daily-hyosatsu · 14 days
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In keeping with the rice theme of the past few days, here is some amazing calligraphy from a poster at the rice store! The characters on the top left read 新之助 Shinnosuke, which is a given name for boys. I love the loops, guys! I love the loops!
The suffix ~(之)助 -(no)suke is common in Edo-era names, but I've mostly seen it today in a jokey or nicknamey way. In this case, however, it's actually a stage name; the kid is a kabuki actor! According to the small text next to his head, he is known as 八代目 市川 新之助 Ichikawa Shinnosuke the 8th.
~代目 [だいめ] is a counter for generations. Kabuki stage names are passed down generationally, usually from the actor's father, grandfather, or teacher.
新 means new. Its read あたら.しい, あら.た, あら-, にい-, or シン.
之 is used mainly in proper nouns these days. In classical Japanese, it could mean “this,” or serve as the particle の (apostrophe+s) or “of.” It's read の, これ, ゆく, この, or シ.
助 means help, assist/assistant, or rescue. It's read たす.かる, たす.ける, す.ける, すけ, or ジョ.
I went down a mini rabbit hole and learned that this actor's first appearance on stage was at the age of 2 years and 8 months! That was under his real name, 堀越 勸玄 Horigoshi Kangen (let it be said: this family has style!). He was supposed to make his official debut and succeed the name in 2020, but it was delayed until 2022 because of the pandemic. He just turned 11 this March. You can watch this commercial here—it's cute!
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birdandreflections · 4 months
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t4stereo · 3 months
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ninelanguages · 23 days
Kanji for "all", "whole", "everything", everybody", "everyone"
皆 = mina / kai
皆勤する - Kaikinsuru - to not miss a single day - かいきんする
皆様 - Minasama - ladies and gentlemen / everybody / all of you - みなさま
皆 - Mina - all / everybody / everything - みな
皆無 - Kaimu - none / nothing (at all) / nil - かいむ
皆さん - Minasan - ladies & gentlemen / everybody / all of you - みなさん
皆既食 - Kaikisyoku - a total eclipse - かいきしょく
Kanji for "stop", "halt”
止 = to•maru / to•meru / shi
痛み止め - Itamidome - a painkiller - いたみどめ
止める - Tomeru - to stop (something) / to put and end to - とめる
立ち止まる - Tachidomaru - to stop / to halt / to pause / to come to a stop - たちどまる
中止 - Chuushi - discontinuation / suspension / cancellation - ちゅうし
止まる - Tomaru - to stop / to halt - とまる
禁止 - Kinshi - (a) prohibition / a ban - きんし
Kanji for "thing", "matter", "fact", "affair"
事 = koto / ji / zu
出来事 - Dekigoto - an event / an incident - できごと
用事 - Youji - a task / an errand / things to do - ようじ
返事 - henji - an answer / a reply - へんじ
大事な - Daijina - important / precious / valuable - だいじな
事故 - Jiko - an accident / a breakdown / a failure / an incident - じこ
見事な - Migotona - beautiful / excellent / fine / splendid / marvelous - みごとな
Kanji for "same", "the same", "equal".
