#⁎ || aspen makes a thing ( edits. )
compatiissante · 3 months
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incorrect maya becker + 1 / ??
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buckets-and-trees · 2 months
Cedar Trees OR I’m Your Man + sleepy morning orgasm 😘
Both! both both both!
I did write FINALLY FINISH a little something for one of them. I've been thinking of this man for quite a while...
Title: Morning Radiance Characters/Pairings: soft dark!Mafia!Andy Barber x female!reader Word Count: 750
Content Warnings: explicit smut - nipple play, spanking, oral - female receiving, vaginal fingering, implied oral - male receiving, somnophilia, DUBIOUS CONSENT
Logistical Notes: Takes place immediately after I'm Your Man. Probably can't stand alone. Not edited.
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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You stir slowly into consciousness, your body already humming with pleasure, but every inch of you is also still heavy with exhaustion. There's a warm glow of morning sun touching your skin, but it's not too bright yet.
You become aware of a warm, wet mouth worshipping your breast, and you let out a content little sigh. A large hand is kneading at the other breast, but your stirring spurs that calloused hand to move down the softness of your stomach, caress your hip, and then down the length of your leg. When it moves back up, this time along the tender flesh of your inner thigh, you spread your legs and give a little hum, aware of your nakedness and glad you don’t have to rustle out of any clothes and can cling to the strings of sleepiness. You’re already wet, and you distantly registering you don’t know how long your bedmate has been working your body.
A nip at the underswell of your breast makes you gasp and draws you closer to wakefulness, but your closed eyes are still too content, so you stay mostly in your sleepy state.
“Mmm, I love how responsive you are,” the voice still thick with morning roughness makes you tense as the events of the night before flood your memory.
It’s Andy Barber’s voice.
It’s Andy Barber’s palatial bed you’re in.
It’s Andy Barber’s beard and lips and tongue exquisitely torturing your breast. His hand teasing your thoroughly ruined pussy.
Andy Barber who thoroughly ruined and punished your holes and limbs.
Andy who dangled ruining your career and reputation by spreading the word you were a thief after having someone plant three of his Rolex watches in your bag and “confronting” you about it after all was said and done with the charity gala you had planned and executed flawlessly.
He removes his hand only to rain down a quick succession of slaps to your pussy, and you cry out and try to snap your legs closed, but it’s futile as part of his lower half rests over your right leg, keeping you splayed out for him.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he murmurs against your breast before giving it one more long suck. “I’ll always temper the pain with pleasure.”
You whimper and try again to move your hips, but he bars them to the bed and quickly settles at your core, nestled between your thighs with your legs over his shoulders.
And then he worships your cunt with slow kisses and long licks, soothing the sting he’d inflicted and stoking your body’s need for him.
“No,” you whine.
He chuckles because even as the protest falls from your lips, your right hand comes down to twine your fingers in his hair and push him more firmly against your dripping hole.
You bring your other hand up to cover your face, and then you pull it back, clicking the unfamiliar feel of metal against your skin and unexpected weight there.
Twisting your wrist to look at the back of your hand, you gasp at the flawless, sparkling diamond engagement ring. It’s larger than anything you would have dreamed of, but just within the realm of still being tasteful and not ostentatious.
He slipped it on your hand at some point in the night.
“You like it?” Andy pauses, leaning up to look at you and gage your reaction.
“It’s gorgeous,” you confess, but it’s one more thing you didn’t ask for, didn’t get to choose, in a long line of things Andy has promised and taken since revealing what he wanted last night.
“It’s perfect for you,” he says with satisfaction before returning to your clit.
You whimper as he edges you ever closer to orgasm.
The previous night he’d wrung every drop of pleasure out of you, playing your body until you passed out with exhaustion. He’d told you not to plan on leaving his bed this weekend, and as he pushes you onto that precipice yet again, you don’t question now how serious he is. He plunges two thick fingers into your hole, and you groan in the bliss that overtakes you.
He lets you catch your breath while he kisses back up your body, then kneels over your chest and taps his hard cock to your chin. “Come on, sweetheart, let me see that pretty ring shine while you jerk me off and suck the tip of my cock.”
And that’s only the first set of orgasms for the morning.
He’s got the rest of Saturday and Sunday to enjoy his new fiancé.
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
Do we still like I'm Your Man Andy? I know I haven't posted anything for them since December...
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marlinspirkhall · 10 months
I watched the unaired Selection pilots so you don't have to
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But, if you want to, you can do so here, and here (password: “selection”), credit to Media Garage on YouTube
Edit: links no longer active
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The Selection (2012)
Strong Hunger Games vibes throughout, the plain-text opening screen isn't helping
Stock-footage of rolling hills gets replayed way too much
Unlike in the books, America only finds out she's been entered into The Selection after she gets selected, so the plot point about the photoshoot & her radiant smile being the thing which gets her selected no longer applies, I guess
Everyone in the YouTube comments was saying that Aspen and Maxon were miscast & the actors' roles should have been swapped (... No comment. I believe in you, Mr Peck)
This castle is looks too small to fit 24 TV show contestants in it
Fiona, unprompted: “Can you keep a secret, America?”
America: “I have been known to”
Fiona: “I play the violin”
Okay? (This is actually a very sweet moment and, again, Fiona may be the best actress in this)
This episode covered a significant portion of the first book, out of order, which makes me wonder if the intention was to cover all 3 books in one series.
This almost feels like half of a film, making me wonder if someone adapted a film spec script into a tv show spec script
Apparently, Fiona has a secret child and Celeste knows about it, causing Fiona to drop out on day one and tearfully warn America to “trust no one, there's no such thing as friends here”- which is a fucking wild thing to say when she's probably the only contestant who's been nice to America so far & Celeste didn't even need to get to know her to know her secrets because she has spies anyway 😭
It's worth reminding you that they have been at the palace for one entire day total
You think Queen Amberly is being fleshed out in this version but... Hmm
Amberly appears to be the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes (she confronts Celeste about extorting Fiona, tells her "she would have gone home in due time" and to "leave America to me. Anything we do to try and separate them [her and Maxom] will only make him want her more")
America sees her servant gathering all her dresses (none of which she has used yet, bar the yellow and green ones) including the iconic blue one from the book cover. America asks what's happening and the servant replies: “Prince Maxom's orders”
Cut to America's family. They open a box with a glittering pair of high heels inside. I guess this is supposed to mirror the part of the book where Maxom cuts off the stipend for 2's and 3's who are in the selection?
If you think this version feels unfaithful to the book, just wait until you see The CW's pilot
Runtime: one day 45 minutes
Final rating: 5/10, kinda long and stiff in places and the set design was all over the place. Felt like a Hallmark movie (the set design didn't help). Probably would watch another episode of this if it was a full series or a limited series of 3-6 episodes. A little script-doctoring and a better set would work wonders.
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The Selection (2013)
I cannot stress enough: this version begins with a sex scene between Maxom and a servant
Okay, I got ahead of myself; it actually begins with another hunger-games-esque black screen with text on it, text which reads “Someday, in the future”, which is read aloud by a woman's voice.
