#「 promo 」 — ❛ somebody to love. ❜
sgtbradfords · 26 days
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Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen in the promo for 6x09
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eltriador · 6 months
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#ELTRIADOR : an indie , private , selective & mutuals only werewolf oc based in original preternatural lore && based in the universe of @angerworn - as played by the same mun . zed , 33 , she & her , est .
the traitor , the hanged man , the fool , the hermit , blackpaw , specialist , gunsmith , father , grandfather , fiancé , lover . i am whatever you need me to be .
beautiful promo thanks to @medicbled ~
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don’t look at me now but i think i might make a new promo bc i’m feeling artsy (ง ื▿ ื)ว
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swordcoasted · 8 months
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ennabear · 18 days
hi!!! don’t forget that even though hbo tlou2 promo might be exciting, the creator (neil druckmann) is a zionist!!!!! PLEASE do not give him any more money. do not watch tlou2 when it comes out. do not fund somebody who openly supports genocide.
the themes in tlou are hugely based on israel vs palestine conflicts. not only are there israeli themes and propaganda in tlou2, but neil druckmann also gets money from the show. do not fund a zionist!!!!!!!!
if you’d like to hear more about neil’s zionism, here are some posts by amazing writers on tumblr!! here and here and here.
one final thing, i’m not here to argue. neil druckmann is a zionist. you should not be funding him. and for the love of god, do not start arguments in the comments. this is not up for debate!! thanks!!!!
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dsperado · 2 years
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cvnfessed-a · 2 years
tag drop
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extasiswings · 1 year
No I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m fine thisisfine EXCEPT I’M NEITHER SORRY NOR FINE because of course Chim is the one to start the CPR, of course he is, but Eddie’s the one doing it in the promo once they’re at the hospital, so Eddie’s going to be the one who ultimately gets Buck’s heart started again.  And the BALCONY SCENE of it all, “You’re the guy who likes to fix things, but maybe this isn’t something you can fix” re: Buck not being the most qualified to save Maddie, because she didn’t need her brother, she needed the love of her life, the father of her child, her partner.  And Chim is Buck’s brother and an amazing paramedic, but Eddie is his partner, the father of his child, the LOVE OF HIS GODDAMN LIFE so of course Eddie has to be the one to bring him back to life--
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
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— thirst tweets + katsuki bakugou.
hey so your husband bakugou does buzzfeeds thirst tweet interview and uncovers something hilarious from your old fan account. kinda crack? mostly fluff and a little suggestive !! hence MDNI 18+.
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like say he’s on some promotional tour abroad, he’s bee invited to some fashion week or something and they decide to invite him on since fans have been hounding for katsuki do it it for years— so he finally agrees to do it.
it’s early morning when they film, the earliest they could get him in to shoot the video before whatever other promos he has to do on his schedule so katsuki is only half awake and dressed as comfortably as can be. his hair sticks to his forehead, grey hoodie pulled over his head and a coffee in one hand even though he hates the taste but he wants some fucking energy for hell his fans want him to endure.
“let’s get this fuckin’ thing over with shall we?” bakugou grunts as the camera starts rolling, taking a long exaggerated sip of his drink as if to mentally prepare. “the name’s katsuki bakugou ‘n i’m reading your thirst tweets. whores— do i get fuckin’ therapy after this?”
the tweets mostly start off tame, a few comments about how cute bakugou is when he laughs, how his admirers would give up their whole lives for him. the typical stuff in which the pro hero only responds with. “lame. where’s the good shit, i wanna see how nasty you lot can be.” he laughs, ruby eyes drifting over more of the screenshots production had lined him up with. “pro heroes don’t deserve to be sexualised but i want you all to know i’d let pro hero dynamight with a mullet tear my shit up.” he reads the next one with a smirk, pulling back his hood to toy with his growing blonde locks. “should i be growin’ my shit back?”
from here, things start to get progressively worse— bakugou putting the phone down from time to time so he can through his head back in deep laughter, mumbling things like ‘this is so fucked up!’ ‘nah, these guys are fuckin’ nasty.’ ‘can somebody get this on a t-shirt?’ and he’s absolutely having the time of his life filming and reading out his fans’ dirty tweets.
