#yours for eternity
Yours For Eternity {Barnabas Collins x OC} Ch.3
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the return of barnabas collins
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Victoria and Amelia were unpacking their clothes in their shared room. "I think I'm going to like it here" Amelia spoke up to her sister.
Victoria smiled. "Me too" She noticed the way her sister frowned. "What's wrong, Amelia?"
"You don't think he'll find me here, do you?" 
Victoria steps over to Amelia, and holds her sister in a hug. "I believe you're safe from him here. And even if he does come, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise"
Amelia smiles. "Thank you, Victoria" The two sisters let go of each other. Amelia notices David wearing the sheet over his body. She begins to chuckle. "David, you startled me"
Victoria turns her head and begins to laugh as well. "Getting ready for Halloween?" There's no answer from him. Victoria has a feeling. She approaches the figure. When Victoria gets to the figure, she peers into the eyeholes. There are a pair of eyes the closely resemble that of her sisters. Victoria takes the sheet off, revealing a ghost, with a striking resemblance to Amelia. Of course, Amelia herself doesn't see the ghost, but she knows it's there.
"He's coming" the ghost speaks. She then begins to float away. Victoria starts following her, and in turn, Amelia follows Victoria. They follow the apparition to the main hall where she is circling a chandelier, now with a second ghost that bears a strong resemblance to Victoria. The two ghosts are holding hands.
"He's coming" the ghost resembling Victoria speaks this time. The two ghosts stop circling the chandelier and they both fall backwards. The disappear once they hit the floor.
"What did it say?" Amelia asked.
"They said he's coming" Victoria answered.
"Who's coming?" Amelia wonders out loud.
Barnabas Collins had been freed from his imprisonment underground by a group of unsuspecting construction workers, who he had slaughtered and fed on. Now, he was making his way out of the woods. Barnabas stops in his tracks when he sees a bright light off in the distance. "Show yourself, Satan!" He calls to the light, not knowing that it's just the headlights from a car. "Mock me not with your strange luminance!" The light disappears and he continues. He stops yet again when he leaves the wooded area and comes across the road, but he doesn't know it's called a road. He steps on it cautiously and then kneels down to run his nails across the asphalt. "Curious terrain" He hears and noise and looks up. "What is this? Some specter approaches. It is the eyes of the devil himself, come to drag me to my judgement" He was, in fact, talking about a car that was approaching him. Barnabas spreads his arms out. "Have at me Lucifer. My soul is prepared!"
The car honks and quickly swerves out of the way to avoid hitting Barnabas. "Asshole!" The driver yells at him. And then the car drives off. Barnabas sees the sign the directs him to Collinsport. He begins his walk down the road and into the town. He worked his way through town until he came to Collinwood Manor. "My beloved Collinwood" Barnabas speaks when he sees his home. "What have they done to you?" Barnabas came across Willie, who was drunk and singing while he worked in the pumpkin patch. "Fear me not, drunkard. You shall not be harmed so long as you tell me all that I need to know"
Willie stood up and waved his flash at Barnabas. "Well, here's all you need to know" He slurred.
Barnabas knocked the flask out of Willie's hand. He then waved his hand in front of Willie's face. "See me, derelict. Look into my eyes and deliver me your innermost thoughts" He hypnotized Willie, but he only ended up falling asleep. Barnabas slapped his hand to Willie's forehead. "Awaken!" Willie woke. "Well done. Now, tell me, the Collins family--do they endure?"
Willie answers. "Ayuh, there's four of 'em"
"Thank heaven. Pray, what month is it?'
"October. That's why there's pumpkins"
"What is the year?"
"'72. Wait, '71" Willie just can't seem to make his mind up about what year it was. He finally settles on an answer. "Ayuh, 1972"
"1972?" Barnabas repeats. He puts his hand in front of Willie's face and starts hypnotizing him again. "Hear me, future dweller. You shall be my loyal servant until such time as I release you"
"So, what first, master?" Willie asks.
"You will cleanse me, miscreant" Barnabas orders. "And then you will take me to these living Collinses you speak of"
Willie brought Barnabas inside Collinwood Manor. "Have you ever seen such majesty?" Barnabas said.
"Every day" Willie answers.
