#“she was also really happy about dating my super handsome friend”
m-for-now · 1 month
Friendly reminder that in the Demigod Diaries (which is canon I believe not that it matters at this point), Leo Valdez genuinely refers to Jason Grace as "surfer-dude handsome"
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anadiasmount · 6 months
jude and you being childhood bestfriends but your parents are also super close. Your parents always suspecting yous both like each other and constantly teasing yous about it. But you’ve both been dating for a like a year in secret cos yous both don’t know how to tell your parents and one day they just find out cuz they come home u expectedly when you and Jude are cuddling and everyone’s just all so happy for yous 💗
- your writing is amazing btw x
thank you lovely, means so much! 😣🤍
“we should tell them soon… my mom has become very suspicious of me lately. she followed me to the grocery store! the grocery store jude!” you laughed, feeling as he chuckled on top of you. “do you think we did wrong in not telling them? well besides jobe because he got us here in the first place…” you wandered off asking, jude’s head coming up to stare at you.
“i personally don’t think so baby. look at us, a year strong, and so many memories spent together. i wouldn’t change it for the world, because it means i have you all to myself,” jude says softly, while your finger fixes his brow that had been messed up. “they would understand. both of our families. they know how stressful and hard our jobs are, so who can blame us?”
“exactly my love. how did you want to tell them?” jude asked, snuggling closer to you and placing kisses all over your chest. you laughed and tried to sway away but with his bigger frame he pinned you down. “i was thinking of just telling them today, maybe at dinner or when we play games?”
“whatever you decide i’m right there,” jude replied, falling asleep in less then 10 minutes.
while you hated being separated from jude, he unfortunately had to go back to his house to get ready. you slipped into a dark red dress and left down, your hair parted to your preference, making sure to apply a red lip and gold jewelry. the heels made you look taller which is what you wanted.
after grabbing the cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries, you and your family were headed out to his house were you’d host christmas. you greeted everyone, asking how they were a wishing them a merry christmas eve.
jude almost choked on his drink as he saw you walk in. he was in a trance, his eyes roaming up and down your body, his lips and throat becoming dry at your figure. for a second he got slightly jealous as he observed you talk to one of his moms friend son, which clearly he took a liking.
he scrunched his brows and cleared throat, his mom coming next to him, “you okay jude? y/n looks so pretty doesn’t she,” his mom taunted his head more to which jude snickered. “she always looks beautiful mom,” he did his attempted wink, and walked over to the living room leaving her with a brow raised.
a warm and larger palm touched your shoulder, making you jump, and look down shyly as you stood next to jude. “hi max, you good?” jude pursed, clearly bothered by the interaction which left you confused.
before max respond could respond, jude cut him off “thats good, gonna borrow this one really quick,” he pulled you aside to the kitchen where it was alone. your heels clicked on the grown still holding the cupcakes. “jude slow down,” you warned him.
as you set the tray down, jude double checked the doorway, and strides to where you were. you giggled at his pout and frown. “it was driving me insane. you talking to him? while you look so sexy in this dress? jesus it’s gonna drive me crazy all night. you look beautiful darling,” jude rambled, his hands roaming your sides and placed firmly on your ass.
“thank you baby, you look handsome yourself,” although you were still wearing heels, you had to lean up, and jude lean down to catch your lips in a quick kiss, that then turned into three pecks, “i left lipstick all over your lips jude,” you tried to wipe it away but two gasps had you standing still.
“WE KNEW IT! OH MY GOSH! ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!” said your mom, her hands covering her mouth as she smiled huge. jude’s mom just smirked and walked over to the two of you, “care to explain jude?”
jude still had lipstick on his lips, which made you laugh as your wrapped your hand on his right bicep and muscles. his cheeks slightly went red, embarrassed at being caught, “well we’ve been dating for a year… and she’s the woman i’m gonna marry,” he said confidently.
“A YEAR? YOUVE BEEN DATING FOR A YEAR? john grab my glass this is worth to celebrate,” your mom fanned her face dramatically before joining jude’s mom next to her. they have the two of you warm and tight hugs, scolding you for keeping it hidden for so long.
“we’re so happy for the two of you, i’m glad the two of you found each other and are able to start a relationship! we love you guys,” his mom said. after a quick conversation, jude pulled you into the bathroom, he took a quick selfie of his marked red lips and posted it onto his story, captioning it with “merry christmas to all 🤍🎄”
you cleaned his lips and tried to remove every red mark. walking back out to being faced with everyone looking at you, the two of you chuckled nervously, jude’s hand finding home with yours as everyone continued to stare.
“congratulations on finally making it officially,” jobe teased everyone cheering, which made you hide your face onto his chest.
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biasbuck · 29 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy WTF Friday everyone?! YIKES ON BIKES. That sure was an episode.
Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here. As previously I'm here for henren and all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations...and apparently this week, all of heroic_pants' Buck and/or Eddie with Josh fic?!
Bring on the drama. *eyes next week's potential list like...welp*
10 May 2024
a mouth full of teeth and nothing to sing by @cal-daisies-and-briars A HEN CENTRIC FIC!!!!! I'm living. Post 07x03, Hen struggles to process the cruise ship rescue and drunk driver call in the midst of ongoing tension with her friends. In which Hen gets the apologies she deserves and gets to vent her frustrations, whilst also self examining her own actions. Fantastic crunchy characterisation.
time will tell by @bekkachaos '5 times Hen and Karen suspect Buck might not be one hundred percent straight, and 1 time they realise they were so damn right. aka., Henren knows and they occasionally speculate about Buck, and Eddie, and now, Tommy.' For everyone absolutely thriving over that reaction in 7x06.
Better Late Than Never by @pop-me soft semi-somnophilic sapphic henren married vibes which I ADORED. Pillow princess Karen, as she deserves. A gorgeous little slice of life domestic scene that was truly so loving and sexy, loved it.
and my heart and my hat by Anonymous (who are you mysterious author, I love your Tommy voice SO MUCH!) This was such a great Tommy POV from 7x03-7x04, charting his feelings from the moment Chim calls him to ask for his help with the cruise ship search, through to the kiss. I really enjoyed the whole ensemble camaraderie of this fic, Tommy's perspective on Hen, as well as the lovely moments where we see all the ways Buck just being Buck is charming to Tommy. So enjoyable.
raspberry. by @buckttommy good lord...hot!!!!! Buck, Tommy, a gay club, a handsome stranger, exhibitionism and some exploratory D/S vibes. This was just *fans self* super sensuous and unabashedly queer, I loved it.
And if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew by @pantsaretherealheroes In which 'Eddie wakes up the morning after Maddie and Chimney’s wedding with a hangover, and unexpected bed-mate, has a panic attack and a hell of a realisation. Josh makes coffee. They talk.' This is ultimately a buddie fic, but with some glorious supportive Josh along the way, with just the right amount of cattiness too. I just really loved this dynamic and odd couple vibe.
are we still friends? can we be friends? by @pantsaretherealheroes ok how about that, but instead Buck and Josh genuinely have a casual dating set up and all sorts of fun together, mutually agreeing to keep each other in the loop if it stops being what they want. Meanwhile Eddie is PINING, and Maddie is feeling some kind of way about it all. I just really enjoyed the maturity of the dating within these parameters, and the complicated feelings along the way.
treat your mouth as if it's heaven's gate by @bucktheally this is the fourth part in an bucktommy alternative meeting bright as the morning, soft as the rain series in which Tommy was never part of the 118, but can also be read standalone. Look this instalment of the fic got me totally enchanted the moment that Buck set himself up with his laptop 'intent on Wikipedia’ing himself into the queer community in-between naps.' Perfect characterisation. No notes. The fic is sexy, sweet, and I love the development of their relationship set up from this initial premise. Buck just loves to learn!
Won't Be Long Before I Belong by @justaswampdemon a post madney wedding coda fic in which Buck accidentally comes out via soot and Tommy meets everyone. Sweet, tender, gentle and caring.
PS - once again sending out the signal to ask if you have any henren authors/fic recs I should check out PLEASE let me know! I love them!
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for the Hot Writer Summer Challenge, run by @mermaidxatxheart​! Thanks again for hosting the challenge, this was super fun!
Fandom: Top Gun
Prompt/Trope: Locked in a Room
Summary: Y/N tutors Amelia Benjamin, the daughter of none other than Penny Benjamin. When Penny and Mav are away on their honeymoon, however, Y/N finally gets to meet the fourth member of their little family, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. And when he makes the mistake of calling Amelia a twelve-year-old, she takes matters into her own hands to get him back for it while ALSO getting two of her favorite people to admit their feelings for each other.
Word Count: 2,335
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Alright, you said your brother was coming to pick you up?" I asked, helping Amelia gather her things before swinging her backpack onto her shoulder.
"Sort of. He's not really my brother, but he acts like one," she said.
"Hm. Alright..."
I didn't push for more details as we headed out of the library together. I'd been tutoring Amelia for a few months now, and we'd quickly become good friends even though I was a lot older than her. She was my favorite student I'd had to date, and I had to admit, I was a little jealous that someone else who wasn't related to her had grabbed the honorary sibling title before me.
Still, I was happy she was so happy. Her mom usually picked her up, and when her mom wasn't free her now-stepdad rolled up on his motorcycle, much to Amelia's excitement. Her mom and now-official step-dad had recently gotten married, and were currently on their honeymoon. Which left the sort-of brother to pick her up.
"You know, it's not gonna be much longer before you get your license," I mused, giving Amelia an exaggerated grin. "Pretty soon you're going to be driving yourself to and from school and tutoring and whatever else."
"Yeah, and I'm gonna steal Mav's motorcycle to do it."
"Atta girl!"
We laughed and shared a high five as we walked down the library steps. A tall, handsome man with aviators and a mustache waited, his arms crossed as he leaned against a car I recognized as Penny's Porsche.
"Hey! What are you doing with my mom's car?" Amelia called as we approached him. Apparently, this was the sort-of older brother.
"It's my payment for babysitting you while Mav and your mom are gone," he called back. "I get to drive the Porsche and the bike."
"Well that's dumb. You could've gotten cash. Put it towards buying your own bike."
He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, then looked to me as Amelia and I came to a stop in front of him. He gave me a charming smile and offered his hand for a shake.
"Rooster," he said as I took his hand.
"Y/N," I replied. "It's nice to meet you."
"You too. All this kid does is talk you up. Honestly, I've been getting a little jealous."
I smiled. "Well, don't worry, because she's been saying nothing but good things about you, too. I was actually feeling a little jealous myself."
"Well, cheers to that," he said with another gorgeous smile and a wink. We held each others' stares for a few beats, and I could feel my face heating up. We both snapped out of it when Amelia loudly cleared her throat.
"Let's go, Rooster. I'm hungry and I have stuff to do."
"Alright, alright, relax. We're going." He looked back at me again. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N."
"You too, Rooster. Maybe I'll see you around."
"Maybe you will."
He shot me one last grin as he walked around to the driver's side of the car, Amelia climbing into the passenger's side. She waved at me out the window as the pair pulled away, and I watched them disappear down the road.
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then forced myself to put Rooster out of my mind. I had other things to do today besides be distracted by Amelia's handsome sort-of older brother.
Amelia's POV
"You think she's cute, don't you?" I asked, poking Rooster in the side as he pulled away from the library where we'd left Y/N.
"What? Amelia, come on."
I snorted. "If that's the best response you've got then you must really have a thing for her."
"I do not have a thing for her. What do you know, anyway? Aren't you like twelve?"
"I'm fifteen!"
"Same difference."
I scowled at him, but he just grinned. I huffed and crossed my arms, staring out the window instead of at Rooster. If he was going to be an idiot about it, then I was going to take matters into my own hands.
Maybe I even would've tried to loop him in if he hadn't called me twelve.
I wandered into the bar owned by Amelia's mom a few weeks later, tentatively putting my head through the door first before stepping all the way inside. Amelia had asked me to do our tutoring session here today, before the bar opened, since she was apparently going sailing with her mom right after our lesson.
"Y/N!" Amelia called happily, waving me over from the far side of the bar. I smiled and walked to meet her, much more confident now that I knew I hadn't accidentally wandered in somewhere I wasn't supposed to go.
"Hey, Amelia. How's it going? This place looks great."
"Thanks," she said. "I'll tell my mom you said so."
"Where is she, by the way?"
"She's working on the boat with Mav. We're all going to sail it over to the shop later, since it needs some repairs and Maverick doesn't know how to fix boats."
"Isn't he in the navy?"
"That's what my mom always says."
We shared a laugh as I sat down next to Amelia. I unloaded all the books from my bag, setting them out in front of us, then opened the first one.
"Alright, let's get started..."
We worked for our usual hour, with Maverick and Penny breezing through a few times to say hi. I couldn't stop myself from hoping Rooster might make an appearance, but he didn't. I tried to keep myself from feeling too disappointed.
We'd seen each other a few times now, since that first meeting. Usually in the context of him picking up Amelia. Every time I saw him, my heart beat a little faster, and although we didn't really have long conversations, they were good ones. I found myself thinking about him a lot more often than I wanted to admit.
Finally, at the end of the hour, I wrapped up the lesson and Amelia and I put away all the notes and notebooks. Penny and Maverick wandered back in, both of them ready to get on the boat with Amelia now that she was free.
"I'll be right down," Amelia told her parents. "Just need to put my books away."
"Alright. We'll see you down there," said Maverick, giving me a wave as he went. Penny smiled and kissed Amelia on the head, ruffling her hair as she pulled away.
"Thanks for coming here today, Y/N," she said. "It's always a pleasure to have you around."
"It's a pleasure to be around," I replied with a smile. "I'm sure it's no secret, but I absolutely adore Amelia. She's one heck of a good kid."
"She sure is." Penny smiled fondly at her daughter, then took a few backwards steps to follow Maverick down to the boat. "We'll see you soon I'm sure, Y/N."
I smiled and waved as she went, and Amelia struggled to shove the rest of her books into her bag.
"Do you want help with that?" I asked. She huffed, tried for another minute, then shoved it towards me.
"Yes please."
I smiled and started working on the bag. Amelia shifted anxiously from foot to foot while she waited, and I could tell she was itching to get out of here and join her parents on the boat.
"You want me to put these away for you somewhere?" I asked. "If it's close, I can wrap this up and you can go help your parents."
"Yes please! Thank you so much! They go in the back closet, on the top shelf. I'll take them home later tonight, when we all get back."
"Sounds good. Have a fun trip over, and try to teach Mr. Navy something about boats while you're out there, alright?"
"Oh please," said Amelia. "He's hopeless."
