blindedguilt · 8 months
(@amorfati-rp Agares) She approaches the dragon quizzically. "You seem....different from the dragons I've heard about. How come you're so different?"
Of all the people of the village who could have approached it, it was the half-elf girl that was most unexpected. That girl, always flitting to and fro. Back from her home, across the village, into the forest and out again to the wells - it was understandable. To the dragon's knowledge, she was without a father, she and those two brothers of hers. The priest had been happy to share the news of a pregnancy in the village, one directly attributed to that girl's mother, and so it could only be expected that weight be put on the eldest's shoulders. Even so... Similar to most residents of a grown age, the half-elf named Agares didn't press herself with coming too close to it most days, if ever. For some, it was merely their way of showing respect to a being as powerful as a dragon, no matter how diminished its powers had become in its old age. They didn't wish to bother it, and the dragon didn't mind - as a matter of fact, the gesture was appreciated some days when the pain had become overwhelming and it remained incapable of doing much else than simply laying with closed eyes. There were others, however, who feared the Green Dragon and its watchful rest over the village, that whatever gossip or slander spoken in its presence would be taken and relayed to the priest. Of course, it had enjoyed listening to all sounds of the confined, bustling life inside the forest's walls - but it could hardly be thought of as anything more than simple interest and adoration. These worries that came from those humans were stemmed from fear. Fear from their old home, fear from the very same mistakes that had led them there - it could hardly bear any resentment against that. Still, the priest hadn't been the dragons only company, much to its relief. The children, covered in dirt from their play, flocked to it nigh constantly despite their parent's lectures, climbing and shouting... It was a painful, but rewarding feeling. Most had never seen a dragon before, and paid little mind to the weakened form in distraction of the awe of its great wings and coiled tail. For those too shy to approach, it typically could afford to open its eyes enough to gaze back at the child, a cause of excitement for many. In these times, the priest would typically stay by its side, keeping careful watch ensure that the pain wouldn't grow too much, nor that any child ran astray. And from the shadows of the trees, that was when it had typically picked up on her presence. Not with the other adults, but staring from afar. Neither an adult nor a child, as the dragon had understood it, but still - far more child than adult. Those eyes were never settled on it, but rather, the priest besides it. In a way, that feeling of "Love" no matter how misplaced was the closest she had gotten to womanhood. Most others her age had already been married, or were much too caught up in their own affairs to afford the luxury of such needless pining and delusions. It was an obsession, one regarded with the same nonchalance as the dragon had with all affairs of the village, and so remained an unspoken secret between the two. It could tell it clearly; she meant no harm. She simply didn't know what to do. It was unexpected, then, that she had saw it. It was with the same bravery and innocent curiosity of a child that she had approached the resting dragon, and only after those words were spoken did it began to stir. Beyond the priest, the dragon didn't care to speak to anyone, simply preferring to watch their lives and interactions without its interference. And in those rare moments it did have something to say, it was always through him that those thoughts were conveyed. And this girl... There wasn't anything special about her. At least, not that commanded it's attention - she was a villager, a simple but precious existence it had seen years and years before. The dragon knew she would get along well without the need for words. Dulled, yellow eyes rolled open to stare drearily up towards her, and a long, tired sigh was its answer.
