that the two of you can communicate. Hopefully you can clear things up and this male will believe your story.
You start to say something but the words get caught in your throat. Your mouth feels dry as you start to get anxious. What if they don’t believe how you got here? Would they just kill you? You had to stop catastrophizing. You’ll never talk if anxiety gets the better of you.
“I’m not from here. I had no idea where I was landing.” They all give you the same confused look. “From Prythian or another continent?” Ok, now’s your time to shine. Just drop that mind blowing piece of info on them and be done with it. “I’m from a different world.”
You bet if you knew them personally those expressions they are making would be priceless. The three males are completely dumbfounded. The one in the middle snaps back to his leader stance, something like curiosity and the knowledge of being right sparkling in his violet eyes.
“Please explain,” he said with a slight, confused smirk pulling at his lips. “Can I sit somewhere more comfortable? It’s a long story and I’m in so much pain.” You shouldn’t have mentioned the pain part but you are desperate for a cushy arm chair or a couch. A fluffy rug even. Anything but a rickety wooden chair and ropes that cut off your circulation.
He looks like he’s debating letting you. His hesitance makes you start your epic tale. “I was banished from my home, but it felt more like running before something bad happened.” The sincerity in your eyes makes up his mind. With a wave of his hand the ropes disappear.
Pushing yourself to stand you’re a bit wobbly. Now that you’ve rested you are starting to truly feel all the pain from last night. You should be fine in a day thanks to your accelerated healing. At least being part god from your father’s side was good for something.
The male who had been questioning you lightly grabbed your arms. Steadying, he leads you into a sitting room. Looking over your shoulder you see the room you were just in is no longer empty. The wooden chair was gone and bedroom furniture decorated the space. Curious. A place of magic then.
Stretching out on the large couch you let out a sigh. It feels good to be comfortable. The three males, still nameless to you, you realize, take up different seats around you. “I’m y/n, by the way.” “My name is Rhysand. You are already well aquatinted with Cassian,” Rhysand gestures towards the male with the red gems in his leathers, giving you a small two-fingered salute. “And this is Azriel.” He silently gives you a small nod in greeting, like you just entered their home and haven’t been their “prisoner” for the last twelve hours.
You tell Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian the story of your fathers passing, how you think your oldest brother murdered him, that he didn’t want you around anymore under the guise of not agreeing to his way of ruling. You did not give up the extent of your power. You still didn’t know if you could fully trust these three.
Rhysand then explained that you were now in the realm of the Fae. That there are seven courts in Prythian and fate had chosen the Night Court for you, the court he is High Lord of. You were blown away by the description of these courts. Wanting to explore them all.
After being told about his powers you let Rhysand into your mind. You wanted to establish trust and you knew how to fight off someone with telepathic powers. You could easily crush his mind if it came to that. Seeing that your story was true, and that you truly could not return home, Rhysand gave you a sympathetic look.
Days went by. The High Lord let you stay in his cabin until he thought of a permanent solution for you. The male you fought, Cassian, was staying with you. Not to watch you, Rhysand had reassured, to keep you company. It didn’t feel like it though. You still felt like you were tied to that rickety wooden chair.
Sitting around didn’t feel right to you. Learning there was a whole camp outside the cabin where a fighting style you had no idea about was being taught made you restless. You wanted to learn. Wanted Cassian to teach you.
You like talking with Cassian. During meals and at night before bed you would trade stories from childhood or fights you had been in. He was amazed you could fight so well and wielded so much power at twenty five years old.
Tension seemed to be growing between the two of you. Not bad tension. It was almost awkward. Like neither of you wanted to say the wrong thing. For the first time a male wasn’t speaking to you to climb a social ladder or to get to one of your family members. Cassian seemed truly interested in you, and you didn’t want to mess that up.
You couldn’t deny that he’s attractive. You have a craving for him. You want him to be yours. You want all of his attention. Plus he is everything you want in a male. Strong, good looking, a fighter, kind, and caring.
Over dinner that night you finally worked up the courage to ask Cassian if he would be willing to show you the camp and let you train. he had paused, thinking through his options. You didn’t know Illyrians, which scared him. Cassian would never forgive himself if anything happened to you. “I will ask Rhys if you can train. I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” Truthfully, he wanted you to stay in the safety of the cabin until your permeant solution was available. But he knew the reality of what you are. You’re a warrior, a fighter like him. And you would rather die than sit still.
Three days passed without an answer from Rhys. You had become impatient and irritated with Cassian’s answer each time you asked. “He hasn’t made his decision yet. But he will soon.” Soon. You were getting sick of that word. You could tell Cassian felt bad each time he didn’t give you the answer you wanted. He knows what it’s like to want to let the warrior out. To do your routine. To fight.
Making the decision for Rhys you dress in the fighting leathers Cassian had made for you. Adding your silver gauntlets to your arms and strapping your sword to your back. The leathers fit like a glove. Flexible and breathable. If only you could fully mix these with your armor. Then you’d have quite the battle suit.
You weren’t allowed to roam the village alone. Suspecting that was more Cassian than Rhys given the way residents of Windhaven were staring at you. Murmurs joined their curious looks. But you held your head high, keeping your pace calm as you look for the training rings.
None of them are Castor. He is not here. He cannot hurt you. You had been repeating those words to yourself more than you’d like to admit. Every night since you arrived in the Night Court sleep had been restless. Nightmares of Castor getting his hands on your sword or killing you or locking you up plagued you.
Cassian had been there, though. He sat with you, talked with you. One night, after a particularly horrible nightmare, Cassian sat with you on the couch letting you grip his hand. The two of you sat in silence for hours as his warm, rough hands grounded you.
He never asked questions. Never pushed you to talk about it. He let you take things at your own pace, which you were grateful for.
Your siblings or father or handmaidens never let you talk about things that bothered you. They all believed nightmares were silly things to dwell on. “Ignore it,” you had been told when all you wanted was comfort.
Clanging metal had you shaking the thoughts from your head. Especially the ones of Cassian. You find him in one of the training rings with his shirt off, sparring with another male that looks younger. The ring was surrounded by a group of males who all looked younger than him. You watch him spar, his muscles flexing and those wings move to help keep his balance.
Something you couldn’t get over was his tattoos. The black intricate swirls spanning his chest and arms left you breathless.
As Cassian blocked the males strike he struck the younger males abdomen with a fist, sending him sprawling in the dirt. As the male stands you find yourself in line at the edge of the ring. Cassian turns from the male to talk about everything his opponent had done wrong. He stopped short noticing you among the Illyrians. The rest of the group follows his gaze, those closest to you edging away. Cassian looks at you bewildered. Trying to tell you to go back to the cabin with his eyes.
“I got bored.” You say nonchalantly, giving him a small shrug. A male across the ring sneers at you. Good. You were looking to let off some steam.
Cassian opens his mouth to most likely tell you no until the male who sneered at you spoke up. “Since when did outside females get to join training?” He smirked, thinking he struck a nerve. You returned his smirk with your own. Taking a step over the chalk line. “If you want we can spar. Unless you’re afraid to lose to a female,” you taunt him. Anger flashed in his face before that cocky smirk returned.
“Fine,” he bites out, drawing his sword. From the corner of your eye you spot Cassian. He had a torn look on his face. Like he wanted to stop you but he couldn’t help but wonder what you looked like at full power. How truly unleashed you could get. Gods was he…turned on by this?
Yes. Yes, he absolutely is.
After this—he told himself—he would make his move. You were made for him. Literally fell from the sky for him. After that first fight Cassian knew he met his match.
Focusing back on the fight in front of you, you draw your sword. The pure silver blade and mother of pearl inlay gleaming in the afternoon sun. A collective gasp sounded from the group at the pure power of the blade.
The two of you face off in a ready stance. Cassian marks the start of the fight and you begin circling each other. He makes the first move, trying to rush you. You block, spinning out into a defensive stance to continue circling. This was taking too long. You wanted more action than this.
Spinning your sword you run feel speed, watching the cocky look melt from the bastards face. He rushes to block your slashes. Catching him off guard you knock the sword from his hand, sending it flying past the chalk line.
Something snapped in you. The male looked at you ready to brace the storm that brewed in your eyes. Driving your sword into the dirt you launch yourself at him. Landing a hard, unforgiving kick to his chest. Stumbling back a few steps he regains his balance, putting his fists up. You dodge each punch he throws at you.
After you counted six punches you could tell he was tiring himself out. Pathetic. When his fists were lowered you saw your opening. Throwing a right hook his jaw made a sickening crunch. Finally down on the ground you dropped all your weight onto your right knee, falling onto his ribs.
You couldn’t help but punch his face over and over and over and over again. You couldn’t stop seeing Castor’s smug face. That smiling, thinking he had won by getting rid of you. You didn’t stop until a dark power rumbled all around you. A deep, dark voice booming through the village.
“ENOUGH Y/N!” Rhysand was standing next to Cassian, who looked like he didn’t know what to do. His warm hazel eyes sparkling as he looked from your bloody fists to your wild face. Looking Rhysand dead in the eyes you land one more punch.
Shoving yourself off the male you stand at your full height. Rolling out your shoulders and neck. Letting the tension in your muscles fall away. Picking up your sword and walking out of the ring right up to the high lord the other Illyrian’s gave you weary looks. Worried that if they breathed wrong they would be on the ground and bloody next.
“I’m a god Rhys,” your tone cool and confident, “you don’t tell me to stop fighting.” As you walk back in the direction of the cabin you miss the look of Cassian is giving you. His hazel irises are practically in the shape of hearts as he watches you saunter off.
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paganwitchisis · 2 months
A Chance Encounter
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Rated - Explicit. RATED 18 PLUS
Relationship - Tav (Female AFAB)/Astarion
Trigger Warnings/ Warnings of sexual content and Violence- Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Abuse, Physical, Mental and Emotional/Verbal Abuse. Asked to cancel themself mentioned, graphic depictions of violence, Smut, P in V Smut, Dead Dove (For the Violence/abuse depictions), Panic Attacks, Love
Word Count : 13.6k (It is a longer one!)
Check it out on AO3 -A Chance Encounter AO3
Summary: What if 1 year after beating the Netherbrain, established spawn Astarion and (AFAB) Female Tav roam the Sword Coast and run into a complication? Instead of being heroes, they accidentally find Tav’s abusive parents? This becomes a hard situation for Tav, and Astarion has to help her through it. Bonus! Add to this a greedy god getting involved and a deal being attempted against our favorite couple? Astarion has his hands full, but there will be a happy ending! Heed the tags for trigger warnings.
Note: I have a master list pined to my page and other Baldur's gate work. This was made as a trauma dump for coping so it is based on real life stuff. it is my worst work yet in my opinion but I wanted to share it. I have 23 stories in progress and in different degrees of progress. This is intended as a one shot but can be changed if there is support for more.