"The perfect marriage of European elegance and American enterprise" Barnabas walked over to the pillar and ran his hand over it. "Nine of the finest craftsmen the world will ever know lost digit, limb and life in the process of carving these glorious pillars. And they all considered it worth the sacrifice, I assure you. The opulence and complexity of this magnificent chandelier" Barnabas looked up at said chandelier. "Should only be found in the places of nobility" He looked at the fireplace. "The fireplace sculpted entirely of the most  exquisite carrara marble from Firenze, Italia" Barnabas had yet to take notice of Carolyn and David, but they definitely noticed him. He continued to admire the fireplace. "Each joint containing a single pearl" 
"Are you stoned or something?" Carolyn asked him.
"They tried stoning me, my dear" Barnabas answered, taking her question literally. "It did not work" Carolyn just stares at him, completely stunned. Barnabas turns to Willie. "When did they start allowing women of the night on estate grounds?"
"Carolyn" David speaks up. "Look" He points at the portrait of  Barnabas on the wall.
"Ah, yes. Uncanny, is it not?" Barnabas says, turning to look at the portrait. "Worth every hour is spent posing. Forgive me. My name is Barnabas Collins"
"I'm David Collins. Are we--?"
Barnabas interrupts. "Related? Distantly, you might say. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master David" He holds out hand to David, ready to shake.
"Children!" Elizabeth calls out. David quickly pulls his hand back. "Get away from the man!" She comes marching down the stairs.
"He says his name is Barnabas Collins" David says.
"And I'm pretty sure he called me a hooker" Carolyn adds.
"That'll do, Carolyn" Elizabeth says. She approaches Barnabas. "A word, please"
Elizabeth brings Barnabas into another room so they could talk privately. "If this some kind of a joke, consider it played" She says to him. "If it's money you're after, I'm afraid you've been misinformed. But whoever you are, you're not to look at those children again. Am I clear?"
Barnabas is walking around and observing all the items in the room. "Your devotion to family is admirable, Madam. And your suspicion understandable. A stranger arrives  claiming to be a distant relation. The question of motive is to be expected. As a Collins, surely you are aware of the darkness that has long plagued our family"
Elizabeth scoffs. "You mean our curse. Witches, ghosts, and vampires. Myths. And, like so many before you, I suppose you're here to rid us of them" Elizabeth ever so discretely grabs a knife from off the table. "For a price, of course"
"I can prove that I am different" Barnabas assures her, coming to stop at the fireplace in the room. He begins running his hand along the mantle. "Firstly, I do not come seeking money. Rather, to provide it. Secondly,  I know the body of this mansion as well as I know my own. Every nook, every corner, every secret!" He opens up a secret room. He surprised at all the bright colours instead of the sight of treasure.
"That's where I keep my macrame" Elizabeth explains.
"A disgraceful misuse" Barnabas tells her bluntly.
"Impressive, but there are plenty of old houses with hidden doors. I hope you have a thirdly"
"Indeed. Tell me, what do you know of Barnabas Collins"
"Just legends, really. He was confident and strong. Admired by all. But, he believed our family was cursed, and when his parents were killed, he went mad. Went around insisting that a witch had turned him into a vampire"
"And what is known of his death?"
"Nothing. Not that I can think of"
"That, madam, is because he never died" Barnabas opened up another secret room. This one had stairs leading beneath the fireplace. "I am Barnabas Collins"
"That means you're--"
"A vampire, madam, yes. And most regrettably so" Barnabas said. Elizabeth clutched the knife tightly behind her back. Barnabas continued. "But, more importantly, I am a Collins and I give you my word of honor: Neither you nor anyone under this roof need fear my cursed nature"
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pinc-loud · 7 months
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from a letter between Lorri Davis and Damien Echols, published in Yours for Eternity: A Love Story on Death Row
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
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he's nothing if not determined
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ninamodaffari · 9 months
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So happy to finally show off my final piece for the Tome of Pacts zine I feature in.
This is Hagne, the Herald of Rot, and faithful servant to her Patron, Cicardia. Her look was inspired by several things -- death masks, pomegranates, worn bronze, flies and centipedes. The butterflies she carries feed on death and decay. Hagne herself felt the cold embrace of the grave, but was blessed to find herself given another chance. She will not fail.
