#🩸blood lust💋
Yours For Eternity {Barnabas Collins x OC} Ch.3
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the return of barnabas collins
tagging: (let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!)
Victoria and Amelia were unpacking their clothes in their shared room. "I think I'm going to like it here" Amelia spoke up to her sister.
Victoria smiled. "Me too" She noticed the way her sister frowned. "What's wrong, Amelia?"
"You don't think he'll find me here, do you?" 
Victoria steps over to Amelia, and holds her sister in a hug. "I believe you're safe from him here. And even if he does come, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise"
Amelia smiles. "Thank you, Victoria" The two sisters let go of each other. Amelia notices David wearing the sheet over his body. She begins to chuckle. "David, you startled me"
Victoria turns her head and begins to laugh as well. "Getting ready for Halloween?" There's no answer from him. Victoria has a feeling. She approaches the figure. When Victoria gets to the figure, she peers into the eyeholes. There are a pair of eyes the closely resemble that of her sisters. Victoria takes the sheet off, revealing a ghost, with a striking resemblance to Amelia. Of course, Amelia herself doesn't see the ghost, but she knows it's there.
"He's coming" the ghost speaks. She then begins to float away. Victoria starts following her, and in turn, Amelia follows Victoria. They follow the apparition to the main hall where she is circling a chandelier, now with a second ghost that bears a strong resemblance to Victoria. The two ghosts are holding hands.
"He's coming" the ghost resembling Victoria speaks this time. The two ghosts stop circling the chandelier and they both fall backwards. The disappear once they hit the floor.
"What did it say?" Amelia asked.
"They said he's coming" Victoria answered.
"Who's coming?" Amelia wonders out loud.
Barnabas Collins had been freed from his imprisonment underground by a group of unsuspecting construction workers, who he had slaughtered and fed on. Now, he was making his way out of the woods. Barnabas stops in his tracks when he sees a bright light off in the distance. "Show yourself, Satan!" He calls to the light, not knowing that it's just the headlights from a car. "Mock me not with your strange luminance!" The light disappears and he continues. He stops yet again when he leaves the wooded area and comes across the road, but he doesn't know it's called a road. He steps on it cautiously and then kneels down to run his nails across the asphalt. "Curious terrain" He hears and noise and looks up. "What is this? Some specter approaches. It is the eyes of the devil himself, come to drag me to my judgement" He was, in fact, talking about a car that was approaching him. Barnabas spreads his arms out. "Have at me Lucifer. My soul is prepared!"
The car honks and quickly swerves out of the way to avoid hitting Barnabas. "Asshole!" The driver yells at him. And then the car drives off. Barnabas sees the sign the directs him to Collinsport. He begins his walk down the road and into the town. He worked his way through town until he came to Collinwood Manor. "My beloved Collinwood" Barnabas speaks when he sees his home. "What have they done to you?" Barnabas came across Willie, who was drunk and singing while he worked in the pumpkin patch. "Fear me not, drunkard. You shall not be harmed so long as you tell me all that I need to know"
Willie stood up and waved his flash at Barnabas. "Well, here's all you need to know" He slurred.
Barnabas knocked the flask out of Willie's hand. He then waved his hand in front of Willie's face. "See me, derelict. Look into my eyes and deliver me your innermost thoughts" He hypnotized Willie, but he only ended up falling asleep. Barnabas slapped his hand to Willie's forehead. "Awaken!" Willie woke. "Well done. Now, tell me, the Collins family--do they endure?"
Willie answers. "Ayuh, there's four of 'em"
"Thank heaven. Pray, what month is it?'
"October. That's why there's pumpkins"
"What is the year?"
"'72. Wait, '71" Willie just can't seem to make his mind up about what year it was. He finally settles on an answer. "Ayuh, 1972"
"1972?" Barnabas repeats. He puts his hand in front of Willie's face and starts hypnotizing him again. "Hear me, future dweller. You shall be my loyal servant until such time as I release you"
"So, what first, master?" Willie asks.
"You will cleanse me, miscreant" Barnabas orders. "And then you will take me to these living Collinses you speak of"
Willie brought Barnabas inside Collinwood Manor. "Have you ever seen such majesty?" Barnabas said.
"Every day" Willie answers.
"The perfect marriage of European elegance and American enterprise" Barnabas walked over to the pillar and ran his hand over it. "Nine of the finest craftsmen the world will ever know lost digit, limb and life in the process of carving these glorious pillars. And they all considered it worth the sacrifice, I assure you. The opulence and complexity of this magnificent chandelier" Barnabas looked up at said chandelier. "Should only be found in the places of nobility" He looked at the fireplace. "The fireplace sculpted entirely of the most  exquisite carrara marble from Firenze, Italia" Barnabas had yet to take notice of Carolyn and David, but they definitely noticed him. He continued to admire the fireplace. "Each joint containing a single pearl" 
"Are you stoned or something?" Carolyn asked him.