“i’d like to thank whatever god let me be alive at the same time as katsuki bakugou,” he repeats the next tweet out loud, spreading his thighs to sit back in his seat. “i’m your god. ya should be thankin’ me.” the next tweet makes his brows furrow. “i would plaster my bussy on the sidewalk for dynamight— what’s a bussy?”
a few more roll by and the video is almost over but katsuki bakugou damn near loses his mind at the grande finale. “‘if i ever get the chance, i’m gonna make sure that katsuki bakugou, pro hero, aged twenty three, gets the most toe curling, life threatening heart stopping head and then I’ll let him sit on my face with that fat ass of his until i can no longer breathe.” bakugou’s face turns bright red, a snort tearing though his throat as he reads the handle ‘bakugouscumdumpster01’ and then the name of the handler too. “holy fuckin’ shit…where did you guys find this? do you know who this is? this is my wife’s account.”
he would recognise your name anywhere, the way you type and text is still the same as it was five years ago before he met you and gave you the bakugou name. the tweets on the rest of your account are funny, lusting after other pro heroes but most are dedicated to your husband katsuki. the blonde knows the editors will have to cut all of this footage out later but he can’t help but scroll through your tweets and replies under his old tweets from earlier on in his hero career— mentions of how proud you are of him, how much you love him.
and five years later nothing has really changed. you still adore him all the same.
“‘m gonna call her, just you wait. this’ll make good fuckin’ television.” katsuki wonders how much of his cursing they’ll have to censor out when it comes down to editing as he taps your number, smiling when your face flashes up during the dial tone until you pick up.
“hi baby, aren’t you shooting right now?”
your voice fills his heart with joy, beating loud in his chest he’s afraid the cameras might pick up the sound. “i am baby, missed ya though.” there’s a smile on that heart, big and proud when you giggle through the phone and tell him you missed him too— asking him what he needs, if he’s okay, caring about him tenderly in your special way. he hates to ruin it— by reading out the most dirty, disgusting thing you’ve ever said. katsuki repeats your tweet word for word, listening to how you go silent the more he talks. “so does this coupon expire…or?”
you whine, and bakugou knows if you were you would be slapping his chest right now even though you both know he can’t feel it through his big tits (you’ve also tweeted this). “kats! t-that was before i met you!” you squeal, voice trembling with embarrassment— sending his heart into overdrive. you’re so sweet you could give him a toothache. “ohmygod, it’s gonna be in the video. i’m gonna scream, i’m gonna—“
“you sure you’ll be able to do that while yer givin’ me life threatenin’ head, baby?” dynamight rasps, angling the phone at the camera. they might have to cut this too, but he doesn’t care, still being able to fluster his wife is his favourite thing. “c’mon sweets, for the camera?”
you’re quiet for a moment, probably still sulking that your old thirsts for your husband are being uncovered for his amusement. “i’ll give you more than just life-threatening head, kats. just wait until you get home.” you purr through the speaker, voice dropping an octave and katsuki can practically see the way you would look up at him, through your lashes, lips between your teeth. god, he could die. “love you honey.”
and with that, you end the call— the tone ringing out through the set, leaving a flustered bakugou in your wake in front of bright lights and rolling cameras. “i think that’s a wrap?” one of the producers says, snapping dynamight from his thirsty, thirsty thoughts.
“uh…yeah, ‘m katsuki bakugou ‘n this has been reading your thirst tweets.” bakugou grunts bashfully, with a soft smirk on his face, only imagining what nasty acts you’re going to do when he’s done with promotions.
