#“i'll try my damnest”
half-oz-eddie · 1 month
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Oh he does not like getting sad puppy eyes from Buck
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He showed up to that wedding in uniform and didn't even clean up because he promised to be his date.
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clown-demon · 9 months
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((I took some tummy meds. I'm just gonna reply to Kitten's thread and then take it easy. I'll pick at drafts and probably queue them, so you prob won't see more activity rp wise.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Can you make an Angsty Astarion x mortal!reader fic where Astarion realizes that one day the reader will pass and he’ll be alone again🙏🙏🙏 I need more Angst of this man😭
TW - Talk of death, graveyards
Recommended Song: Halley's Comet - Billie Eilish
Astarion often visits graveyards. It's some form of therapy, a place where he can let it all out, a place where he can mourn what he never had, what he doesn't remember. You don't usually go with him, deciding it's best to give him something just for him. Occasionally he'll ask you to come with him, if it's been a particularly rough time or if it's a special day. At the very least he goes once a month, and it's never a question of where he's going, you just know. You worry about him sometimes, being alone in some graveyard. You are all each other have, all you cherish, all you love. It's not often you're apart, but it's not all that difficult to stick to someone like sap when you can't be in the sun.
It's the anniversary of the death of some family member he doesn't remember, who died centuries ago, but some part of him feels as though he should at least go. Not like anyone else goes to see his family anymore. You're in the living room, setting up the fireplace for when you return. Astarion comes downstairs, and you hear his shoes tap each step. You turn to find him in all black, you are as well.
"Are you ready to go?"
You ask, grabbing your trusty knife off the table by the front door, sheathing it under your jacket. It's been quite cold as of recent.
He doesn't say much. He doesn't have to say much.
"Then let's go."
You smile warmly and wrap yourself around his arm. The graveyard you're visiting isn't too far from the house. It's where most of the Ancuníns were laid to rest, including Astarion's 'grave.' When you arrive, he knows right where to go, and you simply follow along. A while back he memorized all of these people, their death dates, who they were, trying to remember anything he could from a life he lost long ago. The two of you sit in front of an ornate grave, a second cousin of his, or something of the like. You feel guilty that you don't remember like he does.
"I appreciate you."
He'd been silent the entire walk here.
"You always come with me when I ask. I know it may not make sense, I just feel as though it's right, to at least try."
"Of course my love. Whatever you need."
You rest your head on his shoulder and read the inscription on the tombstone. Apparently this man got a terrible illness, died sometime in his 20s, extremely young for an elf. You wonder how much Astarion remembers, if he knew this man at all. You never pry though. He always shares when he's ready. Suddenly, he squeezes your hand.
"I'll miss you. I don't miss these people, but I'll miss you."
"That's hardly a fair comparison. You barely remember them."
"I'll remember you forever. Even if I were enslaved for two hundred more years after this, I couldn't ever forget you."
He kisses the top of your head, lingering for a moment to take in your scent, the feeling of your hair, every little thing he'll remember when you're gone.
"The truth is darling, I don't think I'll ever love again, once you're gone."
He begins to cry. You hadn't thought about him with future lovers, lying with another soul.
"That's not fair though."
"What makes you say that?"
"You deserve to love after me. You deserve to be loved after me."
He sadly chuckles to himself.
"As if anyone could ever compare. You're the sun, and I the moon. Without you, no light would ever reflect off me again. A dark husk of a man, that's what I will be when you're gone."
He sounds so sure of himself, as if beyond you there is nothing. Then again, you've made this entire life together. Who else would fall in love with a vampire spawn with no master, a monster who's never going to be quite right? You're not sure what to say.
"To be honest, I don't think I could fall in love with someone else, even if I tried my damnest. You've made me feel safe in a way that is so foreign, fabricated just for me. You can't replicate that. You can't find someone so willing to be this patient, this kind, to not only love me for my body."
"You have so much more to love though."
"I don't think anyone would see it the way you do my sweet."
You shift to turn and look at Astarion, taking his hands in yours.
"You know what I love most about you?"
He softly smiles.
"That you can change. It's something many people forget to do, to change and evolve, to find more in life than their misery. You've changed, for the better. Very few can do that the way you have."
"It's you who changed me."
Sometimes it frustrates you, how little credit he gives himself. Then again, it's much better than it used to be.
"Just promise me something? Once I'm gone, find another way to be happy. Find something that makes your heart flutter, that causes those precious creases when you smile. Find something else, if not for yourself, for me."
He nestles into your neck, giving you a soft kiss.
"I promise to try my love, that's all I can do."
His eyes are still misty, the tears get onto your neck. You try hard not to cry yourself, but it's hard when your heart is breaking outside of your body. You pray in that moment, although you're not sure to what god or power, but you pray that he'll be okay when you die, that it's a long time away from someone driving a stake through his ribs, that he finds joy in the small things like he does now. After all, hope is all you have when the afterlife comes to get you so soon.
"I hope I get to watch over you, wherever I end up."
"Like some kind of angel or something?"
"I guess. Like your guardian."
"Do you think I'll know?"
"Yes, I think you'll know. Maybe I'll take on the body of stray cats, follow you on the streets, lead you down paths with less heartache."
"I'd like that, very much."