"They tried stoning me, my dear" Barnabas answered, taking her question literally. "It did not work" Carolyn just stares at him, completely stunned. Barnabas turns to Willie. "When did they start allowing women of the night on estate grounds?"
"Carolyn" David speaks up. "Look" He points at the portrait of  Barnabas on the wall.
"Ah, yes. Uncanny, is it not?" Barnabas says, turning to look at the portrait. "Worth every hour is spent posing. Forgive me. My name is Barnabas Collins"
"I'm David Collins. Are we--?"
Barnabas interrupts. "Related? Distantly, you might say. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master David" He holds out hand to David, ready to shake.
"Children!" Elizabeth calls out. David quickly pulls his hand back. "Get away from the man!" She comes marching down the stairs.
"He says his name is Barnabas Collins" David says.
"And I'm pretty sure he called me a hooker" Carolyn adds.
"That'll do, Carolyn" Elizabeth says. She approaches Barnabas. "A word, please"
Elizabeth brings Barnabas into another room so they could talk privately. "If this some kind of a joke, consider it played" She says to him. "If it's money you're after, I'm afraid you've been misinformed. But whoever you are, you're not to look at those children again. Am I clear?"
Barnabas is walking around and observing all the items in the room. "Your devotion to family is admirable, Madam. And your suspicion understandable. A stranger arrives  claiming to be a distant relation. The question of motive is to be expected. As a Collins, surely you are aware of the darkness that has long plagued our family"
Elizabeth scoffs. "You mean our curse. Witches, ghosts, and vampires. Myths. And, like so many before you, I suppose you're here to rid us of them" Elizabeth ever so discretely grabs a knife from off the table. "For a price, of course"
"I can prove that I am different" Barnabas assures her, coming to stop at the fireplace in the room. He begins running his hand along the mantle. "Firstly, I do not come seeking money. Rather, to provide it. Secondly,  I know the body of this mansion as well as I know my own. Every nook, every corner, every secret!" He opens up a secret room. He surprised at all the bright colours instead of the sight of treasure.
"That's where I keep my macrame" Elizabeth explains.
"A disgraceful misuse" Barnabas tells her bluntly.
"Impressive, but there are plenty of old houses with hidden doors. I hope you have a thirdly"
"Indeed. Tell me, what do you know of Barnabas Collins"
"Just legends, really. He was confident and strong. Admired by all. But, he believed our family was cursed, and when his parents were killed, he went mad. Went around insisting that a witch had turned him into a vampire"
"And what is known of his death?"
"Nothing. Not that I can think of"
"That, madam, is because he never died" Barnabas opened up another secret room. This one had stairs leading beneath the fireplace. "I am Barnabas Collins"
"That means you're--"
"A vampire, madam, yes. And most regrettably so" Barnabas said. Elizabeth clutched the knife tightly behind her back. Barnabas continued. "But, more importantly, I am a Collins and I give you my word of honor: Neither you nor anyone under this roof need fear my cursed nature"
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alyjojo · 4 months
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February 🌠 2024 Monthly - Scorpio
Preshuffle: You’re apathetic when it comes to healing your heart, this could be something that’s sat dormant for a long time. Because you don’t care to address it, you’re holding on to grudges and still inwardly angry at things that haven’t gone according to plan, rather than “seeing the light” as I heard it 💡
Meditation: I’ve gotten a lot of water messages this month, people are emotional after this Pluto shift. In your case I was a shark, blood 🩸 thirsty, coming up to your door ready to bite your head off. You opened it up, not expecting anyone, looking a mess, saying “go ahead” as if you could care, getting your head bitten off would end it, be my guest. All of the anger & eagerness to attack drained out of me, and I transformed into a human, crumpled up on the floor, and started to cry. I heard the word “vulnerability”, maybe with an enemy? Or whoever you’re up against.
Main energy: Knight of Pentacles
3 Cups at the bottom and I heard “Valentine’s Day” clearly, you could feel a lot of pressure to perform for someone you’re involved with, when really you just want to take it slow. You don’t know if you really mean the things a person would say on a super romantic day. Basically, don’t go professing your heart to impress, if you don’t mean it 🙏 Some of you may not be super into someone you’re dating, it could be new, you’re still unsure about what you even want. Holiday pressure 😣 You could divert some of this by talking about work, being busy at work, or someone else is and you’re feeling kinda hurt like they don’t care. If it’s an established relationship, you two live together and are committed, I don’t get someone doesn’t care, only if it’s brand new and Scorpio has been through some shit. On *the* day specifically though, one person may be busy or trying to keep themselves busy, and that may hurt someone else’s feelings. For those newly dating, you may have been on your own for a long time when you just decide to go to one of those V-Day mingling mixer sort of events, just to put yourself out there. If newly dating, you or another person may be very slow to take something seriously, commit, or even get romantic at all. Heavy Pentacles, it’s an energy of *meaning* what you/they say, or they won’t say it, and they don’t rush into anything either, it’s a very slow build…but one that’s stable & long lasting. Or that’s the goal.