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xonavia · 22 days
hi, i saw your post about Dan Heng with a Female! Idol! Reader and i really loved it! <3
if you could, can you do a second part to that Dan Heng post? he’s one of my favourite characters and it would make me really happy! only again, because i loved it!!!
what i would like to request is…
Dan Heng gets nagged by March 7th to get her one of these sweets in Penacony because they’re ‘limited’ so he goes for her, with the location of the place in his phone. he pays attention to his phone to not realize in time that somebody crashed into him, he looks to see his favourite idol and he gets flustered. not only expecting him to see her, but to gain slight physical touch out of her and he finds out she’s been chased by a bunch of fans. he acts unconsciously and takes her to a nearby alleyway, hiding her close to hide her with a bunch of fans running around, looking for her and once its clear. in exchange, she takes him around Penacony to the nicest places since she is a VIP basically everywhere due to her fame and Dan Heng may have accidentally forgotten to get March 7th her ‘limited’ sweets, in which she blows up his phone but he doesn’t bother to respond.
please and thank you! <3
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-> of course! The first part was so fun to write and I’m glad you enjoyed it so much!! I’d be happy to write Dan Heng as long as somebody requests it! This is the link to part one if anybody wants to read it! - Part 1!
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March 7th. The girl he was cursing now, but the one who he would soon learn was a blessing. She had a tendency to be scrolling on any sort of social media when they were just relaxing on the expressing but never did he think he would all of a sudden be pulled out of his research and be dragged out into Penacony trying to find some limited edition sweet that she "needed". It was even worse since they had no idea where they were going since she had only seen a promo online about it, but it didn't have an address or anything on the page. Luckily with the little knowledge they had, they soon had an idea where they were supposed to be going and thank god for Google maps (or any sort of name you wanna use lol). Too bad he was so busy looking down at the directions not only did he lose March who ran off somewhere, but he had bumped into somebody. Great, now he actually had to speak to somebody. Just as he looked up to apologize to the person, he stopped. There she was. That Idol he's been researching and almost fainted when he realized that Caelus had gotten tickets to her concert, The (Name). He's never apologized faster in his life, of course a blush growing on his face, I mean he just made physical contact with the girl of his dreams!! She seemed a little fractic, looking around as she told him all was fine and that she was in a rush, and that's when he noticed all the people who were also looking around frantically. That's when he put it together, they were looking for (Name). Ignoring the buzzing of his phone he quickly pocketed it and took her hand, trying to blush any harder, and pulled her into a small little alley. He tried to explain that, no, he wasn't trying to do anything bad but make sure those people didn't see her, with a quick laugh from her end she thanked him before waiting out a while, both ignoring the obnoxious buzzing from his pocket. It was about 15-20 minutes before Dan Heng poked his head out and looked around before he gave a thumbs up, and just as he was about to pull out his phone and text March and ask where she was you spoke up. "Hey.. um, so I wanted to thank you, and I know you haven't explored all of penacony with all the issues and stuff happening so how about I take you on a little tour? I can get you into all the VIP areas too!" You asked with a smile, which in response he also slightly smiled back before leaving his phone in his pocket and following behind you as you walk out of the alley and start pointing things out. It definitely didn't feel like only a couple hours before you two were done and just strolling around the city as the sunset was slowly turning into the dark blue of the night. Eventually the two of you made it back to the alley where you started and since it was already night you both decided that it would be a good idea to go your separate ways, and with a quick kiss to his cheek and another thank you, you hurried off back towards your house. He was lost in his train of thought for a couple seconds with a blush that made him look like a tomato before he was broken out of it with a loud voice calling his name. Right. March.
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eltriador · 7 months
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#ELTRIADOR : an indie , private , selective & mutuals only werewolf oc based in original preternatural lore && based in the universe of @angerworn - as played by the same mun . zed , 33 , she & her , est .
the traitor , the hanged man , the fool , the hermit , blackpaw , specialist , gunsmith , father , grandfather , fiancé , lover . i am whatever you need me to be .