I am so honored to have been a part of this project, and this is one of my favorite pieces to date. I hope you guys enjoy it as well. :)
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autismmydearwatson · 1 month
Every time I watch Dune I forget about it but I'm foaming at the mouth over how Paul has a vision of himself as a powerful, respected, divine figure with millions worshipping him and he just says "Somebody help me"
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just a woman and her arsonist son
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louisbxne · 3 months
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we can't be friends (wait for your love)
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I hate it when bugs bite me. stop reminding me I'm edible
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Sixteen Candles | Ariana Grande - We can't be friends (Wait for your love) 
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egophiliac · 11 months
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(feat. Dilla)
(bugle accompaniment by Yuu)
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conceiteddemon · 1 year
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Been playing Tears of the Kingdom
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metalandmagi · 3 months
In honor of Women's History month, I just want to remind people that some of the most influential and popular manga in the anime community are written/illustrated by women. And I'm not just talking about groundbreaking shojo like Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Card Captor Sakura, or Black Butler (or things like Chihayafuru, Migi to Dali, Sakamoto Desu ga?, Nana, Natsume Yuujincho, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Violet Evergarden, A Silent Voice, and a million more). To be clear, those series are also amazing, and I'm not demeaning them in any way. They deserve just as much respect as everything else.
But right now I'm talking about shōnen series or series that are usually marketed towards men specifically or have appeared in shōnen magazines. I mean things like:
Beastars, made by Paru Itagaki
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Gangsta, by Kohske
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic by Shinobu Ohtaka (which I promise isn't what my screen name is a reference to, even though I love this show).
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D.Gray Man by Katsura Hoshino
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Dorohedoro by Q Hayashida
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To Your Eternity by Yoshitoki Ōima
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Mushishi, made by Yuki Urushibara (aka Soyogo Shima).
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Noragami which is written by two women, collectively named Adachitoka, similarly to romance author duo Christina Lauren.
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Blue Exorcist by Kazue Kato
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Inuyasha (and Ranma 1/2 and Urasai Yatsura) by Rumiko Takahashi, which I know for a fact served as a gateway anime for a shit ton of people across generations (but especially for people my age).
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I have to shout out Posuka Demizu, who illustrated The Promised Neverland, which is my favorite manga series. She may have given the characters weird looking facial proportions, but damn if she ain't one of the most detail oriented (and sneakiest) artists out there.
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And finally, a little story you may know called Fullmetal Alchemist, written by Hiromu Arakawa (who also wrote Silver Spoon, The Heroic Legend of Arslan and lots of other stuff but I wanted to highlight those two specifically).
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There's also been speculation that a small hidden gem called...what was it again?...Oh yeah, DEMON SLAYER is written by a woman. But Koyoharu Gotouge's gender hasn't been confirmed so it's still just a theory.
idk, I just love women.
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gazkamurocho · 1 month
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This came to me in a dream??
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n0tamused · 5 days
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Your dragon lover who comes home to you after a long time spent apart and goes to immediately hug you from behind, his arms locking you in his loving embrace and you can feel his heartbeat against your back. He is nosing at the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent that lingers with the smell of spices and herbs from the meal you're preparing. He loves you so much, and he tells you so. Not only through words but the way he holds you as if you're the sole provider of oxygen. The way his teeth lightly nip at your supple skin, leaving behind little faint marks of his love, all over your shoulders and on your nape. He is pawing at your hips, begging you to just come to the couch, to bed, hold him or let him hold you, just allow him the time to be close to you. Allow him the time to show the parts of his love that his words fail to describe. And when you give in you find yourself below him, his head on your chest listening to the drumming of your heart that he couldn't directly kiss. Your fingers are combined through his hair, creating separations in his locks before messing it up gently once more and starting over. His low, quiet sounds of pleasure tell you all you need to know about how he's enjoying this, low and soft grumbles urging you to keep going. Any more of this and he'll start purring on your chest like an oversized cat, but neither of you would mind. Not when he's holding you like his most precious treasure, wrapped around you like a rope, and not when you hold him so tenderly.
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Characters: Zhongli, Neuvillette, Jiyan, Mortefi + any of your faves as dragons
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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greenmantle · 10 months
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TEEN WOLF (2011-2017)
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fryday · 4 months
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earth to dan. hello? 💓💞💕💘
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