What’s going on in February:
4 Wands:
If you’re in a stable relationship or marriage, you’ve got a person locked down, then you’re expecting a night of passion 💋, lust, obsession, intense love. Not just that day, all of them 💯 You could have a partner that avoids getting intimate or they have some sort of reason why they can’t/don’t. If you’re dating and haven’t gotten to that part yet, that’s what the pressure is about. Are you expected to fk someone you don’t even know if you want to commit to? No! Nor should they, if that’s switched, you could be the one pressuring, there’s a Scorpio out there with a lusty scheme to lock someone down that’s being called out. Most of you want a full commitment, trust & security, or it’s no thanks, not ready & not interested. It may be hard to verbalize that for some though. You could avoid V-Day altogether, make up an excuse, say “you don’t believe in it” or anything to get you out of this pressure. Singles feel extra pressure to not be.
The Magician:
Yeesh 😬 You’re coming up as King of Swords rev, this guy is…not nice, very sharp, cutting, demeaning, arrogant, he puts others down a lot due to “superior intelligence”. He can describe someone narcissistic - or acting in this way at least. For many it’s you, not really knowing how else to respond to a situation you don’t want to be in, you turn cold, rude, and arrogant to maybe push someone away or they need to get the hint. Fk off, you’re busy. Emotionally very cold. You’re defensive of emotions, possibly still holding onto old memories, an ex, or they are. For a lot of you something feels too new to be bamboozled by romance, you’re not into this at all. Or switch it, and that’s someone else’s energy towards you. Someone could be ornery, like if your person just blows you off and doesn’t seem to care, you could go out with someone else. Maybe sleep with them? Or someone you’re involved with has someone else, maybe you do, there are some valid reasons or blocks to why you’re so cold and standoffish with a person, or they are with you, and I’m seeing multiple options with lust showing up as the main factor. Some of you could just be dating an asshole that expects you to fk them or they’re mean, cold, heartless and “punish” you if you don’t. Gross, bye 👋🏽
The Lovers:
In this case The Lovers are showing multiple options, dating around, but not sleeping around - that could be a boundary. You may judge potential partners simply on how they act about you not wanting to mess around, is there pushback? Bye 👋🏽 Knight of Cups at the bottom, you’re about the emotional fulfillment, romance, someone that really cares about you. Intimacy is more than sex, you realize this, but you could have some people around you or dating you that are shallow, selfish, and superficial. That’s…life, for a deep person. The Lovers is clarified by 5 Wands, more people. There is no one person, there are a whole gang of people, and with The World, you could be ending all of them. Or you’re dating online. They’re not up to par, don’t treat you how you want to be treated, aren’t compatible, ick go away. If you’re with someone seriously and they’re not taking you seriously, there could be grounds for an argument, if someone isn’t loving, caring, vulnerable…romantic, more than physical. Physical is a natural side effect or next step after established intimacy. Do they get it? No? Bye 👋🏽
The Sun rev:
I love the energy, though it may be difficult. You don’t want to settle, and you’re not confident about people you’ve been seeing/dating. But you’re starting to lose hope you’ll ever find what you’re looking for, does *anyone* speak a romantic language or are you just deluding yourself. Everyone’s fking everyone over here and you’re like UGH. Or that’s someone you’re dealing with. Intimacy is something that’s built, it doesn’t just happen. Eye contact, hand holding, talking, dating, anticipation. Some of these people are completely clueless to what that even is. Is it possible with them, maybe, but that’s about speaking your needs, desires, and standards. Vulnerability… To cut them some slack, they may see passion AS intimacy, especially immature men (I’m sorryyyy but I’m not), and for a water sign you might have to explain it like they’re a big baby 😆 They may have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’m not sure if you have the patience to show them. It should come naturally, to you.
8 Wands:
You have Death here twice, 4 Pentacles at the bottom which is holding tightly to your position, not giving in, not even communicating since this is a card of swift messages or actions being taken, you’re not. You could be ending a connection altogether, or someone else is. But the issue is nothing being said. Is it necessary to “teach” your partner how to love you?? Sometimes, yeah! Especially if they’ve never been with anyone like you, you could be a higher caliber of a person with standards and shit, maybe they’ve been with fkboys/girls or superficial people their whole life, you don’t know. But only if you see real potential with someone, and for many I’m getting you just don’t. For those of you willing, in a committed relationship with someone on a totally different page than you, communicating your needs is what the advice is. Whether they’re holding back or you are, in most cases it’s both, it’s not you vs. them. It’s “this is what I need to feel loved & desired” and then openly discussing their needs too. Some can fix this and see the potential they’re looking for (or this wouldn’t be here), and for some, it’s not even worth it, and you already know that. It’s possible other people are getting involved, there are jealousy games or competition, and you’re not interested in that. Either way there’s an important Death occurring in your connections. Death of a connection or Death of a lack of mutual exchange, honesty & vulnerability in yourself/connections. Your desires are important 🧡
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Pisces & Aries
Oracle: ✨
8 Death ☠️
Death is scary. Endings - whether they are planned or a surprise - are most often accompanied with a sense of anxiety, unease, or more strongly with denial and refusal to let go of the person, relationship, or situation that is ending. Endings always signify beginnings. As in the new beginning card, this card urges you to let go gracefully. Do not attach yourself to the emotions and the energy of what is ending. Feel it, experience it, and then let it go. A slight shift in perspective is sometimes all that is needed to experience this transition with grace and ease. Instead of thinking “oh no - I have to start all over!” shift your perspective to more of “I have a new start!” It will raise your vibrations and carry you through this time of change. This card can also signify the end of a troublesome situation.