同 = ona•ji / dou
同一の - Douitsuno - the same (as) / identical (with) - どういつの
同じように - Onajiyouni - in the same way / likewise / similarly - おなじように
合同 - goudou - (a) combination / (a) union / merger - ごうどう
同時に - Doujini - at the same time / simultaneously - どうじに
同じ - Onaji - one and the same / the same / identical / alike - おなじ
同じ人 - Onajihito - the same person - おなじひと
Kanji for "fish"
魚 = kyo / uo / sakana
金魚 - Kingyo - a goldfish - きんぎょ
魚を食べる - Sakana wo taberu - to eat fish - さかなをたべる
魚座 - Uoza - pisces (12th) sign of the zodiac) - うおざ
魚屋 - Sakanaya - a fish store [shop] / a fish market - さかなや
焼き魚 - Yakizakana - (a) grilled [boiled] fish - やきさかな
魚つり - Sakanatsuri - fishing - さかなつり
Kanji for "cow", "ox", "cattle", "bull", "beef"
牛 = gyuu / ushi
牛 - Ushi - a cow / a bull / cattle - うし
狂牛病 - Kyougyuubyou - mad cow disease (BSE) - きょうぎゅうびょう
牛乳 - Gyuunyuu - (cow's) milk - ぎゅうにゅう
牛肉 - Gyuuniku - beef - ぎゅうにく
牛丼 - Gyuudon - rice covered with beef and vegetables - ぎゅうどん
子牛 - Koushi - a calf - こうし
Kanji for "city", "town", "market", "fair"
市 = shi / ichi
市長 - Shichou - a mayor - しちょう
市民 - Shimin - a citizen / the citizens / the citizenry - しみん
都市 - Toshi - a city / a town - とし
神戸市 - Koubeshi - Kobe city (of Hyogo prefecture) - こうべし
市場 - Ichiba / shijou - a market(place) - いちば
朝市 - Asaichi - a morning market - あさいち
Kanji for "morning", "dynasty", "reign", "rule"
朝 = asa / chou
朝食 - Choushoku - breakfast - ちょうしょく
朝御飯 - Asagohan - breakfast - あさごはん
朝日 - Asahi - the morning (rising) sun - あさひ
早朝 - Souchou - the early morning - そうちょう
朝刊 - Choukan - a morning newspaper - ちょうかん
朝 - Asa - morning - あさ
Kanji for "daytime", "noon", "midday"
昼 = hiru / chou
昼 - Hiru - noon/ midday / the daytime - ひる
昼寝- Hirune - an afternoon nap / a siesta - ひるね
昼休み - Hiruyasumi - (a) lunchtime [hour/break] - ひるやすみ (see kanji for rest 休 )
昼間 - Hiruma - daytime - (during) the day - ひるま
昼御飯 - Hirugohan - lunch / luncheon - ひるごはん
昼食 - Chuushoku - lunch / luncheon - ちゅうしょく
Kanji for "evening", "dusk"
夕 = seki / yuu
夕食 - Yuushoku - dinner / supper - ゆうしょく
夕べ - Yuube - an evening / last night - ゆうべ
夕刊 - Yuukan - an evening paper - ゆうかん
夕立 - Yuudachi - a (summer afternoon) shower - ゆうだち
夕日 - Yuuhi - the evening sun / evening sunlight - ゆうひ
夕方 - Yuugata - (an) evening - ゆうがた
Kanji for "night", "evening", nighttime"
夜 = ya / yo / yoru
夜中 - Yonaka - midnight - よなか (see kanji for "inside", "middle" 中)
夜 - Yoru - (a) night / (an) evening - よる
夜間(ni) - Yakan(ni) - at night / in the night [night-time] - よかん(に)
金曜の夜 - Kinyou no yoru - Friday night - きんようのよる
夜景 - Yakei - a night view (scene) - やけい
夜明け - Yoake - dawn / daybreak - よあけあ
Kanji for "one", "once", "first"
一 = ichi / itsu / hito / hito•tsu
一つ - Hitotsu - one (thing) - ひとつ
一度 - Ichido - once / one time / (on) one occasion / one degree - いちど
一日 - tsuitachi - the first day of the month - ついたち
一日 - Ichinichi - a [one] day - いちにち
一人 - Hitori - one person - ひとり
一月 - Ichigatsu - January - いちがつ
一月 - Hitotsuki - a [one] month - ひとつき
一緒に - Isshouni - together / with / along with / at the same time - いっしょうに
Kanji for "two", "second".