I chuckled as she marched out of the room in a whirlwind. Finally, I managed to get the last of the books into the bag. I headed for the closet Amelia had pointed towards, carefully maneuvering around the crates and boxes towards the shelving in the back. I'd just reached up to put the bag on the top shelf when I heard a commotion behind me.
"Come on, Rooster, it'll just take a second!"
"Amelia, what the hell are you- Hey!"
I whirled around to find Rooster stumbling through the closet door. A look at the doorway showed Amelia standing there, apparently after shoving him, a massive grin on her face.
"Don't waste this opportunity by being stupid," she cheerfully instructed him. I started to ask what the hell she was doing, but before I could, she slammed the closet door on us. I heard the click of a lock.
A second later, Rooster was at the door, hammering at it with one fist while he tried the doorknob with the other. No luck.
"Amelia! Amelia, you get back here and open this door right now!" he yelled. As expected, he got no response.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked, walking over to Rooster. He grimaced, looked at me, then turned back to the door.
"I don't know," he muttered. "Some kind of dumb prank, probably."
I put a hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow.
"Since when does Amelia pull dumb pranks?"
Rooster sighed and lowered his head before finally taking a step away from the door and looking at me. To my surprise, he had a faint blush on his neck.
"She's trying to mess with me," he finally said, running a hand through his hair. "She keeps insisting that I have a thing for you, and I called her a twelve-year-old, so... I guess this is her payback."
We stood there for a few beats, avoiding looking at each other, and then I took a deep breath.
"Was she right? Do you have a thing for me?" I physically cringed at the awkwardness of the question, but I had to know. Rooster's blush deepend.
"I mean, I..." he cleared his throat and fidgeted. "I definitely think you're... cute."
He immediately scrunched up his face like he was kicking himself for the words that had just come out of his mouth. I could relate.
"Well..." I managed. "I, uh... I think you're cute, too."
His head snapped up to look at me, disbelief and hope written all over his face. I gave him a tentative smile.
"You do?" I nodded. He laughed and smiled, the tension easing out of his body. I felt the tension washing out of the room. "God, look at us. We're fully grown adults stumbling over admitting a crush for each other in a closet like it's middle school. Now who's twelve?"
"I feel like Amelia was hoping we'd be at exactly this point when she shoved you in here," I agreed. He nodded, then took a deep breath.
"So... as much as I hated being called out for it, I actually have had a thing for you since that first day we met. You're smart, you're funny, you're frankly gorgeous... what more could a guy ask for?"
I smiled at the floor, trying not to combust on the spot from the compliments.
"I feel the same way," I said. After a beat, I brought myself to meet Rooster's eyes again. "You're hysterical, and I love watching how you are with Amelia. And I almost tripped down the steps you were so handsome when I first walked out of the library."
He laughed good-naturedly, a smile staying on his face as he took a few steps towards me.
"So does this mean if I ask you on a date, you'll say yes?"
"Mmm, I don't know. Give it a try and let's find out."
He grinned and took a few more steps towards me. He stopped just a few inches from me, then put his arm against the wall next to my head and leaned against it. My heart sped up.
"Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me? Like as soon as we get out of this damn closet?"
"Absolutely," I said, unable to keep a massive smile off my face. He smiled too, then pushed off the wall and headed back to the door.
"Alright, I'm getting us out of here. And then we can go grab a coffee from a nice place I know, if that sounds good?"
"That sounds great."
He shot me another smile, and my heart melted. Then, he turned to the door with determination. I could see he was about to break it down, so I quickly stepped in.
"I think I might have an easier solution," I said. He watched carefully as I took Amelia's backpack off the shelf and dug through it until I found a few spare bobby pins. I bent them into long, straight-ish tools, then moved back to the door.
"Are you about to pick the lock with bobby pins?" asked Rooster. I hummed in confirmation. "That is so badass. And so hot."
I laughed and shot him a smile over my shoulder, then went back to working on the door. I hadn't practiced my lock-picking skills since I'd been obsessed with spy novels in college, so it took me a little longer than I would've liked, but eventually the lock clicked open.
"You. Are. Amazing," said Rooster as I straightened and turned to him with a grin.
"Thank you. I try my best. Now let's go get that coffee, shall we?"
I held out a hand, and Rooster didn't hesitate before taking it. He pulled me closer to him as we stepped out of the closet and headed for the doors of the bar, and I happily leaned into him.
Amelia was never going to let it go that she was right and that she technically deserved the credit for getting us together. I quickly decided I didn't care, though. I had a good feeling that Rooster would be worth it.
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nyashykyunnie · 1 year
Glad that you're backkk, long live Jinwoo stan🫶💚💚💚
Can I request Jinwoo x reader?
They're childhood friend, already love each other but never confess, the reader can being citizen or hunter. Someday, the reader being drunk and Jinwoo get called to pick up her, by their way to back home reader accidentally confess, she said she loves her friend. Jinwoo panic and ask who. She said it's Jinwoo, you should know him, the s-rank hunter.
She said she never confess because she think her feeling just a one sided love, and she think Jinwoo deserve a relationship with someone that more than her, like Cha Hae In. She is strong, beautiful, smart, reader keep talking and fall asleep after said she still love him and hope can let her feeling someday so she can fully happy when Jinwoo with someone else
Sorry this is really long, hope you can understand what I try to tell you because English is not my first language. Love you so much and take your timeee💚🫂✨
a/n: I actually like the plot of this omie asjna aaaa so cuteee<33 ALSO ITS OKKK, YOUR ENGLISH IS FINEE WWW
Sung Jinwoo x Drunk Fem!Reader
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ .
"And who...Exactly is this friend?" Jinwoo's smile twitched stiffly as he helps her up to her feet. Perhaps he felt a little jealous.
Just a little...
"You knoowwwww, that stupidly handsome and strong hunter Sung Jinwoooo"
Gee, thanks for the complement but was the "Stupidly" part necessary?
Okay, kidding.
Jinwoo's face went :0?....
His braincells as the shadow monarch and a player just boiled off the face of the earth.
One part of Jinwoo is trying to process what she just said while the other side of him was gleeful that he wasn't in a one-side relationship.
"But you know..." Her drunk body limps down and Jinwoo gently picked her up off of the ground. "I can never tell him what I feel."
"Why not?" Jinwoo asks, as if he wasn't the topic.
"I don't think he likes me...I think I'm just a second sister to him...And plus..." Her voice fades into a sad tone. "Someone like Miss Cha Hae-in deserves him... She's pretty, she's smart she's super strong...She's everything a woman could ever want to be. Jinwoo... Jinwoo deserves someone like that."
Those feelings of inferiority finally slipped of her lips.
The aching emotions she bottled up inside her.
The thoughts that haunted her every night and in every single second she saw Jinwoo and Hae-in enjoying eachother's company.
It finally slipped out.
"All I can do is support him... I'm not half or even a pinch of what miss Hae-in is...So." She smiles bitterly. "I can only wish on every star they get together. I'll be fine with it...It'll hurt but atleast I can see Jinwoo happy the way I can't make him smile... That's all that matters."
She said as she drifted off to sleep
It'd be a lie if Jinwoo said he isn't hurt from those words.
'How could you say that? You're perfect. All of you and all your little flaws.'
His heart churned, his frown deep and pained.
"You know what I think?" Jinwoo smiles tenderly at the sleeping girl "I think Jinwoo doesn't care about that. In his eyes, you're more than enough. Even if you aren't a hunter, you..."
"Just Being You is Enough."
Oh how she's gonna wake up with the sight of Jinwoo staring at her with such lovestrucken eyes as he handed her some medications to aid her headache from getting drunk last night.
"Say... Now that you're awake" Jinwoo smiles at her. "How about we go out on a date tonight?"
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sleepysnk · 2 years
Holaaa! I hope you're doing well ^.^
I was hoping you could do HC w/ Itachi & Naruto?
Maybe something along the lines of reader telling them they have a toddler (from previous relationship), how would the 2 react/interact w/ readers kid...
a/n: hi! i thought this request was super adorable!! <3! so thank you for sending it in! i hope you enjoy :).
characters: itachi uchiha and naruto uzumaki
warnings: modern au, some brief mentions of pregnancy, break ups, some angst if you squint, fluff, wholesomeness, mentions of previous relationships.
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Itachi Uchiha:
- now when i tell you this man is respectful, HE IS RESPECTFUL. he’s probably the sweetest man on the planet, so i’d expect nothing else but kindness from itachi.
- you first met itachi on a dating app. he was handsome, kind, and overall just a sweetheart. he was everything you ever wanted in a man, and he was a life saver. he wasn’t like the other men you had talked to previously on those apps, so you felt like you had found a serious one.
- while you were happy to have found someone like itachi, there was a small secret you had yet to tell him.
- you and itachi had gone on about three or four dates. he seemed to really like you. he wasn’t into sex that much, and he brought you flowers whenever he took you out. he was such a sweet guy, and you felt so lucky being in his presence. there was nobody else like him.
- the secret you had yet to tell itachi was that you had a child from a previous relationship.
- the man wasn’t much business to anyone else. he was an asshole, and he wasn’t prepared to be a parent so it left you with the responsibility of raising a baby alone. your mother was supportive and helped you the best way possible, but you felt so lonely without a second pair of hands in the picture.
- not only that, but it was kind of difficult for you to find a partner.
- most people weren’t into the idea of you having a child. they didn’t want to deal with that “responsibility,” and most people you spoke to turned you away the second they found out you had a toddler. it made you very upset, and it shattered any ideas of finding love.
- one day, after a lot of encouragement from your friends, you told itachi about your child.
- at first, he had many questions. you couldn’t really read if he was upset or not, but you answered everything truthfully. itachi didn’t seem to have much of a reaction to the sudden news.
- but, to your surprise, he was comfortable with that. he told you he wasn’t upset at all, and he adored children. he also mentioned that he didn’t see you any differently, and he liked you for who you were.
- you almost cried 😭.
- you eventually brought itachi over once your relationship got serious. meeting your child formed this spark in his eyes, and he loved being around her. itachi would almost act as if that was his own child, and he’d help you out whenever you needed it. it was such a sweet gesture, and you felt so relieved to find somebody like him.
- “you know.. your daughter looks a lot like you.”
- he LOVES taking your daughter out to the park or to play outside. itachi is a strong believer that kids should be outdoors, so expect him to take her out a lot. your daughter loves it more than you do, and it also gives you some time by yourself.
- he sometimes buys her gifts <3.
- he carries her on his shoulders whenever the two of you go out. he likes to let her touch the sky, and it’s super adorable.
- itachi doesn’t mind at all, and he thinks your daughter is the sweetest person ever. although she isn’t his, he does his best to be a good man to her. this guy gets serious baby fever whenever he’s around her 🥲, and he’s such a gentleman with you. he feels so blessed to have her in his life with you.
- gonna go cry rn
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Naruto Uzumaki:
- where do i even begin with this man? he is such a sweetheart! i cannot begin to describe how nice and kind his soul is. do not expect any bad/negative things from naruto :(.
- you first met naruto when you were at your local cafe. he was a barista, and, to your surprise, he approached you after he made your drink. he asked for your phone number, and you were completely taken back. however, you gave him your number after talking with him for several minutes. he even offered to make your next drink for free because you were pretty to him <3.
- being excited was an understatement. you hadn’t been approached by someone like that in a long time, but, deep down, a side of you believed it wouldn’t last long due to the secret you had.
- naruto was the sweetest guy you had ever met. he would call you all the time, and he even bought you boba one time because he wanted to see you. not only that, he had a big personality that you adored with everything inside of you.
- while it was beautiful, you had yet to tell naruto that you had a child at home.
- the father to your child wasn’t very involved in your sons life. he would come around and then disappear for a while, and it put a huge strain on you. you had to take care of your toddler all on your own, and it was hard dealing with it all at such a young age. your mom had to often step in sometimes if you were overworking yourself.
- many guys were also turned off by the idea of you having a child. it made you feel so hopeless.
- after talking with naruto for almost a whole month, you finally told him about your son. it was very hard for you to do, but you broke the news once you finished your date with him.
- at first, he was quiet, and it made your stomach drop. you knew he’d probably shun you away and do the same thing every guy had done to you, but, to your surprise, he wasn’t upset at all. he was more giggly and excited. he had so many questions that it left your head spinning.
- “a kid?! no way! that’s so cool! what’s his name? does he like ramen? oh, oh! does he play video games?”
- when the two of you grew more serious, you let naruto meet your son and he was in love. naruto thought he was the cutest little boy he had ever seen. he was very gentle, and he made sure to not mess anything up because he didn’t want you thinking anything bad of him 😭. he knew how important your son was to you.
- now, naruto isn’t the greatest with children. however, he tries his best to make it work.
- naruto often plans little movie days with your son. he usually picks out a cute pixar or disney movie to put on to watch with him. he always makes sure to build a fort or make some popcorn so neither of you guys go hungry while watching the film. he loves planning these kinds of things <3.
- naruto definitely does rub his bad habits onto your kid, but it’s adorable 😭.
- HE LOVES PLAYING WITH HIS STUFFED ANIMALS. idk why, but naruto would be obsessed with playing them with your kid and your son loves those kinds of days. sometimes he asks for naruto when he’s out at work :((.
- naruto likes holding his hand while you guys go out in public. he doesn’t want you to strain your back to carry him, so he likes to hold his hand or carry him himself. it’s so cute.
- whenever naruto spends the night, he makes sure to read your son a bedtime story before the two of you head to bed. his favorite thing to do is to watch him fall asleep at night. it gives him a sense of happiness knowing that he’s at peace and sleeping well because of him. he’d honestly die for that little boy 😭.
- naruto likes playing hide and seek with your kid a lot. he’ll often hide in the oddest places, and he enjoys watching him laugh whenever he’s found naruto hiding. it’s super adorable and it warms your heart whenever you see it 🥲.
- all in all, naruto would be the most kindest boy to your son. he would treat him as if he was his own child, and he doesn’t mind if you need someone to watch him. he will gladly offer any day and he adores your little boy.
- give him some extra sugar <3.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Ron Speirs x British girl headcannons Just had the most overwhelming urge to write some head cannons for this scenario as I knew I’d never finish a full fic, but I’d love to read one 😫
this was heavily inspired by ww2 soldiers reuniting with their loves after the war, some not for decades after- my heart can’t take this. Sorry for the break I’ve been super busy, but hopefully will get back to posting asap!!
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Ok so let’s say this girl lives in Aldbourne, England. Maybe she’s around 18/19/20? Still pretty young and living at home, could be working in a shop or in the laundrette, maybe she’s training to be a nurse?