We enter into February as:
Rose Without Thorns 🌹:
“It is time to face my true feelings.”
You are most fortunate. As we mature, we learn that to enjoy the beauty of a rose, we must occasionally risk getting pricked by a thorn. You are not facing “the same situation”, this is the dawn of feelings being awakened and a new truth being born. You’re being presented with a different way to live. Trust you will know what to do. Stay open. Time changes us all if we’re lucky, it’s time to surrender and make the change. The best incentive to change is often love.
What is to be learned in February:
Final Sunset 🌅 :
“A life has come to its spectacular conclusion.”
This is a reminder to cherish all of the beauty in your life, including endings. Spirit embraces you and the loss you are aware of at this time. When we watch a day’s sunset, we can recognize the beauty of an ending. All things have a completion, even life. This is the end of a long journey. It is a time to reflect on your part of history, and discover what you value most. This could be a long emotional road ending, or simply a project at work that took a lot of effort and time. Too often we look to what is “next”, and miss the spectacular beauty of the finale. Do not fear the completion. Stay in the now, cry, laugh, reflect. Be with the fullness of your experience.
Orange may be a lucky color 🧡
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mary-goore-ask-blog · 10 months
Mmmh... then open up for me, love 🔪
*she takes out a knife and pressing the sharp edge on their tongue slowly until it drips dark blood*
Since you're being such a tease, i'll take a little sample 🩸
-Raine 💋
*they breathe intensely, staring at her with lust, moaning slightly as she draws their blackened blood out of their tongue*
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rose-wine-selfships · 4 years
My F/O List (Updated)
If my f/os are selected with a 🌹✨, that means that they are a main romantic f/o. If it's with a 🌷✨ they are main queer platonic f/os. If it is platonic they are selected with 🌟 as general main platonic f/os. If I have a 💓 next to them, I care about them deeply like as if they are family. If they have a 🍫, that means they are a comfort character of mine. I have an intense bond with them, and relate to them on a very deep and personal level. If my f/os have a 💍 next to their name, that means I’m married to them, and I have a long term and highly loving relationship with them.
Note: If I have a 🤝 icon next to my romantic or queerplatonic F/Os, I’m very comfortable sharing them and I don’t mind if you want to take my F/Os and do lovey dovey stuff with them! 🌹🍷✨
If I put a 💎 next to my F/Os, that means I’m highly uncomfortable sharing them. They are really personal characters for me and I will feel highly anxious if I see others self shipping content with them. If you’re unsure, please DM me and we can work something out. Whether it’s a filtering system or something else I want to make sure me and my mutuals are on the same page. 👍
🌹Romantic 🌹
Atsushi Nakajima 💍🌹✨🍫💎(Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Colors of my Heart ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜)
Wally Darling 💍 🌹 ✨🍫 💎 (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Apple of my Eye 🍎 👁️)
Lady Oscar Francois de Jarjayes 💍 🌹✨🍫💎 (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Bisous Au Vin Rose 🌹💄💋)
AA2153-Red Blood Cell-Cells at Work:Code Black! 🌹✨🍫 (Ship name: Working hard for your kisses 💋✨)
Bruno Madrigal-Encanto 🌹✨
Joe Goldberg-You (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: I’m in love with a criminal 🔪 🩸)
Peter B. Parker-Spider-Man Into The SpiderVerse (Ship name: Rainbow Spider 🌈 🕷)
Chief Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine🌹✨🍫 (Main Romantic F/O)(Ship name: And I love her ��✨)
Yuuma Daichi 🍷✨🍫💎 (F/O OC for my fan made series “Ronin: Wielder of the cursed blade) (Main Romantic F/O)
🤝 Minerva Mink 💛🌹✨(Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: The Taming of the Mink💘)
🤝 Rider (Medusa)(Fate Stay Night) (Ship name: Fate on love’s wings 🕊💕) 🌹✨
🤝 Saber (Arthur)(Fate Stay Night) 🌹✨
🤝 Spongebob Squarepants 🌹✨🍫(Main Romantic F/O) (Ship Name: Sprissy/Weird Together: Now and Forever💝)
🤝 Edgar Allen Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs)
🤝 Shōsaku Katsura 🌹✨(Ship Name: Melting My Black Ink Heart 🖤)
🤝 Kōyō Ozaki 🌹✨
