magpie-writes · 1 year
Venus in Furs
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Pairing: Helaena Targaryen x Fem!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
Rating: E
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: Targcest, semi-public sex, bondage, pain kink, explicit smut
A/N: Venus in Furs is a poly Helaemond au. We have no idea how many chapters it'll end up being, but the story will progress as the relationship does. Sometimes a chapter might be a little kinky drabble, other times it might be an epic 10k beast. This story has just become such a vulnerable little happy place for @acrossthesestars​ and myself and we hope you enjoy it! Tags will be updated as the chapters go on.
alex masterlist | emma masterlist | ao3
Part One - Seven Hells P.1 | Part Two - Seven Hells P.2 | Part Three
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The sky above was clear, stars managing to peek out even from the thick veil of the city lights. It was loud, music blaring from cars and drunk revelers pouring out from the mouths of the surrounding bars and clubs. My heels clicked on the sidewalk, the noise echoing loud over all the others and my hands curled into fists within my coat pockets.
'Don't lose your nerve,' I thought. 'You aren't allowed to chicken out.'
A sharp gust of near freezing wind ruffled my coat, blowing up beneath the short skirt of the black dress I wore under it, and I bit down on my cheek to keep from yelping nervously at the shock as I neared the building I had been looking for.
Seven Hells was a privately owned club, the red brick facade blending into all the others on the block. The only clue that I had arrived at the right place was the small gilded placard by the door that simply read "7" in an ornate script. My chilled fingers wrapped around a thick brass knocker in the shape of a dragon's head, rapping it gently against the wood. The door swung open and a handsome bouncer stared me down, the moment stretching on forever. He was older, with a close cropped silver beard, a bald head, and a thousand yard stare.
"Password," he asked, his voice rich and deep. 
"Oh don't bother with all that, Harrold," a soft voice chirped from behind him. "She's with me. Isn't that right, Lady Grey?"
The door opened a crack wider, revealing a cloud of moon pale hair and the Cheshire Cat grin beneath it. 
“Honestly, you express a tea preference one time.” Rolling my eyes despite the amused smile tugging at my lips, I stepped up onto the landing, close enough for the club’s warm air to twine invitingly around my bare legs, beckoning me inside. With an apologetic shrug to the stoic giant before me, I gave the password Helaena Targaryen texted me earlier that evening. 
He granted me a nod, as if in appreciation of a fellow rule-follower, and threw the door wide. 
“Welcome to Seven Hells.” 
If I'd thought the grandeur of our Neo-Gothic university campus was extravagant, with its ivy-clad walls, peaked windows, and rolling quads beneath venerable oak trees, the sumptuousness of this club delighted in proving me wrong. Stepping down into its shadowy interior, I couldn’t help gaping at the luxury surrounding me. Sleek, black leather couches sprawled along the edges of the cavernous room, all subtly tilted towards a low stage, the obvious focal point of the room. No one graced it, not this early in the evening, but a St. Andrew’s cross stood waiting in the wings, eager for its first victim. It was the most obvious nod towards the club’s hedonistic character but the more I looked, the more secrets I uncovered. 
Steel hardpoints graced walls and furniture, looking like so much industrial hardware until I realized their presence went beyond simple aesthetics. Mirrors littered the walls, affording endless views for performers and pleasure seekers alike. Stacks of silken cord lined low-running shelves, all in easy reach. It was an opulent, unguarded promise of sensuality. 
A dare. 
A shiver of anticipation licked up my spine, despite the warmth winding sinuously around my legs, caressing my chilled skin and urging me eagerly to shed my heavy wool coat.
“Come on. I can’t wait to show you everything.” Helaena seized my hand excitedly while I was still unwinding the glittering gray scarf from around my neck. I shoved it into the pocket of my coat as Harrold quietly lifted the garment from my arms before withdrawing to his post by the door. 
My eyes weren't sure where to land. A pretty brunette winked at me from behind the bar and heat crawled up my throat at the gesture. My gaze darted from the couches to the stage to the people who had just started to trickle into the space before landing on the pale hand that grasped my own. 
Helaena was divine, a gods damned painting, a water nymph come to life. Her white-blonde hair hung in soft waves around her shoulders, her plump body sheathed in a tight powder blue dress, the hem hitting her mid thigh. When she turned back to wink at me, the light caught in the glitter she had painted over her eyelids, her pink mouth curling up at the edges. 
"I love first timers." Her voice was soft, but I still heard every word.
I raised a brow. "Do you bring people here often?"
She squeezed my hand. "No," was all she said as she dragged me to the bar. 
The energy of the club settled around us as I followed my new friend, all simmering possibility and the driving beat of music emanating from hidden speakers. When I slid onto one of the plush velvet barstools, Helaena perched alongside me, never letting go of my hand even as she raised her other to catch the bartender’s gaze. 
“Two of the Wild Gin Brambles please, Talya”
My eyes widened in surprise as she named the exact cocktail I would have ordered from the specials menu. Despite the crowd of people surrounding the bar, jockeying to place their orders, no one looked surprised when, in mere moments, the bartender slid two glasses towards the pair of us.
“How did you guess?”
Helaena only smiled her enigmatic smile and raised her own drink to clink against mine. 
Her violet eyes tracked every movement as I raised the sweating glass to my lips and took my first sip. Flavor bloomed on my tongue, tart and sweet, strong but clear, the blackberry syrup coating my mouth even as the gin traced a cool burn down my throat. 
“That is delicious,” I said, having to raise my voice slightly to be heard over the sound of the other revelers.
“Let me try.”
Rather than lifting her own glass, Helaena leaned in and kissed me. 
Startled, my lips parted on a gasp, but when I moved to cup the other woman’s cheek, she deepened the kiss. Her tongue slid against mine, a swift, gentle taste, and then she pulled back, her gaze searching. 
“What did you think?” My voice was deeper, roughened with the desire already surging in my blood. 
“Delicious,” she confirmed. Her starry eyes roved over my curves and I could swear they came to rest on the hollow of my throat. I wondered if she could see the eager jump of my pulse.
Helaena grinned when she recognized her stare was bordering on overwhelming, glancing down into the depths of her drink and taking a sip. I looked up, willing away the heat that had settled almost uncomfortably in my cheeks. My gaze settled on the mirror, a flash of silver catching my attention. From across the room, mismatched eyes pinned me like a butterfly to glass. The set of his full mouth was almost stern, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. My heart hammered against my ribs but when I blinked, he was gone. 
A wide smile broke over Helaena's face. Whatever had grabbed her attention lit her up from the inside out, a soft warm glow settling beneath her skin like a beacon. I turned and couldn't stop the soft "oh" that fell from my lips.
If Helaena was divine, then Aemond Targaryen was damned. He was her soul's twin and yet her opposite, hard and lean where she was soft and curved. He prowled toward the pair of us with all the violent grace of a predator stalking prey, the top half of his long white hair pulled away from his face, the rest hanging down his back like a curtain. He wore all black, a button down shirt tucked into fitted slacks. His face was hard, unreadable except for the flame in his left eye, the same shade of violet as his sister's. In place of his right eye, lost in some accident at the hand of his nephew, if rumor was to be believed, sat a sapphire, the facets swallowing up the low red lights of the club's interior. Helaena squealed and clapped her hands at his arrival, reaching for him. Aemond took her hand, pulling her close and bringing it to his mouth, his lips soft against her skin as he hummed in greeting. 
"I'm surprised she came," he said by way of acknowledgement, his gaze falling finally on me.
Heat bristled up my spine, righteous indignation at being referred to as if I was of no importance.
"Play nice or Lady Grey won't come at all and where's the fun in that?" Helaena replied, poking at Aemond's middle.
Something tensed in my gut at that easy, playful gesture. A reminder of how these two belonged to each other, pale and strange as binary stars and just as entangled. How could I ever hope to join their orbit? 
As if sensing that momentary flicker of doubt, Aemond raised one perfectly sculpted brow with all the cool poise of a marble god as if to ask “How indeed?” I bristled, drawing myself up to my full height, my spine set like steel. Damn him and his smug self-assurance. Helaena had approached me after all, invited me to join them in their pleasure den I’d only heard whispered about on campus, with all the dark, half-veiled insinuations that accompanied such an invitation. 
“You tell him, Hel.” I slid my arms around her waist, glaring a challenge of my own at Aemond over her shoulder. “She was just wondering if there might be any dancing on tap for the evening, or is that too frivolous for the Eyes Wide Shut crowd?”
Aemond’s mouth twitched. 
“Oh, I’m sure we could manage something.” 