Decades later, Astarion gets ready to leave the house, your knife on the table. When he steps out onto the cobblestone streets, there's a pure white cat standing a couple feet away. It meows, almost melodically, and turns to a nearby alleyway. He walks to where the animal was standing, and turns to look into the alleyway, but there is no sight of the stray. He smiles.
"Thank you, my love."
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iheartchv · 3 months
hihihii can i have a matchup pls ?? i was born in la, but am chinese/korean mixed, im 5'4, pale asf, and weigh around 95 lbs. i have brown/black hair and brown eyes, im thinking abt dying my hair tho !!
my personality type is entj, i like talking, but im lowkey awkward </3 idk how to describe my fashion style but ill try my best, i usually wear a tight top w baggy pants, ex baby tee w cargos. i also love wearing off shoulder sweaters paired with a skirt !!
i mainly listen to kpop, metal, and emo music :3 i love going to concerts and events that are close to me. i also love travelling since my parents have the time and resources to take me where i want <33
i am a competitive figure skater, i also play the violin and electric guitar. in my free time, i play games (genshin, cod, project sekai), and i love binge watching shows !
collectings things like vinyl, lego sets, plushies, and funko pops are also one of my hobbies !!
sorry if this is written badly or hard to understand </3
🤔 I'll match you with...
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick 🚁
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I think Gaz would be your match
He'd be attracted to your more outgoing personality
And he'll find himself wanting to know more about you
Curious would be the right word
Thinks you're an extraordinary person
As if you couldn't be more perfect
Then he sees another side of you when he visits you
That's when he knows that you two would definitely become friends...
And more than friends
After spending so much time with Gaz, you can't help but feel something for him
You start to feel a little shy around him more, and blush if he's near you or compliment you
He will happily indulge in your hobbies with you
Being in the military, if he ever come across any Funko Pops or other collectables anywhere he will get it for you
Then he'll either mail it to you or bring it to you when he comes back home from the mission
He'll try his damnest to be at every competition to cheer you on and give you support
"You did amazing out there"
"You look... gorgeous"
During one of said figure skating competitions, when you both hug he can't help to give you a kiss on the top of your head
It shocked you that you quickly looked up at him, cheek pink
"S-sorry, I..."
He tries to apologize
"It's okay, you don't have to apologize"
You softly smiled at him, staring into his eyes
As if reading your mind he gives you a kiss
It was better than winning any medal or prize you've won
Falling for Gaz and winning his heart was the biggest prize
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
you've mentioned that sparrows would have reincarnated as a slugcat?
would you mind elaborating on that?
also would they have met caper again after becoming all scuggy?
hoohoo hee :)c of course i'll elaborate! it is Her ✨ Fish's little best animal friend
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wonderfully enough, Sparrows and the Tinkerer were developed completely removed from each other in my head, so Tinkerer still feels like a rather separate character from Sparrows even though they somehow wound up havin a lot of similiarities. exactly how the reincarnation stuff should feel like
the Tinkerer is Sparrows! and no character in-universe will ever find out. it isn't important. nobody but Tinkerer is affected by this, and Tinktink doesn't really have the means to speak about it. but for us behind the screens that know about this it will make Tinktink's interactions with the world just a lil bit more juicy
you've sent this at a good time, too! the day ur question came in i was actually pondering how to somehow make use of this reincarnation fact and not just let it float about as a lil bonus for the people that would know about this lil tiny ultimately unimportant connection
so, the idea: as we (probably) all know, Euros is going to end up developing the Rot. this is distressing for a large amount of reasons, but the main point rn is that Euros is also a secret archive of folklore of the lower circles in the Eo group, plus maybe even a little bit over the range's borders to the east (after all, there's two more groups right next door to him n he's a phone operator chief). Euros is going to die a slow painful death and he won't be able to care for or save his collection of knowledge, which somehow manages to hurt him more than the reality of his impending doom
maybe not so surprising, considering that in his archive are the stories, the history, the spirit of his late lover's home- a place he clung to for as long as he could, the one he spent the most time in with his overseers, the one that held people he constantly wished could be his citizens instead of the vile and fake *things* soiling the streets of Ales
so one day after the Fish has properly reconnected to the Eo group, is caught up on current events and trying his *damnest* to revive Mission Self-preservation even though it is guaranteed to be useless, Euros mentions the nightmare that he's living through
"I'm a dead man walking, carrying precious treasures of people that were never heard crying out. I've held them close and safely within myself for over two thousand years. And now, when I'm fated to rot through and splatter on the ground, I fear all this time will be for nought. That I will kill what I've been protecting for so long."