Story: The past year after defeating the Netherbrain has been almost a dream. After finding the Sunwalker’s Ring almost three months ago, Astarion and Tav have been enjoying everything that life has had to offer in the sun. The couple has done everything together since setting off together from Baldur’s Gate. They have taken on missions together and spent long nights tangled together under the stars. Astarion has been enjoying what freedom has truly been like, but occasionally he would wake to his lover having nightmares and terrors in the night. It was in these moments he wished he had the tadpole again. Tav was always there for him, and although the hold Cazador has had on him was dissipating, it was still there. Astarion wanted to return the favor that Tav had given him. The problem was, Tav was still struggling with something unseen and she still wasn’t comfortable discussing what was wrong. Of course, Astarion was sure if he asked she would say something, but Astarion didn’t want to do that. Astarion wanted to let her talk to him on her terms. In the mean time, he would support her the best he could. He suspected it had something to do with the scars on her body that she refused to discuss, The same scars he worshiped when they made love. It was the only thing that made sense, considering what she said during her nightmares.
“We’re near Evereska. You think we can stop there for a break? I’d love to get a hot bath, Astarion. Just a break, then we can keep going.” Tav asked Astarion who broke from his thoughts to consider his half elven lover’s request.
“I’d love to give us a room at a tavern, darling, but isn't that the pretentious city that only lets…certain people in?” Astarion replied worriedly. The history of Evereska is a well known thing to most elves. They snub their nose at anyone who isn't a pure blooded high elf and follows strict customs.” Astarion might be able to get in but Tav…
“I thought that through! They will let me in.” Tav smiled brightly but Astarion was confused how and why they would do such a thing. “ I never pull the title but they will let me in temporarily for the hero of Baldur’s Gate”
“You think that will work? I mean…they could easily not care.”
“Only one way to find out. We’re not far.” Tav rationalized as she drew close to Astarion and looped her arms around his neck. Astarion wrapped his arms around her waist and replied.
“Alright. If that’s what you want. We’ll try it but only for a night. I don’t want to stay there longer than we need to. However I’d be happy to give you a wonderful bath, my sweet.” Astarion gave her a lewd smile. Tav replied with a smile of her own before kissing him deeply. Astarion wasted no time moving his hands to Tav’s backside and gripping her ass cheeks while his tongue delved inside her mouth. Tav couldn’t help the moan that escaped her.
“Later, my love. Tonight, I’ll make you scream.” Astarion murmured against her lips as he pulled away.
It only took an hour to get to the heavily guarded gate that surrounded the border of Evereska. The city was magnificent even without entering. It was clean, surrounded by forests and elegant. When the couple approached the doors to the border, the guard held up his hand for them to stop.
“State your business” He called out. Tav noted he was in generic heavy armor and wielded a great sword.
“We’re the heroes of Baldur’s gate looking for a place to stay for one night only. We have no intention of interacting with anyone or anything beyond a room, some food and a bath before setting off to continue helping those on the Sword Coast. We respectfully request a special exception due to our services against the armies of the Absolute and Netherbrain. The Mindflayer invasion would have spread beyond Baldur’s Gate had we not intervened.” Astarion pleaded their case and Tav merely looked in awe at her lover. She was reminded how much of a silver tongue he had as he stared down the guard and reminded them that they, too, would have been in danger if they did not do something about the threat.
“What are your names?” The guard asked.
“Tav Elleth and Astarion Ancunin.” Astarion answered and noticed the guard quickly looked at Tav and looked surprised. Astarion wondered why this guard reacted this way and drew close to his lover.
“One…one moment.” The guard stuttered and left while the other guard eyed the couple wearily.
“How in the world did you two beat an army?” The remaining guard asked out of curiosity.
“It’s complicated….we had to kill a devil, to get a hammer, to free a Githyanki prince, to control a Netherese crown after defeating a dragon and killing a giant brain, and evading or killing their minions…Oh, and killing the chosen three of the gods of death and such.” Tav was listing everything while counting it off on her fingers. “Like I said. Complicated. It took months and started off in a grove not far from Baldur’s Gate.”
The guard looked stunned, and Astarion could do nothing but chuckle. In the meantime the guard had returned and opened the gate.
“You may enter, but you are only permitted to remain for a week. We are aware you said you wished to stay one day but in case anything…comes up, we permitted you both a week. Stay beyond that and you will be considered enemies of the city. The tavern is north in the city. It is called The Hearth. You can’t miss it.” The guard explained. As the couple entered the city, Astarion was highly suspicious as to the reasoning and his gut was telling him to leave and take Tav with him. Something seemed off.
Tav and Astarion made their way inside and Astarion held his lover’s hand. His lover was normally a strong, independent and wonderfully powerful woman, but when they walked up the path and made their way to the tavern, they ran into a couple on the path, and this was the moment that things began to change.
Astarion didn’t think much of them at first. The man was larger than a usual elf and had a strong demeanor. He seemed like someone you didn’t want to cross, maybe a fighter, potentially? He had large arms and legs, fairly muscular and was capable looking. The man had a resting face that looked angry. The woman looked upset. She looked thin but agitated. She seemed like a normal elf in other regards, but what struck Astarion the most was how the man looked so much like his lover. It couldn’t be though…could it? Astarion never did talk to his lover about her parentage though except to know that her mother passed after her birth and her father remarried. Astarion stopped walking when Tav abruptly stopped after seeing the couple before her. He could hear her heartbeat speed up and hear her essentially go into a panic. Astarion squeezed her hand to remind her he was still there but she didn’t respond. Astarion was very concerned at this point.
“There you are. The guard said you were here but I couldn’t believe it.” The man said. “I heard you wanted to go to the tavern. Is that true?”
Then, in a meek voice Astarion had never heard come from his lover, she replied “Yes.” as she looked at the floor. If she could shrink down, she would. Astarion wanted to growl, wanted to grab her and leave. Something was wrong.
“That won’t do. You will come home.” The man looks finally at Astarion. “ Who the fuck is this?”
“This is Astarion Ancunin. He is my…” Tav looks at Astarion pleadingly. “…Husband.”
Astarion understood without the use of the tadpoles. Whoever these people were, she had to make them believe they were married rather than otherwise. Astarion didn’t mind. Not really. What he did mind was who these people were and why she was acting different all of a sudden.
“Tav, darling, would you mind introducing me?” Astarion asked nicely which seemed to make Tav more anxious.
“Yes, honey. I didn’t expect to find my parents here, so forgive my manners. This is my father, Aias Elleth, and my step-mother Saida Elleth. Mother, father, This is my husband and love. Astarion Ancunin. He is a fellow adventurer who helped me save Baldur’s Gate last year.”  
Astarion noted the man didn’t seem too pleased with the moniker of husband nor did he seem too pleased with his daughter’s accomplishment of being a hero for Baldur’s gate.
“Fine. Come with us. You will stay with us the week at least and then we will discuss further. You will regard our rules.” The man was speaking as he walked along the path away from the tavern. “You may share a room, but that is it. No sex. Bathing and changing clothes you both will be separate. I will not invite temptation in our home. Do we have an understanding?”
“Yes, dad.” Tav replied right away when Astarion wanted to protest.
“Tav, honey. I thought we were going to the Tavern? We only planned to stay one night. Not that I don’t appreciate the generosity, We just had prior plans.”
“Either you stay with us or you don’t stay in the city.” Aias said as he interrupted their conversation. By now, they finally arrived at their location. A large and beautiful house stood before them with manicured grass and well paved walkways. The house had maybe 2 or 3 floors and was white with a wonderful trim. It was obvious they came from money.
“Do you both have children?” Aias asked out of nowhere, which was surprising, yet at the same time it wasn’t. Elves were notorious for having a difficult time procreating.
“Er…no. We haven't been….blessed with children yet.” Astarion replied as they entered the dwelling. Aias gave a cold stare to Tav and commented.  
“I trust you can find your room. 3rd floor, your leftover belongings were moved there already. You have half an hour before dinner to get ready.” Aias instructed before they disappeared inside the house. Tav grabbed Astarion’s hand and bee-lined for a room on the third floor and closed the door. It was a basic room with a queen sized bed. Astarion wondered how Tav knew this was her room out of all of them. Basic furniture but nothing that would indicate anyone ever lived there before let alone a guest room or Tav’s old room. She closed the door and Astarion noticed the lock was broken off the back of the door, as if by force.
“We don’t have much time. I need to talk to you.” Tav said in a panic.
“What’s wrong, love?” Astarion asked
“I don’t know where to start. I wish I could just show you. Gods, I miss that damn tadpole.” Astarion drew her into his arms and hugged her close. This did little to alleviate the panic or tension within the woman but she appreciated it none the less.  
“Should we be getting dressed in the mean time? Or getting ready for battle?”
“Let’s get ready for dinner. I don’t know what they want, or if they changed. But I can tell you as we get situated.”
“I thought we couldn’t get changed according to his rules?” Astarion joked.
“I’m not listening to those rules. I love you, Astarion. I need your touch. I want to see you and be with you as much as you want me…even if….”Tav began to shake slightly at some thought that Astarion could not see. Astarion held her tighter and leaned down. Astarion kissed her lightly and was not expecting Tav to push back on his lips and request to deepen the kiss. Astarion complied and deepened it, but only briefly, as they needed to talk and get dressed before their time was up.
Tav began changing soon after pulling away from her lover’s lips, Astarion following suit.
“I had to call you my husband for my father to let you be in the room with me. I hope that is okay.” Tav went looking for something in the bag. “Ah! There it is! Here, put this on your left ring finger…assuming you’re okay with the ruse.”
Astarion noticed it was the lover’s ring they found in the Shadow-Cursed Lands over a year ago. He didn’t know she still had them. Astarion put the ring on and kissed her again. “I’m okay with it being real as well, darling, but now is not the time for that discussion. Please tell me what’s up with your folks”
“Wait…did you say you would marry me?” Tav went to kiss him tenderly again, albeit chastely.
“Yes, now focus, darling. We can celebrate later.”
“Sorry…it’s just this is hard. Very hard.” Tav curled her hands around herself and backed away from the doors and windows. Astarion, who was holding her before she backed out of his arms, followed her to a corner as she crouched to the floor and waited for her to speak which only took a moment. Thankfully they had plenty of time until dinner would be ready. Tav went from crouching to siting on the floor with her legs drawn up.
“Growing up was pure hell. I was beaten, manipulated and abused in almost every way imaginable except one. I wasn’t touched sexually, thankfully, but the rest was severe. The scars I have on my body? None of them are bandits. I lied. I would tell you the details but we don’t have enough time. Lets just say there was severe physical abuse, I was told I was repaying being born, I wasn’t allowed to eat because they said I was too fat and my brother was treated as the best person in the world while I was treated less than dirt. If my brother was bad, I was beaten. I was the bad one. I was neglected. I had to sew my own skin together. I had to figure out how to find food and stop the bleeding when I was so small I didn’t know what first aid was. This started when I was a toddler. I was dragged about the house and outside by my hair.”
“That’s why hair pulling, spanking, restraints, and things of those nature are a hard boundary for you during sex?” Astarion asked gently.