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catnippackets · 3 months
Pls do some self promo here of your art (saw your pinned, tell us about it)
I make a weekly horror comic called The Backmaker that updates every Friday that you can read here. the story is about the main character Alice (white hair) being haunted by a strange dream. it's based on some weird dreams that I had when I was a kid that I decided needed to be a full story. here's a panel of the main characters making a horrible discovery in their youth (act 1)
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I've also been slowly revamping my old webcomic, Swan, in my spare time! it's nowhere near close to being fully plotted out at this point but I've been debating making it a mix of prose and comics/illustrations since it's a little complicated and I think trying to do it as a full webcomic all by myself might take the rest of my life lmao. all that I have to publicly show for it are some drawings of Keira and Cailín, who are no longer the main characters and actually just side characters (well Keira's the secondary main character but Cailín has been demoted to side character). I love drawing them they're my oldest ocs that have still stuck around and they're my beautiful girls and I love them. it's a fun faerie fantasy romp in a wild untamed magical world
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I also made a full animatic with them last year which is not canon to their story but I'm still very proud of it
because I am a professional storyboard artist and STILL LOOKING FOR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody PLEASE hire me my biggest strengths are being very fast and staying in character. I'm a valuable asset I've got 8 years of experience I won't disappoint you
I'm also taking commissions rn on account of not having a job rn so if you're interested shoot me an email ;)
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sapphireufo · 5 days
My thoughts about the finale's timeline based on the stills.
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We will start with the Buck & Tommy date. (Whether there will be scenes about Bobby (and Athena) before that, just to hurt us more, I don't know.) It looks like night time, and the fire happened at night. A call will interrupt their date. (Who will call Buck? The hospital? Is he Bobby's emergency contact after Athena? Will he call the others? So many burning questions.)
They all rush to the hospital. Hence the same clothes. I would love if Tommy would be there with Buck, but he's not in any of these photos or the promo. Although a girl can dream...
Bobby has to be in the hospital for days. So the team comes and goes, because Athena investigates, and she had to be at the hospital for some time, while the doctors made sure she's okay.
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So I think while they are there (next day / morning maybe) Hen gets a call and I don't even know what the hell happens with them, but Mara deserves a great family so they better fight for her and win. So go Henren! We support you! We love you! ❤️ (And so does Chim. Hopefully, he and Maddie could help them.)
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I suppose the same happens with Eddie. They are wearing the same clothes, but it's daytime, so probably they spent the night at the hospital and the next day after the fire, Eddie gets a call. Go home, where he speaks with Buck, his parents. I don't know what will happen but I know it will be messy and we have all the feels, all the drama and heartbreak.
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I reckon in this scene he tells Buck about what happened with Kim and Christopher and Marisol, then he will talk with his parents (When will they arrive? Are they in the other room, or with Chris or not there yet?)
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Will Buck be present and just went out when the phone rung or was he in the other room during this talk? Will he talk to Eddie's parents at all, or he's just there as moral support. I think they get a call about Bobby. So they go to the hospital again (where all this time, there was always somebody to keep Bobby company, and Bobby will be fine, everyone will be fine and happy and the problems magically go away. 🤡)
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I think this will be the last scene, a couple days later (different clothes), where Chris goes with his grandparents, while he forgives Eddie and Eddie goes to therapy and gets better. 😭
Cue the tears, the tissue and a very long wait till season 8. (I hope they will start at the end of September. 🤞)
PS. I like that they got renewed sooner, but it also means cliffhangers. They know they don't need to close every story line and frankly they can't do it to all 3 major character arcs in 44 minutes.
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takemeorleaveme · 1 month
Also I would just like to say being a buddie shipper is not for the weak because this shit isn’t fun like I’m not having a good time… I feel like we got so much buddie thrown at us with promos and interviews and bts even moments in the actual show and I have a fear it’s all for nothing and I think the thing that makes me most sad about it is if buddie doesn’t happen I don’t feel like the character of Eddie will be queer and that makes me sad because Eddie Diaz is a very queer man and deserves to be happy with somebody he actually loves. ( & I feel like Ryan also wants that for Eddie) & I just don’t see it happening unless it’ buddie.
Idk just a vent there’s what 4 episodes left of the season I guess we shall see….
also the only thing keeping me holding onto a little bit of hope for queer Eddie is that damn family feud episode.
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yesimwriting · 1 year
hello! I was hoping for a Joel miller imagine where the reader gets hit on in a bar when she’s dating Joel and he sees this and confronts the guy and hits him because he’s aggressive and is all protective over the reader!
