yoshikiofficial · 1 year
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I'm glad I was able to participate during a crazy tour schedule. I attended my friend's retirement ceremony who is the greatest Sumo wrestler of all time . and I cut his hair. ツアーで凄いスケジュールの中、参加できてよかった。元横綱白鵬 宮城野親方 の断髪式 Yoshiki #yoshiki #hakuho #sumowertler #champion #横綱 #白鵬 #宮城野  (at Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cob57eQuJpO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grandsumo · 1 year
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本日 白鵬引退 宮城野襲名 披露大相撲 . . . . . 📷2023.1.28 📍両国国技館 . . . . . ↓↓↓ . . . #白鵬引退 #白鵬 #HAKUHO #間垣親方 #宮城野部屋 #宮城野親方 #白鵬引退宮城野襲名披露大相撲 #白鵬翔 #白鵬関 #落合 #🇯🇵 #炎鵬 #石浦 #北青鵬 #🇲🇳 #mongolia . . . . #sumo #grandsumo3 #japan #rikishi #お相撲さん #力士 #大相撲 #相撲 #相撲好きと繋がりたい は #両国国技館 #両国 #墨田区 #日本橋 #20230128 @grandsumo3 @sumokyokai (両国国技館) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8B2AcPEA3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mmasu · 1 year
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sekasu2007 · 11 months
東野幸治、元・白鵬の宮城野部屋の「空気の良さ」に驚き「怖い『サンクチュアリ』みたいな部屋やったら…」 #東野幸治 #白鵬 #宮城野部屋 #東野幸治のホンモノラジオ
2023年7月21日放送のABCラジオの番組『東野幸治のホンモノラジオ』(毎週金25:00-26:00)にて、お笑い芸人・東野幸治が、元・白鵬の宮城野部屋の「空気の良さ」に驚いたと語っていた。 東野幸治:宮城野部屋、親方が白鵬さんなんですよね。で、宮城野親方なんですけど、銀座にあるんですよ、部屋。 渡辺鐘:へぇ。 東野幸治:で、俺も又聞きの又聞きですけど、とにかく資金力もあるし。みんな、強い人全員が宮城野部屋に集まってきてるんですって、流れが。 渡辺鐘:はい。 東野幸治:で、俺、白鵬さんが引退だってVTRを見たことあるんですよ、日テレの番組で。 渡辺鐘:はい。 東野幸治:ほんなら、今の伯桜鵬が落合の頃、「今から始めるよ」っていう時の、それが親方��待してるから、「これ、落合。これから強くなる力士」とか言って。 渡辺鐘:はい。 東野幸治:で、「やってみろ」みたいな感じでやったら、普通の怖…
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ishiduca · 1 year
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yoshikiscollection · 6 months
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Yoshiki with a former sumo wrester Hakuhō Shō at his retirement ceremony.
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briefenthusiastlight · 7 months
【新聞大家談】中共106道政令 救不活民企
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
Besides the demon kings mentioned as the sworn brothers of Wukong, and the father of Jade Faced Demon and Hu A'qi who are also mentioned as demon kings(?), what other mentions of demon kings are and which of these do the pilgrims kill?
I’m surprised you are not aware but MOST of not all the demons that the pilgrims fight are demons kings. We see that Wukong visited about 72 Demon Kings at the start and out of the 72, Wukong befriended 6 of them. A personal headcanon of mine is that there can only be 72 demons, no reason really just a good number, but that if a demon wishes to be the 'King' they must defeat the old one and take over. Such as Wukong taking down the Demon King of Havoc who was trying to take his territory and his subjects.
But here is all the Demon king they have fought.