We zoom in on a much roomier-looking castle on a hill, as a random whip sound effect plays (leading into the sex scene, in which no whips are present)
All the female servants in the palace are dressed in sexy maid costumes and I wish I was kidding
The world map explaining the history of Illea is CONFUSING AS HELL, but maybe they hadn't nailed down all the details yet. I'm genuinely not sure
Aspen is introduced tied to a St Andrew's cross and being watched over by a guard. America asks the guard to free him, he chases her through the streets, she circles back and cuts Aspen down
America's selection is similar to the 2012 pilot, except Aspen is present. America asks her mom why she'd enter her into the selection when “You know I'm with Aspen”, so uh, I guess they're not keeping it a secret here.
There's also no mention of Aspen being of a lower caste than her, nor of America having a job other than the vague title of "laboring class" which hangs over them all, vaguely
This is a masterclass in editing and pacing. The dialogue is okay, but the added geopolitics make no sense. Any issues with this are smoothed over by the fact that the plot keeps moving forwards at a breakneck pace to keep you distracted.
The lack of breathing room would probably be too confusing for an audience who wasn't already familiar with The Selection
The set here is absolutely beautiful but unfortunately it gives me Merlin vibes, and casting Antony Head as the king does not help with this.
Maxon attempts to pull a Mr Darcy. He then tells America that if she runs away with Aspen, the guards will beat him to a pulp and they'll both spend the rest of their lives in prison. America suggests that she make the monarchy look good so the working class don't side with the rebels. Looks like we're going full Hunger Games.
Celeste's handmaiden seems way too devoted to her; they turn out to be lovers
Just when you think Maxon might start redeeming himself, we see the palace guards swarm Aspen and kicking him. Maxom stands nearby on his horse overseeing this so there's no question of whether he did it or not
Final rating: 6/10, I would absolutely watch another episode of this. It was an absolute mess, but I've seen teen wolf, so I'm not gonna pretend I'm above it.
This feels like the kind of pilot which would get greenlit just to attract hateviewers.
Neither protagonist had red hair and neither adaptation was trying particularly hard to give it to her (2012: dark red box dye. 2013: blonde!)
These actors are doing their best and some of them even seem to be having fun (good for them)
In the 2013 pilot, the writers lampshade America running around “like an action hero”, but she promptly forgets how to do that by the midpoint of the episode, so w/e
It feels like the 2013 pilot was a reworking of the 2012 pilot, because there were too many similarities carried over from one script to another which weren't present in the original book, like Fiona having a secret relationship.
I forgot to mention that Aspen has a brother in the 2013 pilot. He seems to be adapted from the palace guard who has a relationship with one of the contestants in a later book.
I can't get over how fucking weird of a decision it is to make the kind and likeable love interest into a power-corrupt despot, but it does feel more true to an actual monarchy. I assume they were trying to give Maxon a bad-boy vibe, which doesn't make much sense because that's supposed to be Aspen's whole deal.
There was a whole subplot in both pilots where an advisor character is revealed to be working with the rebels at the end of the episode
Extremely funny to me that the 2012 pilot makes a point of mentioning that sex before marriage is illegal and the 2013 pilot opens with premarital sex with the prince regent
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welcometololaland · 2 months
summarise your wips badly game! thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @indestructibleheart @orchidscript and @cha-melodius
i don't know if there's a point to this for me, aside from making fun of myself, but here are my active wips summarised very poorly:
neighbourhood disputes and speeding fines result in deep self introspection and also hot sex (tarlos).
two abandoned men in a foreign country decide to unabandon themselves by hitching their metaphorical wagons to each other (firstprince).
workplace enemies accidentally orchestrate their own redundancies and fall in love (hangster).
college students are made to angst over each other by third college student's incredibly misguided method of meeting the parents (tarlos).
man finds himself the beneficiary of copious amounts of tiktok products (tarlos).
husbands find themselves on a boujee ski trip in aspen with everyone they hate (tarlos).
a case of mistaken identity leads to an HR nightmare (tarlos, co-write with @rmd-writes)* can't talk about this one because it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to give spoilers without giving away the plot.
EDIT FOR CEE: american man desperately wants to believe his mysterious crush has a red room and will stop at nothing to manifest it (firstprince).
you can send me an ask if you want (i think that's the point of this game??) or you can just laugh at my really bad attempts at describing things. also, i'm free all day today so maybe if you wanna bully me i can attempt to write some snippets if anyone is interested :)
please consider this an OPEN TAG because i'm not sure if this has breached rwrb containment and i'd love to see some lone star people do this.
will tag a couple of people who might be interested but not too many bc i've already annoyed all of you so much this past week @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @nancygillianmvp @alrightbuckaroo @sznofthesticks @theghostofashton @hippolotamus @bonheur-cafe @never-blooms and @celeritas2997 BECAUSE!!!!! I KNOW!!!!
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hellhound5925 · 3 months
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Cyare Verd
*OC Raven x Hunter
A/N: Welcome back! I apologize for taking so long but ☝🏼 I edited my original story up to the fourth chapter only to decide I still didn’t like it so guess what I edited the same four chapters again 😅
I’ll start by saying, yes it still follows the season two storyline of The Bad Batch (unoriginal I know) but I did change it up quite a bit. If your looking for Omega (lol) shes gone 👋🏼 I was never a huge fan of her so I wrote her out 🫣 otherwise, I hope you enjoy the new version of my fic. I will be taking it off Wattpad and AO3 in the meantime so I can finish making edits.
Oh, one last thing. If you would like to be tagged please drop a comment or send me a message ☺️ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to read this. It means the world to me.
Anyways. Without further ado 🤲🏻 I present to you my updated fic 💖
Raven (If you see this. It’s the Pov for the following)
​Before order 66 went down, I spent my time on Kamino training new batches of clones for the Grand Army of the Republic. I met many of the troopers who lived there during the time including Sargent Hunter of the infamous Clone Force 99. Our interactions were usually quite brief but there was a certain charm about him I enjoyed from our very first encounter. However, I was there to perform my duty to my clan and that always came first.
​It was an honor to continue the legacy my father - Kal Skirata - left behind. He and my brothers - the Null ARC’s - have been off trying to thwart a plot they didn’t realize would lead to order 66.
​During that time, Kal’Buir had asked that I stay on Kamino not only for intel but also to get out any defecting troopers.
A friend of mine, who is another Mandalorian by the name of Aspen, posed as a supply ship for myself. She would drop off supplies or bring me an array of random items I asked for to validate her being there. Aspen would then smuggle troopers to Mandalore where they were to live out their days as they wished. A part of our clan. Clan Skirata.
When order 66 did finally happen, my brother Ordo had warned me to prepare for something big that would be happening soon. Whether or not he knew exactly what I’ll never know.
For the first few days, I lingered on Kamino waiting for any one of my brothers or Kal’Buir to contact me but it didn’t come. About a week later a droid appeared in my quarters with a message. ‘Get out now. You’re in danger Sen’ika (little bird).’ Kal’Buir was the only one who ever called me Sen’ika - mostly because I hated it but he could get away with anything.
Shortly thereafter, I packed my things discreetly and called for Aspen. She came within a rotation claiming the usual - that she was here to deliver supplies for me - and to my surprise they let her in.
The minute I was on her ship, the two of us left. We ended up on the planet in the mid rim. Where Ord Mantell became our temporary home.
Chapter One: Cid’s Parlor
Standing out in the busy streets of Ord Mantell, the sun beats down on my beskar fighting the darkness that rests on my shoulders. I will my feet to move it’s as if this weight is too much for them to carry.