"Even if nobody ever reads these- learns of them, hears them out from above their graves- I can't bear the thought of losing them."
and well Fish DOES have a lot of beef with Euros, but at this point this bitterness is starting to give away to desperation and horror of the terrible torment waiting for them in the future. he might be stubbornly still trying with the Mission, but he would go against what makes him himself if he didn't acknowledge that they are all damned for good no matter what he tries. so he gives in to the pity and hails Tinkerer to his chamber
he explains to her what he needs her to do and tells Euros about the plan. Tinktink has to travel all of this distance
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to get to Euros (basically walk through the whole Europe), but dammit, she helped one Iterator that became her closest friend, she will help another one (a different Gen 2 that she loved and dedicated her whole life to in a different life)
Fish sends her on her way with a hug and a plead to keep herself safe
it takes her over a month to get there even with the help of vehicles like the barely working trains and a remshackle sky-sail that Fish guided her through fixing in their free time together. when she gets on top of Euros' structure, the dejavus start to hit. she visits the Mechanics' home, her feet carrying her to the bedroom as if it was just another end of the workshift. she looks in the cupboards she- opened millions of times- never even touched. she walks outside and then down the path to the entrance into the Iterator she's- taken countless times- never set a foot on
she saw these halls so many times she can pin point where every screw is- she's never been here, she can't understand these giant beings, they are too complex for her animal brain. that specific rhythm of beeps and pumps and water rushing through metal veins has haunted- comforted- her in many of her dreams. the Tinkerer makes it to the chamber almost like on an auto-pilot
when she enters the chamber, the slugcat finds itself disappointed, scared, confused- this isn't what this place is supposed to look like (but how does she know what it is supposed to look like-?), this isn't how she left it (this is the first time she stands here, what are these thoughts). it's supposed to be brighter. warmer. why is the puppet's plating and skin damaged by time, where is it its vibrancy, why are its eyes so tired? there are panels missing from the walls ("it's got to be the results of that Fever i once made a proj- i can fix thi-! what?"), glowing artificial bronze robins fly about or sleeping on his shoulders, tiny Rot cysts pulsate from the cracks in the umbilical arm. where has the firebird in that halo gone off to?
Euros greets her joyfully ("oh what are you trying to play at, you goof. i've known you for so long, i can tell when something's wrong. what's hurting? why are you tired? i'll get you back into shape, doncha worry love.")
"Ah, you made it! Welcome to my chamber, adroit little thing."
"Please. Your journey was a long one. I hold no doubt a very dangerous one, too. I won't march you into the job immediately. Rest up."
Tinkerer thinks he's strange. but her legs are indeed hurting, the bag strapped to her is heavy. she curls up in the corner of the room and tries to get some shut eye. she almost falls asleep when Euros starts mumbling under his breath, shooting nervous glances towards the birds. five fingered hands tremble so badly the joints rattle like a child's toy. he's scary, when his shoulders hunch up like that and those tired eyes turn frantic. but it hurts so much to see him like that for some reason, more so than it is scary. so against the better judgement of a survivor, she softly coos at him
the puppet's head snaps to her, gaze cold. the mumbles increase in volume, allowing her to understand
"...I'll tell you what. I have another mission for you, little messenger. But it has to stay a secret between the two of us. Nobody would approve, especially not the one you belong to now."
something whispers that the puppet closing in is supposed to be a comfort. the larger part of the Tinkerer instead finds itself wishing to run away
"Are you aware of the Memory Crypts that lie beneath all of us City Bearers?"
cautious nod, back pressed against the wall
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skayafair · 3 months
John, Lies and Trust, and the Dark World Pt.3
Part 2
The Deal
Kayne mentions that John finally called him only when he sank lower than ever. I don't want to imagine the state he was in. I want to hide in the corner and never think of it again. Now, the deal impacts a lot of s3 and 4, and we still don't know all the details about it, so I'll lay out only the facts first and my assumptions later.
Getting Arthur to touch the grey stone wasn't the only condition. Kayne had John do some other things, horrendous by the sound of it.
Not telling Arthur anything about the deal was one of its conditions. I know it sounds sort of vague when Kayne and John talk about it, but after relistening I'm sure it was one.
It is unknown what the punishment would have been if John broke the deal, or even if there was supposed to be one.
It is also unknown whether Kayne said (or John asked) anything about what would happen after Arthur touches the stone and how safe it was.
Kayne says John had a choice whether to tell about the deal or not and compares it to Matthew's. Which makes me think that if John broke the deal he would have ended up back in the Dark World OR Arthur could die since John can't.
I bet Kayne left A LOT up to John's interpretation because it's "more fun" this way. A vague deal is always a bad one, but I believe John was in no condition to think things through. One - we know for a fact it was very bad, two - Kayne didn't give Arthur much time to consider their deal, so I don't have any reasons to believe he'd be more generous with John.
The part when my "he did all of that but I don't care set him free" attitude towards John comes up: I believe John didn't know if touching the stone would be safe or put them in danger. Or put Arthur in danger... but what I also believe is that John held onto the thought that They Will Be Together. And they've already beaten unimaginable odds together multiple times, so they'll manage somehow. Cross this bridge when they get to it. In any case any danger to Arthur means danger to John as well, so he's very much interested in keeping his friend and host safe, both from genuine care and the will to live. But John couldn't know if it's safe, and by the sound of it Kayne didn't tell him. Didn't warn if it was dangerous either, though. But since John was in a very bad place both mentally and actually, and he wants to live, he chose to bet their lives on this deal. Hoping it'll be alright because the alternative was too unbearable. "Possible problems in some distant future" sounded almost meaningless compared to "suffering here and now". This noticeably weighted on him throughout the s4 finale - he was talking as if convincing Arthur it was ok and they'll get out alive, but he was actually trying his damnest to convince himself. Because they were so close to the goal! It's one thing to have doubts when the salvation is barely hovering there sometime in the future, and totally another when it's already almost within one's grasp. So yeah it's ugly. There's no way to sugar coat this. He was in a survival mode. It's bad anyway, but... I can understand this. Can judge from the moral perspective but not condemn from the personal one.
