#👀 to vineyard au
lightcreators · 1 year
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look at me meme / @tiimecrash​
F  e  a  t  h  e  r  i  n  e
That  name  he  breathed  internally  for  he  didn’t  know  how  many  times,  crushing  that  fucking  witch  to  be,  indeed,  at  greatnesss  of  reputation  associated  to  her  …  that  threatening  shadow  controlling  the  threads  of  people’s  life,  who  generated  an  play  behind  players  back  …  who  acted  unconcerned  about  consequences  of  her  actions,  about  how  damages  she  could  bring  …  that  name  wearing  by  his  old  friend,  the  name  in  which  he  craved  to  find  miserable  expressions  coming  from  the  Time  Lord  who  was  devoted  himself  to  save  people  …  that  name  who  destroyed  his  friend,  twice,  into  different  circumstances,  where  he  had  been  left  in  the  dark  on  why,  where  he  won’t  probably  never  know  the  reason  of  why  he  had  become  such  a  bitch  …  He  wasn’t  the  first  time  the  Doctor  kindly  put  him  in  the  closet.  Be  trapped  inside  another  planet,  with  important  elements  of  his  TARDIS  removed,  left  behind  inside  complete  loneliness  somewhere  when  he  won’t  have  to  think  about  him  —  that  incarnation  regularly  did  it  to  him.  How  many  times  he  had  passed  trying  to  overcome  the  Doctor’s  actions  …  he  didn’t  wanted  to  remember.  Not  when  that  incarnation  face  will  haunt  him  in  one  way  or  another.  Not  when  he  won’t  never  be  removed  of  that  incarnation  who  lived  inside  a  world  without  him  …  For  too  long,  he  wanted  to  believe  that  face  wasn’t  bloody  serious.  It  had  to  be  empty  words,  right  ?  That  threat  to  removing  him  from  existence  implicity  expressed  when  he  sweetly  manipulating  him  by  let  him  rule  the  Earth  temporary,  by  let  him  release  a  paradox  that  will  be  his  tomb  ?  That  threat  to  lock  him  away  ?  That  thread  he  could  control  his  life  if  he  wanted  to  ?  That  pressure  he  never  was  going  to  know  any  kind  of  pleasant  peace,  that  he  will  always  be  observed  ?  It  had  to  be  …  He  wanted  to  believe  it  was.  That  fucking  witch  saved  somewhere  his  damn  life  when  he  lost  against  that  bloody  bitch  who  anticipated  his  every  move  inside  the  Year  who  Never  Was,  who  knew  perfectly  how  emotionally  his  actions  will  impacting  his  future,  who  fucking  knew  he  had  damned  himself  when  he  thought  he  could  be  the  winner  ?  How  many  people  did  he  killed  during  that  time  ?  How  many  billions  of  life  he  had  destroyed  who  had  been  rewritten  inside  some  planified  scheme  ?  How  many  of  his  crimes  becoming  that  bitch’s  responsibilities  when  he  was  the  one  supposed  to  hold  them  ?  There  was  no  desire  to  speak  up  over  that  tenth  incarnation  who  suffered  beautifully  from  his  hands.  Incarnation  of  the  Doctor  he  knew  had  been  pleasant  pawn,  had  been  controlled  by  another  one  of  his  incarnations  …
How  many  times  he  passed  inside  that  closed  room  …  He  was  unable  to  tell.  Sometimes,  there  was  sound  of  chatter  he  cannot  truly  understand,  far  away  of  his  position,  as  a  eternal  sign  of  hope  of  compagny  and  a  presence  who  was  out  of  his  reach  …  There  was  the  sound  of  his  rain,  who  generated  sometimes  gentleness  inside  that  loneliness.  Otherwise,  there  was  only  him  and  his  room,  where  he  guessed  quite  enough  that  place  was  belonging  to  Earth.  Where,  he  hadn’t  been  able  to  truly  tell.  There  was  nothing.  No  indication.  No  distinctive  sign  of  the  where  have  been  annotated.  There  was  no  papers.  There  was  no  books.  There  was  no  way  to  write  something.  There  was  no  phone  around.  An  bedroom  as  any  bedroom,  who  had  quite  nice  decoration  —  a  bathroom  where  at  times  he  could  believe  drops  of  water  had  fallen  …  Nothing  else.  