Ron, with the rest of the men were stationed in England, in the same village, so she’d mingle with all of the soldier pretty much immediately. They’d all find her beautiful, but Ron- the minute he set eyes on her he fell in love.
I feel like they’d catch each others eyes from afar, maybe the girl is shy? She’d give him a small smile and her eyes would follow him around, completely entranced by the handsome man.
he’d be in his uniform, and I feel like it would be a sunny afternoon, maybe fairly warm? She might be with her friends or family, but he doesn’t notice, his jaw tenses and he swears his heart fails when she smiles at him.
Ron knows there’s be competition if he doesn’t approach her fast- so it’s almost immediate that he introduces herself, and this is Ron pre-war so he’s less intimidating?
maybe this girl still finds him scary asf cos he is beauty is intimidating.
he’d probably panic and shake her hand? But unlike a lot of the men he’s respectful, still fairly forwards, but he isn’t oozing desperation.
his eyes are glimmering, you know the church scene? He looks so pretty and smart omg.
as I said pre war Ron, I think would be a lot more chatty? He’d take her on walks and it would end up being her dragging him to places she grew up around.
Both their intentions are very clear, and with the threat of war looming Ron has no time for time wasting. Probably would kiss her pretty quickly, would hold both her cheeks like she’s the most precious thing in the world.
ron blushes whenever she kisses him.
Their love is so pure and so intense, whenever they get a moment together they can’t get enough of one another.
He’s protective, keeps an arm around her waist or her arm wrapped around his. She’s not as aware of the persona he has to upkeep so she does get a little playful, maybe wraps her finger around his belt loop.
ron gets confused by this? Also gets confused by the accents surrounding him- maybe when she introduces him to her family he can’t understand a word anybody is saying ?
oh my god the thought of war looming and them having to leave one another is gut wrenching. It makes Ron want to be sick.
When the date does come Ron has to keep himself together during their goodbye, she on the other hand is sobbing against his uniform, neither one of them can bare the idea.
Like I said, Ron isn’t a time waster so promises marriage to her? Like he has a full ring and everything, promises a proper proposal when he’s home?
probably stole the ring let’s be honest.
Write to one another continuously, she worries horrendously and the only thing Ron finds really getting in the way of his secure mindset is her.
He feels soft thinking about her, sad, distracted. He can’t bare it, he’d definitely pour his heart out in all his letters. Would not let any single man in his or any company see these letters or pictures she’s given him, that side of him is reserved for him only.
whenever they return to England for a little while, Ron would be so so happy to reunite with his girl. He’d hug her so tightly and take her away to somewhere the two of them can be alone.
I don’t think either of them would believe in not having sex before marriage, Ron makes love sooo passionately and she literally can’t get enough of the man.
he becomes a little quieter after each time he returns home, she’s worried he’s lost interest, but really the burden of war is heavy on his mind.
so gut wrenching for them both whenever he has to ship out again, and there’s the realisation that the likelihood of him returning to England won’t happen again. That’s soul destroying omfg.
here’s the heartbreaking part, she wants to stay in England to be with her family, but he desperately wants to return to America. They agree to disagree and the letters slowly burn out and become less frequent as the war ends.
He’d go home feeling so lost and burnt out from the war, he continues working working and working to occupy his mind from the girl he’d fallen so deeply in love with.
Ron is absolutely heartbroken. Nobody comes close to her, and the same goes for her, but this heartbreak mixed with the intense grief after the war is so overwhelming. Again, he just has to get on with it.
for years he’d consider writing her, but he’d be scared of rejection- she could be remarried?! Who knew. I think she’d feel the same? She’s so busy with nursing during and after the war, she thinks Ron has most definitely found another pretty European broad and their chances is long gone.
let’s say 5 years down the line? She makes the big move to America with her family, to start a new life after the war, they go chasing the American dream to rid the sadness of loss and grief the family had.
Ron would be on the forefront of her mind, and you best believe she has a weird inkling that they’d bump into one another out there. (Maybe she doesn’t realise how big America is lmao).
anyway, this definitely and sadly doesn’t happen. But she still has his home address, she’s got his telephone number, everything. So a letter gets sent, two weeks later she’s still not heard anything back. Then three weeks pass, a month, two months.
a letter comes when she’s least expecting it. And it’s from Ron. She’s in total shock, he would be in total shock. Ofc, he’s actually nearby? He’s stationed in New York, and he was now working in the military still, in the Korean War.
You best believe Ron is inviting her around to where he’s living. Before the visit he’s a pacing mess, he’s anxious, nervous, excited?! Hell, he’s even scared. A lot had happened in the 5 years between them knowing each other, what if it was awkward?
some how, it’s not. It’s a little tense, but the excitement and the way they pull each other into their arms is tear jerking.
they’d both kinda stare in shock. Ron would have wide eyes and I think she’d just burst into a mixture of a huge smile followed by an emotional breakdown as they simultaneously collapse into each others arms.
Ron truly through he’d lost her, so to have her in his arms once again is soooo insanely overwhelming.
Has to take a seat, but they can’t keep their hands off each other omg.
ron would feel like he wanted to beg and plead for her to stay with him in America, so when she assured him that she’s not going anywhere- he feels like he could literally cry.
Ron doesn’t cry a lot, barely ever, so I think he’d have a couple of tears in his eyes and he gets too choked up to speak- but I don’t think he’d outwardly cry in front of her.
Probs would have trouble getting used to each others accents again.
Feels like a dream come true, they were separated by a whole ocean before, so I don’t think Ron would want her going very far from him ever ever ever again.
let me just tell you now, this man is a sucker for a British accent- so take that how you please ;)
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nexusnyx · 2 years
ultraviolet | steddie x you
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PAIRING: Eddie Munson x F!Sinclair!Reader x Steve Harrington
WC: 7K
SUMMARY: A piece of garment leads Eddie to your room, then deeper into your life.
Consequently, Steve comes too. Although crazier things like the Upside Down happened, dealing with the two of them feels like an out of body experience.
OR; Eddie heard what you had to say about his clothing choices and ends up in your room. Then ends up taking you to one, two, several dates. That surprises him, but not as much as figuring out that you thought Steve Harrington liked him. And that you were okay with that. What world is he living in?
WARNING(s): Smut. Minors, DNI. I do not give permission for my work to be copied, uploaded, or distributed elsewhere.
A/N: Canon divergent from S4. I just sort of… shoved Reader in the middle of Hawkins somewhat and threw her in the Fruity Four. She’s as fruity as them. Trust me.
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True to his word, Eddie took you out.
"What time should I pick you up, hm?"
If the whole experience with him in the bedroom had felt like a dream, the whole day after felt like some weird-weed-induced Nirvana. Lucas realized how 'weirdly happy' you were during breakfast, Erica gave you looks and made suggestive questions all morning, and you didn't even bother skiing away from their looks and remarks. Too content for that.
Eddie called at the end of the afternoon and you were thankful to be the one to pick it up.
"Well—I can't really go many places yet, but I figured we could at least eat at Vale Lake before coming here to watch a nice horror movie?"
"A 'nice' horror movie."
"Don't giggle, I don't know why you're giggling—I've seen you watching The Exorcist, remember? It was freaky. You were enjoying it." Eddie sounded so happy that you were grinning and giggling.
What had that boy done to you?
"It's a great movie!"
"See. Exactly. I haven't seen this movie yet, so I don't if it's great, but I know at least 'nice' it is. Erica vouched for it." There was the sound of something knocking and things falling on the other side and Eddie's low-muttered 'shit, fuck' before his breath was closer to the line again. "Sorry. Anyway. Delicious take-out at Vale Lake and horror movie. What time should I pick you up, sweetheart?"
You were about to answer him when Lucas showed up in your line of view with the weirdest 'o' face possible. "Who are you talking to?" He asked, exasperated.
Covering the end of the phone, you pierced him with a look. "None of your business. Piss off. Thank you." You took off your hand. "7 is great."
"I'll be there tomorrow then. At seven."
"Bye, doll face."
"Bye, handsome."
Lucas stared at you, mouth gaping in shock and looking more lost than a fish in the desert. "Handsome?" He shrieked.
You walked past your brother with a hand clasping at his shoulder and only one thought in mind:
I need to find out what to wear tomorrow.
Keeping expectations low was a good part of your life for many, many reasons.
It was the easiest way of avoiding headaches, heartache, and problems. 
Living that way meant you surfed through most of school and all of high school unscathed from most problems—it landed you with few friends, as well, but you were content with the ones you had. It also gave you little room for your anxiety to create vines and gripped you with things that were out of your control. Maybe that's why you managed to deal with your younger siblings needing help to save literally all of Hawkins with their weird, yet loving super-powered friend El. Maybe it's why there were things that felt crazier than the only boy you ever looked at twice and considered for a split second that he might be looking at you too actually being into you.
Giving you not only the time of the day, but proving that you were right.
"Definitely," Eddie nodded. "Oh, I totally had a thing for you. You really didn't know?" He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief with a smile on his face. "Do you remember Kev?"
"Our old DM?"
"Yeah." Eddie put one of the chips in his mouth, setting both elbows on the table and leaning closer to you in the process. At first, you thought it was a thing of your brain—Eddie's newfound confidence. "The week he graduated. Remember how weird he was acting?"
"Uh. Vaguely?" Kev had been a good DM, and his last week had been somewhat... eccentric, but nothing that sparked your memory. He put Eddie's character through the wringer a lot more, but you always imagined it was his weird way of saying goodbye. They were the closest ones outside the party.
"That was him trying to convince me to be a little braver," Eddie explained. He grabbed the milkshake from your hands, wrapping his lips around the straw with his eyes still on you, then sipped. "Wanted me to tell you I had a massive, stupid crush on you. But—" He shrugged both shoulders. "Didn't really work. And—looking back on it, I should probably call Kev and thank him for putting up such a good effort, but. I wasn't—I am not good at flirting with girls. With boys? Fuck yeah, I'm—"
Then, Eddie stopped. 
His eyes widened, and you felt the familiar tingle of dread, fear, fear fearfear—
"You're a pro?" you added, giving him an encouraging smile. You stole the milkshake back from his hands — which were shaking, you noted — and sipped the creamy, chocolate monstrosity. It felt so good with the high you still had from sharing the joint with Eddie, and it pushed down the rapid crescendo of your heartbeat that Eddie would feel anything less than welcomed by you.
He closed his mouth, body a lot less erratic than usual, and looked at you with both hands in the air. "There's... a lot less freaking out than I was expecting there. About this." He ran both hands through his hair. "Shit. I think I'm not even high anymore," he laughed nervously. "That slipped out. I'm not—usually I'm not this comfortable around girls—a girl." He looked up at you, his bangs falling a little in front of his eyes. "You're actually... calm. Chill. About this."
When you were thirteen years old, Olivia Venatti sat next to you during Science, and you looked at her for the entirety of the class. "Uh..." you cleared your throat, remembering exactly the fear Eddie felt now. The only person who knew about you was Erica, and now Robin. "I liked... Venatti. For like... two years?"
Telling people was always weird. You knew your hands were cold and shaking now, too. Clammy with sweat.
"Ollie?" Eddie shrieked. Then he burst out laughing. "Oh my god. She's a total nerd! A goodie-two-shoes princess, holy shit! Really?" He asked. "You're all—" he waved his hands frantically in your general direction. "Spikes and leather and mean scowling and badass one-liner replies with the—the chains, and the wild haircuts, and..." Then, Eddie stopped. He looked you up and down, taking in all of your outfit that had been meticulously picked out. The black bell-bottom jeans with your favorite band's t-shirt that you had turned into a cropped. "You look so good," he whispered.
It sounded like he was talking to himself.
Eddie shook his head and walked around the table, sitting on the tiny seat next to you, and placed both hands on your waist.
His eyes were always so expressive. How could people look at Eddie and not see everything you and the boys did? How could they miss the fun and the goodness mixed with all the freaky stuff? Eddie was a freak, sure, but not in ways that people would know unless they were really lucky. Most of the time, all you could get out of him was the excited, rambling and nerdy guy.
"What are you thinkin' about?" He asked, voice low and closer to you than before.
He leaned his upper body slowly, eyes searching every inch of your face for something. "Just... how nice you are," you answered truthfully, even if it burned your cheeks.
Watching red paint Eddie too was worth it. He chuckled through the embarrassment. "Well, thank you, Sinclair." He bowed his head without breaking eye contact. "Not many would agree with you right now," he scrunched his nose, smile still on his face.
"That's exactly it, they don't fucking know you." It angered you. All the people who passed by him on the street, pointing fingers even though all the charges had been dropped, and Hopper did his best to clean his name. "They act like they were there. They're so arrogantly sure in their stupidity and it drives me nuts! I hate the way they think they can just come to you and—"
"Hey, hey," one of Eddie's hands came up from your waist to cup your face. "That doesn't matter."
"It does, Eddie." You leaned in closer, resting your forehead against his. Eddie did a good job of hiding how much people's shittiness got to him, but you watched Fall ending with a toll on him. Eddie had one D&D party since all of the Henry fiasco at the beginning of the Season, and you saw the difference. Saw him looking at the seat Erica vacated. He did a good job of talking to you, and you knew he spoke with Steve who was now a friend of his, but moving trailers didn't change the hysteria still going on around Hawkins. "You deserve a lot better than this."
"The fact that you think so 's pretty good enough for me for now." He pulled back so he could look you in the eye, and you usually hated any hands close to your hair, but Eddie only cupped your nape and caressed the skin there—plus. It was Eddie. "I like that."
"I like you," you breathed out, fearlessly. Eddie deserved to hear it. Eddie deserved to hear many things, and that's why you jumped at the chance of re-joining the D&D parties when Lucas asked you to. Even if it led you to harbor a fugitive, engaging in too-crazy-for-words plans in the Underworld. After a deep breath, you opened your eyes and saw his big grin inches away from your lips.
"God, I really need to call Kev," Eddie laughed.
Then he smashed his lips on yours for the first time that night.
The first of many, thanks to all the gods.
Eddie's lips were sort of addicting.
Everything in Eddie was, if you were being honest. Sure, you had a lot of good, badass things happening to you—did some pretty badass things yourself, even, but having Eddie Munson whimper in your mouth was definitely a top three. You were usually more on the cynic, sarcastic side, but a moment like this asked for a good dose of drama.
"If you stop kissing me, I think I'm gonna die," you whispered to him.
Eddie laughed. "And here I was thinking I'm dramatic."
"Oh, you are. You're whiny, too." You smiled. "It's amazing."