I'd also like to note that Kayne's idea of a "choice" is fucked up. I mean that's a given but still. A person held at a gunpoint also has "a choice", but it's beyond normal moral limits. It's a dire situation and no one can predict how they would act in it. Kayne I hate you. Even so, John NEARLY spilled the truth multiple times, barely biting it back at the very last moment. I have many reasons to believe he genuinely cares for Arthur, and this is one of them. Choosing between his friend's trust & life (possibly) - and endless suffering & imprisonment in the Dark World, the greatest fear, he nearly chose Arthur more than once. Lastly, there IS one thing supporting the idea that the stone wouldn't have damaged Arthur irrepairably, at the very least. It's Kayne's idea, and Kayne's interested in the show to go on. He may meddle with their lives moderately, but won't lead Arthur to the certain death on purpose. So John had reasons to believe it was somewhat safe.
I'll add that I wouldn't be surprised if Kayne sneered about putting John and Arthur's trust to the test, and the fact that John valued his life more than it. Knowing full well how John would feel about it, how he hates to lie, and enjoying the effect - it's a lasting one, after all, because John either suffers in the Dark World or while lying to Arthur. There was no good choice.
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perish-the-creator · 7 months
Fuck it!
2024 I'ma contribute to the rise of Godzilla Analog Horror.
And I'll try my damnest to add a unique spin no one's done yet.
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sophiacloud28 · 2 months
Introduction and Masterpost
Hello all! Name's Sophia Cloud, a.k.a. Sky Sage on AO3. Since I'm going to be posting some stories and headcanons here, I thought I'd make it nice and tidy so that nothing gets lost. Just know that while I'm not new to tumblr, it's been a while since I've been on here so expect a bit of stumbling until I've gotten it all in order.
Name: Sophia
Birth year: 1989
Favorite color: Lilac
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh, Zelda, Sonic, and TMNT
Past works: The Butterfly Effect, old deactivated DeviantArt
Will mostly be posting: ROTTMNT stuff for the moment since the turtles are rotting my brain
For those interested in what I do outside of writing, click here.
Requests: Yes. It'll take me a while to get to them unless I'm really inspired, but I'll try my damnest. And please, follow the rules.
No TCest and no minors. My work involves aged-up turtles (21 and up) and nothing less.
Headcanon requests, should there be any, will entirely depend on whether I can see the turtle in such a situation. If not, I will ignore the question and I apologize profusely in advance should it happen.
One-shot requests will take more time than headcanon, more than likely. I'm always busy and, right now, my multi-chaptered fic has all my attention, so please, be patient.
If you want to be tagged so you know whenever I publish a One-Shot, please don't hesitate to let me know.
My AO3
Latest Story: A Shot in the Dark
Untitled pieces: x x
Raphael Hamato
Leonardo Hamato
Afterglow: Rated T, set in the Apocalyptic Future, Final Preparations before a mission (Leo's POV)
I Like Me Better: Rated T, set in main timeline, Post-Krang invasion (Leo's POV)
Paradise: Rated E (Explicit), vent piece, AU, Post-Krang invasion (AO3 Link)
Call Me: Rated T, set in the Apocalyptic Future, Character Death mention (Leo's POV)
Donatello Hamato
Crystallize: Rated T, set in main timeline, One-Shot Preview for something bigger that'll probably end up on AO3 (Reader's POV)
Crystallize: Rated E (Explicit), set in main timeline, six to seven years after Krang (AO3 Link)
The Crow and The Butterfly: Rated T, set in the Apocalyptic Future (Donnie's POV)
Transcendence: Rated E (Explicit), set in main timeline, six to seven years after Krang (AO3 Link)
Song of the Caged Bird: Rated T, set in the Apocalyptic Future (Reader's POV)
Michelangelo Hamato
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coffee-in-veins · 6 months
i realized todat i have a very odd worry about DD after DD2 came out and we got Rey back and his story is just... i'm not sure how to describe it politely. let's use "not what is implied in DD1"
and... that's it. that's the worry
a lot of people come to DD fandom from DD2 now. and they're thrilled and excited. and they will know those characters only as they are shown in DD2. and they'll create things with them based on that display
this might be a 'me' fear since i am a writer who prides myself on research and trying my damnest to keep charcters close to canon or at the very least not contadicting canon. i look up how belts work. how you would care for and fire a flintlock. how to put on a fullplate. how to ride horses. what is the tensile strength of human arm being attached to human torso and how much raw strength some eldritch fuckupery would need to separate one from the other. you get the picture
but i describe characters as they were in DD1. and i pride myself on pouring dozens upon dozens of hours into research and characterization and whatnot, on having compilation tables and huge ass files of notes and research and pinned facts. but if someone comes from DD2 to see my work... for them, I'll be wrong. just plain wrong. whatever i have would be just odd headcanons and 'portraying characters wrong'. 'not getting it'. 'making them far worse people than they are'. maybe even 'victim blaming', who knows
this makes me anxious and i dunno what to do about it. is there even something i can do about it? i dunno...