🤝 Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
🤝 Shizuo Heiwajima 🌹✨
🤝 Lucifer (Obey Me!) 🌹✨
Mammon (Obey Me!) (Main F/O) 🌹✨ 🍫💎 (Ship Names: My Treasure 🏆/The Diamond in the Rough 💎)
🤝 Lust (Main Romantic F/O) (Fullmetal Alchemist) 🌹✨
🤝 Mitsuru Kirijo (P4) 🌹✨
🤝 Leviathan (Obey Me!) (Ship Names: The snake and the mermaid 🐍💗🧜‍♀️/ Siren Song 🧜‍♀️🎶)
🤝 Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (Main F/O) 🌹✨
🤝 Jonathan Joestar (Part 1) 🌹✨
Bruno Bucciarati (Main Romantic F/O) (Ship name: Somos Novios)🌹✨🍫💎 (Part 5)
🤝 Lisa Lisa (Part 2)
🤝 Karamatsu Matsuno 🌹✨🍫
🤝 Ichimatsu Matsuno 🍫
🤝 Choromatsu Matsuno 🍫
🤝 Frodo Baggins 💍🌹✨🍫💎(Ship Name: You’re my greatest adventure 🗺💕)
🤝 Faramir
🤝 T’Challa (Black Panther)
🤝 N’Jadaka (Erik Killmonger)
🤝 MegaMind (DreamWorks)
🤝 Saeyoung Choi (Seven)
🤝 Yoosung Kim
🤝 Beast (Black Butler)
🤝 Grell Sutcliff
🤝 William T. Spears
🤝 Newt Scamander
🤝 Arsène Lupin III & Fujiko Mine (Polyamorous) 💕🌹✨
🌷Queer Platonic🌷
🤝 Lucy Maud Montgomery 🌷✨
Higuchi Ichiyo
⭐️ 💫 Platonic🌟 💫
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Chuuya Nakahara
Osamu Dazai 🌟 💓
Yukichi Fukuzawa 🌟💓
Squidward Tentacles 🌟
Sandy Cheeks 🌟
Patrick Star
Kunikida Doppo 🌟 💓
Junichiro Tanizaki 🌟
Akiko Yosano 🌟
Naomi Tanizaki 🌟
Josuke Higashikata 🌟 🍫
Samwise Gamgee 🌟
Aragorn 🌟 🍫 💓
Nakia 🌟
Shuri 🌟
Okoye 🌟
Jaehee Kang
Jumin Han
Hyun Ryu (Zen)
Ciel Phantomhive
Elizabeth Midford
Sebastian Michaelis
Goemon Ishikawa XIII 🌟
Daisuke Jigen 🌟
Koichi Zenigata 🌟
🌸✨ Familial 🌸✨
Sakura Matou (my daughter) 🍫 💓
Laura Kinney (my daughter) 💓
Izumi Kyouka (my daughter)💓
Just so you know, I do have villain F/Os as part of my romantic list. I do not condone or deny any of their actions they have done in canon universes. All I know is that they are interesting people with interesting perspectives, and hence why I am so attracted to them. If me having any of these villain F/Os makes you uncomfortable in anyway, please feel free to not interact with me or block me for your own mental health’s sake. I will not mind at all. 👍
UPDATE: I’m very comfortable with sharing most of my F/Os on these lists, except for three of them. The main three are Atsushi Nakajima, Oscar Jarjayes, and Wally Darling. These three characters are very close and personal comfort characters of mine, and I do feel uncomfortable sharing them with other self shippers. If you’re a good friend/mutual of mine I don’t mind if we share them. However, if you’re a newcomer and you share these F/Os too, I recommend you DM me first and we can set up a filtering/tagging system so there are no hard feelings on both sides. Thank you. 🙏💕
The list will be continually updated from here as I go along, but for now these are all the F/Os I can list from the top of my head! For all those who are uncomfortable sharing anyone on my list; I don’t mind if you blacklist or block me. Your mental health is just as important as mine, and I don’t want people to feel horrible because of me. I personally don’t feel the need to be uncomfortable sharing most of my F/Os with others because I’m not really the jealous type. I love my F/Os unconditionally, and without any restraint. And I believe love is possible through any and all universes. But for those who are comfortable enough sharing, please, I ENCOURAGE you to gush to me because I LOVE the company! Thank you all for being so supportive of me! 🙏💖✨
Your local wine loving self shipper!
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Yours for Eternity {Barnabas Collins x OC} Ch.1
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
blood is thicker than water
Tagging: (let me know if you want to be added to the tag list)
Liverpool, 1760
It is said that blood is thicker than water. It is what defines us. Binds us. Curses us.
A young Barnabas Collins followed his mother and father onto a boat "Come, my love. Come, Barnabas" Joshua Collins beckoned his wife and son.
For some, blood means a life of wealth and privilege. For others, a life of servitude.
Barnabas stared at a young girl as he walked past her. The girl stared back at him. A hooded woman grabbed the girl's arm. "Angelique, how many times do I have to tell you not to stare at him?" The woman chastised.
When I was but a boy... my father took us to the New World to expand the Collins family empire. We brought English industry to the wilds of Maine... and built a fishing business... the likes of which America had never seen.