In the end, all it took was an imperious nod and his sharp gaze to some nearby staff member, and then the music shifted, turning to a low, throbbing beat that pulsed through the crowd. People moved as if summoned to the dance floor, a tangled knot of writhing bodies and reaching limbs. Aemond sketched a half-mocking, half charmingly outdated bow and extended a hand to me. 
“Would she like to dance?” This time, the slyly intentional word choice felt less like a slight and more like an almost-apology, an unspoken admission of having chosen his words poorly. For the first time, I noticed how stiff his posture was. Maybe I wasn’t the only one unsure of how to navigate this evening.
I inclined my own head, amused despite myself, and said “She would.” 
It was easy enough to follow him to the dance floor, Helaena close at his heels. Aemond spun me once before drawing me close, his hand finding the small of my back. "Dance, then," he said in an amused tone, his gaze raking over my body. I narrowed my eyes as he just stood there, trying to get a feel for whatever game he was playing. It was Helaena who rescued me, her hands finding mine and pulling me further from the edge of the dance floor. 
She moved with a liquid sort of grace, the sort that left one utterly entranced. It was impossible not to move toward her, caught in her orbit as if she were the brightest star in the dark sky. Her lavender eyes were bright enough to light up the dance floor as her hands settled on my hips, turning my back to her front before pulling me flush against her. She smelled like violets and lilies and something earthier, something you would find in the forest after it rained. I wondered if later I would be covered in the body glitter she'd dusted all over herself, her skin shimmering in the glow.
"Can I touch you?" She asked, her voice low against my ear. 
There was literally nothing I wanted more in that moment.
I nodded and she ran a hand up my throat to grasp at my jaw, tilting my head back until she could catch my mouth with her own. She tasted like gin and sweet lip gloss, strawberry maybe. My hips followed whatever sinuous rhythm she set as she curled her tongue around mine. I felt her smile against my lips and couldn't stop myself from mirroring the gesture. With one hand I reached back, carding my fingers through the moonlight strands at the nape of her neck. 
One song melted into two and then three and I learned for a fact what I had already had an idea of: Helaena Targaryen was entirely captivating. She radiated a dreaminess, a sort of unexplainable out there feeling that I couldn't put my finger on but I knew I wanted to sink into. There was also an edge. She had teeth and claws and made a conscious choice to keep them sheathed. At some point I had turned back to face her and she smiled wide again, as if she had never considered not being so open, so real. Then her eyes drifted away, lighting up again when they landed on her brother. I looked too, because I couldn't help it. Aemond had taken up a perch on one of the large leather chairs, more of a loveseat, really. When our eyes met he raised his left hand and beckoned us forward with a crooked finger. Helaena drifted toward him as if pulled by gravity, her hand reaching back for mine and pulling me along after her. 
I mirrored her movements, lowering myself onto Aemond’s outstretched right thigh while she claimed his left. When I did, his gaze snapped to mine, startled. The intensity there, the banked violet fire, ripped through me like a summer storm, leaving heat and electricity crackling in its wake. Before I could shift my weight or draw back, before I could even form an apology for overreaching, he caught me around the waist to keep me still. Slowly, deliberately, curiously, he flexed his muscled thigh beneath my legs, shifting it just enough to drag against me and make me gasp. Pleasure kindled in his hawklike stare and I smiled, heat rising in my cheeks. 
We’d surprised each other. 
Helaena tipped her head back and laughed, her carefree delight so infectious even her brother’s lips quirked into something like a smile. Pure, wild joy beat like wings within my chest when her lavender gaze met mine at the same time that Aemond rested a hand on my thigh. As if some hidden key had turned, the tumblers falling into place, everything slid open, the night suddenly wide open and brimming with potential. Something was happening and we were part of it. We were all of it. 
The music fell away. All I could hear was the breath catching in Helaena’s throat when I leaned in and kissed her. The hiss Aemond sucked between his teeth when his sister’s hand slid up to cup my breast. I looked around, expecting shock or censure, but while the warmth of her palm moving over my dress made my heart race as if the world was ending, no one else seemed to even notice. Even so, I pulled back, heat flashing up my throat to settle in my cheeks. Aemond's hand tightened where it rested against my thigh and I turned to face him, my eyes downcast. He raised a hand, his forefinger catching me under the chin until I met his eye. 
"There's no need to be shy, Grey." The nickname sounded different in his mouth, sharper somehow, then when Helaena said it. "You're free to take what you want here, without judgment." 
My gaze darted between his mismatched eyes and his lips. "What do you want?" My voice was small. 
He hummed, a low noise in the back of his throat, before using his hand to tug me farther up his thigh, my hands flattening against his chest as I fell forward. His shirt was warm beneath my palms, soft and obviously expensive. And then he kissed me. It wasn't tentative or gentle. It felt as if he would devour me. Where Helaena took her time, sensuous and explorative, Aemond went straight for the kill, licking into my mouth when it opened on a whine, pulling my bottom lips between his teeth. He broke the kiss and looked up at me, his high cheekbones dusted with pink, and pursed his lips, as if he was hiding a grin. I couldn't help it and smiled back.
Helaena ran a hand up my thigh, squeezing just enough to get my attention and jerking her chin toward the stage in front of us. "The show is starting," she whispered. There was a peculiar happiness in her eyes, a sort of feeling I wasn't sure I'd ever experienced. She leaned back into Aemond's chest, his hand circling her waist to rest over her belly. The way they fell into each other was mesmerizing and I wondered if I'd ever felt that sort of easy acceptance before, the sort of muscle memory that had me sinking into someone else's softest parts. 
I turned away, suddenly feeling much too raw, and looked toward the stage as the lights lowered, a single spotlight shining bright in the middle. Lying prone on the ground was a slight brunette, her hair tied up in a bun. She wore a rose pink dress, the fabric sheer enough to see the dusky outline of her nipples, her arms laying relaxed over her head. As she slowly woke, blinking away the sleep, the light softened, mimicking the dawn, and soft music played through the hidden speakers. Fingertips drew mindless designs over the bare skin of my thigh and the feeling left me burning as they drew over my hip and up, up, up my back to massage the nape of my neck. The feeling was near sinful, my eyes closing as Aemond worked out the tension. When I risked a downward glance, I found his eyes on the stage, his face infuriatingly neutral. I raised my hand, placing it back against his chest, playing at the top button of his shirt as I glanced back toward the stage.
From the shadows of the audience on the far side, a hulking shape melted through the crowd, lumbering up the two wide steps before crouching behind a makeshift barrier, watching the young woman on stage sit up and stretch. Helaena reached forward from her perch and placed her hand on my knee, her skin warm against mine, grounding me in the moment as the man in the mask began creeping closer toward the girl on stage. A Beast on the way to claim his Beauty, I realized with a thrill.
“Is it always fairytale-based?” I whispered the question into Helaena’s ear, so close my lips brushed against her delicate skin. 
“No,” she shook her head, answering in the same respectful hush. “They do all sorts of things - exhibitions, demonstrations. But this seemed more
Before I could ask what she meant, Aemond’s broad hand tightened around my neck.
“Pay attention,” he commanded in a low, firm voice behind my ear, turning my head back to face the stage. From Helaena’s guilty start and the way she also turned her attention back to the scene unfolding before us, I guessed he’d given her a similar reminder. Normally I would have bristled against his domineering tone, but it sent a shiver down my spine instead, making me feel as deliciously helpless as the beauty the beast prowled towards. As if he knew, Aemond trailed the tips of his fingers down my neck and between my shoulder blades. 
The task of watching the stage while he teased me like this felt Herculean, but I managed to keep my eyes on the performers, watching as the girl on stage finally registered the presence of the beast. Her brown eyes blew wide as he loomed over her and the two engaged in what could only be considered a dance. Their chemistry was a wild thing, crackling between them as they pushed and pulled, as she ran and he gave chase. The Beast reached for her, catching the pale pink ribbon that held her hair tied up, and it cascaded down her back just as he caught her, pulling her against his chest.
As his lips found her neck and his hands drew her skirt farther up her thighs, Aemond's fingers dipped below the hem of my dress. The touch itself wasn't indecent, was hardly anything more than innocent, but every nerve ending in my body lit up. He shifted his thigh beneath me, riding my dress higher, just as the beast shed the girl of her dress, her body now bare beneath the spotlight, and I fought the urge to reach back and pinch him for teasing me. But I was riveted by the performance as the actress finally gave in to the beast, succumbing to him and letting him lay her out over the stage, her back arched as he wedged himself between her thighs and devoured her.