ニ = ni / futa / futa•tsu
二十日 - Hatsuka - twentieth (day of the month) / twenty days - はつか
二月 - Nigatsu - February - にがつ
二月 - Futatsuki - (a period of) two months - ふたつき
二十 - Nijuu - twenty - にじゅう
二人 - Futari - two people - ふたり
二日 - Futsuka - the second day of the month / two days - ふつか
二つ - Futatsu - two (things) - ふたつ
Kanji for "three", "third"
三 = san / mi / mi•tsu / mit•tsu
三角 - Sankaku - a triangle - さんかく
三人 - Sannin - three people - さんにん
三月 - Sangatsu - March - さんがつ
三月 - Mitsuki - (a period of) three months - みつき
三つ - Mittsu - three (things) - みっつ
三回 - Sankai - three times - さんかい
三日 - Mikka - the third day of the month / three days - みっか
Kanji for "four", "forth"
四 = shi / yo / yo•tsu / yot•tsu / yon
四回 - Yonkai - four times - よんかい
四人 - Yonin - four people - よにん
四字熟語 - Yojijukugo - a four-character idiomatic compound - よじじゅくご
四つ - Yottsu - four (things) - よっつ
四月 - Shigatsu - april - しがつ
四日 - Yokka - the fourth day of the month / four days - よっか
Kanji for "five", "fifth"
五 = go / itsu / itsutsu
五時 - Goji - five o'clock - ごじ
五人 - Gonin - five people - ごにん
五月 - Gogatsu - May - ごがつ
五つ - Itsutsu - five (things) - いつつ
五日 - Itsuka - the fifth day of the month / five days - いつか
五階 - Gokai - the fifth floor - ごかい
Kanji for "six", "sixth"
六 = roku / mu / mu•tsu / mut•tsu / mui
六つ - Muttsu - six (things) - むっつ
六時 - Rokuji - six o'clock - ろくじ
六人 - Rokunin - six people - ろくにん
第六感 - Dairokkan - a sixth sense / hunch / (an) intuition - だいろっかん
六日 - Muika - the sixth day of the month / six days - むいか
六月 - Rokugatsu - June - ろくがつ
Kanji for "seven", "seventh"
七 = shichi / nana / nana•tsu / nano
七夕 - Tanabata - July 7th Festival of the Weaver - たなばた (Also known as the star festival, according to legend 2 lovers are seperated by the milkyway and only meet once a year)
七つ - Nanatsu - seven (things) - ななつ
十七 - Juushichi - juunana - seventeen - じゅうしち / じゅうなな
七日 - Nanoka - the seventh day of the month / seven days - なのか
七人 - Shichinin - seven people - しちにん
七月 - Shichigatsu - July - しちがつ
Kanji for "eight", "eighth"
八 - hachi / ya / ya•tsu / yat•tsu / you
八人 - Hachinin - eight people - はちにん
八月 - Hachigatsu - August - はちがつ
八日 - Youka - the eight day of the month/ eight days - ようか
八方美人 - Happoubijin - one who is affable to everybody - はっぽうびじん
(Affable - friendly/ good-natured/ easy to talk to)
八つ - Yattsu - eight (things) - やっつ
十八 - Juuhachi - eighteen - じゅうはち
Kanji for "nine", "ninth"
九 = kyuu / ku / kokono / kokono•tsu
九つ - Kokonotsu - nine (things) - ここのつ
九分 - Kyuufun - nine minutes - きゅうふん
九十 - Kyuujuu - southernmost of Japan's main islands - きゅうじゅう
九時 - Kuji - nine o'clock - くじ
九月 - Kugatsu - September - くがつ
九日 - Kokonoka - the ninth day of the month / nine days - ここのか
Kanji for "ten", "tenth"
十 = juu / juutsu / too / to
五十音 - Gojuuon - the Japanese (kana) syllabary - ごじゅうおん
十月 - Juugatsu - October - じゅうがつ
十個 - jukko / jikko - ten (things) - じゅっこ / じっこ
十人 - Juunin - ten people - じゅうにん
十日 - Tooka - the tenth day of the month / ten days - とおか
二十歳 - Hatachi - twenty (years of age) / one's twentieth year - はたち
Kanji for "hundred", "numerous".