One year later, Collinsport was a booming business. Joshua walked with his son along the dock. "A man should take pride in what he builds. But remember, Barnabas, family is the only real wealth. Hm?"
As our business grew, the town of Collinsport grew with it... and we decided to put down permanent roots. We spent the next 15 years building our beloved home: Collinwood. But not everyone shared in our family's success.
Fifteen years later, Barnabas and Angelique had found privacy in a dark room, the only light coming the the peaks in the curtain. They were passionately kissing.
Angelique pulled away. "Je t'aime. Let me hear you say "I love you, Angelique. I want you."
Barnabas stared at her. Angelique stepped away from him. “Angelique...I am sorry, my dear...but you would be hearing a lie"
Angelique did not take the rejection well. You see, the woman was a witch. She was alone in her room, reciting a spell. "Make the high and mighty low. Arrogant creatures, down you go"
Joshua and Naomi Collins were taking a stroll one stormy night. The mood was perfectly set for the doom they would meet that night. They would meet their deaths when a statue had fallen on them.
Convinced my parents' death was no accident... I became obsessed with dark magic and ancient curses.
Barnabas read from a book. "Lo! Above the gates of hell...he found a single letter. A letter proclaiming Satan's true name. Mephistopheles" He ran his fingers over the gold M that was on the page.
But even then, in the depths of my grief, not all was darkness. For I had found my one true love.
"Promise we'll be together forever" Ophelia DuPres asked of Barnabas. The two of them were lovers, despite the fact the Ophelia was betrothed to another.
"God as my witness, Ophelia... I swear it" Barnabas promised. He sealed that promise to her with a passionate kiss.
Of all the servants I could have spurned... all the hearts I could have broken... I got the one with the secret. I got the witch.
Angelique watched with no emotion as the two of them kissed. But Angelique wasn't the only one who caught them. Ophelia's fiance, Jonathan Hargreaves. He watched with burning anger as his wife to be kissed another man. Ophelia belonged to him. Not Barnabas. Angelique had managed to spot Jonathan in her peripheral vision. She grinned evilly to herself. She could use his own spurned emotions to her advantage.
That night, Angelique had lured Jonathan into her room that night. She placed him under a spell. "If she doth chooses another, then you must make her pay. By all means necessary" Her sultry whisper spoke in his ear. "Kill her in front of the man she betrayed you with"
Caught in Angelique's spell, Jonathan had taken my beloved Ophelia towards Widow's Hill... where many a despondent soul had leapt to their death.
Barnabas rushed to save his Ophelia from her fate. "Ophelia!" He called her name as he ran. He came to the hill where he saw Ophelia being held by Jonathan. He held a knife to her throat. "Please, let her go!"
"Help me" Ophelia pleaded desperately.
"If I can't have her, then no one can!" Jonathan declared. He dragged the blade across her throat. The stainless steel was stained by the crimson liquid. Ophelia's body went limp. Her body was thrown off the cliff by Jonathan. Barnabas looked over the cliff and watched as her lifeless body hit the rocks below.
Since the deed was done, Jonathan had becom broken from his spell. He looked at the knife in his hand. When he saw it was stained with blood, he dropped it. "What have I done!?" He cried when he realized. "I've killed the love of my life!" With that, he ran.
Barnabas did the only thing he could do now. He wasn't going to live without Ophelia. He took a leap off the cliff. "Ophelia!" He shouted her name as he fell. He hit the rocks but he didn't die. He was still moving and breathing. He looked at Ophelia's body. The water had washed away the blood that was on her neck.
No, Barnabas Collins wasn't dead, but rather he was undead. He looked up at the cliff where Angelique stood. "What have you done?!" He screamed at her. Barnabas watched in horror as he nails grew sharper and his skin turned paler.
Angelique had cursed me to be a vampire... so that my suffering would never end. As for Jonathan... he never faced any punishments for what he do to Ophelia... nor did he live with the guilt. Angelique took care of that... Ophelia's sister, Josette, was too taken with grief, that she jumped off the same cliff where her sister died, so they could be together again.
One day, when Barnabas had opened the door, he was greeted to angry townsfolk carry torches and pitchforks. "There's the monster!" Angelique, who was in front, pointed at him. "He killed the DuPres girl and threw her body off the cliff!" The townspeople grabbed Barnabas. They all followed Angelique as she lead them into the forest.
Resolved that I would never belong to her... Angelique turned the townspeople against me... and condemned me to suffer my anguish alone in the dark
The townspeople had but Barnabas in a chained up coffin. They lowered it into the hole they had dug in the ground. All the while with Barnabas pleading, banging against the coffin. "Let me out! Let me out, I say!"
...for all time.
Angelique watched with a pleased smirk as the coffin was buried.
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Yours For Eternity {Barnabas Collins x OC} Ch.2
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fresh start
Tagging: (Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list)
A pair of two sisters sat beside each other on a train. The both of them were ready to start new lives, but both for very different reasons. The younger sister stared out the window and the oldest held onto a little piece of paper. She peered down at the piece of paper.