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dsmpheadcanons · 7 months
dandelion hybrid!tommy. wilbur used to comb through his hair in an attempt to straighten his petals just a little bit, even if they always got messed up the next day. a week after tommy is revived, he runs a hand through his hair and it flakes away into white fuzz.
hi babes i dunno how you found this blog since i literally haven't updated since march but here you go <3
"Come on Wilbur, make a wish! I promise to grant it for you." Tommy exclaimed trying to make light of the situation, tucking his head underneath Wilbur's chin. Leeching the warmth from the newly revived Wilbur.
Wilbur's face looked heart-broken as he carefully raked his fingers through Tommy's curls trying his damnest to find yellow petals. Void, any petal would do. Anything but this persistent white fuzz. "This wasn't supposed to happen. You were meant to be safe."
"It wasn't your fault I died." Tommy mumbled into Wilbur's neck, "My petals will grow back."
"They better," Wilbur hissed out, "Or else, I'll sic Techno on him."
"Techno doesn't like you. He still thinks you used him after Pogtopia." Tommy very helpfully pointed out, "He doesn't like me much either."
Wilbur scowled before brightening up as a new thought occurred to him, "Phil still feels guilty over killing me, as he should, we ask him to tell Techno to kill Dream for us. All our problems are solved!"
Tommy let out a small laugh. Giving him a small placating pat on the back, "Sure Wilbur, we'll go with that."
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ell-arts · 10 months
How do you write your fanfics, whether one-shots or works with multiple parts, so well? The dialogue and narration seem to flow so freely with eachother without much strain to them.
What gives you that motivation to keep going with what you write?
Aw shucks, it's an honour to hear that you think my writing is fluid and believable 🥹 It's what I strive for with every piece I write!
There are a couple of things that help me with my writing, though I guess what it mostly boils down to is this; if there's a certain writing style that you like, then read more stories that use that writing style. So read lots of books! :D
I get inspiration from my favourite books on how to have dialogue and narration flow naturally with each other. Sometimes I'll also imagine the scene as though it was in a movie and try to write it as true to what I imagine in my mind as possible. It helps when you've got a good range of descriptive words in your vocabulary, that way you can mix and match synonyms, adjectives, and verbs in such a way that you won't overuse certain words too much into redundancy ("said" and "then" are culprits of this lol). Sometimes I also like to add a bit of lyrical/poetic flair to my writing, in which gathering inspiration from music really helps. Other than that, the internet has a good range of writing tips, too.
As for motivation, what's helped me is to keep daydreaming about the story I want to tell; ruminate over future scenes, imagine the characters in different scenarios, and most importantly: write every single idea down, no matter how small or silly it may be.
For both The Veil and Call Me Cyli, I have a gigantic Word file where I store all of my ideas and plot into. You could think of it as a Story Manual for the fic.
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Additionally, I've grown to be a bit stubborn...if I start a thing and I'm truly invested in it, then I'm going to try my damnest to stick with it and take it to its finished state, especially if I've already gone knee-deep into it. In the past, I've often abandoned a fic when inspiration and motivation ran out before reaching the 3rd chapter. For both The Veil and Call Me Cyli, it's the first time that I've ever surpassed the 3rd chapter mark, and inspiration is still going. I've spent a lot of time adding ideas to their Plot Manuals, and I've managed to get both fics to a point of having a good foundation, so that motivates me to keep going. And it won't end at these two; there are plenty more stories that I wanna write for PMATGA, but I'm pacing myself to finish what I have currently. That way there's not too much pressure to sustain my motivation.
Of course, I cannot end this without mentioning the important role that you, the fans, play in these fics getting made. Every comment and support I get for these stories adds a massive boost to my motivation to continue them. For that, I cannot thank you all enough 💙
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opie-nixx · 1 year
Guilt (CHAP. 20)
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Clearing the lawmen that tried to take Charles, Lenny and I down was easy. Sort of. My waist burned in agony as I tried my damnest to clench my thighs and core around my horse in order to ride. I honestly wanted to cry from the pain. I think a few tears slipped from the thought of how I acquired said wound. I'm just glad at the fact how hard it was raining and the sound of gunshots once in a while blending in with the thunder. Apart of me shed some tears over the fact of knowing what was going to happen to Arthur. At what they were going to be getting into, but I know that they will be fine. Just that they wont get a chance to mourn Hosea. 
'Hosea. I wish I could've done more to save him, but at the same time it is what he wanted. To see Bessie.'
Karen: "Who's there?!"  She shouts against the rain as she points a pistol and holds a lantern in our direction. I hunched over my horse's mane, 1 of my hands clenched over my wound, the blood pulsing through the torn shirt, my other loosely holding the reins. 
Lenny: "It's us! Y/n needs help!" I hear the door slam open, and voices shout out. 
Sadie: "Where are the rest of you!?" I notice Charles and Lenny begin to dismount, Charles heavy footsteps slugging his way in the mud towards me. 
Charles: "You need a doctor." He says as he gently tries to help me down the horse. I can feel my skin slowly begin to risen in temperature. 
Y/n: "We really can't afford to be that stupid." I mutter, the rainstorm not letting up, Charles wraps 1 of my arms around his neck keeping a firm grip on my arm and his other on my hip as he walks as gently but quickly as he can to place me inside Shady Belle. I take a few glances up and see everyone rushing to load there things up to leave. 