My irritation radiates off me as the thunderous pitter patter pounds in my head each time a citizen passes by - must be nice to live so carefree - I think to myself. Yet they pay me no mind, even though the very nature of my armor is intimidating.
The dull black shein of a well-worn helmet that sits upon my head, with the infamous T shaped visor. The rest of the plates are the same color with a few iridescent feathers poking out from underneath. Ironic right.
This armor is my pride and joy. It was a coming of age gift - if that's what you want to call it - from my father. Kal’Buir was by far one of the greatest Mandalorians in the history of our people - though my opinion might be biased.
A wave of sadness washes over me at the thought of him, my family, my brothers, and my best friend Aspen. Shaking the thoughts from my mind I tell myself they wouldn’t want me to sulk. Aspen would smack me if she were here. Unfortunately, the two of us had to go our separate ways after getting into some trouble. What else is new?
Aspen has always been the friend I can count on for anything. We met as kids on Mandalore and practically grew up together. Once we were old enough, the two of us would drink - a little too much - and run our mouths. Sometimes I’d come home with a black eye and Kal’Buir would say ‘I hope the other guy looks worse’. With a osik (shit) eating grin he knew I could handle myself.
Eventually that trouble caught up to us. When I had been on Ord Mantell before, she and I got into it with a group of merc’s and Cid saved our skin. Usually I didn’t pick fights we couldn’t win but that time I did.
That was just after our home was bombed by the Empire. My family. My clan was there as far as I know. Rumor has it the surface is no longer safe. The blast destroyed everything and killed everyone. Grief does funny things to people.
Since then Cid feels we owe her every time she calls. Aspen was smart enough to ignore her but I can’t leave business unfinished. I don’t like owing people anything.
Bitterness courses through my veins and I find my feet moving through the doorway.
Cid's Parlor is loud and crowded - as usual. Which for enhanced senses is why I prefer the solitude of the ship. Let’s not even get into the stench of hot bodies and alcohol might put me over the edge.
I take a deep breath to steady myself and push out the overwhelming sounds and smells, in an attempt to tune back into my brother's conversation. Echo and I were discussing whether or not the Marauder needs maintenance. Which is true it does. However, we don’t have the credits.
One glance over at Wrecker and its obvious Tech is beating him - again - at dejarik.
With a sigh and a gentle swirl of the pint in my hand, I watch as the amber liquid spins like a world pool. The sickly-sweet smell of blood orange and yeast reaches my nose. I let myself get lost in it for a moment, the scent totally washing over me.
The weight of the things we have had to endure begins creeping in. My men. Their safety and well-being are my responsibility. Crosshair.
Before I’m sucked too far into the void, my senses pick up something that wasn’t there a moment ago. Dark, sweet raspberry, rose. I’d recognize that scent anywhere after the hours I’d spent committing it to memory.
Lifting my gaze from my glass, it’s pulled like a force of gravity as a Mandalorian female enters the parlor. A warmth washes over me mixed with a little relief at seeing that all too familiar T-visor. I can’t contain the shock that creeps on my face at her presence or the memory—
‘Alright everyone, today we go over the basics.’ Her voice is crisp but not cold, giving orders and yet…silky smooth. I could listen to her speak to the regs all day.
She continues barking out orders which I recognize as the basics for hand-to-hand combat. I stop listening about half way through just to commit her to memory.
Covered head to toe in dark black beskar, her visor drifts over the group of men before her. The small frame is quite a contrast to the 6ft Clone troopers in formation. She has such a commanding presence, exuding confidence. My eyes roam over her curves and stop at the dual westar -35’s attached to either side of her thighs. For a moment I swear my heart might leap out of my chest—
Raven Skirata.
My trousers suddenly become constricting forcing me to shift uncomfortably. We only ever ran into one another a few times on Kamino. Mostly casual conversation about war efforts. The sound of her laugh when I told her about some of the things we’d improvised on missions, is one my brain never lets me forget. I never did get the courage to ask her about herself.
Raven crosses over to the bar and my eyes follow her every move. It’s only now that I notice she’s skinnier than I remember. Her complexion is quite pale in comparison to the dark circles under her eyes. The sight causes my chest to tighten. What the hell happened?
"Long time no see. I was starting to think you wised up" the Twi-lek bartender says by way of greeting. There's a long pause as the Raven drops her shoulders considerably.
"Unfortunately, I'm a little low on rations to be wise" she shoots back, that silky smooth voice taking on a sarcastic tone.
Having caught the attention of a rather large man - whose been talking loud enough for everyone in here to hear - he leans over to speak to her.
"Wow, that must be real beskar.......Wonder what kind of price someone would pay for th-that...." He slurs a little at the end.
In one smooth motion, Raven ejects her vibro-blade from her vambrace - the steel practically sings - slamming his head into the bar top with the other hand. A loud thud follows. Some of the patrons stop talking to stare while the Twi-lek laughs.
Pressing her blade to his throat she leans in close she sneers, "Try to take it from me and I'll find out how much someone will pay for your head.”
The man proceeds to mumble and she cocks her head at the bar tender as if in annoyance. Letting go of the man he slumps to his knees before getting up and stumbling away, hand pressed to his temple.
I have to work had to suppress the smile that threatens to creep onto my face, the corner of my mouth twitches anyways.
"Don't mess with Mandalorians" Echo chuckles, drawing attention. Raven glances our way tensing. Mentally I command myself to look away but I can’t. For a moment I swear, even through her visor we make eye contact.
After I’m satisfied I’ve put this man in his place, I let go and he slumps to the floor. Comments fly from over my shoulder but there’s that voice I’ve heard thousands of times that stands out.
I can’t help but turn and that when I see them. The red and white plastoid. Thanking my ancestors for the helmet, I roll my eyes at just how ironic it is they are here. Sargent Hunter and the Bad Batch. He and I have spoken a few times on Kamino but the others I’ve never officially met.
Frozen in place, I stare for a second. The Sargent doesn’t take his eyes off me with an unreadable expression. If I’m lucky he won’t recognize me - I think to myself. Forcing myself to move, I turn back to the bartender with a finger in the air, signaling I’d like a shot.
My gloved hands make their way to my helmet and gently slide it off, letting my messy blonde braid at the back of my head fall. Lately I find myself caring less and less about what I look like.
Placing my helmet on the bar top, I take a breath to steady myself before taking the shot. The burning liquid a welcomed punishment if nothing else.
The bartender nods over my shoulder and I sign knowing what's coming.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes" Cid says, throwing an arm over me like we are old pals.
I roll my hazel eyes "I'm not here because I want to be. Lets get on with it" I grumble.
"No 'Hi Cid, how are you?'" She asks.
"Nar'sheb (shove it)" I say in my native tongue with a polite smile on my face. She has no idea what I said to her but there's a snicker from someone close by.
"Remember what happened last time you threw your attitude around like that? " Cid scolds me as we enter her office.
Picking dust off my flight suit I sass, "I'm not here to discuss my 'attitude'. What's the mission?"
Cid moves behind her desk and crosses her arms "Fine, I need you to help out a group of fine gentlemen." She starts to explain, her tone a little too...chipper.
I raise a brow, shifting my weight and hum my dissatisfaction.
Cid immediately gets defensive, “Look it’s not my fault you mandos like to find trouble. You’re just lucky I was there to bail you out. Besides, these guys could really use someone with your skills. Dooku's private stash is being relocated by the Empire and I want you to help them get as much as possible".
