grandsumo · 2 years
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大相撲秋場所 6日目 . . 大相撲ハンカチ② . . 今日は横綱大関総崩れ! 貴景勝は玉鷲に、御嶽海は琴ノ若に、正代は明生に、照ノ富士は宇良に敗れました。 . . 6連勝は 玉鷲、北勝富士 5勝1敗 高安、若元春、王鵬 📍両国国技館 📷2022.09.11 . ↓↓↓ . . . . . . . #逸ノ城 #熱海富士 #一山本 #宇良 #玉鷲 #御嶽海 #照ノ富士 #貴景勝 #正代 #若隆景 #若元春 #霧馬山 #豊昇龍 #翔猿 #大相撲秋場所 #大相撲秋場所2022 #大相撲九月場所 #sumo #grandsumo3 #kokugikan #ryogoku #tokyo #japan #rikishi #お相撲さん #力士 #大相撲 #相撲 #相撲好きと繋がりたい #両国国技館 @grandsumo3 @sumokyokai (両国国技館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CikBdZSOkwp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vraisetzen · 7 months
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taisho era wlw
by takabatake kashō (高畠華宵)
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boydswan · 10 months
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仲代達矢 || HARAKIRI · 切腹 (1962, 小林正樹)
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Sean bienvenidos, japonsistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega arqueológica, en esta ocasión os voy a hablar del túmulo Shofuku-ji una vez dicho esto, pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Dónde se localiza el túmulo Shofuku-ji? Se localiza en la ciudad de Kawanishi, en la prefectura de Hyōgo, localizado a su vez en la región de Kansai. La cámara funeraria se descubrió en la era Meiji. En 1934, el Dr. Sueharu Umehara de la Universidad de Kyoto realizó un estudio de campo y en la década de 1970, se realizó un estudio llevado a cabo por la Junta de Educación de la ciudad de Kawanishi que descubrió un ataúd de madera en la que se enterraron: puntas de flecha de hierro, espadas de hierro. - Data del siglo V y el siglo V y corresponde al periodo Kofun, con una longitud total de 40 m y fue construido a principios del siglo VI. Se descubrió un haniwa, que fue desenterrado durante la excavación, y se hizo de una manera muy similar al haniwa en la región de Owari que corresponde a la actual prefectura occidental de Aichi. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, que pasen una buena semana. 日本の考古学者の皆さん、ようこそ!今回は、正福寺古墳についてお話します!では、早速始めましょう。 - 正福寺塚はどこにあるのですか?関西地方に位置する兵庫県川西市にあります。古墳が発見されたのは、明治時代です。1934年に京都大学の���原末治博士が現地調査を行い、1970年代には川西市教育委員会の調査で木棺が発見され、その中に鉄鏃、鉄剣、鉄刀が埋められていました。 - 5~5世紀の古墳時代に相当し、全長40m、6世紀初頭に造られたものである。発掘調査で出土した埴輪は、現在の愛知県西部の尾張地方にある埴輪と酷似した作りのものが発見されています。
Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new archaeological instalment, this time I am going to talk to you about the Shofuku-ji tumulus, having said that, make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - Where is the Shofuku-ji mound located? It is located in the city of Kawanishi, Hyōgo Prefecture, located in the Kansai region. The burial chamber was discovered in the Meiji era. In 1934, Dr. Sueharu Umehara of Kyoto University conducted a field survey and in the 1970s, a survey conducted by the Kawanishi City Board of Education uncovered a wooden coffin in which were buried: iron arrowheads, iron swords, and iron swords. - It dates from the 5th-5th century and corresponds to the Kofun period, with a total length of 40 m and was built in the early 6th century. A haniwa, which was unearthed during excavation, was discovered and made in a very similar manner to the haniwa in the Owari region of what is now western Aichi Prefecture. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a nice week.