An  special  closet  in  which  there  was  nothing,  truly  nothing  to  get  him  out  of  his  loneliness.  Coming  from  Theta,  it  had  been  such  a  asshole  move  !  It  was  possibly  the  single  person  in  the  world  who  knew  where  he  came  from  when  he  had  been  a  kid,  single  person  in  the  world  who  knew  how  much  he  had  suffer  of  that  loneliness  for  be  the  one  who saved  him  !  Even  today,  even  now  he  was  out,  even  now  he was physically out  …  mental  turmoil  about  that  lock  still  repeated  inside  his  mind.  The  reason  about  why  that  chain  had  to  show  up  around  his  neck  when  he  was  acting  on  the  lock  …  The  reason  of  that  pressuring  atmosphere  of  something  sinister  hiding  inside  the  room  …  The  sudden  brutal  welcoming  laugh  of  a  witch  …  eternal  sound  of  the  chain  …    eternal  sound  of  the  lock  ...  Why  did  it  had  to  be  broken  ?  Why  couldn’t  it  work  normally  ?  Emptiness  of  his  eyes,  who  had  betrayed  his  eyes  since  a  long  time,  hadn’t  been  able  to  removing  over  an  somber  expression.  There  was  an  attached  absence  associated  to  his  gaze.  Sounds  of  his  TARDIS,  regardless  how  black  the  console  room  had  been,  had  been  recollection  of  that  room  …  as  he  sensed  he  was  going  to  eternally  facing  that  loneliness  …  as  he  was  scared  to  be  left  down  inside  such  room  …  It  had  been  merely  kindness  coming  from  that  witch.  There  was  worse  places  existing.  There  was  worse  hell  existing  in  the  world.  No  matter  how  much  he  was  watching  the  world  around  him,  he  wasn’t  sure  how  real  it  was.  How  could  he  be  sure  he  was  truly  out  ?  Maybe  did  eventually  he  imagined  his  exit,  that  possibility  he  had  been  out  for  better  cope  he  wasn’t  out  ?  Sola’s  expression,  inside  worries  of  his  wife  towards  him,  wanted  to  be  reassuring,  as  always.  Nevertheless,  he  had  no  words  to  express  anymore.  Nevertheless,  he  had  no  smile  to  offer.  He  wasn’t  even  sure  to  be  out.  He  wasn’t  even  sure  if  that  punishment  was  truly  be  finished.  There  was  a  lack  of  physical  answer  when  she  touched  her  chin,  when  even  sounds  of  his  TARDIS  remained  distant  —  as  it  wasn’t  truly  here,  as  he  wasn’t  truly  here.
He  had  to  say  something.  Something.  Just  something.  Just  a  single  word  …  The  Doctor  was  dead.  It  was  an  truth  he  would  have  to  accept  at  some  point.  Others  circumstances,  something  who  happened,  something  he  wasn’t  aware  of,  killed  the  Doctor  he  knew  so  intimately.  The  Doctor  didn’t  existed  anymore.  Not  inside  his  fifth  incarnation  for  sure  …  where  he  wished  someday  saving  the  tenth  of  same  fate  over  that  circle  he  had  been  pulled  in  …  Watching  over  his  wife,  there  was  a  silent  vow  of  protection  towards  her.  Featherine  will  not  touch  her.  Oh,  by  all  his  incarnations,  that  fucking  witch  will  not  fucking  manipulate  his  wife.  Something,  something  …  He  really  had  to  say  something.    ❝  Last  few  days  have  been  complicated  …    ❞  He  didn’t  know  how  many  times  had  passed  for  him.  He  didn’t  know  how  many  times  had  passed  for  her.  He  honestly  disliked  it,  but  he  needed  to  give  a  reason.  Explaining  why  he  had  been  absent.  Explain  why  he  hadn’t  been  present  and  why  she  cannot  find  him  ….  Featherine  put  me  in  the  closet.  It  was  what  he  desired  too  much  to  say.    ❝  I  was  held  against  my  will.    ❞
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Honestly Aemond being mad the morning after they sleep together is so funny to me, ‘cause my man, my buddy, my dude; you now damm well you’re down bad for your ex; like if she wanted him to be just her booty call (for the moment) he will.