Aemond's hand slid further beneath my dress and I couldn't stop the hitch of my breath. I knew, logically, that no one was watching us, too engaged by what was happening on stage, or what they were up to in their own seats, but my cheeks still heated at the idea, at the clandestine nature of letting this practical stranger slide his skilled fingers beneath the damp fabric of my underwear. I bit back a moan as he did just that, parting my folds, teasing at the wetness he found there. I wanted to roll my hips, to chase the pleasure his touch promised. But I stayed still, afraid to call any attention to us. 
In front of me, the Beast lay on his back, the girl, his Beauty, now straddling his hips, her face flushed from her earlier release on his tongue. She rode him, claimed him just as earnestly as he had claimed her, taking her agency and making him hers. They moaned in tandem, not the sort of practiced sounds I had heard in porn or made with partners I was more than eager to get out from under, but something more feral, more honest. As the Beast reached forward to clutch at her breasts, Aemond pinched lightly at my thigh, a hint to open my legs wider. I gave in, just an inch, and was rewarded with a lazy circle against my clit. All I wanted was to drop my weight back against him, to spread my thighs farther and see what his wicked touch could wring from me. But even as I saw other patrons doing exactly that, I knew I couldn't, knew I wouldn't.
This entire night had been totally unlike me. Taking Helaena up on the invitation had left me filled with nerves. We'd spoken often enough at school and I desperately wanted to call her my friend. She was impossible not to adore, and denying her anything felt wrong. We'd flirted and when I finally gathered the courage to ask her for her number, she'd slapped me right in the face with an invite to the most exclusive club in town. How could I say no? Especially when she mentioned the more mysterious of her brothers would be there too. 
The Beast had planted his feet on the stage, his hands gripping bruises against his Beauty, driving himself up into her. Her face bunched with pleasure as she fell forward, her hands landing on his chest to brace herself as he fucked her roughly. I felt my pulse quicken, my lungs constricting as Aemond slid a finger inside me, and then another. I couldn't stop myself, arching my back slightly to grind down against his hand. His fingers were long, slender and graceful. They felt divine inside of me and I knew it wouldn't be long until he worked me up and over that peak, the muscles of my thighs already twitching with it. 
Suddenly Beauty came with a low groan, the blood rushing up her neck to settle in her cheeks as the Beast beneath her roared his own end, their bodies going rigid. She had thrown her hands above her head in a jubilant gesture as the Beast spilled inside her, as if unafraid for anyone, everyone, to see her pleasure. Then the music died and for a moment the room was silent except for the sound of ragged breathing. I couldn't figure out where one breath started and the next began, which was mine or Helaena's or even Aemond's. The spotlight went dark and the melancholy instrumental music that had accompanied the performance melted back into the low, heavy bass from earlier. 
Aemond's hand was out from under my dress before the lights returned to normal. I hissed at the loss of him, canting forward as if seeking him out. The neediness of the gesture left me feeling more than a little pathetic, especially as he growled, "on your feet." But his voice was strained, rough even, and that gave me more than enough satisfaction. I blinked up at him, my mind hazy and buzzing after being yanked so abruptly from what had promised to be a wild sort of release. Helaena stood first and offered me a hand, pulling me up on shaking baby deer legs. She just smiled like she knew and reached up to tug at the ends of my hair. 
The crowd blurred around us as we moved past the stage, past the bar, and deeper into the club. I looked down, startled, when the click of my heels against the polished wood floors turned muffled, my footsteps suddenly cushioned by plush carpeting. We were in a hallway, the walls paneled in rich, dark wood, an expanse of wealth relieved only by a series of doors, each one different from the last. One a rich, blood red with golden accents, another gunmetal stark but littered with peepholes, the third a shockingly clear plate glass. I caught a glimpse of twining limbs and chains within and finally realized where we were headed. 