#||Reply||:Agares#||1.3||#{/*crumples* i have an admission to make}#{/How i was talking about how super awesome this reply would be and how it would blow your mind?}#{/i probably shouldn't have had 14 tabs open; i PROBABLY shouldve saved it as a draft; but my browser shut down and it got wiped :(}#{/I WAS LITERALLY LIKE A PARAGRAPH AWAY FROM FINISHING IT TOO MY RAGE IS UNCONTROLLABLE}#{/but i pushed through!!! because i'm strong! and thats what strong people do!!!! *BAWLING*}#{/okay but WHAT I WANTED TO SAY WAS}#{/It REALLY dawned on me when i first wrote the (MUCH BETTER) ask}#{/the truly diseased is a horror story about becoming a woman}#{/HEAR ME OUT}#{/MY THOUGHTS ARENT AS COHERENT AS THEY WERE BEFORE BUT LIKE}#{/THE VISCERALITY OF PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH; ARIOCH'S ROLE WITH MOTHERHOOD; AND OFC HER PLAYING PARENT TO HER BROTHERS}#{/THEN THERE'S LEONARD BUT ITS NOT SO MUCH HIS ROLE AS A PERSON THAT PLAYS INTO IT SO MUCH AS HER RELATIONSHIP TO HIM AND HER CRUSH}#{/HOW THAT'S TIED IN WITH THE IDEALISED NOTION OF THAT TRANSITION FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOOD BECAUSE OF THE}#{/'RECLAIMING' OF FEMININE ROLES GIRLS ARE TYPICALLY FORCED INTO FROM BIRTH (COUGH) AND HOW THEY FEEL THEY}#{/CAN 'MAKE THAT THEIR OWN' AND GO FULL INTO THE; AGAIN; IDEALISED IMAGE OF GROWING UP AND 'BECOMING A WOMAN'}#{/ONLY TO GET *VERY* RUDELY BETRAYED BY THAT EXPERIENCE WHEN IT COMES AND SLAPS YOU IN THE FACE THAT 'hey!! you still have no control :)'}#{/AGAIN; TYING IN WITH THE *VERY* HEAVY}#{/CHILDBIRTH/MOTHERHOOD/PREGNANCY THEMES LATER ON WHICH IS OFC THAT WHOLE CHANGE FROM 'GIRL' TO 'WOMAN' AND JUST HOW TERRIFYING THAT IS}#{/THATS KINDA THE BUDGET SUMMARY OF THE POINTS I MADE IN THE FIRST THING BUT MAN}#{/matsuhita ayaki; you are a fucking GENIUS and ily <3}#{/gonna be salty for a second and say why do we have literally the worst pair of people running and managing everything in this series}#{/when we have SUCH good authors like aizawa tadashi; matsuhita ayaki; SAWAKO NATORI....}#{/but anyways. this is SERIOUSLY not a great reply compared to the original but i hope you enjoy it anyways :') i did my best}
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ohnogodpls · 9 months
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Welt at the end of 1.3 after peacefully boarding the express and having his Welt senses tingle
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multongsisig · 4 months
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I enjoyed the UTTU 1.3 story very much
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colliholly · 7 months
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My full piece for the 1.3 Clash Zine! I was honored to have drawn the cover for this project.
Happy zine release day and one year anniversary to the update that's inspired me for the past year ⚙️💖
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Dan Heng, post IL reveal: Sorry for being an enemy of the state. Do you still like me?
Caelus: It’s cool, I don’t really care about that stuff.
Caelus, internally: Why does that make him hotter?! Why does that make him hotter?! WHY DOES THAT MAKE HIM HOTTER?!
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dissygif · 11 months
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Ryan Gosling as Hercules YOUNG HERCULES 1.3 What a Crockery
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deanbrainrotwritings · 10 months
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SUMMARY : sex-capades in heaven with dean before he decides to travel the multiverse in the impala like he’s the fucking doctor and the impala is his TARDIS.
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : nsfw(18+), smut, unprotected sex, angst, fluff, silly goofy thoughts
A/N : title from radio company’s song. it’s implied that the reader isn’t human. that pic of jensen in the impala inspired this. 😧
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“What are you doing?” Dean jumped slightly as Y/N suddenly grabbed his shoulder through the Impala’s window. She laughed at his reaction and opened the door to get inside with him. He moved the seat back slightly so she could straddle him as he chuckled along with her.
“You scared me,” he murmured, immediately sliding his hands up her soft thighs, beneath the light purple dress she wore. She hummed softly, reaching over to close the door she came through before giving Dean her attention. 
“Sorry, sweetheart.” She kissed his forehead and shifted around in his lap until she was comfortably straddling him. She smiled at him softly, her eyes trailing over his stubble, his soft and loving green eyes, his growing honey-coloured hair that he seemed to have run his fingers through. 