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crazyfox-archives · 13 days
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A poster advertisement for Mitsukoshi Department Store by Yoshida Shūkō (吉田秋光), 1913
Un cartel publicitario de la tienda departmental Mitsukoshi de Yoshida Shūkō (吉田秋光), 1913
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useyourimagination2020 · 10 months
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「夏・全・開 」 高中正義 and 楽園ガールズ ad in POPEYE magazine, No.179(1984)
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megaclaudiolis · 1 year
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三船敏郎 × 仲代逹矢 椿三十郎 (1962, 黑沢明) // 上意討ち 拝領妻始末‎ (1967, 小林正樹)
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ladygoehnio · 10 months
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David wrote to his father about his 1921 royal tour in Japan:
My chief disappointment is not being tattooed in Japan; but it seems that it's been illegal, though I can't think why. Still, under these conditions, I've left it severely alone!!
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ahsofhs · 1 month
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盘点辩论赛中的那些大神的精彩输出,“熬夜是现代人的病还是药”开局一口酒 痛击对手emo队友 破防网 #辩论赛 #辩论名场面 #真的很喜欢看辩论赛 海外引流大鹏: 微信: h261640996 TG(电报):@dp8886666
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grandsumo · 1 year
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大相撲初場所15日目 千秋楽 . . 大関貴景勝が優勝! おめでとうございます。 . 貴景勝は琴勝峰に勝ちました。 若隆景は錦木に勝ちました。 阿武咲は豊昇龍に敗れました。 . 朝乃山は北青鵬に勝ちました。 14勝1敗。 . . 12勝3敗 貴景勝 11勝4敗 霧馬山、琴勝峰 . . . . . . 📍両国国技館 📷2023.01.22 . ↓↓↓ . . . . . . . #貴景勝 #若隆景 #若元春 #翔猿 #正代 #豊昇龍 #明生 #阿炎 #霧馬山 #琴ノ若 #朝乃山 #隆の勝 #大栄翔 #阿武咲 #琴勝峰 #大相撲初場所 #大相撲初場所2023 #大相撲一月場所 #sumo #grandsumo3 #kokugikan #tokyo #rikishi #お相撲さん #おすもうさん #力士 #大相撲 #相撲 #相撲好きと繋がりたい #両国国技館 @grandsumo3 @sumokamen @sumokyokai (両国国技館) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnt6G1Grr03/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ashitakaxsan · 3 days
✨Exploring Palestine's Cultural Richness: From Ancient Statues to Modern Dreams✨
Palestine, a land steeped in history and brimming with cultural treasures, offers a fascinating blend of ancient artifacts and contemporary aspirations.Let's explor into the country's archaeological wonders, the enduring influence of Japan on Palestinian society, and the unique stories that bridge past and present, tradition and modernity.
Warning:My post is only Cultural,it highlights great cultural points.I took the care with sensitivity. I don't bring in politics,I won't meddle with.
A) The Bronze Statue of Apollo in Gaza:
Gaza, often in the headlines for its political tensions, holds a treasure from the ancient world that speaks to its rich cultural heritage. The discovery of a Bronze Statue of Apollo, dating back to antiquity, sheds light on Gaza's historical significance as a crossroads of civilizations. This remarkable artifact serves as a reminder of Gaza's role in the ancient world and the cultural exchanges that occurred in the region. However, the current whereabouts of this statue are unknown, leaving its fate uncertain amid the region's instability.
The Story:
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Lost for centuries, a rare bronze statue of the Greek god Apollo has mysteriously resurfaced in the Gaza Strip, only to be seized by police and vanish almost immediately from view.
Word of the remarkable find has caught the imagination of the world of archaeology, but the police cannot say when the life-sized bronze might re-emerge or where it might be put on display.
A local fisherman says he scooped the 500kg (1,100lb) god from the seabed last August, and carried it home on a donkey cart, unaware of the significance of his catch.
Others soon guessed at its importance, and the statue briefly appeared on eBay with a $500,000 (£300,000) price tag - well below its true value. Police from the Islamist group Hamas, which rules the isolated Palestinian territory, swiftly seized it and say they are investigating the affair.