“Why a private room? I thought the whole point of this place was taking what we wanted and no one caring?” 
“I don’t like anyone seeing what’s mine.” Aemond turned to me, one arm around his sister’s waist. My heart thundered as his gaze pinned me to the emerald green door we’d stopped in front of. Helaena leant back against him, a look of feline contentment on her features as she gazed at me through hooded eyes. 
“What did you want when you came here, Lady Grey?” It wasn’t so much a question as a gentle prompting, an invitation to voice the desire that had drawn me to them like a moth to a bonfire ever since that first time I’d seen them on campus. They’d looked so out of place they might as well have been another species. Two fae royals slumming it with mortals for their own amusement, sampling whatever pleasures they wished to indulge in, and tempting the rest of us with wicked delights if only we’d be bold enough to seek them. 
I ached to be bold.
“You,” I breathed. “Both of you.” 
“Yes, that was it.” Helaena tipped her head up to meet Aemond’s gaze and said “See?”
Before I could worry that I was failing some unspoken test he leaned in with that sleek, predatory grace and twisted the door knob by my hip. 
“After you,” he purred. 
Part Two
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"I want a kiss, —hmmph!"
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"O-Oi... Quit being fuckin weird. You're drunk, idiot."
made with this picrew!
I'd love to see everyone's ships! So I'd like to tag some people to join in on the fun of making these! hehe.
@yuriko-tsukino-rp @seaoflove07 @lilies-and-forget-me-nots @kindan-no-kanojo @hanakohanabe @iricathel @lucidesunderstander and anyone who's interested!
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The fae king rests as peacefully as he can.
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Yet another ask/rp blog run by this dumbass, Elder Faerie this time though! M!as are welcome!
This blog is getting reaction images, something a little different from lily and sugar but I might as well try it out- I'll try to portray Elder Faerie as accurately as I can but I can't make any promises- headcanons will end up sneaking in more than likely!
[Bonus Muses!] - Silverbell Cookie - Mercurial Knight Cookie
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eicalors · 7 months
these two are currently discussing how to absolutely blow me up with love
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kokoronbain · 2 years
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pjackk · 17 days
i can make pictures easily😀😃😄😁😆😅🀣😂🙂🙃🫠😉😊😇🥰😍🀩😘😗☺😚😙🥲😋🀩😘😗☺😚😙🥲😋😛😜🀪😝🀑🀗🀭🫢🫣🀫🀔🫡🀐🀚😐😑😶🫥😶‍🌫😏😒🙄😬😮‍💚🀥🫚🙂‍↔🙂‍↕😌😔😪🀀😎😷🀒🀕🀢🀮🀧🥵🥶🥎😵😵‍💫🀯🀠🥳🥞😎🀓🧐😕🫀😟🙁☹😮😯😲😳🥺🥹😊😧😚😰😥😢😭😱😣😣😞😓😩😫🥱😀😡😠🀬😈👿💀☠💩🀡👹👺👻👜👟🀖😺😞😹😻😌😜🙀😿😟🙈🙉🙊💋💌💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔❀‍🔥❀‍🩹❀🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🀎🖀🩶🀍💯💢💥💫💊💚🕳💣💬🗚🗯💭💀👋🀚🖐ᅵᅵ🖖🫱🫲🫳🫎🫷🫞👌🀌🀏✌🀞🫰🀟🀘🀙👈👉👆🖕👇☝🫵👍👎✊👊🀛🀜👏🙌🫶👐🀲🀝🙏✍💅🀳💪🊟🊿🊵🊶👂🊻👃🧠🫀🫁🊷🊎👀👁👅👄🫊👶🧒👊👧🧑👱👚🧔‍♂🧔‍♀🧔👚‍🊰👚‍🊱👚‍🊳👚‍🊲👩👩‍🊰🧑‍🊰👩‍🊱🧑‍🊱👩‍🊳🧑‍🊳👩‍🊲🧑‍🊲👱‍♂👱‍♀👎👵🧓🙍‍♂🙍‍♀🙍🙎‍♂🙎‍♀🙎🙅‍♂🙅‍♀🙅🙆‍♂🙆‍♀🙆💁‍♂💁‍♀💁🙋‍♂🙋‍♀🙋🧏‍♂🧏‍♀🧏🙇‍♂🙇‍♀🙇🀊‍♂🀊‍♀🀊🀷‍♂🀷‍♀🀷👚‍⚕👩‍⚕🧑‍⚕👚‍🎓👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓👚‍🏫👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫👚‍⚖👩‍⚖🧑‍⚖👚‍🌟👩‍🌟🧑‍🌟👚‍🍳👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👚‍🔧👩‍🔧🧑‍🔧👚‍🏭👩‍🏭🧑‍🏭👚‍💌👩‍💌🧑‍💌👚‍🔬👩‍🔬👚‍💻👩‍💻🧑‍💻👚‍🎀👩‍🎀🧑‍🎀👚‍🎚👩‍🎚🧑‍🎚👚‍✈👩‍✈🧑‍✈👚‍🚀👩‍🚀🧑‍🚀👚‍🚒👩‍🚒🧑‍🚒👮‍♂👮‍♀👮🕵‍♂🕵‍♀🕵💂‍♂💂‍♀💂🥷👷‍♂👷‍♀👷🫅🀎👞👳‍♂👳‍♀👳👲🧕🀵‍♂🀵‍♀🀵👰‍♂👰‍♀👰🀰🫃🫄🀱👚‍🍌👩‍🍌🧑‍🍌👌🎅🀶🧑‍🎄🊞‍♂🊞‍♀🊞🊹‍♂🊹‍♀🊹🧙‍♂🧙‍♀🧙🧚‍♂🧚‍♀🧚🧛‍♂🧛‍♀🧛🧜‍♂🧜‍♀🧜🧝‍♂🧝‍♀🧝🧞‍♂🧞‍♀🧞🧟‍♂🧟‍♀🧟🧌💆‍♂💆‍♀💆💇‍♂💇‍♀💇🚶‍♂🚶‍♂‍➡🚶‍♀🚶‍♀‍➡🚶🚶‍➡🧍‍♂🧍‍♀🧍🧎‍♂🧎‍♂‍➡🧎‍♀🧎‍♀‍➡🧎🧎‍➡👚‍🊯👚‍🊯‍➡👩‍🊯👩‍🊯‍➡🧑‍🊯🧑‍🊯‍➡👚‍🊌👚‍🊌‍➡👩‍🊌👩‍🊌‍➡🧑‍🊌🧑‍🊌‍➡👚‍🊜👚‍🊜‍➡👩‍🊜👩‍🊜‍➡🧑‍🊜🧑‍🊜‍➡🏃‍♂🏃‍♂‍➡🏃‍♀🏃‍♀‍➡🏃🏃‍➡🕺💃🕎👯‍♂👯‍♀👯🧖‍♂🧖‍♀🧖🧗‍♂🧗‍♀🧗🀺🏇⛷🏂🏌‍♂🏌‍♀🏌🏄‍♂🏄‍♀🏄🚣‍♂🚣‍♀🚣🏊‍♂🏊‍♀🏊⛹‍♂⛹‍♀⛹🏋‍♂🏋‍♀🏋🚎‍♂🚎‍♀🚎🚵‍♂🚵‍♀🚵🀞‍♂🀞‍♀🀞🀌‍♂🀌‍♀🀌🀜‍♂🀜‍♀🀜🀟‍♂🀟‍♀🀟🀹‍♂🀹‍♀🀹🧘‍♂🧘‍♀🧘🛀🛌👬👫👭🧑‍🀝‍🧑👚‍❀‍💋‍👚👩‍❀‍💋‍👚👩‍❀‍💋‍👩💏👚‍❀‍👚👩‍❀‍👚👩‍❀‍👩💑👩‍👩‍👊👚‍👩‍👧👩‍👩‍👧‍👊👚‍👩‍👊‍👊👚‍👩‍👧‍👧👚‍👊👩‍👊🗣👀👥🫂👣🧑‍🧑‍🧒🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒🧑‍🧒🧑‍🧒‍🧒🐵🐒🊍🊧🐶🐕🊮🐕‍🊺🐩🐺🊊🊝🐱🐈🐈‍⬛🊁🐯🐅🐆🐎🫎🫏🐎🊄🊓🊌🊬🐮🐂🐃🐄🐷🐖🐗🐜🐏🐑🐐🐪🐫🊙🊒🐘🊣🊏🊛🐭🐁🐀🐹🐰🐇🐿🊫🊔🊇🐻🐚🐻‍❄🐌🊥🊊🊚🊘🊡🐟🊃🐔🐓🐣🐀🐥🐊🐧🕊🊅🊆🊢🊉🊀🪶🊩🊚🊜🪜🐊‍⬛🪿🐊‍🔥🐞🐊🐢🊎🐍🐲🐉🊕🊖🐳🐋🐬🊭🐟🐠🐡🊈🐙🊀🊞🊐🊑🐚🪞🪌🐌🊋🐛🐜🐝🪲🐞🊗🕷🪳🕞🊂🊟🪰🪱🊠💐🌞💮🪷🏵🌹🥀🌺🌻🌌🌷🪻⚘🌱🪎🌲🌳🌎🌵🌟🌿☘🍀🍁🍂🍃🪹🪺🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍🥭🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🫐🥝🍅🫒🥥🍋‍🟩🥑🍆🥔🥕🌜🌶🫑🥒🥬🥊🧄🧅🍄🥜🫘🌰🫚🫛🍄‍🟫🍞🥐🥖🫓🥚🥯🥞