"We're going to need new names" the oldest spoke.
The youngest glanced over at a poster. The name on it stuck out to her. "How about Winters?" She suggested. "I'll be Victoria"
The oldest thought of a name. "I've always like the name Amelia"
"Hello. My name is Victoria Winters" the youngest tried out. "Please, call me Vicky"
"And I'm Amelia Winters" the oldest tried. "Please, call me Amy"
Pretty soon their train ride was over and now they had to rely on hitchhiking to reach their destination. A van of hippies had picked them up. The blonde hippie was staring intently at them. "So, where are you from Veronica and Annie?"
Victoria smiled. "New York. And it's Victoria"
"And Amelia" Amy corrected.
"And it's Victoria and Amelia" the blonde hippie laughed. "I love these chicks, man!"
"New York's a trip, huh?" one of the male hippies asked them.
"I guess" Amelia answered solemnly.
"What about you?" the hippie who was driving asked. "What brings two New York girls out to the sticks?"
Victoria and Amelia both stared at each other. Victoria was the one to answer. "An old friend"
The hippies dropped off Victoria and Amelia in front of Collinwood Manor. The two of them looked upon the dark building. "Are you ready, Vicky?" Amelia asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be, Amy" Vicky answered. The two of them joined hands, grabbed their luggage and made the trek to Collinwood Manor.
They finally reached the house. It looked rundown on the outside. The yard wasn't very presentable, and the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch looked dreary. They approached the front door. Amelia was the one who knocked. A man answered.
"Hello, I'm Amelia Winters" she introduced. "This is my sister, Victoria"
The man looked at them. "Congratulations"
"We're here to see Ms. Stoddard about the governess position" Victoria explained.
"Oh, yeah" the man nodded. "Been expecting you" He motioned for the two sisters to enter. "Come on. Sorry I didn't grab you down at the station. Damn wagon's been acting up" The man complained. "Miss Elizabeth won't spend the money to get her fixed"
The sisters were in awe of the house. The outside wasn't much to look at, but inside it was something else. "It's beautiful" Victoria spoke in awe.
The man scoffed and rolled his eyes. "A bitch to dust is what it is. This place was designed for a staff of a hundred. Now they got a staff of me. Me and Mrs. Johnson" He motioned towards the elderly woman who was asleep in a chair. "She's about as useful as a bucket without a bottom"
"Still, not every family has a house like this" Amelia spoke.
"Or a whole town named after them"
The man looked at them, confused. "Come again?"
Amelia stared at him. This man was the groundskeeper and he didn't know the town was named after the family? "Collins. Y'know, as in Collinsport"
"Never got that" the man said. He continued to take the girls through the house.
They stopped in front of a beautifully painted portrait of a man. The portrait intrigued Amelia. "Who's that?" she asked. The man looked up at the portrait. "Barnaby, maybe. Something with a "Barn" in it. One of the real important ones from way back. Back when they were rich, rich people"
"Barnabas" A woman's voice spoke. The three turned to see a beautiful blonde woman standing atop the stairs. "His name was Barnabas Collins" She descended the stairs and came to stand in front of the portrait. "And he was the finest man this family ever knew" She turned to the two sisters and smiled. "Welcome to Collinwood"
Elizabeth Stoddard wanted the girls to follow her, so that's what they did. She explained about the house and the other members of the family. "You'll have to imagine us on a better day. The house has some 200 rooms...most closed off to save on heating. We don't even go in the old wing anymore" She eventually brought them into a cozy little room. "Sit" Elizabeth motioned towards the couch. Amelia and Victoria sat down. Elizabeth continued. "There are only seven of us, after all. My daughter, Carolyn, and I. My brother, Roger, and his son, David. Willie, who you've met. Mrs. Johnson and Dr. Hoffman... who I suspect is sleeping off one of her legendary hangovers"
Amelia asked. "And where is David's mother, if you don't mind us asking?"
Elizabeth's face saddened. "Laura was lost at sea... when David was 5. He's had a rather difficult time accepting her passing. I brought Dr. Hoffman here to work with him for a month. That was three years ago" She paused, taking a seat in the chair opposite to the sisters. "There are just a few questions, if you don't mind... that were not on the application"
"Of course" Victoria nodded.
"How do you girls feel about the president?" Elizabeth asked her first question.
Amelia and Victoria looked at each other, smiled, then back to Elizabeth. Amelia answered for them. "Never met him"
"The war?"
Victoria answered this one. "We don't watch television"
"Do you think the sexes should be equal?"
Victoria snorted. "Heavens, no"
"Men would become unmanageable" Amelia finished.
Elizabeth smirked, pleased with the sisters' answers. She liked them so far. "I think we'll get along just fine, Ms. Winters and Ms. Winters"
"Please, call me Vicky"
"And me, Amy"
Elizabeth decided to introduce the two sisters to her daughter, Carolyn. She brought them to her room. Carolyn was sitting inside with her backs turned to them, listening to Iggy Pop. "Carolyn" Elizabeth tried getting her daughter's attention. "Carolyn, this is Ms. Winters and Ms. Winters"
Carolyn got up from her chair and walked over to them. She leaned against in the doorway. "You two from New York?" She asked the sisters.