"You..." instead of finishing his sentence, Eddie just kissed you some more.
Your first date with Eddie broke all of your ideas of what a 'date' was.
Having no expectations with him seemed to be useless—Eddie seemed keen on making you realize that he was there, and he enjoyed being there. He knew you well by now—knew how you expected nothing of people. Even if you two hadn't been friends back when you were both in high school, you attended the same party and were at least amicable. He knew some of your life story, same as you knew his.
Eddie liked you anyway.
It felt like a dream at first, then it felt crazy, then it just felt like heaven.
Your parents needed one day, a single damn day having him over for dinner to be won over.
The reason for the dinner had been, of course, that Lucas opened his big, stupid mouth.
On your way to your third date with Eddie, he simply appeared in front of you on the bottom of the stairs with that stern, furrowed brows look. "I know where you're going," he stated as a conversation started, and you held back a snort.
God, Erica was right. His 'I'm-their-brother' syndrome was getting out of hand. "Lu, you were literally sitting by my side when he asked me out."
"I don't like this!" He exclaimed, gesturing to your entire outfit. "I don't like any of this!"
"Good! It's not for you to like, dingus!"
"He's older than you!" He exclaimed when you passed right through him, following you around the house.
"Do I need to remind you of how old I am, Lucas?" You put a hand to your hip. "I certainly don't need your permission for jack shit. And you're his friend! You know Eddie!"
"I know him yeah, but not this much. I don't—I've never spent time with him."
Your heart squeezed, and you took a deep breath to let all the desire to fight him exhale through your windows. Lucas might be an annoying brother, but he's always had his heart in the right place, even if it took him a second sometimes. You put both hands on his shoulders, then smiled. "Then spend time with him, idiot. I get you're doing the whole—brooding thing. Where you pretend you're okay practicing basketball on your own, and you're kinda moved on from our nerdy games, and you don't mind spending time with the boys only at the mall and stuff and you don't bite your fists when they're talking about how sick the party that Dustin hosted was—but they love you. We all love you. And we'd love to have you if you change your mind. I'll even make sure it's Eddie who hosts so you can say if Mike's better or not."
Lucas stayed silent, too stunned to speak for a minute.
He closed his mouth eventually, then looked anywhere but your eyes.
"You said... I know Dustin and Mike, like—idolize him," he rolled his eyes. "But they're not dating him, so I need to know. Is he nice to you?"
This time, you rolled your eyes fondly. "Yes, dude. He's really nice to me. You know I wouldn't go out with any idiot. Specially someone who isn't nice to me."
"Good," Lucas nodded. "Really. Good. 'Cause... you're... I know I don't... talk a lot. To people. But." Lucas gulped. "I could always count on you. And... you come to sit with me when I'm reading for Max... even if it's really boring. So. You deserve that. Someone who's really nice to you. 'Cause you rock."
You hugged him tightly then, and rushed off to your date when you heard the honking of Eddie's new pick-up truck outside.
If you knew Lucas's big mouth would open up to tell your damn parents where you were that night, though, you might've thrown a wedgie after the hug.
Then again, he apologized, did your laundry and folded as an apology and, despite all your worries for Eddie's sake under the scrutiny of your parents, Eddie did amazing during dinner. He even got along with your dad talking about music, much to your surprise.
Your point stood proven: It was impossible to know Eddie and not like him.
"Oh—Sinclair. Your brother showed up at the D&D party today. You had anything to do with that?" Eddie asked, smiling at you from the other side of the living room.
He was sprawled across his sofa, recently cleaned by you and Robin at the move, while Robin and Vickie laid together, cuddled on the floor on top of the new rug — a gift from you to Eddie's and his Uncle's new trailer — and Steve sat on the armchair.
"Why d'you call me Sinclair when we're around people?" you mumbled, too high to think or speak too loud right now. "'s so weird. Why d'you call me Sinclair, huh, Munson?"
Vickie giggled. She laid between Robin's legs, her back to Robin's chest, and she looked red all over. Eyes, hair, cheeks. Such a cutie.
"Don't see why you're giggling, Victoria, when you stutter every time your girlfriend calls you 'baby'."
"Ah, ah—don't be mean to Vickie, baby," Eddie intervened.
The effect was immediate, as always—baby. You felt the heat in your cheeks, followed by the laughter of everyone around the room looking at you. "Fuck you, Edward."
"Hmmmm. Don't think everyone present is into voyeurism, baby," he continued to tease, much to your utter embarrassment.
You left the blanket nest you were sitting on the floor and went in direction of the kitchen to grab some more beer.
It was all fun and games, but you were still unfamiliar with being so flustered around others. Touchy, too. Eddie was respectful of that. He allowed you to initiate any physical displays of affection when your friends were around and refrained to teasing you when there were more people other than you two in the room.
He also hadn't done anything to you since that night at your house.
It might be driving you insane. Maybe you were climbing up the walls. Touching yourself more times than usual to the thoughts of him, memories of that night, his smell still lingering in your clothes. Maybe you were feeling insane being hot and bothered almost twenty-four-seven.
Watching him rehearsing his guitar had been torture.
On the first date, he had given you his exams like promised: all clean. You had done the same courtesy, but nothing further than that had happened. It was like he meant it when he said he wanted to do this right, and maybe he regretted it had started by already fucking you stupid. Or maybe he just regretted fucking you at all.
Suddenly, you felt arms wrapping around your waist and got startled for a moment before melting in the embrace, surrounded by the cologne and the musky, smoky smell lingering in his clothes.
"You didn't come back," he whined, putting his chin on your shoulder and kissing your neck. "They want to watch some cheesy rom-com and Stevie and I are losing the battle. You better come back if you don't wanna be bored outta your mind for the next two hours."
"I'd just bother you," you sing-songed, turning around in his arms.
"Oh, is that how it is?" Eddie asked, his arm around your waist hugging your waist closer. His hand on your face did the thing where he ran his fingertips on the bones of your face and his eyes followed where his fingers traced. "You're gonna bother me?"
"Yup." Your eyes closed under his ministrations. Eddie made you feel like you were made of butter sometimes. "You told me I could."
"That I did," he whispered.
When his mouth touched yours, your mind did the same thing as your body and melted in the sea of him.
He kissed you lazily, slowly, so slowly in fact, that you started feeling the effects of it tingling on your extremities. Whenever Eddie went slow you started to feel that—your body coming alive, burning up slowly as if he was a magician who summoned fire magic and it slowly started to cook you. Invade your senses.
If Eddie was what he claimed — a disaster bisexual, just like you, darling — than that meant he was a disaster with one of the genders, and you couldn't fathom how that could be true. Not when his kisses turned you inside out.
When you whimpered, clinging with fists to his t-shirt, Eddie pulled back, a smile on his face and his nose rubbing on your cheeks, then the rest of your face. "Come back with me?"
"You said you're a disaster bisexual," you replied instead, head stuck in your thought. "That's not true. It's annoyingly not true. You're this—suave, smooth fucker with anyone. Where's your disaster?"
Eddie pulled back that second with shock, his whole upper body going back a few inches so he could look at you.
Stare, like you'd grown another head or suddenly started speaking Elvish.
"What?!" He laughed. "What do you mean I'm not a disaster? It took me years just to have the courage to ask you out. Have you ever seen me around a girl? Babe." He laughed harder. "Oh my god, I'm literally, like—the definition of disaster around women. Mostly 'cause I like men more. And women kinda terrify me. But mostly 'cause I'm usually more attracted to men, so I don't usually have to, like—talk to you. And then when I do, I just. I don't know what to say. What to do. Women pay a lot more attention. You have these—direct yet indirect way of saying stuff, and I don't know what to do with that. I'm just there being an idiot, twirling my hair, kicking my feet, giggling and trying to make you giggle, then the next thing I know, we're besties, whatever that means."
Now you could see it. "Okay." Eddie did twirl his hair a lot around you when you joined the party again. Played with his locks, his rings, too. "I see it now."
"Good." He pecked your lips. "Now let's go. Steve's alone with those two menaces."
It took you, Eddie and Steve about twenty minutes to convince Robin and Vickie to pick something different.
It was worth it, at least.
The movie was good, and everyone had a good time.
At the end of the night, something happens.
Something clicks.
You're sitting on the couch putting all your stuff back inside your backpack when you see Steve hanging awkwardly at the trailer door after having said goodbye to you, looking as lost as a puppy.
His eyes are too trained on Eddie to notice you watching the scene unfold, which makes it ten times worse:
He's staring at Eddie's hair that's pulled up half in a bun, a few strands lose in front of his face, eyes gazing between the hair and the sleepiness in Eddie's eyes.
Steve Harrington looks so painfully lost that you feel your heart burning for him.
Eddie's the one to break the silence with a "You can keep it, you know?"
Steve blinks a couple of times. "Huh?"
Eddie's hand reaches to the vest Steve's wearing—the one you saw him throw Steve back in the Upside Down 'for your modesty, dude' and that Steve arrived wearing today. The vest you saw Eddie's eyes lingering on.
Only now it clicks why.
"Oh." Steve looks down at the vest with more color in his face than before. "Right. I came with it to remember to give it back to you, but—"
"But you can keep it."
Steve chuckles. "Alright." He clears his throat. "Thanks for having me. Again."
"No problem, dude."
Dude. Steve's eyebrows furrow a bit, and you think, Oh, Harrington.
He seems to make up his mind after that, because Steve goes in for a hug with the sort of uncertain awkwardness of someone who's doing something they're not used to doing, and by the way Eddie takes a second before reciprocating, you imagine it must be the first time.
You avert your eyes, feeling like you're stepping in a moment.
No—knowing you'd be spying on a moment if you kept on looking.
You let your mind fly away as they whisper their final goodbyes, and something different starts blooming in your chest.
The realization that all those times when Eddie called Stevie 'big boy', or 'pretty face', or 'darling' and Steve huffed, puffed, rolled his eyes with a fond smile—those might be him panicking more than annoyed. Averting his attention as to why he liked it so much.
Oh, Steve.
I feel you.
Eddie's hard not to like.
This time, the thought brings you fear.
The next date you two have is at a Carnival that Hopper and the new Mayor organize.
It's a nice attempt to bring some much-needed sense of community to Hawkins, which has had its fair share of traumatic experiences these past years, and welcome the new and crazy arrivals of people moving in later in the same ratio as people moved out. New people who were intrigued by the small town with a lively life of a big city. People who looked for excitement.
The Carnival was nice, but your thoughts, not as much.
You needed Eddie to know something.
Needed him to understand how much you liked him, even if it cost you one of the best things ever.
"You're looking wayyyyyy too good to be pouting like that," Eddie said when he gave you the bat. "Here. His name would be Ozzy but that's too on the face, so you pick. What's his name?"
Eddie just won you a present after shooting all the hoops in the right place, and yet here you were, thinking about his eyes lingering on Steve arriving with Dustin in the carnival. The way Eddie gulped at the sight of skinny jeans before turning back to you, his head shaking and his eyes suddenly focusing entirely on you.
"Hmmmm..." you hummed thoughtfully. "How about... Mr. Bourne?"
"Mr. Bourne," Eddie repeated. He wrapped one arm around your shoulders and started walking away from the booth. "I like it."
"Can we get something to drink and go to your car for a bit?" I need to talk sounded too serious, but you needed to get away from the constant stimuli and recognizable faces passing you two to talk. Plus—it had been long enough that some people started recognizing him now, and you wanted to get him away from the looks a bit.
"Yeah, sure," Eddie nodded.
You bought both of you two glasses of Coke and a sick pack, then went with him back to the pick-up truck with Mr. Bourne tucked underneath your arm and his fingers intertwined in your other one.
Eddie got inside the car and took out the M&Ms he saved inside his jacket, shaking it like a rattle. "Beer and chocolate?"
"God, yes," you opened two bottles while he opened the M&Ms, and you two shared the items.
After you chugged almost half of your beet in one go and ate some of the chocolate he offered, you cleared your throat. "So."
Eddie froze on the spot, hand full of M&Ms halfway to his mouth. "Why did the mood change? What happened?" He lowered his hand. "Did I do something?"
"What?!" You put your free hand on his cheek, and shook your head, smiling in disbelief at him. Of course that's where his mind jumps to. This is why you wanted to be alone. "Eddie." You pecked his lips. "You did nothing wrong."
He took a deep breath, face still close to yours, then pouted. "You sure?"
You pecked his cute, plump lips one more time. "Swear."
He licked his lips after the kiss, then smiled, nudging your hand with his face, nuzzling it like a cat. "'kay. Got scared for a second."
God, this— You kissed him, properly this time.
Eddie's had too much taken away from him.
Normal childhood, loving parents, a chance to do things right because the government has no fucks to give to abused children and their socioeconomic needs. Eddie deserved the fucking world.
Which is why you could never deny him anything.
Not even options.
Not when they were options in happiness.
When you finally pulled back, you tried gathering the right words to say what you meant. "Eddie..." you breathed in deep. "Okay. You know that I like you, right?"
Eddie smiled wide enough for his dimples to show. You loved that smile. "Yeah."
"I like you so much... that I don't ever, ever want you to stop something that would make you happy... just because of me." The confusion was clear on his face, and you could see why. With words as vague as yours, anyone could interpret in any way. You sighed. "Listen. What I'm trying to find the right words to say, but possibly won't 'cause there's no right way of saying this, is... I see the way you look at Harrington. And, most importantly, I see the way he looks at you."
Now Eddie really was frozen.
"What?" He breathed out.
"You're like... his bisexual awakening, Eddie," you shrugged. "And he's gonna come to terms with how him staring at your fingers or wearing your vest and wanting to look good to see you is not so... platonic, as he may seem to think it is, really soon. And when that realization comes... if you want to do something about it... you can. If you want. I just—I don't want you to think you can't because of me. Because—I'm okay with it. With you... exploring your options. I just don't wanna be the reason why you stop doing something you want to do, especially if it's something that's gonna make you happy, and..." here goes nothing. "I won't make you choose."
Eddie's stunned into silence, so you use that as an opportunity to find all the words you want and let them out.
"I won't ask you to choose at any point between him and me, because... you deserve to be happy, Eds." Your smile is as genuine as the words, and for some reason, you feel like crying. You were never as truthful and honest as you're being with him now, and it's all because Eddie deserves it. "And if you're happy with kissing Steve 'The Hair' Harrington—then," you shrugged your shoulders. "Good for him. You're a very talented kisser."
It took him another few heartbeats in silence before Eddie moved a single inch.
He took a deep, shuddery breath. His whole body shivered, as if his soul is coming back to it, then he looked at you.