Archaeologists have not been able to get their hands on the Apollo - to their great frustration- and instead must pore over a few blurred photographs of the intact deity, who is laid out incongruously on a blanket emblazoned with Smurfs.
From what they can tell, it was cast sometime between the 5th and the 1st century BC, making it at least 2,000 years old.
"It's unique. In some ways I would say it is priceless. It's like people asking what is the [value] of the painting La Gioconda [the Mona Lisa] in the Louvre museum," said Jean-Michel de Tarragon, a historian with the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem.
"It's very, very rare to find a statue which is not in marble or in stone, but in metal," he told Reuters television.
The apparently pristine condition of the god suggested it was uncovered on land and not in the sea, he said, speculating that the true location of where it was unearthed was not revealed to avoid arguments over ownership.
"This wasn't found on the seashore or in the sea ... it is very clean. No, it was [found] inland and dry," he said, adding that there were no signs of metal disfigurement or barnacles that one normally sees on items plucked from water.
Palestinian fisherman Joudat Ghrab tells a different tale. The 26-year-old father of two said he saw a human-like shape,lying in shallow waters some 100 metres offshore, just north of the Egyptian-Gaza border.
At first he thought it was a badly burnt body, but when he dived down to take a closer look he realised it was a statue. He says it took him and his relatives four hours to drag the treasure ashore.
"I felt it was something gifted to me by God," Ghrab told Reuters. "My financial situation is very difficult and I am waiting for my reward."
His mother was less happy when she saw the naked Apollo carried into the house, demanding that his private parts be covered. "My mother said: 'What a disaster you have brought with you' as she looked at the huge statue," said Ghrab.
The discoloured green-brown figure shows the youthful, athletic god standing upright on two, muscular legs; he has one arm outstretched, with the palm of his hand held up.
He has compact, curly hair, and gazes out seriously at the world, one of his eyes apparently inlaid with a blue stone iris, the other just a vacant black slit.
Ghrab says he cut off one of the fingers to take to a metals expert, thinking it might have been made of gold. Unbeknownst to him, one of his brothers severed another finger for his own checks. This was melted down by a jeweller.
Family members belonging[ I doubt if his family ever had ties to Hamas,either directly either indirectly ] to a Hamas militia soon took charge of the statue, and at some stage the Apollo appeared on eBay, with the seller telling the buyer to come and collect the item from Gaza.
That would have been easier said than done, however, as Gaza is virtually sealed off from the outside world, with both Israel and Egypt imposing rigid controls on access to the impoverished enclave and its 1.8 million inhabitants.
Whether any potential buyers stepped forward is not clear, but when Hamas's civilian authorities found out about the artefact, they ordered the police to seize it.
Officials at Gaza's tourism ministry told Reuters the statue would not be shown to the public until a criminal investigation into who tried to sell it was completed.
However, Ahmed al-Bursh, the ministry's director of archaeology, said he had seen it and promised that Ghrab would receive a reward once the issue had been resolved.
"It is a precious treasure, an important archaeological discovery," said Bursh. Once the statue has been released by police, his ministry plans to repair it and put it on show in Gaza.
"International institutions have also contacted us and have offered to help with the repair process," he said, adding that a museum in Geneva and the Louvre in Paris wanted to take it on loan.
Like Ghrab, Bursh said the statue had been found at sea. The historian Tarragon said it was vital to know the true location of its discovery.
Some 5,000 years of history lie beneath the sands of the Gaza Strip, which was ruled at various times by ancient Egyptians, Philistines, Romans, Byzantines and crusaders.
Alexander the Great besieged the city and the Roman emperor Hadrian visited. However, local archaeologists have little experience to carry out any scientific digs and many sites remain buried.
Statues such as the Apollo cast would not have been held in isolation, meaning it may prove the tip of an historical iceberg, according to Tarragon.
"A statue at that time was [put] in a complex, in a temple or a palace. If it was in a temple, you should have all the other artefacts of the cult [at the site]," he said, adding that he hoped Hamas appreciated its potential importance.