Y/n: "Charles..." 
Charles: "What's wrong?" 
Y/n: "We have nowhere to go." 
Charles: "I'll worry about that, you just relax and worry about healing." He sets me on a crate against the side of the stairs and calls for Swanson and Abigail. 
Charles: "Please, she needs her wound looked at and I need to clear somewhere out for us to move." 
Swanson: "She will be well looked after and healed if the Lord wills it." Charles pats his shoulder and walks off calling for Sadie and Sean. I try my best to sit up only to gently be pushed back by Abigail. 
Abigail: "Let us help you this time..Please?" She places her hand on my cheek wiping away some sweat. I feel my eyes get heavier as I relax under her touch. I feel myself come in and out of consciousness. I see Swanson leave and come back with his own poison and Abigail unwrap the cloth that was holding most of my blood inside, but failed immensely. Swanson takes my arm and wraps a tourniquet around my upper arm so he can find me vein. Giving my arm a few sharp slaps, it makes me chuckle. 
Abigail: "What's so funny?"  She smirks looking at me, her hands working magic as she wipes my wound clean. 
Y/n: "Swanson bein a good man. Not shittin himself but using his miracle drug to give me a painless recovery. Just a sight to see." I smile weakly as I feel a sharp prick enter my arm. I look over to Swanson, who seemed to have a bit of joy being behind the needle. 
Swanson: "I have found God again, and I'm gonna continue to get better." 
Y/n: "If religion is your reason, that's fine. Just good to see you be functional." I soon find myself with my eyes refusing to open and my consciousness be taken from me. 
My sweat beading along my forehead as I try to scrub week old blood off of Javier's shirt. My frustration from him waiting so long to give it to me building up as I try to scrub it out. Karen swiggin a bottle as she sits on a stump talking about how dumb Sean is and chuckling from time to time at my 'futile efforts' to get this shirt clean. 
Y/n: "Who goes killin in a white shirt? Like seriously what the fuck!"  
Karen: "Seems like you bein in a tissy, certainly grabs a set of eyes." She nods to the side of us, I throw the shirt in the wash bucket and give up before snapping my head towards who she was talking about. 
Y/n: "I know. I just feel bad." 
Karen: "Why's that?" Our heads perk up the the sound of a horses steps entering camp. To see Arthur lulling his head back and forth. 
Y/n: "For fucks sake he's drunk." I scoff as we watch him sluggishly dismount off his horse. I roll my eyes and Karen turns back to me. 
Y/n: "I don't exactly feel the same way about him." 
Karen: "Ahh, you have your heart set on a different mountain man." She begins to hiccup and my face begins to warm up. Not even paying attention to Arthur making his way over to us. 
Y/n: "Possibly. I just don't know how to tell him that without ruining our relationship. I like where we are and I don't want it to be awkward? Ya know?" I say as I unbutton a few buttons down my shirt and plop beside her. 
Arthur: "You don't want what to be awkward?" Arthur presents himself with a whiskey bottle in hand, slurred speech, eyes a bit red and a drunk stance. We both turn our heads to him in surprise. 
Y/n: "My love, you're drunk. Why don't I take you to your tent and we can lay down?" I offer standing up. 
Arthur looks at me almost threateningly. 
Arthur: "No, I want you to tell me what you meant." I try and snatch the bottle from his hand but he only holds it above him. 
Y/n: "Come on, Arthur. Don't be like this." I try to reason as I jump around trying to snatch the bottle. 
Arthur: "Some lady you are." He mutters only enough for us to hear. I stop going for the bottle and look at him with an annoyed look.
Y/n: "What are you on about?" I say putting my hands on my hips. 
Arthur: "You flaunt yourself for everyone in camp, and expect me to believe you actually like me?" My heart drops. 
Y/n: "Arthur, you are very drunk and confus-" 
Arthur: "I know what I heard and I know your type. I'm only good for your disposal." My eyes widen in disbelief as he chugs the rest of the bottle and throws it on the ground shattering it at out feet. Karen takes a swig of her own bottle and tip toes out of our scene. I sigh looking down before raising my hand to strike him, only to be met with his own grip on my wrist. He smirks before trying to tower over me. 
I smirk to him myself before throwing my whole forehead into his own. He releases his grip and brings his own hand to his head. 
Y/n: "Why do you feel the need to air out our personal affairs out here. You drunk bastard!" Arthur groans a bit before he stumbles a bit backwards. I walk towards him and grip his arm and begin to guide him to his tent. Earning a few chuckles and eyes from camp, I try to breeze by as quickly as possible. 
Abigail: "I need to take some lessons from her." I hear her say leaning over to Tilly, who grumbles in agreeance. 
I sit Arthur down on his cot and shut the tent flap. I see a pail of water I brought in earlier in the day to wash my face and pick it up. 
Arthur: "You head butted me woman!" I throw the pail of water at him before kicking the pail behind me. He gives a small scream from the shock. 
Y/n: "If you're gonna eavesdrop on a conversation, at least have the decency to get all of the information." Arthur wipes the water from his face and sits up to face me. 
Arthur: "What?" 
Y/n: "We were talking about Charles." I whisper taking a seat next to him.