I love your writing and this would be amazing thank you xx
A/n first joel request,, slay
update: watched the new episode, bill and frank, still crying 
i feel like this gives post outbreak joel a little more bc of the physical protectiveness,, but i can't remember if there's much/any descriptions of like literal bars in the QZ,, i've only watched the show and i don't remember seeing details,, like ik there's alc/pills available, but actual bars??
idk it's possible i've missed it or forgot bc i have terrible memory
so enjoy my 'makeshift' bar concept as i try my best to deviate from canon as much as possible
not to shamelessly self promo,, but if you like this fic i have another joel fic with what i feel like is a more developed version of this dynamic (bc it’s longer and more internal monologue centered) here and i’m making a part 2 for it so if you like these vibes and want something similar, it’s there, it exists :) 
You're staring again, and trying your hardest to convince yourself that you're not. It's more than pointless, it's bordering on ridiculous.
Joel Miller is not some fleeting crush that’d fit somebody in grade school better than it’d fit you. Not anymore. You know what you are. You've had a talk. The kind of talk that you didn't think existed anymore in this world.
It wasn't exactly the rom-com 'what are we', but after a man Joel was dealing with got a little too friendly, it led to an argument. One you didn't fully understand, especially since Tess practically lived by his side.
Don't pretend, you might come off as all innocent, but you're too smart to be that naive. Men like that only have one intention.
And that had rightfully infuriated you, because after weeks of lingering touches that could be justified with a few words but never were and all the goddamn looks, he had no right to lecture you about another man's intentions with you. His intentions don't matter because that has no affect on me and who I am. Why the fuck does it even matter?
Why does it matter? It had been this subtle scoff of a response that made you take a step back. That made your back brush against the wall of his apartment. Because I don't want other men like that lookin' at you, let alone speaking to you.
The world stopped spinning on its axis and all the air preparing to leave your lungs was trapped with no where to go. Too many implications. 'Other men like that', the inclusion of himself in men that had those intentions. Maybe even more importantly, the implication that he’s some sort of exception.
 Even more deafening, your response: Well maybe I wouldn't speak to them if you didn't entertain ev--
The rest of your sentence, whatever it would have been, was lost to his mouth on yours. A snapping of tension that took its time fizzling down to something less consuming. Something that allowed you both to talk enough to make it clear that Joel was yours and you were his.
It wasn't a magical snapping into place like it might have been in a world without the outbreak. In some ways, it added a new layer of hesitance, and in other ways it propelled you forward. There are growing pains with anything new, and the whole relationship thing is definitely new to you. Especially in this world.
If only you could get past staring. Maybe after Joel secures the whiskey-bourbon-hybrid whatever they're passing as alcohol these days from a less than trustworthy trading contact, you'll get buzzed enough to graduate to handholding, or at the very least, you'll be able to do something besides sit there.
You're starting to feel insane. How is making out easier than the small things? Maybe the setting is more at fault here than you. In the outside world, any form of attachment could easily be twisted into weakness. It’s likely best that you keep some distance from Joel here, especially with the way other men keep looking over at the two of you. 
It’s not like you’re never awkward about the little things when confined safely between the walls of Joel’s place, that’s slowly but surely starting to feel like it’s at least partially yours, as well. But the way you get in public is something else entirely. It’s probably for the best. There are already too many eyes on you. 
Like the guy with red hair that glints oddly in the yellow light of the stranger’s building. He’s swaying slightly, a dark looking glass in his hand that he’s yet to release in the entire time you’ve been here. Every time one of his friends leaves him, his gaze returns to yours. 
Your skin crawls each time, but you keep your expression as stoic as possible. Joel’s getting better at trusting you, better at letting you serve as a sort of backup in the way that Tess usually would. You know that if it came down to it, the man that keeps looking at you wouldn’t be an actual issue, and you know Tess wouldn’t let it get to her. 
Ugh. Another thing you want to get yourself to stop doing. Comparison. It’s ugly and so insignificant. Tess didn’t exactly welcome you with open arms when you first showed up, but you get that. And eventually she warmed a little. You think she’d still trade you for a few ration cards, but she doesn’t hate you. She’s, at the very least, no longer skeptical of you. The other day you caught her hiding a smile over a joke you made.
But it’s hard not to compare. They were the closest thing either of them had to a support system for years before you showed up, and you know that they’ve been together casually. Always casual. Joel stressed that part, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to know, especially now. 