“Yes.” Tav looked away until Astarion used the tip of his fingers to guide Tav’s chin up to look back at him. Astarion gave a supportive smile before he sat down next to her and ran his arm behind her shoulders and drew her close. Tav continued to talk once she felt safe again. “ Weapons were used too on me. It wasn’t just fists. I broke 26 bones by the time I was a legal adult, triple that sprained. I missed over half of school every year because my parents would try to hide the marks. Every time my step mother felt upset at father she would point out how much of a disappointment I was, why I never had a significant other, why I was ugly or how I had to earn love. I was yelled at for hours every day about how I was the problem in the family, how I should end my life, how worthless I was and more. I believed it all…I mean, I was a kid. I didn’t know any better. I used to cry out ‘I’m sorry , I’ll be good! I love you mommy or daddy’ and when I found they didn’t care as I grew older I would stop screaming when being beaten. My step mother would tell my father I wasn’t screaming enough and to hit me more. Sometimes that meant while I was asleep.” Tav looked at the time and looked concerned “ We don’t have much time, maybe nine minutes left. I’ll tell you the details tonight in bed but please don’t make a scene at dinner. I just want to get through dinner and see what they want. I’m….hopeful for closure and change. I’m hoping that they aren't the same people they used to be.”
“This explains the people pleasing quirk and the praise kink you have, my love, not that I’m judging. If you want me to play nice, I will, but understand that you will be safe with me, so if for any reason you are in danger, I will act. I will not be separated from you either and I don’t care about the circumstances. I will also be completely honest with you. I am livid. Not at you. Never at you darling.” Astarion said as he brought her lips to his own and took her lips thoroughly, his tongue slipping against her own. It didn’t take much for her to moan against his lips but she stifled it. Astarion caught it none the less.
“Tonight my love. You can tell me whatever you wish to tell me, then we have our engagement to celebrate. Maybe we can leave the house tonight so I can properly find a place, maybe out of Evereska, if what your parents have to say isn't worth it, where we can make love under the stars, and I’ll make you scream my name the right way.” Astarion chuckled “Maybe your parents will hear us make love if I don’t kill them first.“ Astarion joked and kissed her once more chastely before pulling back. “We should go to dinner, love, but stick close to me.” Astarion stood up, held his hand out, and helped his fiancé up. He wiped her tears away, tears that she wasn’t aware she was shedding, and helped straighten her clothes and fix her hair.
“There. A bit better.” Astarion kissed her forehead and took her hand into his. Astarion opened her bedroom door and walked down the stairs with her. They left their armor and main weapons upstairs inside their magically enchanted bags. Thankfully Gale had enchanted their bags as a gift during the party six months ago. Only the two of them could access their bags, so they felt safe to put their weapons and armor away in their bags. Additionally, if anyone tried to take their bags, the bags would retaliate with a witch bolt against the person, and the bag would gain weight equal to six times the weight of the person trying to take the bag. Tav was so happy and grateful to Gale for these gifts. Gale also gave them a tent where the inside was as large as a house but the outside did not take up the same amount of space. It was used often during their travels. Even Astarion shook his hand for that one, which surprised Tav, but then again, Astarion had changed a great deal since the fall of the Absolute.  Of course Astarion had a dagger in both of his boots and hidden on his being. He wasn’t going to go against a man who hurt his beloved the way that he had without having a weapon or two at his disposal.
Astarion also had a scroll of Detect Thoughts just in case, tucked away as well, although he hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.
Astarion held her hand tight and they made their way to the table. The table was as opulent as the rest of the house and they arrived to find Tav’s parents already preparing to sit down.
“Where is your brother?” Astarion whispered before they drew too near, as Astarion noticed he did not live at home.
“He passed a few years ago. The Pox…”
Astarion sat down after seating Tav and pushing Tav’s chair in. He drank the wine but didn’t eat, claiming to have eaten a large meal earlier. Instead he watched Tav eat and noticed how she ate small bites, something different than how she would usually eat. It wasn’t like she ate like an animal, but she wouldn’t eat like a mouse either.
“Desha salen A'Sum vesta Al nodel Quessir?” Aias said obviously to Astarion as Tav only knew common and not elven. Astarion could reply in common so his fiancee could know what he was asking, but he wanted to play nice as he was asked to do. Aias was asking if his daughter married a Moon Elf and so he would play that up. In reality he suspected he may be, but he wasn’t sure, thanks to Cazador.
“Avavaen, sal'm Al nodel Quessir”  Astarion basically only replied that yes, he was a moon elf, but Astarion suspected the man spoke to him in elven for another reason. Maybe he did it to test how much of an elf he truly was? Regardless of the true reason, he didn’t want to let this go on for much longer. He didn’t like leaving Tav in the dark. She was already helpless being back in her childhood home.
“Your father asked if I was a Moon Elf, dear.” Astarion muttered for Tav to hear.
“I taught you elvish when you were a kid, Tav.” Aias accused. But Tav shook her head.
“You taught Felaern elvish. My brother. Not me.”  Tav replied with a measured voice in her defence.
This upset Aias, who stood up and placed his hand on his belt while he spoke. Tav lost what little color she had, her heart beat sped up significantly, she began to have a tremor and her breathing came quick. Astarion turned to Tav as Aias spoke.
“Don’t you dare speak back to me, young lady!  We have important information we need to discuss, and I needed to make sure your husband was a true elf…unlike you.”
Astarion ignored the man and placed his hand on Tav’s cheek, drawing her face to look at him.
“Tav. Tav, look at me.” Astarion pleaded until Tav’s eyes finally landed on his and began to recognize him. She was pulled onto his lap by the vampire’s strong arms and Astarion heard a scoff from the step mother of the family.
“She is just manipulating you. She is good at it. The bitch always manipulated people.” Saida said “She probably told you some bullshit story about us, too.”
Astarion just held Tav and tucked her head under his. “Actually, I didn’t know anything about you both until just now. So tell me, why do you insist we stay a week when we prefer to stay a day?” Astarion lied in a bid to gain information.
“To be put simply,” Aias stated now, “We lost our son some time ago, and Tav is our only child remaining,” The elder elf said as he took his seat again. “As you may be aware, considering you are a high elf as well. It is very difficult to have children as an elf. We have to wait for a soul to pass and be reincarnated, and so I was lucky enough to have been blessed with two children at the time, but when a disease took my son from me. Tav became the sole surviving child to the Elleth line. Now I find out she got married and I knew of no such thing? Thankfully she had the wits about her to choose a respectable high elf to marry, instead of another mutt or lesser race, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are certain rituals we would like to see done. It shouldn’t take long, not even the full week. Just a few days and you would be free to journey again.”
Astarion rested his head on top of Tav’s before he spoke next.
“What does this ritual entail, and what’s in it for you?”  Astarion demanded as he held his fiance tighter.
“You don’t really think I would tell you the details of a sacred ritual, do you?” Aias snapped back, looking straight at Astarion. Astarion wanted to react brashly, but instead, pulled out the Scroll of Detect Thoughts out of his boot and uttered the words against Tav’s shirt in barely a whisper. The table and table cloth hid the scroll and the effects, thankfully, and no one heard what he said except Tav this time around.
What Astarion found was abhorrent, and Astarion had to stop himself reacting right away. He had to plan and escape with his love. He needed to not raise suspicion and get out as soon as possible.
Apparently Tav’s parents ran Evereska, which was a surprise there, so they would have to flee the city on foot and gain distance as fast as possible without arousing suspicion for as long as possible.
Secondly, although Tav was right to fear them, they were, by all accounts, stupid. They could not figure out how much information he gleamed on detect thoughts, now coupled with what plane shattering revelations he just found out? They were playing with fire.
When Astarion had used detect thoughts shortly after asking what the ritual was and what he got out of it, Aias said in his head
“ Corellon promised us another heir, you prissy half elf lover, If you would just shut up and come with us tomorrow night.” Astarion knew who Corellon was. Corellon was an androgynous deity who is considered the leader of the elven pantheon, but why help them? Corellon was a chaotic good deity and not a malicious one, yet they wouldn’t change the balance of life and death for nothing. Aias continued his train of thought. “All you two idiots have to do is go to the temple and lay with each other. Corellon said they would inhabit the damn high elf’s body, and impregnate our good for nothing daughter so they can have a mortal body or avatar to walk Fae’run. It was a good fucking deal and we are not letting it go.”
Astarion ended the link lest he be found out and said out to the table “It’s a bit late and we walked quite a lot to get to the city. We’re gonna turn in. Can we talk about the ritual in the morning?”
The man waved them off and Astarion took a confused Tav and retreated back to their room. Once there Astarion donned his armor and encouraged her to do so as well.
“Whats going on? We didn’t walk much today so I am assuming you found out something and needed to get us away?”
“Get ready for battle my love. We need to sneak and get out of here as soon as possible. Your father means for us to do a most dreadful ritual. He wants us to fuck each other at a temple so a deity can be born. The fucker would inhabit my body for the deed. The best part is what they get out of it. A child. They want an heir.” Astarion had finished strapping his armor and his favorite blades he acquired from Orin’s defeat - Bloodthirst and Crimson Mischief. When Astarion looked over, Tav had her Adamantine armor on and Soulbreaker attached. Astarion grabbed two regular daggers and although he knew she wasn’t proficient in them, he placed one in Tav’s boot as she stood and looked down at what he was doing. The other he placed in her belt.
“You can never be too careful. If someone breaks your defenses and gets too close for your greatsword, I’d rather you be protected my love. We need to give it some time before we leave. Maybe let them go to bed first but be ready.”
“This may be a good time to tell you everything….the details I have been too scared to tell anyone.” Tav said as she sat on the bed, her great sword in hand just in case. Astarion sat down next to her and held her against his lithe body.
“You don’t have to, but if you wish, darling, I’m here.”
Tav hugged him back and buried her head into the chest piece of his armor.
“I want to tell you. If you’re going to be my husband one day, I want you to know why I have all these scars…or the nightmares.” Tav was so meek in her reply that Astarion leaned down and kissed her lovingly as a reminder that he still had her back. He still loved her no matter what and would support her.        
“I’m here for you, my dear.” Astarion reminded Tav. Tav kissed him again and tried to make it deeper but Astarion wouldn’t let that happen.
“Not yet darling. When we get out of this horrid place we can celebrate any and every delicious way you can think of, but right now we need to be on high alert.” Astarion replied, his hand drifting up and down Tav’s spine. Tav sighed and then began to recount the horrors of her past.
“My earliest memory was being burned. I was maybe four years old and I forget what I did to anger my step mother but I had an iron placed against my hand. The skin bubbled and I was then forced to push my brother around in his stroller as punishment for two hours with the burned hand, and the bubble filled with liquid. I was terrified and in so much pain. Then maybe six months later, I remember being bound but my wrists were too small for the binding to properly take hold. My father sucked at binding my hands and when my arms came loose I was beaten for that. My father used closed fists, the belt buckle, the belt, brass coasters he would lob at me, swords, knives, fire, glass, electric spells to ‘test’ how strong they were, a baton which is like an extremely heavy bat, books, and basically anything he could get his hands on otherwise. He, when I was seven, knew I was afraid of heights and dangled me by the neck outside my window a few floors up. I could hardly breathe by how scared I was. I didn’t do anything wrong either. I just know if I heard his boots on the stairs, I was being hurt. I guess that is another perk of why I am with a man who is light on his feet.” Tav half joked but was obviously dejected.
“You will always be safe with me, my love.” Astarion said as Tav continued to recall her childhood.