“Did you come find me so we could get frisky?” He broke the silence with a little smirk. She bit her lip as she smiled, feeling his fingers toy with the hem of her lace panties. She leaned forward kissing him with all the love she felt for him, her soft tongue easily slipping into his mouth, meeting his warm tongue as his fingers tightened around her hips. “Is that a yes?” He whispered, leaning forward so he wasn’t so far away from her sweet mouth. 
“I didn’t come to do that,” she admitted, her fingers moving down to unbuckle his belt, “but now that I’m here… I really need you inside me.” He closed the distance between their lips again, pouring his soul into the kiss as she expertly unbuttoned his jeans, pulling the zipper down slowly while his hands moved to her face. Her soft face kept his hands warm, her silky curls brushing between his fingers, the taste of her minty tongue making him moan. 
“Where are the kids?” He asked breathlessly, kneading her breast over the thin material of her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra beneath it, his fingers creating delicious friction on her nipple with the silky material.
“Busy getting spoiled by your mom,” she gasped, grinding her hips against his. He chuckled, turning to the side slightly with her in his lap, and laying her down on the seat as he trailed his lips down her jaw to her neck. 
“No interruptions then?” He murmured against her throat with a smile, his tongue brushing against her velvety skin after he sucked a light mark at her pulse. Her hands moved under his jacket, trying to shove it off his shoulders while one of his hands kneaded her ass as he held himself up with one arm by her head.
“No interruptions,” she mumbled, trying to overpower him with very little effort, instead choosing to bury her fingers in his hair and tugging gently as his mouth trailed down to her breasts. He pulled away to finally remove his jacket and the button up he was wearing and threw it in the backseat, careless about it slipping off the green cooler and onto the ground. 
“I think…” Dean started thoughtfully, pulling his shirt off, watching his wife start to pull her panties down her legs with the dress bunched around her waist. “You should just pull the sleeves off your arms,” he suggested, pulling his boxers and jeans down slightly until his cock was free. 
She did as he asked, pouting as he just stared down at her, “okay, the kids might be busy, but you should still hurry,” she warned playfully. He grinned down at her, his fingers trailing up the inside of her warm thigh, his fingers brushing softly against the apex of her thighs to tease her more. 
“Wow, look at you,” he said teasingly, bringing one of her legs over the back of the seat, “all wet for me.” He smirked at her, finally bringing his fingers between her legs, circling her entrance, his fingertips gathering her slick with fascination on his face. 
“It’s nothing new,” she muttered playfully, squirming as he gently brushed against her clit. He rolled his eyes at her, giving her a faux irritated look as he removed his fingers stubbornly.
“Okay, well, excuse me, sweetheart, if it flatters me that you’re still so turned on by me,” he said sarcastically, looking down at his wet fingers that were now becoming dry. She blushed as he licked his lips, her heart leaping as if it were a romantic gesture, and she sighed in defeat.
“Okay, fine, take your time.” She smiled and watched him as he looked away from her, narrowing his eyes on the green cooler in the backseat.
“Nah, you ruined the mood,” he replied playfully, sniffling—the little tell that he was trying to bother her. She smirked at him and then became serious as she sat up and tugged the dress down her legs. At this, he quickly turned to look at her with parted lips, curious and confused.
“In that case,” she started, looking for her panties, “I’ll go see if Jack needs help with anything else here in Heaven or maybe Cas might need a hand with the angels.” She picked up her panties and bit her lip to stop herself from smiling as he grabbed her wrist and held himself close to her.
“You’re not going anywhere, honey,” he murmured against her lips, tugging her panties out of her hands and casually throwing them over the green cooler. His lips brushed against hers, not kissing her yet, as he manhandled her until her dress was bunched up over her hips again. 
“You said I ruined the mood, I figured I’d—”
“You’re a little brat,” he interrupted her, slotting his hips between her parted legs, his cock warm and heavy against her thigh. She looked down at it and swallowed, her cheeks turning red as a smile grew on her face. “What? Want it inside you?” He asked, gently pushing her shoulder so she’d lie down and fixed her thighs over his jean-clad legs. 