The fact that she said Empire had my attention and attitude immediately shifts.
"I thought you might like that and I promise I'll give you 20%" she continues noticing my mood lighten.
"30 and it's a deal" I counter.
"Hey! I gotta pay those other guys too. I feel I'm being quite generous.”
I guess for considering who I’m speaking with… "Fine 20%, Now who are these guys?"
"They call themselves the Bad Batch. Wait here I'll go get them" she doesn’t give me a chance to respond before she heads out the door.
For a moment I stay where she left me and contemplate my next move. I can either play it like I don’t know them and take the chance their Sargent will recognize me or…
With an annoyed sigh, I stride over to her desk and set my helmet down before scanning the book shelves. Most of these I’ve read during my ‘spare time’ when Cid let me crash here before. Not surprisingly, there’s nothing new.
Leaning my back against one I take my gloves off and unbraid my hair. The blonde waves fall loosely over one shoulder ending just below my breast. It’s a wonder I ever let it get this long but a part of me just can’t bring myself to cut it.
I make myself comfortable at her desk, leaning back and kicking my boots up on it, When Cid flings the door open and scowls at me. My stomach ties itself into knots but I try to seem disinterested by playing with my hair.
There’s a chance these guys decided like the others to side with the Empire. But the odds they did and they are here? Slim but not zero.
Pushing off the desk I stand and stroll around to the front, leaning against it. A few golden strands fall into my face with the movement. My hands naturally side down towards my blasters holstered at my sides. A defense position that’s become muscle memory. The Sargent eyes follow my every move.
"Take it easy there Mando these are the good guys."
Cid rolls her eyes after seeing my body language. Once again in typical Cid fashion she hid this from me, likely knowing I wouldn’t come.
The largest one of the 4 pushes past.
"I'm Wrecker! I like to blow stuff up!" He says very loudly, sticking out his hand. My body is further tensing.
I hesitantly shake his hand, which compared to mine - even with gloves on - looks like it could easily crush it.
"Wrecker, I feel that last part was not necessary" says the one holding a datapad.
"I am Tech by the way.”
Nodding by way of greeting, I quickly glance over at their Sargent. Had I blinked I would have missed the split second of recognition before the mask of a leader slid into place.
The one with a socket arm glances over at him. Probably from the tension radiating off of me. Those amber eyes see me for exactly who I am.
My breathing picks up, but I quickly get it back under control. The former doesn’t seem to notice, not taking his eyes off me.
I decide to meet his gaze with a challenging one. Hoping to hide whatever it is he sees.
Shaking his head like he’s having a difficult time dragging himself from thought, introduces himself.
“I'm their Sargent-well was their Sargent...Hunter and this is Echo" he gestures to socket arm.
Echo waves at me with his socket and a soft smile. I nod slowly and clear my throat.
“I know who you are.”
Tech lifts his eyes from his datapad to look at me once again. Before he or anyone else can I say anything I continue,
“Raven. Raven Skirata.”
When I start towards my ship - alright so it's not really my ship, I stole it - I was so deep in thought I almost didn’t hear someone call out to me.
"Wouldn't it just be easier if we all went together?"
I stop not bothering to turn around "How do I know you won't leave me behind?"
If these are the clones I’ve heard so much about, there’s a good chance I can trust them. However, my instincts are telling me not to. Echo, almost like he is reading my mind says,
"You can trust us, we aren't like the others".
The sorrow in his voice fills the space between us, making me uncomfortable. I roll my shoulders, hands flexing at my sides.
Without saying anything I head up the ramp to my ship, gather a few things in my pack, and come back out to see Echo standing where I left him. The rest of the group must have gone to their ship. With a small nod he leads the way.
As we approach, I stop for a moment before heading up the ramp to admire the hull before me. An Omicron class attack shuttle but it’s been modified. It’s just as impressive if not more so in person. My brothers - specifically Mereel and Jaing - would have loved this thing, I can practically hear them fighting with even Ordo for who would pilot.
With a few steps up the ramp, I peer inside and it’s notably clean. Briefly I take in the surroundings noting the others up front in the cockpit area. Echo glances back at me sensing my hesitation.
“I’ll show you around”
I tip my visor towards him appreciatively, without saying a word.
Echo finishes the tour with the bunks, two on the left and two on the right. He gestures to the right, showing me which one is mine and offers me a gentle smile. With a quick glance I realize there are only 4 of them.
“Hunter usually stays up in the cockpit. You get his bunk.”
I nod my appreciation again and take my pack off my shoulder. The only things in it are a couple changes of regular clothes and some rations. I've not got much to lose that isn't my beskar these days.
Placing my pack on the lower bunk, the mythosaur skull on the back of my gloves stare back at me with hollow eyes. It’s almost like they know. Our people are gone. For a moment I wonder if anyone will even remember what it means.
I forgot Echo was still standing there until his throat clears. He says carefully, “Your father is Kal Skirata.”
My heart starts to thunder in my chest at the mention of his name. I finish settling my pack before I turn to face him. A part of me wants to answer but it feels like my mouth is full of cotton. I mentally thank my ancestors for the visor between us.
“He was one of my instructors. In my early days I mean. He was always really good to us. I heard about what he did...he got some of us out.”
Silence fills the space. I slide my helmet off, tucking it under an arm. Unable to look him in the eye, my boots seemingly interesting all the sudden.
“He’s gone.” My voice almost doesn’t sound like my own. Distant.
“Too many good people have been lost because of the war. I’m sorry to hear that.”
In his kind words, the galaxy feels a little less lonely. I finally lift my head and meet his gaze, seeing the loss there.
“I’m sorry for your loss too.”
Echo only offers me a somber smile in response. My walls go back up and I decide to change the subject. It comes out a little sassier than I had intended.
“So, you all have enhanced something or other right? I mean I was on Kamino and spoke to your Sargent a few times but mostly what I know is what I’ve heard.”
”Each of us had a unique quality. Wrecker is brute strength, Hunter has enhanced senses, and Tech is really smart.”
”Wasn’t there another member? Crosshair?”
Another sad look from him, “He chose the Empire.”
“Ah” I nod my understanding. “How do you fit in here?”
He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles.
“I was originally with the 501st under General Skywalker. We were on Skako minor and I was blown up. Captured by the Techno union and they made me mostly a machine.” Echo lifts his socket arm as a reference.
“My Captain. Rex. He and the Bad Batch rescued me. I owe them everything.”
That name. Captain Rex. It sounds familiar. ”No offense but you just met me and you trust me enough to tell me all this?” My sass once more evident.
He smiles and says “Your father spoke highly of you.”
My throat closes up at the same time pride washes over me. When I don’t respond he continues.
“I’ll leave you to get settled in” and with that he turns and heads toward the cockpit.
I watch as he reaches the others and takes a seat. Unable to do anything else other than process what he just said.
It takes me a while to recover from the conversation. A part of me hesitates to comm Aspen but I can’t risk compromising her.
Instead, I take my time to check my weapons (two blasters at my hip, vibro blade in my vambrace, and the various blades stashed in my boots and under my back plate). No one bothers to check on me, which is just as well. Finally, I end with checking the HUD in my helmet - which seems to be functioning fine.
Discarding my helmet on the bunk, I head for the cockpit where the others are chatting quietly. The hushed tones likely to prevent me from overhearing. Hunter stiffens as I approach which only confirms my thought.