“I had to figure out how to stop the bleeding when I didn’t know a lick about fist aid. I had to sew my own flesh together on my own thigh once but I was so young. Maybe eight when a good chunk of my wounds happened that I struggled greatly to put myself back together. That’s why I have so many scars.  Then, when I was eleven, my step mother cheated on my father. She fled to Neverwinter to meet and sleep with another man. I was taken with. When my parents got back together, I was severely beaten. My body was contorted in a weird and wrong way by my father and punched, beaten and bruised…broken. My father had to travel to Neverwinter to get my stepmother. I was beaten the whole way and made to give him directions at the same time because after we came home, she fled back to the other man. I was rarely allowed sleep or food. They were eventually okay and such, but I was the black sheep. I was constantly blamed for the affair and beaten randomly for it. I would, as a child, fill my clothes with thick books to get hurt less when I was beaten but they would just take them out or yank my pants down. If I hid? My father would destroy my room looking for me. He would beat me for the messy room then and task me with cleaning it in an impossible time limit. If I failed, which I would, I would be beaten again. I remember I couldn’t see out my right eye once. It was bloody from a brass coaster being thrown at full force at me because I asked my father to play with me. It took a while for my vision to come back. “ Tav was shaking and breathing short stints. She was rocking when Astarion replied.
“Do you want to take a break? You aren't okay, my love.” Astarion was concerned Tav would have an anxiety attack and did what he could to ground her and give her support.
“No. I need to get this out.” Tav took another breath to steady herself. “No matter what I endured physically, I still have more that I sealed away. I buried the memories as far away as possible and never dealt with them. I started getting nightmares at thirteen and terrors. I began having flashbacks. It was like I was a kid again, everything was so real….all over again. I still have them, certain triggers like smells or words. The boundaries we have during sex, for example, trigger the flashbacks. I think I have most of them mapped out but I still get triggered by things I don’t realize are problematic for me. My step mother did more damage than my father though. She did mental abuse and verbal abuse. She would make me stand in front of my friends for hours as she berated me about how bad of a person I was and how much trash I was to them. I was nothing. I was worthless. I should cancel myself. I am paying back being born and that is why I get nothing in life. I am a bitch and don’t deserve love so I have to earn it. I am not screaming loud enough. I am not worth two cents. I will die alone. I-”
“Stop!” Astarion interrupted. “At this point you’re doing their work for them! You’re abusing yourself. I got the point.” Astarion chastised Tav and held his fiance tightly in his arms. “You’re none of those things! You’re beautiful and worthy of love. You’re amazing, and I am so fucking happy you’re alive and with me. I love you more than life it’s self. Please know that I thrive because of you!” Astarion muttered “Fuck it.” and passionately took Tav’s lips into his own. His hands explored her gorgeous and curvaceous body as he pinned her to the bed. Tav couldn’t help the low moan that escaped her. That is until she heard the familiar sounds of her father’s footsteps on the stairs. Tav began to panic and curled within herself and away from her fiance. Astarion was none too pleased to see her fighting with her demons and took up a stance in front of her in case her father came through that door. The noises got louder until it got near the door, changed direction, and left the area. It went down the hall to another room. The damage was done though, Tav was stuck in her head and having a panic attack. Her demons were out and against her in full force and Astarion briefly wondered if this was how Tav knew what to do with him when he struggled.
Astarion sat with her and rocked with her, saying soothing words as he held her and kissed her forehead. Astarion eventually got her back from her head and held her tight. He got her to calm after what felt like a tenday although it was more like half an hour. Astarion knew they didn’t have time for this but he couldn’t let her stew in her head. This was a trigger for her flashbacks and after what she disclosed to him, she had every right to be scared.
“Darling, are you feeling better?” Astarion finally asked after some time. Tav merely nodded while burying her head in the crook of his neck.
“I don’t expect you to be completely yourself, my love, but we need to get moving. We will revisit this once we are safe, and I will make sure you know how loved you are. I want you to know how wrong they are and if it was up to me, Id slaughter them where they stood for daring to lay a finger on you and saying what they did. Instead, for your sake I’ll make everything up to you the best I can. I’ll remind you for all time how valued and precious you are to me. “ Astarion kissed her gently and chastely before taking her hand. “You ready to leave, and never return?”
Tav nodded and Astarion picked Tav up bridal style and snuck outside the room and down the stairs. Astarion was on high alert, as he used his darkvision to his advantage. Astarion got out the front doors and hugged the wall of the house to get out of sight. Astarion placed Tav on the ground, and they crept to the side boundary of the city. Thankfully, the house wasn’t far off from the eastern perimeter of the wall, however the wall, itself, was a problem. The wall was tall and tipped with barbed wire. The walls sides were slick so even if they could traverse it, which they couldn’t, there was no way to get past the wire. They were going to have to get past the guards to get out, a feat Astarion was not looking forward to. About two hours later as they approached the eastern gate, the gate that Tav and himself entered that very day, they noticed the guard had grown.
“I guess our disappearance was finally noticed” Astarion muttered to the still pale Tav. “We’re almost out, Tav. We just have to get through the gate.”    
“Leave that to me.”
“W…What? There are four guards!”  Astarion exclaimed.
“True, but remember the one who asked how we defeated the Absolute? He is still up there. I might be able to get through. I have to try!”
“I don’t understand. How in the world does the guard’s curiosity have to do with our escape in this situation?
“Just stick with me, and be ready to draw your weapons if it doesn’t work. Let’s try this my way, and if not, then we just do things your way, like we were going to all along.”
Astarion couldn’t help but grumble but he placed his hands on the handles of his daggers regardless, and followed his beloved. He watched as Tav, who appeared to be perfectly okay although Astarion knew better, walked up to the guard she spoke to before regarding the details about their defeat of the Netherbrain.  The guards reacted as expected, drew their weapons, and aimed them at the couple.
“You are under arrest. In violation of our rules and customs here in Evereska, you will come with us.”
Tav put her hands up and continued to walk towards them but began to speak.
“Is this how you treat someone who saved you all? Do you have any idea what we went through to protect you all from a mind flayer hive mind and murderous god’s with their chosen who thought it was a good idea to steal a magical artifact from a devil, to bind the mind flayers to their purpose and attempt to take over the world?
“Devil? Gods?” One of the guards asked confusedly.
“Yeah, Mephistopheles. Gortash thought it would be a good idea to steal a crown from him and try to control the Netherbrain with three stones. Each were given to the dead three’s chosen. It led to an imbalance and we had to act. There was Orin, who was with Bhaal, and was a shapechanger. Kethric who was with Myrkul, and was immortal because he was siphoning the power of an Aasimar. You may have heard of this Aasimar, she was dubbed the nightsong but her name was Dame Aylin. She is the daughter of Selune, which is where her powers came from. We had to free her to kill Kethric, but he became an avatar of Myrkul first. That was a pain in the ass fight. Oh, but by all means, if you think you can take us by force.” Tav smiled and stayed where she stood. Astarion finally understood what she was doing and smiled. Gods, he loved this woman. It was a gamble, but she was goading them to fight them. Making them seem larger then life and lauding their accomplishments to get them out of trouble. If it didn’t work, there was always his way, of course.
“You all are dismissed. I’ll take care of the prisoners.” The main guard said, the one whom Tav spoke to initially. With that the other 3, still in wonder, trudged along and left. Once they were far enough away, the guard said to her “Here is your chance.”
“You’re letting us go?”
“I grew up in Baldur’s Gate. I am a proud Baldurian, and so I am happy it never fell. I just ask you knock me out on the way out to make it look like I was overtaken.”
“Thank you” Tav said and gave him a pommel strike to the temple to knock him down. At this, the couple took off on foot and didn’t look back. They ran, far away from the city. Astarion was more cautious than Tav, as Astarion knew that there could be people with crossbows or bows in general that could still get them, so Astarion carefully always had himself covering Tav’s back when they ran off. Eventually, night fell again, and Astarion and Tav had made it to the coast, which was a good distance away from Evereska. They eventually found their way to the Marsh of Chelimber which was connected to Serpents Tail Stream. The stream would go all the way to the west and dump out to the ocean, the Sea of Swords.
“Are we safe?” Tav asked.
“Darling, I won’t feel safe until we’re quite a bit further away.” Astarion looked around his surroundings, and glanced at the map they had to spare in their pack “There should be a dock here somewhere. Maybe we can book passage to Baldur’s Gate and go home for a little.” Astarion said, and noted the happy look that Tav gave him. It had been some time since they returned home from their missions. “Why don’t we settle down for a little. Not permanently, but maybe a month or two won’t hurt. What do ya say?”
Tav showed her approval with a tight and rib breaking hug as she snuggled her head into his armor.
“Thank you!”
Astarion smiled and held her back as they began to approach the docks thanks to the map they had. They were exhausted, filthy and hungry after their jaunt and escape from the situation in Evereska.
“Hello, kind sir. Are you by any chance heading south?” Tav asked kindly while Astarion stayed close behind, ready to strike if things turned sour. Since her disclosure, he had been protective of her. She just hadn’t noticed it yet due to the circumstances around everything.
The captain was obvious to pick out. Aside from the fact he was giving orders to the entirety of the crew, the man seemed to bow to no one. He was an older gentleman but he looked like he saw his fair share of scraps. He had tailored clothes that had an embroidered name of “Rook” of the jacket. The man was handing out assignments, but the couple didn’t speak to him until they saw the crew addressing him as captain. You never knew who could pose as a captain nowadays just for a lick of coin or other pretenses.
“Yep! My crew and I are heading to Baldur’s Gate and then we are turning around to make another supply run to Waterdeep.” The man eyed them wearily and sighed “I take it you’re looking for passage?” The man is rather short. He is about five foot one, grey hair and slightly pudgy. He is older and in his sixties. He has a glass eye and seems to look at both Tav and Astarion quizzically. “Wait a moment….it can’t be!” The man grew excited as he exclaimed.
The man started to circle Tav and looking her up and down. The action was making Astarion uneasy and his instinct was to pull him away. Nothing could be done, however, before the captain acted first.
“I’ll be damned! You’re the Hero of Baldur’s Gate! If you and your husband are looking for passage, I’d be honored to have you sail with us! Hells, you can even have my room!”
“Th..That isn’t nessec-” Tav started to say when she was cut off.
“Bullshit! You saved my little girl’s life directly and my wife would have died twice over if you didn’t act in the battle and save us all! You even saved my wife directly too! I literally have a family because of you! Thank you!” The man praised Tav’s actions, partly holding tears back in his eyes as he grasped Tav’s hand in his own and shook it before Tav tore it back. Tav still struggled with her past and what she disclosed to her fiance just a day ago.
“if…if you insist. We are looking for a way to get to Baldur’s Gate. If you would be so kind to help us, we would appreciate it.”
“Well, what are you standing over there for? Come on board! Welcome aboard the Stingray, the fastest carrier in all of Fae’run! My name is Rook! I’m the captain of this amazing ship.” Rook introduced the couple to the crew who seemed fairly harmless, even if Astarion bristled at a few of them checking Tav out. Finally, Rook gave a tour and showed them their accommodations for the next tenday. Tav was surprised! For a ship, it was surprisingly modern. There was a large bed, a large bath tub and other luxuries including a decent library of books.
“But, where will you stay? We can’t possibly put you out, Rook!” Tav exclaimed.
“Nonsense! You aren’t aware, but my wife and I met last year in Baldur’s Gate. She just had a child from a man who sadly passed away. She would have lost the babe if you didn’t interfere. Even more, you helped save here later against a hag.”