“Please,” she whispered, staring at his handsomely smug face, heat growing down her neck and up her ears as his cockhead prodded at her soaked entrance. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned, his thumbs swiping lovingly on her hipbones. “You’re so fucking wet, baby.” He stared between them with unashamed lust as his cockhead parted her slick folds and slowly pushed into her warm hole. She was tempted to say something sassy, but she bit her lip instead, moaning softly as he pushed in and out, his cock sliding along her walls, hitting delicious spots inside her on his way to fill her up completely. 
Her mind went blank, all she could do was feel him inside her, words failed her and she couldn’t really do much but moan or attempt to bring him closer. Her hands moved up from his waist to his back, trying to be gentle about her nails on his warm skin. The deeper he thrusted into her, the more he leaned over her until his warm breath fanned over her flushed face. He swivelled his hips to push as deep as possible, letting her adjust and get comfortable before he started up again trying to make her orgasm. 
He pressed a soft kiss to her mouth, sucking softly on her bottom lip and nibbling on it until she moaned. His open mouth descended to her neck, his loving kisses electrifying her skin, the gentle bite of his teeth stinging her flesh, his soft tongue warming her skin and soothing the pain as he sucked at her flesh, leaving light marks here and there on his way down to her breasts. 
He loved her body, loved how well he knew her, memorising all the things that turned her on as he got to her breasts. One of his hands moved off her hip to pinch her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tugging softly as he licked at the other nipple. His teeth grazed on the sensitive flesh before he wrapped his lips around it and sucked gently, eventually choosing to knead her other breast in his hand as it got warm in his palm. 
Her pussy clenched around him the way it always did when he did something she liked and he moaned softly, as if acknowledging it, as if trying to remind her how well he knew her and how he would always be the only one who did. He switched to the other breast, giving it the same treatment, both stimulated and wet with his saliva, tightening even more with the air around them contrasting with the warmth his mouth had provided. 
He lifted himself up slightly, stared down at her breasts as he slowly moved in and out of her, pleased with the sight of them hard and wet. “Touch your tits, sweetheart.” He kept his hand by her head, waiting for her to do as he said before lowering his other hand to her clit and letting his spit drip down to her pussy so his thumb could easily swipe up and down on the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
She gasped out his name, her knees pressing into his side as her cunt squeezed his throbbing cock. He loved it when she did that, a pleased little smirk tugging at his plump lips while watching as she arched her back, both her hands working on playing with her breasts as he’d told her to do. 
Even now, there was nothing but adoration in her warm eyes, with her dress bunched at her waist, her fingers rolling and teasing her nipples, his thumb changing the patterns he drew on her clit as his thrusts became sloppy. Her wedding band and engagement rings shimmered in the sunlight that invaded his car, his own ring on his finger by her head, an endless reminder of their eternal love. 
It wasn’t something Chuck wanted to happen; that thrilled him, knowing they weren’t supposed to end together and somehow did, knowing that all those times they broke up and made up was their choice made his stomach clench with excitement. If anything was real, it was their love for each other, if he ever doubted everything, his love for her would be the only thing holding him together. 
It was one thing for her to exist everywhere and never end up with him, but what made their love even more remarkable, was that she wasn’t supposed to exist at all. As far as her and Jack knew, there were six other versions of her, yes, she ended up with him in some way, at some point. But to him, it meant that their relationship stood to chance, to a tiny, one-in-a-trillion chance that they would meet at all, that they would fall in love. Nothing was better than that realisation. 
Wherever she was, he was happy. He knew she wanted more for him, but for now they’ve both settled for this. Heaven together, where mostly everything was the same, and there was the mind-numbing peace that blanketed everyone in Heaven. She always brought some fun into his life, having the gift of children distracted both of them from the fact that he was dead. 
He stopped teasing her and rubbed quick circles on her clit, his hips building up speed as he stared at her face. The way her eyebrows pinched together and her swollen lips parted, gasps and moans tumbling from her mouth, harmonising with his grunts and his groan as the feeling of her pussy, hot and wet dragging along the length of his cock, tightening around the throbbing veins.
It was the most euphoric feeling in the world to be inside her. He liked sex before and it was always amazing, but he loved it more now, it was better, hotter, sexier. Maybe it was the fact that he’s older, or maybe it has everything to do with the fact that it’s with her, the woman he’s always been in love with and always will be. 