You bury the thoughts the way you often do and turn your attention back to Joel. Back to staring. At least you’re consistent.
A man peaks out of the closet that seems to be the source of all the alcohol. He gestures vaguely in your direction. “That’s us,” Joel says, voice flat, “Wait here, I’ll be back.” 
Nodding as if to dismiss your own thoughts, you beg your mind to not create imaginary problems by reading into him telling you to stay. He’s walking a few feet away to get some boxes, it’s not the rejection insecurity is making it out to be. “I’ll hold down the fort, keep away trouble.” 
Joel blinks, turning his head in your direction briefly. The corner of his mouth turns up slightly, which is more of a reaction than he likes to give when in these kinds of places. He shifts his hand casually, his fingers brushing against yours briefly as he stands. The gesture is small but immediately dislodges the lump in your chest. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” It’s little more than a whisper, but there’s something hidden beneath the roughness of his tone. A pinch of lighthearted humor that’s only visible to you. 
It eases you even further. Joel turns away, moving behind the long table serving as a sort of bar counter. You tap your fingers against the surface without much thought, taking a second to absorb the easiness of it all. It’s rare that getting anything require so little. You don’t think anything’s ever come as easy as sitting on an uncomfortable bar stool. 
“So...” You blink, posture straightening as your eyes flit to the source of the sound. “Guard dog finally left you alone, princess?” 
Okay. Ew. Of course it’s the guy that’s been staring you down since you first sat down. You have to fight to not let your nose wrinkle. There’s no good in reacting, in escalating the situation. “Not a guard dog.” 
You hope that it’ll be enough to show that you’re not interested. “Aw, not feelin’ too friendly, baby.” Ew. You’re torn between cussing him out or actually punching him. Neither is an actual option. Places like these are a minefield and you refuse to be the one to set off a series of explosions. “Maybe you’ll cheer up after a drink, could get you one.” 
Turning your head, you take a breath before replying. “I have enough friends.” The stranger is clearly apart of a group. You don’t know if you could call them all friends, you’re not sure there’s enough casual trust in the world left for genuine friend groups. But they’re at least acquaintances, or work associates, or maybe they met here, equally inebriated enough to accept each other. It doesn’t matter, the point is they were chatting up a storm before he decided to wander over here and bother you. “And it looks like you do, too.” 
“Fine,” he relents too quickly, “Let’s not be friends, then.” His hand shoots forward, landing firmly--and disgustingly--on your waist. “Let’s be something else.” 
You’re unsure if you’re more repulsed by his hand on you or how terrible that line was. Your own hand clasps his, pushing and pulling in an attempt to create a space. He’s relentless, even when your nails start clawing at him. “If you want to keep your hand, I suggest getting off of me.” 
He blinks at your threat and then grins, flashing a smile that’s missing teeth. And then he laughs. A cold chuckle that makes its way beneath your skin. “God, I like them feisty.” 
Shoving your fingers under his, you manage to pry him off of you. Your foot moves, heels smashing into his toes as subtly as possible. “And I like them when they know how to fuck off.” 
His smile broadens, a cynical undertone to the look that makes it worse than before. “Oh, darling,” his hand finds your arm, tugging you forward, “You’re gonna pay for that.” 
“Pay for what?” Relief washes through you before you’ve even fully registered the familiar, even timber of Joel’s voice. He’s speaking in a lower tone than usual, an icy rage that you can feel in your bones and it’s not even directed at you. “Touching what’s not yours, ‘cause you’re the only one doing that.” 
There’s probably something you should say. A subtle warning to not go beyond scaring off the man that is clearly incapable of respecting a woman’s autonomy outside of another man’s claim over her. To not take it too far because it’s not worth it. Because you have it under control. Relatively.
Instead, you’re silent as the man releases you. He takes his time assessing Joel. The stranger is physically smaller and Joel does have that edge that only comes from someone that’s lost enough to be dangerous to anyone threatening what’s left. 