🧇🧀🍖🍗🥩🥓🍔🍟🍕🌭🥪🌮🌯🫔🥙🧆🥚🍳🥘🍲🫕🥣🥗🍿🧈🧂🥫🍱🍘🍙🍚🍛🍜🍝🍠🍢🍣🊪🍀🍥🥮🍡🥟🥠🥡🍊🍧🍚🍩🍪🎂🍰🧁🥧🍫🍬🍭🍮🍯🍌🥛☕🫖🍵🍶🍟🍷🍞🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃🫗🥀🧋🧃🧉🧊🥢🍜🍎🥄🔪🫙🏺🌍🌎🌏🌐🗺🧭🏔⛰🌋🗻🏕🏖🏜🏝🏞🏟🏛🏗🧱🪚🪵🛖🏘🏚🏠🏡🏢🏣🏀🏥🏊🏚🏩🏪🏫🏬🏭🏯🏰💒🗌🗜⛪🕌🛕🕍⛩🕋⛲⛺🌁🌃🏙🌄🌅🌆🌇🌉♚🎠🛝🎡🎢💈🎪🚂🚝🚄🚅🚆🚇🚈🚉🚊🚝🚞🚋🚌🚍🚎🚐🚑🚒🚓🚔🚕🚖🚗🚘🚙🛻🚚🚛🚜🏎🏍🛵🊜🊌🛺🚲🛎🛹🛌🚏🛣🛀🛢⛜🛞🚚🚥🚊🛑🚧⚓🛟⛵🛶🚀🛳⛎🛥🚢✈🛩🛫🛬🪂💺🚁🚟🚠🚡🛰🚀🛞🛎🧳⌛⏳⌚⏰⏱⏲🕰🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑🕝🕒🕞🕓🕟🕔🕠🕕🕡🕖🕢🕗🕣🕘🕀🕙🕥🕚🕊🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌙🌚🌛🌜🌡☀🌝🌞🪐⭐🌟🌠🌌☁⛅⛈🌀🌥🌊🌧🌚🌩🌪🌫🌬🌀🌈🌂☂☔⛱⚡❄☃⛄☄🔥💧🌊🎃🎄🎆🎇🧚✚🎈🎉🎊🎋🎍🎎🎏🎐🎑🧧🎀🎁🎗🎟🎫🎖🏆🏅🥇🥈🥉⚜⚟🥎🏀🏐🏈🏉🎟🥏🎳🏏🏑🏒🥍🏓🏞🥊🥋🥅⛳⛞🎣🀿🎜🎿🛷🥌🎯🪀🪁🎱🔮🪄🧿🪬🎮🕹🎰🎲🧩🧞🪅🪩🪆♠♥♊♣♟🃏🀄🎎🎭🖌🎚🧵🪡🧶🪢👓🕶🥜🥌🊺👔👕👖🧣🧀🧥🧊👗👘🥻🩱🩲🩳👙👚🪭👛👜👝🛍🎒🩎👞👟🥟🥿👠👡🩰👢🪮👑👒🎩🎓🧢🪖⛑📿💄💍💎🔇🔈🔉🔊📢📣📯🔔🔕🎌🎵🎶🎙🎚🎛🎀🎧📻🎷🪗🎞🎹🎺🎻🪕🥁🪘🪇🪈📱📲☎📞📟📠🔋🪫🔌💻🖥🖚⌚🖱🖲💜💟💿📀🧮🎥🎞📜🎬📺📷📞📹📌🔍🔎🕯💡🔊🏮🪔📔📕📖📗📘📙📚📓📒📃📜📄📰🗞📑🔖🏷💰🪙💎💵💶💷💞💳🧟✉📧📚📩📀📥📊📫📪📬📭📮🗳✏✒🖋🖊🖌🖍📝💌📁📂🗂📅📆🗒🗓📇📈📉📊📋📌📍📎🖇📏📐✂🗃🗄🗑🔒🔓🔏🔐🔑🗝🔚🪓⛏⚒🛠🗡⚔🔫🪃🏹🛡🪚🔧🪛🔩⚙🗜⚖🊯🔗⛓⛓‍💥🪝🧰🧲🪜⚗🧪🧫🧬🔬🔭📡💉🩞💊🩹🩌🩺🩻🚪🛗🪞🪟🛏🛋🪑🚜🪠🚿🛁🪀🪒🧎🧷🧹🧺🧻🪣🧌🫧🪥🧜🧯🛒🚬⚰🪊⚱🗿🪧🪪🏧🚮🚰♿🚹🚺🚻🚌🚟🛂🛃🛄🛅⚠🚞⛔🚫🚳🚭🚯🚱🚷📵🔞☢☣⬆↗➡↘⬇↙⬅↖↕↔↩↪‎‵🔃🔄🔙🔚🔛🔜🔝🛐⚛🕉✡☞☯✝☊☪☮🕎🔯🪯♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓⛎🔀🔁🔂▶⏩⏭⏯◀⏪⏮🔌⏫🔜⏬⏞⏹⏺⏏🎊🔅🔆📶🛜📳📎♀♂⚧✖➕➖➗🟰♟‌⁉❓❔❕❗〰💱💲⚕♻⚜🔱📛🔰⭕✅☑✔❌❎➰➿〜✳✎❇©®™#⃣*⃣0⃣1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣7⃣8⃣9⃣🔟🔠🔡🔢🔣🔀🅰🆎🅱🆑🆒🆓ℹ🆔Ⓜ🆕🆖🅟🆗🅿🆘🆙🆚🈁🈂🈷🈶🈯🉐🈹🈚🈲🉑🈞🈎🈳㊗㊙🈺🈵🔎🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🟀⚪⚫🟥🟧🟚🟩🟊🟪🟫⬛⬜◌◻◟◜▪▫🔶🔷🔞🔹🔺🔻💠🔘🔲🔳🏁🚩🏎🏳🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧🏎‍☠🇊🇚🇊🇩🇊🇪🇊🇫🇊🇬🇊🇮🇊🇱🇊🇲🇊🇎🇊🇶🇊🇷🇊🇞🇊🇹🇊🇺🇊🇌🇊🇜🇊🇿🇧🇊🇧🇧🇧🇩🇧🇪🇧🇫🇧🇬🇧🇭🇧🇮🇧🇯🇧🇱🇧🇲🇧🇳🇧🇎🇧🇶🇧🇷🇧🇞🇧🇹🇧🇻🇧🇌🇧🇟🇧🇿🇚🇊🇚🇚🇚🇩🇚🇫🇚🇬🇚🇭🇚🇮🇚🇰🇚🇱🇚🇲🇚🇳🇚🇎🇚🇵🇚🇷🇚🇺🇚🇻🇚🇌🇚🇜🇚🇟🇚🇿🇩🇪🇩🇬🇩🇯🇩🇰🇩🇲🇩🇎🇩🇿🇪🇊🇪🇚🇪🇪🇪🇬🇪🇭🇪🇷🇪🇞🇪🇹🇪🇺🇫🇮🇫🇯🇫🇰🇫🇲🇫🇎🇫🇷🇬🇊🇬🇧🇬🇩🇬🇪🇬🇫🇬🇬🇬🇭🇬🇮🇬🇱🇬🇲🇬🇳🇬🇵🇬🇶🇬🇷🇬🇞🇬🇹🇬🇺🇬🇌🇬🇟🇭🇰🇭🇲🇭🇳🇭🇷🇭🇹🇭🇺🇮🇚🇮🇩🇮🇪🇮🇲🇮🇳🇮🇎🇮🇶🇮🇷🇮🇞🇮🇹🇯🇪🇯🇲🇯🇎🇯🇵🇰🇪🇰🇬🇰🇭🇰🇮🇰🇲🇰🇳🇰🇵🇰🇷🇰🇌🇰🇟🇰🇿🇱🇊🇱🇧🇱🇚🇱🇮🇱🇰🇱🇷🇱🇞🇱🇹🇱🇺🇱🇻🇱🇟🇲🇊🇲🇚🇲🇩🇲🇪🇲🇫🇲🇬🇲🇭🇲🇰🇲🇱🇲🇲🇲🇳🇲🇎🇲🇵🇲🇶🇲🇷🇲🇞🇲🇹🇲🇺🇲🇻🇲🇌🇲🇜🇲🇟🇲🇿🇳🇊🇳🇚🇳🇪🇳🇫🇳🇬🇳🇮🇳🇱🇳🇎🇳🇵🇳🇷🇳🇺🇳🇿🇎🇲🇵🇊🇵🇪🇵🇫🇵🇬🇵🇭🇵🇰🇵🇱🇵🇲🇵🇳🇵🇷🇵🇞🇵🇹🇵🇌🇵🇟🇶🇊🇷🇪🇷🇎🇷🇞🇷🇺🇷🇌🇞🇊🇞🇧🇞🇚🇞🇩🇞🇪🇞🇬🇞🇭🇞🇮🇞🇯🇞🇰🇞🇱🇞🇲🇞🇳🇞🇎🇞🇷🇞🇞🇞🇹🇞🇻🇞🇜🇞🇟🇞🇿🇹🇊🇹🇚🇹🇩🇹🇫🇹🇬🇹🇭🇹🇯🇹🇰🇹🇱🇹🇲🇹🇳🇹🇎🇹🇷🇹🇹🇹🇻🇹🇌🇹🇿🇺🇊🇺🇬🇺🇲🇺🇳🇺🇞🇺🇟🇺🇿🇻🇊🇻🇚🇻🇪🇻🇬🇻🇮🇻🇳🇻🇺🇌🇫🇌🇞🇜🇰🇟🇪🇟🇹🇿🇊🇿🇲🇿🇌🏎󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏎󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁎󠁿🏎󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
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astrcthesiai-archived · 1 year
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Chrome 13yo (No Shipping) 23yo (Ten years later) (Multi-shipping) Biromantic/Bisexual
Nico Robin 28-30yo (Multi-Shipping) Panromantic/Pansexual Nefertari Vivi 16yo (No Shipping) 18yo (Multi-Shipping) Biromantic/Bisexual Endorsi Zahad (No sexual nsfw content) Multi-Shipping Grayromantic/Graysexual
Eiji Okumura (Request only) (No sexual nsfw content) Multi-shipping Biromantic/Demisexual Sing Soo-ling (Request only) 14yo (No shipping) confirmed 18+ (Banana Fish: Garden of Light) Multi-Shipping Biromantic/Bisexual Hino Rei/Sailor Moon (No sexual nsfw content) Eternal Sailor Mars+: Multi-Shipping Biromantic/Bisexual Kaiou Michiru/Sailor Neptune (No Sexual nsfw content) Eternal Sailor Neptune+: Selective Multi-shipping Biromantic/Bisexual
Roberto de Niro 40s (Platonic Shipping only) Heterosexual/Heteromantic
Aquarius Looks 20s (Immortal) Multi-shipping Biromantic/Bisexual
Juvia 18-20s Multi-shipping Biromantic/Bisexual Hythlodaeus Late 20s, early 30s in Amaurotine Ancient Multi-shipping Pansexual/Panromantic Venat (Testing) Looks early 30s in Amaurotine Ancient Multi-shipping Pansexual/Panromantic
Chronica (Testing) Over 20 Multi-shipping Pansexual/Panromantic (?) Jill (Testing) 20s, early 30s Multi-shipping Demiromantic/Demisexual
Clive (Testing) 20s, early 30s Multi-shipping Demiromantic/Demisexual
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artharakka · 11 months
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🊋💀🗡Six of Swords for @foegold 🌙🊎🊋
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magpie-writes · 1 year
Venus in Furs
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Pairing: Helaena Targaryen x Fem!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
Rating: E
Words: 5k
Warnings: Targcest, semi-public sex, bondage, pain kink, explicit FFM smut
A/N: I know it was extremely naughty of @acrossthesestars​ and I to end Part One where we did, but this is the chapter where we make it up to you 😘
alex masterlist | emma masterlist | ao3
Part One - Seven Hells P.1 | Part Two | Part Three
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When Helaena Targaryen invited me to meet her at a “private pleasure club” (“So
 a sex club?” “Exactly!”), I had tried to imagine what to expect. Tarnished mirrors and worn pleather? A stripper pole? Buzzing neon and tacky floors? Whatever I’d been envisioning, it hadn’t been this.