“Oh my! You’re saying your wife is…”
“Yep! Mayrina is the love of my life and she has told me so much about you. Please, let me do this for you both. I will bunk with the boys. It will help us bond more and by the look of you two, you both could use a nice bath and some sleep.”  Rook observed and expressed.
“Well…I can’t argue with that….”
“How soon till we set sail?” Astarion interrupted, eager to gain distance between them and the warriors at Evereska. Tav would have glared at him if she didn’t share the same concern.
“Oh, we can leave now, even. We just finished loading the shipment. Everything is where it needs to be. Give me a moment, I’ll be right back.”
With that, Rook left, although he wasn’t gone long. Tav had just enough time to take Astarion’s lips when Rook returned and startled the two away from each other.
“Ah, you two are rather cute together. Anyways, I just wanted to say we have taken off from the shore and are officially on the way to Baldur’s gate. It may take a day or two longer than a tenday but we are hopeful that we can gain some speed and make up some time. Supper is usually ready in the evening and should be ready in a couple hours.” Rook explained and went to leave. “Enjoy the room, you two…oh! The walls are sound-proof and the create water spells are next to the tub.” and with that, Rook winked, closed the door, and left.
As soon as the door was closed, Astarion took three large steps to the door. Within seconds the door was locked, and Astarion had picked up his lady love and deposited her on the bed. She yelped and giggled at his actions.
“Now, last I checked we have an engagement to celebrate and I have so much I want to show you. I want to show you how wrong those fuckers that you call your parents are.” Astarion crawled on the bed and caged Tav under him. “What do you say to that? Want to scream my name tonight while I worship your body?”
Tav’s chest felt tight and her fiance’s words went straight to her groin. He knew where he was going. He was offering a distraction. Tav nodded. She trusted and loved her fiance. She needed and wanted him. She wanted to be distracted. She wanted to feel good and feel needed.
She wanted to feel loved.
Astarion made quick work of her armor so that she was only left in her underclothes that she had on under her armor, so it didn’t agitate the skin. Tav took in his unique smell of bergamot, rosemary, and brandy with a base of cedar, amber, and musk. He smelled divine even after trying to escape the guards and being on the run. Tav was unsure how he always smelled so good, even when living with him, but she adored his comforting scent.
Astarion dipped down and took her lips, offering her a deep kiss from the start as his dexterous fingers found both her breasts and the hem of her shirt. Tav moaned into their kiss as Astarion used his hand to message her chest before he pulled back and in one fluid motion, removed her shirt. Astarion worked on the cloth that held her breasts when he drank her in again. Astarion felt her hips rut against his own as they sought relief.
“Eager, are we? Don’t worry, my love, I’ll see to your pleasure.” Astarion unhooked the material binding her breasts and easily undid the laces of her trousers. He then pulled them off her along with her undergarments in one swift motion so she laid bare before him. “Hells, you’re a goddess…you’re gorgeous, Tav” Astarion nipped at her shoulder.
“It’s unfair. You’re fully dressed.” Tav mentioned while Astarion chuckled.  
“For now. Patience, darling. Just relax and enjoy.” Astarion replied as he kissed her jaw and neck thoroughly, purposely avoiding the pulse point.”you’re radiant and worthy of everything this world has to offer, Tav. I can also promise you one thing your step mother said is not going to come true”
“Wh…what’s that?” Tav asked as she moaned from Astarion taking her breast into his mouth.
“When the time comes that you pass from this world,” A thought Astarion did not welcome. “Which better be a very very long time from now my dear. You will not be alone. You will never be alone from now on, so what your step mother said about you dying alone? That is bullshit. Because when that time comes, you will be in my arms. You will be safe and at peace my love. You will pass with my lips on yours and most likely quite a few tears. Then, I’ll follow you…”
“No!” Tav replied as Astarion gazed up at her from his ministrations.
“ Please, don’t kill yourself! Please live on for me!” Tav recalled something she was told before. “Elves are reborn, and we hold on to our memories. Even half elves like me! They’re just buried. It may take a long time but I know we can find each other again. I want you to live…” Tav pled her case.
Astarion crawled back up to be on Tav’s level and replied with a scowl. “If that is what you want…then who am I to deny the woman I love?”
Astarion pushed his feelings down. He didn’t want to deal with the thought of Tav’s death. Not yet. They still had many, many decades together. As a half elf, she had half the life span of a high elf, so this meant she had a good four to five hundred years to enjoy life.  Astarion closed his eyes and kissed Tav again before resuming his onslaught to her chest. Astarion took the other breast into his mouth and used his tongue to flick and suck, twirl and lap at the precious nipple adorning the mass he was fondling. Tav moaned loudly and tried to squeeze her thighs closed but couldn’t. Astarion dropped his hips and rolled them which gave her sweet friction in the apex between her legs. Astarion smiled as she moaned and rocked on his hard cock that was still clothed. Astarion moaned and lavished his attention on her breasts, his hands now dropping to her labia. Astarion used his dexterous fingers to spread her lips wide and using the pad of his thumb, he went in a circular motion over her clit. This caused Tav to buck her hips.
“Please, fuck me!” Tav begged as Astarion shook his head.
Astarion positioned himself after kissing her stomach and hip bones between her legs. He kissed her inner thighs and then replied.
“No. You’re gonna come for me on my face, my love.”
“Then you’ll fuck me?” Tav begged while Astarion kissed her thighs and paused over an area with a pulse
“B…But…you said...!” Tav stuttered and was confused. Astarion merely laughed, his breath hitting her wet core.
“I wont fuck you because I’ll be making love to you. You’re too precious to me not to. Now, relax, enjoy and come on me.” Astarion said as he got to work dragging his tongue up the slit between the lips of the labia. He hooked his tongue around her clit and twirled it around the clitoris, pleasuring her nerves and gently sucking on the sensitive bud. Tav moaned louder and threw her head back. She threaded her fingers through his light locks of hair and bucked, still needing more. Astarion began using the flat of his tongue to stimulate her clit and then took two fingers and began probing to see how ready she was to take his cock. Thankfully she was satisfyingly wet and so Astarion slipped two fingers inside her and bent his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion which hooked onto the rough patch of flesh that he knew to be her erogenous zone. With this, Astarion flicked and sucked the clitoris harder and faster and additionally added a third finger. Tav was in a wave of bliss. She was loving the pleasure she was being given and she loved how attentive he was to her body. He was very focused on her body’s small reactions. Astarion looped his arm so that his arm would hold his fiance’s hips down.
“Bite me!” Tav begged as she felt the familiar pressure inside her build. Her core burned with desire and burning electricity snuck down to her toes with each flick of his tongue and stroke of his fingers.
“Gods below, are you delicious! Are you sure about me biting you?”  Astarion asked as he worked her bud. She was close, so very very close.
“Please!! It feels so good when you bite me!”
Chuckling to himself, Astarion commented “ We really were made for each other” Before licking and kissing a spot on her left leg and then sinking his teeth as nicely as he could. Astarion punctured the skin and began to draw the blood to the surface. As the blood hit the back of his throat, both of them were in ecstasy. Tav felt Astarion use his fingers on her clit as well as speed up. Tav went over the edge in a cry of elation as she called out his name. The hand threading into his hair tightened and she heard him growl in pleasure at it. Astarion was grinding against the bed, his hard-on painfully obvious. Astarion helped her ride through her orgasm until she was growing overly sensitive. Astarion pulled back from drinking too much and sealed the wounds on her thigh. Astarion straightened out and looked at the woman below him. She looked ethereal.
Astarion quickly yanked off his light armor after wiping his face with the back of his hand, then tossed his under shirt to the side of the bed. Astarion couldn’t work fast enough to undo his trouser laces as the pressure was too much between his legs. Tav at this point was able to sit up and helped her fiance out of his clothes by yanking his pants down. Astarion keeled on the bed in his light blue underwear, the head of his cock peeking out of the top of the briefs. Tav licked her lips and carefully pulled his underwear down so his cock and sack could finally be free. With a hiss of pleasure, Astarion finally had his clothes pooled around his knees. Tav reached out and leaned forward to take him in her mouth but Astarion took her lips into his own first.
“Please don’t, my love. I know what you want to do. I won’t last long if I’m in your succulent mouth, and I’d much rather be buried inside you.”
Tav pulled Astarion down with her, his lips on hers and their tongues against each other’s. Astarion kicked his pants and underwear off. Astarion rocked his hips gently into the crux between her legs, his cock rubbing against her clit deliciously. Tav would grind up to meet his motions as they drank deep of each other. Astarion pulled back, unable to take the teasing much longer, he aligned his cock with her vaginal cavity and in one quick motion he sunk himself deep to the hilt within her, eliciting a moan from them both.
“Gods below. How the hells are you always so tight, darling?” Astarion squeezed his eyes shut and waited a moment to give Tav time to adjust. When he felt her thrusting and moving against his hips, Astarion began to slowly roll his hips. Astarion dropped his lips to her left ear as he made love to her so he could huskily gasp out.
“I love you Tav. I love you so much it scares me. I’d either still be a slave and be horribly tortured for being abducted, or I’d be viscera on the floor from Cazador’s accession without you. You saved me. You complete me. Gods, sing for me, my love. Feel how much I love you.” Although Astarion did possess a silver tongue, He usually withheld expressing his love as much as he was now because he struggled with his own self worth but he recognized it in her. He saw how much she needed the reminder to her self worth and the reminder of his commitment.
Tav moaned as Astarion picked up the pace and sped his hips up. He began pulling back until the head of his cock was the only part nestled inside her and would drive himself home. Home was definitely the most appropriate word as when he was one with her, he felt complete. It was more than just sex, more than just the physical act. It was an expression of his soul. It took him a long time to realize this but he would be damned if he didn’t acknowledge it now. His hips would piston his manhood deep inside her as a hurried pace as it glided against her soft inner tissue and struck sensitive nerves and erogenous areas. Tav was singing his name by this point, his name a mantra upon her sweet lips. Tav stretched her neck to the side and Astarion knew what that meant. It was an invitation for his fangs once again to find themselves inside her flesh.
“I can’t . You haven't eaten in so long. Maybe our next round…” Astarion tried to rationalize even though he was craving her blood like a siren’s song. Astarion couldn’t get enough tasting her lips as her need for him grew muffled by their lip lock. Astarion shifted so he could grab hold and lift his partners leg by the knee. This gave him a better angle he could use to roll his hips against her and cover more of her sensitive tissue inside her. His length drove deeper than he had previously and Tav panted as her breasts bounced with each thrust. Astarion couldn’t help taking one in his mouth as his fiance grew louder and called out to him.
“I’m going to come!”
“Good. I can’t hold it much longer. Let go while I fill you.” Astarion choked out as his rhythm had long since faltered and his speed had increased to a punishing pace. The only sounds in the room save exclamations of pleasure and moans were the obscene wet noise and the slapping of the skin as Astarion pounded her special place. Astarion felt her walls contract around him before he heard her shatter in bliss. Astarion only got another stroke in before he too finished and spilled inside his fiance, slowing as he rode out their orgasms together. Astarion let out a groan of relief fill him as he grew almost overwhelmed by the intensity of his climax.