Demon King of Confusion (混世魔王) - killed by Wukong
Bear Mountain Lord (熊山君) - escape
Black Wind King (黑風怪) - befriended with Guanyin
Yellow Wind Demon (黃風怪) - subdued for Lingji
Yellow Robe Demon (黃袍怪) - jailed
Golden Horned King (金角大王) - jailed
Silver Horned King (銀角大王) - jailed
Hu A'qi Great King Fox Number Seven (狐阿七) - killed by Bajie
Lion-Lynx Demon / Azure Lion (獅猁怪/青毛獅子) subdued for Manjusri
Red Boy (紅孩兒) befriended with Gaunyin
Tuolong Black River God (鼉龍) jailed by Crown Prince Mo'ang
King of Spiritual Touch (靈感大王) subdued for Guanyin
Single Horned Rhinoceros King (獨角兕大王) subdued for Laojun
Scorpion Demoness (蠍子精) - killed by Rooster
Princess Iron Fan (鐵扇公主) - released
Bull Demon King (牛魔王) jailed
Wansheng Dragon King (萬聖龍王) - killed by Wukong and Bajie
Yellow Brows Great King (黃眉大王) jailed for Maitreya
Great King Jupiter's Rival (賽太歲) subdued for Guanyin
Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord (百眼魔君) befriended for Pilanpo
Yellow Toothed Elephant (黃牙老象) subdued for Samantabhadra
Golden-Winged Great Peng (金翅大鵬雕) subdued for Buddha
King of the Southern Hill (南山大王) - killed by Bajie
Grand Saint of Nine Spirits (九靈元聖) subdued for Taiyi Jiuku Tainzun
King of Cold Protection (辟寒大王) - killed by celestial
King of Heat Protection (辟暑大王) killed by Bajie
King of Dust Protection (辟塵大王) killed by Bajie
That should be all at them at least that I know are Demon Kings. There could be more but the reason I didn't add these demons to the list is that I didn't see them with an army or many servants if at all. So these are more honorary mentions cause they are still powerful demons that COULD be demon kings.
White Bone demon (白骨精) - killed by Wukong
Nine-Tailed Vixen (九尾狐狸) - killed by Wukong
Nine-Headed Insect (九頭蟲) escaped capture by Erlang
White Deer Spirit (白鹿精) subdued for Old Man of the South Pole
Lady Earth Flow (地涌夫人) subdued for Nezha and King Jing
Killed - 10 Released / Escaped - 3 Jailed / Subdued for Owner - 16 Befriend - 3
I made a list a while ago of all the demons here if you need to check it out but I hope that helps!
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What about the trio of the Camel Ridge? I know in LMK, they're basically demons, independent demons so are they like still that in the novel?
The demons of Lion-Camel Cave appear in chapters 74-77 of JTTW. Two of them, the "Yellow-Tusked Elephant" (Huangya laoxiang, 黃牙老象; a.k.a. "White Elephant," Baixiang, 白象) and the "Azure Lion" (Qingmao shi, 青毛獅; a.k.a. Qingshi, 青獅), are holy beasts (pusa zhi shou, 菩薩之獸) that escaped from paradise to become demons. The elephant belongs to the Bodhisattva Viśvabhadra (Puxian, 普賢) and the lion belongs to the Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī (Wenshu, 文殊). On the other hand, the "Peng or Roc of Ten Thousand Cloudy Miles" (Yuncheng wanli peng, 雲程萬里鵬; a.k.a. "Great Peng or Roc," Dapeng, 大鵬) is a spiritual uncle of the Buddha and a supremely ancient and powerful demon king.
Here is a woodblock print of the three demon king brothers fighting the pilgrims from the original 1592 printing of JTTW.
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And here is a splash page print of the three demons being conquered by the Buddha (top) and the two bodhisattvas. It comes from an 1835 Japanese translation of JTTW.
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kennak · 4 months
やはり貴ノ岩の暴行事件の時に当時の白鵬は煙に巻いて、日馬富士が主犯格で廃業となったけど、白鵬も限りなく黒いと言われたけどやはり勘繰ってしまう。 白鵬の居るところに現役時代から、何しろ暴行事件が付きまとう、親方になって強ければ何やっても良いんだっていう、指導方法だったとしか思えない。 しっかり教育してればこんなに酷い暴行なんてしないだろうし、手に余るようなら、親方が暴行を受けた弟子に警察に被害届を出す様に促すのが普通。 親方が暴力を容認してたと取られてもおかしくない事件だと思う。
「バーナー状にした炎を体に近づけ…」暴力力士の横暴を許した白鵬に“師匠失格”の烙印「睾丸平手打ち、紗代子夫人に不快メールも」《北青鵬引退騒動》(文春オンライン)のコメント一覧 - Yahoo!ニュース
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shoji · 1 year
2018年、34歳で神戸に加入したイニエスタ選手は、過去にスペイン「FCバルセロナ」でヨーロッパチャンピオンズリーグを4度制覇。2010年ワールドカップではスペインの初優勝に貢献しました。 世界有数の名手が神戸入り!当時ネット上では「例え」が流行しました。 (いずれも当時のTwitterより) 「わんぱく相撲に白鵬乱入」 「ジョニーデップが次の月9の主演」 「高校の文化祭にB’zが来る」