It would be interesting to see her interact with all of the Targs siblings including Aemond during/after the divorce (before she decided to be talk as friends to them); like you mentioned that she would have to see them and be civil for Daella’s sake; but how would it go, ‘cause she would probably have to see them in her daughter, Alicent & Daeron birthday since she does speak to the laters; and probably Christmas or other holiday and that must be very hard, more over if Aemond, being the deaf tone idiot that he is, would bring Alys; honestly reader a better person than me cause I would make sure that he get to se his child as minimum as possible (yeah only Alicent and Daeron get love from me, they’re pookies and I love them).
Like I would pull a Shakira and her Session 53 on all of them.
Also does Aemond know that she wants more kids before sleeping together or after? Like imagine him having to meet one of reader’s new man, like someone that she is getting serious with that she feels comfortable to have around her daughter (probably after they started therapy) and Daella liking him and being comfortable with this new man in her mommy’s life 🥺; and let’s say that Aemond knows that she wants more children (again this could be before or after that night) like he probably is terrified by the idea of this guy having a permanent place in all of their life’s; at this point he is sure of his importance in reader life because his is the father of her only child but that could possibly change and it terrifies him. It would make him realize that he could actually loose reader for good, and all his chances of getting her back are in danger. I imagine that after “that” night he makes his goal of getting her back and being a family all three of them again (maybe even expand it 👨‍👩‍👧 🔜 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦).
Aemond in the djats!au gives me vibes of the song “Somebody Else”from The 1975.
Reader is “Lose You to Love Me” from Selena Gomez coded
I do want to do something during the holidays for them! I feel it would be super interesting specifically if Aemond tried to bring alys around ://. Honestly it’s kind of fun writing Aemond as delusional bc I lowkey feel like he is lmaoooo. But in a dissociative, I have to put a false sense bravado because I’m highly insecure type of way. I don’t think (at least not show Aemond and how I see him) he does most things to hurt people. He just has a default setting because of how he was raised… like a cute targ doll
Aemond probably finds out about the child thing afterwards. It probably makes the night hurt more considering they both made an effort for him to you know… not do his business inside of her. He would’ve given her another kid just based on how he feels about daella.
Daella would probably be skeptical about a man in reader’s life just like she was with alys. But I think if this man stayed in reader’s life longer than alys did in theirs she’d warm up. Especially since she’d probably be older by that point. Understanding the difference between how alys come into her dad’s life versus this new guy. Aemond would probably be screaming crying throwing up if daella had another male figure in her like that. Like she loves her uncles but obviously not the same as reader having a man around constantly. Oouuu now I want to write something about the first dinner between reader, daella, Aemond, and reader’s new man
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
what if abby's father and the reader's father were friends and the like to hangout and play tennis a lot ; one day jerry anderson tries to convince his daughter to play a game with him, his friend and his daughter (reader) who has just returned home after two years of travelling ;
both girls accept their father's invitation! then the big day arrives and abby finds herself in front of reader in her pretty tennis set (and maybe something could happen in the locker room, after a heated match 👀)
I'm baaaack!
Sorry this took me so incredibly long it's been a weird few weeks. I hope I did your idea justice, she's a long one.
word count: 3.3k
content warnings: enemies to lovers, mean, competitive Abby, thigh riding, fem! reader, oral (r! receiving), fingering (r! receiving), overstimulation, dirty talk, modern au where Abby's dad isn't dead obvi, no use of y/n
You were sitting at your kitchen counter sipping on a glass of ice water and gazing out the window, watching the summer breeze rattle the trees. It had been a few weeks since you’d gotten back from Europe, but ice still felt like a luxury. Europe was so beautiful and you wouldn’t trade it for anything, but after a few years you started to yearn for air conditioning, cold water and disgusting greasy fried food. Your first bite of a McChicken back in the states was orgasmic. 