The four seats at the front were taken up by each of the members. Leaning against the doorway I cross my arms over my chest plate.
"We don't have a reason to trust each other but once this mission is over and I'm paid, I'm gone. You won't have to worry after that.” The annoyance plastered on my face is visible to all.
They all glance at one another except Hunter, his eyes fixed on my face like he’s trying not to look anywhere else. He almost looks hurt at my comment.
"That seems reasonable" Tech says very matter of factly.
”Great. So, what's the plan?”
“Get to Serenno and scout the area." Hunter says turning his attention to space zooming by at light speed.
I sigh, "That's not much of a plan but I can improvise."
Wrecker chimes in, ”Ahaha you’ll fit right in!” Awkward silence fills the space before I break it.
“Right. Well I guess we should all rest up so let me know when we land.” Spinning on a heel, I head for the bunks.
Next Chapter here.
Wattpad link here.
Taglist: @cloneloverrrrr @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @idoubleswearimawriter @savebytheodore @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @jediknightjana @techs-goggles9902 @clonethirstingisreal
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in the future!
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blackwood4stucky · 4 months
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of spies and sunshine | aspen blackwood
lloyd hansen x nick fowler | gray man x 355 fusion au
🆃 | word count: 750 | complete
tags: no major warnings
synopsis: As Nick awaits his fate, a supposed stranger makes their move.
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bingo fills + event prompts
@the-slumberparty: eight types of love | pragma: on-and-off again 
@anyfandomangstbingo | thrown under the bus 
@anyfandomdarkbingo | toxic relationship
@fandombingo: rpf card | free space 
@fandom-free-bingo: valentine’s edition | just let me take care of you
@sebastianstanbingo | shared ex
snippet: "The paralytic was slow-acting but Nick could feel it working. The feeling in his lower extremities went first. It was one thing to see his legs, to know that they were there but it was disconcerting not being able to move them without outside influences. Mace and her merry band of idiots had left mere moments before, the promise of his impending abduction before being tossed into a black site still ringing in his ears."
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read here | mini playlist
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zealouscanonindeer · 7 months
20 questions.
Synopsis: Just a game of 20 questions (+1)
Rating: Nothing too explicit but still gonna rate it (18+) to be on the safer side. Mentions of sex.
Category: Mainly fluff with a teeny tiny pinch of smut.
(The questions asked by Ethan are marked blue and Penny's ones by pink)
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"Come on, it'll be fun! "
"No." Ethan flatly replied, staring at the 20 questions, spicy edition box.
" Please explain to me why did you buy this? "
"I didn't, it was a birthday gift. "
" Ah. Of course. "
"Soo... "
"Still no. "
"Fine. I'll just have to find someone else to play it with. Maybe Bryce. " She said, annoyance lingering in her tartly tone.
"Rookie, are you seriously trying to make me jealous over this? "
"Is it working? "
"Sadly, a little. "
She threw her hands in the air, doing a ridiculous victory dance before sitting down on the sofa. Her slender fingers tore away the plastic packaging, sliding the lid off and removing one pile of cards.
"How about this one? "
"Whatever you want, Penny. "
Ethan replied distracted, his attention more focused on his girlfriend and the strand of hair he was playing with.
"Ok.. Let's see.. Yeah, this one. Ethan, listen! "
She swatted his hand away, pushing his other approaching hand, before returning her attention to the questions.
" Have you ever had a dream about me, if so describe it? " She looked up at him, his demeanor instantly shifting from disinterested to attentive.
"Of course I've had dreams about you, multiple ones. My favourite include you me, the Hawaii beach and that pretty little bikini of yours."
"Which one? "
"I believe, it's my turn to ask questions. "
He picked up one card from the pack, his spectacled eyes roaming over the words before smirking.
" What's the one thing I do that gets you instantly riled up. "
" When you whisper something dirty in my ear with that innocent look on your face as if we were discussing some patient's symptoms. "
"It's called professionalism. "
" Suureee. Also I wasn't done. When you call me Rookie during sex." Ethan nodded approvingly. Gesturing to the pile, he continued.
"Your turn. "
"Ooh,this is a good one. You can choose only one for the rest of your life - Your favorite food or mind blowing sex. "
"Easy, I choose you. You are my favorite thing to eat and it usually leads to mind blowing sex."
Aspen gasped mockingly, holding her hands over her heart dramatically. He picked up the next card as Aspen continued teasing him.
"Real smooth Ramsey. "
"Only for you. "
"Describe your sex life in three words. "
" Um... Let's see. Adequate. Lackluster. Plain. Next question! " She struggled keeping a straight face as Ethan's twisted into a horrified expression.
She giggled, kissing his cheek and the side of his mouth. Ethan relaxed, shaking his head at her ability to still get him flustered.
"Now, if you had.."
"You didn't answer my question. "
"Well if you must know. Exhilarating. Bliss. Hot. "
"Much better. Continue. "
"Hmm. If you had to rank your make out sessions, including your past relationships where would I stand. "
"Always, number one. "
"Pfftt. Boring. " She chided.
"Now that I think about it, there was his one thing Harper used to do... "
"Okay! Okay! Sorry. " Ethan grinned, fingers reaching for the next card.
" What is your body count? You don't have to answer that. "
"Nah I don't mind. Including you, 5. You know, you're the only person I've slept with in the entire city of Boston. Massachusetts actually."
Ethan smirked, his hubris expanding ever so slightly, yet knowing he wouldn't care either way. Having her, in this capacity of domesticity every single day of his entire life still made him slightly weak in the knees.
"Oh! I know this one! Which song instantly gets your partner in the mood/would they play during sex? "
Rising to her feet to stand on the couch, swaying her hips ridiculously and breaking into the most off beat tone deaf version of sway.
"When marimba rhythm starts to playyy" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Ethan.
"Penny.Hush." She scolded, the tips of his ears turning slightly pink with embarrassment. It was true, he on occasion (quite frequently) pulled Aspen into an impromptu dance which quickly turned far too obscene to be performed anywhere other than the sanctuary of their home.
"Dance with mee, make meee swayyy. "
Holding her hand, he pulled her down, settling her on his lap, gently covering her mouth with his palm. His hot breath against her neck, he hoarsely whispered in her ear.
"Shhh." Turning around just enough to make eye contact, she taunted.
" Ooohhh. Kinky. " Freeing herself from him, she took her original space, in front of him.
"You're impossible. " Yet he couldn't help it when his lips slightly pulled into a faint smile, despite all his efforts not to concede. In return she stuck her tongue at him, further emphasising his point.
"I believe it's my turn. The hottest thing you're partner has done,not sexual."
"Remember the baseball game last year?" He nodded curiously, waiting to see where this was headed.
"I plowed into Landry,the fight broke out and that Mass Kenmore doctor came at me but you were all ' Dont you dare touch her, you son of a bitch.'
She said in a fake gruff voice, failing admirably to imitate Ethan.
"And then you topped it off with holding the cold beer bottle against your cheekbone. And the kiss. "
"We had kissed before, more passionately. " He quizzed, unable to understand the logic.
"Yes, but that gave me hope, I couldn't have moved on after you, Ethan, I could only hope that we were in fact inevitable. "
He stared at her silently, his strikingly sharp blue eyes conveying cold warmth, swirling emotions flicking through them. Ethan only pulled her hand to his, kissing her knuckles, one after the other. Turning her hand, she ran it along his bearded jaw. Ending the somber moment, she spoke.