【ヴィッセル神戸】イニエスタが涙の退団会見「神戸に来たのは最高の決断」「日本で子ども産まれ素晴らしい国で成長した」7月のコンサドーレ戦が最終戦 現役続行の意向で「歩む道が分かれた」とも(MBSニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース
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yoshikiofficial · 1 year
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I'm glad I was able to participate during a crazy tour schedule. I attended my friend's retirement ceremony who is the greatest Sumo wrestler of all time . and I cut his hair. ツアーで凄いスケジュールの中、参加できてよかった。元横綱白鵬 宮城野親方 の断髪式! Yoshiki #yoshiki #hakuho #sumowertler #横綱 #白鵬 #宮城野 #大相撲 #champion (at Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cob4_JHu4sh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grandsumo · 1 year
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白鵬引退 宮城野襲名 披露大相撲に行ってきました。 . . . . . 📷2023.1.28 📍両国国技館 . . . . . ↓↓↓ . . . #白鵬引退 #白鵬 #HAKUHO #間垣親方 #宮城野部屋 #宮城野親方 #白鵬引退宮城野襲名披露大相撲 #白鵬翔 #白鵬関 #落合 #🇯🇵 #炎鵬 #石浦 #北青鵬 #🇲🇳 #mongolia . . . . #sumo #grandsumo3 #japan #rikishi #お相撲さん #力士 #大相撲 #相撲 #相撲好きと繋がりたい は #両国国技館 #両国 #墨田区 #日本橋 #20230128 @grandsumo3 @sumokyokai (両国国技館) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9YPxjLSp9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mmasu · 1 year
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Sumo matches are based on match-fixing (Essay)
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Sumo is Japan's national sport and is also popular among some foreigners. However, this competition is not a sport. Simply put, it's a ``sacred ritual,'' but in reality, it's an unfair competition that often involves match-fixing.
About two years ago, Hakuho, a ``great yokozuna,'' competed after resting in several tournaments and won all of them. (15 wins, 0 losses). I saw it too, and thought it was very suspicious. If he rests for that long, it will be difficult to maintain his physical condition, and even more so, his competitive instincts will dull, and even though he is a great yokozuna, he will barely be able to win (8 wins, 7 losses). That was an all-win victory...I had a hunch that this victory was the result of a lot of match-fixing. After that, I haven't watched any sumo broadcasts.
Unfortunately for the sumo world, Master Takanohana was trying to reform the match-fixing system in sumo...He called himself a ``gachinko wrestler'' and never did match-fixing, but his disciple caused a scandal and he left the sumo world. There is a tacit understanding within the sumo world that any wrestler who does not call himself a ``gachinko wrestler'' is expected to engage in match-fixing.
Chiyonofuji, a ``famous yokozuna'' who is a sibling of the current Sumo Association president, Master Hakkaku, was a match-fixer, and when a fan yelled at him, ``You match-fixing bastard!'', he couldn't say anything back. The same goes for Hakkaku. It's hard to say this to foreigners who enjoy sumo, where match-fixing is commonplace, but ``If you watch a competition like this seriously, you're going to lose money.''
PS: Recently, Master Miyagino (Hakuho) was demoted to two ranks after hiding the fact that his disciple had committed many violent incidents and many match-fixings. It's so possible.
Rei Morishita
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kyoto4 · 3 months
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『1964 前の東京オリンピックのころを回想してみた。』 泉 麻人 著 ( 三賢社)
第1章 63年の大晦日の風景 紅白歌合戦の聖火ランナー/クレージーと三人娘 第2章 64年の正月と八波むと志の死 八波むと志が死んだ/チロリン村とひょうたん島 第3章 吉永小百合と草加次郎 草加次郎とは……/吉永小百合と東京風景 第4章 舟木一夫がアイドルだった ニレの舟木、ネムの西郷/青春歌謡とモータリゼーション 第5章 巨人少年のファン手帳 仁丹の野球ガム/「勝利の旗」を知ってるかい? 第6章 柏鵬と三羽ガラスの時代 北の富士、清国、若見山に夢中/薬屋でもらった「相撲手帳」 第7章 シール・ワッペン・切手少年 ワッペンから切手へ/オリンピック切手大懸賞 第8章 忍者というヒーロー フジ丸の風魔十法斉/忍者部隊と2B弾 第9章 オリンピックの頃の東京風景 「おそ松くん」の街並/西武デパートのピータン/西銀座の不二家で 第10章 平パンと007とビートルズ ヘンなモード・みゆき族/謎のリバプール・ビートルズ 第11章 夢の超特急とミコとマコ 「夢の超特急」の由来/マコ、甘えてばかりでゴメンね 第12章 オリンピックがやってきた イーデス・ハンソンと戦艦/64年10月10日のこと/映画「東京オリンピック」
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