You also missed your family, your dad would call you every other day and talk about his day in incredible detail. He joined a country club and got into tennis while you were gone, he even made a few friends. You were especially happy about that because you were worried about him getting lonely while you were gone. You didn’t want him rotting in an empty house while you went out and traveled the world. Even though your dad’s days were mundane and repetitive you just liked listening to him talk. His voice was the only thing that could dull the feeling of homesickness. 
The front door opening pulls you out of your thoughts. Your dad walks in clearly having just got back from the country club, he was dressed head to toe in tennis gear including a visor. You can’t help but giggle at how stupid and preppy he looks. You didn’t exactly grow up going to country clubs, and dressing in brand name clothes. Luckily your dad had gotten a new job so he could splurge on himself. It made you happy to watch him treat himself for the first time in his life. 
“What? Why are you laughing at me?” He looks up and down checking his clothes for stains or any wardrobe malfunctions. 
“Nothing, you just look a little funny dressed in your tennis uniform. Not exactly used to you in country club attire.” You smile as he acts mock offended. 
“I think it suits me, thank you very much.” He dramatically marches over to the fridge to fill up his water bottle. He’s really not gonna let go of this.
“You’re right, you were born to wear exclusively Vineyard Vines and sip wine on the balcony of your third beach house.” You say with a smirk. 
“Sounds pretty nice to me.” He smiles and leans on the counter across from you. 
He hesitates before saying “I’ve been meaning to invite you to play with me and Jerry, I think you’d have fun, it’ll be like the good old days on your high school tennis team. You’d probably deeply humble both of us.” Jerry was your dad’s best friend right now, one of the first people that welcomed him into the country club. 
“Dad, I haven’t played tennis in three years I don’t kn-” 
“Jerry said he’d bring his daughter too. She also used to play a lot of sports in high school. We could do father daughter teams or daughters vs fathers. It’ll be fun.” He sounds so excited, you would feel way too guilty turning him down at this point. 
“Ok, ok. Have you met his daughter? Is she like.. Nice?” You didn’t want to have to fake getting along with her for your dad’s sake, if you were being honest you would probably end up doing that anyway. Your dad wasn’t exactly good at finding you friends. 
“Yes, she’s incredibly nice, and respectful. She’s a few years older than you, about 25 I think, and she works for a construction company.” He pauses trying to recollect the little information he knows about his friend’s daughter. “She’s so strong I’m pretty sure she could pick me up bridal style.” Your dad laughs at his own joke, but now you are a little nervous. It’s starting to sink in that your dad essentially set up a playdate for you with an incredibly buff woman. You just hope you don’t end up noticeably ogling at her, maybe you’ll get lucky and she’ll be incredibly mean.   
You woke up bright and early the next morning, your dad bribed you with a fancy breakfast before the match. The food was delicious, but you couldn’t stop your nervous movements, constantly tapping your fingers or feet. Your dad noticed and reassured you there was no reason to be nervous, and that there’s no pressure. To be honest your nerves weren’t completely because you were out of practice. Meeting new people always made you anxious, especially when it was arranged like this. There was an unspoken expectation for everyone to get along and enjoy themselves and you liked to keep your expectations low. 
Before you knew it you and your dad were walking to the tennis courts. Your dad noticed you were starting to get all up in your head.
“Hey, loosen up kiddo this will be fun, if it’s not you let me know and we can leave. I’ll just tell them I’m not feeling well and we can get ice cream. Jerry will understand.” He messes with your hair a bit and you feel mildly relieved. 
Once you get to the tennis court all of the relief you felt drained from your body, immediately replaced with pure anxiety. As you walk onto the smooth green court you see a middle aged brunette man, no doubt that was Jerry, and a tall strong blonde standing next to him. She towered over him, every muscle chiseled to perfection by what must have been some higher power. As you got closer you could see her biceps straining against her blue t-shirt, her thighs were barely visible, but from what you could see they were just as muscular as her arms. You were beginning to ogle when you’re snapped out of it from the sound of your dad greeting Jerry. Your dad shakes hands with Jerry and Abby and you begin to do the same. Abby’s blue eyes pierced right through you, a neutral expression adorning her face. She was incredibly intimidating considering she could clearly snap you in two. You shake Jerry’s hand “I’ve heard so much about you, hope you still remember your stuff from high school. Your dad and I have gotten pretty good.” 