The way she looks at him, the way she touches him, the way she loves him is simply unmatched. She’s the only one for him; it will never change. Not when she’s been in his life for over twenty years and he’s found that no one understands him the way she does, no one knows the real him but her. She knew all that he was, all his mistakes and his flaws, all the things he hates about himself yet she loved every single thing about him and he felt the same way about her. 
“Dean,” she whispered, breaking him from his thoughts. His eyes softened as he looked up from her stomach to her face, seeing her love and her comfort grounded him to reality. 
“What, sweetheart?” He murmured, leaning over her, he kissed her cheek and then her lips, chuckling as she wiggled her hips impatiently. “I’ve got you,” he said apologetically, continuously changing the pressure on her clit with his thumb. She moaned softly, wrapping her legs around his waist which made him laugh again while adjusting his position so he could keep rubbing her clit. “So needy,” he mumbled against her mouth, ignoring the angry nibble on his lip when he smiled into the kiss he pressed against her soft lips. 
“I’m not having sex with you again,” she groaned when he pulled away, a lazy grin on her face. 
“You’re too insatiable to follow through with that threat,” he teased, knowing it was the other way around. Her fingers made their way into his soft hair, tugging gently when he became serious about fucking her. He rolled his hips up against hers, wiggling until she gasped and whined, a sign that he’s grazing her cervix. “Cum for me, angel,” he whispered, gently rocking his hips, keeping his thrusts short and deep as she squeezed around his cock.
“Fuck… Dean,” she moaned, her body shaking lightly as her orgasm rolled through her, flourishing with pleasure as he came inside her. Warmth filled her womb, his cum deep inside her and nearly dripping out of her until he pushed himself back into her, a smirk on his lips when she playfully hit his back. 
“Hey, babe?” He asked, putting his weight in her safely, closing his eyes as her soft hands moved soothingly up and down his freckled back. She hummed softly, allowing him to continue his thought. “Can you make Baby like the TARDIS?” He asked suddenly, her hands stopped moving as she puckered her lips as she imagined the Impala as a TARDIS, confused about what he was asking.
“Bigger on the inside?” She asked, trying to imagine why he’d want the Impala to be bigger. She figured maybe he wanted more space for sex, or maybe he wanted to add to his arsenal which was unnecessary but she would let him have it if he wanted it that bad.
“No, I mean like..” he stopped, blushing at his request, maybe he’s being weird. 
“Like travelling through time and space?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled, nuzzling into her neck. She patted his back and he lifted himself up with his brow quirked, wondering what she wanted. He hesitantly pulled out of her, thankful that she had powers as she made a random soft piece of cloth appear to clean herself with as soon as his soft cock left the warmth of her walls. She pretended to throw it outside but it disappeared midair, she was always so dramatic, it made a little smile tug at his lips. 
“Challenge accepted,” she grinned at him.
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letterlifter · 10 months
Mailman do you think chip and graham would interact somewhat. Somewhat Just a little bit A little glance Maybe Thank you.
so this isnt canon or anything, but personally, i imagine they would mutually dislike each other for…many reasons...
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minkyrats · 9 months
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this time, we will put the abundance in their grave.
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jingyuan-doodles · 9 months
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a smile as bright as the sun. an anger as destructive as lightning.
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blindedguilt · 8 months
“You should have seen it coming.” |[ rosuintens ]|
The Green Dragon's usually greyed eyes remained shut as it laid still in response to its fellow's remark, though the question of whether it was true nonchalance or mere exhaustion that made its demeanour wasn't clear. While there was no denying the struggle the last two years had been for the already elderly dragon, it was just as clear to any who knew it how set it was in its beliefs. It's capabilities, no matter how limited, did little to waver its guard in the face of such challenges. A sentiment proven further as its eyes lifted, and with what strength it had, lifted its head to better meet that of the red dragon's. The greyish-gold eyes that stared directly up the other were almost lifeless in their appearance, but its voice was anything but. "Am I the fool...?" It asked.
"I have no regrets for what I have done."
It wanted to make that clear.