"Ahem. Dominant or submissive. "
" Way to ruin the moment Rookie. With you, I don't care, everything feels perfect. You are perfect"
"Aren't you cute."
" Favorite time to have sex? "
"It would probably be morning sex although afternoon sex does hit different. I don't really mind when we have sex as long as we do. "
Ethan chuckled at her crass admission, her giddy laughter filling the room and his heart.
"Any particular kink or fantasy you enjoy? "
" Well, does it count when you call me either sir Or Dr Ramsey? "
"Are you sure there isn't a secret red room somewhere in this house? "
Ethan only rolled his eyes at the age old joke she insisted on making him hear ever since... That day.
"I still stand by what I said. I'd go anywhere with you. " She added somberly, noticing how he had instantly gone quiet.
"Thank you, Penny. "
"Next, Lights on or lights off?"
" Lights on please. "
"Hard and fast, or slow and sensual?"
" Hard and sensual. "
She smirked as he shrugged his shoulders and with an air of nonchalance plucked the next card from the pile. His face flushed as he read the words in front of him. Clearing his throat, he spoke hesitantly.
"Do you want to make a sex tape?"
Aspen gave him her classic fuck me look accompanied by her batting eyelashes, she pulled his tshirt, drawing him closer, whispering
"Of course, sir. "
"Tease." He grumbled, seeing her already intent on this particular endeavour. She winked at him, twirling the next card in her hand, breaking eye contact to read the question.
Are there types of clothing that you find highly erotic?"
"Probably something of mine. My Hopkins shirt is the favorite.
" That is pyjamas! And to think all the lingerie I bought when all I needed was old pyjamas.
"Gotta keep you on your toes, Rookie. "
"Uh huh. Your turn. "
"How would you feel about going skinny-dipping?"
" Name the place, date and time and I'll be there. Naked."
"I wouldn't recommend it, the bacteria isn't good for...
"Have I recently reminded you how hot it is when you say bacteria during sex? "
"Ask the question, Penny. "
"What color underwear would you like to see me in later?"
"None." His eyes flashed dangerously before returning to the next card.
"Would you rather have car sex or shower sex?"
"That's not how it works. "
"Would you really have me choose? "
"... Very well. "
"Where’s somewhere in our home you'd like to 'christen'?"
"I believe we have got it covered, don't you agree. "
"Wholeheartedly. Although I would love a reminder on your office desk. "
She clasped his knee, running her hand up his thigh which he promptly stopped in its journey. Entwining it in his own, he continued.
"If there were Sex Awards, what would I win in? "
"For your unending stamina to indulge me, your technique which drives me mindless. All in all, your dick is beyond impressive. "
"Thank you for that very crass compliment."
She laughed at his slightly tinged ears. He looked at her expectantly and she realised he was waiting on her to ask the next question.
"Don't tell me you're enjoying this so much that you've lost track of the questions. It's all done. "
She pointed downwards to the now non existent pile, besides it lay the already asked questions. He sighed, closing his eyes. She continued on to her 21st question.
"Do you know just how lucky you're going to get? "
"Why don't you show me? "
"Ready? "
"For you? Always. "
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noxie-velaz · 2 months
OC Intro~
Noxie is a very much dead teenager. She is twins with @aspenvelaz and was the first to die out of the two of them. She was murdered at the ripe age of 13 and when she found out her sister was in hell she tried to fistfight god and fell. She likes cats and is a fan of astronomy. She acts younger than she is because when she was alive she was treated like a toddler by her parents and still believes that she is meant to act like one even if she doesn’t like it. She grew up in a cult. She’s a leech demon. She is VERY easily upset and manipulated. This will be edited as more lore is added.
This is a mod Onyx blog.
@ask-lucifer-morningstar owns her soul
Noxie’s status:
Umm…she’s having a moment
Mod status: offline
@alastor-the-demon (he has no choice)
Great grandparents:
Friends from cult:
Her face can do the pennywise thing:
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Noxie lore~
No nsfw
Don’t spam me(if you send multiple asks it’s okay but not a ton at once from the same person)
Be respectful to Mod
If I don’t want to respond I won’t
If an ask makes me uncomfortable it’s getting deleted
If you want to do something impactful to Noxie’s lore please message me and ask permission because I have plans for her
If I don’t respond for a long time in a reblog tag me in it I prob didn’t see it
I think this is important: if I tag you in a reblog that you haven’t responded to in a while or delete and redo a reblog it’s not because I’m upset I’m not getting a response I just think it probably got lost in notifications or something I’m sorry if it annoys anyone
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pzyii · 8 months
I've been hyperfixation on btvs for a while w/o posting about aus so.....
BTVS Daemon au:
(haven't thought about this one In a while btw so there's a lot of stuff I'm probably still changing but I wanted to have it out there)
(Under cut cause it’s a bit long)
Buffy - either a toller dog or a mountain lion. His name is atlas, meaning "to carry" since she carries the weight of the world on her teenage shoulders. He probably settled almost just after she became the slayer. Or when she came back after death No1 in s1. Whether he's a mountain lion or a toller dog, he's very puppy-like and loves cuddles. She thought he was gonna settle as a golden retriever before she became the slayer.
Willow - a phoenix that looks like just a raven or a blackbird normally. I know people would say phoenix for Buffy cause she's died twice but the idea of rebirth in the sense of change suit willow a lot better concidering how much she changes over the show. Plus the idea of a bird that looks completely normal and harmless but when she uses magic or is just angry and stuff turns into flames is really good and works perfectly for someone who is capable of (and has) killing(/killed) people. Their name is aspen cause her parents liked the tree theme. They settled the first time she did magic obviously. And she had for a while suspected they'd settle for a small bird before, her number one suspicion had been a mountain blue bird.
Xander - I’m thinking squirrel monkey or some other type of monkey, possibly like an emperor tamarin. Based on vibe yk. Her name is xenia, which means “stranger, guest, hospitality”, that wasn’t really the reason I picked it though I just mostly thought it would be funny if the whole reason Xander uses Xander as a nickname instead of Alex is cause he wanted to match with his daemon. I’m unsure when she would settle, all of them so far has settled pretty late, and for him probably the latest, I could see it being at the end of s6 because of the yellow crayon speech cause that you know represents his rare moments of being good pretty well. (Edit: remembered that's too late since he's not a teen anymore, it probably settled in late S3 or s4)
angel - a Dobermann dog cause they look exactly like him. Dark, bulky, big, terrifying but puppy, it’s perfect. Her name is Lilith cause … The bible, idk. And since I haven’t talked about it yet I’m gonna take the opportunity to talk about daemons in relation to vampires. They don’t just go poof when someone becomes a vampire even if that would be logical cause that just makes it too easy to notice vampires but they aren’t exactly there either. Since there’s no soul in the daemon they are basically just empty husks and aren’t able to talk or act on their own like normal daemons. They do tend to also give people the wig because of it since most can notice something is wrong even if they don’t know what. When a vampire regains their soul, their daemon returns to normal, though Lilith doesn’t speak much to anyone except angel either way
Tara - a cat, don’t know which breed, cause you know the witch of the witches, his name is Salem cause Tara’s mom is also a witch. He settled before Tara met willow or the other scoobies. He mainly talks to Tara, willow and later dawn.