I inched past where Aemond held the door open and into what was clearly a room set aside for their exclusive use. A massive low lying bed reigned over a room lined with smoke-black walls, its iron posts topped with a flowing canopy, wound around with twinkling lights. A constellation of white pillar candles littering the surfaces of twin nightstands brightened the shadows, and a neon wall sign that read “Trust Me, Love Me, Fuck Me” in glowing pink script hung above a curved ivory leather couch. A bookcase stood against one wall, its open shelves lined with vintage books, insect specimens, and an assortment of objects in blue glass and stainless steel. When I stepped closer, I recognized them for high end sex toys. 
Over my shoulder, I asked “Where did you even get these?”
Two sets of hands slid around my waist and hips, two mouths pressed to my cheek and jaw.
“Why? Are you interested?”
“Do you want to try them?”
I was. 
I wanted.
I wasn't sure where exactly to put my hands, who exactly to give my attention to. Helaena sensed this and pushed me back into her brother, who kicked the door closed behind us. Aemond caught me, long fingers digging into the meat of my hips, holding me still against his hard chest as Helaena prowled forward, her lips finding mine. I felt a fist curl into the hair at the back of my neck, tilting my head to the side, teeth scraping over my skin. Helaena cupped my jaw as I opened for her, suckling at her tongue until she made a little whining noise. It was good. It was really good.
Aemond's breath was hot against my temple. "I'm going to take this off now," he murmured, his aquiline nose dragging over the high point of my cheek as his hand found the zipper of my dress. As I opened my eyes and looked up at Helaena, she just smiled, as if whatever my answer was, it would be okay. Aemond waited and my heart thundered in my chest.
"Okay," I breathed. 
He made quick work of the zipper before sliding the thin straps from my shoulders and placing a kiss to the skin there. Helaena turned her back to me, glancing over her shoulder and grinning as she pulled her hair to the side. "Please?" She asked, and I could deny her nothing, trembling fingers sliding the zipper down the track and exposing the pale plane of her back. The material dropped to the floor and Helaena stood in pale blue lingerie that likely cost more than my rent. Waist garters held up sheer stockings and high waisted panties hugged the plump curve of her ass.
Scattered over her fair skin was an explosion of color that had been hidden by her white blonde curls and dress. She blushed when she saw me staring, my eyes unsure of where to land. She pointed to the butterfly that sat high up on her left shoulder, black and orange, speckled with white. "This one is Danaus plexippus - a Monarch. Their wingspan is about three and a half inches." I nodded dumbly as she gestured at the next, this one lower, a beautiful blue and pale yellow. "This is Papilionidae - the Swallowtail. Their wings beat over three hundred times a minute." Large hands tugged gently at my dress, pulling it down my body as I listened to Helaena murmur her strange nothings. Her fingers ghosted over a dark blue butterfly, this one closer to her ribs, tiny orange dots at the bottom of its wings. "This is Apatura iris, the Purple Emperor. They eat dead things." And scattered between the winged insects were other bugs and blooms and blossoms, the flowers all varying shades of pale blue and lavender and soft pink. 
Helaena Targaryen was a gods damned work of art. 
"Isn't she beautiful," Aemond said. It wasn't a question, his voice a low purr in my ear. I hadn't even realized my dress was pooled at my feet until his hands splayed possessively over my bare stomach.
I nodded absently, unable to tear my gaze from the beautiful canvas of Helaena’s skin. I drew my finger up her side, slowing when I reached an insect I didn’t recognize.
“And this one?”
“Carabidae,” she answered without looking. The beetle shone metallic on her skin, greens and golds, so alive even though it was stationary. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the ink. 
Entranced, I traced an invisible path to the next, my fingers faltering as they reached a spider of some kind. Helaena shivered beneath my touch and for the first time, unease flickered behind her violet gaze.
“That’s a Trichonephila clavata," she murmured. "An Orb Weaver. People find them off-putting because of their size and web structure, but they're meant to symbolize an end to hardship and a beginning of abundance." 
Aemond's hands covered my breasts, kneading the flesh through the thin material of my bra. I felt him through his slacks, the hard ridge of his cock pressed to my lower back as he curled his body around mine. The sight before me and the feeling behind me was a heady mix and I felt almost weak at the onslaught of sensation. 
"They're beautiful," I managed to squeak out as Aemond sank his teeth into my neck, one hand abandoning my breast to once again fist in my hair, tilting my head to the side. 
Helaena grinned and turned to face me, stepping closer. The body glitter that covered her soft skin glowed in the dim light and she looked lit from within. "Can I touch you?" She asked, her eyes meeting mine.
I nodded, unable to find my words as Aemond sucked a bruise against my skin. His sister pressed her body to mine, skating her hand down the center of my belly and past the waistband of my silky, dark blue underwear. She purred when she found me wet.
"You look so pretty in this color, Lady Grey," she whispered against my lips. "Doesn't she look so pretty, Aemond?"
Aemond broke away from my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder and watching Helaena press her middle and ring fingers against my clit, drawing a slow, tight circle. The hand in my hair forced my head down, forced me to watch as his sister slid between my folds, two fingers teasing at my entrance. "Like it was made for her," he answered, tugging the cups of my bra down to expose my breasts, pinching harshly at my nipples. He chuckled when I gasped. 
"It matches your eye," Helaena said, excitement evident in her breathy voice. She plunged those teasing fingers inside of me and I cried out, hitching my hips forward and pushing back against Aemond.
He hummed, low in the back of his throat. "So it does," was all he said.
Helaena curled her fingers forward, hitting the delicate spot up high that made my knees go weak. Leaning over my shoulder, she caught Aemond's lips in a heated kiss. He growled against her mouth and I clenched around her hand at the sight of his hard lines meeting her soft curves, the two of them melting into each other. Helaena pulled her hand from my underwear and Aemond instantly replaced it with his own, the two so in sync it made my head spin as I tried to catch up. Bending down just slightly, Helaena pulled my right nipple between her lips, her hands coming to clutch at the underside of my breasts. Aemond's touch was rough comparatively and I couldn't help but grind down against him, the orgasm that had been so abruptly halted earlier creeping back up on me. 
"You're so tight, Grey," Aemond whispered against my ear. 
I merely nodded, my mouth dropping open as my head fell back against his shoulder. When he kissed me this time, it was gentler, almost teasing. He pulled back and I moaned low in my throat, bereft, and chased the wicked curve of his mouth with my own. 
“No,” he chided, amused. “Eyes on her.” 
The thin whimper of protest died on my lips when Helaena slid two pale fingers into my mouth. I sucked them greedily, watching helplessly, blissfully, as she circled my nipple with her tongue. She sucked it to a stiff peak, one hand gently kneading the flesh of my other breast, while her brother’s fingers dipped back inside me. Moaning, I spread my legs to take him deeper, needing the touch of his hand. 
“There,” he crooned as his fingers slid against me. “Does that feel good, Grey? My fingers in your pretty cunt?”
“Uh huh.” I was too far gone to care about the pathetic mewl that fell from my lips as I nodded.
Helaena hummed around the swollen tip of my breast, an eager smile playing over her lips. 
“You want us to make you cum?”
Aemond leaned in close, took the shell of my ear between his teeth, and growled, “Then beg.”
I don’t remember what I said next. How I begged for his nimble fingers to split me open, or how I pleaded for Helaena not to stop suckling at my breasts - but I must have, because before I knew it I was a writhing mess in Aemond’s arms, his firm hold the only thing stopping me from sliding onto the floor.
“Pretty thing,” Helaena murmured, her mouth skimming moth-wing light over my heated skin, her hands reaching back to unclasp my bra. “She did so well for us, didn’t she?” 
"She did." The two words from his mouth felt like a mountain of praise. Aemond's hands skated over my arms, his long fingers tangling with mine and raising my hands above my head. I looked up and could only watch as he placed my palms over two small bars, each in the center of a sort of hanging restraint. I hadn't even noticed them when I'd entered the room, my eyes drawn to shinier, more obvious things.
As if he did this every day, Aemond secured the leather straps, both lined in something soft, around my wrists. When he was satisfied that I wasn't going anywhere, he stepped in front of me, his hungry gaze dragging over my body. 
Helaena looked at me as if I were an offering. Aemond stared as if I were a sacrifice.
She perched her chin on her brother's shoulder as his eye met mine, her long fingers, the nails painted a soft pink, began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Inch by inch, his moonlight-pale skin was revealed and it felt as if I was being let in on a secret as the art inked into his flesh came into view, in a style completely different than his sister's. Over his right pec was inked a woman with long, waving hair, her head turned to the side, a tear falling down her cheek. Below his collarbones sat two thick, broken chains, the words Fire and Blood between them at the base of his throat, and across his ribs was a heart, pierced with three daggers. I couldn't help but squirm as I watched her fingertips slide over them, lingering on the one delicate tattoo amongst the thick etchings, an Orb Weaver over his heart, twin to the one on her spine, before trailing down the lean muscle of his stomach, up the center of his chest and higher, to push the black fabric from his body. 