百 = Hyaku
三百人 - Sanbyakunin - three hundred people - さんびゃくにん
百点 - Hyakuten - a [one] hundred points / a perfect mark - ひゃくてん
百パーセント - Hyakupasento - one hundred percent / 100% - ひゃくパーセント
百科事典 - Hyakkajiten - an encyclopedia - ひゃっかじてん
八百屋 - Yaoya - a vegetable store / a greengrocery - やおや
百円 - Hyakuen - a [one] hundred yen - ひゃくえん
Kanji for "thousand"
チ = Sen / chi
千代田区 - Chiyodaku - Chiyoda Ward (of Tokyo) - ちよだく
五千円 - Gosenen - 5000 yen - ごせんえん
千葉県 - chibaken - Chiba prefecture (east of Tokyo) - ちばけん
二千人 - Ninsennin - two thousand people - にせんにん
千羽鶴 - Senbaduru - (string of) 1000 origami [paper] cranes - せんばづる
千切りにする - Sengirinisuru - to cut into thin strips - せんぎりにする
Kanji for "ten thousand", "myriad"
万 = man / ban
案(が)一Man(ga)ichi - by any chance / by some rare accident - まんがいち
二万人 - Nimannin - twenty thousand people - にまんにん
一万円 - Ichimanen - ten thousand yen - いちまんえん
万国 - Bankoku - all (the) coutries on earth / all nations - ばんこく
万引き - Manbiki - shoplifting - まんびき
万年筆 - Mannenhitsu - a fountain pen - まんねんひつ
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aja-aja-hanja · 2 years
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if you'd like to support me, check out my ko-fi!
character story:
八 팔 divide the bread with a knife 刀 도 knife to share it! It only takes a minute.
Study vocab here!
氣分 기분 feeling
energy x divide
氣分 - 기분 좋다/나쁘다 be in a good mood/ bad mood
氣分 - 기분전환* diversion; change of scenery
一分 일분 one minute
one x minute
部分 부분 part
part x part
區分* 구분* division classification
distinguish x divide
分類* 분류* classification
divide x a kind
分離* 분리* division
divide x separate
分割* 분할* partition division
divide x divide
分斷* 분단* partition division
divide x cut
分擔* 분담* division of labor
divide x carry
分配* 분배* distribution
divide x suitable
分解* 분해* decomposition
divide x loosen
分析* 분석* analysis
divide x analyze
分揀* 분간* discerning
divide x choose
分店 분점 branch store
divide x store
分校 분교 branch school
divide x school
分野 분야 field area
divide x field
成分 성분 ingredient
complete x divide
主成分 주성분 main ingredient
main x complete x divide
分量 분량 quantity
divide x amount
水分 수분 moisture
water x divide
鹽分 염분 salt content
salt x divide
糖分 당분 sugar content
sugar x divide
鐵分 철분 iron content
metal x divide
營養分 영양분 nutrition (elements)
nutrition x divide
餘分 여분 remainder excess
surplus x divide
充分하다 충분하다 be enough
full x divide
分數 분수 discretion one’s place
divide x number
分數 분수를 알다 know one’s place
分數 분수에 맞게 살다 live within one’s means
分數 분수가 없다 be indiscreet
分數 농담을 해도 분수가 있지 carry a joke too far
瓜分하다 과분하다 be more than one deserves
exceed x divide
身分 신분 social standing identity
person x divide
分明하다 분명하다 be clear obvious
divide x bright
緣分 연분 fate
affinity x divide
處分* 처분* disposal (of one’s property)
manage x divide
分讓* 분양* initial sale (apartments)
divide x cede
德分 덕분 thanks to… indebtedness
virtue x divide
當分間 단분간 for the time being
suitable x divide x interval
*can add 하다 to make a verb form
**can add 이다 to make an adjective form
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sugarfield · 2 months
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tokyostreetphoto · 1 month
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Terraces, Yaesu 八重洲
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8rano · 2 months
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rennebright · 3 months
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アル by 嵐系 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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daily-hyosatsu · 2 years
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A very beginner kanji name today: 八木, written with eight and tree. But most simple kanji have tons of readings so this can be pronounced Yagi, Yaki, Yatsuki, Yatsugi, Hachiki, Hagi, Yogi, or Yasugi.
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animepopheart · 4 months
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★ 【十八子凉凉】 「 星 ステラ 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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ebisusan · 5 months
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Rin Hachimitsu Japanese AV idol
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t4stereo · 2 years
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himekokosu · 1 month
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Cherry Blossom
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buried-in-stardust · 9 days
A music box cover of 无羁 by Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo
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peach-bbbb · 2 months
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ω Cute butt like a peach ωฅ(^ω^ฅ) 八掛うみ Umi Yatsugake japanese AV idol ass
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