In an effort to not collapse on her, Astarion rolled off her and to the side where her drew her in and held her close. It took several minutes for their sweat soaked bodies to begin to tame their breathing and by then, Astarion had kissed her forehead and gotten up to ready a bath for the both of them.
Once the pair were lounging inside the tub while sensually maintaining an intimate hold, Tav finally perked up enough to ask a question she was wondering.  
“You said that you’d feed next round. Did you mean you wanted…you wanted to make love again?” Tav asked as she sat between Astarion’s legs and laid against his naked physique with her back to his chest. Astarion was gently cleaning the filth and grime from their adventures off her body with a soft rag and their bars of soap. Astarion smiled to himself and kissed her cheek before he ran the water over her hair to wash out the shampoo and then conditioner he worked through her locks.
“Of course my sweet. You think I can keep my hands off you that long? Just look at you! You’re a vision! Of course it may have to do with the fact that I love you more than Gale likes to talk about himself…so that is quite a bit.” Astarion joked towards the end earning a playful shove from Tav. Tav who was now clean, reciprocated towards her partner and lovingly wiped his body down and washed his hair (even with some hair hijinks) as well. Tav finished with his body, spending a few extra minutes teasing him below the waist, before they had fun tickling each other in the tub. Tav admitted defeat early on while Astarion took a moment to take a prize from the one he loved. He kissed her with love and passion, slipping his tongue against hers once against before a soft knock came at the door.
“Dinner’s on deck!” the unknown voice spoke out.
Astarion pulled away and helped his fiance out of the tub and get dried off, before he used the towel on himself. Tav threw on some basic clothes that wasn’t revealing after seeing Astarion become upset over a few deckhands who let this eyes wander earlier in the day.  Astarion did something similar but it wasn’t because of the same reasons. Astarion knew his only source of food on the trip would be Tav and so he had to focus on her health the most. He also had a personal vested interest in this situation considering how he felt about her. Of course the more he fed off her, the more he’d want her. It was a grueling cycle that made Astarion wish he had animal blood on hand so he could be in better control of himself. Knowing what he knew, he resigned himself to the fact that by the end of the trip, they’d be sore but damn would it be worth it. Astarion secretly liked the idea of Tav not being able to walk off the ship by the end of a tenday.
Astarion reached out and held Tav’s hand as they left the room. The captains quarters were located on the deck of the ship under the wheel while, as they were shown prior, the mess hall was under the deck. As a result it wasn’t a surprise to find that the deck was clear when they emerged. All the sailors were eating and the wheel was tied down. Astarion didn’t think it was the safest idea, but he also knew he wasn’t a sailor. As the couple approached the hatch that would lead them to the level they needed under the deck, Tav stopped. It was then that Astarion felt the air around them seem to charge with electricity and Astarion knew magic was at play in some regard. Before them and over the hatch a swirling blue circle had formed and Astarion knew exactly what it was. Cursing, Astarion drew his blades while Tav didn’t have her great sword due to the size of it and the quick trip for sustenance.
Astarion stood in front of Tav and braced himself for a fight. Who appeared out of the teleportation circle was not as expected however. Astarion and Tav expected warriors of Evereska to be pursuing them yet when Tav’s step mother and father emerged, it was surprising to the vampire and crippling to Tav. Aias and Saida Elleth were somehow on a moving boat on it’s way to Baldur’s Gate in an attempt to rectify the situation Astarion and Tav removed themselves from.
“You know how much I despise using my scrolls Tav. What the hell got into you both? We didn’t ask for much! Just a damn ritual since you couldn’t be bothered to find us when you decided to become an adventurer and get hitched as soon as a fine piece of meat strolled by.” Saida snapped at Tav who seemed to wilt under Saida’s verbal onslaught. “You have always been willful and stupid. You’re impulsive and…”
“Shut the fuck up you cow” Astarion seethed. He was incensed and would not allow this woman a chance to harass and hurt the woman he loved any longer. “Who do you think you are? Both of you? To think me and Tav will conceive a god for you just because you miss having a fucking boy. If you may not have realized, the woman you both abuse is also your child, but I guess it doesn’t matter since she doesn’t have a dick.” Astarion was sorry for Tav’s loss of a brother however the idea their heir needs to be male bothered him. Tav was a remarkable and frankly stunning woman. She was a natural leader and deserved everything good in the world. Astarion would protect her and her heart till the day his undeath was over.
“So you knew,” Aias said as he took a step towards the vampire. “You may not understand, but Tav does owe us. She had to be disciplined, yes, as she grew up. Most children do, which you will find out soon enough. Tav, let’s go.”
“Owe you? For what? Being born? That’s right, I do fucking know. I know you won’t touch her if I have anything to say about it” Astarion was still so outraged that he cursed frequently.
“And what will you do, child? I’m double your age by the looks of it. I have much more experience than you whelp.” Arias threatened.
“Maybe if I was just an elf it would be a problem, but I’m not, you piece of shit. I won’t do this ritual with Tav for your benefit, and I wont let her get hurt by you again!” Astarion growled as he backed up a little to feel Tav whose breath and heart rate concerned him.
“We don’t need you for the ritual. We’ve had a backup the entire time to take your place. It was just fortuitous she showed up with you. What do you mean you’re not just an elf?” Arias eyed him suspiciously when Astarion gave him a large toothy grin which exposed his fangs. To the elf’s credit, he displayed a perfect poker face except when Astarion had revealed his fangs, Astarion could hear his heart rate also increase and almost smell the fear on him.
“I mean, you will not touch or hurt a vampire’s fiance. I will fucking drain you dry, gods know how parched I am.” Astarion snarled at the next thought he vocalizes “And are you telling me you would have your own daughter raped if she didn’t have an elf in her life?”
Arias pulled out a dagger of his own but only one compared to Astarion having both of Orin’s daggers from a year ago.
“We do what we must to ensure the survival of our name.” was the only justification for something so vile and reprehensible. The thought made Astarion nauseous and very angry. How dare they think to hurt her that way!
“Your life is forfeit.” Astarion growled and launched an attack. Surprisingly Arias put up a decent fight, however he was nothing to a vampire’s enhanced strength and agility. Arias would parry and almost clipped Astarion’s cheek however in a move that was like a blur, Astarion had gotten behind the man and without hesitation he jumped on the man and bared his teeth. Astarion drank from the man who was powerless to fight him off. Astarion didn’t sink his teeth gently into the man like he did his beloved. Instead he tore open the skin savagely and as painfully as he could muster.
Astarion drank deeply of the man and was surprised her father’s blood tasted so rancid. He thought his fiance and her father would share something in common with their blood when he sank his teeth in but was astounded the man’s blood was little better than the rats he had to partake in under Cazador’s command. Astarion was only partly through the man’s blood when he saw something in the corner of his eye move.
His wife had begun to move, no longer stunned into silence she cried out.
“You piece of shit! I should have forced your mother to abort you and done the world a favor! I should have-” As the woman ran forward and grabbed the dagger Arias dropped. She went to attack Astarion physically while attacking Tav verbally. Tav, at this point, ran forward, grabbed Saida by the hair and yanked her back. The woman landed on her back on the floor with a thud and a curse.
“I’m tired of it, Saida!” Tav regarded her step mother by name and no longer by the title of mother. “I’m always so horrible yet you always need something from me! I’m better than this. I am better than you!” Tav screamed and pulled the dagger out that Astarion had gifted her earlier before plunging it into her step mother’s stomach, halting her advance on Astarion.
“But…but he is a monster!” Saida tried to reason with Tav. “He will kill him!” Saida held her stomach after Tav withdrew the blade.
“I only see two monsters here and it’s you two. That man is not a gods damn monster. He is my everything, my partner, and if he wants to kill my father? He had it coming.” With this said, Tav drew the blade against the thin skin of Saida’s throat, killing the woman as she drowned on her own blood.
Tav withdrew a bottle from her pack and bottled what she could of the woman’s life essence while Astarion brought the man closer to death. At the end, when he was not far from killing the man, Astarion stopped.  Astarion let his body slump down on the deck floor as he retrieved Tav.
“Darling? How are you feeling?”
“Better, lighter, maybe? I’m not sure.” Tav explained.  
“Maybe you’ll feel more complete once Arias is taken care of? Go ahead and finish this. Take back what they did to you and let’s not worry about them any longer darling.” Astarion gave her a tender look and care. He was not going to rob her of her chance for closure. He got a chance to kill Cazador, so she should get a chance to kill her demons, too.
 It was a tense moment for Tav to respond, but when she did, she took his dagger and stalked towards the incapacitated man. Astarion was with her the entire time and stayed with her, but at a distance, so she could do what she wished.
“Did you think that beating me would get you anywhere? Or the torture? You made me fear you for too damn long!! Now you will learn, you bastard!” Tav screamed at him and she launched into her own attack. Tav held the dagger vertically and jammed it between the neck and the collarbone. It made a sickening crunch as she pushed it to the hilt towards his heart. He would not survive this as the artery was also nicked, let alone the internal damage that was just inflicted. Astarion also always coats his blades in poison so Arias would soon die.
Seeming to know this and gasping at the pain, Arias said “ You bitch!!! You’re with an abomination and yet you think to tell me off? I wish I killed you, you pathetic excuse for a…”
Astarion had heard enough and punched the man in the face screaming at him to shut up, and further expletives.
Tav the took the dagger and stabbed the man through the eye. This was a killing blow as his body fell over the rest of the way - dead.
Tav sunk to her knees and held herself as she rocked. Astarion, seeing the carnage around them, quickly disposed the bodies and cleaned the scene before he returned to his fiance. Astarion helped her ground herself, as if he was her anchor to the world. He soothed her and held her as Tav dealt with the demons in her head from the horrific abuse she endured. Eventually, she calmed down enough she could function to a degree.
“Hey, my sweet, how are you feeling?” Astarion asked as he kissed her forehead. He continued holding her and rocking with her to help her come back to her senses.
“Empty. Void. I’m not sure how to feel after this.” Tav admitted
“Give yourself some time, my love. When I killed Cazador, I needed time to process it all and what it meant. You were there by my side through all of it. Now I will be by your side as well. Let’s get you some food and we can retreat to our bedroom to rest.” Astarion summized before kissing his fiance on the cheek and helping her to stand up.
The couple retrieved some food and no one was wiser about the carnage that had occurred on their ship. Once in the room, Tav showed Astarion the bottled blood she had which made Astarion very happy to see he had fresh blood waiting for him. Once in their room, Tav drew Astarion tight and kissed his neck.
“Are you sure you’re up to it?” Astarion asked, considering the silent request that passed between them.
“Make me forget. Please.”  Tav begged before Astarion kissed her sweetly.
She asked Astarion to make her forget and that is what he did. Throughout the voyage they made love without abandon, They spoke and cuddled until she felt a semblance of herself again creep back into her personality. Astarion was happy for this, and by the time they reached Baldur’s Gate, Astarion was also happy he had to help carry his beloved down and off the boat.
Things remained peaceful as they lived back in the house that was gifted to them a year ago. Astarion fiddled with the wedding rings in his pocket, only three more days to wait. He was beyond nervous but things would be okay. Tav and himself were healing and supporting each other the best they could. Astarion felt like a new man after Cazador’s defeat and Tav was getting to be her old self again. Things weren’t where they wanted to be, but they were improving. There was no shortage of love and care between the two and no matter what life threw at them, the couple would always work together to endure and preserve their family.