Bored holes into your face with those deep brown eyes. Found his way into your soul, where he made a home with the smile that split his face.
"Are you sure of what you're saying?" He asked.
You nodded. "Yeah." I'm scared as fuck. I'm gonna lose you to Steve Harrington. I won't make you choose, but he might. "I want you to be happy."
"You make me happy," Eddie replied immediately.
The words bloomed inside of you. You smiled back at him, feeling lighter than three seconds ago. "That means the world to me, Eds," you breathed out, feeling your throat tightening again.
"God, you're—" 
One more time, Eddie chose of kissing you instead of saying what is it that you are.
His lips felt like heaven, and you remember when they felt like a dream.
You pray that when Steve Harrington comes to his realization, Eddie's giddy smiles and breathy giggles won't go back to that: only a dream.
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🔔 nyxredwild for updates | ko-fi ♥
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Hello Friend, I’m back with idea for another Frankie story.
Dating Frankie is a dream isn’t it? But what if he do not want us, his gorgeous chubby girl, introduces to his friends? Little bit angst ✨
Us thinking he is ashamed of us and he thinking that if she met them she would fall for them instead of him because he still do not understand how she can date him, even they are not too deep in their relationship. Santiago is the one who has successful business, Benny is great fighter and Will is the most handsome fit guy and charming as a bonus. But we want to meet people who are important to Frankie because we wanted the relationship to work not to flirt with his friends. Maybe a little for fun but never to hurt our bby Frankie.
In the end they both find out they are idiots in love.
Am I happy to follow up on Frankie and his girl? Yes 🙌 thank you nonnie 🥰 sorry this took so long hope you enjoy ☺️
Part 2 to Want to get outta here?
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, PinV sex, fingering, insecurities, angst, Frankie being a dick, cursing, fluff.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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That night at the bar had changed everything. You’d met the love of your life, it that he knows that yet - you have been too afraid to say anything. He had told you about all his past relationships - about how they nearly all cheated on him, leaving him broken-hearted. You wouldn’t do that.
Frankie kept his word after that night and brought you on your first date the following weekend - dinner at his favourite restaurant in town, followed by a night of amazing sex. God that man worshipped you. You’ve never known pleasure like it. It didn’t matter that you had thicker thighs than most girls or you had belly rolls - that man fucking loved it. Frankie made you feel like you were the prettiest girl around. Life was great.
This weekend was gonna be your six-month anniversary and you wanted to organise something to celebrate. A BBQ at Frankie’s place would be perfect, it would also double up as you meeting his friends for the first time - something you had been pushing for, for quite some time.
When you first broached the subject, Frankie had stiffened below you and gave you some shitty excuse about them being super busy; one you didn’t believe. Haven got their numbers from his phone last week, you proceeded to text them - inviting them over this Saturday - and they all got back with a resounding, yes. You just hoped this didn’t backfire.
Giving everything a once over, a knock on Frankie’s front door startles you. You take a deep breath trying to quell the nerves that racked through you. Your hand slowly reaches for the handle and when you open the door, you're pulled into a tight hug.
“Well look at you beautiful, where the fuck has Fish been hiding you?”
“Jesus Benny, will you put her down? Hi, I’m Will and this shithead is my baby brother Benny.” Once Benny puts you down you proceed to shake Will’s hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you,” you say as you close the door behind them. “Santi should be here soon, he just finished up work.”
“Perfect. I hope Frankie doesn’t mind that I organised all this, it’s our six-month anniversary and I wanted to meet you guys.” Benny fishes around the fridge for beer and Will makes his way outside to help set up the BBQ. “We’ve been asking a fish to meet you for ages but it’s always ‘yeah soon’ shit like that.”
Your doubts and insecurities begin to seep into your bones again. What if doesn’t want you to meet his friends? What if he’s embarrassed by you? What if he doesn’t think your relationship is as serious as you? Benny hands you a beer and you quickly shake those thoughts from your head.
“Want me to start up the grill?” Will asks as he takes a slug of his beer. “Oh, yeah that would be great actually. Thank you.”
“No problem.” The sound of a car pulling up catches everyone’s attention and Benny's face breaks out into a huge smile. “That would be Santi, I’ll let him in.” Oh! The nerves were back. This was Frankie’s best friend. What if he didn’t like you?
The sound of laughter filters through the hall and you find yourself looking for something to do so you head out back to join Will. He’s nice. Easy to talk to and he proceeds to ask how you like your steak when the sound of Benny’s loud voice breaks the conversation.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” Santi pulls Will into a hug before pulling back and locking eyes with you. “This beautiful creature must be Y/N. Frankie has told me so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you,” he says, pulling you into a hug. “He loves you, you know.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you say as your cheeks heat. “No, trust me, he does. I’ve never seen him this happy.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Everyone turns to the patio door where Frankie now stands. His face is blank, eyes cold but anger seeps off him in waves. He’s pissed.
“I invited the guys over, I hope you don’t mind, I just wanted to…” you stop when Frankie closes his eyes, pinching the bright of his nose as he lets out a huff of frustration. Santi, feeling the tension walks over to Frankie and claps him in the back, “come on Fish, Will has the food almost cooked. Grab a beer and take a seat.”
Frankie nods and heads inside to grab a beer before coming back outside and taking a seat. His eyes avoid you the entire time and he takes a seat beside Santi, leaving you to sit beside Benny.
“Grubs up.”
A worrisome feeling settles in your stomach as everyone sits and eats. The guys are all lovely and they include you in conversation as much as possible but Frankie still hasn’t looked at you. He’s never behaved like this with you and you feel nauseous at the thought that you’ve done something wrong.
Shuffling out of your seat, you offer to grab more beers and quickly make your way inside releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You take the beers out of the fridge and a deep voice startles you. “What the hell is going on? Why did you invite them here?”
“It’s our six-month anniversary and I just thought it would be nice to meet your friends, I….”
“Don’t you think if I wanted you to meet them, I would have done it already? How did you even get their numbers?” His words cut you like a knife and the way he’s looking at you - like you’ve broken his trust somehow, he might as well grab the knife and twist it in your gut.
“I got them from your phone last weekend when you were making dinner. Frankie, I didn’t think it…” He laughs then, but it’s not his usual warm hearty laugh. It’s almost sinister.
“That’s the problem isn’t it, you didn’t think. What, you thought you could bring my friends over and wear a skimpy dress like that and maybe get their attention? Is that it?”
Your heart is beating wildly in your chest. This isn’t the Frankie you know and love. He would never speak to you like this. “What? No! Frankie, I would never…”
“Save it. If you want to fuck one of them, go ahead. I saw you flirtin’ with Pope when I walked in, maybe he can fuck you just how you like.” He had started moving toward you now and you hadn’t realised he had backed you into the corner of the counter.
You try to calm him, moving your hand out to gently touch his chest but he grabs your wrist stopping you. “You're just like the others. Use me until something better comes along.”
“Frankie, I love you. I don’t want anyone else.” You try to convey all your emotions through the warmth on your face but his eyes are glazed over with anger. He isn’t listening to reason tonight.
“Hey man, that’s enough! Y/N only wanted to meet us and she wasn’t flirting with me. She had eyes for you.” Frankie turns around with a snarl on his face and points his finger at Santi. “You always want what you can’t have, Pope. It was the same with Sophia back in high school.”
You can’t take any more of this as the tears begin to spill down your cheeks. You move out of the kitchen while Frankie is distracted and grab your coat and bag and leave. He won’t even notice I’m gone.
“Fuck Fish that was years ago and technically she was mine first. I wasn’t after Y/N, and even if I was, she loves you, man. Lord knows why if this is how you behave around her, but she’s not like the others. She’s besotted by you and the only one you can’t see is you.”
“Guys!” Frankie and Santi continue to argue until Benny shouts louder. “Guys!”
“What?” They both say in unison. “She’s gone.”
“Fuck! What have I done?”
You’d taken your car and driven out to the lake, to the spot where Frankie had taken you one time on a date. You just needed to clear your head.
He’s never been like this before. You knew about his past. About all his exes and about his time in the army. About his cocaine usage. None of it mattered. Not until now at least. Did he not trust you?
Tears run down your cheeks as a sob escapes your throat. The moon is high in the sky tonight and it shines off the water. It’s beautiful.
“You’re beautiful.” You gasp as Frankie’s deep voice startles you. When the fuck did he get here? You turn away from him, eyes fixed on the water. He’d hurt you and you couldn’t look at him right now.
He slowly approaches and sits down on the grass beside you. You can feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of your face but you refuse to look at him. “I’m sorry baby. I…didn't mean anything I said back there…I-I just…fuck. I just came home and I saw you talking to Pope and you were laughing and I just…I saw all my exes and how they all cheated and I saw red.”
“You don’t trust me, Frankie. I don’t think you ever have and this won’t work if we don’t have trust.” Panic sets in and Frankie moves closer, his hand grazing the skin on your thigh. “Baby please…I-I don’t deserve you. That’s the truth. You are too good for me and I’m scared you’re gonna wake up one day and realise that.”
Taking a deep breath you turn your head towards him and you can see the sadness in his eyes as they look about towards the water. “Is that why you never wanted me to meet the guys?”
“I thought that if you met them that you would see what a fuck up I am and leave me. Any of them is a better catch than me.” You're still hurt and you don’t think it’s going to be this easy to get over but you love him so much and he has deep insecurities.
Reaching your hand out you cup his cheek and turn his face towards you. “Frankie, I love you. I don’t know how to make it any clearer, you’re it for me. I want to marry you and buy a bigger house somewhere and have babies. I know those other girls made you like you were good enough and that they broke your heart. But Frankie you’re enough.”
His lips crash onto yours and his hands wrap around your waist pulling you close. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles into your lips. “I’m sorry….I’m sorry,” his lips trail along your cheek and down your neck. “I love you, baby. So fucking much and if you can forgive me for being a dick, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
“The rest of your life Huh?” He nods his head and pulls you in for another kiss. “What you said hurt Frankie but I do love you so I’m willing to keep trying.”
“That’s more than I deserve. Now baby, let’s go home and I’ll introduce you to the guys properly.”
Frankie didn’t let you out of his sight the rest of the night as you laughed at the stories the guys told of Frankie on the base. His cheeks were tinged pink as they embarrassed him but you reached out and grabbed his hand squeezing tight in reassurance.
He tugged on your arm and pulled you into his lap, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You wiggled your ass in his lap trying to get comfortable and are shocked when he moans loudly into your skin. “Baby, you gotta stop moving that fine ass over my cock or I’ll take you here and now.”
Heat began to form in your stomach as he gripped your hips tight. His fingers slide up under your dress towards your clothed cunt and he moans again at the feel of your wetness. “Fuck baby you’re so wet. This for me?”
You nod your head unable to speak and his fingers push your panties aside and slip inside your aching heat. Biting your lip - trying hard to keep quiet as he works you with his fingers.
“Good girl. Don’t want the guys to know what we’re doing now do we?” Your eyes flicker around the table and you're thankful the guys seem to be deep in conversation that they don’t notice. “Gonna make you come on my fingers then I’m gonna take you inside and fuck you good.”
His fingers work in and out of your cunt curling slightly as his thumb rubs your bundle of nerves. A tingle works its way up your spine and your heart beats faster and faster the closer you come to your release.
Your hand grins the arm of the chair tight and you struggle to keep your eyes open as you feel the beginnings of your climax. You want to scream. Scream his name so fucking loud but you can’t and oh fuck…
Your body shudders in his lap as you come hard. Your vision, blurring as pleasure courses through you. “Good girl.” His fingers slip out of you and he brings them to his lips sucking your juices off them.
Standing, you excuse yourself and make your way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. His hands wrapped around your waist startle you and you can feel his hard cock against your ass.
“That was so fucking hot baby. Wanna fuck you now though. Will you let me? Will you let me fuck right here where the guys could walk in any moment and catch us?”
“Yes! Fuck Frankie please…” You can feel his grin against the skin of your neck as he bites into it. “Please what baby?”
“Fuck me.” He quickly undoes his belt and pulls his trousers and boxers down bunching at his knees as he rips your panties off. “Hey! Those were my favourite.”
“I’ll buy you a new pair.” He runs the tip of his cock along your slit coating it in your juices before lining up and thrusting inside you. You both moan as he fills you. There’s a slight burn from the stretch but he gives you a minute to adjust.
You move your ass back against him, urging him to move. His hands grip your hips as he thrusts up into you. His cock moving in and out of your tight heat, the sounds of your joint moans and the squelch of your cunt the only sound you hear.
“Fuck mi amor…never gonna get used to how tight you are. So fucking good…” His hand snakes around to your clit and he begins to rub circles as you feel that heat radiating through you. “Oh fuck Frankie…”
“That’s it, baby…come for me…Mierda…need you to come…I’m not gonna last…” His movements on your clit become more frantic and with a cry of his name you come around him. The feeling of your cunt pulsating around him sends him over the edge as he spills inside you. The thought of you becoming round with his child sends him into a frenzy.
His head rests between your shoulders as you both calm your breathing. “That was amazing.”
“Is it safe to come in now? I need to use the toilet.” The sound of Benny’s voice has you both pulling away quickly and dressing. “You can come in now.” Benny walks in with a huge smirk on his face. “Your fly is undone Fish.” He says as he moves towards the bathroom. Frankie looks down quickly realising he was taking the piss.
If any of the others heard, they didn’t say anything and the rest of the night passed quickly. “Alright man, time we head on out. Y/N it was lovely to finally meet you. Fish you got a good one.”
“I know.” He says as he pulls you into his side, his hand resting on your hip. When everyone is gone and you’ve both tidied up a bit you make your way to bed. Frankie pulls you into his side, his fingers running along your bare back as he stares up at the ceiling.
“What ya thinking about?” You say as you play with the hair on his chest. “Hmm?”
“You look lost in thought.” He turns on his side so he faces you, his hand resting over you. “Move in with me?”
“What?” You dart your eyes between his looking for something but all you see is sincerity. “I want you to move in with me. Hell, I’d ask you to marry me if I thought you’d say yes. I wanna spend my life with you and I love waking up in the mornings to have you cuddled into my side.”
Ok. Yeah I’ll move in with you. Also if you were to ask me to marry you someday, I’d say yes.” He kisses you softly before resting his head against yours. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @deliriosinrose @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @sirpascal @manuymesut
Frankie Morales: @paulalikestuff @vanemando15 @hb8301 @djarinslove @browneyes-issac @agingerindenial @afootnoteinyourhappiness @almaeunice @readsalot73 @marielovesstuff @a3trogirl @loonymagizoologist
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Hi! I'm here with a request! Arashi x fem reader who always loves wearing dress and skirts. But when they go on a date the reader wears a suit and acts like a gentleman. This has been on my for like a month or so. I hope this is oke have a nice day. :D
Lipstick Stains on White Collars
A. Narukami x F! Reader
Info: you take pride in being cute and fashionable, but what about handsome?