You smile and reply “It’s been a while, but I’m sure I’ll warm up in no time!” You liked to stay humble, but honestly you were pretty good at tennis. You had won a lot of games and you were one of the best on the team. You didn’t talk about it much though because you were self aware enough to know literally no one cares about tennis. You were also as a result extremely competitive so you were hoping you would be able to tone it down in order to not scare your dad’s friend away. 
You move to shake Abby’s hand “I’m Abby, nice to finally meet you.” From her tone you would have assumed she thought it was indeed not very nice to meet you. But you nod and smile as her calloused hand engulfs yours. You can’t help but notice how warm her skin is to the touch and how large her hands are. 
She was incredibly attractive. 
“Alrighty you guys ready for an ass whoopin?” Jerry jests. 
“You bet.” Your dad replies. 
You and your dad make your way to the other side of the net and get into your ready positions. Abby serves the ball first and her swing was strong, but it was no match for your speed. You quickly learned the harder Abby hit the ball the louder she would grunt, so naturally you attempted to rile her up further. You would smirk arrogantly at her every time you and your dad gained a point, and take an extra long time getting ready to serve on the rare occasion she and Jerry would score a point. You and your dad rack up points quickly and the blonde was growing visibly frustrated. She was starting to hit the ball even harder, her jaw was clenched and her expression was so serious. It was adorable. 
Eventually Jerry calls for a break and sits on one of the benches with you dad, leaving you to sit with Abby. Alone. 
You sit down next to her on the wooden bench and start sipping from your water bottle. She does the same and you sit in silence for a bit. You notice the sweat on her brow and how her shirt is starting to stick to her skin. You can almost make out her abdominal muscles through the thin blue fabric. 
“I’m not usually this bad at sports, not used to losing.” Abby says, looking straight ahead. You can’t help but smile at her discontent, she seems just as competitive as you.
“I’m sure your strong muscles get you pretty far in most sports, but apparently tennis is not one of them, especially when you're up against an expert like me.” You say trying to joke around to lighten her mood.
“I wouldn’t classify a varsity tennis player as an expert, but okay.” She says with a smug look, still not facing you. She definitely did not understand your humor. 
“Clearly enough of an expert to beat you.” You shoot back. Abby grows silent and continues to sip her water. 
You sit in silence while your dad chats with Jerry, giving up on trying to make conversation with Abby. Eventually Jerry and your father stand up ready to finish the game. You and your dad beat them miserably. The game only ended because the sun started to go down, the country club quickly emptying out for the day. 
Your dad and Jerry suggest you all get washed up in the locker rooms before leaving. They walk away from the tennis court side by side talking and laughing while you and Abby walk behind them in almost total silence. Once the group reaches the locker rooms the two dads turn to you and Abby. 
“Would it be ok if me and Jerry grab a drink together? Abby can take you home in Jerry’s car.” The absolute last thing you wanted was to be stuck in a small car with this mean blonde, but you smiled and nodded. 
“See you later kiddo.” Your dad smiles and tussles your hair before walking into the locker room. 
You walk into the locker room as well, planning to just keep your distance from Abby for as long as you could until you were stuck with her in a tiny car. You can hear her heavy footsteps follow behind you and you quickly put your bag down, grab a towel and walk towards the showers to avoid facing her. You walk into one of the stalls and turn on the shower. The warm water helps to calm you down and soothes you. You lather on the soap massaging your muscles to relieve any soreness or tension, making sure you washed all the sweat away from the match. Unfortunately you have to be quick because you don’t want to make Abby any more annoyed than she was. 
As you step out and begin to dry yourself off you realized you forgot your change of clothes. 