"We are" Amelia nodded.
"What's Manhattan like? I'm going to live there when I'm 16"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Carolyn has a fantasy that I'm going to allow this"
Carolyn glared at Elizabeth. "And Mother has a fantasy I won't run away if she doesn't" She turned her attention back to the sisters. "So you two are here to babysit the loony?"
"What have I told you about using that word?" Elizabeth warned.
"We're here to teach David" Victoria clarified.
Carolyn laughed. "Good luck. None of the others have made it past a week. Ms and Ms Winters"
"Please, call me Vicky"
"And Amy"
Carolyn slammed the door in their faces.
It was dinner time. Elizabeth had Amelia and Victoria sit together at the long dinner table. Elizabeth sat at the end, displaying her position as head of the family. Carolyn put on a Donovan record and started dancing. A man with blonde hair walked into the kitchen, and immediately started barking orders at Willie. "Chop-chop, Willie, I'm starving. And God help me if it's another bone-dry pot roast..." He paused when he noticed the two sisters. "Who are they?"
"Ms Winters and Ms Winters, this is my brother, Roger" Elizabeth introduced. "Roger, Ms Winters and Ms Winters, are to be David's new governesses"
"Please, call me Vicky"
"And me, Amy. It's nice to meet you"
Roger nodded, not really caring. "Yeah. Yeah. Nice to meet you"
"You're a liar" A woman's voice called out. Victoria and Amelia turned to see a redhead woman that had entered the dining room. She held a glass of whisky in her hand. "I can tell, you know. Just from a person's face" The woman sat by Victoria. "Yours says: I might look sweet and innocent, but I have secrets. Secrets that'll make the hairs on your arms stand straight up" The woman then looked to Amelia. "And yours says: I can't face my problems, so I'd rather run from them"
"Leave them be, Julia" Elizabeth told the woman.
"You're the doctor" Amelia inferred.
"Yeah. And you're "the nannies," Julia pointed at Elizabeth. "And she's "the bitch." How do you ever expect us girls to advance if we keep reducing each other to labels?"
"So, Vicky, Amy" Roger spoke up. "Where'd you co-- CAROLYN!" He screamed at his niece. She stopped dancing and looked at him. "Will you please turn that noise down?" Carolyn stopped the music and angrily stomped over to her seat.
Victoria noticed something standing behind Roger. Elizabeth sensed it too. "David, this is Vicky and Amy" She said to the figure. "They're going to be your new governesses"
A boy, no older than eleven or twelve, removed the white sheet he was wearing. "You ruined it!" The boy complained. "I was gonna scare them" The boy sat next to his father, and across from Amy.
"Damn it. What have I told you about cutting holes in the sheets?" Roger scolded David. "Those are Egyptian cotton"
David looked down at his food. "I was gonna scare you" He said to Victoria and Amelia. He looked up at them. "Were you scared?"
The sisters smiled at each other. "Terrified beyond relief" Victoria said.
"You had me shaking in my boots" Amelia added. David smiled. He liked these two. He hoped that they would stick around.
Carolyn scoffed. "You don't have to be nice to him just because he's nuts, you know"
"Carolyn" Elizabeth warned.
David looked down again and muttered. "Carolyn touches herself. She makes noises like a kitten"
"You little shit!" Carolyn snarled.
"Carolyn! Enough both of you!" Elizabeth said sternly.
"If I may, what's the family business?" Victoria asked, trying to break the tension.
"Seafood, Ms. Winters" Elizabeth answered. "We had a large cannery in town. We still own a few fishing boats. Rusty old boats that no one will hire"
"And David's mother's at the bottom with one of them" Carolyn snarked.
Elizabeth glared. "Carolyn, go to your room"
Carolyn was fed up and shot out of her seat. "Everybody in this house tiptoes around him, but no one cares how I feel!" She angrily stomped out of the dining room. Everyone could hear her bedroom door slam shut. Elizabeth's eyes closed and she sighed.
David frowned. "She didn't die. She can't"
"Enough, David" Elizabeth calmly but firmly said. "Yes, David believes his mother has some kind of...cyclical immortality"
"Fascinating, really" Julia remarked.
"I feel her. She talks to me. All the time" David explained.
"Well..." Victoria started. "I think ghosts are just people who've moved into a slightly different dimension than ours. And I think some people just have antennas strong enough to pick them up"
Amelia smiled. "She's right, you know. There's actually scientific evidence to support..."
Elizabeth stopped her. "Thank you, Ms Winters and Ms Winters" Though, she couldn't help but grin to herself. Perhaps she had made the right choice with the Winters sisters. All the other governesses were either scared off by David, or he became too much work for them. But, these two seemed different. Hopefully they would be here to stay.
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I’m gonna start writing Yours For Eternity this week. I need to know who wants to be added to the tag list.
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