Spike - this was a hard one for some reason, but I settled(hah) on bengal cat, will maybe change it. She settled before he became a vampire to be fair though. I just felt like their little faces fit his pathetic bottle blonde vibe. Her name is eris, which comes from the goddess of strife and Discord, plus i thought it was a pretty name. And cause of the whole no soul thing throughout most of the show she doesn’t have much personality for most of it, but more than Lilith when angel has no soul tho. She's gets all jumpy and fast-y when he gets his soul.
Giles - a barn owl, cause yknow, owls. Her name is Anne which means “intelligent”, not that that’s always true for Giles lmao but it represents both his character and relation with his dad pretty well. Also Anne is a pretty old-y name that works well with - pfft - Rupert.
Cordelia - a peacock, cause yknow… everything about her. His name is Cyril which means “master/lord” which suits her plus the name sounded fancy. He also doesn’t speak much and pretends to be all cold like Cordy but he’s a softie.
Anya - a coral snake, matched the demon and also just her vibe. Her name is Ymir cause Anyas Swedish and old. Nothing really changes with her when Anyas a demon.
faith - a panther, matches with Buffys mountain lion, his name is Thomas which means “twin”. Cause well she’s the secondary slayer, the copy, the clone, and she has yknow …some problems with being second place. I’m unsure when he would settle.
Dawn - a fawn, it rhymes :)), plus it suits her really well in symbolism and just vibe. Their name is kito which means “precious jewel”. both because Dawn is seen as precious and something that needs to be protected. And jewel because of the whole dehumanisation and that it’s something so materialistic with the whole key thing. No clue when they would settle.
Then there’s a lot more characters but I’m stopping here for now
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openheartfanfics · 8 months
Newly Added Fics
Oct 7 - 13, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Our Little Pumpkin - @storyofmychoices ☁
Olivia and Bryce are on the quest for the perfect pumpkin.
All He Wanted - @cariantha ☁
Ethan doesn’t care to celebrate his birthday, but that doesn’t mean he wants to spend it alone. [Birthday]
And There Was This Cat - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan reminisces with Harper, and Cassie isn’t sure what to make of it. Feat. Harper Emery
Dangerous Games - @zealouscanonindeer 📚☁Ⓜ
[mini: wip] If you win, good. If you lose, even better.
Part 4
Part 5 ♥
Housecalls - @jerzwriter ☁
Ethan has a mancold. (That's all you need to know. lol) [Illness/Injury]
May I Have This Dance? - @liaromancewriter ☁
Is there anything more romantic than slow dancing in the kitchen on a do-nothing day?
Vacation - @zealouscanonindeer 📷
Aspen shares pics from their vacation.
Trepidation - @jerzwriter 🦚
Casey and Jessica have both been in love before, and both have had their hearts broken. That's why they promised each other to take it slow. Feat. F!MC x F!OC
Dolphins and Sharks - @liaromancewriter ☁
Max and Sienna paint the baby’s nursery, and an old rivalry resurfaces.
In a Pickle - @jerzwriter ☁
Spend a typical Wednesday night with Tobias and (a very pregnant) Casey as they snuggle up to watch one of their favorite television shows, Abbott Elementary. [Pregnancy]
On the Spot - @jerzwriter ☁👻
It's their first Halloween as parents of two, and things are a little crazy at the Carrick's, but it's nothing they can't handle. [Domestic; Family]
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ange-writes-if · 1 year
I just played the Demo right now and I just want to say amazing work I love the theme and the writing(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡! I'm a bit upset we couldn't interact our brother much because a certain parent wouldn't want it and I was happy we got to meet cerise they are pretty amazing I can't wait to see the other RO's(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤! But take your time okay?^^ oh and I also wanted to ask on how would the Ro's react when mc tells them they are afraid on what the MC's mother would do them like saying "I love you but I'm afraid on what my mother would do to you and I'm not sure what to do..." I was wondering how the react?
Hi! thank youuu, I'm glad you enjoyed the demo <3
I'm still considering adding scenes with Trevis in the demo when's MC is still quite young, but I think it'll wait until after editing. Beatrice, the bane of our existence 😔You'll get more of Cerise in the next update for sure, it'll be a pretty big thing for MC... along with some other stuff 👀
Now, to answer your question:
Cerise would scrunch up her nose and side hug MC. She frankly doesn't care much about Beatrice and she's not worried about what she thinks or what she plans. She lost respect for people like her long ago, and she'd focus on reasurring MC and easying up their worries. She may trash talk Beatrice a little if it makes MC laugh.
Barthelemy couldn't help but laugh. "She should be the one that's scared, I can assure you..." He is confident in his abilities to counter all of her schemes and plans. He doesn't mind playing dirty, and he might enjoy ridiculizing Beatrice is she tries to keep him and MC apart.
Aspen is a bit surprised MC is worried about them because honestly? A stuck-up woman is not the worse thing he faced. Aspen would try to cheer up MC and might make them more worried for their own sake by telling them stories about the things he faced. They would give MC some kisses and swear it's fine.
Daphne would understand MC's worries the most out of the cast. She'd talk calmly and try to give logical arguments to make MC more confident. Her own entourage probably has doubts and objections about MC, and she'd take their hand and promise they'll get through whatever others have planned for them. She doesn't date MC for funsies, and she's ready to fight tooth and nails for them.
Thank you for the lovely ask and the kind words <3
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compatiissante · 1 year
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[ --- not the little kids you knew before . . . ]
maya becker relationships + ft. azrael / @azrahel
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Station 19 coming to an end to and there are so many rumors swirling about how its going to end what is your take on the flash forward at the end of the episode or the flashforward as the team is all lying on the trucks thinking about their future? Which scenario do you think works better for the series?
I think just based on the very ill kept secret of Aspen being cast on the show and Marina trying to get pregnant, 2+2=4 and we've all figured that out real quick that it really can only lead to one thing.
I think both options of flashforwards can lead to two very different outcomes which is interesting and for this scenario I am basing my thoughts on WHEN/IF the show gets saved.
I feel that if they did the flashforward as the team is looking at what they hope for their futures - that gives the writers the opportunity to change things along the way because this is just a characters version of their future but its not the final vision.
Whereas the flashforward at the end of the series detailing where all the characters end up, means the writers have to stick to that endgame - which along the way can deviate but the final moment has to reflect this version of their futures we've seen.
I think that its most likely the flashforward at the end of the episode showing all the characters futures X amount of years in the future is the path the writers took because the show did get cancelled and there's been no word about it being saved from the time they shot it, edited and locked picture (which was last week). And it seems that the writers/show runners are trying to give the fans everything they want in these final episodes and the easiest way to do that is to show the future that fans want.
BUT there is something that does bug me about this, in recent histories when shows have been cancelled usually the show runners have been vocal in purposely writing an finale that doesn't wrap up the series nicely, kind of forcing the hand of the network to un-cancel them. Its not a tactic that will always work but it has in the past, and I feel like the current writers kind of just took the cancellation in stride and it makes me wonder if there is more of a fight behind the scenes to save it. It would usually be on the show runner to fight for the show but in this case Station 19 is owned by Shondaland Corporation which means it has to be them to fight for the show, I don't think Peter and Zoanne have as much say. But it does make me scratch my head a bit where the power lies and is anyone really fighting to save it? (outside of the fans).