You wrap the towel around you tightly and make your way to the lockers. Abby is sitting on the bench in the middle lacing up her shoes. Thank god she was looking down. You scramble over to your bag and grab your clothes out. You turn to head back to the showers to change in peace but Abby’s voice stops you.
“You took fucking forever.” She’s not looking at you, which you have observed to be a habit of hers. 
“Didn’t want to stink up your car. Is that ok with you?” Abby scoffs, but says nothing in response. 
“Seriously what the fuck did I do to you?” You blurt out, exasperated. You’re not usually this confrontational, but you felt like you deserved an answer. “I have barely had a conversation with you and for some reason you seem to have a problem with me or something.” 
Abby stands up angrily to face you and you had almost forgotten you were wearing a towel until she looked at you up and down with wide eyes. “You weren’t even gonna get dressed before asking me that question?” She sounds genuinely pissed off. Was everything you did an inconvenience? 
“Doesn’t matter, just answer it.” You look her straight in the eyes, challenging her. 
“Fine. You really wanna know?” You nod “I barely had a conversation with you and I could tell you were a brat.” As she’s talking she starts walking towards you, you didn’t even realize you were backing away until you felt the cool metal lockers against your skin. “You have an attitude problem, you know that? You don’t know when to shut the fuck up” She’s close, too close, she’s looking directly down at you daring you to respond. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? You were the one who started being rude to me.” You refuse to break eye contact with her, trying to intimidate her from your height was ineffective, she wasn’t backing down. “What are you gonna do?” You ask boldly, tilting your head inviting her to answer. “Teach me a lesson? We both know you’re not gonna do anything, so just let me get dressed so I can get home and never see you again.” She doesn’t respond, the only sound was you and Abby’s synchronized breaths as she stared at you with a fire in her eyes. Her stare somehow made you feel more naked than you already were, making you overly aware of the fact that you were wearing a towel that was starting to slip down. 
“You have no idea what you’re asking for sweetheart.” She says almost breathlessly. The anger in her eyes quickly turns into a hunger when she looks down at your towel slowly slipping off your body. You’re holding on to the towel for dear life. 
“Fuck.” Abby says breathlessly before doing the absolute last thing you could have expected. She kisses you. Hard. 
You let out a surprised squeak and quickly back away, both of your chests heaving. You look in her eyes and see a desperation and hunger that’s almost scary, but for some reason you kiss her back. Abby melts into you and threads her fingers into your hair. You place your hands gently against her chest as she pushes you further against the lockers with her strong body. Her hands slowly travel down to the towel barely maintaining your dignity. She gently pries your hands from the soft material and rips it off throwing it across the room, keeping her lips on yours the entire time. You barely notice the cool air against your bare skin, she is so close to you you can feel her body heat radiate through her clothing. 
Abby uses her foot to move yours outward, spreading your legs enough for her to slot her thigh between them. You moan into her mouth the moment her strong thigh makes contact with your bare cunt. You start slowly writhing against her, trying to relive the ache that was growing in your center. Abby breaks away and looks down at you desperately grinding on her thigh. “You’re already so wet for me sweetheart. Barely had to do anything.” She smiles smugly as she watches you become a moaning mess, her thigh creating a perfect pressure against your clit. 
Abby starts kissing you down your neck, occasionally sucking on the sensitive skin, the feeling of her rough tongue causing you to whimper. She begins circling her fingers around your nipples, teasing them, before pinching them and rolling them between her fingers. You begin to move faster against her thigh and the pleasure in your belly begins to build. Your moaning starts to become louder as you begin to reach your high. Abby notices and moves her thigh further against you, putting even more pressure on your sensitive bud. “You close baby?” You nod and whine, desperate for any kind of release. You start moving faster against Abby’s thigh and your pleasure quickly hits its peak. It comes crashing against you in overwhelming waves, forcing loud moans from your lips. Abby eventually puts her leg down and backs away slightly, before kneeling in front of you. Before you can ask any questions she grabs one of your legs, hooks it around her shoulder and licks a stripe up your soaking cunt. You hiss through your teeth, sensitive from your first orgasm. She begins teasing your clit with her tongue and you have to thread your fingers into her hair for something to hold on to. 