Warnings: none ?
Character(s): Arashi Narukami
“Y/N!! Your outfit is so pretty today~~”
Arashi would rather die than go a day without complementing you.
She finds you so cute, it would be a travesty to not tell you! She can’t help but look forward to seeing what you’re wearing that day, and she feels a little giddy when you ask for outfit advice. She also can’t help but buy you all sorts of cute clothes to match with her!! Couple outfits are definitely one of her favorite things ever because you both just look so good… She really regards you as such a cutie!
On dates, you always seem to surprise her. No matter where you go, you’re always so well dressed. Be it that you wore some super cute street wear on a walk, or a princess dress to a picnic. Arashi can bring her fair share of spontaneity, but you really take it above and beyond.
“Hey, Naru? We should go out today!”
“Ooh how exciting!”
With another day of work at ES coming to an end, you bid your darling a quick goodbye before rushing home. What will you wear this time? Maybe a lace top and shorts, or a dress gifted to you a while ago. So many options but nothing is really clicking… until you see a satin-y purple peaking out behind all the chiffon and ruffles! Izumi picked a suit out for you “for closet diversity” on your birthday, you thought you would never wear it. Turns out he knew what he was doing! The suit was well tailored, so you had no problems putting on by yourself. It was so nice to finally wear the reason Izumi kept randomly measuring you… it was kind of weird. You were so excited you didn’t even think about the possibility of being overdressed.
Honestly though? Who really cares!
“Oh my goodness… Y/N you actually wore it?! You look so… handsome? Pretty? Ahh you just look so wonderful!”
You were well aware the suit would do it for her, but you didn’t think she’d be this pleased with it. Arashi could help but trail her hands across your shoulders, over the high quality fabric. She was so used to you looking super cute, but handsome Y/N? That’s a whole other conversation. It really made her flustered when you started acting like a knight almost! Claiming your only being chivalrous to a lovely lady such as herself,
You both settled on a nice restaurant to go to, but even then she could not keep her eyes off of you. The whole time she had a rosy energy about her that you couldn’t help but share. After dinner, you thought you would take some pictures since you both looked so nice! Arashi, with her baby blue three-piece pant suit, and you in your fancy suit… I mean come on who wouldn’t want a picture?
Arashi wanted a very specific kind of picture for herself though. After you got your nice post-worthy shots, she pulled you by the tie and asked a silly little question.
“You don’t mind if I dirty your collar a bit, right?”
You, who was none the wiser to her mischief, said of course not! Of course you didn’t mind, you could just wash it off right?
Then Miss Arashi Narukami, giggling to herself all the while, landed a bunch of red lipstick kisses all over your face! Not just that, she got a couple on your neck and collar. Red lipstick! You’re either gonna have great time washing that out or just never wear it again… but I mean is that so bad? Maybe, depending on who you are. (Izumi will not be happy.)
While you were still dazed from her little stunt, she took a few selfies with you… which may or may not end up on her private insta/ close friends story. Have fun explaining this…
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A/N: this went on a bit longer than intended but I love my girl sm… LITERALLY WHEN I GOT THIS ASK I STARTED GIGGLING I LOVE ARASHI SM. she’s my 4lifer. anyways hope u enjoyed this! I enjoyed writing it way too much, so I hope it’s good >_<
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canirove · 1 year
Bluebell | Chapter 11
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"Can I come in?" Lindsey says after knocking on my office's door.
"Yes, of course. Did the French couple already leave?"
"Yep. They were super happy, said that they will give us five stars."
"Great. What are you hiding there?"
"Just... A bottle of champagne!" she says, putting it on the table, a big grin on her face.
"What are we celebrating?"
"That this summer has been one of the best this business has ever seen" she says, struggling to open it.
"It has been a really good summer, yes." At least when it comes to Daisy's, because on my personal life...
The days after the reopening were the worst, and if it hadn't been because of my mum, Lindsey and Mrs. Smart, I would probably still be lying on my bed, feeling sorry for myself like happened when I found out about my ex cheating on me.
Mason decided to completely avoid me, which means that I haven't seen him in almost three months. Ben and Declan obviously supported him, he is their best friend. And even though we've shared some texts to check how we were doing, I haven't seen them either.
Victoria went completely crazy, telling people horrible things about me and Rúben, but especially about me. Things that weren't true, of course. Most people didn't believe her, but I've noticed how some women give me weird looks. She also tried to sabotage Daisy's, writing bad reviews online, but people didn't seem to care. One Italian woman even said to me: "two men at the same time? Good for you."
And Rúben... When I told him I had been seeing Mason while also being with him, he didn't seem to care. Now that everyone knew about us, he wanted us to properly date, to make it official. But I didn't, I wasn't ready for it. At first he didn't mind, he understood my reasons. Then we started to see each other less and less because I was either busy or too tired, and now it's been a month since the last time we were together.
"Stop thinking about men" Lindsey says, finally opening the bottle. "They are not worth it."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Let's make a toast. To being single and not wanting to mingle. To loving ourselves. Because we, come first."
"To us" I say, raising my glass.
"To us" Lindsey repeats.
"I'm going to miss you, you know?"
"It'll be just six months. Then once I've finally finished my studies, I'll come back here to make sure you don't do anything stupid. Like opening your legs for those two again."
"Lindsey!" I laugh. "But don't worry. It won't happen."
"Dixie doesn't seem to agree."
"He is going to be the only man in my life for a long time. I promise" I say, petting his head and making him purr.
"Cheers to that" Lindsey says, refilling my glass.
"Are you planning on getting me drunk on your last day here?"
"Just slightly tipsy. Enough to make you sing Taylor Swift."
"That will never happen. Like ever."
"You almost quoted one of her songs, it's working!"
"Love you, Lindsey" I say, sticking out my tongue.
"Love you too, boss."
"But do I really have to go? What if a new guest comes and there is no one here to welcome them?"
"No one is coming, everyone will be at the main square singing carols" Lindsey says.
"Don't" my mum says. "I came here to spend Christmas with my daughter and enjoy all the traditions Bluebell has, and the carols singing at the square is one of the main ones. So put on your coat, and let's go."
"Meow!" Dixie says.
"Fine, ok, I'm going. You all are clearly against me. You included" I say, pointing at Dixie. He just meows again, curling into a ball on the sofa.
"I'm gonna miss him when he leaves" Mrs. Smart says with a big sigh while looking at Rúben. He's at the stage they've set for the town's choir, getting everything ready to start the singing. And, of course, he looks like he just came from a fashion magazine, looking stupidly handsome with his beanie, his scarf, his coat...
"Is it true that he won't be running for the re-election, then?" my mum asks. That had been the latest rumour in town, that Rúben wanted a change, and his days as Mayor were over.
"In this town, rumours usually become true" Mrs. Smart says.
"And what is he going to do?"
"I guess he'll go back to being a lawyer. Maybe move to the city" she shrugs.
"Are you guys in the mood for some hot chocolate" I say. I need to think about anything that isn't Rúben leaving.
"Oh, I would love that" my mum says.
"Make it three" Mrs. Smart replies. "Lindsey?"
"I'm in" she says. "Do you want company?"
"I'll be fine, don't worry."
"Merry Christmas, Miss Daisy."
"Bloody hell, Declan!"
"I thought you would be used to it by now" he laughs.
"I've lost practice."
"Yeah... I've missed scaring you."
"You are so thoughtful" I say with a fake smile, picking the tray with our hot chocolates.
"Dec, have you seen... Oh, hi. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Mason” I say. What is it with men wearing beanies today? Why do they all look so damn good?
"I'm gonna go get our chocolates" Declan says, leaving us alone.
"How are you?"
"Good, good" Mason says. "I've heard Daisy's is doing really well."
"It is, yes."
"Great. I think I saw your mum with the Smarts?"
"Yep. We are spending Christmas with them."
"Good luck" Mason chuckles. "They love Christmas."
"Oh, I know, Lindsey warned me. What about you?"
"The whole family is back, so I don't have time to get bored."
"The babies too?" I ask. Just before I arrived in town, Mason's parent's had traveled to the United States to be with his sister, who had given birth to twins a few months before their due date. 
"Yes, they also came."
"Oh, that's amazing, Mason! I'm so glad they were able to travel."
"Yeah, I'm very happy" he says with that smile of his that shows his dimple, making me smile as well. "Anyway, I gotta go help Dec. We are getting hot chocolates for both our families."
"Yeah, sure. I should also probably take this to the girls."
"It was nice seeing you again."
"You too, Mase."
"What took you so long?" Lindsey says when I make it back.
"The queue" I shrug.
"Could I please have your attention?" Rúben says from the stage. "Thank you. Thank you all for coming to our traditional Christmas carols singing. I can see that some of you are already enjoying that hot chocolate, so don't be shy, and maybe have another cup. Remember that it is for a good cause."
"I wonder if he'll have one too" I say under my breath, Lindsey being the only one who hears me. "Keeping that body in shape and drinking chocolate..."
"I myself will be having one" he says as if hearing me, making Lindsey laugh next to me. "Hope you enjoy this year's selection of songs, the choir has been rehearsing for a long time. And remember that you can and should sing as well" he says with a charming smile. "Thank you very much for coming, and Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas" everyone repeats.
"Should we get something to eat?" Mrs. Smart says.
"Oh, please. That chocolate made me hungrier than I was" my mum says.
"You go ahead, I'll take this to the bin" I say, taking all the cups from them.
"Merry Christmas."
"Fuck!" I say, the lid of the bin falling on my finger.
"I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Rúben says, quickly taking my hand on his.
"I think so, yes" I say, my finger throbbing.
"We should have someone check it."
"It's fine, it's..." I say, trying not to cry.
"C'mon, we have some paramedics at the back on the square just in case something happens."
"Like getting your finger crushed by the bin's lid because you got scared?" I laugh. Though my laugh sounded more like a whimper.
"Exactly that" he says, putting one arm around my shoulders while still holding my hand.
"I'm afraid you're gonna need an x-ray" the paramedic says.
"What? Really?"
"It is too swollen right now, but you may have broken it. What happened?"
"It was an accident, it doesn't matter" Rúben says. "Can you give her something for the pain?"
"Yes, of course. But you should go home and rest. Go to the hospital tomorrow."
"You didn't have to walk me home, you know?"
"And leave you alone while being in pain and also drugged? No way" Ruben says, his arm back to being around my shoulders.
"My mum could have done it. Or Lindsey."
"And ruin all the fun they were having?"
"They probably are wondering where I am."
"You can text them when we make it back to Daisy's, don’t worry."
"How are you feeling?"
"Sleepy. The painkillers are starting to kick in."
"Then it's time to go to bed" Rúben says, picking me up from the sofa where we were watching tv. I had forgotten how easily he could carry me around.
“Meow!” Dixie complains.
“What?” Rúben tells him.
“I think he is pissed because you woke him up when you moved. Maybe also because I told him he would be the only man in my life, yet here we are.”
“Do you think he’ll try to attack me?” he says, still holding me in his arms.
“He might… But don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“With your broken finger?”
“Meh, meh, meh.”
“C´mon, let’s get you to bed” he laughs as he starts walking, Dixie following us.
"Do you need anything else?" Rúben asks once I've changed and already in bed.
"Can you stay until I fall sleep? You broke my finger, I think I deserve it" I say, pouting.
"Ok, fine" he says, trying not to smile. Pouting always worked with him.
"Here" I say, opening the bed and asking him to lay next to me.
"What if your mum comes in and sees us?" he says as he gets in.
"Oh well" I say as I try to shrug, his arm already around me. It had been weeks since the last time we were together like this, but it felt like it had been just a few hours. "This feels nice" I say, my eyes starting to close.
"It does" he says before kissing my neck, that feeling and those two words being the last thing I remember before I fall sleep.
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ellena-asg · 11 months
For the tumblr game: Danno
Thank you, Meri! ♥️
So, Danny...
Sexuality Headcanon:
The same as Steve's. Ever since I watched the show I see them both as "not hetero, not gay, not bi but the secret X thing" 😉
At the begining I felt they're aromantic (and forced so much by the show writers to woo/date/marry ladies) and I still feel they're definitely platonic when they interact with other people. But to each other - they're super romantic.
They're best friends and they're the special ones to each other. They feel (real) attraction/love only to each other. So I headcanon both Danny and Steve as definitely uniromantic and The Pilot is a very special episode to me cause the scene in the garage is like kind of "Geez, I'm interested. In THAT way. For the first time in my life I really fucking feel... Geez!" (also: "Gosh, I'm in love. With this irritating handsome guy? Gooood, Jeeeeesus, Maaaary, Anyone?" 😂).
So, uniromantic. And they're the first and only characters in my fandom life whom I see in this way 🙂
Gender Headcanon:
Man. Cis.
A ship I have with said character:
Only Steve, only McDanno ♥️
A BROTP I have with said character:
In some way it's still Steve. Best friends forever - being married doesn't change it 😉
But speaking about completely platonic brotp: Chin. Chin is like an older brother. But Lou and Jerry and Kame, all boys in Ohana are true brothers ♥️ And ladies! ♥️ Kono is his sister so much! Mary too. Abby. I also love his brotp with Amy (Meka's wife). And of course Gracie! His daughter is his brotp. His Big Friend!
What I see on screen is also brotp-to-be: Danny & Sang Min. Seriously, both are Daddies, they love their kids so much, they'll do everything for them. They understand each other as fathers (scene in the prison and in Danny's car/on the beach ♥️). They both are loyal to Ohana. They ARE Ohana. And both are sassy and silver tongued 😂 (just imagine poor Stevie with these two 😂😂😂). Both are Masters of Dorkness. In Sarcasm they trust.
And sometimes they both are BAMF! Sang once was on the dark side and Danny... when he fights for victims or his Ohana, for Grace and Steve especially, when he's furious or in vigilante mood, yeah sometimes he's close to darkness, he knows the Fire (like in that episode with Marco Reyes).
And they both would give Steve their livers (Danny gave his part and Sang: "I woulda offered you my liver, McGurrett, but we both know it’s no god" 😄).