The man holds his hands up in defense, his glass sitting precariously between his thumb and pointer finger. “Easy, man.” You don’t even have to look at Joel to know that that was the wrong thing to say. “I didn’t mean any harm, if you set the price right, I’d be--” 
The rest of the proposition is taken care of by Joel’s fist connecting with the man’s jaw. You hear the audible crack before your mind can make the connection between Joel’s quick movement and the man’s silence. 
Holy shit. Joel didn’t just throw a punch, he threw a punch meant to shatter bone. He barely glances at you, and you’re too focused on the fact that Joel’s standing there, completely fine like he didn’t exert enough force to knock over a grown man. You blink as Joel extends the arm he’s been using to hold the small case. 
You’re too shocked to do more than take the box. The implication of why he’d hand you the box while still standing there doesn’t settle until Joel’s throwing another punch. Each hit is more committed than the last, even when the stranger’s knees give in and he collapses. 
Yeah, there’s definitely something you should say. Now. Like right now. You’d never ask him to hit anybody once, let alone do whatever he’s doing now. But words like ‘stop’ and ‘okay, think he gets it’ all jam themselves so far down your throat, you wouldn’t be able to pry them out with a wrench. 
All you can do is watch. It’s the kind of morbid fascination that reminds you of what it felt like to drive a little slower when passing a car wreck. You’re rooted in place by a realization that’s always been there at the back of your mind, an implied awareness. Joel’s more than just prone to violence when he needs to be. He’s angry. 
It should scare you. Terrify you. Your stillness should be some byproduct of that. But it’s not. Joe’s not a danger to you, he’s a danger for you. 
It’s a level of protectiveness you never thought you’d experience. Your chest feels warm. You hope you’re not messed up enough to consider this some grand display of love. However, there’s a vulnerability in the violence you can’t deny. You’re in a public place, the kind of morally questionable people that are far from above exploiting vulnerability. And yet here he is, announcing an undeniable attachment. 
Joel finishes, chest heaving and hands still curled into fists. The low light makes the thin layer of sweat on his skin seem like he’s practically glowing. His knuckles are already evidently split and swirling in distinct shades of blue and red. You’re mesmerized. 
“You can’t do that shit here.” 
That’s it. The only reprimand. In the world of before, he would have gotten the cops called on him. He would have gone to jail. 
Joel looks up, mumbles something under his breath that sounds suspiciously close to fuck off. He then looks at you, gestures with a tilt of his head for you to follow, and walks forward. 
You try not to think of what it must look like when you follow, quickening your steps to get closer to him after you’re out of focus. When you reach the door, Joel pulls it open with one hand and reaches for your fingers with the other. 
The way your eyebrows draw together when you’re examining an injury is different than the way they pull together for anything else. It’s too focused to be concerned and too concerned to be focused. 
Joel could stare at that expression for longer than he’d ever admit to. He could concentrate on that little line above your forehead and forget about everything else. “I’m fine,” he mutters, knowing that there’s no real point. You’ll do what you’re going to do when it comes to these kinds of things.
You nod absentmindedly, another small sign that you’re not as here as you normally odd. “It’d be awfully sad if you died of something as small as non-fungal infection.” 
He swallows, minding that look behind your eye. Things are still normal, you’ve yet to show any sign of rejection. He kept your fingers locked practically the entire way here and you let him. Never pulled away. 
It’s not like he needs to apologize. Joel did nothing wrong. He even gave you a minute to handle the situation, but the man was relentless. The kind of asshole that takes advantage of a world with little order to prey on women. Joel would do it again. And again. And again. There are no regrets there.
You’re not naive. You know what you signed up for when you accepted him. He’s never hid that from you. That doesn’t change the fact that you’ve always had a pension for forgiveness, a pinch of empathy the world hasn’t managed to snuff. 
“You’re dramatic, anyone ever tell you that?” 
A touch of a smile pulls on the corner of your mouth. “Hm. Think I’ve heard that once or twice from this one guy. Dark hair, dark eyes, cute, but not really my type.” 
Joel smiles, a partial laugh escaping him. “Really?” 