You barely manage to whimper out, “Abs-fuck- I-I’m too sen-senitive.” 
She stops for a second and looks up at you. The sight of her kneeling between your legs is nearly enough to have you coming again. “You can take it baby, gonna make you come until you can’t give me that attitude anymore.” And with that she starts lapping at your cunt once again. She sucks your clit into her mouth, her tongue circling your sensitive bud. You let out a surprised whine, your chest heaving from the intense sensation. Abby’s hands grab hold of your hips, bring you closer to her mouth. 
You can feel another orgasm building as Abby rubs her thumbs in circles against your skin. You begin uncontrollably writhing against her tongue, but Abby quickly uses her grip on your hips to pin you firmly against the lockers forcing you to remain still. The action caused your pleasure to bubble over. “Abby-”, you whine out “-ffuck-fuck.” 
She keeps assaulting your clit through your orgasm, not slowing down. As you begin to come down, you become sensitive again and try to wriggle away from her. She pins your hips against the lockers and looks up at you with a stern look in her eyes. She wasn’t going to stop until you couldn’t even hold yourself up. 
She shoves two fingers inside of you causing you to gasp at the sudden intrusion. Her digits slid in easily, your arousal now dripping down your thighs. She curls her fingers forward causing you to have to bite your lip to keep from screaming. 
“Don’t you fucking dare bite your lip I want everyone to be able to hear you screaming for me sweetheart.” You clench around her thick fingers at her words and Abby takes that as a sign to keep talking. “You’re taking me so well princess. Think I can add another finger?” You nod eagerly at her in response. “Use your words baby.”
“Y-yes pl-please yes.” With your pathetic reply she adds another finger, filling you to the brim. She fucks you at a steady pace occasionally looking up at you to watch your face scrunch up in pleasure. She begins sucking hard on your clit causing you to let out a pornographic moan. She speeds up her fingers, hitting your g-spot with each thrust. Little moans and whimpers were escaping your lips every time her fingers hit that spongy spot. Your walls began clenching around Abby’s fingers and she knew you were close. Your orgasm hit you quickly and caught you by surprise, your whole body feeling the most intense pleasure you’ve ever felt. You’re not even sure what noises you were making or what you were saying, the pleasure was so blinding all you could do was buck your hips into Abby’s mouth. You were being held up exclusively by Abby’s grip on your hips. She stands up and quickly scoops you up bridal style to sit you down on the bench. She helps you get dressed and you could barely protest, she reduced you to jello. Abby stands up and offers her hand to help you up. You oblige and as you stand up she says “Need you to teach me your tennis skills sometime.” Weirdly she’s smiling. 
You can’t help but smirk, “Yeah? Well it’s gonna cost you and I don’t take sexual favors as payment.” 
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arminsumi · 1 year
hi bae<3 i know you have many requests but i have this scenario for days🥹🥹 can you write some headcanon s about Armin with a famous gf? like her as model/singer/actress yk
btw I love your works day to day, you're the best💋💋
ANYTHIN FOR YOU MEIN SCHATZ💕🥺appreciate ur words sm
˗ˏˋ꒰ ⭐ ꒱ STARGIRL
░ 🐬 Armin x fem!gf!reader ♪
⚠️Cws; fluff, a teensy bit of angst
Notes; modern au
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░ ⭐ Armin's there in the crowd at your open-air concerts. He looks up at you admiringly, feeling your voice reverberate in his chest. It makes his heart pang when you sing the songs that you wrote about him.
░ ⭐ Sometimes it's hard to have to share his star with the world. After every show, he's eager to get back to the hotel with you at his side. All he wants is to just crawl into your lap and rest his head there, while you sing for him and only him.
░ ⭐If you're tired after shows/shoots, he'll pamper you at home and make your favorite food. There's nothing like cozying up in the living room of your penthouse with your favorite boy in the world massaging your tired body. Sometimes you'll put in one of the oldest films that you were cast in and have a good laugh – good grief that cast was awfully bad at acting, but memorable.