Y/n: "He's very sweet, and I could see the possible attraction but I have my eyes on you." I say bumping his shoulder. Arthur sighs. 
Y/n: "Why are you so grumpy? They don't deserve to have your anger and frustration taken out on them." I say looking at him.
Arthur: "I...I just feel so much pressure and I worry if I'm doin the right thing." He confides. 
Y/n: "You're an outlaw. The world may have dealt you a bad hand but maybe there's something lookin out for your well-being." 
Arthur: "It sure don't feel like it." 
Y/n: "That's the harsh reality of the world." I chuckle. 
Y/n: "I understand it can be stressful, especially with the law on our ass but still needing to make money so everyone can eat, but that doesn't mean they aren't trying. You will get your happy ending at some point. Just try and take it easy with everyone else, because your not helping with this act and harassing everyone." 
Arthur: "Yeah. I see what you're saying." He nods his head before hanging it low. I scoot off the bed and kneel in front of him, gently placing my hand underneath his chin I raise it level to mine. 
Y/n: "You're a good man, Arthur. I know right now it might not seem like it but I see the things you do for us. I appreciate you." I smile before bringing my lips to meet his. His beard scratching my face. He pulls me into his lap, deepening the kiss as his tongue enter's mine. 
I think this was 1 of our more intimate moments and not intimate sex wise but just heart to heart.
Y/n: "Arthur?" I moan out and groggily open my eyes. I can feel the suns heat beam down on me. I notice my head on something squishy, I open my eyes cautiously and notice long brown hair. I reach up to touch it. 
Y/n: "Charles?" 
Charles: "Y/n. How are you feeling?" 
Y/n: "Loopy and still tired." He tilts his head and begging to rub my head, as the wagon wobbles from side to side from the bumpy road.
Y/n: "How long have I been out?" 
Charles: "Just a few hours." 
Y/n: "Where are we going?" I try and sit up only to be laid back down into Charles' lap. 
Charles: "A new camp." I nod as I stop fighting and just relax. 
Charles: "You were talking about Arthur a lot." 
Y/n: "I had a dream about him..Kinda. Just an old memory I suppose." I turn my head to the horse riding behind us. 
Y/n: "How ya doin, Lenny?" I ask trying to sound chipper. He looked frightened more so than usual. 
Lenny: "I-I'm fine." He says glancing at me and then back to his horse. 
Y/n: "why do you avoid my gaze?" 
Lenny: "I don't know." 
Y/n: "What's wrong?" 
Lenny: "Hosea's dead, you almost died because of me. And now we don't know if the rest of them will ever make it back. If only I would've listened and paid attention you wouldn't be hurt." He vents. 
Y/n: "You feel guilty?" I ask. 
Y/n: "Let it go, I gladly would've taken a bullet for any 1 of you if it meant you could live longer. They will make it back to us, they always do. Hosea...He's in a better place...With Bessie. I just know he's calling us all idiots from above."
Y/n: "We will recover." I sternly look at him. He swallows thickly and wiped the few tears he shed before tightening his grip on the reins. 
Lenny: "Thank you, Y/n." 
'I'm more thankful to see you alive.' 
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moe-broey · 8 months
i wanna say, you've made me enjoy the heroes ocs WAY MORE with your stuff!!! triandra and alfonse in particular r reaching blorbo tier for me... what made you like them? did you like the story out of the gate, or was there a specific moment that made it snap into place?
for me, i was rather neutral on it until book 3 hit all the tropes i like (big news: grima fan also likes lif, how suprising), but after that i needed to simmer on a lot of it to see its depth.
also your art is super cute.
I AM. SO DEEPLY HONORED TO HEAR THIS LMFAOOOO that's so fucking funny and cool 😭🥺 (also THANK YOU!!!!! 😊)
I've def been ruminating on this one! Triandra is a lot easier to place an exact timeline on her.
I have extreme Alfonse autism, he IS my primary fixation I think LMFAO 😅 And I think what happened was like. Alfonse autism spreads like mold to characters that are connected to/significant to him -- so, I ended up having (intense!) Sharena autism as well, and THAT spread to Peony of course (less intense, but her connection to Sharena is Huge and can't be overlooked), which spreads to Triandra. Triandra was also significant in the back of my mind, since she would be in the exact same situation as Alfonse when it comes to their sisters potentially being swapped, just on the other side of it. Which I think is SUCH an intriguing premise that hasn't been explored in canon at all.
I think I doubled down on it more when I decided to impulse summon for her bunny alt for Sharena autism reasons and got her -- at this point, I didn't have Triandra's base form (just the Peony duo!). Having her as a stand-alone unit helped me flesh out her vibe/character way more! WHICH ALSO was important cause like. I did completely forget her backstory. I blocked out most of Book 4 actually LMFAOO IT WAS SO UPSETTING FOR ME 😭 And the fairy who left the deepest impression on me was Plumeria, actually.
So! My deep-dive exploration of the fairies has been way more recent! All that, combined with one Book 4 revisit and the dream realm centric TT event that excluded Sharena kind of just. Fueled my spite LMFAOO like okay FINE. I'll reconcile all of this myself if I have to 😤
As for Alfonse... man.