"You want him, don't you?" Helaena's eyes darted between mine and Aemond's, her lips curled at the corners.
I nodded.
"Say it." There was a command in her voice and that molten feeling rose up in my belly again. I felt the heat crawl up my neck.
"I want him," I said softly, not tearing my gaze from Aemond. Something softened in him, as if he had decided I was worthy of the respect of believing me. 
Helaena's wicked hands found the buckle of his belt, making quick work of it before unbuttoning his slacks and pushing them over his slim hips. There was more ink on his legs, but I was too enraptured by the sight of him hard beneath the thin material of his black boxer briefs, the thick length of his cock jumping as Helaena stood on her toes to whisper in his ear, "I told you, lover." Then her fingers disappeared beneath his waistband and Aemond cracked, his eyes closing as he groaned at her touch. 
I whimpered at the sight, at the ache building between my thighs as I did my best to press them together, to alleviate that throbbing need that clawed at my belly. Aemond's eyes snapped open at the sound, his face setting in harsh lines before he turned and gathered Helaena's hair in a fist. He tilted her face back and she smiled wickedly up at him just as he crashed his lips to hers, claiming her. Backing her up toward the bed, Aemond slid his thumbs beneath her underwear, sliding them down her shapely thighs before stepping out of his own. When she had stepped out of them, he dropped to his knees on the mattress, facing me, and crooked a finger at his sister. She fell, a graceful tangle of limbs as she arranged herself on all fours in front of him, leaning forward to brace her weight on her forearms. Her eyes were lavender fire as they met mine and she whined when Aemond spread her open, sliding two fingers inside of her.
My hips jerked, the phantom sensation of those same fingers still haunting me as I watched Helaena’s lips part. Pleasure bloomed on her face, her limbs soft and pliant as Aemond drove her closer to bliss. Her low moans, the way her lids slipped to half mast, the dreamy look of enjoyment as he fingered her - all of it was exquisite torture. I bit my lip, my thighs rubbing together as I felt my own heat rising. When Aemond began kissing her neck and circling her clit to make her arch against him, I thought I might actually combust.
As if sensing my distress, Aemond smirked over the pale round of Helaena’s shoulder. “Something wrong, Grey?”
“N-no,” I breathed. I was clutching the padded leather restraints encircling my wrists, utterly transfixed by the serpentine dance of their bodies gliding together on the emerald silk sheets. 
“No?” He echoed, an eyebrow raised. Lowering his head, he nipped at Helaena’s earlobe and murmured “Tell her what we do to liars here, sweet sister.” 
Turning a lazy feline grin my way, Helaena purred, “We punish them.” 
“That’s right,” Aemond agreed, cruel fire snapping in his mismatched eyes as he stared me down. 
Images of whips and paddles flashed before me and I shuddered in delicious anticipation, but before I could ask what form my chastisement would take, Aemond grasped Helaena’s shoulder and drove himself inside her in one swift movement. I whimpered and tugged helplessly against my restraints, achingly empty and desperate to join them.
This was to be my punishment: being forced to watch their coupling without the relief of touching them, or even myself. 
Every rock of Aemond’s hips rolled through Helaena like a wave. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight of her generous breasts swaying with each thrust, or the way his strong fingers grasped her hip. Her face crumpled as pleasure consumed her and even his expression slackened as he lost himself between her thighs. Slick dripped down my own as I squeezed them together, rocking on the balls of my feet as if by following their rhythm, I could relieve the emptiness inside me. I cried out when Helaena did, our voices rising together until hers broke on a sob as she found her bliss. Aemond worked her through it, driving himself inside her until she sank, limp and spent, against the sheets.    
After a moment, Aemond leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the Monarch butterfly that graced his sister's shoulder. He heaved himself up and pushed from the bed, stalking toward me. It was impossible to keep my eyes from dragging over the lean muscle that covered his frame, his now tangled silver-blonde hair, his cock that jutted proudly from between his hips. The blackwork tattoos that covered his moonlight skin just drew me in deeper. His chest brushed mine and his fingers were surprisingly gentle as he brushed them over the tattoo on my ribs, tracing the famous words Joan of Arc had muttered: "I am not afraid. I was born for this." He hummed, in question or approval I wasn't sure, before reaching up and unclasping the restraints that still held my wrists above my head. My hands fell to my sides, the blood rushing back into my arms, pins and needles dancing over my skin uncomfortably. I hissed at the sensation and Aemond took my hands in his, surprising me, rubbing his thumbs over my palms until the feeling began to subside. 
When I looked up, he was staring at me, his face set in those harsh lines, as if he were waiting for me to pull away. But I wouldn't, I couldn't. He was so close and all I wanted to do was touch him. Tentatively, I reached up, trailing my fingertips feather light over the scar that split the left side of his face. I wasn't sure if he could even feel it, but he leaned ever so slightly into my touch, his gaze never leaving mine. Without thinking, I stood on tiptoe and pressed my lips to the ridge of twisted flesh, my breath fanning across Aemond's face. I felt him tense and moved to back away, but then his hands were in my hair, his mouth was on mine and he was kissing me. 
There was nothing soft or gentle about it. This kiss was teeth and tongue, push and pull, desire, devotion, and all of the mess in between. 
Maybe it wasn't just Hel that wanted me. Maybe Aemond did, too. 
I threw my arms around his neck and let him turn me around, let him guide me backwards toward the bed where Helaena waited for us.
Aemond broke the kiss, tossing me back against the mattress as if I weighed nothing. He laid his body over mine and kissed me until I couldn't breathe, my lungs constricting with their need for air, but I couldn't bear to pull away from him. He dragged his lips down the line of my jaw and across my throat. When I glanced up, I found Helaena smiling down at me, that devilish fire lighting up the lilac depths of her eyes. She trailed her finger over the bridge of my nose before leaning down and pressing her lips to mine. The juxtaposition of her soft mouth and Aemond teeth scraping welts over my collarbone set of sparks across my skin, and I reached up to cradle the back of her head as Aemond's lips latched around my nipple. 
I felt like a conduit between them, glowing from the inside out as they touched me, as they pulled me apart and fit me back together in new and wondrous ways. 
We tumbled together, wandering hands and roving mouths, discovering each other. I learned that Helaena made the sweetest sounds when I dragged my fingers through her folds, the slick mess of her pleasure helping me glide slow circles around her clit. Aemond, for all he liked to watch, pinched his brows together and cursed when I took him in hand, my palm still wet with her, and stroked him in the grip Helaena demonstrated. One arm thrown lazily behind his head as he reclined, Helaena lounging by his side, my body sprawled between this thighs, Aemond took it all in stride - but when I lowered my head and licked the salty pearl of precum from his weeping tip, he growled and caught me by the wrist.
He hauled me up roughly until I was straddling him. By then my own cunt was aching again and I slid eagerly over his thick, swollen length, making him hiss with every pass of my hips. 
The heavy fall of his jeweled gaze stilled me. "Are you on birth control?" The way he asked was so clinical that I drew back at the question. After a moment I nodded.
"My pills are in my purse if you want to see." My voice was small, but I couldn't stop myself from grinding down against him. Aemond just nodded, his eyes drifting down my body again. The blunt head of his cock caught against me, and I leaned back, reaching between us to ease his way. My eyes rolled back when he bottomed out, but he took no mercy on me, didn’t wait for me to adjust to the stretch, just planted his feet and drove himself impossibly deeper, smug satisfaction on his proud face.
Helaena watched us for a beat, two, then slid gracefully up and above Aemond. I reached for her, pulling her into a kiss even as one of his broad hands left my hip to grasp her thigh and pull her down, down to his waiting mouth. Running my hands through her silky hair, I caught her by the nape of the neck, our kiss grounding me as we both rolled our hips, Aemond fucking both of us at once. The flick of my tongue in her mouth echoed the tempo he set, and Helaena’s moans were a musical counterpoint to his grunts as she wound her arms about my neck. I scraped my nails along Aemond’s thigh and was rewarded with the barest suggestion of a whimper. His fingers tightened around my hip hard enough to bruise. I hoped it would. That bloom of pain in the morning might be enough to convince me this night was more than some fevered dream. 
As if she sensed the drift of my thoughts, Helaena’s kisses trailed lower. She nipped at my collarbone and, when I gasped at the sharp sting of pain and arched my back, grasped me around the throat. 