Oh, and Danny is from Jersey, Sang is from China but they both love Hawaii and it's their home forever.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Any person who is not Steve 😉 Speaking about show's canon ones: Melissa (I like her but she and Danny are veeery NOTP), Gabby (l love her much but again: NOTP with Danny). Other ladies he dated. But especially: Rachel (sorry, I'm allergic to abusers). She and her family were highly toxic to Danny and Grace. She's like Doris, even worse sometimes. I feel anxious (and mad at show writers) every damn time she's somewhere near Danny or Ohana generally.
A random headcanon:
I once had a dream about Danny so here is my a bit angsty fluffy AU with happy end:
Kono (like in the canon) feels tired and sad and thinks about leaving Five-0 and going (with Adam) to the mainland & fighting with human traffic criminals. Chin and Abby think about living in San Francisco. Max and Sabrina think about Africa. Meanwhile Rachel comes (with her mother Amanda) to Hawaii (Rachel was somewhere far away with Stan) and claims she is sorry and wants Danny back. Williamses from Jersey also come to Hawaii. They more and more ask Danny about Rachel. Bridget mentions that they all miss Danny in Jersey.
Stevie is devastated, he is sure that Danny will go to Jersey with his family and with Rachel. For sure "for Gracie". He also can't imagine living in Hawaii without almost whole Five-0, his Ohana. So Steve decides that he will go back to the Navy (*drama*). Danny is devastated. Governor Sam is devastated too, no Kono, no Chin, no Max, no Steve and no Danny... He thinks that Five-0 has no future and promises Lou and Jerry that he'll find them a new job.
Clara, hearing about Five-0 news, says that her cousin from Italy has mentioned recently there's a job offer in Italian police with higher rank and higher salary and so on. Rachel's mother is like "oh, Italy, finally some civilized place and a job for ambitious people". Danny's family is like "Well, your friends want to leave Hawaii, we're so sorry honey, but... maybe you'll think about Italian offer? Your grandma spoke Italian, you are so brilliant, you can learn it too and...". Rachel smiles and smiles and is soo sure that she will go to Italy with Danny and Grace (sorry, I've got issues with Charlie's plot so he isn't there 😂).
So all other Ohana members talk now about The Four and Max and so on leaving them. Kono, Max, Chin and Steve decide they will leave Hawaii next year. Governor then says to Danny "Better take that job in Italy, Danny. It's a really good offer".
Danny is like "What the hell they all are talking about?!". He only listens to them and says nothing. He's too much anxious, surprised, devastated and veeeery pissed off. What? No Kono, Adam, Chin, Abby, Sara, Max, Sabrina... No Steve the hell???!!! No Hawaii?! No Ohana?! No Five-0? He and who? Rachel? Buahahahahha. No funny. No fair. Nightmare! She will never change, he knows. And he can't love her. And he loves... Steve. And why the hell they all are so sure he is okay with this? He's NOT okay. They can't decide what is better for him - Italy, Jersey, no Hawaii. Seriously? All he wants is his home, his Honolulu. His beloved job and beloved police unit. His beloved Hawaiian people. And beaches. Pineapples. His Ohana. His whole Ohana. And Steve the hell. And Grace. No Rachel, no Italy, just NO.
Danny is so devastated. He's sure that he'll never see his guys again. He'll never see... Steve. He's in his darkest mood. Anxiety attacks, panic attacks, ANGER attacks, they come back to his head.
One day at some party he drinks too much. Gracie sees it. Some other day when he and Grace are crossing the street Danny is almost hit by a car cause he suddenly stood still like frozen and Grace had to scream his name to make him safe. He generally is more and more quiet, each day he looks like "something bad happened" and even though he pretends all is okay, he's good, Gracie sees it all.
One day she just asks. He says all is okay. She then says she feels him cause she doesn't want to leave either. She wants Ohana. Uncle Steve. And Danno, her beloved daddy. He asks her about Jersey, Italy, Rachel. She says NO, NO and... NO. She says that she knew he's sad and she knows how much he loves this place and these people. And her. She says he can't always think only about her. And that he CAN always have both: her and uncle Steve. "What you mean, Monkey?" he asks.
She says she noticed his reaction on Rachel and Amanda (and also Williamses' words about leaving Hawaii) and wanted to know finally what's going on. So one day, when Danny was sleeping hard in the living room (when he drank a bit too much beer for a second time) she checked his room to find "anything". And she finally found. His old letters/messages to Rachel and to the court. She also found something like his diary or letters-never-sent. There was all in them, Danny's pain, truth about his marriage, about her grandmother and mother's cruel plan aka You Will Never See Grace Again, his fear that he would lose Gracie, his love for Grace and Ohana. His pain after losing Matthew. His memories of wanting to kill himself when Rachel took Grace. His bad days and good days. His soul healing in Hawaii with Ohana. With Grace. With Steve. And photos. There were many photos of Ohana being together. And happy.
So, Grace tells Danny that everything will be all right. That NOW they're Super Team. They have to fight for the happiness. They're staying in Hawaii. They need to change Ohana's minds by showing them how wonderful this land is. How many people still need Five-0. How much they all love each other. Danny is amazed. Grace talks and talks. She has so many ideas. One of them is: Gracie will go to court with Danny and say she wanna be under Danny's sole custody (cause the situation and Gracie's feelings have changed so much). She says that the judge will listen to her and she doesn't need as much money as Rachel to win. Danny is speechless. Then Grace says: "We're staying here. Forever. We need to be more Hawaiian, daddy". She has a plan. Danny is very intrigued.
Danny and Grace, when they're with Ohana, pretend they are excited about Italy. Danny says he and Grace learn a lot about their "promised land" (nature, culture, whole history etc) and they also learn "language of love", "language of their Ohana" (Clara is happy and thinks about her mother 😂) with Captain Tanaka's help (his wife knows Italian and some other languages). Lou jokes that Tanaka helps Danny cause he never liked Danny much and that Tanaka is happy that Danny will leave this land. Danny laughs and only says "Maybe, maybe not". When they are like "So, maybe you'll show us your language skills?", Danny says "No, not now". And when they try to ask Mrs Tanaka about Danny's progress, she only joyfully says "He learns so fast, he's truly a brilliant mind, what a memory, what a voice, when he talks I can see all: the sun, the sea, sand, the wind... he melts my heart, he sounds... like his people. His level? He'll be native one day, I'm sure!". Rachel is happy. Steve is devastated.
One year later. Steve, Kono and so on organize the Farewell Party. With looooong tables, with a big stage and microphones (to say Aloha to all their people), with flowers and all that jazz. There are so many people there on the beach. All of them. Whole Ohana and their little Ohanas. All people who know Five-0: survivors (rescued - forever grateful - victims), Hawaiian people, Ruth, Dekker, Victoria models, guy from the gun store, aunt Deb and her Leonard, HPD, SWAT, Williamses, absolutely everyone. So, they all celebrate and then Amanda says "So, Daniel. Your language teacher claims you're a master now. It's time to prove it, right?". Rachel's face is like "Aww, Italy, we're coming. I only need Danny to like me hmmm how to change his mind...". Steve fights with his pain. Deb asks "Maybe some song for your Ohana?". Danny smiles. "For my Ohana, you say? Well, I did it all to save my Ohana so...". When he said "to save my Ohana" all eyes were on Rachel and Grace. Danny continues: "So yeah, I can sing for Ohana too. Come on, Monkey. We'll do it together".
So they all wait there to hear some Italian words but then, on stage, Gracie grabs something and... she starts playing on ukulele. Then Danny starts singing... in the absolutely Perfect and Beautiful Hawaiian. He's singing Hawai'i 78. Soon Gracie is singing with him. All people around are in damn shock 😂😂😂 Kawika, Mamo, Kono's mama, all native guys are like *we're sorry, our brains are now loading, please wait a while*. Chin, Kono, Danny's parents... Lou, Mary, Gerard, Odell, Kame, Sang Min 😂 They all CAN'T BELIEVE 😂 And Stevie... Gosh, he can't breathe. Somebody ventilate him, quickly! 😆 Rachel? She realizes that she lost.
When Danny and Grace sing "Cry for the gods, cry for the people, cry for the land that was taken away and then yet you'll find... Hawai'i" - Steve and their Ohana, they all have tears in their eyes.
Soon Danny and Grace sing (with sassy smiles on their faces) some other Hawaiian songs for Ohana and in the end they and Steve and all Ohana talk about their feelings, Gracie explains her and Danny's plan to save Ohana, Danny finally fights with his anxiety, insecurity and all other demons and asks all his sunshines to stay with him in Hawaii. He whispers Hawaiian "I love you" in Steve's ear. Ohana laughs, they ask if Danny is bewitched or what. He answers "By you guys, yeah".
Of course all will stay in their beloved land, Five-0 is safe, Ohana is safe, all are happy together. They cry and laugh. Rachel comes and starts ranting and shouting at Danny but then Gracie gives her a card and only says: "What? You'll take me away from Danno? Not this time. By the way, it's MY lawyer's number. Call him. Goodbye!". Steve needs some air again 😂 Clara and Eddie are soooo happy that Danny finally fights for himself SO MUCH. They understand all and Clara is like "Hmm, Eddie, maybe WE TOO will have a home here?" 😆 And Eddie is like "But they don't have Papa's Tomato Pies here, honey. And you know, I love our place in Jersey and... We can visit. They can visit. You know".
Okay, I just wanted to say that my random headcanon is that Danny loves Hawaii more and more and one day he wants to be "one of these people totally" so he learns Hawaiian. Because he CAN. And because he is like One Big Surprise. He's booooorn to be wiiiiiild 😂 (and here he's free thanks to Gracie, he's determined and motivated and "I'll show you all!" 💪💪💪).
General Opinion over said character:
Danny? Danny is The Sunshine. The Warrior. The Protector. Care Bear Number One. He's anxious and strong. He's sassy and kind. He's sensitive and BAMF! He's wise. He's a lovely dork. He's the best parent, son and friend ever. He's Steve's everything. He is a great cop/detective. He CARES about people so much (and much more than about himself). His heart is golden. He's precious. Soo precious. Ohana loves him. Fandom loves him. He deserves absolutely the best! ♥️♥️♥️ We all can write looooong essays about him and his kindest heart, right? 😍
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roberrtphilip · 7 months
hey 🤔 how did robert and nancy meet. what’s THEIR story. also hadn’t they been together for a while? so morgan was little little?? idk, give me the tea ☕️
ah, those two,,, I think they were two lonely people that found comfort in each other.
With Nancy, we know she wanted her own Prince Charming. She wanted big romantic gestures and to be swept off her feet, but she claims to have "given up" on finding that ages ago. I imagine when she met Robert, she knew he wasn't her fantasy, but he was still very sweet, and handsome, and they got along really well, so she figures, why not Take a Crazy Chance, why not Do a Crazy Dance?
For Robert, he was so lonely after his divorce, although I don't think he'd ever willingly admit that. Because he was raising Morgan by himself, he didn't really have time to socialize (at least not outside of work), so his previous friendships just kinda slowly disappeared. His loneliness really hits when he's laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. He really just wanted someone, you know? Someone to talk to and laugh with, and fall asleep with and well, Nancy was there, and they did click with each other, so why not?
I headcanon they met through a mutual friend. Robert was still getting over his ex, and was so busy with Morgan, a relationship just never crossed his mind, but when Nancy asked him out for coffee he shrugged and said sure. They started regularly meeting for coffee before work, and it was really nice for both of them. Nancy could tell he was reserved, but he was still charming, and sweet, and she could see a nice future with him. And Robert was just so happy to have someone to really talk to about things other than work.
But, again, he was taking care of Morgan by himself, and while he did enjoy Nancy's company, he was still getting over his ex, and after having to cancel a few coffee dates because of baby problems, he decided it was probably best if he stayed single for awhile. Nancy was understanding, she knew what she was getting into asking a single father with a newborn out, and they agreed to keep in touch.
They drifted apart, but then, when Morgan was almost 4, they bumped back into each other. Robert was still depressed, but was doing better than when they'd first met, and he decided to ask her out for dinner, and she agreed. They move really slow because of Robert's trust issues, he doesn't want to let anyone get too close to Morgan too soon, and Nancy is super understanding and doesn't push him. Eventually, he starts inviting her over for short periods of time so Morgan can get to know her a little better, but she's honestly not crazy about Nancy. She doesn't hate her, but she just does not click with her. She's also way too shy to actually talk to her herself, so she just clings to her dad's side, and whispers to him what she wants to say.
According to the script, they officially dated for two years, and knew each other for five, so I filled in a few gaps here and there to make my own timeline :^)
I think, had they not met Edward and Giselle, they would've stayed together, but I think with them they were never really in love yknow? Like they loved each other, certainly, and cared for one another, but they weren't in love. I think, especially because Robert is so Practical, when he was with Nancy, he was kind of like "on paper, we make perfect sense, so why wouldn't we be together?" but like... he needs someone who is his opposite, he really does. He needs someone to push him the way Giselle does. And Nancy deserves her Prince Charming, and the Robert she dated was never gonna be that.
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 3 months
Falling Around Lanterns
ao3 ff.net
Happy birthday @bearfoottruck 🎉🎉🎉
I told you I would write you a birthday gift but....I never wrote Tailsmo before. I hope it's decent enough. This fanfic also contains Sonic x Elise so nobody flame me for that.
Really I know I may be overdoing it but you deserve it for being a wonderful friend who changed my life. I hope you have a wonderful 35th birthday big guy!
When Tails and Cosmo turned 13 years old, life started to change little by little. Becoming a teenager was certainly a change, but neither child expected this change to be such a growing pain.
Both were invited to a ball at Soleanna Castle to celebrate the engagement of Sonic the Hedgehog and Princess Elise. And while Tails supported his older brother getting engaged, the young fox knew nothing would be the same anymore.
Cosmo was also unsure about going to this ball because royal events never seemed to be her thing. Still, Amy and Cream adored that idea and expressed how much they would love for her to be around. And Princess Elise formally invited her, Galaxina, and the rest of the Seedrian clan because they are beloved friends and allies of the kingdom of Soleanna.
So, both children walked to Soleanna Castle with their groups of friends. Tails and Cosmo were the only ones who didn't dress up. Amy and Cream couldn't help but continue to express their excitement, and Cosmo quietly walked behind them. Knuckles talked to Tails about how seeing Sonic take responsibility for once in his life was great. Still, Tails only half-heartedly agreed a few times. When the two groups met, Amy and Cream happily greeted Knuckles. Cosmo and Tails were left looking each other in the eye and blushing.
Tails thought he would faint, and Cosmo placed her hands over her lips.
"I didn't think you would be here," Tails said.
Cosmo wished she would stop blushing, so she tried not to look the handsome fox boy in the eye. "Neither did I…"
They didn't realize they were the only ones standing by the castle entrance until Amy called them over.