"There is a feeling that they could find more and more [items] linked to the statue, more and more artefacts, so this is very sensitive," he said.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-apollo-gaza-idUSBREA190NQ20140210/
B) An 11-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Pursues His Dream of Becoming a Chef:
In the midst of adversity, stories of hope and aspiration emerge, exemplified by the journey of an 11-year-old Palestinian boy who dreams of becoming a chef. Despite the challenges he faces, including limited resources and economic hardship, his passion for cooking fuels his ambition.
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His story underscores the resilience and determination of the Palestinian people to pursue their dreams and overcome obstacles in pursuit of a brighter future.
Palestinian child Mahmoud Abu Nada cooks inside the kitchen of a local restaurant, in Gaza City on Oct. 13, 2018. Although blood cancer has forced him to leave school, 11-year-old Palestinian boy Mahmoud Abu Nada became a chef after receiving courses at a Gaza restaurant. TO GO WITH Feature: Gaza child suffering from cancer amazes people with cooking talent.
Source: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-10/16/c_137536471.htm
C) Palestinian-Japanese Cooperation For the restoration the mosaics of Hisham's Palace:
Hisham's Palace (Arabic: قصر هشام Qaṣr Hishām), also known as Khirbat al-Mafjar (Arabic: خربة المفجر), is an Vital early Islamic archaeological site in the Palestinian city of Jericho, in the West Bank. Built by the Umayyad dynasty in the first half of the 8th century, it is one of the so-called Umayyad desert castles. It is located 3 km north of Jericho's city center.In 2015, an agreement was signed between the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Japan International Cooperation Agency to enable the 825 square metres (8,880 sq ft) mosaic in the palace, one of the largest in the world, to be uncovered and readied for display.
On 2018 the collaboration between Palestinians and Japanese archaeologists has yielded remarkable results, including the recent display of the site.
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This joint effort not only highlights the importance of international cooperation in preserving cultural heritage,but also deepens the cultural ties between Palestine and Japan.
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Through shared endeavors in archaeology and cultural preservation, Palestinians and Japanese forge bonds of friendship and mutual respect, enriching both societies in the process.
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D) The Representation of Palestinian Girls in the Anime "Canaan":
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In the world of entertainment, the original anime "Canaan" offers a unique portrayal of Palestinian girls, Alphard and Canaan, whose contrasting backgrounds and beliefs shape their identities and actions.
A Palestinian teenaged girl and a mercenary, Canaan is dispatched by her unknown superiors to the city of ShanghaiWP in the People's Republic of ChinaWP where she meets up with Maria Ōsawa. Now a photographer, Maria reunites with her friend Canaan after being saved from harassment, during a trip to the Middle East years ago. Their presence in Shanghai, however, has been greatly overshadowed by the upcoming,crucial NBCR International Anti-Terrorist Conference in the same city where Alphard(Canaan's hateful rival) plans to stage a terrorist attack with her subordinates known as "Snakes".
💕The Palestinian girl Canaan is amazingly pretty(kawai).💕 Her eyes are now radiant red because of her synesthesia:An ability as a radar to locate others, to hack into mechanical systems, and to dodge/deflect bullets easily.
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Through their characters, the anime explores themes of conflict, identity, and resilience, offering viewers a nuanced perspective on the Palestinian experience. While fictional, the depiction of Palestinian characters in "Canaan" reflects the diversity and complexity of Palestinian society, challenging stereotypes and fostering understanding.
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boydswan · 10 months
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| 三船敏郎 | SAMURAI REBELLION (1967) dir. Masaki Kobayashi
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anamon-book · 3 months
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NHK腐蝕研究 徳永正樹 同時代叢書 汐文社 装幀=INO企画・高田宣子+金子一峰
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zetsuboukoku · 1 year
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鈴木 清順、1981年
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da-daism · 2 months
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tampopou · 2 years
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The Human Condition I: No Greater Love (第一部 純愛篇/第二部 激怒篇) — dir. Masaki Kobayashi, 1959.
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