“Pain excites you, doesn't it, Lady Grey?”
I nodded quickly, my eyes widening beneath her hypnotic stare. 
Her smile unfurled like a secret before she leaned back in, catching my bottom lip between her teeth and biting down, her fingers still encircling my throat. Beneath me, Aemond's hands came to grip the cage of my ribs and I felt delicate in his grip, held up only by the strength of his body as he fucked me. Helaena whined against my mouth, a dusky flush crawling up her chest, her neck, her cheeks. I chased her lips as she leaned back, one hand finding her jaw and holding her to me, the other clutching at her breast as my tongue curled behind her teeth. She trembled in my grasp as Aemond drove her closer and closer toward the edge that we all teetered on. I heard a growl from below, felt a shift as he dug his heels into the mattress and matched the thrust of his hips to the rhythm he set with his mouth.
Helaena tumbled over first. I swallowed her strangled gasp, the sound low and throaty as she moaned her brother's name, her hands tightening where they gripped my wrists. I didn't think there was a more beautiful sight than Helaena Targaryen caught in her own pleasure, her mouth parted, her eyes closed tight, her starlight hair wild around her face. She fell back against the pillows, panting, her skin shining with glitter and a light sheen of sweat. She was a goddess in that moment and I couldn't believe I was here with her, worthy enough to see her like this. 
I wanted to look at her forever. I wanted for her to see me the way I saw her. 
Aemond pulled my attention back to him, back to my own body and where we were joined. He reached up and cupped my jaw in his large hand. The gesture was shockingly intimate in a way I hadn't expected and his eyes felt impossibly deep as I fell into them. With his free hand, he kneaded at my breast, his thumb brushing over my nipple. I leaned into his touch and felt that heat bloom within me, rising higher and higher until it exploded through me, pulling me over and then down, down, down to meet him. I fell forward and caught his lips with mine, devouring the little sound of surprise he made at my boldness. His arms wound around my back and I felt him so deep I knew I was stained by him. He came with a groan, spilling hot within me, his hips finally stilling as his hands trailed between my shoulders. 
I thought I would never catch my breath, that my heart would thunder out of my chest. But Aemond shifted beneath me, tugging me to lay at his side, tucked beneath his arm. He rested his head on Helaena's soft stomach and her fingers were instantly carding through his hair, combing the snarls I'd left behind. It felt easy to be with them like this, soft and pliant in the afterglow, and the thought squeezed tight in my chest. I wriggled, preemptively feeling the awkwardness that undoubtedly would come next. Aemond clicked his tongue at me, tugging at a lock of my hair when I couldn't keep still 
"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice rough, a little irritation pulling at the edges. 
"I'm just gonna get cleaned up," I said. "Let you guys do whatever else you had planned with your night." All I wanted was to stay until they sent me away and pray that maybe they never would. But if I was being honest with myself, my welcome was likely worn out.
Helaena reached down, trailing her finger over the flat of my nose again. When I looked up, she was smiling. "You don't have to go, Lady Grey. You can stay as long as you like. No one is going to kick us out."
My brows pulled together. "Are you sure, I mean -."
Aemond cut me off. "We own the place, Grey. No one is coming knocking. Just relax, okay?" His arm would tighter around my middle, dragging me further into his embrace. When I didn't relax right away I felt his hand on the back of my head, guiding my cheek down against his chest. "Will you just
" Finally I acquiesced, melting against him as Helaena tangled her fingers with mine. 
"Do you really own this place?" My voice was whisper quiet.
Helaena answered. "We bought it two years ago. Our brother Aegon thought it was a good investment, but you can't trust him with money, so Aemond and I went in on it. It's proved very lucrative. Who knew there were so many little deviants in King's Landing."
“Oh. That’s... wow. Okay. But do you want me to? Stay, I mean.”
Hel opened her mouth but Aemond sighed and I swear I had never heard a more weary sound. "Grey, I need you to listen very carefully. Helaena wants you to stay. I want you to stay. The only reason you'll move from the spot you're in is when I inevitably roll you over and fuck you from behind, okay?"
My head popped up, my cheeks hot with the blood that rushed to my face. When I looked down at him, his eyes were closed, his face utterly relaxed. Helaena just grinned.
"He means it too," she said, her finger tracing the Orb Weaver that was tattooed across his heart. "Aemond only says what he really means."
After a moment I nodded, laying my hand over his pec and resting my chin on top of it, a small smile curling at the corner of my mouth. 
Her words sounded like an invitation. They sounded like a promise. And if I listened very carefully, they sounded like a possibility.
To Be Continued
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What is he doing...?
what's happening in her head:
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"H-Huh?" Subaru-kun... is hugging me? Is this what a back hug is supposed to feel like...? My heart... it's beating really fast.... I think... I like this...
versus the actual scene:
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"this is my girl" - @subaruwu (i'm looking back at our convo and i cackled a bit at this lol)
tadaaa!!! i made this in about 3 and a half hours a few days ago but TUMBLR WONT LET ME POST MY ART ON MOBILE..... I HATE THIS. but anyways, this is the first time I've drawn something digitally of the two of them together and posted it on this account. I'm actually pretty proud of this one. I hope you like it too :)
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Hey kingly boo
If you had to pick two beasts, one who you’d bring out of the tree, and one you’d keep in the tree forever, who’d it be?
*Elder Faerie pauses for a little bit, frowning in thought.*
"...I'm not sure."
"If I have to pick, I suppose I'd be willing to free Silent Salt or Eternal Sugar, and, keep Shadow Milk trapped."
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"But I don't believe I could bring myself to make such a choice."
"...Is there a reason you're asking a question like this?-"
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lets-go-witches · 2 years
Tag Thing
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eicalors · 7 months
fontaine women have me on a chokehold (+ this one fatui woman that claims to be my wife (she is))
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qui-gg · 2 years
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Day 28: Revenge🊋🗡💜
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4kayz · 1 year
Could I please see any ideas you might have on what an embrace from each Bishop would feel like?
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Pairings: Leshy/Reader, Heket/Reader, Kallamar/Reader, Shamura/Reader, Narinder/Reader, Lambert/Reader. ( All separate, can be seen as platonic or romantic. )
Details: Some headcanons on what a hug from each bishop + lambert feels like.
A/N: I threw in Lambert as well >:)
🀍 Reblogs > Likes 🀍
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🍃- Bush boy has very cold claws and a very warm body, but in a way that comfortably balances his temperature so that its neither too hot nor too cold, very pleasant to hug. His body's moss adds a bit of texture, and if you pull his chest close enough, he's a bit wet. He can't stay still for too long and gets distracted very easily, so he won't be able to hug for long.
🍃- I'd say he's a 7.4/10 hugger. Would've been a 10/10 if it weren't for a bit of moist leaves and for the fact that he can't stay still for too long.
🍄 - Heket is interesting. She's very cold and it takes her a while to warm up. But when she is warm, its a very nice and satisfactory hug! She engulfs you fully and it makes for a very good feeling! When anybody catches Heket hugging you, they don't. Mainly because you are technically one with the robes.
🍄 - 9/10 hugger!!!
🊋 - He's a very awkward hugger, takes him a bit for him to give into the idea of physical affection. What if he dose it wrong? What if it's not good? What if you're disappointed?! Very nervous about it. But when he does hug you, it's actually very nice! He's very jittery and shudders a little while hugging you, but he's working on it.
🊋 - 8.5/10
🔮 - A distinguished gentleman. They act very professional when hugging somebody and seem very experienced and cautious as to not make the experience uncomfortable for you. Shamura feels a bit cold in some areas, but warm in others. It all blends together when hugging somebody and it makes for perfect body temperature and their claws wrap around you with care.
🔮 - 10/10 hugger. I take no negative feedback.
💌 - Very soft and caring hugger! An embrace from Narinder feels warm and comfortable. His fur adds to the comfortability and makes for a very soft pillow/blanket. He also purrs when hugging somebody when he's relaxed enough and it's very soothing and puts you to sleep instantly.
💌 - 11/10 hugger.
🗡 - Turns out, wool is extremely soft and cuddly and a gift from the heavens. Feels very nice and soft to the touch, if you squish the wool, it does a little bounce before returning to normal and it's addicting to just squeeze their wool.
🗡 - 9/10 hugger.
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blazingsaza · 6 months
The Butterfly 🊋 and The Knight🗡
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Finally had time to color this.I really like seeing these 2 dancing on SW's intro 💖 even tho i wished to see Ada care about Luis more, but beggars can't be choosers 🀷‍♀
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