It's hard to say which came first, my affinity for Alfonse or the intrigue of Lif. I almost want to say they happened side by side, parallel to each other. I got into FEH a couple years after it launched, so I was able to go through Books 1, 2, and most of 3 at my own pace. I think my affection for Alfonse WAS solidified in Book 3 though, not even because of Lif.
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THIS IS. THE VERY FIRST PHOTO IN MY DEDICATED ALFONSE ALBUM ON MY PHONE LMFAOOOOOOO IT'S NOT EVEN OF ALFONSE........ IT'S HIS BITCH ASS DAD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I thought this moment was SO insanely funny though like MAN. Real "Sometimes I can still hear his voice...." "Stop telling everyone that I'm dead" moment 😰
Though Gustav does NOT get credit for anything.
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This dialogue especially in response to Gustav really did touch me. Like for him to go from trying his damnest to remain detached to standing up to his dad (scary) for someone he only recently met. To believe in the strength of that connection ESPECIALLY in the face of conflict (his own fears, and his bitchass dad) (and also the death curse.) To be THAT important, to have that much faith in me. Damn I guess I have to trust you and let you into my heart. 🧍
And prior to that moment, like... I absolutely had a slow burn with him.
Idk how personal I want to get about it esp cause I've rambled SO much already lmfao... but for me, Alfonse is very much like looking into a distorted mirror. Some things are extremely similar, other things are direct opposites but in a way that reflects the other. He's very much like me. He's something I'm not, and something I can never be. Sometimes that's good. Sometimes he has something I wish I could grasp for myself. There's feelings of affection, recognition, admiration, hostility, envy, desire.
Maybe one thing I'm comfortable sharing is that I have a lot of trouble letting people in. I kind of go about it in the complete opposite way. Everything I know about connecting with others, I've had to go out of my way to learn. None of it came naturally to me. I am very intentional, almost meticulous, in what I do and say. To be likable, to be the best person I can be. I've had to work really hard, and I still have to work hard to not push people away or isolate myself completely.
In short PVP was activated when I got a sense for his character LMFAOO LIKE COME ON MAN. I've done XYZ and A THOUSAND OTHER THINGS. I may not show it but AAAUAGJGHGHGH EVERYTHING IS SO HARD ALL THE TIME BUT I AM FACING MY FEARS EVERY DAY. To be A CHILL and FUN super laid back guy who also helps the best he can whenever he can however he can. And you???? What about you?????? What are YOU doing?!???!?? I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU
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ultrainfinitepit · 6 months
do you have an idea yet on how much the pride angel request tier would cost? :0c or is it one of those things that are still in the thinking phase? (im very excited for both the upcoming campaigns, btw!! thylacines are one of my favorite animals so im gonna try my damnest to snag one :3)
I'm thinking $80 right now. Admittedly that might be expensive for some. I'll share my thoughts on it. It's not a commission, only a request, so other than the flag and optionally a theme the backer would not give any further input. But, as part of the request I would make stickers of the design available. So most of the pledge cost is to pay for stickers. And then a little bit to pay for the time to draw it. If that seems prohibitively expensive I might lower the cost a little. I am still thinking about it.
Only seven design request slots would be available, so I would have fifty Pride Angels designs total. But the guest artists will be contributing designs on top of that too.
I'm glad you like my recent designs!
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bunnions · 2 months
im invested bunny! i haaaave to know how cowboy! bakugou takes you out for his first date with you (*/ω\)
my hands are shaking suowjfojfwSFJ
for such a big buy he looks like he wants to shrink into his bandana, stiff shoulders and sweaty palms, picking me up and whisking me up in his beat up pickup. he tries his damnest not to let his hands tremble as he softly takes my hand to help guide me up into the seat. just giggling thinking about it 🥺
he'll take me to the all-night diner across town. it's dimly lit and cozy and they make the best cakes he notes, gripping the steering wheel with tight knuckles and glimmering eyes glancing back and forth from the road to me to try and catch my expression. he visibly relaxes when my eyes light up.
dinner's quiet and intimate and katsuki feels like he's going to die when i laugh from across the booth, soft lighting drawing katsuki in to lean closer over the table. wrangling bulls is leagues easier than taking a pretty girl on a date.
the best worst part is when dessert is served. a single slice of strawberry shortcake to share. i'll take a bite, dance a little in my seat, it's not too sweet! and lean in across the table to offer a bite to the red-faced cowboy. katsuki can't help the thought that quickly flits into and exits his brain, an indirect kiss, before he takes a bite eyes never leaving my pretty lips as i casually lick my lip free of whipped cream.
katsuki feels the flush seep down his torso as he notices the mirth in my expression. doing this on purpose, brat...♡
omg don't look at me
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readcritically · 1 month
One thing I really love right now is how my cat seems to worry about me like a dotting mother.
I'm up late working on a final in the living room while my partner's in bed and she knows *something* is up because we always go to bed at the same time, together. So she's brought me some of her favorite things. A mouse toy, her crinkley raman toy, two hair ties tied together. I think she's trying to fix whatever is *wrong*. I just got up to grab some water and she walked in circles around me as I filled my cup, when I sat back down, she carefully rearranged her toys for me.
Like, she doesn't understand that I'm up working on something and she doesn't understand that I'll be to bed as soon as I can, she just understands that things are *different* and she's doing her damnest to make sure it's all okay.
I don't think we deserve these little guys as our friends.
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