Turning over his hand with a gentleness he still finds difficult to understand, you press a quick kiss to his palm. You move back into your previous position so quickly it almost feels bashful. “I think you know the answer.” You flip his hand so that his knuckles face you again and go back to cleaning them. “You know, you didn’t have to...I wouldn’t have ever asked you to do that.” 
Joel can’t help his partial smile at that. Like there was ever any doubt. “I know,” he manages, “You’re not that.” 
It takes a second for you to understand what he’s implying. That you’re not like him. Yes, you get mad and you have nothing against putting people in their place, but you don’t like hurting people. Your lips part awkwardly, like you want to say he’s not that either, but you can’t. He just proved it to the both of you. 
“Nothing wrong with being like that,” you say, all too casual, “So don’t say it like it’s this big thing.” There is no end to the level of understanding you offer him. He doesn’t deserve it, he never will. “And you’re not like that in the way you mean. That asshole was, you’re not.” 
Joel lets out a low breath. Of course, even this you’d find a way to reframe. “You’d think so.” 
“I’m right.” It’s a quick reply, and the exact kind of response he expected. “You’re not a shitty person just because you beat up some guy or any of the reasons you’re thinking. New world, new morals. Accept it.” 
Your lips pull together into what’s almost a pout in your determination. Always so sure when it comes to him. “Mhm,” he breathes, watching your surprise at his compliancy. You know something’s coming, but not what. Your awareness does little to help you when Joel twists your hand in his pushes you back against the couch. “And what about you?” 
He hasn’t grabbed your hands yet, but you stay still, eyes trained on him. “I am a lot meaner than you think I am.” 
He tilts his head down to hide his amused expression. Your version of mean is fighting back. “You want to prove it?”
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m0thergoose · 2 months
NOT how I expected this episode to start omg unWELL
I truly have no idea what to expect from this ep holy hell
Rick is passenger princess confirmed
The hand kiss 🫠
Honeymoon take 2 woopwoop
OTP on a scenic road trip I’m in love with this
Look at them looking lovingly at Carl
they found a cabin, they on a real vacation now baby
New people I’m scared I don’t like it
Rick is really at Michonne’s beck and call ‘they look pretty hungry’ INSTANTLY drops his bag to find them food lmaoooo
OHHH DONT try this with Richonne you silly silly people
‘Well how bout you just listen’ 😂😂😂😂😂
That’s right Michonne you take your food back lmaoooo
Rick emptying the bullets into michonnes hand sooooorry I’m unwell
Keep your promise asshole 😂
Us against the world 💖
Toothpaste, booze, what are you up to grimes???? I’m just working with what I got - the necklace 💖 RICK LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH
RIGHT who is this now??? Is this GABE?
FUUUUCKING HELL JADIS WAKING THEM UP, it’s like when Jesus walked in on them their first night lmaoooo but this is 1 million times worse!
Michonne looks so hot rn haha
I actually could give a flying fuck about Jadis, hurry up and kill her richonne lmao
And he’s kept a wedding ring for Rick actually shoot me rn
Gabe is a richonner confirmed 💖
Now I want Gabriel to be the one to kill Jadis because this is sick and twisted from her
okay so they’re gonna kill Jadis and as she’s dying she’ll hand him the ring
And next year same day same place it won’t be Jadis that meets Gabriel, it’ll be richonne
HERE we go fuck her up Michonne
Here Ricky dicky goes, fuck them walkers up
Jadis is scum these people better not help her
HAHAHHAHA Michonne just wants to kill this bitch ‘maybe just maim first’ yeah ok Ricky dicky 😂
Michonne what you gonna do
Michonne has a plan yes
‘You’ve looked better’ sassy Rick lol
I’m stilll hoping Michonne just fucking murders her
side note Rick looks v handsome rn
I’ll see you next year Ann - noooo you’ll see richonne next year gabey baby 🤞
‘We’re gonna do that’ ricks like sure whatever you want baby
I don’t want a proposal in front of jadis save it for when you’re alone Ricky dicky
‘I could never have imagined this but it could only ever have been you’ 🥹🥹🥹🥹
THE PROMO ‘are we crazy’ ‘certifiable’ LMAOOOOOO
ALSO how the fuck are we wrapping this up in one more episode, we deserve MORE dammit
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