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bubblegummintie · 6 months
Here’s that masterpost I mentioned in my pinned post. It took awhile to fix some things but I'm going to be dividing stuff to make it clear what's original works, more canon works, and then a mix of both for a server I run. (Still loosely taking applications or well, for small interviews for people to join it. 18+ kind of server and pretty rad. Dm me if you want to ask about it!). 
A lot of the ones posted or planned to be posted/are being planned to eventually write for a small series I'm doing for an au idea for Smile for Me are heavy topics and contain death, trauma, and just might not be good for some people to read. Don't feel shame in skipping them because I do have plans for more wholesome works to post in between the one I just finished and a continuation of that one in prologue/epilogue form (depends on which I write first). Keep yourselves safe and read the tags for things! {Will edit later and work on adding more to the masterlist as time goes on. If I forget, I'll try posting the links until I post the link to this list}
.˚ *꒰ঌ✦໒꒱ * ˚. Angst Writings .˚ *꒰ঌ✦໒꒱ * ˚.
✧˚₊‧ Original Character works ✧˚₊‧
𖤐 “Nightmares, Nightmares. When Will They Stop?” - is a small story with my OC, Kouya Rivermasu that deals with a great deal of heavy topics. It was my first time posting something so it might not be the best, but read the tags before actually reading it to make sure it's a good story for you. 
 The link is: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50809402
˚。⋆୨୧˚ Bloomhaven/AU spin on canon events ˚。⋆୨୧˚
❦ “Am I Better, Am I the Same, or Just Worse?” - is a two chapter fic that deals with the trauma of childhood, post-Habitat events, and has Boris having a panic attack while in the process of legally adopting my Flower Kid — Aspen. It's set in the current era we live in so these events happen closer to 2 years ago in our time and deals with my seaside, flowery town being mentioned so far. Has a good ending so a lot less trauma, but still deals with canon events.
The link is: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51182377/chapters/129324394
⊹₊。ꕤ°₊ ⊹ More canon type events ⊹₊。ꕤ°₊ ⊹
❀˖° "Bad Choices Lead to Dead Ends" - is a two chapter fanfic that will potentially just get it's own section eventually due to it being the second part of a series I'm planning now. It follows the loop au that some people have used where Kamal and Boris are sentient. The twist? One of them is destined to die and the other is meant to stay back to watch the aftermath. The first chapter is Boris' POV and the second is Kamal's POV. I'd suggest reading one after the other to really put into effect the two halves of a picture type style put in. It gets really sad so I'd bring some tissues and skip out on this one if you're sensitive to death and your comfort character dying.
The link is: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51857044/chapters/131115796#workskin
The link to my friend's art for the fic: https://www.tumblr.com/l0nelyappariti0n/735082417599168512/bad-choices-lead-to-dead-ends-chapter-1
˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗ Lighthearted/Wholesome Writings ˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗
✧˚₊‧ Original Character works ✧˚₊‧
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˚。⋆୨୧˚Bloomhaven/AU spin on canon events˚。⋆୨୧˚
❦ [Placeholder]
⊹₊。ꕤ°₊ ⊹More canon type events⊹₊。ꕤ°₊ ⊹
❀˖° [placeholder]
More will be added over time so be on the look out and if you lose this post, just know it's in my pinned post as well!
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mayasdeluca · 4 months
Just saw someone blame D and people who post kids on social media and I have my issues with that as well but I guess is a different culture/way of thinking but that was a fucking excuse to the way people in this fandom are weird about pics of kids with their faves (using them on edits or reposting like crazy). I saw people sharing pic of Asp*n alone and that was weird aff but now they're doing the same and even cropping just the kids????
Opinions aside one thing is to post a pic of a kid you're related to or know/know the parents but this is creepy
(That video of Stef with a baby was also used for all the marina edits you can imagine)
Weird weird
Yeah I find it incredibly weird for people to be posting pictures of them with kids that aren't theirs and especially kids of parents who aren't public figures. I mean I will post/reblog pictures of the soccer moms I follow (Ali, Ashlyn, Sydney etc.) because they are public figures with thousands of followers who choose to post and share photos/videos of their kids with their fanbase themselves. But I think that's much different than people taking pictures of Aspen for example when her dads aren't really known to the public...and Kevin doesn't really post his kids much either so there's really no need to be reposting these photos all over the place and the ones who make edits with them are even worse.
Then again this is the same fandom that clearly doesn't know what the word boundary means and will go at lengths to find personal photos of Danielle & Stefania by stalking anyone that they're connected to (friends or family) and post private photos or find out information they have no business knowing, posting stuff about previous relationships they had as if it's normal for them to be digging into that stuff. It's just unnecessary and gross and invasive. You don't need content of your faves that badly.
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discrunkled-twog · 1 year
Hello there! Either you've already watched the video, or you're planning to, but I thank you for taking the time to explore it at all.
Welcome to Psychomachia! It's a working title, but what we're using for now. The project was made during the making of this video, which is why it isn't mentioned.
This project sprouted on Sep 20, 2022. Since then, Aspen and I have been shooting ideas back and forth, experimenting with music, and exchanging varying media of character design, if that makes sense.
Here are the character sheets, if you'd like to get a better look at them. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11H8oL_xQPn06hSjIWRQRLTiVakg1Crejn02n_Gu31uE/edit?usp=sharing
In the afterlife, if you're an angel, you can choose from a few career paths; you can guard people and protect them from harm in times of need, you can take quick jobs "possessing" them to do something extraordinary, or you can take up a lifelong contract to watch over them and try to shape them into the best person they can be!
If you're a demon, you can guide people during times of need as well— to worse things. And you can possess them, but this is rarely taken seriously, so demons usually just have fun with this. AND you can take up a lifelong contract trying to get people to be the crappiest person they can be!
With the demons' focus on population control, they're constantly opposing the angels, whose goal is the exact opposite. That's why nobody ever thought that a demon and an angel could be in a relationship, let alone have a child. Stories— cautionary tales are told to children about the horrific creature this would unleash upon the world, but then it happened.
And when that child comes of age, how in the entire heck is he supposed to be employable?
If that sounds of interest to you, you can contact either me or Aspen in one of the places shown below, if the video passed you too fast.
Newgrounds: https://disgruntled-twig.newgrounds.com/
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/discrunkled-twog
Newgrounds: https://aspen67.newgrounds.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreaming__aspen
Music (In Order)
Elder Kettle/ Kristopher Madigan
Beat One/ Aspen67
Spider Dance (Electro Swing Remix)/ A-Bit Ape
Woe Is Me!/ Levent & Bernie (Spongebob Soundtrack)
HEY EVERY !/ Toby Fox (Deltarune OST)
Carnival/ Sound Carousel (YouCut Music Library)
sans./ Toby Fox (UNDERTALE OST)
Stars And Games/ Larry Robbins (Spongebob Soundtrack)
Gifs and graphics were taken from the YouCut library. Additional graphics were taken from stock photos, clipart, or drawn. I believe it's safe to assume that this information is irrelevant to most of those who will see it.
Character sheets were done by the incredible Aspen67 on Newgrounds. Used with direct permission. All rights reserved. :)
Video editing done by. Me.
"The Simpsons" clip is taken from S1E2, "Bart The Genius," from January 14, 1990. Wowza! Another fun fact, "The Simpsons" is one of the oldest running shows of all time, coming in at 34 years and counting!
Hope to see you soon. :)
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