░ ⭐ He's so proud when he sees his pretty girl on the big fashion ads across New York and LA. It feels special when he sees the outcome of the photoshoots that he tagged along for. There's something fascinating about watching you model; he feels like he's marveling at the descendant of a goddess.
░ ⭐H-hot makeout sessions in the dressing room before shoots 👀 y-y'know the ones where Armin has his hands firm on your hips as you sit in his lap. Your stylist comes back confused as to why your lipstick is smudged.
░ ⭐ Your fans can't get enough of you two, you're one of those power couples that everyone swoons over. Whenever Armin pops in for an IG live, the chat goes so fast that you can't keep up. It cracks you up to see people asking when are they getting married? 🤭"I don't know! Min, when are we getting married?" you tease him. Armin goes pink in the face and stutters. It takes a few seconds for his wit to kick in, "T-tomorrow." he jokes.
░ ⭐There's one particular IG live of you two that sent the internet into a frenzy. It's when you leaned in for a big kiss to prove that your lipstick was smudge-proof, but you ended up giving Armin a kiss mark. He went so red in the face that he almost matched the shade of your lipstick. "Oh... well, I guess it's not smudge-proof after all." you laughed. The chat was going wild.
░ ⭐Though he may be scared of flying, he loves travelling with you to special photoshoots or sets for your acting roles in different countries. There was a time in Italy where the paparazzi were really on your tail, so you and Armin escaped to a tiny village that wasn't even on the map. You got lost there. Neither of you spoke Italian. But you made good memories at a hospitable family's home in exchange for helping to groom their vineyard.
░ ⭐At red carpets, he always keeps a proud and possessive hand on your waist. He looks like a star himself when he's dressed so well. It's kinda like you two are in your own little bubble, even at extravagant events like red carpets and met galas. Expect him to steal you out of the limelight for a few secret kisses.
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i-am-vita · 2 months
The Mihawk x Ghost Rose x Bogard Modern AU
that nobody asked for
Based on my OPLA Hot Older Guys Headcanons.
👉 Masterlist, Hallmark Headcanons, The Next Morning (drabble)
They say traveling is excellent for inspiration... but I was expecting inspiration for what is already started not for new ones 🙃
All city photos are by me.
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A young artist comes back to her hometown after the perish of her family to take care of her little niece. There she reaquaintances with a love of her youth while still reminiscing the man who stole her heart during a party months ago.
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Meanwhile, strange and violent events occur in the once peaceful town surrounding the neighboring Vineyards and the Marine Academy. Meanwhile, her niece's best friend butler and the visiting Circus are viewed with suspicion.
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Will I do something with it??? 👀 At least the idea is here and I won't lose it.
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great weekend! It’s a holiday for me tomorrow so I might be slow. But I still have a few posts coming up! Specifically a Modern AU Knives x reader and a ✨spicy✨ Vash x reader. And of course the next chapter for Daycare Snacks. I hope you continue to have an amazing weekend like I did!
I celebrated a little milestone with my partner and traveled to a vineyard! Got to pick out some strawberries, peaches, and oranges! Today I came back from an arcade and won a few prizes! Plus, I got some inspiration to write!
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P.S. this is the plushie I imagined Vash won for the reader. Cinnamoroll is my absolute favorite 👀❤️
Let me know how your weekend is! Also let me know if you want to be tagged for the Knives x reader post! ☺️
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jawanaka · 2 years
THAT TOOK LIKE HALF A SECOND LOL!!! :joy: :joy: :joy:
A slight Ciri/Cahir short, sort of AU sort of not (thanks to Ciri's powers). Have a slice:
He is a strange one, the smallfolk agree, the lord of Darn Dyffra. Younger then most lords, unfailingly polite when you met him riding on the roads between the olive groves and vineyards, attentive to the needs of his people and a fair man all round. Yet he is also distant, if not exactly cold and you may as well catch him daydreaming, sitting in the shade of a plum tree or on one of the walls separating the fields from the rocky lake shores. Curled black locks waving slowly in the wind as his horse happily munching son spring grass, eyes blank as if seeing something else, far beyond the stony and green hills of Vicovaro.
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