"Cosmo! Hurry up! The party is just starting!" Amy cried. Knuckles was right next to her, gesturing Tails to come over.
The two children stood for a moment, but then Tails and Cosmo felt a bit more willing and eagerly headed into the ballroom.
It was certainly an exciting party with humans, seedrians, and mobians celebrating the royal engagement all around.
But before that, Sonic excitedly greeted Tails and noted that he wasn't dressed for the occasion. He used his super speed to get Tails a bow tie to wear and eagerly put it on his little brother. Tails thought this was ridiculous, but it reminded him of when Tails helped Sonic with his first date with Elise by helping the blue hedgehog tie a tie.
Princess Elise also greeted the girls, and the girls noted that Cosmo didn't dress for the occasion. And Princess Elise offered for Cosmo to borrow a dress. Cosmo tried to say no, but Amy and Cream were excited over the idea and took Cosmo to the regal closet.
Cosmo held herself as Amy and Cream looked at dresses. Her curiosity took over as she saw all the different colored fabric, and Cosmo decided to just look. Eventually, Cosmo did pick a dress that caught her interest and inspected it. Cream got behind her and told her it would look beautiful on her. Cosmo walked to a mirror and placed the dress over her usual outfit. It was a snowy white dress with flowers sewn in it. Cosmo blushed at her reflection in the mirror, and Amy and Cream placed their hands on her shoulders and dotted on their shy friend.
And then there was heading back into the ballroom.
Amy and Cream wasted no time, but Cosmo stayed on the upper level, watching everyone dance in pairs in the ballroom. It was beautiful, but Cosmo couldn't feel any more out of place as she rested her arm on the railing and continued to watch.
But in the middle of the dancefloor, Tails saw Cosmo up there alone and blushed, thinking she looked like an absolute vision in that dress. But like cherry blossoms gone too soon, she turned and walked away, and Tails shook his head and headed for the stairs.
Cosmo walked through the dark hallway and stopped to sigh. Tails watched from behind a suit of armor as he blushed hard. But as Tails tried to breathe, the suit of armor fell down with a loud crash, and Cosmo jumped as she cried from being scared.
Cosmo turned and saw Tails trying to pick up the suit of armor, but it was too late for Tails to fix this mistake.
Tails blushed again and fruitlessly hid behind a lance he was holding. "Hi Cosmo!"
Cosmo wished she could fade in the shadows so Tails couldn't notice how flustered she was, but Tails struggling with a suit of armor was so cute. Instead, Cosmo decided to be as nonchalant as possible.
"It's great to be at a royal ball of all places," Cosmo said while managing to smile.
"Yes!" Tails cried as he set the suit of armor back up, but then it fell over, and he ended up holding it up with his back while feeling awkward. "But I couldn't just let you be alone Cosmo!"
Cosmo felt her heart skip a beat, and she found the courage to run to Tails and take his hands. The knight in shining armor fell over again, and Tails and Cosmo just voted to leave it lying. Cosmo told Tails she could use some air, and Tails agreed, so he pointed to where the balcony was.
When Cosmo and Tails walked outside, the sky was full of stars and closer than ever since they were on the castle's balcony. Many more party guests flooded the outdoor area and lit lanterns that floated near Cosmo and Tails. The two children couldn't help but watch by the balcony's edge.
Tails noticed that Cosmo did seem a lot happier being up here, and she was so beautiful and had only grown more beautiful since they were both kids.
"It really is so beautiful," Cosmo said. "If only I could have as much fun as Amy and Tails…"
Tails frowned in response.
"I'm happy Sonic and Elise are happy," Tails said. "But everything will be different from now on…"
Cosmo looked at Tails and noticed the uncertainty in his eyes. She knew Sonic and Tails were the best of friends, and it was bittersweet to think about, but Cosmo didn't want to worry Tails further.
"I'm sure Sonic wouldn't change too much Tails."
Tails shrugged in response. The young boy knew some things would never change, like his big bro being a reckless goofball, but still…
"And we're getting older Cosmo and you get more beautiful every day and–"
"Tails?!" Cosmo practically fell back as her face went red, and Tails' heart nearly stopped when he realized what he had said. Tails wondered if he should really do this and then looked away from her.
"I want to tell you something, Cosmo."
Cosmo gently placed her hand on Tails' shoulder. "What is it Tails?"
"It's really stupid!" Tails cried, and Cosmo gently stroked Tails' fur.
"It's ok Tails. You can tell me anything."
Tails took a moment to breathe as all the people below them and the lights of the lanterns were making him dizzy.
"Sonic and Princess Elise falling in love and getting engaged made me think, and I had so many dreams. And when we both turned 13, I started thinking of stupid things and argh!" Tails slammed his fists on the stone balcony.
"Oh Tails…" Cosmo cried as she placed her hands on his back. "It's ok, whatever you have to say, it isn't stupid."
Tails felt she shouldn't have said that, but…
Tails looked like he was about to cry as he looked Cosmo in the eye, making Cosmo want to cry in return.
"I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend Cosmo and I know it's terrible because we are just friends! And we're just a bunch of 13-year-olds! Not like adults like Sonic and Princess Elise!"
Cosmo gasped, and Tails felt like his heart was about to break, so he turned from her.
"I'm so sorry Cosmo! Forget I said that!"
Cosmo placed her hands on Tails' shoulders and turned him around. Her blue eyes looked deeply into his, and she certainly had a hold on him as she held him by the edge of the balcony. It was amazing!
And then, before Tails' knew it, she closed her eyes and pressed her mouth against his while popping her leg. Tails was wide-eyed until he closed his eyes and kissed her back, and the two children fell off the balcony together.
The two children opened their eyes and broke their kiss and realized they were upside down and falling fast, and multiple adults below them cried in horror. There were so many lanterns around Cosmo and Tails, and this would've looked so beautiful if they weren't in danger. But Cosmo held onto Tails and flipped them over, and Cosmo was able to have them safely float down. While Tails' used his two Tails to help them fall safely on the stone ground. The adults around them clapped and cheered, and both Tails and Cosmo held onto each other over what had just occurred.
"Oh, you two are such a cute couple!" Cried an adult woman.
And Cosmo and Tails blushed as many adults patted their heads.
They knew what they wanted that night, and the future certainly looked bright.
Cosmo and Tails walked back into the ballroom holding hands, and soon, all their friends noticed and ran up to congratulate them. And Tails and Cosmo finally found the courage to dance with the other dancing pairs.
While everyone danced on the dance floor, Sonic and Princess Elise noticed Tails and Cosmo, and the young engaged couple smiled in approval.
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summercurial · 2 years
omg!!!! just had a really good like....24 hr date. okay so his name is mark he's really handsome (he kind of looks like jamie dornan? ill ask him if i can post a pic sometime) and he's about my height and hes got big biceps and hairy arms and stubble and...omg he's jsut...very attractive. i really like looking at his face. he's a broker at his dad's like, finance comapny, a bit of a cringe nepotism moment but glass houses, also like. who is he disadvantaging, other finance dudes? who care. so anyway. he has a bunch of money ha. he has a nice apartment to his self and a bunch of fancy shit.
i came over at 1, we watched some netflix (i think u should leave) and drank some white claw and talked a bunch. he's into drugs and esp psychadelics. we had a really fun time talking. he talked about his 3 yr gf he broke up with 3 months ago. he cried a little. she was an alcoholic and like super shitty and manipulative. and lied all the time. i feel like it should have made me uncomfortable but it didnt. it was sweet sort of? idk. i hugged him. we disclosed a bunch of shit. i told him abt my friends i have sex with.
we had so much fun talking. he ordered chipotle. we cuddle a bunch. eventually we kissed and it was...so good. there's like, a force to it, like youre trying to become a single person. my favorite kind. he paints! his paintings are pretty good! he sells them for thousands of dollars! he has some bunnies, but theyre gonna be gone soon, cuz his girlfriend is taking them with her (she's been moved out for months, but she hasnt gotten all her shit). he showed me the holy mountain, altho we got distracted idk, 40 minutes in. he showed me a bunch of the weird metal and psychadelic music he likes. we talked about our neurotic parents. i had some amyl nitrite, which was really fun, and he gave me an adderall when i got sleepy. he fucked me a little but his dick is pretty long and i think it was pressing against the bend, we need to figure out a better angle. we took a shower then bath together. he called me a good girl a coupe times. sparse with it, the way my greed doesnt like but which counts so much more. i got some headpets/scritches. he's genuinely such a nice guy. anyway he invited me to sleep over and he did. he has a HUGE tv and it's on an arm so he can point it toward the couch or the bed. he has a bedroom but he doesnt use it for that, he uses it for painting and uses the mian room for his bed. at like 11 pm he wanted a smoothie but the smoothie place was closed so he doordashed a bunch of juice.
anyway in the morning i sucked his dick and he came in my mouth pretty quickly so i got to spend a lone time sucking on it in the afterglow, which i think he really liked! it was fun! we cuddled a bunch. we watched the entirety of casino! it was really good! i doordashed some vegetarian chicken nuggets. anyway now im back home. this is the best date ive been on in...i mean honestly maybe ever. it was great. im very happy. he's really into trans girls. he kept telling me how cute/gorgeous he thinks i am. it was so sweet... i mentioned im autistic and explained the flapping i do when he says something really nice. it was amazing
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ghost-wysteria · 2 years
Dating dustin Henderson<3
This is a male reader female/fem aligned dni!
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Cuddles. All the time. But only when your alone because your both boys and the party finds it mushy and gross💀
Kisses. He'll give you kisses around people but only people you guys trust(etc. The party, steve, robin, nancy<3)
He loves to kiss you on the forehead and cheek but if you want he'll definitely kiss you on the lips super flustered when he does tho
You kiss his hand and it makes him crazy red
Hugs anywhere and everywhere bear hugs to be specific
You've known him since the rest of the party started. You all became friends when you were little
He told you he liked you first. When you started dating you both agreed only a few people could know since you lived in hawkins Indiana in the 1980s
He'd definitely say stuff like "i hope some day people like us will be normal to strangers" cuz he just seems like he'd say that
Constantly saying cute shit like "your so handsome" "your hotter then the sun" "you remind me of (favorite flower)" and just other dorky stuff to get you flustered but bc he loves you🥰
Is alittle bit scared people will find out about you guys being gay. I mean you guys already get bullied just for being nerds. Imagine what would happen if people knew you were gay.
When the party found out they were extremely accepting just said "you better still hang out with us or we're gonna have to break you up"(in a joking way obviously<3)
When steve finds out he's basically just a proud mother "oh my oh my. Dustin my friend has finally found himself a lover? Guess my hair tips worked" we love steve
Nancy didnt really care. Robin on the other hand was absolutely all over you "finally i have someone who relates to me! We're gonna be best buddies" and you guys did become best buddies
In season 3 when they went into the Russian base under the mall dustin tried to make you stay out of it for your safety but you absolutely refuse. "If your going to be in danger so am i" kinda thing
Erica immediately knew. If you were small enough to fit in the vents with her she'd randomly go "so you and the nerd are a thing am i right? Dont worry i wont tell" and you'd just be confused at how she figured it out (she totally watches the party when theyre out alone💀)
Dustin constantly worrying about you but still being happy that your always next to him when he's in danger.
Your bestfriends with steve. Basically as close as him and dustin
You definitely have a bat with nails in it just like him and your chaotic asf and steve loves it. Thinks your a mini him(minus the no love life) he also gave you his hair secrets(but depending on you. You might like your own hair routine more)
In season 2 when Billy started beating up steve you grabbed a baking sheet and smashed it on the side of Billy's head yelling "ding ding motherfucker!" And Dustin thought it was the scariest yet coolest thing you've ever done
You talk to him on the supercom on a channel that no one ever goes on so you teo can flirt like little "you look so pretty"s and "those shorts looked nice" just wholesome flirting.
He likes to be holding your hand in someway constantly if theres alot of people he'll just interlock your pinkies so people dont notice
The party definitely likes you as a couple more then Mike and el cause you dont ditch them💀
Best friends with will<3 you love dnd as much as him and your just super duper close
His mom would be super accepting she just radiates ally
You cried alittle when mews died bc you love cats(if you dont love cats what are you doing with your life) but you still helped dustin bury her and look for dart.
Your very protective of Dustin. Like when one of the demodogs looked like it was gonna attack Dustin you stood infront of him with your bat scared shitless
Your also bestfriends with max and el. Your totally invited to the girl hangouts "dustin i cant call babe im doing hotgirl shit playing spin the bottle with the gals"
When the steve and robin hold the door for you guys to escape the Russian base you stay back and hold the door. When you get captured you get beat up like steve and dustin is just a worried mess like "omg omg omg i cant believe you stayed your all bloody omg omg"
Your definitely closer to steve then eddie but you and eddie are good friends
If you smoke you definitely buy from eddie and you both promise not to tell dustin because he'd rip both of your heads off
He much prefers you go to his house then yours because his mom is way less invasive
Idk why but dustin gives me asexual vibes its random but yeah😭
Him holding your thigh while cuddling<3
You putting your head in the crook of his neck. Just. Yes.
Playing with his curls and him playing with your hair back<333
Playing dig dug together and dustin trying to absolutely destroy you in it.
Hes smarter then you. But your similar in some subjects.
But when it comes to "street smarts"(dont know if thats the word to use) your smarter. You think ahead more or just have generally better plans... but sometimes you just rush in..
You own a baseball bat even tho you've never played and when dustin asks why you tell him "well. My dad bought it for me but never let me hang out with the baseball kids" and dustin would be kinda confused but shrug it off
Suzie? She exist but shes simply just super close with dustin
Your favorite song is definitely never ending story<3
You and him love to sing it together when your alone
He lets you lie on his chest and vice versa
Dancing in his room in the middle of the night
Claudia(Ms. Henderson) definitely calls you sweetheart or honey and some cute version of your name(ex; miles=mimi) or something along those lines
He loves to read comic books to you
Playing tag but him getting exhausted alot faster
Or if your like me and have asthma you get exhausted way faster and he helps you breath steadily again(sweet sweet boy)
Bullying mike.. you love to playfully bully mike
He loves the sound of your voice and your breathing. He loves just hearing you. He'll randomly ask you a bunch of questions just to hear your precious voice.
If you guys ever were found out he absolutely wouldnt leave you and he would just start embracing it kissing you and holding your hand all the time just to piss pff bullies
Dustin: dust, dustbunny, honey, sweetheart, lovely, darling, babe, pretty boy.
You: (variations of your name), love, baby, darling, angel, handsome
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