So imagine Tav and Astarion’s surprise when she ended up pregnant….  
Note: Please let me know what you think! My Ao3 is linked as PaganWitchIsis
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hello, thank you for all your hard work!! ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
As a former drarry fic addict I want to go back to reading again. Could you please recommend me some really good fics with happy endings?? They could be really old or brand new (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧
Hello and welcome back! I’m afraid you’re never leaving Drarry again 🤣 happy to share some recs, I decided to highlight fics published within 2017-2022 (some very prolific years imo) and I think you might be familiar with a few already. These are mostly long, plotty fics; I can def do a shorts version if you’re interested (in fact I’d love to do it sometime because short fics are my jam), I just didn’t want this post to get even longer. You’re also welcome to check my master post with many other lists. Happy readings!
Blood and Fire by @lqtraintracks (E, 45k)
9 1/2 Days by @magpiefngrl (E, 69k)
Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by @aibidil (E, 80k)
Dwelling by aideomai (T, 83k)
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (E, 91k)
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Things Worth Knowing by Femme (E, 164k)
In The Red by @bixgirl1 (E, 45k)
Take the Air by dysonrules (M, 51k)
Orbit by HenryMercury (E, 52k)
Little Compton Street by @writcraft and LLAP115 (E, 65k)
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose and dustmouth (M, 96k)
All Missing Things (Can Be Found) by daisymondays (E, 100k)
Changing Tides by carpemermaid (E, 109k)
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
Away Childish Things by lettered (T, 153k)
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (E, 21k)
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
Turn from Stone by @harryromper (M, 45k)
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things by @writcraft (E, 63k)
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy (M, 66k)
That Old Black Magic by bixgirl1 (E, 77k)
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 100k)
Way Down We Go by @xiaq (T, 109k)
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre (E, 122k)
Vortex by @xanthippe74 (T, 20k)
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
Clouds That Veil the Midnight Moon by @drarrytrash (E, 36k)
(Un)wanted by @aibidil (E, 36k)
Unseen by @jackvbriefs (T, 47k)
The Four Doors by @fluxweeed (E, 49k)
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (E, 81k)
Criminal by @the-sinking-ship (E, 83k)
The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry (T, 103k)
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
Take A Chance On Me by @mintawasalreadytaken (E, 41k)
The Trouble with Wanting by waldorph (E, 60k)
The Compact by astolat (E, 64k)
Home Truths by @skeptiquewrites and @fantalfart (E, 67k)
Timecode by Rasborealis (M, 73k)
Among Ancient Pines by @graymatters, @cambiodipolvere and only_the_heart_knows (M, 74k)
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w, Danceabra and @fantalfart (E, 110k)
This Ain't the Garden of Eden by @romaine2424 (E, 131k)
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
The Secret Keeper by @the-fools-errand and Razielim (M, 225k)
Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss and @upthehillart (M, 35k)
Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 47k)
Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis by @vukovich (E, 50k)
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w and @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (E, 77k)
all the western stars by @oflights (E, 78k)
A Case of You by @epitomereally (E, 97k)
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands (E, 146k)
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vendettavalor · 8 months
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@tacticalvalor said: Vincent slides up to where Star is currently sat, nearly tripping as he leans against the wall nearby. Real smooth, V, real smooth… And then he opens his mouth. And it only gets worse. "You know, it's a real shame the sky's missing its best Star. How'd I get so lucky to find it here?" Even he seems to cringe at the pickup, but that lopsided grin of his still exudes a sense of pride at the flirt. How did he get so fortunate to find someone who would put up with his shenanigans?
⚔️ Flirt With My Muse // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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Star looks at him and rolls her eyes. But she's smiling. Seems that no matter how goofy or cheesy he is, some part of her still remains charmed by his efforts. Simply put, she's a sucker for him. And the ears and tail are not making it easier for her to resist him.
With a small huff of laughter, she moves to lean against him and rest her head on his shoulder. It's a bit uncomfortable given the difference of their heights. But all the same, she nuzzles into him, breathing in his scent and smiling as she exhales.
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"I'm the lucky one. I'm lucky that you caught me and made me yours. Woulda been wasted on anyone else, but I've got you taking care of me and lovin' on me so good. Couldn't ask for anyone better, baby boy."
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@maximuses SAID: [ SHOULDER ]:     sender buries their face into the receiver’s shoulder/the crook of their neck while hugging them. -> Vin and Star
⚔️  Things Done While Hugging Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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In the days leading up to his big procedure, Vincent got progressively weaker and weaker. Distances he was able to walk with ease just a week before suddenly winded him as though he was running a marathon. Slipping into his usual attire prompted him to take breaks between clothing, so he was stuck trading his usual leather pants and jackets and tight shirts for sweatpants and loose sweaters. Mornings were slow and groggy, his motivation to get up sapped from him. He couldn't stay standing for too long lest he fall from how dizzy it made him. Basic tasks were getting harder between his hands refusing to stop shaking and his muscles aching so easily from staying up for more than a few minutes. He hated it. He was so angry, so frustrated. And yet, he didn't have the energy to be.
"It'll be over soon." Star tried to reassure him. But it was getting hard to match their sense of optimism. He was so tired. And it honestly felt as though that Arasaka procedure had made things worse somehow. He said nothing, but his glum expression was all xe needed to see to understand he was upset. Xe leaned over, gathering him up in a tender, gentle hug. Despite the exhaustion that seemed to set itself deep in his bones, Vin willed himself to hug back. If for no other reason than to try and find some comfort in their embrace. Star hushed him when she heard him sniffle, feeling him bury his face in their neck in a weak attempt to smother the tears that came flowing so freely as he tried so desperately to cling to them. They rubbed his back, kissing his temple and whispering soft reassurances into his ear the same way they always did when he was upset.
And it helped. For the first time in what felt like months, Vincent finally felt like things were going to be okay.
He felt hopeful. And he believed her when she said things were going to be okay. They were going to be okay.
He was going to be okay.
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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@ineffablemuses SAID: ‘you don’t have to do this on your own anymore.’ -> Vin and Star
💜 Hellbade: Senua’s Sacrifice // ACCEPTING 💜
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The sentiment is offered a weak smile in return. Star looks over as Vin places a hand on xer back. “I should be the one telling you that.” She sighed. “I’m not the one dying after all.” Xe feels his fingers briefly tense against the muscles of her waist before he moves closer to rest his head on her should.
“Well, y’know... Just because I’m dying, doesn’t mean I can’t still worry about you.” He huffs a soft chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. It misses its mark.
“You have more important things to worry about.” She mumbles, pushing herself up from the couch. Vin watches her hug herself and move over to the kitchen, eyes softening with sadness at the sight. It’s not like her to create distance between the two of them. He knows Star well enough to recognize that she loves being snuggled right up to him. She loves contact, and cuddling, and kisses, and all the intimate touches of affection. She’s borderline clingy with how much she seeks it out. But he loves it, because the warmth of her body and the gentle brushes of her lips against his face makes him feel more alive than he ever has.
It takes his mind off the fact.
So the distance feel so cold. Like his body is the centerpiece in a block of ice. Like he’s in the middle of a tundra in the midst of a blizzard, reaching into blinding whiteness for her hand - for the smallest sliver of comforting heat. Now he’s the one seeking out touch for comfort. It pushes him off the couch and up behind her, the palms of his hands gently resting on her upper arms as he  presses the softest kiss to her shoulder. “Talk to me?” He pleads softly.
“I feel like I’m distracting you. I’m costing you precious time worrying about my stupid fears and paranoias.”
“They’re not stupid.” he insists softly. “You’re traumatized, Star. You went through shit that nobody should have to go through. She suffered for no reason so some assholes could make a profit off of you. And now, you’re terrified of having to go through that again. That’s not stupid. That’s just your brain trying to survive.”
“It’s over. I shouldn’t be afraid like this anymore.” She hissed to herself.
“It’s not over for you.” He insisted, kissing her jaw. “You’re safe now. But your brain doesn’t know that yet. It’s still trying to make sense of things and it needs time to catch up.”
There was a moment of silence before her heard a stifled sob coming from Star. In an instant, Vin swore he felt his heart break. He squeezed her arms gently, nuzzling into her neck to try and comfort her the same way she so often comforted him. His arms slowly circled around to hug her and pull her into him. One violet eye peeked open as she softly choked out, “How long? How long do I have to deal with this?”
“I don’t know,” he murmured, letting his eye slip shut and nuzzling more into her neck. “But I can promise you that I’ll be here for every second of it. No matter how long it takes. I’ll stay with you and help you recover. I promise.”
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 29 days
Norsemen & Anglo-Saxons Chapter 4
Any Viking/Norse words and customs were found on Google, so if it's incorrect please educate me!!
Summary: Princess Y/N has a secret that her parents are ashamed of.  A conquering Viking chief recognizes the gift she has.  Will they be able to bring peace between warring people, and maybe find love along the way?
Viking!Bucky Warnings: eventual smut, abuse, violence, animal attack, blood
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Y/N and Bucky learned more about their now shared power together as the months went on.  She was able to teach him what she already knew, and with the help of Winnifred and the other Seer woman who married them, Wanda, they were able to learn how to use their powers more effectively.  They were moved into their own longhouse, where Y/N got into the swing of being a wife.  Since she had lived the privileged life of a princess she was not used to cooking or taking care of a house on her own, but had immense help from her neighbors and Bucky.  She practiced their language and was coming along with it nicely, although she had trouble with some words and phrases.  Bucky also taught her how to use a sword and a bow and arrow, both for fighting and for hunting.  
She killed her first deer within a few months of learning and was able to skin and prepare it all on her own.  Bucky was extremely proud of her for working so hard to become accustomed to this new life.  Y/N was quick to make friends and get along well with the people.  She was a born diplomat, and he caught himself smiling while watching her constantly.  
The next winter was fast approaching.  The village had been able to stock up on meats and other foods for the cold, but the season came raging in without warning.  The snow seemed constant, temperatures dropping to levels unseen in decades, freezing the water and making it hard to travel with hardened snow and ice everywhere.  Bigger animals were becoming more desperate for food as the weeks went on, with wolf prints getting increasingly closer to the village.
Y/N was helping one of her neighbors, Laura Barton, bring in some kindling and wood that they chopped up.  Laura had three children, all of them under the age of 10, rowdy, rambunctious and forgetful.  She and her husband Clint tried their best but were outnumbered.  As they finished near nightfall Y/N turned back to the wooded area where they had been and saw the youngest, Nathaniel, toddling back towards their longhouse holding a big stick.  Y/N’s eyes widened as she saw a large, black wolf less than 50 yards away from Nathaniel, the hairs on its back standing and its teeth bared.
“NO!” Y/N took off towards Nathaniel without a second thought.  Laura looked towards Y/N and started screaming when she saw the wolf.  Clint and Bucky, who weren’t far off, heard the screams and came running towards the commotion.  When Bucky saw what Y/N was doing he roared, trying to catch up and run after her.