The Green Dragon's head lowered, but didn't yet place itself on the ground as it went on. "For you, who have come here by duty rather than by will, your perspective of the true capabilities of human kindness remain limited under the weight of your own recklessness. Humans are powerful and know well how to love within their own right... Surely you had seen it that day, or else you would not be fighting your own brethren now! The will of humankind. A desire to live in the company of others that ones with lives such as ours could not understand. You may be blind to it now, but one day you'll see. You'll see..."
Its tone had rose, had become almost condescending as it went on, and a glint of life could momentarily be seen through the cracked and dirtied scales as a coarse, low groan of a growl barely escaped from it's maw. It had meant no threat - that was certain even with the fierce vigour it had asserted itself with, being that they were brethren after all - but it had, if anything, certainly meant to lecture. It was a gesture the Green Dragon was almost certain a being with all the power and pride of the red dragon would take offense to. As if in recognition of this fact, it lowered its voice, one that spoke only between the two of them, but with such an aura that even one like a passing human could be sure to sense the emitting tension.
"Are you truly of the mind that the humans seek only chaos?" The dragon asked, "That nothing shall come of the destruction of these grounds? Of this war? The soil has only been sown. At the end of all human conflict, community grows. And from here..."
"...A beautiful garden shall be grown, just as the days of old. Of that, I am certain." It said, its head finally lowering to the ground. A deep sigh followed that shook the fangs in its mouth as the tired eyes finally closed. "I am certain."
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another-goblin · 9 months
(a crack theory about the real reason why Jing Yuan is still a general)
Short version: to be able to get his hapless former friends out of their problems with the law on the Luofu.
Longer version: there are examples of him bending over backwards, abusing the power his position gives him, in order to help alleviate DF's and later DH's punishment, time after time, throughout history. And there is also Blade's miraculous escape from the prison, and him and Kafka (both notoriuos wanted criminals) being allowed to leave peacefully, and Kafka's mention of how "Blade's bounty hasn't been lifted yet", implying that she has reasons to expect it to happen.
He oversteps the line and risks the ire of his superiors every time his friends are involved, so he just has to be very good and useful at his actual job to make sure he can get away with it.
He was so eager to involve IL into figthing Phantylia not just because his help was essencial but so that he could use it as a leverage to try to persuade other Luofu higher-ups to finally cancel DH's punishment.
He actually gives me the vibes of the only sober friend at a wild party. He would love nothing more than to also get drunk, but he knows that then there wouldn't be anyone to call the ambulance, to lie to the police the neighbours called, to deal with all the mess, to drive his friends home, having to endure their drunken confessions about how they don't actually consider him their friend (in between of thowing up all over his car), knowing that none of them will ever thank him (and now I'm sad)
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docterzerocare · 3 months
A combination of watching mogswamps flatworld series from the start and seeing a fic on ao3 called This Isnt The Flat World by TheoSpooderBoi, which has a really cool premise and looks like it'll explore the isolation of living in a flatworld for 11 years, has got the brain microwave in overdrive.
Taking the idea that mog was alone for 11 years roughly, surviving in a flat expanse of a world and truely thinking of the implications. Like he was 15 at the start and also mans was primarily eating rotten flesh by ep 17 (thats as far as ive gotten so far, so probably farther too). It took him a good few episodes to finally make a wheat farm lol he was not eating well. Which bring up a pretty wholesome idea where the villagers started to trade him food like cookies n stuff (ep 16 or 17 i think is when he mentioned it) but ye.
With him living through the 1.3 update where villager trading became a thing, in my head thats when he started to learn how to talk with villagers (which is a concept brought up in the fic mentioned above and makes me crazy). Im so excited to get to the episode he meets wandy t lmao.
Do you see my vision, the implications man the implications
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Every Outfit in The Gilded Age - Outfit 39 - Peggy's outfit 6 - First seen in Season 1, Episode 3, repeated in S1E6
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dizzybizz · 11 months
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yaoi and yuri all at once
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Dan Heng, narrowing his eyes at Caelus from across the cards table: You're not cheating, are you?
Caelus, staring at Dan Heng's new titty window: I think you're the one that's cheating tbh...
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