The wolf started running towards Nathaniel, a menacing growl ripping through the air as it hunted.  Nathaniel looked back and saw the wolf, then started running towards Y/N.  She reached him first, grabbing him and throwing him backwards into a snowbank.  As she faced the wolf she unsheathed the sword Bucky gave her that she had on her hip at all times.  The wolf sped up, undeterred that the easier prey was gone.  She ran towards the wolf, raising the sword and screaming.  Bucky was running but knew he wasn’t going to make it.  “Y/N!  Don’t!”
The wolf leaped at her, the loud bark and her screaming mixing in a horrific ring as they collided.  Bucky couldn't see what happened as the wolf and Y/N fell to the ground, a flurry of fur, her dress and the snow picking up around them.  He bounded up to them, sword drawn, but slowed when he saw the wolf on top of her lifeless.  Her sword was sticking up through its neck, keeping it lifted.
“Y/N?  My star, please,” Bucky cried as he fell to his knees next to the wolf.  “Please,” he said as he tried to look under the wolf’s body.  There was a long pause, then he heard a sputtering sound, her leg poking out from underneath it and trying to push the body off of her.  “Oh, thank the Gods,” Bucky sighed as he stood up and pulled the wolf’s body up off her sword and pushed it away.  It thudded onto the snow, its blood seeping into the white, as Y/N panted next to it.  She was covered in its blood, spitting it out of her mouth as she struggled to sit up since it crushed her deep into the snow.  “You scared the shit out of me, Y/N,” he pulled her up to her feet then grabbed her shoulders.  He shook her, “What were you thinking?!” he yelled, his eyes overflowing with tears.  “You could have died!  What would I have done without you, Asynja?” 
Y/N stared at him as she tried to regain her breath.  She looked at the wolf, a bewildered look on her face, then wiped the blood away from her mouth and eyes as she looked behind Bucky.  Laura was holding Nathaniel, kneeling in the snow crying as Clint prayed to the sky next to them.  “I…I couldn’t just watch him die,” Y/N breathed, her eyes finding him again.  Bucky shook his head then pulled her into his embrace.  He shook as he pet her hair, hugging her too tight and kissing the top of her head.  
“You crazy woman,” he sighed as he pulled back.  He looked down at the wolf.  “You just survived your first battle.  My little Valkyrie,” he smirked at her.  
Y/N snorted at him.  Bucky pulled the wolf by its leg with his metal hand and wound his flesh arm around her, guiding her back to the village.  By this point a crowd had gathered and seen the aftermath of what had happened.  Laura ran up to Y/N, still holding Nathaniel.  “Thank you, Drottning!” she cried, hugging Y/N with one arm and kissing her forehead.  Y/N checked on Nathaniel, who was crying but overall physically unharmed.  Winnifred came forward from the crowd and raised her hands towards the sky.  
“Our warrior queen!” she shouted, and the people behind her cheered.  Y/N ducked her head, feeling overwhelmed by the attention and still reeling from the near death experience.  “You have done well, my child,” Winnifred walked over to them.  “We will have it skinned and its body used as your adornment.  Then you are ready to receive your first marking.”
“Marking?” Y/N asked.
“Like mine,” Bucky reminded her.  
Y/N nodded, still in a daze.  “Will it hurt?”
“Probably,” Bucky tightened his hold on her.  “But you just survived a wolf, I think you can handle a sharp point.”
Y/N sighed heavily.  “I just need to wash,” she quietly whined so only he could hear.
Bucky gave her a knowing smile and nodded.  He let his mother and a few others take the wolf’s body and led her through the people to their longhouse.  As he prepared some water over the fire to warm up for the bath Y/N was outside using snow to get as much of the blood off as possible.  Her hands shook, both from the cold and from the shock.  She hadn’t even thought through what she was doing when she saw the wolf hunting Nathaniel.  She knew it was dangerous, had maybe a flash of a moment of self-preservation, but her feet had moved faster than her mind.  She walked back into the longhouse once she got most of it off then stripped out of her clothes as Bucky filled the bath with warm water.
He helped her ease into the water and reached for the washing bar.  He helped lather her, cleaning her body and her hair, making sure to help her get any remaining blood off.  The warm water helped her muscles ease and she felt like she could breathe normally again.  As Bucky washed her back she brought her legs up to her chest.  Her body shook with sobs as the events unfolded in her mind, replaying the fear over and over, the feeling of the wolf’s heavy body tackling her, the screams, the growling, but most of all, the feeling of rage that licked through her veins as she had run towards the wolf.  She had scared herself in that moment, not knowing what had come over her.
“My Asynja,” Bucky leaned forward and kissed her back.  “It’s alright.  The first battle is always the hardest to recover from.”
“I wasn’t scared of the wolf,” Y/N whispered.  Bucky moved so he could look at her.  “I was scared of me,” she looked at him.  “The…anger, I felt.  The rage.  It was blinding.  Overpowering.  I didn’t…recognize myself,” she sniffled as her hold tightened around her legs.
“Hm, the berserker,” Bucky nodded.  “You really are learning our ways quickly.”  His metal fingers caressed her arm.  “It’s something I’ve only ever felt a few times.  It is…like a trance.  I didn’t feel like myself for a while,” he leaned forward and kissed her shoulder.  “But you used it to save someone and protect your people.  Just for that you’ll be welcomed into the halls of Valhalla, as the Valkyrie, the shield maiden, that you are.”  His eyes became sad again.  “But…I can’t lose you my Drottning,” he said quietly.
Y/N watched him.  They had been married for almost a year now, had shared their bodies with each other frequently, and became good friends.  Love had never crossed Y/N’s mind growing up because as nice as that would be, it was rare when she knew she would be married off to a man she didn’t get to choose for the sake of an advantageous match, or like in this case, a kind of peace treaty.  Love was few and far between for arranged marriages.  But she had been feeling something blooming between them, even from their first meeting when he had recognized her as the one with real power.  It was deeper, encompassing, and after her power had been shared with him, at times it felt like she could feel him in her mind, even when he wasn’t nearby.  
She reached a hand out and cupped his cheek.  He nuzzled her palm, his eyes closing at her touch.  Her power slipped into his mind.  His thoughts were replaying the wolf attacking her, his fear and worry etched into the lines of his face.  What surprised her was the deep despair she felt from him when he thought she was dead, the sound of his cry resounding in her head.  
“Bucky,” she breathed.  Her fingers scratched his beard softly as he met her gaze.  “I love you.”
Bucky froze, his eyes widened and his breathing stopped.  Y/N waited for him to process.  His eyes fluttered shut and he suddenly grabbed her and hauled her out of the tub.  She yelped as he carried her over to their bed.  He sat her on the edge of the bed, dripping all over the furs and blankets, looking at him questioningly.
He kneeled in front of her and lifted up her feet.  He kissed the top of each foot before kissing a line up one leg and then the other.  His hands softly skimmed her skin following his lips as he traveled up her body.  He reached her hands and kissed the tip of each finger, something he did often as a display of affection and respect for her power. By the time he reached her neck she was panting, her hands clenching the wooden frame of the bed.  “To be loved by a goddess,” he whispered against her neck, “is one of the highest honors I could only ever hope to achieve.”
“I’m not a goddess, Bucky,” Y/N said as he kissed her jaw.
“You are, daughter of Freya,” he kissed her cheeks.  “My Drottning,” he kissed her nose, “my Asynja,” he kissed her forehead, “Astrid, my star,” he tipped her head down to kiss the top of her head.  He skimmed his lips back down to the corner of her mouth.  “My love,” he whispered, his eyes looking between hers.  “I love you.”
Y/N rushed forward and kissed him.  He returned it passionately as he pushed her back onto the bed.  He quickly rid himself of his clothes as he crawled on top of her.  As much as they had been together before, none of it seemed to compare to this time.  The love encircling them was making it feel like this was fated from the beginning of time.  Bucky made love to her over and over, holding off his own pleasure until he had her begging for him to fill her. 
For the first time Y/N found herself on top of him, gripping his shoulders as she rolled her hips on him.  “That’s right, my love, take what you need,” Bucky groaned.  
“Buck…” Y/N whined, her pace staggered as he reached even deeper.  He flicked her little spot with his metal thumb, the cool metal against her heated core making her see stars.  “You were made to be inside me…”
“Gods yes,” Bucky held her hips tightly as he thrust upwards into her.  Y/N shuddered.  
“My sun, my moon and stars,” she leaned down and kissed his chest as he kept thrusting into her.  His eyes rolled in his head as the pleasure was rapidly becoming too much.  “You were destined for me, and I for you,” she gasped.  Her fingertips started glowing green as her hands were keeping her upright on his chest.  Bucky’s flesh hand started to glow as well as his thrusts hurried.  “My love, my life…” 
With a few more quick flicks to her spot Y/N was cumming, her body shaking over him as her pussy squeezed him, a low whine passing her lips.  Bucky groaned, his back arching as he finished and filled her.  There was a low rumble from the earth underneath them, the wind whipping what sounded like a cheer through the longhouse.  Y/N felt a strange tingling sensation inside her as Bucky’s cock pulsed inside her and looked down.  A light glow was shining at the bottom of her stomach.  She stiffened as she looked at it.  Bucky followed her eye line and saw it before it vanished, his eyes widening.  They looked back at each other.
”Do you think—“ Bucky started.
”Maybe,” Y/N whispered.
Bucky laughed, his hands squeezing her hips lightly.  He rolled over so she was laying on her back with him still inside her.  He started kissing her all over her face.  “My wife, my love, carrying my baby,” he said breathlessly.
”We don’t know for sure, love,” Y/N giggled as he continued kissing down her jaw and her neck.
”My baby,” Bucky’s metal hand slid down to her stomach, resting where he was deep inside her.  He smiled, his eyes meeting hers.  
Y/N smiled back at him, knowing he was probably right.  “Our child.”
**picture is A.I. from Pinterest, unknown original "artist" or "creator"**
One more chapter after this!
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Version 4.0 Event Wishes Notice - Phase II
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Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
Event Wish "Gentry of Hermitage" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Vago Mundo" Zhongli (Geo)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/9/5 18:00:00—2023/9/26 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Vago Mundo" Zhongli (Geo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo), "Mujina Ninja" Sayu (Anemo), and "Chivalric Blossom" Noelle (Geo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● After this event wish ends, the 4-star character "Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo) will be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation" in the next Version.
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Farewell of Snezhnaya" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Childe" Tartaglia (Hydro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/9/5 18:00:00—2023/9/26 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Childe" Tartaglia (Hydro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo), "Mujina Ninja" Sayu (Anemo), and "Chivalric Blossom" Noelle (Geo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● After this event wish ends, the 4-star character "Yearning for Unseen Depths" Freminet (Cryo) will be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation" in the next Version.
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish-2." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Vortex Vanquisher (Polearm) and Polar Star (Bow)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/9/5 18:00:00—2023/9/26 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During the event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star weapons Vortex Vanquisher (Polearm) and Polar Star (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, the 4-star weapons The Flute (Sword), Sacrificial Greatsword (Claymore), Dragon's Bane (Polearm), The Widsith (Catalyst), and Rust (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, use Epitomized Path to chart a course towards a promotional 5-star weapon, such as Vortex Vanquisher (Polearm) or Polar Star (Bow). For more information on Epitomized Path, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
※ Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapons will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
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